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From Encyclopedia Dramatica
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Begin Part 2 out of 3

Session Start ( Tue Feb 23 06:21:36 2010

[10:08:48] Michael-Kun: Those bastards put my brothers Dox back up
[10:08:48] *** Auto-response sent to Michael-Kun: I am currently away from the computer.
[11:14:54] *** "Michael-Kun" signed off at Tue Feb 23 11:14:54 2010.
[13:41:08] *** "Michael-Kun" signed on at Tue Feb 23 13:41:08 2010.
[16:26:39] Maxwell: omg really?
[16:26:58] Michael-Kun: its back down
[16:26:59] Michael-Kun: lolz
[16:27:06] Maxwell: lol
[16:27:22] Michael-Kun: finally talked with the lead admin
[16:27:26] Maxwell: ah
[16:27:27] Michael-Kun: :DD
[16:27:31] Maxwell: who is that again?
[16:27:39] Michael-Kun: Vinylgirl
[16:27:41] Michael-Kun: :DD
[16:27:45] Maxwell: i see
[16:27:48] Maxwell: what did she say?
[16:28:10] Michael-Kun: she knows if my dox go back up she'll be in trouble
[16:28:13] Michael-Kun: :DD
[16:28:26] Michael-Kun: theres something the news didnt report
[16:28:31] Michael-Kun: she's been in trouble 8 times
[16:28:45] Maxwell: oh yeah?
[16:31:43] Michael-Kun: :DD
[16:32:11] Maxwell: how did u find that out?
[16:32:40] Michael-Kun: where do you think i've been all day
[16:32:47] Michael-Kun: the police office
[16:32:47] Michael-Kun: :DD
[16:32:52] Maxwell: LOL
[16:32:55] Maxwell: and they told u?
[16:32:59] Michael-Kun: oh yes!
[16:33:02] Maxwell: hehe
[16:33:05] Michael-Kun: *licks lips*
[16:33:12] Michael-Kun: im only kissing their ass
[16:33:16] Michael-Kun: because i know whats up
[16:33:17] Michael-Kun: :DD
[16:33:19] Maxwell: hehe
[16:33:22] Maxwell: ur tricking them?
[16:33:26] Michael-Kun: haha!
[16:33:32] Michael-Kun: now now that would be too cruel
[16:33:34] Maxwell: trolling the trolls almost?
[16:33:39] Michael-Kun: mmm
[16:33:40] Michael-Kun: :P
[16:33:53] Maxwell: so i watched ur new vid
[16:34:09] Maxwell: will u still do that lulz news netword vid with alex?
[16:34:20] Michael-Kun: i told him im goin out of town
[16:34:24] Michael-Kun: when HE gets back
[16:34:27] Michael-Kun: :DD
[16:34:29] Maxwell: lol xD
[16:34:31] Maxwell: but ur not?
[16:34:35] Michael-Kun: i am
[16:34:38] Michael-Kun: but do you know where?
[16:34:43] Maxwell: not sure
[16:34:52] Michael-Kun: im filing a police report then goin to NY
[16:34:58] Maxwell: hehe xDD
[16:35:04] Michael-Kun: im neck deep in shit
[16:35:11] Maxwell: what kind of shit?
[16:35:18] Michael-Kun: Bribes
[16:35:19] Michael-Kun: hacking
[16:35:23] Maxwell: :o
[16:35:44] Maxwell: when does alex get back again?
[16:35:51] Michael-Kun: 4 days
[16:36:02] Maxwell: and u'll be gone :(
[16:36:07] Maxwell: for how long?
[16:36:07] Michael-Kun: yep
[16:36:12] Michael-Kun: 3-4 weeks
[16:36:15] Maxwell: oh wow
[16:36:20] Michael-Kun: :DD
[16:36:21] Maxwell: will u still be on MSN or YT?
[16:36:22] Maxwell: lol
[16:36:37] Michael-Kun: i will email you when i get to my half brothers place
[16:36:45] Maxwell: ok
[16:37:07] Maxwell: u have a half bro? does that mean u have a step dad or mom?
[16:37:18] Michael-Kun: my dad was married before
[16:37:29] Maxwell: ah
[16:38:07] Maxwell: what will u do now for the time being?
[16:38:19] Michael-Kun: keep my head low
[16:38:28] Maxwell: i see
[16:38:50] Maxwell: got a question
[16:39:04] Maxwell: who will win today? canada or germany? it's in men's hockey
[16:39:10] Maxwell: i need a prediction xP
[16:39:13] Michael-Kun: lolz
[16:39:22] Michael-Kun: Germany
[16:39:27] Maxwell: whoa
[16:39:31] Maxwell: the underdogs!
[16:39:36] Maxwell: what score?
[16:39:37] Michael-Kun: but canada may win
[16:39:44] Michael-Kun: 4-6 or higher
[16:39:52] Maxwell: pretty exciting game
[16:39:58] Maxwell: xP
[17:01:04] Michael-Kun: this is my final order to you, Contact the FBI, Turn in all Physical evidence pertaining to Encyclopedia dramatica, have them put me in protective custody, and give them all names of parties being set-up
[17:02:54] Maxwell: what!?
[17:03:01] Maxwell: is this for real?
[17:03:07] Michael-Kun: according to capulet
[17:03:16] Maxwell: omg what did he say?
[17:03:23] Michael-Kun: he's coming over here
[17:03:27] Maxwell: ...
[17:03:31] Maxwell: now?
[17:03:35] Michael-Kun: i shouldnt have given him my real address
[17:03:39] Michael-Kun: shit
[17:03:39] Michael-Kun: -.-
[17:03:47] Maxwell: he's coming NOW?
[17:03:51] Michael-Kun: yep
[17:03:57] Maxwell: what will u do?
[17:04:07] Michael-Kun: well he wont be here for another 3 days so
[17:04:30] Maxwell: did u contact the authorities about this?
[17:04:35] Michael-Kun: its amazing how good my psychic power is when im bound of other abilities
[17:04:46] Michael-Kun: -.-
[17:04:56] Maxwell: you predicted capulet would do this?
[17:05:07] Michael-Kun: he telepathically contacted me
[17:05:14] Michael-Kun: i can receive but cant send
[17:05:14] Michael-Kun: :(
[17:05:21] Maxwell: how can he send?
[17:05:27] Maxwell: is he a psychic, too?
[17:05:32] Michael-Kun: more power than me
[17:05:35] Michael-Kun: powerful*
[17:05:40] Maxwell: wow
[17:05:42] Michael-Kun: Class 50
[17:05:46] Michael-Kun: im a class 40
[17:05:47] Michael-Kun: :(
[17:05:51] Maxwell: what is the max class?
[17:05:58] Michael-Kun: 2000
[17:06:05] Maxwell: oh shit
[17:06:21] Michael-Kun: Miss cleo is a class 2000
[17:06:41] Maxwell: i've heard of her
[17:06:48] Maxwell: she can tell the future right?
[17:06:53] Michael-Kun: for a price
[17:06:57] Michael-Kun: thats how good she is
[17:06:59] Michael-Kun: :DD
[17:07:02] Maxwell: incredible
[17:07:10] Maxwell: but have you trold the police about capulet?
[17:07:22] Michael-Kun: Capulets the one who betrayed alex
[17:07:25] Michael-Kun: :DD
[17:07:42] Maxwell: oh wait
[17:07:46] Maxwell: when you said him
[17:07:51] Maxwell: you meant alex and not capulet?
[17:08:03] Michael-Kun: now you got me confused
[17:08:06] Michael-Kun: lolz
[17:08:08] Maxwell: ok
[17:08:09] Maxwell: let me quote
[17:08:10] Maxwell: lol
[17:08:24] Maxwell:
[17:01:04] Michael-Kun: this is my final order to you, Contact the FBI, Turn in all Physical evidence pertaining to Encyclopedia dramatica, have them put me in protective custody, and give them all names of parties being set-up
[17:02:54] Maxwell: what!?
[17:03:01] Maxwell: is this for real?
[17:03:07] Michael-Kun: according to capulet
[17:03:16] Maxwell: omg what did he say?
[17:03:23] Michael-Kun: he's coming over here
[17:03:27] Maxwell: ...
[17:03:31] Maxwell: now?
[17:03:35] Michael-Kun: i shouldnt have given him my real address
[17:03:39] Michael-Kun: shit
[17:03:39] Michael-Kun: -.-
[17:03:47] Maxwell: he's coming NOW?
[17:08:37] Maxwell: "he's coming over here"
[17:08:49] Michael-Kun: okay Capulet sent me a telepathic message that alex is setting me up for a fall
[17:09:00] Maxwell: ah
[17:09:05] Maxwell: so alex is coming to kill you?
[17:09:07] Michael-Kun: the co-host thing is a trap
[17:09:13] Maxwell: !!
[17:09:43] Maxwell: ...alex is coming to kill u?? :(
[17:09:52] Michael-Kun: :S
[17:10:02] Michael-Kun: he may ruff me up a lil
[17:10:06] Michael-Kun: beat me
[17:10:23] Michael-Kun: but im sure he doesnt wanna add murder 1 to his list of crimes
[17:10:32] Maxwell: do you think he might try to rape you?
[17:10:40] Michael-Kun: i wont let him
[17:10:46] Michael-Kun: i have a sacrifical knife with his name on it
[17:10:51] Maxwell: what if he forces himself on you?
[17:10:57] Michael-Kun: then he'll die
[17:10:58] Michael-Kun: not me
[17:10:59] Michael-Kun: ;)
[17:11:11] Maxwell: but what if u cant get to the knife... D:
[17:11:18] Michael-Kun: thats why im asking everyone to turn in all physical evidence of ED and conversations from youtube
[17:11:27] Maxwell: omg
[17:11:36] Michael-Kun: the knife will be in my pocket..i never leave home without it
[17:12:00] Maxwell: what if alex has a gun or a larger knife?
[17:12:20] Michael-Kun: well there IS a hitman in oklahoma right now
[17:12:31] Michael-Kun: hense that picture of Inhofe plaza my old apartment complex
[17:12:43] Maxwell: a hitman trying to kill you?
[17:12:49] Michael-Kun: scare me
[17:12:51] Michael-Kun: its working
[17:12:52] Michael-Kun: -.-
[17:12:54] Maxwell: -.-
[17:13:18] Michael-Kun: i've been wondering what those fucker trolls meant when they said this isnt over
[17:13:22] Maxwell: still, alex may be able to overpower u with a gun or strength
[17:13:23] Michael-Kun: now i know
[17:13:23] Michael-Kun: :(
[17:14:23] Maxwell: what would happen if alex was able to rape you... D:
[17:14:30] Michael-Kun: he wouldnt dare
[17:14:36] Michael-Kun: he'll get DNA evidence all over me
[17:14:51] Michael-Kun: and i NEED his DNA to perform a PERFECT curse
[17:14:53] Maxwell: maybe he already knows he's in legal trouble
[17:15:01] Maxwell: and doesnt care anymore
[17:15:05] Michael-Kun: IM IN LEGAL TROUBLE!
[17:15:15] Michael-Kun: im extorting money from him to keep this quiet!
[17:15:32] Michael-Kun: oh fuck
[17:15:40] Maxwell: what?
[17:15:51] Michael-Kun: im starting to regret this
[17:16:15] Michael-Kun: Londons sure lookin good right now -.-
[17:16:27] Maxwell: r u planning on running away?
[17:16:45] Michael-Kun: my bf told me if things got sour we're leaving
[17:16:54] Michael-Kun: and things are about to hit the shitter
[17:17:04] Maxwell: justice?
[17:17:15] Michael-Kun: yep
[17:17:22] Michael-Kun: i have 3 choices
[17:17:48] Michael-Kun: go to london, stay here and be in protective custody, or go on vacation
[17:18:03] Maxwell: wow
[17:18:13] Maxwell: maybe u should cancel your vacation
[17:18:22] Maxwell: until this all blows over
[17:18:28] Michael-Kun: thats the thing
[17:18:32] Michael-Kun: it will never blow over
[17:18:34] Maxwell: assuming it does blow over -__-
[17:18:38] Maxwell: yeah...
[17:18:40] Maxwell: -.-
[17:20:05] Maxwell: does justice live nearby so he can protect u?
[17:20:39] Michael-Kun: nope
[17:20:45] Michael-Kun: he lives 50 miles from me
[17:20:48] Maxwell: ah
[17:20:51] Maxwell: did u meet him online?
[17:20:57] Michael-Kun: in real life
[17:20:58] Michael-Kun: :DD
[17:21:03] Maxwell: xP
[17:21:07] Maxwell: how?
[17:21:17] Michael-Kun: funny story..he was homeless
[17:21:22] Michael-Kun: and my family took him in
[17:22:05] Maxwell: heh
[17:22:06] Maxwell: cool
[17:22:26] Maxwell: so how long ago was that? or does justice still live with ur family?
[17:23:18] Michael-Kun: 5 years ago
[17:23:20] Michael-Kun: :DD
[17:23:32] Maxwell: does he still live with ur family?
[17:23:35] Michael-Kun: nope
[17:23:38] Michael-Kun: he lives with his
[17:24:02] Maxwell: ah
[17:24:03] Maxwell: well
[17:24:18] Maxwell: at any rate, i think u should contact the police right now if u feel u are in danger
[17:34:07] *** You have been disconnected. Tue Feb 23 17:34:07 2010.
[17:34:14] *** "Michael-Kun" signed on at Tue Feb 23 17:34:14 2010.
[17:35:54] Maxwell: what class of psychic is alex?
[17:36:24] Michael-Kun: 2100
[17:36:26] Michael-Kun: :DD
[17:36:35] Maxwell: eh?
[17:36:42] Maxwell: i thought 2000 was max?
[17:36:44] Michael-Kun: he's more powerful
[17:36:50] Maxwell: wow
[17:36:59] Maxwell: how did he surpass the maximum of 2000 then?
[17:37:08] Michael-Kun: its the max for a HUMAN but he surpasses humanity
[17:37:12] Michael-Kun: :DD
[17:37:18] Maxwell: he is really that powerful?
[17:37:21] Michael-Kun: yep
[17:37:25] Michael-Kun: -.-
[17:37:28] Maxwell: how do you know this?
[17:37:43] Michael-Kun: cause i witnessed this first hand
[17:37:47] Maxwell: :o
[17:37:51] Maxwell: what did he do?
[17:37:58] Michael-Kun: he can create fire
[17:38:01] Michael-Kun: ice
[17:38:05] Michael-Kun: move water
[17:38:11] Maxwell: where did u see this?
[17:38:15] Michael-Kun: use telekinesis to losen up a cast
[17:38:19] Michael-Kun: lolz
[17:38:25] Michael-Kun: at his house
[17:38:26] Michael-Kun: lolz
[17:38:39] Maxwell: wait
[17:38:40] Maxwell: huh
[17:38:45] Maxwell: youve been to alex's house?
[17:38:48] Maxwell: :\
[17:38:50] Michael-Kun: no
[17:38:53] Michael-Kun: my boyfriends
[17:38:56] Maxwell: lol
[17:39:00] Maxwell: i asked u about alex
[17:39:02] Maxwell: :P
[17:39:03] Michael-Kun: OH!
[17:39:04] Michael-Kun: omg
[17:39:07] Maxwell: hehe xD
[17:39:24] Michael-Kun: alex doesnt believe in that stuff
[17:39:38] Maxwell: he could just be saying that to hide his power level tho right?
[17:39:59] Michael-Kun: it isnt about power levels
[17:40:04] Michael-Kun: its about spiritual power
[17:40:05] Michael-Kun: :DD
[17:40:17] Maxwell: so alex is a class 0?
[19:46:28] Michael-Kun: unknown
[19:46:28] Michael-Kun: :P
[19:46:59] Maxwell: hehe
[19:47:19] Maxwell: have u contacted the police about alex yet?
[19:47:33] Michael-Kun: im thinkin about it
[19:48:16] Maxwell: do you think ur safety is at risk?
[19:48:57] Michael-Kun: at the moment no
[19:49:01] Michael-Kun: we have good locks
[19:49:01] Michael-Kun: XD
[19:49:14] Maxwell: locks can be broken
[19:49:23] Michael-Kun: just knowing he's on the road heading to "kentucky" as he says just makes me nervous
[19:49:31] Michael-Kun: not these
[19:49:35] Michael-Kun: they're electronic
[19:49:35] Maxwell: what if he actually does have psychic powers and can destroy them with his mind?
[19:49:36] Michael-Kun: XD
[19:49:46] Michael-Kun: dude thats telekinesis
[19:49:51] Michael-Kun: lolz
[19:49:58] Michael-Kun: a different form of psychic energy
[19:50:14] Michael-Kun: thats offensive energy
[19:50:24] Michael-Kun: i only possess Defensive
[19:50:24] Michael-Kun: :(
[19:50:32] Maxwell: is it possible he has offensive powers?
[19:50:41] Michael-Kun: does fists count?
[19:50:43] Michael-Kun: lolz
[19:50:44] Maxwell: lol
[19:50:59] Maxwell: but maybe it would be his trump card?
[19:51:09] Michael-Kun: wouldnt put it past him
[19:51:12] Maxwell: to use telekenisis on you while you are unaware of his energy
[19:51:13] Michael-Kun: after all he's hard to read
[19:51:29] Michael-Kun: his movements arent hard to read
[19:51:37] Michael-Kun: im locked on to his GPS locator
[19:51:47] Maxwell: with your mind?
[19:51:49] Michael-Kun: my new phone has that ability
[19:51:50] Michael-Kun: :D
[19:51:54] Maxwell: ah
[19:52:46] Michael-Kun: oh shit
[19:52:50] Michael-Kun: damned lag
[19:52:55] Michael-Kun: he's in arkansas!
[19:53:00] Michael-Kun: omg
[19:53:00] Maxwell: !!
[19:53:01] Michael-Kun: :S
[19:53:06] Maxwell: is he coming 4 u?
[19:53:16] Michael-Kun: his general direction puts him on a course for texas
[19:53:33] Michael-Kun: yer not in texas are ya
[19:53:43] Maxwell: yes...
[19:53:46] Michael-Kun: omg
[19:53:52] Michael-Kun: he's goin off that first IP address
[19:53:54] Maxwell: but do you think he even knows who i am?
[19:54:06] Michael-Kun: it seems he knows yer location
[19:54:17] Maxwell: what if he uses me to find u D:
[19:54:24] Michael-Kun: doubtful
[19:54:41] Maxwell: but what if he assaults and rapes me !! :'(
[19:54:44] Michael-Kun: shit we are all screwed..
[19:54:50] Michael-Kun: no witnesses
[19:54:53] Michael-Kun: no trial
[19:55:00] Michael-Kun: -.-
[19:55:08] Michael-Kun: this dude acts like a mafia boss :S
[19:55:12] Maxwell: omg
[19:55:40] Maxwell: im concerned he may kill me and rape my corpse...
[19:55:51] Maxwell: and then come after you
[19:55:54] Maxwell: -.-
[19:56:07] Michael-Kun: does "the temple mafia" ring a bell?
[19:56:15] Maxwell: i think i have heard of it
[19:56:24] Michael-Kun: im thinkin he';s the bosses son
[19:56:31] Maxwell: wo
[19:56:31] Maxwell: w
[19:56:45] Maxwell: r u sure? if do they will have a lot of resources
[19:57:01] Michael-Kun: oh fuck
[19:57:04] Michael-Kun: he knows my address
[19:57:11] Maxwell: wow
[19:57:18] Maxwell: he could get his thugs to get you
[19:57:23] Maxwell: and be safe in his own home...
[19:57:38] Maxwell: what if they gang rape u or me?
[19:57:40] Maxwell: omg
[19:57:41] Michael-Kun: good point :S
[19:57:44] Maxwell: -___-
[20:02:15] *** You have been disconnected. Tue Feb 23 20:02:15 2010.
[20:02:26] *** "Michael-Kun" signed on at Tue Feb 23 20:02:26 2010.
Session Close (Michael-Kun): Tue Feb 23 20:47:09 2010

Session Start ( Wed Feb 24 09:21:39 2010

[09:21:39] Michael-Kun: cap sent me $50
[09:21:39] *** Auto-response sent to Michael-Kun: I am currently away from the computer.
[09:21:40] Michael-Kun: :DD
[12:39:13] *** "Michael-Kun" signed off at Wed Feb 24 12:39:13 2010.
[16:03:49] *** "Michael-Kun" signed on at Wed Feb 24 16:03:49 2010.
[16:03:59] Maxwell: heyy
[16:04:06] Maxwell: cap sent u 50 dollars?
[16:04:15] Michael-Kun: yep
[16:04:17] Michael-Kun: :DD
[16:04:22] Maxwell: hehe
[16:04:26] Maxwell: did he say y?
[16:04:38] Michael-Kun: for a prediction i made
[16:04:44] Michael-Kun: i was right
[16:04:46] Michael-Kun: XD
[16:04:50] Michael-Kun: alex was no good for him
[16:04:54] Michael-Kun: XD
[16:04:55] Maxwell: :o
[16:05:05] Maxwell: but isnt cap 10 classes higher than u?
[16:05:47] Michael-Kun: less
[16:05:51] Michael-Kun: lolz
[16:05:57] Maxwell: u said yesterday he was 10 higher lol
[16:07:22] Maxwell: r u still gps tracking alex?
[16:07:30] Michael-Kun: yep
[16:07:41] Michael-Kun: i think i saw him at the movies
[16:07:44] Michael-Kun: with some girl
[16:07:48] Maxwell: whaaat?
[16:07:53] Maxwell: near you
[16:07:56] Michael-Kun: yeah, but he didnt recognise me
[16:07:59] Michael-Kun: :DD
[16:08:27] Maxwell: wow
[16:08:31] Maxwell: is he looking for you?
[16:13:04] Michael-Kun: he better not be...i brought my small knife just in case
[16:13:06] Michael-Kun: XD
[16:13:35] Maxwell: heh, but didnt u say he was headed to texas yesterday?
[16:13:48] Michael-Kun: he may have been
[16:13:54] Michael-Kun: i get things wrong
[16:13:58] Maxwell: ah
[16:14:02] Maxwell: i understand
[16:14:18] Maxwell: has cap contacted u again about alex and what he is planning to do?
[16:14:34] Michael-Kun: nope
[16:14:45] Michael-Kun: in fact he went back on his warning this mornin and said go for it
[16:14:49] Michael-Kun: -.-
[16:14:54] Michael-Kun: shit
[16:15:06] Michael-Kun: and to make matters worse, im not leaving til march 21st!
[16:15:12] Michael-Kun: tch
[16:15:12] Michael-Kun: -.-
[16:15:13] Maxwell: omg
[16:15:51] Maxwell: do u think alex will come to ur appartment before then?
[16:16:48] Michael-Kun: he better not
[16:16:50] Michael-Kun: XD
[16:18:04] Maxwell: didnt u tell me yesterday that alex was planning on coming to ur house to rough you up or kill you and possibly rape you?
[16:18:45] Michael-Kun: that was my fear talking
[16:18:47] Michael-Kun: :(
[16:19:32] Maxwell: but the more i think about it the more i think alex actually does plan on doing those things
[16:22:50] Michael-Kun: i pray it doesnt happen
[16:23:01] Michael-Kun: if it does...he'll have 1 less lung to worry about xD
[16:23:11] Maxwell: hehe
[16:23:19] Maxwell: but i think he is a threat D:
[16:23:28] Maxwell: maybe U should do something about him first?
[16:23:33] Maxwell: before he does something 2 u
[16:25:41] Michael-Kun: i was thinkin about it
[16:25:51] Michael-Kun: i even told my dad that this may happen
[16:26:22] Michael-Kun: so instead of leaving April 2nd as planned we're leaving earlier...between March 10th-march 20th
[16:26:28] Michael-Kun: :S
[16:26:34] Maxwell: wow
[16:26:46] Maxwell: what did he say when you told him about this drama?
[16:45:26] Michael-Kun: he thinks im overreacting
[16:45:29] Michael-Kun: also new video being uploaded xD
[16:47:09] Maxwell: lolok
[16:47:29] Michael-Kun: its a long one
[16:47:34] Michael-Kun: XD
[16:47:38] Michael-Kun: 54 MB's
[16:47:38] Michael-Kun: :DD
[17:38:28] Michael-Kun: new video uploaded
[17:38:29] Michael-Kun: XD
[17:38:32] Michael-Kun: w00t w00t XD
[17:38:37] Michael-Kun: and its a good one
[17:38:48] Michael-Kun: i cant wait to see peeps reactions
[17:39:11] Maxwell: hehe
[17:39:13] Maxwell: hey
[17:39:15] Maxwell: who will win?
[17:39:18] Maxwell: canada or russia?
[17:39:20] Maxwell: in hockey
[17:52:48] Michael-Kun: Russia!
[17:52:50] Michael-Kun: :DD
[17:52:53] Michael-Kun: high
[17:52:57] Michael-Kun: hehehehehhehehehe
[17:53:27] Maxwell: high on what?
[17:54:04] Michael-Kun: weeeed baby weeed
[17:54:05] Michael-Kun: XD
[17:54:18] Maxwell: oh yeah?
[17:54:22] Maxwell: cool :P
[17:54:32] Maxwell: are your powers stronger while high?
[17:54:36] Michael-Kun: FUCK YEAH BABY
[17:54:42] Michael-Kun: weeeeeeeehehehehhehehehhehee
[17:54:50] Michael-Kun: maui waui weed
[17:54:52] Maxwell: are you hallucinating?
[17:54:57] Michael-Kun: not yet
[17:55:06] Maxwell: what do you usually see when high?
[17:55:15] Michael-Kun: just a haze
[17:55:19] Maxwell: ah
[17:55:35] Maxwell: oh, what will the canada vs russia game's score be?
[17:55:45] Michael-Kun: between 5-10
[17:55:54] Michael-Kun: Canada :(
[17:56:04] Maxwell: too bad for canada D:
[17:56:18] Michael-Kun: well my boyfriends russian so
[17:56:25] Michael-Kun: russia all the way :DD
[17:56:28] Maxwell: hehe
[18:45:00] Maxwell: you still high?
[18:45:01] Maxwell: lol
[18:45:35] Michael-Kun: yes
[18:45:36] Michael-Kun: XD
[18:45:56] Maxwell: what are you seeing?
[18:46:09] Michael-Kun: canada losing
[18:46:10] Michael-Kun: -.-
[18:46:38] Maxwell: omg they are?
[18:46:50] Michael-Kun: i dont know are they?
[18:46:52] Michael-Kun: ;)
[18:47:05] Maxwell: not sure havent watched
[18:47:50] Maxwell: im sure ur right tho
[19:00:18] Maxwell: do u think slovakia will beat sweden today?
[19:00:40] Michael-Kun: my high wore off
[19:00:43] Michael-Kun: -_-
[19:00:46] Maxwell: :(
[19:01:03] Maxwell: lol
[19:01:07] Maxwell: do u think slovakia will beat sweden today?
[19:02:21] Michael-Kun: i dont know
[19:02:30] Maxwell: prediction :P
[19:02:31] Michael-Kun: im 50/50 sure
[19:02:32] Michael-Kun: :P
[19:02:42] Maxwell: eh :((
[19:02:54] Maxwell: what about finland vs czech?
[19:03:35] Michael-Kun: Finland!
[19:03:36] Michael-Kun: :D
[19:03:50] Maxwell: yeah!!
[19:03:58] Maxwell: what score?
[19:04:09] Michael-Kun: between 3-50
[19:04:41] Maxwell: wow
[19:04:45] Maxwell: 50 huh?
[19:05:27] Michael-Kun: rough estimate
[19:05:28] Michael-Kun: lolz
[19:05:39] Maxwell: sounds like a good one :P
[19:06:13] Michael-Kun: watch mah new video!
[19:06:14] Michael-Kun: :D
[19:06:40] Maxwell: kk
[19:09:42] Maxwell: wow
[19:09:45] Maxwell: this is intense
[19:10:07] Maxwell: they called u an internet slob beast??
[19:10:09] Maxwell: omg
[19:10:10] Michael-Kun: yep
[19:10:20] Maxwell: what do they mean by that?
[19:10:27] Michael-Kun: basically a monster
[19:10:29] Michael-Kun: ugly
[19:10:32] Michael-Kun: ogre
[19:10:35] Michael-Kun: etc
[19:10:37] Michael-Kun: whale
[19:10:39] Michael-Kun: -.-
[19:10:47] Michael-Kun: i've been called plenty
[19:10:52] Maxwell: go on i dont really understand
[19:11:10] Michael-Kun: -.-
[19:11:26] Michael-Kun: probably because you may be hawt and never have been called ugly or a loser :(
[19:11:32] Maxwell: omg
[19:11:38] Michael-Kun: i've gotten this treatment for over 17 years
[19:11:43] Maxwell: wow
[19:11:49] Maxwell: what about in highschool?
[19:11:55] Michael-Kun: im 31
[19:12:01] Michael-Kun: 17 years ago i was 16
[19:12:04] Maxwell: yah
[19:12:04] Michael-Kun: :P
[19:12:15] Maxwell: so it started when you got psychic powers...?
[19:12:22] Michael-Kun: no it started in high school
[19:12:31] Michael-Kun: i wasnt self aware of them
[19:12:36] Maxwell: ya but didnt u say u got psychic powers at 16?
[19:12:41] Michael-Kun: yes
[19:12:49] Michael-Kun: but i wasnt self aware til i turned 25
[19:13:01] Maxwell: maybe other people could tell?
[19:13:21] Michael-Kun: no, the school i was in were a bunch of closed minded morons
[19:13:40] Maxwell: were they bigots who hated gays?
[19:15:24] Michael-Kun: i wasnt gay back then
[19:15:29] Maxwell: o
[19:15:41] Maxwell: when did u discover you were gay?
[19:15:46] Maxwell: or do u think u were born gay?
[19:15:49] Michael-Kun: at 21
[19:16:00] Michael-Kun: when i found i liked guys more
[19:16:03] Michael-Kun: XD
[19:16:09] Maxwell: lol xP
[19:16:33] Maxwell: did u really beat people up in high school?
[19:18:09] Michael-Kun: yep
[19:18:24] Maxwell: why?
[19:18:59] Michael-Kun: at first i wasnt like that
[19:19:03] Michael-Kun: then i met HIM
[19:19:09] Michael-Kun: exboyfriend
[19:19:21] Michael-Kun: he tought me to fight, stick up for myself
[19:19:28] Michael-Kun: and dont take shit from no one
[19:19:47] Maxwell: and u beat ppl up who made fun of u?
[19:19:58] Michael-Kun: or looked at me menacingly
[19:20:03] Maxwell: :o
[19:20:26] Maxwell: but i thought you said in ur vid u beat ppl up in high school?
[19:20:34] Maxwell: and found out u were gay at 21
[19:20:43] Maxwell: so how could your ex be involved?
[19:20:44] Michael-Kun: i beat the ones who found me hidious
[19:21:01] Michael-Kun: well you see..corwin and i..dated AFTER high school
[19:21:06] Michael-Kun: like..10 years after
[19:21:10] Michael-Kun: lolz
[19:21:14] Maxwell: lol
[19:21:37] Maxwell: but u did beat the people who thot u were hideous up in high school?
[19:22:08] Michael-Kun: if they were persistant at it yes
[19:22:16] Michael-Kun: they stopped after i started becoming a threat
[19:22:19] Michael-Kun: XD
[19:22:21] Maxwell: xP
[19:22:29] Maxwell: howd u meet corwin?
[19:23:47] Michael-Kun: 9th grade
[19:23:57] Michael-Kun: quite interesting actually
[19:24:14] Michael-Kun: i was introduced into gangs with him, shared my first hicky, my first kiss, etc
[19:24:34] Maxwell: first kiss with him in 9th grade?
[19:24:36] Michael-Kun: i slept with him alot
[19:24:37] Michael-Kun: XD
[19:24:41] Michael-Kun: but we didnt fuck
[19:24:47] Maxwell: ehh
[19:24:50] Michael-Kun: until that fateful day
[19:25:02] Michael-Kun: he drugged me and raped me..and i never spoke to him again
[19:25:16] Michael-Kun: no no no
[19:25:18] Michael-Kun: no
[19:25:19] Michael-Kun: lol
[19:25:28] Michael-Kun: i shared my first kiss with him at 23
[19:25:32] Michael-Kun: lolz
[19:25:34] Maxwell: aha ok
[19:25:44] Maxwell: so i take it the relationship ended when he raped u?
[19:25:46] Maxwell: :((
[19:25:53] Michael-Kun: yep
[19:26:03] Maxwell: wow
[19:26:15] Maxwell: do u think justice is capable of that?
[19:27:05] Michael-Kun: nope
[19:27:07] Michael-Kun: he's gentle
[19:27:15] Michael-Kun: ;)
[19:27:22] Maxwell: ;D
[19:27:31] Maxwell: i ever sleep together?
[19:27:33] Maxwell: ooops
[19:27:35] Maxwell: i mean
[19:27:38] Maxwell: u ever sleep together?
[19:27:50] Michael-Kun: whenever we have the chance...
[19:28:06] Michael-Kun: i mean we're both on disability and we cant get gas money usually
[19:28:14] Maxwell: must be hard with him living ~50 miles away
[19:28:24] Michael-Kun: yep
[19:28:26] Michael-Kun: :(
[19:28:28] Maxwell: :((
[19:28:36] Maxwell: is he good in bed? :P
[19:28:43] Michael-Kun: oh hell yes!
[19:28:44] Michael-Kun: XD
[19:28:50] Maxwell: hehe xD
[19:29:23] Maxwell: does he have a large package? :P
[19:29:29] Michael-Kun: 9 1/2 inches
[19:29:29] Michael-Kun: xD
[19:29:32] Maxwell: wowwww
[19:29:42] Michael-Kun: anyways, imma go watch a movie :D
[19:29:44] Maxwell: what about u if u dont mind my asking? :P
[19:29:46] Maxwell: oh ok
[19:29:50] Michael-Kun: err
[19:29:53] Michael-Kun: 8 1/2
[19:29:54] Michael-Kun: XD
[19:29:56] Maxwell: whoa
[19:29:58] Michael-Kun: and no i wont prove it
[19:29:58] Maxwell: one more Q
[19:29:59] Michael-Kun: :P
[19:30:01] Maxwell: i ask all my gay friends this lol but do u catch or pitch?
[19:30:11] Michael-Kun: Give or receive? both
[19:30:16] Maxwell: hehe xP
[19:30:17] Maxwell: same
[19:30:24] Maxwell: what movie?
[19:31:12] Michael-Kun: X-men the last stand
[19:31:21] Michael-Kun: i have like 31 movies
[19:31:25] Maxwell: lol
[19:31:30] Maxwell: all sci-fi?
[19:31:41] Michael-Kun: Sci-fi Horror, Comedy, Erotica
[19:31:44] Michael-Kun: Gay Erotica
[19:31:47] Maxwell: :o
[19:31:52] Maxwell: erotica huh?
[19:31:54] Michael-Kun: i have a porno that spans over 4 hours
[19:31:58] Michael-Kun: and its got a story
[19:31:59] Maxwell: wow :P
[19:32:00] Michael-Kun: lolz
[19:32:16] Maxwell: do you like that japanese animated gay porn stuff?
[19:32:39] Michael-Kun: Hentai?
[19:32:41] Michael-Kun: OH YEAH
[19:32:43] Michael-Kun: xd
[19:32:44] Michael-Kun: XD
[19:32:46] Maxwell: i think thats the name of it
[19:32:47] Maxwell: lol
[19:32:48] Maxwell: u do?
[19:32:59] Michael-Kun: Yaoi is the name of Gay japanese Anime
[19:33:03] Michael-Kun: :DD
[19:33:04] Maxwell: oh yeah?
[19:33:09] Maxwell: a friend of mine told me about it
[19:33:13] Maxwell: and im interested :P
[19:33:15] Michael-Kun: Hentai is normal man on woman
[19:33:24] Maxwell: do you have a recommendation?
[19:33:31] Maxwell: for yaoi stuff?
[19:33:32] Michael-Kun: Black Bible
[19:33:39] Maxwell: hmm
[19:33:40] Maxwell: ok
[19:33:47] Michael-Kun: Gravitation
[19:33:52] Michael-Kun: Red Garden
[19:33:54] Maxwell: oh yeah?
[19:34:02] Michael-Kun: yep
[19:34:03] Michael-Kun: :DD
[19:34:05] Maxwell: cool :P
[19:34:07] Michael-Kun: Red gardens all lesbians
[19:34:08] Michael-Kun: XD
[19:34:13] Maxwell: lol xP
[19:34:20] Maxwell: u like lesbian porn 2? lol
[19:34:21] Michael-Kun: Fighting Demons
[19:34:38] Michael-Kun: i never see what str8 men see in it
[19:34:45] Michael-Kun: i mean...its not like their gonna get any
[19:34:52] Maxwell: hehe
[19:34:56] Maxwell: but what do you see in it?
[19:35:05] Michael-Kun: just too women gettin off
[19:35:08] Michael-Kun: two*
[19:35:26] Maxwell: ehehe
[19:35:33] Michael-Kun: anyways..brb
[19:35:35] *** "Michael-Kun" signed off at Wed Feb 24 19:35:35 2010.
[19:35:35] Maxwell: great Xd
Session Close (Michael-Kun): Wed Feb 24 21:13:40 2010

Session Start ( Wed Feb 24 21:37:01 2010

[21:37:01] Michael-Kun: I ended up watching Star Trek lolz
[21:37:10] Maxwell: lol xP
[21:39:19] Maxwell: ive been meaning to ask you
[21:39:28] Maxwell: where did u get ur username from?
[21:39:41] Michael-Kun: wha? vampiricspektor?
[21:39:44] Maxwell: ya
[21:39:53] Michael-Kun: i thought it sounded cool
[21:39:54] Michael-Kun: xD
[21:39:57] Maxwell: xP
[21:40:02] Maxwell: so are u a vampire?
[21:40:23] Michael-Kun: its not for me to say
[21:40:31] Maxwell: huh? lol
[21:41:13] Michael-Kun: no im not a vampire
[21:41:22] Michael-Kun: i just love vampiric Erotica
[21:41:23] Michael-Kun: xD
[21:41:35] Maxwell: hehe xP
[21:41:46] Michael-Kun: be back in a new movies done downloading xD
[21:41:50] Maxwell: r u a spektor?
[21:41:51] *** "Michael-Kun" signed off at Wed Feb 24 21:41:51 2010.
Session Close (Michael-Kun): Wed Feb 24 21:48:44 2010

Session Start ( Thu Feb 25 13:14:36 2010

[13:14:45] Maxwell: heya
[13:27:02] Maxwell: just saw dis
[13:27:03] Maxwell: VampiricSpektor Reported EDsingers For TOS Violation :) Slander is against YOUTUBE rules ;) (1 hour ago)
[13:27:08] Maxwell: what happened?
[14:33:40] Michael-Kun: XD
[14:33:50] Michael-Kun: im making my move before i leave
[14:33:55] Michael-Kun: ;)
[14:33:59] Maxwell: hehe
[14:34:04] Maxwell: what did u report tho lol
[14:34:39] Michael-Kun: he's impersonating me
[14:34:43] Michael-Kun: also..pandorum=epicness
[14:34:45] Michael-Kun: XD
[14:35:11] Maxwell: who is impersonating u?
[14:36:08] Michael-Kun: EDsingers is
[14:36:14] Michael-Kun: just look at one of his videos
[14:36:25] Michael-Kun: its a bad representation of me
[14:36:47] Maxwell: ?
[14:37:06] Maxwell: i dont see how he is impersonating u :\
[14:39:15] Michael-Kun: its slander
[14:39:22] Michael-Kun: its a bad drawing
[14:39:24] Michael-Kun: l.ol
[14:39:41] Maxwell: uh
[14:39:48] Maxwell: i dont see a drawing of u :\
[14:40:12] Michael-Kun: bwahahhhha
[14:40:14] Michael-Kun: ITS GONE
[14:40:16] Michael-Kun: xD
[14:40:23] Maxwell: Lol!!
[14:40:24] Michael-Kun: youtube deleted it!
[14:40:54] Michael-Kun: oh man..i've been busy reporting left and right
[14:40:59] Michael-Kun: im still 8-1
[14:41:06] Michael-Kun: 8 wins 1 loss
[14:41:08] Michael-Kun: XD
[14:41:22] Michael-Kun: and if ED gets hacked and Crashed..this would be a major win for me!
[14:41:30] Michael-Kun: im pushin those plans ahead
[14:41:37] Michael-Kun: uh oh
[14:41:49] Michael-Kun: something tells me there maybe another trial soon
[14:41:55] Michael-Kun: with the lead of ED
[14:41:58] Maxwell: !!
[14:42:03] Maxwell: oh man
[14:42:10] Michael-Kun: i hope they call me to testify against them!
[14:42:15] Michael-Kun: I WOULD LOVE IT
[14:42:17] Michael-Kun: :DD
[14:43:55] Maxwell: i thought u were afraid to testify?
[14:44:09] Michael-Kun: you also thought i was afraid to face my enemy
[14:44:20] Michael-Kun: but i went in to ED's IRC channel
[14:44:23] Michael-Kun: XD
[14:44:46] Michael-Kun: all i have to do, is get comfortable enough and i'll spill my guts to the court xD
[14:45:12] Maxwell: i didnt think u were afraid, i just thought they would hurt u
[14:45:14] Maxwell: :((
[14:45:26] Michael-Kun: oh if it happens it happens
[14:45:42] Michael-Kun: i deserve every beating i get...after all i have bragged im untouchable in my videos
[14:45:55] Michael-Kun: XD
[14:49:11] Maxwell: really?
[14:49:20] Michael-Kun: yep
[14:49:22] Maxwell: u think u should be beaten up over this?
[14:49:22] Michael-Kun: -.-
[14:49:26] Maxwell: D:
[14:49:43] Michael-Kun: i got a nasty feeling they are HERE in tulsa
[14:50:15] Maxwell: what!?
[14:51:53] Michael-Kun:
[14:51:58] Michael-Kun: this is why i think so
[14:52:19] Maxwell: wow
[14:53:12] Michael-Kun: ED is WORSE than the papparazzi
[14:53:22] Michael-Kun: :S
[14:53:22] Maxwell: wow
[14:53:28] Maxwell: this is scary
[14:56:29] Maxwell: so you think ED will keep trolling u unless u sue them or something?
[14:57:17] Michael-Kun: i think they're done trollin me
[14:57:28] Michael-Kun: they think im awesome
[14:57:42] Michael-Kun: it makes me sick to think of ED as a fan base!
[14:57:48] Michael-Kun: gawd!
[14:57:49] Michael-Kun: :(
[14:58:06] Maxwell: there are some sersly fucked up people on the internet -.-
[14:58:10] Michael-Kun: for once in my life..I HATE that website
[14:58:23] Michael-Kun: i've never hated anything more than that goddamned bitch who made that thing
[14:58:35] Maxwell: who made dat thing?
[14:58:38] Maxwell: ED?
[14:58:42] Michael-Kun: Girlvinyl
[14:58:46] Maxwell: oh i see
[14:58:46] Michael-Kun: thats her
[14:58:47] Michael-Kun: -.-
[14:58:50] Maxwell: :((
[14:59:39] Maxwell: so u really think they think ur awesome?
[14:59:52] Michael-Kun: yeah...they even said it
[14:59:57] Michael-Kun: Alex thinks so
[14:59:59] Maxwell: wowww
[15:00:03] Maxwell: when did they say that?
[15:00:17] Michael-Kun: when? Saturday night
[15:00:20] Michael-Kun: in IRC
[15:00:22] Michael-Kun: :P
[15:00:38] Maxwell: oh haha
[15:00:47] Maxwell: what makes u think they like u now?
[15:00:54] Maxwell: other than them saying it
[15:01:02] Michael-Kun: thats the thing...they're putting on a bullshit show for me
[15:01:07] Michael-Kun: i know they dispise me
[15:01:16] Maxwell: then why did u say they think ur awesome?
[15:01:17] Maxwell: what
[15:01:24] Michael-Kun: i dont know
[15:01:29] Michael-Kun: probably to save face
[15:01:43] Michael-Kun: after all..i did get alex's site taken away
[15:01:49] Maxwell: hehe xP
[15:01:52] Michael-Kun: and i had 8 trolls banned
[15:01:57] Maxwell: do you think they fear you?
[15:01:59] Michael-Kun: err 9 now
[15:02:01] Michael-Kun: XD
[15:02:11] Michael-Kun: fear is a strong word
[15:02:22] Michael-Kun: yes
[15:02:23] Michael-Kun: ;)
[15:02:25] Maxwell: ;D
[15:02:39] Michael-Kun: notice i havent been getting any trollish comments?
[15:02:42] Maxwell: perhaps some of them realize u actually have psychic powers xDD
[15:02:47] Maxwell: nope havent seen any
[15:02:51] Michael-Kun: they stopped when i had my parents DOX taken off
[15:03:06] Michael-Kun: and Ebaumsworld and 4chan banned the bastards who did this to me
[15:03:19] Michael-Kun: i think my job is almost done
[15:04:02] Maxwell: wow ebaumsworld and 4chan was able 2 ban the nasty trolls?
[15:04:07] Michael-Kun: yep
[15:04:11] Michael-Kun: TOS Violation
[15:04:12] Michael-Kun: :)
[15:04:15] Michael-Kun: mwhahaahhahahaha
[15:04:30] Maxwell: does 4chan and ebaumsworld work for utube?
[15:04:34] Michael-Kun: nope
[15:04:38] Maxwell: oh huh
[15:04:44] Michael-Kun: the admins of 4chan and ebaums are fans of me
[15:04:47] Michael-Kun: ;)
[15:05:11] Maxwell: cooll
[15:05:13] Maxwell: did they tell u?
[15:05:22] Michael-Kun: oh yeah!
[15:05:24] Michael-Kun: :D
[15:05:30] Maxwell: hehe when?
[15:07:33] Michael-Kun: i cant remember i think i was in one of my stoner moments
[15:07:38] Michael-Kun: kekekekeke
[15:07:39] Michael-Kun: XD
[15:07:45] Maxwell: oh that would explain itlol
[15:11:53] Maxwell: so anything else new? any other plans?
[15:12:05] Michael-Kun: not really
[15:12:39] Maxwell: whoa, u always say u have new plans and stuff when i ask :P
[15:13:12] Michael-Kun: lolz
[15:13:22] Michael-Kun: i think today im just gonna take it easy
[15:13:25] Michael-Kun: and watch my movies
[15:13:26] Michael-Kun: :DD
[15:13:28] Maxwell: hehe good call
[15:13:31] Maxwell: u need a break :P
[15:13:51] Michael-Kun: im finally back on my regular sleep Schedule
[15:13:54] Michael-Kun: :DD
[15:13:59] Maxwell: im glad :)
[15:14:54] Maxwell: do u and ur parents get along well?
[15:15:17] Michael-Kun: me and my dad do
[15:15:24] Michael-Kun: my mom and i are estranged
[15:15:29] Maxwell: ehh!
[15:15:31] Maxwell: why?
[15:15:36] Michael-Kun: well not estranged
[15:15:41] Michael-Kun: but we hardly talk
[15:15:48] Michael-Kun: i used to be a real mommas boy
[15:15:51] Michael-Kun: lolz
[15:15:53] Michael-Kun: XD
[15:15:56] Maxwell: xP
[15:16:12] Maxwell: u seemed worried about ur mom when u were getting prank called
[15:17:00] Michael-Kun: i was
[15:17:05] Michael-Kun: she's horribly sick
[15:17:11] Michael-Kun: she's got Diabetes
[15:17:16] Maxwell: oh wow
[15:17:22] Maxwell: is she ok now?
[15:17:31] Michael-Kun: some days she is
[15:17:34] Michael-Kun: some days she isnt
[15:17:47] Maxwell: -__-
[15:19:27] Maxwell: is ther something else wrong too?
[15:21:15] Michael-Kun: she's had cataracts
[15:21:20] Michael-Kun: but got them fixt
[15:21:21] Michael-Kun: :DD
[15:21:34] Maxwell: :))
[15:21:43] Maxwell: but did that cost alot?
[15:21:49] Michael-Kun: yep
[15:21:50] Michael-Kun: -_-
[15:22:04] Maxwell: :((
[15:22:11] Maxwell: that sucks
[15:24:02] Maxwell: but u and ur dad have a good relationship?
[15:24:51] Michael-Kun: kinda
[15:25:06] Maxwell: hm?
[15:25:23] Michael-Kun: omg! everyone i reported is gone
[15:25:29] Maxwell: o m g
[15:25:35] Michael-Kun: TOS Violations to the max!
[15:25:41] Maxwell: victory!
[15:25:49] Maxwell: but were the reports justified?
[15:25:51] Maxwell: or did u lie :P
[15:25:52] Michael-Kun: heeeeeeeeeeeh...XD
[15:25:58] Michael-Kun: JUSTIFIED
[15:26:00] Michael-Kun: :DD
[15:26:02] Maxwell: :DD
[15:26:10] Maxwell: coool
[15:26:39] Maxwell: ive been wondering. what did ur parents think when u told them u were gay?
[15:26:48] Michael-Kun: they're in denial
[15:26:53] Michael-Kun: both me and my brother are bi
[15:26:59] Michael-Kun: i found it a shock too
[15:27:31] Maxwell: oh
[15:27:35] Maxwell: so ur actually bi?
[15:27:40] Maxwell: i thought u said u were gay :P
[15:28:11] Michael-Kun: yep im bi
[15:28:17] Maxwell: cool :D
[15:28:34] Maxwell: so what did ur parents think when u told them u wer psychic?
[15:28:56] Michael-Kun: they think im full of it
[15:29:00] Michael-Kun: but i freaked my dad out yesterday
[15:29:09] Michael-Kun: i knew the lines before they were said
[15:29:15] Michael-Kun: at the movies
[15:29:16] Michael-Kun: :P
[15:29:18] Maxwell: Oo
[15:29:23] Maxwell: what movie?
[15:29:35] Michael-Kun: percy jackson and the lightning theif
[15:29:44] Maxwell: ah
[15:29:51] Maxwell: what did u say to freak ur dad out?
[15:30:29] Michael-Kun: just the lines the actors were saying
[15:30:39] Michael-Kun: it was creepy
[15:30:52] Michael-Kun: 2 people in the back left cause they thought i was spoiling the movie
[15:30:56] Michael-Kun: XD
[15:30:57] Maxwell: you scared urself? lol
[15:41:39] Maxwell: hey, how did u find this video u sent me earlier?
[15:42:25] Michael-Kun: cause i favorited it
[15:42:27] Michael-Kun: :DD
[15:42:41] Maxwell: no i mean
[15:42:44] Maxwell: how did u find it?
[15:42:48] Maxwell: it has such low views
[15:42:54] Maxwell: and was recently uploaded
[15:42:54] Michael-Kun: lolz
[15:43:06] Michael-Kun: a friend of mine favorited it
[15:43:13] Maxwell: o ya?
[15:43:17] Michael-Kun: Nexpers
[15:43:38] Maxwell: oh
[15:43:42] Maxwell: xP
[15:47:53] Maxwell: is nexpers a good friend of urs?
[15:50:38] Michael-Kun: i barely know him
[15:50:54] Michael-Kun: but we seem to be on teh same wavelength of anti-trollness
[15:50:56] Michael-Kun: XD
[15:51:03] Maxwell: hehe xP
[15:51:25] Maxwell: did he decide to step in while u were being trolled?
[15:51:33] Maxwell: or were u friends before the trolls?
[15:55:19] Michael-Kun: he decided to step in
[15:57:00] Michael-Kun: haha! i love myspace!
[15:57:05] Michael-Kun: they acted fast!
[15:57:22] Michael-Kun: some fucker named Johnathan trolled me on there and i had him BANNED
[15:57:23] Michael-Kun: :D
[15:57:26] Michael-Kun: ahahhahahahahhahahaahhaha
[15:57:41] Michael-Kun: 10-1 my favor
[15:57:42] Michael-Kun: XD
[16:04:41] Maxwell: oh wow what did he do?
[16:19:59] Michael-Kun: grrrrrr
[16:20:08] Michael-Kun: im getting tired of being flagged!
[16:20:15] Michael-Kun: wait
[16:20:19] Michael-Kun: this could work to my advantage
[16:20:26] Maxwell: wow
[16:20:28] Maxwell: how so?
[16:20:35] Michael-Kun: if im banned NO SHOW
[16:20:36] Michael-Kun: :DD
[16:20:41] Michael-Kun: YES!
[16:20:41] Maxwell: hmm
[16:20:55] Maxwell: will u make a new account if u r banned at least?
[16:24:45] Maxwell: eeh? well will u lol
[16:24:58] Michael-Kun: nope
[16:25:03] Michael-Kun: :DD
[16:25:13] Maxwell: oh wow
[16:25:16] Maxwell: i would miss u a lot
[16:26:48] Michael-Kun: ^_^
[16:27:11] Maxwell: well i wouldnt be happy D:
[16:28:43] Michael-Kun: -.-
[16:29:00] Maxwell: i like u and ur videos :P
[16:40:50] Michael-Kun: hahhahahhhaa
[16:40:58] Michael-Kun: check out the comments on my 2 new videos
[16:41:05] Michael-Kun: i really hope they ban me...
[16:41:05] Michael-Kun: XD
[16:41:54] Maxwell: 2?
[16:41:56] Maxwell: i see one
[16:44:49] Michael-Kun: theres 2 now
[16:44:50] Michael-Kun: XD
[16:44:55] Michael-Kun: hahahahhhah
[16:45:15] Michael-Kun: last time i leave the comments free
[16:45:32] Maxwell: hehe
[17:03:50] Maxwell: wow u got a lot of comments and views in that new vid
[17:03:53] Maxwell: :OO
Session Close (Michael-Kun): Thu Feb 25 18:16:08 2010

Session Start ( Thu Feb 25 21:12:31 2010

[21:12:36] Maxwell: whats up?
[21:12:55] Maxwell: u have 3 vids and now only one what?
[21:14:33] Michael-Kun: those bastards keep flagging them
[21:14:37] Michael-Kun: :9
[21:14:38] Michael-Kun: :(
[21:15:01] Maxwell: :((
[21:15:08] Maxwell: they are cowards
[21:15:09] Maxwell: lol
[21:15:15] Michael-Kun: -_-
[21:15:30] Michael-Kun: it seems...the EDiots are on my side now
[21:15:35] Michael-Kun: -.-
[21:15:40] Maxwell: hmm
[21:15:45] Maxwell: then who is flagging?
[21:15:51] Michael-Kun: ALL of them
[21:15:53] Michael-Kun: omg
[21:15:54] Michael-Kun: hold on
[21:15:59] Maxwell: ok
[21:16:01] Maxwell: :\
[21:17:10] Michael-Kun: they added 1 thing too ED
[21:17:19] Michael-Kun: apparently im now on the Faggotry portal
[21:17:23] Michael-Kun: whatever the hell that is
[21:17:27] Maxwell: ehh
[21:17:37] Maxwell: i think they are bigots -.-
[21:19:44] Maxwell: wasnt ur plan 4 them 2 flag u?
[21:19:59] Michael-Kun: yep
[21:20:01] Michael-Kun: XD
[21:20:19] Maxwell: did u take down those other 3 vids or were all of them flagged?
[21:20:23] Michael-Kun: but im really attached to my Screen name
[21:20:27] Maxwell: xDD
[21:20:33] Maxwell: ya ur the original :P
[21:20:40] Maxwell: so you wanna keep ur account?
[21:20:46] Michael-Kun: yep
[21:21:01] Michael-Kun: im rather confused and distraught
[21:21:06] Michael-Kun: -.-
[21:21:09] Maxwell: about what?
[21:21:22] Michael-Kun: i keep getting viewers from 4chan and ebaums
[21:21:35] Maxwell: oh :S
[21:21:50] Maxwell: whats so confusiong about that?
[21:22:13] Michael-Kun: oh nevermind
[21:22:14] Michael-Kun: lolz
[21:23:08] Maxwell: huh?
[21:23:09] Maxwell: lol
[21:23:12] Maxwell: come one :P
[21:23:37] Maxwell: on*
[21:24:42] Maxwell: so were those other 3 vids flagged or not?
[21:24:46] Maxwell: did u take them down?
[21:26:52] Michael-Kun: yeah i took them down
[21:27:01] Maxwell: hm good idea ;)
[21:27:22] Maxwell: hey do u think jesus was gay?
[21:27:30] Michael-Kun: no
[21:27:39] Maxwell: oh why not?
[21:27:45] Maxwell: my friend brought that up today, lol
[21:27:50] Michael-Kun: its just inconsevible to think
[21:27:58] Maxwell: i think it is possible
[21:28:00] Michael-Kun: i mean..the son of God gay
[21:28:09] Michael-Kun: i try not to think about it
[21:28:20] Michael-Kun: just like i know adam had another wife named Lilith
[21:28:22] Maxwell: do you think god hates gays then?
[21:28:31] Michael-Kun: God loves the sinner hates the sin
[21:28:41] Maxwell: oh... gay is a sin?
[21:28:46] Michael-Kun: the act is
[21:28:53] Maxwell: then why do we do it?
[21:28:56] Maxwell: :((
[21:29:08] Michael-Kun: cause its fun
[21:29:14] Michael-Kun: :DD
[21:29:21] Maxwell: i dont want to end up going to hell tho
[21:29:25] Maxwell: what about u?
[21:29:28] Michael-Kun: you wont if you're saved
[21:29:33] Maxwell: saved how?
[21:29:39] Michael-Kun: ask christ into yer heart
[21:29:49] Maxwell: does that mean ungaying myself?
[21:29:51] Michael-Kun: no
[21:30:07] Michael-Kun: you can fuck up as many times as you want and God will still forgive you
[21:30:13] Maxwell: but how will jesus christ accept a sinner who takes it in the butt?
[21:30:22] Maxwell: when it is wrong in his eyes?
[21:30:25] Michael-Kun: no sin is unforgiveable
[21:30:33] Michael-Kun: all sin is Forgiveable
[21:30:53] Michael-Kun: however there is one
[21:31:03] Michael-Kun: its called Blaspheming the holy spirit
[21:31:14] Michael-Kun: i never know what that implies
[21:31:14] Michael-Kun: lol
[21:31:20] Maxwell: oh
[21:31:21] Maxwell: lol
[21:31:35] Maxwell: but if i keep doing gay sex i think jesus will get fed up with me and my prayers
[21:31:52] Michael-Kun: i thought as much too
[21:32:59] Maxwell: so do you really think he'll forgive us even if we ask for forgiveness for the hundereth time?
[21:33:06] Michael-Kun: yep
[21:33:16] Maxwell: there is no limit?
[21:33:25] Michael-Kun: nope no limit
[21:33:36] Maxwell: hmm
[21:33:41] Maxwell: if u say so -__-
[21:38:08] Maxwell: VampiricSpektor starting to hate see what happens when the malcurian was set loose? -.- (39 minutes ago)
[21:38:14] Maxwell: saw that update
[21:38:16] Maxwell: -__-
[21:38:27] Maxwell: are the trolls getting 2 u again?
[21:40:11] Michael-Kun: yeah :(
[21:41:24] Maxwell: what r they saying thius time?
[21:42:25] Michael-Kun: i ignored them all i think
[21:43:46] Maxwell: what will u do about them -.-?
[21:48:16] Michael-Kun: cant really do a thing
[21:48:25] Maxwell: ur giving up like that?
[21:55:11] Maxwell: ehh
[21:55:44] Michael-Kun: who said i was givin up?
[21:55:45] Michael-Kun: XD
[21:56:14] Maxwell: but u said u cant really do a thing about the trolls -__-;
[21:58:26] Michael-Kun: i cant
[21:58:31] Michael-Kun: but ignore them
[21:58:41] Maxwell: that's all u can do ? :((
[21:58:58] Michael-Kun: yeah thats all i can do
[21:59:28] Maxwell: what about getting the law involved?
[21:59:48] Michael-Kun: alex is the only troll i want arrested
[21:59:52] Michael-Kun: or dead
[22:00:01] Michael-Kun: if he gets arrested they'll all back off me
[22:00:04] Maxwell: oh my!
[22:00:10] Maxwell: dont u still want his money?
[22:00:18] Michael-Kun: he's sending it tonight
[22:00:20] Michael-Kun: :DD
[22:00:26] Maxwell: :O
[22:00:29] Maxwell: hehe xP
[22:00:39] Maxwell: and u wont forgive him after u get the money?
[22:00:41] Michael-Kun: and then when that happens...imma take off
[22:00:54] Maxwell: u wont forgive him?
[22:01:10] Michael-Kun: i cant forgive a betraying scumbag like him
[22:01:18] Maxwell: but wont jesus?
[22:01:24] Michael-Kun: yes
[22:01:27] Michael-Kun: but i aint him
[22:01:43] Maxwell: :((
[22:01:46] Maxwell: my mistake
[22:02:14] Maxwell: u going 2 run away 2 NYC after u get the money
[22:02:15] Maxwell: ?
[22:02:51] Michael-Kun: Arizona
[22:03:04] Maxwell: thot u were going to NYC?
[22:03:08] Michael-Kun: we are
[22:03:12] Michael-Kun: after we go to Arizona
[22:03:13] Michael-Kun: :DD
[22:03:17] Maxwell: xP
[22:03:20] Maxwell: ur going soon?
[22:03:24] Michael-Kun: Very
[22:03:25] Michael-Kun: XD
[22:04:29] Maxwell: hehe xP
[22:04:46] Maxwell: wud u kill alex if u had 2 to get the trolls off ur back?
[22:06:09] Maxwell: mm?
[22:07:25] Michael-Kun: i'd have him arrested
[22:07:28] Michael-Kun: xD
[22:07:34] Maxwell: but if u couldnt
[22:07:42] Maxwell: like if the law didnt permit it
[22:07:47] Michael-Kun: if the law wont do shit to him...then i will
[22:07:56] Maxwell: u wud kill him?
[22:08:01] Michael-Kun: not kill him
[22:08:06] Michael-Kun: stab him deep
[22:08:12] Maxwell: sexually?
[22:08:17] Maxwell: oops no?
[22:08:17] Michael-Kun: i cant stomach murder
[22:08:18] Michael-Kun: lol
[22:08:31] Maxwell: stab him deep couldnt that end up killing him?
[22:08:40] Maxwell: even if it was an accident
[22:08:42] Maxwell: lol
[22:09:24] Maxwell: i remember u telling me u had super strength and could impale people with a punch
[22:09:29] Maxwell: wouldnt u kill alex?
[22:09:37] Maxwell: with a deep stab
[22:09:51] Michael-Kun: since my wrists and arm are out of commission no
[22:10:06] Michael-Kun: my bone structure couldnt handle it
[22:10:12] Michael-Kun: thats why i hate fighting
[22:10:18] Michael-Kun: but i do it when nessessary
[22:10:40] Maxwell: still... wouldnt u accidentally kill alex?
[22:11:27] Michael-Kun: then i'd go to jail for Premeditated murder 2
[22:11:58] Maxwell: it's possible since ur capable of killing him so easily xPP
[22:12:00] Maxwell: right>
[22:12:01] Maxwell: ?
[22:12:09] Michael-Kun: yes
[22:12:10] Michael-Kun: -.-
[22:13:22] Maxwell: i dont want u to go to jail or get hurt -.-
[22:14:02] Maxwell: were u serious earlier saying u deserve getting beaten up for what u did online?
[22:17:30] Maxwell: were u :(( i am concern
[22:17:36] Maxwell: and i gotta get goig soon
[22:23:04] Michael-Kun: yep
[22:23:06] Michael-Kun: :(
[22:23:20] Maxwell: wow why would u think something like that!?
[22:23:53] *** "Michael-Kun" signed off at Thu Feb 25 22:23:53 2010.
Session Close (Michael-Kun): Thu Feb 25 22:24:48 2010

Session Start ( Fri Feb 26 14:01:31 2010

[14:01:32] Michael-Kun: SHIT!
[14:01:32] *** Auto-response sent to Michael-Kun: I am currently away from the computer.
[14:01:33] Michael-Kun: the shows tonight!
[15:27:31] Maxwell: what show?
[15:52:08] Michael-Kun: THE show
[15:52:16] Michael-Kun: the one i was avoiding
[15:52:18] Michael-Kun: -.-
[15:53:15] Maxwell: ohhhh
[15:53:18] Maxwell: the one with alex?
[15:54:36] Maxwell: so wut are u gonna do?
[15:55:06] Michael-Kun: i dont know!
[15:55:08] Michael-Kun: :(
[15:56:32] Maxwell: i think it may stop the trolls
[15:56:37] Maxwell: u shud do it
[15:56:43] Michael-Kun: --
[15:56:44] Michael-Kun: -.-
[15:56:48] Maxwell: dunno
[15:56:50] Maxwell: ur call D:
[15:58:18] Maxwell: g2g for a bit
[15:58:21] Maxwell: will be back soon
[16:36:06] Michael-Kun: my cohost videos up
[16:36:06] *** Auto-response sent to Michael-Kun: I am currently away from the computer.
[16:36:11] Michael-Kun: gawd tell me if i did ok
[19:28:56] Maxwell: huh?
[19:29:00] Maxwell: link 2 the vid
[19:29:24] Michael-Kun: i just did my lines for the co-host thing
[19:29:29] Michael-Kun: the rough draft is up
[19:29:31] Michael-Kun: lolz
[19:29:36] Maxwell: lawl
[19:29:50] Michael-Kun: im gonna cry
[19:29:55] Michael-Kun: :S
[19:29:59] Maxwell: omg y?
[19:30:02] Michael-Kun: cause its over
[19:30:10] Michael-Kun: its finally over
[19:30:12] Maxwell: tears of happiness?
[19:30:15] Michael-Kun: yes
[19:30:16] Michael-Kun: :DD
[19:30:17] Maxwell: :D
[19:30:44] Maxwell: so do u have hard feelings against alex still?
[19:35:33] Michael-Kun: yes
[19:35:41] Michael-Kun: also watch the video now before i delete
[19:35:44] Michael-Kun: -.-
[19:36:26] Maxwell: kk watching now
[19:36:45] Michael-Kun: its kinda...bad
[19:36:53] Michael-Kun: but...alex said he could "use" it
[19:38:01] Maxwell: hmm
[19:38:13] Maxwell: maybe u should consider doing a retake to make sure all of this is behind u
[19:38:22] Maxwell: just to make sure it is good
[20:43:46] Maxwell: so any plans with the trolls or is this it?
[20:45:08] Michael-Kun: none yet
[20:45:17] Maxwell: ah
Session Close (Michael-Kun): Fri Feb 26 21:08:29 2010

Session Start ( Sat Feb 27 16:24:43 2010

[16:24:49] Maxwell: heyhey! :D
[16:24:54] Maxwell: i see u r making more vids again
[16:24:55] Maxwell: :DD
[16:24:59] Michael-Kun: :DD
[16:25:06] Maxwell: havent watched yet
[16:25:07] Michael-Kun: yeah but i almost blew it
[16:25:13] Maxwell: blew wat?
[16:25:20] Michael-Kun: i said my phone number
[16:25:24] Maxwell: !!
[16:25:31] Michael-Kun: then i said...the last number rhymes with Dicks
[16:25:36] Michael-Kun: kekekekekeke
[16:25:42] Maxwell: six?
Session Close (Michael-Kun): Sat Feb 27 16:41:41 2010

Session Start ( Sat Feb 27 16:41:46 2010

[16:47:31] Maxwell: any new plans with the trolls?
[16:49:35] Michael-Kun: :D
[16:49:40] Michael-Kun: im ignoring them
[16:50:01] Maxwell: hehe
[16:50:12] Maxwell: do u have any idea where the other trolls came from?
[16:51:05] Michael-Kun: 4chan
[16:51:10] Michael-Kun: all of them 4chan
[16:51:13] Michael-Kun: lolz
[16:51:20] Maxwell: lolz
[16:51:22] Michael-Kun: thats the "raid" they were talkin about
[16:51:27] Maxwell: oh yeah?
[16:51:29] Michael-Kun: yep
[16:51:32] Maxwell: it was fail? :P
[16:51:34] Michael-Kun: EPIC FAIL!
[16:51:36] Maxwell: hehehehe
[16:51:37] Michael-Kun: ahhahahahhahahhahhahaha
[16:51:46] Michael-Kun: i soooooo saw it coming
[16:51:47] Maxwell: what did they try to do lol?
[16:51:57] Maxwell: oh did u predict it with your powers?
[16:52:06] Michael-Kun: i saw it coming so yeah
[16:52:13] Maxwell: :P
[16:52:18] Michael-Kun: and Frank lund is a real person apparently
[16:52:30] Michael-Kun: he has a son named Ben
[16:52:37] Michael-Kun: *licks lips*
[16:52:49] Maxwell: who are you talking about?
[16:53:01] Michael-Kun: the bastard who's been prankin my family
[16:53:07] Maxwell: whaat!
[16:53:09] Maxwell: hehe
[16:53:12] Maxwell: u found him?
[16:53:19] Michael-Kun: wasnt hard
[16:53:23] Maxwell: xPP
[16:53:26] Maxwell: howd u do it?
[16:53:31] Michael-Kun: a piece of mail
[16:53:39] Michael-Kun: with monopoly money in it
[16:53:58] Maxwell: wow
[16:54:03] Maxwell: lol when did u get it?
[16:54:28] Michael-Kun: i didnt
[16:54:31] Michael-Kun: my dad did
[16:54:32] Michael-Kun: XD
[16:54:46] Michael-Kun: how else do you think im gettin the information? my dads spoon feeding it to me
[16:54:53] Maxwell: hehe :P
[16:54:58] Michael-Kun: the more information he gives me the more i can fuck with their minds
[16:54:59] Michael-Kun: XD
[16:55:10] Maxwell: how does ur dad know so much?
[16:55:21] Michael-Kun: he thinks like me
[16:55:23] Michael-Kun: ;)
[16:55:28] Maxwell: xP
[16:55:38] Maxwell: what if that letter had anthrax in it?
[16:55:42] Michael-Kun: :-O
[16:55:46] Maxwell: these people are internet terrorists afterall...
[16:56:08] Maxwell: i think u should stop opening mail for the time being
[16:57:04] Michael-Kun: thank for telling me that
[16:57:15] Maxwell: friends look out for friends
[16:57:38] Michael-Kun: now that i think about it
[16:57:42] Michael-Kun: my moms been sicker
[16:57:45] Michael-Kun: :S
[16:57:47] Maxwell: omfg
[16:57:56] Maxwell: do u think they put some kind of poison in a letter?
[16:57:59] Michael-Kun: my fathers having a hard time with his shoulder
[16:58:05] Maxwell: i wouldnt put it past them
[16:58:19] Michael-Kun: if this happened i dont know what i'd do
[16:58:22] Maxwell: what if they are trying to warn u before they get serious...!?
[16:58:34] Michael-Kun: this is attempted murder
[16:58:40] Michael-Kun: this has gone beyond Terrorism!
[16:58:51] Maxwell: you should get your parents to a hospital or tell them to go
[16:58:53] Maxwell: just to make sure
[16:58:55] Michael-Kun: IM NOT sayin a word about this
[16:59:05] Maxwell: why nott
[16:59:06] Michael-Kun: my parents may think im crazy
[16:59:13] Maxwell: oo :(
[16:59:20] Maxwell: but what if they die -.-
[16:59:29] Michael-Kun: then i get the house
[16:59:33] Michael-Kun: XD
[16:59:36] Maxwell: :D
[16:59:38] Maxwell: really?
[16:59:43] Michael-Kun: yep
[16:59:46] Maxwell: so u cant wait until they die?
[16:59:56] Michael-Kun: i'd be sad yes
[17:00:08] Maxwell: but ud be happier with the house?
[17:00:25] Michael-Kun: i'd be happy if my parents are at peace
[17:00:44] Michael-Kun: those bastards brought my family in a spat that wasnt supposed to go far at all
[17:00:58] Maxwell: would death be the best answer for ur parents at this point?
[17:01:04] Michael-Kun: no
[17:01:07] Michael-Kun: running away would
[17:01:18] Maxwell: ah
[17:01:24] Maxwell: so frank has a son?
[17:01:32] Michael-Kun: yep
[17:01:33] Michael-Kun: XD
[17:01:35] Maxwell:
[16:52:30] Michael-Kun: he has a son named Ben
[16:52:37] Michael-Kun: *licks lips*
[17:01:41] Michael-Kun: and 3 daughters
[17:01:44] Maxwell: :o
[17:01:52] Maxwell: what do u plan on doing to them? lol
[17:02:04] Michael-Kun: or so i think isnt accurate after all
[17:02:27] Michael-Kun: well...if frank doesnt stop pranking my family im giving his dox out
[17:02:32] Michael-Kun: :DD
[17:02:36] Maxwell: hehe
[17:02:44] Maxwell: will u give it to pedophiles or something?
[17:02:55] Michael-Kun: hell no! i aint that sadistic
[17:03:00] Michael-Kun: XD
[17:03:05] Maxwell: lol:P
[17:03:50] Maxwell: so since these trolls r trying 2 kill ur parents, what will u do if they succeed?
[17:07:34] Michael-Kun: i'll blow the lid off this thing
[17:07:44] Maxwell: how so?
[17:08:44] Michael-Kun: all information i have gathered Goes to the FBI office in OKC, the Cybercrimes division of the Tulsa Police Force, i send Everyones DOX to the local news and other news networks, and i go on national Television Exposing them
[17:09:26] Maxwell: wow
[17:09:29] Maxwell: sounds solid
[17:09:38] Maxwell: but i thought u didnt want any media attention to this whole thing?
[17:09:49] Michael-Kun: the world has to know
[17:10:17] Maxwell: you should expose the trolls on Dateline NBC or something
[17:10:34] Michael-Kun: i was thinkin about that
[17:10:53] Maxwell: it wud be a really good idea
[17:10:58] Maxwell: and ud get ur message across well
[17:11:45] Michael-Kun: XD
[17:11:51] Michael-Kun: im not the least bit afraid
[17:11:55] Michael-Kun: mwahhaahhahahahhahahaha
[17:11:56] Maxwell: hehe
[17:11:58] Maxwell: :D
[17:12:05] Maxwell: internet terrorism is serious tho
[17:12:21] Maxwell: what if they crash a plane into your house or something?
[17:12:25] Maxwell: or send u a bomb?
[17:14:37] Michael-Kun: bahhaahhahaha
[17:14:40] Michael-Kun: not likely
[17:14:46] Michael-Kun: :-O
[17:14:48] Michael-Kun: oh n
[17:14:49] Michael-Kun: no
[17:15:02] Michael-Kun: one of them said "im sending your family a "surprise" last night
[17:15:08] Maxwell: omfg
[17:15:09] Michael-Kun: tch
[17:15:12] Michael-Kun: DAMNIT
[17:15:16] Maxwell: wow
[17:15:18] Maxwell: oh man
[17:15:21] Maxwell: this is serious
[17:15:27] Michael-Kun: im not taking it seriously
[17:15:37] Maxwell: you should. what if someone gets hurt?
[17:15:42] Michael-Kun: they wont
[17:15:42] Michael-Kun: :D
[17:15:51] Michael-Kun: because we all know those UPS packages get scanned
[17:15:54] Maxwell: but what about your power of empathy? :((
[17:16:02] Michael-Kun: im sure those idiots wont risk it
[17:16:07] Maxwell: what if the troll leaves it on the door step?
[17:16:17] Michael-Kun: good point -.-
[17:16:18] Maxwell: or poses as a mailman?
[17:16:24] Michael-Kun: AGAIN GOOD POINT OMG
[17:16:26] Michael-Kun: :-O
[17:16:37] Maxwell: all he needs 2 do is drive there -____-
[17:16:49] Michael-Kun: i think he's been here :S
[17:17:01] Maxwell: maybe he was scanning the area out
[17:17:07] Michael-Kun: :S
[17:17:07] Maxwell: looking for ways to make a quick exit
[17:17:11] Michael-Kun: oh gawd
[17:17:15] Michael-Kun: THEY KNOW WHICH WALMART I GO TOO
[17:17:21] Maxwell: omfg
[17:17:24] Michael-Kun: :S
[17:17:28] Maxwell: do u drive?
[17:17:34] Michael-Kun: my dad gives me a ride
[17:17:39] Maxwell: omg
[17:17:42] Michael-Kun: March 1st
[17:17:45] Michael-Kun: err 3rd
[17:17:48] Maxwell: they could plant a bomb on his car
[17:17:50] Michael-Kun: Day of Reckoning
[17:18:16] Maxwell: -_-
[17:19:04] Michael-Kun: brb
[17:19:07] Maxwell: k
[17:44:12] Michael-Kun: back
[17:45:00] Michael-Kun:
[17:45:03] Michael-Kun: i was right
[17:45:11] Michael-Kun: Chile had an earthquake
[17:45:12] Michael-Kun: :(
[17:45:20] Michael-Kun: IMPOSSIBLE!
[17:45:28] Michael-Kun: HAWAII HAD A TSUNAMI
[17:45:32] Maxwell: omg
[17:45:44] Maxwell: do u think the world will end in 2012 at this rate?
[17:45:44] Michael-Kun:
[17:46:48] Maxwell: do u think the world will end in 2012?? :(((((((
[17:47:20] Michael-Kun: probably sooner than that
[17:47:21] Michael-Kun: :(
[17:47:39] Maxwell: wow
[17:47:44] Maxwell: r u able 2 predict it?
[17:47:55] Michael-Kun: my visions stop after 12-21-12
[17:48:00] Michael-Kun: :(
[17:49:58] Maxwell: wow
[17:50:02] Maxwell: that's horrible
[17:50:04] Maxwell: :(
[18:11:15] Maxwell: im not sure what to make of this but somone sent my friend this pic and he sent it 2 me
[18:11:22] Maxwell: he said it was on ED orsomething
[18:11:23] Maxwell: :\
[18:24:05] Michael-Kun: well now i know who the rat is
[18:24:08] Michael-Kun: XD
[18:24:19] Maxwell: hehe
[18:24:43] Maxwell: what if "Candice" is the 1 who would send ur family a "surprise"?
[18:24:54] Michael-Kun: its not on ED
[18:24:56] Michael-Kun: im lookin
[18:24:57] Michael-Kun: lolz
[18:25:02] Maxwell: oh
[18:25:10] Maxwell: my friend said someone on ed sent it 2 him
[18:25:15] Maxwell: sorry i dunno
[18:25:26] Maxwell: but i dont think trusting "candice" is a good idea lolz
[18:25:31] Maxwell: just 2 be safe
[18:30:17] Maxwell: k i asked my friend
[18:30:24] Maxwell: and he sayed he got it from here
[18:36:49] Michael-Kun: check out the comment now
[18:36:50] Michael-Kun: xD
[18:36:54] Michael-Kun: :DD
[18:37:03] Michael-Kun: im gonna fuck with this file OVER AND OVER AND OVER!
[18:37:04] Michael-Kun: XD
[18:37:57] Maxwell: hehe, at least u know the leak now rite? :P
[18:40:08] Michael-Kun: epic fail!
[18:40:42] Maxwell: hehe :P yes!
[18:42:59] Michael-Kun: bakkakakakakkkka
[18:43:00] Michael-Kun: xD
[19:27:36] Maxwell: u still messing with ED? Lolz
[19:29:31] Michael-Kun: nope
[19:29:33] Michael-Kun: -.-
[19:29:55] Michael-Kun: im in the process of putting privacy manager on my phone xD
[19:30:07] Michael-Kun: it blocks unknown/private names xD
[19:30:17] Michael-Kun: and numbahs
[19:30:40] Maxwell: hehe
[19:30:47] Maxwell: r u getting prank calls?
[19:30:59] Michael-Kun: no just annoying telemarkers
[19:31:03] Michael-Kun: lolz
[19:31:07] Maxwell: lol xD
[19:31:12] Maxwell: yeah they are annoying :P
[19:31:18] Maxwell: and they always call me when im eating
[19:31:19] Maxwell: lolz
[19:32:02] Michael-Kun: haha
[19:32:07] Maxwell: u gonna do anything to that frank guy?
[19:33:21] Michael-Kun: oh fuck me
[19:33:23] Michael-Kun: he's in the FBI!
[19:33:29] Michael-Kun: :S
[19:33:46] Maxwell: omgz
[19:33:50] Maxwell: how do u no?
[19:33:56] Michael-Kun: he just told me
[19:34:03] Michael-Kun: im being spyed on
[19:34:05] Michael-Kun: :(
[19:34:12] Maxwell: lolz he is a liar
[19:34:20] Maxwell: even if he is fbi
[19:34:22] Maxwell: u can report him
[19:34:23] Michael-Kun: he sounds legit
[19:34:26] Maxwell: and take away his badge
[19:38:09] Michael-Kun:
[19:38:14] Michael-Kun: Frank lundys dox
[19:38:15] Michael-Kun: XD
[19:38:25] Maxwell: oh wowow
[19:38:38] Maxwell: what r u gonna do with them?
[19:38:42] Michael-Kun: location: Century Florida
[19:38:45] Michael-Kun: :S
[19:38:49] Maxwell: :\
[19:39:29] Michael-Kun: i just got a bad feeling
[19:39:57] Michael-Kun: jesus he doesnt know where i live
[19:40:01] Michael-Kun: why am i so scared
[19:40:27] Maxwell: whoa he doesnt?
[19:40:33] Maxwell: i thought they did?
[19:40:41] Maxwell: they as in ED
[19:42:11] Michael-Kun: they know where my family is
[19:42:13] Michael-Kun: ;)
[19:42:35] Michael-Kun: this is gonna turn ugly real fast if i dont get the fuck out of here
[19:42:46] Maxwell: do you think they will harm you?
[19:42:50] Michael-Kun: YEAH
[19:42:52] Michael-Kun: -.-
[19:42:56] Michael-Kun: :S
[19:43:30] Maxwell: :(
[19:43:35] Maxwell: what about ur family?
[19:44:35] Michael-Kun: they are safe
[19:44:49] Michael-Kun: my boyfriend and i put a barrier around the hosue
[19:44:50] Michael-Kun: house*
[19:44:58] Maxwell: a psychic barrier?
[19:45:04] Michael-Kun: Telekinetic
[19:45:10] Maxwell: wow
[19:45:14] Maxwell: how does that work?
[19:45:23] Michael-Kun: dont ask me im still new to this
[19:45:27] Michael-Kun: lolz
[19:45:28] Michael-Kun: xD
[19:45:39] Maxwell: xPP
[19:45:50] Maxwell: but it will protect ur family from evil?
[19:55:55] Michael-Kun: did another Video
[19:56:07] Michael-Kun: this time i think i crossed the boundry of Internet Terrorist
[19:56:11] Michael-Kun: :S
[19:56:15] Michael-Kun: oh gawd oh gawd
[19:56:39] Maxwell: omg
[19:56:41] Maxwell: how did u?
[20:00:07] Michael-Kun: watch the video
[20:00:09] Michael-Kun: lolz
[20:00:35] Michael-Kun: Ever since this mess started i've been having nightmare after nightmare
[20:00:36] Michael-Kun: :(
[20:00:43] Maxwell: omg
[20:00:47] Maxwell: were they visions possibly?
[20:00:53] Michael-Kun: no
[20:00:57] Michael-Kun: cause i cant remember them
[20:01:03] Michael-Kun: Visions i can remember
[20:01:08] Maxwell: oh D:
[20:06:20] Michael-Kun: We do not forgive and we do not forget. We will not forget you Michael. Being randomly targeted is one thing but then calling us out, you asked for it and it will be delirared
[20:06:29] Michael-Kun: mission complete
[20:06:56] Maxwell: what mission was that
[20:06:57] Maxwell: ?
[20:22:50] Michael-Kun: omg! hahahahhahahhahahah
[20:23:00] Michael-Kun: Frank Lundy just came out and said it!
[20:23:05] Michael-Kun: bahahhahahahhahahaha
[20:23:10] Michael-Kun: he sent me monopoly money
[20:23:12] Maxwell: whaaaa?
[20:23:16] Maxwell: lolz
[20:23:30] Michael-Kun: but i told him the current Resident living at that address is my ex
[20:23:38] Michael-Kun: BWAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHA
[20:24:04] Maxwell: u bluffed?
[20:24:23] Michael-Kun: OH YEAH!
[20:24:24] Michael-Kun: :DD
[20:24:26] Michael-Kun: brb
[20:24:59] Maxwell: kk
[23:19:57] Maxwell: u back?
[23:27:02] Michael-Kun: oh shit
[23:27:07] Michael-Kun: THE PRANK CALLS HAVE STARTED!
[23:27:16] Michael-Kun: and an admin frome ED contacted me
[23:27:23] Michael-Kun: im so fucked
[23:27:24] Maxwell: omfg
[23:27:32] Maxwell: did u trace the number?
[23:27:34] Michael-Kun: The call was traced
[23:27:36] Michael-Kun: ;)
[23:27:39] Maxwell: whew
[23:27:50] Maxwell: did the police listen in on it or something?
[23:28:14] Maxwell: what did the caller say
[23:28:15] Maxwell: ?
[23:30:42] Michael-Kun: it was another interview
[23:30:48] Michael-Kun: also..Candice is alex
[23:32:05] Maxwell: omg
[23:32:09] Maxwell: also another interview?
[23:34:53] Michael-Kun: im not answering the phone again tonight lolz
[23:35:42] Maxwell: lolz
[23:35:45] Maxwell: what did they ask u?
[23:35:58] Maxwell: ED?
[23:37:20] Michael-Kun: they were askin me about the trolls
[23:37:33] Michael-Kun: i THINK it was the head of ED herself
[23:37:43] Maxwell: omg but u said candice is alex?
[23:37:43] Michael-Kun: i cant be sure but her voice sounded soo familiar
[23:37:52] Michael-Kun: im NOT sure about anything anymore
[23:43:19] Maxwell: oh wow
[23:43:23] Maxwell: dont say that -__-
[23:43:30] Maxwell: what did u say to the caller?
[23:44:41] Michael-Kun: squashing the lies
[23:44:46] Michael-Kun: i caught her in one
[23:44:51] Maxwell: hehe xP
[23:44:52] Michael-Kun: she was recording the conversation
[23:44:57] Michael-Kun: :S
[23:45:02] Maxwell: is that bad?
[23:45:13] Maxwell: it could be evidence in a lawsuit against them
[23:45:33] Michael-Kun: -.-
[23:45:43] Michael-Kun: Recording conversations is against the law?
[23:45:46] Maxwell: no
[23:45:50] Maxwell: prank calling is
[23:45:51] Maxwell: isnt it?
[23:45:59] Michael-Kun: this wasnt a prank call tho
[23:46:04] Michael-Kun: she was decent
[23:46:09] Maxwell: oh
[23:46:23] Maxwell: did you respond with decency back?
[23:48:54] Michael-Kun: yep
[23:49:14] Maxwell: ah
[23:49:18] Maxwell: did the call last long?
[23:49:44] Michael-Kun: 25 minutes
[23:49:56] Michael-Kun: anyways, im goin to bed
[23:50:03] Michael-Kun: tis been a hellish day
[23:50:04] Michael-Kun: :(
[23:50:10] Maxwell: wow long call
[23:50:10] Maxwell: ok
[23:50:14] Maxwell: good night
[23:50:20] Maxwell: have a good sleep :)
[23:50:26] Michael-Kun: :DD
[23:50:56] *** "Michael-Kun" signed off at Sat Feb 27 23:50:56 2010.
Session Close (Michael-Kun): Sat Feb 27 23:51:34 2010

Session Start ( Sun Feb 28 10:30:16 2010

[10:30:20] Maxwell: hey!
[10:30:33] Maxwell: who do u think will win todays hockey game? canada or USA?
[10:30:38] Michael-Kun: ...
[10:30:44] Michael-Kun: US
[10:30:45] Michael-Kun: :DD
[10:30:48] Maxwell: U S A!
[10:30:52] Maxwell: yeaH!
[10:30:56] Maxwell: what score?
[10:31:04] Michael-Kun: between 1-19
[10:31:08] Michael-Kun: canada
[10:31:10] Michael-Kun: :DD
[10:31:20] Maxwell: wait, canada will win?
[10:31:36] Michael-Kun: in the history of hockey US only won twice
[10:31:44] Michael-Kun: Vs's canada
[10:31:53] Maxwell: is that so?
[10:32:01] Michael-Kun: im just guessin
[10:32:02] Maxwell: so canada has a better chance of winning?
[10:32:03] Michael-Kun: :P
[10:32:59] Michael-Kun: anyways, i had to force my cast back on
[10:33:32] Michael-Kun: and now i have to force it off...i feel icky lolz
[10:33:47] Maxwell: ehhh D:
[10:33:54] Maxwell: why did it need 2 go back on?
[10:34:05] Michael-Kun: wrist is still broke
[10:34:06] Michael-Kun: -.-
[10:34:09] Maxwell: D:
[10:34:18] Maxwell: how did it break?
[10:34:28] Michael-Kun: i hate explainin how it broke
[10:34:32] Michael-Kun: ugh
[10:35:04] Michael-Kun: i was goin for a walk and some car tried to run me over..i *flash stepped* away but didnt watch where i was goin and i slipped on some black ice :(
[10:35:17] Maxwell: oww
[10:35:21] Maxwell: what is flash step?
[10:35:25] Michael-Kun: yeah my wrist hit the curb
[10:35:26] Michael-Kun: HARD
[10:35:27] Michael-Kun: :(
[10:35:36] Maxwell: -______- that must hurrrt
[10:35:45] Michael-Kun: Flash Step=bleach term
[10:35:47] Michael-Kun: lolz
[10:35:54] Maxwell: lol how does it work?
[10:36:00] Michael-Kun: i dont know..
[10:36:07] Maxwell: but u can do it?
[10:36:11] Michael-Kun: some how i can
[10:36:25] Maxwell: is it like a really quick step? lolz
[10:36:39] Michael-Kun: most of my Offensive abilities work when im stressed out or frightned
[10:36:57] Maxwell: yah well i guess that's a plus right :P
[10:37:36] Michael-Kun: lolz
[10:37:37] Michael-Kun: yeah
[10:38:42] Michael-Kun: :c
[10:39:11] Maxwell: :D
[10:41:04] Maxwell: did u deal with that candice character on facebook?
[10:43:05] Michael-Kun: i had her and her fucked up psycho friend banned
[10:43:07] Michael-Kun: XD
[10:43:24] Maxwell: !! Lolz! XD
[10:43:25] Michael-Kun: when i woke up i found over 200+ messages of SPAM
[10:43:37] Maxwell: how did u get them banned?
[10:43:45] Michael-Kun: Cyberbullying
[10:43:51] Maxwell: and the report went thru?
[10:43:57] Michael-Kun: it is DEFINITELY against the Terms of service of Facebook
[10:43:58] Michael-Kun: :DD
[10:44:01] Maxwell: hehe
[10:44:04] Maxwell: nice! xD
[10:44:12] Michael-Kun: unlike youtube they work quickly
[10:44:13] Michael-Kun: :DD
[10:44:16] Maxwell: yeah
[10:44:21] Maxwell: youtube is way too slow
[10:44:24] Maxwell: -.-
[10:45:10] Michael-Kun: apparently some youtuber who "claims she's on my side" said she's gonna write code to Remove my information..PERMANENTLY
[10:45:11] Michael-Kun: :DD
[10:45:24] Maxwell: hmm
[10:45:40] Maxwell: could be that maxwell copperfield guy coming back 2 mess with u
[10:45:42] Maxwell: or even alex
[10:45:48] Michael-Kun: nah
[10:45:56] Michael-Kun: :-O
[10:45:58] Michael-Kun: brb
[10:46:00] Maxwell: kk
[10:46:06] Michael-Kun: i just realised the videos coming out today
[10:46:10] Michael-Kun: :S
[10:46:12] Maxwell: !?
[10:46:17] Maxwell: oh alex's?
[10:46:18] Michael-Kun: Alex's show
[10:46:20] Michael-Kun: :S
[10:46:22] Maxwell: ahh
[12:22:26] *** "Michael-Kun" signed off at Sun Feb 28 12:22:26 2010.
[12:22:27] *** "Michael-Kun" signed on at Sun Feb 28 12:22:27 2010.
[12:32:28] Maxwell: did he post the show?
[12:32:37] Michael-Kun: not yet
[12:32:52] Michael-Kun: however i may not be able to get to do the 2nd part
[12:33:01] Maxwell: ehh why?
[12:33:04] Michael-Kun: this dude may stop it
[12:33:12] Michael-Kun: err Rainingblood92
[12:33:26] Michael-Kun: the fucktard that keeps posting my families address
[12:33:59] Maxwell: wow
[12:34:07] Maxwell: what an idiot
[12:34:10] Maxwell: -__-
[12:36:09] Michael-Kun: he said and i quote: yer fucked now runnin a brute force hack! yer information wil be kaput!
[12:36:48] Michael-Kun: he thinks i dont know anything about computers? the second AT&T tracks that brute force attack it'll be reported
[12:36:56] Michael-Kun: :S
[12:36:58] Maxwell: hehe xP
[12:38:12] Michael-Kun: XD
[12:45:21] Michael-Kun: shit!
[12:45:23] Michael-Kun: :S
[12:45:30] Michael-Kun: its starting to happen
[12:45:31] Michael-Kun: :(
[12:45:40] Maxwell: omg what is?
[12:45:48] Michael-Kun: the mass friend requests
[12:45:54] Maxwell: ~.~
[12:45:58] Maxwell: on facebook?
[12:46:29] Michael-Kun: MSN
[12:46:38] Maxwell: omg
[12:46:42] Maxwell: dont accept the invites
[12:46:44] Michael-Kun: im not
[12:46:45] Michael-Kun: :DD
[12:46:47] Maxwell: they could send u viruses
[12:46:49] Maxwell: kk
[12:47:35] Michael-Kun: he thinks i dont know about computers lolz
[12:47:47] Michael-Kun: direct connections=IP grab
[12:47:49] Maxwell: lol xP
[15:58:10] Michael-Kun: Prediction came true XD
[15:58:14] Michael-Kun: CANADA WON
[15:58:15] Michael-Kun: :D
[16:00:26] Maxwell: hehe
[16:00:28] Maxwell: i was watching
[16:00:32] Maxwell: that was such a tight game
[16:00:36] Michael-Kun: :DD
[16:00:39] Michael-Kun: :c
[16:08:42] Michael-Kun: what was the score?
[16:08:54] Michael-Kun: :DD
[16:09:17] Maxwell: 3-2
[16:09:20] Maxwell: in overtime
[16:09:26] Michael-Kun: KNEW IT
[16:09:28] Michael-Kun: :DD
[16:54:01] *** "Michael-Kun" signed off at Sun Feb 28 16:54:01 2010.
[18:49:35] *** "Michael-Kun" signed on at Sun Feb 28 18:49:35 2010.
[18:54:10] *** "Michael-Kun" signed off at Sun Feb 28 18:54:10 2010.
[18:56:21] *** "Michael-Kun" signed on at Sun Feb 28 18:56:21 2010.
[19:29:22] Maxwell: how's it going?
[19:29:45] Michael-Kun: i just watched Boondock saints 2
[19:29:48] Michael-Kun: :DD
[19:30:02] Michael-Kun: i have a very bad feeling about messin with mr lundy
[19:30:33] Michael-Kun: however dad says the prank calls have stopped
[19:30:37] Michael-Kun: :DD
[19:30:45] Maxwell: hehe good :P
[19:30:52] Maxwell: but r u getting mail still?
[19:30:57] Michael-Kun: nope
[19:30:59] Michael-Kun: thats stopped too
[19:31:01] Michael-Kun: :DD
[19:31:18] Michael-Kun: kekekekekeke im thinkin ahead
[19:31:47] Michael-Kun: also i've been thinkin about this war
[19:31:55] Michael-Kun: i've gotten way to many involved :(
[19:32:03] Maxwell: D:
[19:32:13] Michael-Kun: if i get arrested for this shit...
[19:32:19] Michael-Kun: i dont know what imma do
[19:32:20] Michael-Kun: :(
[19:32:59] Maxwell: omg i hope u dont get arrested -___-
[19:33:01] Maxwell: what do you see for the future?
[19:33:12] Michael-Kun: i see us goin to phoenix
[19:33:17] Michael-Kun: but not to NY :(
[19:34:04] Maxwell: oh really?
[19:34:08] Maxwell: do you know why?
[19:34:56] Michael-Kun: no
[19:35:04] Michael-Kun: could be mr lundy told dad what i did
[19:35:06] Michael-Kun: XD
[19:36:03] Maxwell: !!
[19:36:10] Maxwell: and ud get in trouble with ur dad?
[19:37:10] Michael-Kun: hah!
[19:37:18] Michael-Kun: he'd just chew me out like he always does
[19:37:27] Michael-Kun: and then say "good job"
[19:37:35] Michael-Kun: he's confusing sometimes
[19:38:07] Maxwell: lolol xP
[19:38:20] Maxwell: but ud think he'd be mad enuff 2 cancel NY?
[19:38:27] Michael-Kun: doubt it
[19:38:37] Michael-Kun: good thing i havent announced im goin to Phoenix
[19:38:41] Michael-Kun: or NY
[19:38:46] Michael-Kun: or washington DC
[19:38:52] Michael-Kun: those are EDiot hotspots
[19:39:06] Maxwell: ya
[19:39:16] Michael-Kun: come to think of is kansas
[19:39:21] Michael-Kun: :S
[19:39:40] Maxwell: -.-
[19:39:45] Michael-Kun: wahahhahaa
[19:39:55] Michael-Kun: i hope i dont get jumped tomorrow
[19:40:23] Michael-Kun: im goin to buy some groceries at the gas station and head back home then im goin to walmart on the 2nd after i go to the doctor
[19:40:31] Michael-Kun: :S
[19:40:39] Maxwell: go 2 the doc?
[19:40:43] Michael-Kun: yeah
[19:40:55] Michael-Kun: Pain managment
[19:41:00] Maxwell: ohh
[19:41:04] Michael-Kun: im gettin more pills
[19:41:06] Michael-Kun: :DD
[19:41:08] Maxwell: :P
[20:03:48] *** "Michael-Kun" signed off at Sun Feb 28 20:03:48 2010.
[20:04:02] *** "Michael-Kun" signed on at Sun Feb 28 20:04:02 2010.
[20:04:17] Michael-Kun: i really wish i had people who knew law real well on my friends list or a police officer or an FBI agent! :(
[20:29:41] Maxwell: yeah that would help xP
Session Close (Michael-Kun): Sun Feb 28 20:33:05 2010

Session Start ( Sun Feb 28 21:33:00 2010

[21:33:06] Maxwell: hey about that video series u have
[21:33:11] Maxwell: how did u know it would be 7 parts?
[21:33:15] Maxwell: lolz
[21:55:24] Maxwell: eh u there?
[21:59:42] Michael-Kun: i just knew
[21:59:44] Michael-Kun: :P
[22:00:10] Michael-Kun: also 4th kind was awesome
[22:00:11] Michael-Kun: :DD
[22:00:14] Michael-Kun: based on a true story
Session Close (Michael-Kun): Sun Feb 28 22:02:25 2010

Session Start ( Mon Mar 01 17:29:58 2010

[17:29:59] Michael-Kun: boo
[17:29:59] Michael-Kun: :DD
[17:30:28] Maxwell: hey :P
[17:30:32] Maxwell: any news?
[17:30:39] Michael-Kun: yep...its escalated
[17:30:44] Maxwell: ...!
[17:30:50] Michael-Kun: i talked to my mom and it seems 6 people have come over
[17:30:59] Maxwell: really?
[17:31:01] Michael-Kun: yep
[17:31:05] Maxwell: did they do anything?
[17:31:09] Michael-Kun: im leaving town tomorrow or wednesday
[17:31:17] Michael-Kun: just shook me up
[17:31:19] Michael-Kun: to hear that
[17:31:41] Maxwell: wow -_-
[17:31:46] Michael-Kun: im playin WoW now
[17:31:47] Michael-Kun: XD
[17:31:52] Maxwell: lolz
[17:32:02] Michael-Kun: yeah it looks awesome on an HD screen
[17:32:16] Maxwell: hehe
[17:32:57] Michael-Kun: when i get too my bf's house i'll announce that "the plan has been set into motion" the minute the ED page is gone
[17:32:58] Michael-Kun: XD
[17:33:10] Maxwell: what plan lolz?
[17:33:47] Michael-Kun: you know what plan
[17:34:08] Maxwell: not entirely xD
[17:36:27] Michael-Kun: eh heh
[17:36:28] Michael-Kun: :(
[17:36:44] Michael-Kun: Okay the plan blow this shit out of the water..xD
[17:36:59] Maxwell: eh xP
[17:37:11] Maxwell: so ur going to your bf's soon?
[17:37:22] Michael-Kun: basically...the stalker trolls are coming TO ME
[17:37:39] Michael-Kun: and im gonna kick every single last one of their coward asses
[17:37:46] Maxwell: hehe XDDD
[17:39:02] Maxwell: r the trolls still calling u -.-
[17:39:30] Michael-Kun: 2 of them did
[17:39:31] Michael-Kun: XD
[17:40:03] Michael-Kun: seems im popular among the female EDiots
[17:40:10] Maxwell: hehe xD
[17:40:18] Michael-Kun: Everything i've predicted came true
[17:40:20] Michael-Kun: XD
[17:40:27] Maxwell: what was that?
[17:40:42] Michael-Kun: the earthquake of Chile
[17:40:46] Michael-Kun: and canada winning
[17:40:52] Michael-Kun: im 2 for 3
[17:40:58] Michael-Kun: 3rd ones gonna be doozy
[17:41:02] Maxwell: what is it?
[17:41:11] Michael-Kun: The earthquake on the west coast -.-
[17:41:25] Maxwell: and that hasnt happened yet right?
[17:41:31] Michael-Kun: nope
[17:41:31] Michael-Kun: :(
[17:41:50] Maxwell: should i hope it does? lolz
[17:44:52] Michael-Kun: i dont know
[17:44:53] Michael-Kun: lolz
[17:46:20] Michael-Kun:
[17:46:55] Maxwell: :o
[17:48:47] Maxwell: do u think this could happen to us on 2012?
[17:53:14] Michael-Kun: yep
[17:53:15] Michael-Kun: :(
[17:54:56] Maxwell: wow
[17:55:02] Maxwell: that sucks D:
[18:04:19] Michael-Kun: bah! this is starting to bug me
[18:04:34] Michael-Kun: all 3 of my accounts on facebook, youtube and MSN are at risk
[18:04:45] Michael-Kun: :S
[18:07:21] Maxwell: D:
[18:07:26] Maxwell: what will u do?
[18:07:34] Michael-Kun: now its 1 in jeapardy
[18:07:36] Michael-Kun: XD
[18:07:40] Maxwell: oh
[18:07:45] Maxwell: which one?
[18:07:45] Maxwell: lol
[18:07:48] Michael-Kun: youtube
[18:07:49] Michael-Kun: -.-
[18:07:51] Maxwell: ahh
Session Close (Michael-Kun): Mon Mar 01 18:55:58 2010

Session Start ( Tue Mar 02 19:43:54 2010

[19:43:55] Michael-Kun: :DD
[19:44:26] Michael-Kun: dad and i were talkin about getting ME a lawyer...i told him everything thats happened
[19:45:14] Maxwell: hehe
[19:45:19] Maxwell: so what did he say?
[19:45:58] Michael-Kun: when i get home from my BF's im gonna do it
[19:46:05] Michael-Kun: i have enough evidence now to put these bastards away
[19:46:09] Michael-Kun: :DD
[19:46:14] Maxwell: yes!! xD
[19:46:20] Maxwell: what kind of evidence to be specific?
[19:47:23] Michael-Kun: we have unblocked numbers of the perps
[19:47:26] Michael-Kun: ^^
[19:47:30] Maxwell: lolz!
[19:47:40] Maxwell: howd u get those?
[19:47:51] Michael-Kun: also..i may have thrown out a piece of evidence
[19:48:00] Michael-Kun: Frank lundys monopoly money
[19:48:13] Michael-Kun: he sent me over $50,000 Monopoly dollars
[19:48:14] Michael-Kun: XD
[19:48:28] Maxwell: lolz and u threw it all out :P
[19:49:24] Maxwell: so howd u get the phone numbers?
[19:50:22] Michael-Kun: we forced them to unblock the privacy manager
[19:50:23] Michael-Kun: XD
[19:51:09] Maxwell: ohh did u call your phone company?
[19:51:19] Michael-Kun: yep
[19:51:31] Michael-Kun: im getting Privacy manager tomorrow ^_^
[19:52:01] Maxwell: what does that do? xP
[19:52:14] Michael-Kun: it prevents blocked calls
[19:52:17] Michael-Kun: XD
[19:52:24] Maxwell: XDD
[19:52:35] Maxwell: so did u only find 1 number or more?
[19:52:56] Michael-Kun: MORE
[19:52:58] Michael-Kun: ^_^
[19:53:02] Maxwell: :OOO
[19:53:14] Maxwell: could u tell me the numbers xP just in case
[19:53:25] Michael-Kun: they were on my parents phone
[19:53:27] Michael-Kun: lolz
[19:53:29] Maxwell: oo
[19:53:38] Michael-Kun: anyways...there was one from Indiana
[19:53:50] Michael-Kun: and there was a payphone number from Chicago
[19:53:51] Michael-Kun: :P
[19:54:22] Maxwell: and more?
[19:59:53] Maxwell: how will u pursue your legal case against the trolls?
[20:06:26] Michael-Kun: DAMN RIGHT'
[20:06:26] Michael-Kun: XD
[20:06:27] Michael-Kun: new vid up
[20:06:29] Michael-Kun: :DD
[20:06:45] Maxwell: lolz i meant how?
[20:06:46] Maxwell: :P
[20:07:08] Michael-Kun: i havent thought that far ahead yet
[20:07:10] Michael-Kun: lolz
[20:07:14] Maxwell: :P
[20:07:21] Maxwell: will u be suing ED or Alex?
[20:07:29] Michael-Kun: neither
[20:07:35] Maxwell: !?
[20:07:38] Maxwell: then who?
[20:07:48] Michael-Kun: i may be arrested
[20:07:53] Michael-Kun: for pedophilia
[20:07:56] Maxwell: omg
[20:08:06] Michael-Kun: thats what EDSinger meant by revenge
[20:08:20] Michael-Kun: She played 12 year old
[20:08:34] Michael-Kun: but her mom called me back and apologized
[20:08:40] Michael-Kun: ^_^
[20:08:54] Maxwell: omg what happed?
[20:09:01] Maxwell: what did EDsinger do to you?
[20:09:17] Michael-Kun: she wasted 6 hours making a video harrassing me
[20:09:40] Michael-Kun: and she then went and lied to me saying it was too flatter me
[20:10:27] Michael-Kun: she was bawling on the phone bitchin me out about it..her parents came into her room and caught her on the phone and her mom called me back with all these accusations and shit..and then i told her everything her daughters been doin...
[20:11:00] Michael-Kun: she then double checked my story...called back and Apologized...her dads not convinced tho
[20:11:02] Maxwell: wow
[20:11:09] Maxwell: what did her dad say?
[20:11:43] Michael-Kun: "consider yourself warned "scott" i know where you live! you better prepare yourself in 2 days!"
[20:11:57] Maxwell: wow this is serious business
[20:12:08] Michael-Kun: but in 2 days i'll be long gone ^_^
[20:12:14] Maxwell: what if he comes sooner
[20:12:16] Maxwell: to hurt you
[20:12:18] Maxwell: :((
[20:12:19] Michael-Kun: psh
[20:12:24] Michael-Kun: psh
[20:12:49] Maxwell: i think you should call the police just in case ~.~
[20:12:55] Michael-Kun: nope
[20:13:01] Michael-Kun: the police will arrest me
[20:13:04] Michael-Kun: -.-
[20:13:08] Maxwell: for pedophilia?
[20:13:15] Michael-Kun: Hacking/Extortion
[20:13:31] Maxwell: do you think the FBI is investigating your pedophilia case?
[20:13:37] Michael-Kun: Doubtful
[20:13:41] Michael-Kun: they need my real name lolz
[20:13:49] Maxwell: oh it's not scott?
[20:13:50] Maxwell: lolz
[20:13:53] Michael-Kun: NO WAY
[20:13:55] Michael-Kun: lolz
[20:13:57] Maxwell: !!
[20:14:02] Maxwell: what about Michael?
[20:14:03] Maxwell: lol
[20:14:07] Michael-Kun: noooope
[20:14:16] Maxwell: xDD
[20:16:04] Michael-Kun: kekekekeke
[20:16:09] Michael-Kun: im always 1 step ahead
[20:16:26] Michael-Kun: dad was shocked when he found out how much evidence i had against these bastards ^_^
[20:57:21] Maxwell: lol so ur dad doesnt think ur so crazy about this anymore?
[20:58:03] Michael-Kun: nope
[20:58:05] Michael-Kun: XD
[20:58:12] Michael-Kun: also..later...i found a ride xD
[20:58:22] Michael-Kun: check out my 2 new videos ^_^
[20:58:44] *** "Michael-Kun" signed off at Tue Mar 02 20:58:44 2010.
Session Close (Michael-Kun): Tue Mar 02 21:03:17 2010

Session Start ( Wed Mar 03 14:35:48 2010

[14:35:48] Michael-Kun: im at my BFs place XD
[14:35:48] *** Auto-response sent to Michael-Kun: I am currently away from the computer.
[15:44:44] Maxwell: oh really?
[16:26:27] Michael-Kun: yep
[16:26:27] *** Auto-response sent to Michael-Kun: I am currently away from the computer.
[16:26:29] Michael-Kun: :D
[19:12:11] *** "Michael-Kun" signed off at Wed Mar 03 19:12:11 2010.
Session Close (Michael-Kun): Wed Mar 03 20:04:58 2010

Session Start ( Thu Mar 04 06:30:17 2010

[06:30:17] Michael-Kun: hai2u!
[06:30:20] Michael-Kun: :D
[06:53:35] *** "Michael-Kun" signed off at Thu Mar 04 06:53:35 2010.
[13:33:06] *** "Michael-Kun" signed on at Thu Mar 04 13:33:06 2010.
[13:40:18] Michael-Kun: Im so hiiiigh XD
[13:40:18] *** Auto-response sent to Michael-Kun: I am currently away from the computer.
[13:49:08] *** "Michael-Kun" signed off at Thu Mar 04 13:49:08 2010.
Session Close (Michael-Kun): Thu Mar 04 22:33:52 2010

Session Start ( Fri Mar 05 18:28:51 2010

[18:28:51] Michael-Kun: sup max :D
[18:28:52] *** Auto-response sent to Michael-Kun: I am currently away from the computer.
[19:34:45] Maxwell: heyy
[19:34:55] Maxwell: sorry i have been busy lately lol
[19:34:59] Maxwell: what's up?
[19:36:18] Michael-Kun: im at my BF's
[19:36:23] Michael-Kun: wanna call?
[19:36:24] Michael-Kun: :D
[19:36:36] Maxwell: call ur bf's house>
[19:36:37] Maxwell: ?
[19:36:44] Michael-Kun: no call me!
[19:36:45] Michael-Kun: lolz
[19:36:49] Michael-Kun: you has muh numbah
[19:36:53] Michael-Kun: ;)
[19:36:54] Maxwell: not today lol :P
[19:37:00] Michael-Kun: aww
[19:37:01] Maxwell: you never gave it to me :P
[19:37:03] Michael-Kun: im soo high
[19:37:04] Michael-Kun: -.-
[19:37:18] Michael-Kun: oh by the way....i won again
[19:37:25] Maxwell: !!
[19:37:28] Michael-Kun: i saw through every single trick last night
[19:37:36] Maxwell: what tricks?
[19:37:46] Michael-Kun: the 12 year old gurl called back lolz
[19:38:05] Maxwell: lolz xP
[19:38:08] Michael-Kun: and then 2 dudes called who claimed to be from youtube
[19:38:15] Michael-Kun: i saw through it
[19:38:17] Michael-Kun: XD
[19:38:46] Maxwell: hehe what did they say?
[19:38:50] Maxwell: the callers :P
[19:38:57] Michael-Kun: they were tryin to trace me
[19:38:59] Michael-Kun: lolz
[19:39:17] Maxwell: lool xDD
[20:04:10] Michael-Kun: you suck
[20:04:29] Maxwell: whaat?
[20:04:31] Maxwell: :((
[20:42:49] *** "Michael-Kun" signed off at Fri Mar 05 20:42:49 2010.
Session Close (Michael-Kun): Fri Mar 05 21:24:23 2010

Session Start ( Fri Mar 12 11:41:29 2010

[11:41:29] Michael-Kun: i beat them all xD
[11:41:29] *** Auto-response sent to Michael-Kun: I am currently away from the computer.
[11:41:30] Michael-Kun: :DD
[15:33:55] Maxwell: hey!!
[15:34:01] Maxwell: havent talked to you in a while
[15:34:04] Maxwell: what did u do?
[16:22:25] Michael-Kun: hehe
[16:22:26] Michael-Kun: :DD
Session Close (Michael-Kun): Fri Mar 12 16:52:28 2010

Session Start ( Sat Mar 13 20:54:52 2010

[20:54:56] Maxwell: what's up?
[20:55:14] Michael-Kun: nothin
[20:55:17] Michael-Kun: just got home
[20:55:18] Michael-Kun: :DD
[20:55:28] Maxwell: ur not at ur BFs anymore?
[20:56:19] Michael-Kun: nope
[20:56:26] Maxwell: :o
[20:56:32] Michael-Kun: no prank calls anymore either
[20:56:36] Michael-Kun: mwahhahhahahahhahhahahah
[20:56:38] Maxwell: wowww! :D
[20:56:41] Maxwell: so u win now?
[20:56:50] Michael-Kun: because we convinced the trolls that my number is actually my bf's
[20:56:54] Michael-Kun: lmfao
[20:56:56] Michael-Kun: XD
[20:57:12] Michael-Kun: i also talked too SOME of them individually and told them the truth
[20:57:22] Michael-Kun: im actually goin to see one of them soon
[20:57:34] Michael-Kun: i found out there are some trolls here in oklahoma
[20:57:45] Maxwell: oh yeah?
[20:57:48] Maxwell: and ur gonna meet one?
[20:57:59] Michael-Kun: i knew if i showed myself at a movie with dad or at walmart that some of them would talk with me
[20:58:07] Michael-Kun: one or 2 yeah
[20:58:09] Michael-Kun: lol
[20:58:13] Maxwell: hmm is it safe?
[21:00:28] Michael-Kun: i sense no hostility
[21:00:42] Michael-Kun: of course i was high at the time and my power works better when stoned
[21:00:51] Maxwell: heheh xDD
[21:00:58] Michael-Kun: dude i was blitzed for 2 weeks
[21:01:11] Maxwell: oh wow did ur bf get some good stuff?
[21:01:15] Michael-Kun: hell yes!
[21:01:31] Michael-Kun: we got a rare kind called Vampiric Blood Weed
[21:01:49] Maxwell: how does one get that?
[21:02:03] Michael-Kun: that kind fucks you up well as kill pain, relax you, and makes the room look purple
[21:02:14] Maxwell: lol xD
[21:02:17] Maxwell: how do u make it?
[21:02:22] Michael-Kun: you grow it
[21:02:24] Michael-Kun: in Romania
[21:02:45] Michael-Kun: ahh! its called Romanian Blood Weed
[21:02:46] Maxwell: transylvania specifically?
[21:02:46] Maxwell: lol
[21:02:51] Michael-Kun: yes
[21:02:51] Michael-Kun: lol
[21:03:12] Maxwell: must be expensive because of the shipping costs and what not
[21:04:31] Michael-Kun: wasnt that expensive
[21:04:43] Michael-Kun: $200 for a 2 lber
[21:04:43] Michael-Kun: :P
[21:05:32] Maxwell: hehe
[21:05:39] Maxwell: so what else did u do at ur BFs?
[21:07:05] Michael-Kun: made out
[21:07:14] Michael-Kun: tickled him and he tickled me
[21:07:19] Michael-Kun: watched south park
[21:07:23] Maxwell: lol xD
[21:07:23] Michael-Kun: got robbed
[21:07:24] Michael-Kun: lolz
[21:07:26] Maxwell: huhhh
[21:07:28] Maxwell: robbed?
[21:07:30] Michael-Kun: yep
[21:07:43] Michael-Kun: had my gas money stolen, my glasses stolen and his computer got stolen
[21:07:51] Maxwell: holy shit
[21:08:04] Maxwell: like did the crook break into his house?
[21:17:36] Michael-Kun: yep
[21:17:44] Michael-Kun: we were both asleep when it happened
[21:17:54] Maxwell: i am concern
[21:18:06] Maxwell: doesnt ur bf live with his parents?
[21:18:11] Michael-Kun: nope
[21:18:12] Michael-Kun: alone
[21:18:13] Michael-Kun: :DD
[21:18:18] Michael-Kun: same with me
[21:18:20] Maxwell: i thought u told me he does live iwth them
[21:18:24] Michael-Kun: haha!
[21:18:29] Maxwell: what?
[21:18:30] Maxwell: lol
[21:18:41] Michael-Kun: i TOLD EVERYONE my boyfriend lived with his parents
[21:18:48] Michael-Kun: so they'd get off my back
[21:18:51] Maxwell: xD
[21:18:57] Maxwell: well you got me :P
[21:19:09] Maxwell: does he live in a bad area?
[21:19:14] Michael-Kun: EDSingers dead
[21:19:15] Michael-Kun: ;)
[21:19:26] Michael-Kun: i told the bitch dont go to the ghetto
[21:19:28] Maxwell: WHAT? really? dead?
[21:19:35] Michael-Kun: and she didnt listen
[21:19:42] Maxwell: omg what do you mean?
[21:20:20] Michael-Kun: i told her i lived in Turley oklahoma..and that crips reside there..and i told her not to say CRABASS there..she didnt listen...her friends are distraught
[21:20:45] Maxwell: wow
[21:20:49] Maxwell: what do you mean CRABASS?
[21:20:57] Michael-Kun: Derrogatory term for crip
[21:21:02] Michael-Kun: not cripple
[21:21:04] Michael-Kun: the gang
[21:21:04] Michael-Kun: lol
[21:21:08] Michael-Kun: Crips and bloods
[21:21:08] Maxwell: yeah lol
[21:21:09] Michael-Kun: lolz
[21:21:20] Maxwell: but wut if this is traced back 2 u?
[21:21:26] Michael-Kun: it wont be
[21:21:31] Michael-Kun: it'll be marked as a homicide
[21:21:34] Michael-Kun: :DD
[21:21:42] Michael-Kun: PERFECT CRIME! i wasnt there so they cant blame me
[21:21:49] Maxwell: just as planned?
[21:21:57] Michael-Kun: i didnt plan on her dying to crips
[21:22:25] Michael-Kun: the plan went sour when i came home
[21:22:33] Michael-Kun: they were watchin the complex
[21:23:00] Michael-Kun: and once again...plans change...i aint leaving on the 15th as planned...we decided to wait awhile
[21:23:15] Maxwell: what complex?
[21:23:23] Michael-Kun: my apartment complex
[21:23:24] Michael-Kun: lol
[21:23:27] Maxwell: lol who?
[21:23:29] Maxwell: the trolls?
[21:23:37] Michael-Kun: i hate satellites
[21:23:42] Michael-Kun: -.-
[21:24:24] Maxwell: they are using a satellite 2 watch u?
[21:28:23] Michael-Kun: maybe
[21:28:25] Michael-Kun: i dont know
[21:28:51] Maxwell: so are u happy edsingers is dead?
[21:29:13] Michael-Kun: not really
[21:29:21] Michael-Kun: im glad she's out of my hair tho
[21:29:22] Michael-Kun: ^_^
[21:30:07] Maxwell: he he :P
[21:34:13] Maxwell: so why arent u leaving on the 15th?
[21:43:29] Michael-Kun: dont know
[21:43:33] Michael-Kun: -_-
[21:43:48] Maxwell: :/
[22:20:31] Maxwell: Manny Pacquiao vs Joshua Clottey
[22:20:34] Maxwell: who will win?
[22:23:48] Michael-Kun: Manny
[22:23:49] Michael-Kun: ;)
[22:24:00] Michael-Kun: of course i dont know what this is
[22:24:04] Michael-Kun: is it UFC?
[22:24:08] Maxwell: boxing
[22:24:55] Michael-Kun: ah
[22:25:00] Michael-Kun: i dont watch that
[22:25:00] Michael-Kun: lol
[22:25:12] Maxwell: lol
[22:26:31] Michael-Kun: ugh, youtube sux
[22:26:39] Michael-Kun: it knocked out 2 minutes of silence
[22:26:39] Michael-Kun: :(
[22:26:57] Maxwell: what do u mean?
[22:27:49] Michael-Kun: i made another video
[22:27:56] Michael-Kun: and it knocked out 2 minutes
[22:27:58] Michael-Kun: :(
[22:28:17] Maxwell: wow that sucks
Session Close (Michael-Kun): Sat Mar 13 23:46:51 2010

Session Start ( Sun Mar 14 14:42:53 2010

[14:43:02] Maxwell: heyyyy whats up today? :P
[15:15:38] Michael-Kun: i just found out EDsingers alive
[15:15:42] Michael-Kun: and her name isnt cassandra
[15:15:51] Michael-Kun: thing is...i already knew XD
[15:20:03] Maxwell: lol really?
[15:20:07] Maxwell: so what is her name?
[15:20:23] Michael-Kun: still dont know
[15:20:42] Maxwell: who told you edsingers is still alive and isnt cassandra?
[15:20:53] Michael-Kun: Tmiller
[15:21:06] Michael-Kun: wanna know the best part? kekekekeke
[15:21:21] Michael-Kun: me and my bf pulled a fast one...they will never prank call me ever again
[15:21:38] Maxwell: lolz what did u do?
[15:21:51] Michael-Kun: kept hangin up
[15:21:54] Michael-Kun: XD
[15:22:08] Michael-Kun: and i blocked any phone number that starts with 0
[15:22:29] Maxwell: hehe :P
[15:23:09] Michael-Kun: XD
[15:23:17] Maxwell: i dont think i know who Tmiller is
[15:24:26] Michael-Kun: i blocked alot of his comments
[15:24:29] Michael-Kun: lolz
[15:24:56] Michael-Kun: so who won in boxing?
[15:25:00] Michael-Kun: ^^
[15:25:03] Maxwell: manny
[15:25:06] Michael-Kun: :-O
[15:25:17] Maxwell: the other guy didnt really stand a chance lol
[15:25:20] Michael-Kun: lolz
[15:25:26] Maxwell: he was out of manny's league
[15:25:27] Michael-Kun: damn...
[15:25:32] Maxwell: what?
[15:25:40] Michael-Kun: i was right?
[15:25:41] Michael-Kun: lol
[15:25:45] Maxwell: yeah lol
[15:25:57] Michael-Kun: >.>
[15:26:03] Maxwell: what's wrong?
[15:26:10] Michael-Kun: im starting to get freaked out
[15:26:17] Maxwell: how so?
[15:27:05] Michael-Kun: i was right about the earthquakes, sports predictions and the fact that i knew i was being trolled and they werent serious..omg...all my visions have come to pass :(
[15:27:25] Maxwell: you doubted your powers?
[15:27:31] Michael-Kun: the one that has YET to come to another Earthquake...
[15:27:50] Michael-Kun: i dont call it a power persay...its more like a gift
[15:27:59] Maxwell: but you doubted it?
[15:28:14] Michael-Kun: nope
[15:28:18] Michael-Kun: im just in shock is all
[15:28:19] Michael-Kun: lol
[15:28:34] Maxwell: :P
[18:45:52] Maxwell: so u got a new phone?
[18:46:22] Michael-Kun: yep
[18:46:27] Michael-Kun: snaisybelle xD
[18:46:37] Maxwell: what is that?
[18:46:55] Michael-Kun: whoops forgot to type the rest out lolz im such a ditz
[18:47:13] Michael-Kun: snaisybell dramatica contacted me and is getting rid of the webpage xD
[18:47:29] Maxwell: oh yeah?
[18:47:38] Maxwell: snaisybell can do that?
[18:47:49] Michael-Kun: yep if i do something like claim i had phone sex with her
[18:47:54] Michael-Kun: yep she's the new admin
[18:48:00] Maxwell: oh yeah?
[18:48:08] Maxwell: and you'll claim you had phone sex with her? lol
[18:48:19] Michael-Kun: if it means getting my page down damn right
[18:48:19] Michael-Kun: ;)
[18:48:33] Maxwell: :P
[18:58:40] Maxwell: wow just saw this
[18:59:00] Maxwell: is this ok with you?
[19:01:00] Michael-Kun: OH MY GOD! PERFECTION!
[19:01:08] Maxwell: you like it?
[19:01:09] Maxwell: lolz
[19:05:17] Michael-Kun: i like
[19:05:25] Michael-Kun: but i didnt like it when he called me a she!
[19:05:27] Michael-Kun: omg
[19:05:30] Michael-Kun: :S
[19:05:34] Michael-Kun: i dont believe it
[19:05:34] Maxwell: ehh D:
[19:05:46] Maxwell: so now what will you do?
[19:05:50] Maxwell: since he called u a she
[19:06:10] Michael-Kun: cant complain
[19:06:11] Michael-Kun: lol
[19:06:42] Maxwell: yeah i guess so
[19:06:51] Maxwell: and as long as ur page goes down because of this rite?
[19:10:50] Michael-Kun: i have to do 1 more
[19:11:19] Maxwell: ah
[19:11:25] Maxwell: so you just gotta film again?
[19:11:42] Michael-Kun: yep
[19:11:50] Michael-Kun: alex has proven to me he can be sweet
[19:12:21] Michael-Kun: im considering "returning" his website after all is said and done xD
[19:12:31] Michael-Kun: but im sure that my followers have..DELETED it
[19:12:32] Michael-Kun: xD
[19:13:02] Maxwell: oh you are capable of returning his site to him?!
[19:13:08] Michael-Kun: im not no
[19:13:11] Michael-Kun: but my friends are
[19:13:12] Michael-Kun: xD
[19:14:22] Maxwell: hehe coool
[19:16:32] Maxwell: o yah you said you have a spy in ED still?
[19:17:20] Michael-Kun: yep
[19:18:02] Maxwell: really? what does he say is happening?
[19:18:54] Michael-Kun: i havent heard from him lately
[19:19:02] Maxwell: ah, who is it?
[19:19:35] Michael-Kun: i cant remember
[19:20:28] Maxwell: kk :P
[20:56:40] *** "Michael-Kun" signed off at Sun Mar 14 20:56:40 2010.
Session Close (Michael-Kun): Sun Mar 14 22:03:00 2010

Session Start ( Mon Mar 15 16:57:27 2010

[16:57:32] Maxwell: hey hey what's up?
[16:58:44] Michael-Kun: nothin just woke up
[16:58:45] Michael-Kun: :D
[16:58:49] Maxwell: lolz
[17:13:44] *** "Michael-Kun" signed off at Mon Mar 15 17:13:44 2010.
Session Close (Michael-Kun): Mon Mar 15 21:11:45 2010

Session Start ( Tue Mar 16 17:40:04 2010

[17:40:10] Maxwell: hey what's up?
[17:52:42] Michael-Kun: got another hacker friend
[17:52:48] Michael-Kun: this dude seems powerful too
[17:53:01] Michael-Kun: he "claims" that he's one of the elite
[21:16:00] Maxwell: wow really?
[21:16:01] Maxwell: lol
[21:16:07] Michael-Kun: yep
[21:16:09] Maxwell: are his claims legit?
[21:16:15] Michael-Kun: guess what...ooples got arrested!
[21:16:20] Michael-Kun: a leader of ED
[21:16:21] Michael-Kun: XD
[21:16:22] Maxwell: who is ooples?
[21:16:32] Maxwell: oh i thought that was girlvinyl lol
[21:16:37] Maxwell: the leader that is
[21:16:56] Michael-Kun: apparently he was trolling my friend Ballenger to much he planted evidence
[21:17:02] Michael-Kun: kekekekekekekke
[21:17:08] Michael-Kun: watch my video to learn more
[21:17:08] Michael-Kun: :D
[21:17:16] Maxwell: i cant rite now lol
[21:18:15] Maxwell: any other news?
[21:18:20] Michael-Kun: im winning
[21:18:23] Michael-Kun: obviously
[21:18:23] Michael-Kun: XD
[21:18:25] Maxwell: xPP
[21:18:33] Maxwell: news i dont know about :P
[21:22:05] Maxwell: so nothing else new? :P
[21:25:37] Michael-Kun: nope
[21:28:49] Maxwell: nothing new with life? :PP
[21:29:04] Michael-Kun: nope
[21:29:05] Michael-Kun: lol
[21:29:14] Michael-Kun: also...we also targetted moot and alex
[21:29:18] Michael-Kun: XD
[21:29:52] Maxwell: alex again?
[21:29:57] Maxwell: i thought u were dun with him?
[21:31:01] Michael-Kun: he lied to me
[21:31:04] Michael-Kun: therefore...
[21:31:10] Michael-Kun: he deserves what he gets
[21:31:11] Michael-Kun: -.-
[21:45:38] Maxwell: and what about moot?
[21:46:10] Michael-Kun: moot the head of 4chan
[21:46:12] Michael-Kun: XD
[21:46:21] Michael-Kun: take out the head and the hive will die
[21:46:47] Maxwell: how did u find out about ooples?
[21:48:12] Michael-Kun: thats my secret
[21:48:19] Maxwell: lol huh?
[21:48:26] Michael-Kun: i told you i work behind the scenes
[21:48:28] Michael-Kun: im a ninja
[21:48:32] Maxwell: im sure it doesnt matter now that he is arrested lolz
[21:48:37] Maxwell: i just wanna know :P
[21:48:38] Michael-Kun: oh it does matter
[21:48:48] Michael-Kun: MORE will follow suit if that page isnt down
[21:49:01] Maxwell: but what did ooples do to get arrested?
[21:49:07] Michael-Kun: harrassed me
[21:49:10] Michael-Kun: ^_^
[21:49:23] Michael-Kun: and my hacker bud kinda went overboard and planted Evidence
[21:49:27] Maxwell: ahh i havent seen him on youtube tho
[21:49:35] Maxwell: oh really?
[21:49:36] Michael-Kun: he's on ED
[21:49:41] Maxwell: ah i see
[21:49:47] Maxwell: did he edit your article?
[21:49:52] Michael-Kun: once
[21:49:58] Maxwell: :o
[21:50:14] Maxwell: arrested for 1 edit is a little overboard :P
[21:50:32] Maxwell: how long is his sentence?
[21:55:06] Maxwell: well xD
[21:58:10] Michael-Kun: he was arrested for Fraud
[21:58:11] Michael-Kun: XD
[22:05:05] Maxwell: :O
[22:05:36] Maxwell: was the hacker who hacked alex's site also responsible for planting evidence?
[22:08:18] Michael-Kun: probably
[22:08:19] Michael-Kun: lol
[22:08:34] Maxwell: lolz
Session Close (Michael-Kun): Tue Mar 16 22:24:47 2010

Session Start ( Wed Mar 17 19:14:46 2010

[19:14:46] Michael-Kun: The ED page is down! i repeat the ED page is down!
[19:15:02] Michael-Kun: Snaisybelle dramatica and ooples were arrested! and 42 anons DIED xD
[19:15:05] Michael-Kun: im happy! im sooooo happy!
[19:15:06] Michael-Kun: XD
[19:15:14] Maxwell: WOW really!?
[19:15:24] Maxwell: what did snaisybelle do?
[19:15:44] Michael-Kun: my source didnt tell me
[19:15:46] Michael-Kun: lolz
[19:15:52] Maxwell: ah
[19:16:09] Maxwell: what's up with 42 anons dying lol?
[19:17:52] Michael-Kun: They sent me Nitro bombs
[19:17:57] Michael-Kun: and my friend Redirected them
[19:18:13] Maxwell: nitro bombs?
[19:18:14] Maxwell: lol
[19:18:29] Michael-Kun: Nitroglycerin
[19:18:34] Michael-Kun: highly Volital
[19:18:43] Michael-Kun: and will freeze flesh if Detonated
[19:18:46] Maxwell: how did they get their hands on that?
[19:18:54] Maxwell: oh like star wars
[19:18:55] Michael-Kun: beats the fuck out of me
[19:18:55] Michael-Kun: lol
[19:19:13] Maxwell: but how did your friend redirect them? lol
[19:19:20] Michael-Kun: he's apparently really smart
[19:19:21] Michael-Kun: lol
[19:19:29] Maxwell: interesting
[19:19:42] Maxwell: how did he find out about them being sent in the first place? lol
[19:19:58] Michael-Kun: he told me
[19:20:01] Michael-Kun: he's my spy
[19:20:02] Michael-Kun: XD
[19:20:20] Maxwell: lolz xD
[19:20:23] Maxwell: who is he?
[19:20:40] Michael-Kun: his name is Jimmy
[19:20:42] Michael-Kun: XD
[19:20:53] Maxwell: oh i mean online name lolz
[19:21:11] Michael-Kun: he prefers to remain anonomous
[19:21:34] Maxwell: u dont know or u wont tell me? lolz
[19:21:43] Michael-Kun: i cant tell sworn to secrecy
[19:21:51] Michael-Kun: -_-
[19:22:09] Maxwell: :(
Session Close (Michael-Kun): Wed Mar 17 22:34:08 2010

Session Start ( Sat Mar 20 17:22:53 2010

[17:22:59] Maxwell: hey uhh
[17:23:10] Maxwell: i just checked ed
[17:23:20] Maxwell: what is with the video on the front page?
[17:23:28] Michael-Kun: dont ask
[17:23:29] Michael-Kun: lolz
[17:23:50] Michael-Kun: someone thought it would be clever to post a video i SENT to nolan
[17:23:57] Maxwell: omg
[17:24:16] Maxwell: what do you think about this?
[17:24:28] Michael-Kun: they have me in a tough spot
[17:24:35] Michael-Kun: i was FORCED to give up
[17:24:36] Michael-Kun: -.-
[17:24:44] Maxwell: you surrendered?
[17:24:48] Michael-Kun: so now, im being told to go against 4CHAN
[17:24:49] Michael-Kun: -.-
[17:24:58] Maxwell: :/
[17:25:14] Maxwell: but you are letting the trolls win the war?
[17:25:18] Michael-Kun: what im not telling those EDiots is...i now have 1000 hackers working on this ahahhahahhahahahhaha
[17:25:37] Maxwell: omgz how did u enlist all of them? lol
[17:25:46] Michael-Kun: i friends cousin did
[17:26:07] Michael-Kun: and i have an assassin workin with me too
[17:26:09] Michael-Kun: :DD
[17:26:14] Maxwell: woww
[17:26:16] Maxwell: like cia?
[17:26:19] Michael-Kun: we find them...she gets them
[17:26:22] Michael-Kun: mwahhahahhahahhhaa
[17:26:53] Maxwell: r u gonna kill alex or whoever else now that u have an assassin?
[17:27:00] Michael-Kun: nope
[17:27:14] Michael-Kun: alex believe it or not is on my side :S
[17:27:17] Michael-Kun: ugh
[17:27:22] Maxwell: how so?
[17:27:42] Michael-Kun: me and the EDiots are planning on bringing 4chan down
[17:27:51] Michael-Kun: i dont trust them tho
[17:27:56] Michael-Kun: -_-
[17:28:07] Maxwell: if the ediots are on ur side why did they put that buttdance vid up?
[17:28:08] Maxwell: lolz
[17:28:16] Michael-Kun: THEY didnt
[17:28:22] Michael-Kun: some jackass named theo did
[17:28:53] Maxwell: theo hacked ed and put that up?
[17:29:03] Michael-Kun: i dont know HOW he did it
[17:29:07] Michael-Kun: brb
[17:29:09] Maxwell: omfg
[17:29:17] Maxwell: did u contact ed's administration?
[18:33:42] *** "Michael-Kun" signed off at Sat Mar 20 18:33:42 2010.
[18:33:43] *** "Michael-Kun" signed on at Sat Mar 20 18:33:43 2010.
[20:09:03] Maxwell: how do u know theo hacked ED and put up that video of u?
[20:11:33] Michael-Kun: he didnt hack it
[20:11:50] Michael-Kun: he probably gave the video too someone and they posted it
[20:11:52] Michael-Kun: i dont know
[20:11:53] Michael-Kun: -.-
[20:12:01] Maxwell: :o
[20:12:11] Maxwell: but who IS theo? :/
[20:12:23] Maxwell: someone you know?
[20:24:27] Michael-Kun: yep
[20:24:32] Michael-Kun: someone i met through nolan
[20:24:34] Michael-Kun: and tyler
[20:24:35] Michael-Kun: XD
Session Close (Michael-Kun): Sat Mar 20 22:15:29 2010

Session Start ( Sun Mar 21 14:52:23 2010

[14:52:23] Michael-Kun: seems i got a guardian angel lookin after me
[14:52:36] Michael-Kun: i received a message saying: Run, THEY ARE COMING etc
[15:59:10] Maxwell: the trolls are coming?
[15:59:12] Maxwell: for what?
Session Close (Michael-Kun): Sun Mar 21 21:19:38 2010

End Part 2 out of 3

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