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VS's original display name was (li):[(st)Michael-Kun(st):[(li) and was changed to Michael-Kun for tidiness.
VS is stuck up his own ass so much, that if you stroke his ego, he will be glad to converse at you (not with you).

Begin Part 1 out of 3

Session Start ( Wed Feb 17 11:41:54 2010

[11:42:00] Maxwell: hey! :D
[11:42:07] Michael-Kun: ohayo!
[11:42:09] Michael-Kun: :DD
[11:42:19] Maxwell: i actually have 2 go out rite now lol
[11:42:23] Maxwell: so we can talk later k?
[11:42:26] Michael-Kun: damn
[11:42:28] Maxwell: sorry :(
[11:42:28] Michael-Kun: and you just got here
[11:42:29] Michael-Kun: :(
[11:42:33] Maxwell: i know lol
[11:42:34] Maxwell: it sucks
[11:42:37] Michael-Kun: we win
[11:42:39] Maxwell: but we can def talk later
[11:42:40] Michael-Kun: round 1 2 and 3
[11:42:42] Michael-Kun: :DD
[11:42:49] Maxwell: we will win the war too
[11:42:54] Michael-Kun: indeedilydoo!
[11:42:55] Michael-Kun: XD
[11:42:59] Maxwell: :P
[11:43:03] Maxwell: ok cya
[11:43:10] Michael-Kun: latah
[11:43:11] Michael-Kun: :)
[11:43:16] Maxwell: i'll keep msn so you can message me while im gone ok?
[11:43:22] Michael-Kun: kk
[11:43:28] Maxwell: bye
[14:00:53] Maxwell: hey back
[14:05:33] Michael-Kun: wb
[14:05:39] Michael-Kun: themalcurian found the game i play
[14:05:45] Michael-Kun: or playED
[14:05:46] Michael-Kun: lol
[14:05:55] Michael-Kun: i let him have it
[14:05:58] Michael-Kun: oh boy did i ever
[14:06:00] Michael-Kun: lol
[14:06:04] Maxwell: eh?
[14:06:07] Maxwell: what did you do
[14:08:48] Michael-Kun: i cussed him out
[14:08:49] Michael-Kun: XD
[14:09:00] Michael-Kun: and HE got banned from the game
[14:09:02] Michael-Kun: not me
[14:09:03] Michael-Kun: ;)
[14:09:12] Maxwell: LOL
[14:09:17] Maxwell: what game is it?
[14:09:22] Michael-Kun: darkspace
[14:09:28] Michael-Kun: an MMORPG
[14:09:31] Michael-Kun: you'd like it i think
[14:09:42] Maxwell: i like mmos yeah
[14:11:33] Michael-Kun: :D
[14:11:36] Michael-Kun: :DD
[14:11:45] Michael-Kun: geeze murkypiss is still at it ugh
[14:11:48] Michael-Kun: -.-
[14:12:01] Maxwell: he's mad he got banned i bet lol
[14:12:14] Michael-Kun: he sent me a death threat VIA text message -.-
[14:12:30] Maxwell: you should report him to the police
[14:12:33] Michael-Kun: im SO not taking it seriously
[14:12:40] Michael-Kun: because i know he wont do it
[14:12:42] Maxwell: still report it
[14:12:42] Michael-Kun: :DD
[14:12:49] Maxwell: he could go to jail for that
[14:12:52] Michael-Kun: he blocked his number
[14:13:01] Michael-Kun: and it came out as a 9999 number
[14:13:03] Maxwell: but you know his name
[14:13:07] Michael-Kun: do i?
[14:13:10] Maxwell: yeah
[14:13:12] Maxwell: soren
[14:13:19] Michael-Kun: apparently that was lindas phone number
[14:13:23] Michael-Kun: Sorens mom
[14:13:24] Michael-Kun: ;)
[14:13:27] Maxwell: they live together
[14:13:35] Maxwell: i looked into that
[14:13:39] Maxwell: he still lives with his mom lol
[14:13:44] Michael-Kun: oh my god!
[14:13:48] Michael-Kun: seriously!?
[14:13:50] Maxwell: yeah
[14:13:54] Michael-Kun: hahahhahahahahaha
[14:14:08] Maxwell: he must stay on the computer all day trolling people
[14:14:09] Maxwell: lol
[14:15:00] Maxwell: also dapez14 is definitely a troll. fbi wouldnt contact you in youtube comments
[14:15:06] Michael-Kun: i know
[14:15:17] Michael-Kun: which is why i sounded suspicious ;)
[14:15:33] Maxwell: ;-P
[14:16:08] Maxwell: so what do you do for fun?
[14:16:15] Michael-Kun: sleep
[14:16:21] Michael-Kun: no im kidding
[14:16:21] Maxwell: lol :P
[14:16:22] Michael-Kun: lol
[14:16:28] Maxwell: i like sleep :P
[14:16:32] Michael-Kun: i go traveling
[14:16:36] Maxwell: cool
[14:16:45] Michael-Kun: goin to phoenix this spring :DD
[14:16:51] Maxwell: nice
[14:16:54] Maxwell: never been there
[14:17:09] Michael-Kun: and after that we're probably goin to NYC
[14:17:14] Michael-Kun: i've never been to NYC
[14:17:20] Maxwell: neither have i lol
[14:17:36] Maxwell: what else do you do?
[14:17:54] Maxwell: cant travel all the time lol :P
[14:20:26] Michael-Kun: i help people
[14:20:29] Michael-Kun: basically
[14:20:34] Michael-Kun: or try too
[14:20:35] Michael-Kun: lol
[14:20:43] Maxwell: lol
[14:20:48] Maxwell: in real life?
[14:20:51] Michael-Kun: yep
[14:20:53] Michael-Kun: and online
[14:20:56] Maxwell: a volunteer?
[14:21:04] Michael-Kun: you've seen the gathering i've gotten
[14:21:08] Maxwell: yeah
[14:21:16] Maxwell: very noble of you to help people
[14:21:18] Michael-Kun: the anti-cyberbully brigade lolz
[14:21:25] Maxwell: lol :P
[14:21:46] Maxwell: so in real life how do you help people?
[14:24:17] Michael-Kun: well when im in person with them i can actually sense the persons feelings and when i touch them i see their past
[14:24:37] Michael-Kun: i have an ability called Empathy
[14:24:46] Michael-Kun: only works close range tho
[14:24:54] Maxwell: when did you discover your ability?
[14:25:02] Michael-Kun: it came with the psychic ability lol
[14:25:08] Michael-Kun: so 16 years
[14:25:13] Maxwell: lol
[14:25:23] Maxwell: i cant imagine what it would be like to be psychic
[14:25:29] Maxwell: must be really cool
[14:25:38] Michael-Kun: cool? get ridiculed
[14:26:01] Maxwell: well i think it's cool :P
[14:26:31] Michael-Kun: the can predict accurate weather predictions, Football scores, stockmarket changes: the downside: Headaches, Dizzyness, etc
[14:26:50] Michael-Kun: for example: i predicted the saints would win
[14:26:54] Michael-Kun: but bet against them
[14:26:55] Maxwell: can you predict olympic outcomes lol?
[14:26:55] Michael-Kun: XD
[14:27:26] Michael-Kun: America 2 gold, France 3 Bronze, other countries, 2 gold, 3 bronze, 1 Silver
[14:27:35] Michael-Kun: maybe more
[14:27:58] Maxwell: that's awesome
[14:28:23] Michael-Kun: and heres the kicker
[14:28:26] Michael-Kun: i dont watch sports
[14:28:27] Michael-Kun: ;)
[14:28:32] Maxwell: lol
[14:28:37] Maxwell: what do you watch then?
[14:28:42] Michael-Kun: Sci-fi movies
[14:28:47] Michael-Kun: like Star trek
[14:28:49] Michael-Kun: :DD
[14:28:50] Michael-Kun: Caprica
[14:29:00] Maxwell: i like star trek
[14:29:04] Michael-Kun: i love it
[14:29:10] Michael-Kun: Star trek Generations is on hulu
[14:29:52] Michael-Kun: heres another outcome: Bioshock 2: 9.5 out of 10
[14:30:03] Michael-Kun: Mass Effect 2: 8.5 out of 10
[14:30:09] Michael-Kun: and i didnt watch the reviews
[14:30:10] Michael-Kun: ;)
[14:30:29] Maxwell: do you play video games?
[14:30:33] Michael-Kun: 6 months prior to obama becoming president i predicted it
[14:30:39] Maxwell: whoa
[14:30:49] Maxwell: i thought it was gonna be close xP
[14:30:50] Michael-Kun: i play some video games
[14:31:02] Michael-Kun: it wasnt EVEN close
[14:31:06] Maxwell: i know lol
[14:31:10] Maxwell: i was way wrong
[14:31:13] Michael-Kun: obama had the black panthers guarding every pollsite
[14:31:26] Maxwell: what do you mean?
[14:31:36] Michael-Kun: he BULLIED us into voting for him
[14:31:47] Maxwell: now i understand...
[14:31:48] Michael-Kun: and he acts cool
[14:31:52] Michael-Kun: sheesh
[14:31:52] Michael-Kun: -.-
[14:31:57] Maxwell: and that's why people dont really like him now right?
[14:32:08] Michael-Kun: no because obamas making empty promises
[14:32:16] Michael-Kun: once again...not watchin the news ;)
[14:32:24] Maxwell: well ur right
[14:32:31] Maxwell: he makes too many prmises
[14:32:33] Maxwell: :P
[14:32:51] Michael-Kun: the outcome of this trollwar is gonna be 50/50
[14:33:04] Maxwell: what does that mean?
[14:33:15] Michael-Kun: 50 i win 50 they win
[14:33:18] Michael-Kun: odds are against us
[14:33:19] Michael-Kun: :(
[14:33:37] Maxwell: they will get bored and leave you alone i am sure of that
[14:33:40] Michael-Kun: unless my trump card comes through
[14:33:48] Maxwell: what would that be?
[14:33:56] Michael-Kun: my friend hacks the site
[14:33:57] Michael-Kun: XD
[14:34:01] Maxwell: lool :P
[14:34:15] Maxwell: is he someone you know on youtube?
[14:34:21] Michael-Kun: nex is the one who gave me themalcurians info
[14:34:22] Michael-Kun: lol
[14:34:34] Michael-Kun: or was it you?
[14:34:39] Michael-Kun: im way to confused now
[14:34:40] Michael-Kun: lol
[14:34:41] Maxwell: i didnt
[14:34:42] Maxwell: lol
[14:34:47] Maxwell: i gave you murky's info
[14:34:55] Michael-Kun: which may have turned out wrong
[14:35:02] Maxwell: it's right
[14:35:09] Maxwell: he's denying it because he's afraid
[14:35:10] Michael-Kun: -_-
[14:35:15] Michael-Kun: haha!
[14:35:19] Michael-Kun: epic
[14:35:30] Maxwell: it's not like he's gonna admit he's soren lol :P
[14:35:37] Michael-Kun: um i know the hacker in real life cause he works for Justice
[14:35:38] Michael-Kun: ;)
[14:36:04] Maxwell: oh yeah? you have some good connections then :P
[14:36:12] Michael-Kun: you have no idea lolz
[14:36:48] Michael-Kun: i had to involve some from the game i play, SOME from facebook, i enlisted some from youtube, and my parents are doin their part
[14:37:06] Maxwell: whoa
[14:37:27] Maxwell: do you have like a gathering site for all of your allies or something lol
[14:37:36] Michael-Kun: and since this has escalated..i had to involve my local news network
[14:37:55] Maxwell: are they gonna make a story out of it?
[14:38:00] Michael-Kun: i pray they don
[14:38:02] Michael-Kun: dont*
[14:38:13] Maxwell: then whyd you involve them lol
[14:38:27] Michael-Kun: cause they give me advice
[14:38:34] Maxwell: oh
[14:38:47] Maxwell: what did they tell you to do?
[14:39:05] Michael-Kun: what they always say: Report it to the FBI Cybercrimes division
[14:39:14] Maxwell: i see
[14:39:28] Maxwell: i think you have enough evidence to report it to the FBI now
[14:39:32] Maxwell: since you have their names
[14:39:59] Maxwell: and maybe if the news makes a story, it'll be about malacurian and murky going to jail :P
[14:40:14] Michael-Kun: we can only hope
[14:40:25] Maxwell: yeah
[14:42:14] Michael-Kun: if the defense asks me to testify i wont
[14:42:23] Michael-Kun: we all know how that ends up
[14:42:24] Michael-Kun: -.-
[14:42:30] Maxwell: you should!
[14:42:45] Maxwell: protect other people from those bullies by getting them in jail
[14:42:58] Michael-Kun: ive run a bunch of scenarios in my head if i testify i get a bullet in the brain, if i dont, i go in hiding
[14:43:10] Maxwell: wow
[14:43:27] Maxwell: did you use your psychic powers to figure that out?
[14:43:37] Michael-Kun: i used my gut instinct
[14:43:43] Maxwell: i see
[14:44:00] Michael-Kun: besides my bf who is stronger than me...told me not to
[14:44:04] Michael-Kun: lolz
[14:44:10] Maxwell: lol
[14:44:19] Maxwell: is ur bf cute? :P
[14:44:22] Michael-Kun: yep
[14:44:26] Michael-Kun: his name is justice
[14:44:27] Michael-Kun: ;)
[14:44:44] Maxwell: that's a pretty awesome name lol
[14:44:52] Michael-Kun: he's a more powerful psychic than me and his predictions are never wrong
[14:45:20] Maxwell: he sounds like a really powerful and kind person
[14:45:29] Michael-Kun: yep
[14:45:32] Maxwell: and u say he's cute 2? lol
[14:45:32] Michael-Kun: he's on youtube
[14:45:40] Maxwell: does he vlog?
[14:45:42] Michael-Kun: yep
[14:45:47] Michael-Kun: hereforjusticeandall
[14:45:50] Michael-Kun: :)
[14:45:50] Michael-Kun: thats him
[14:46:09] Maxwell: checking his vlogs out
[14:47:16] Maxwell: yeah he is cute lol
[14:47:56] Michael-Kun: wait
[14:47:58] Michael-Kun: yer gay too?
[14:48:03] Maxwell: yeah
[14:48:04] Michael-Kun: :-O
[14:48:08] Maxwell: have been all my life lol
[14:48:09] Michael-Kun: i woulda never known
[14:48:44] Maxwell: i hate gay bashers :(
[14:48:55] Michael-Kun: actually i did know...but reading minds is kinda a bad thing ;)
[14:49:03] Michael-Kun: i hate them too
[14:49:19] Michael-Kun: one person successfully gaybashed me and never walked away from it
[14:49:26] Michael-Kun: cause i set the bastard on fire
[14:49:27] Michael-Kun: XD
[14:49:34] Maxwell: LOL really?
[14:49:38] Michael-Kun: yep
[14:49:40] Michael-Kun: with one thought
[14:49:50] Maxwell: you mean psychic powers?
[14:49:52] Michael-Kun: i blacked out
[14:50:06] Michael-Kun: and my neighbors and friends said they saw black flames coming from my hands
[14:50:26] Maxwell: wow. remind me never 2 get on ur bad side :P
[14:50:41] Michael-Kun: the blackflames had a name
[14:50:48] Michael-Kun: Amatarasu from the show naruto
[14:50:52] Michael-Kun: XD
[14:50:57] Maxwell: lol :P
[14:51:08] Maxwell: you decided on that name? :P
[14:51:22] Michael-Kun: no i call it DemonicSoul Flames
[14:51:34] Maxwell: i see
[14:51:44] Michael-Kun: cause since im pyrokinetic...the flames represent the moods im in
[14:51:54] Michael-Kun: black meaning anger, aggression, death
[14:52:03] Michael-Kun: Red, Yellow=Caution
[14:52:16] Maxwell: so is there a flame when you're happy?
[14:52:23] Michael-Kun: blue
[14:52:26] Michael-Kun: :)
[14:52:41] Maxwell: how does a good flame even work lol
[14:52:48] Maxwell: wouldnt it burn people?
[14:52:48] Michael-Kun: it doesnt
[14:52:49] Michael-Kun: lol
[14:52:59] Michael-Kun: i use that flame to melt wax
[14:53:01] Michael-Kun: and snow
[14:53:03] Michael-Kun: xD
[14:53:06] Maxwell: lol :P
[14:53:46] Michael-Kun: still workin on telekinesis tho
[14:54:10] Michael-Kun: i think these powers work when im in a heightened state of aggression or fear
[14:56:08] Maxwell: how is that power coming along?
[14:56:20] Michael-Kun: i still suck at it
[14:56:21] Michael-Kun: lol
[14:56:26] Maxwell: :P
[14:56:37] Michael-Kun: however im electro-kinetic
[14:56:55] Michael-Kun: when i get angry theres power outages, static electrical discharges and it affects the weather
[14:57:10] Maxwell: that's scary :P
[14:57:21] Maxwell: can you affect the weather where soren or alex lives?
[14:57:32] Michael-Kun: its nationwide
[14:57:39] Maxwell: :o
[14:57:51] Michael-Kun: Remember that deep freeze we had a few weeks back?
[14:57:54] Maxwell: would that explain some hurricanes then?
[14:57:59] Maxwell: kinda yeah
[14:58:06] Michael-Kun: that was both me and my bf
[14:58:08] Michael-Kun: :DD
[14:58:13] Maxwell: :o
[14:58:24] Maxwell: and how about some of the hurricanes?
[14:58:32] Michael-Kun: err
[14:58:42] Michael-Kun: i had no control over hurricane katrina
[14:58:59] Michael-Kun: however on my birthday...i lost control over my earth based power due to this drama
[14:59:08] Michael-Kun: and port au prince suffered
[14:59:08] Michael-Kun: :(
[14:59:13] Maxwell: :(
[14:59:19] Maxwell: so your birthday was recent??
[14:59:35] Michael-Kun: January 12th
[14:59:50] Maxwell: and malacurian trolled on tthat day...
[14:59:56] Michael-Kun: big time
[14:59:56] Maxwell: what a loser >:(
[15:00:35] Michael-Kun: if i ever meet him he's gonna get a faceplant in the concrete :|
[15:00:45] Maxwell: hehe
[15:00:56] Michael-Kun: or my sacrifical knife in his back XD
[15:01:07] Michael-Kun: and then i lick his blood off it and say a curse
[15:01:08] Michael-Kun: XD
[15:01:12] Maxwell: what is a sacrifical knife?
[15:01:27] Michael-Kun: a knife of the wiccan
[15:01:32] Maxwell: ah
[15:01:35] Maxwell: youre wiccan?
[15:01:43] Michael-Kun: spriritual
[15:01:49] Michael-Kun: i believe in God
[15:01:56] Michael-Kun: but i believe in OTHER forms of life
[15:01:57] Michael-Kun: lol
[15:02:05] Maxwell: lol
[15:02:20] Maxwell: so then did god give you psychic abilities?
[15:02:28] Michael-Kun: at 15
[15:02:46] Michael-Kun: but they didnt become fully activated until 2001
[15:02:50] Maxwell: did you see him when he gave them to you?
[15:02:53] Michael-Kun: no
[15:02:59] Maxwell: aw too bad
[15:03:06] Michael-Kun: i had a dream that i was gonna be given a great gift
[15:03:46] Michael-Kun: i didnt know it was gonna be psychic mimicry tho
[15:04:19] Michael-Kun: my mind mimics the combat abilities of others on TV shows lol
[15:04:26] Michael-Kun: its weird
[15:04:53] Maxwell: i dont understand. are you a really good martial artist now?
[15:04:55] Maxwell: lol
[15:05:00] Michael-Kun: not really
[15:05:05] Michael-Kun: i just know how to throw a mean punch
[15:05:15] Michael-Kun: by mean i mean put all my weight into it
[15:05:22] Maxwell: yeah :P
[15:05:36] Michael-Kun: multiply 300+ lbs to 10 MPH
[15:05:53] Maxwell: and that would hurt :P
[15:06:09] Michael-Kun: if i timed it correctly i could impale the person
[15:06:15] Michael-Kun: with my fist lol
[15:06:21] Michael-Kun: im scared of my own power
[15:06:27] Maxwell: that would really hurt!
[15:06:39] Maxwell: but i think getting burned would hurt more lol
[15:06:57] Michael-Kun: indeed
[15:08:31] Maxwell: brb
[15:11:59] Maxwell: back
[15:12:23] Michael-Kun: wb
[15:13:54] Maxwell: im so glad i dont have school today :P
[15:14:45] Michael-Kun: :-O
[15:14:49] Michael-Kun: yer still in school?
[15:14:53] Maxwell: college
[15:14:58] Maxwell: im 19 :P
[15:15:05] Michael-Kun: :DD
[15:15:27] Maxwell: you'd be 31 right?
[15:15:31] Michael-Kun: yep
[15:15:33] Maxwell: what do you do?
[15:15:42] Michael-Kun: i volunteer
[15:15:50] Maxwell: but for money?
[15:15:56] Michael-Kun: i'd rather not say
[15:16:03] Maxwell: i wont judge
[15:16:15] Michael-Kun: im on disability
[15:16:31] Maxwell: that's not so bad
[15:16:45] Maxwell: how'd you get it?
[15:16:51] Michael-Kun: car accident
[15:16:55] Michael-Kun: 13 years ago
[15:16:56] Michael-Kun: lol
[15:17:01] Maxwell: :o
[15:17:06] Maxwell: ow
[15:17:17] Maxwell: is it that you cannot walk or something?
[15:17:20] Michael-Kun: yeah kinda fucked up my back
[15:17:28] Michael-Kun: oh i can walk,
[15:17:36] Michael-Kun: just not long distances
[15:17:40] Maxwell: i see
[15:18:17] Maxwell: does the government satisfy your budget?
[15:18:24] Michael-Kun: kind
[15:18:27] Michael-Kun: kinda*
[15:18:37] Michael-Kun: im sorta happy with it lol
[15:18:43] Maxwell: yeah :P
[15:19:44] Maxwell: i hope you dont mind my asking, but is that lump on your forehead because of your psychic powers?
[15:19:57] Michael-Kun: oh thats not a lump
[15:20:08] Maxwell: what is it?
[15:20:12] Michael-Kun: thats from an OLLLLD video
[15:20:41] Maxwell: but that doesnt really explain what it is :/
[15:20:42] Michael-Kun: its a bruise
[15:20:46] Maxwell: oh
[15:20:47] Michael-Kun: with swelling
[15:20:53] Maxwell: howd that happen?
[15:20:55] Maxwell: looks like it hurt
[15:20:57] Michael-Kun: bat to the head
[15:20:58] Michael-Kun: -.-
[15:21:01] Maxwell: :o
[15:21:04] Maxwell: how!?
[15:21:10] Michael-Kun: i was jumped before christmas
[15:21:12] Michael-Kun: lolz
[15:21:16] Maxwell: ouch
[15:21:19] Maxwell: that really sucks
[15:21:20] Michael-Kun: yeah -_-
[15:21:39] Michael-Kun: i may have made it worse when i was almost run over by a car new years day
[15:21:47] Michael-Kun: i think i may have hit my head not sure tho
[15:22:04] Maxwell: lol
[15:22:08] Maxwell: thats some bad luck
[15:23:01] Maxwell: so is the swelling down now?
[15:23:05] Michael-Kun: oh yeah it is lolz
[15:23:09] Michael-Kun: sorta
[15:23:46] Maxwell: ive never been hit in the head :P but didnt that bat to your head give you a concussion?
[15:23:54] Michael-Kun: mild one
[15:24:07] Michael-Kun: it was the cause of the black out
[15:24:12] Maxwell: and this was right before xmas...
[15:24:14] Michael-Kun: i totally lost it
[15:24:23] Maxwell: oh, the flames?
[15:24:28] Michael-Kun: yep
[15:24:33] Michael-Kun: 3 people jumped me
[15:24:34] Michael-Kun: :(
[15:24:42] Maxwell: yikes!
[15:24:48] Maxwell: did they steal anything?
[15:24:56] Michael-Kun: well its better than 9 people that jumped me a year and a half ago
[15:25:01] Michael-Kun: nope
[15:25:09] Maxwell: NINE people?
[15:25:14] Maxwell: what was their deal?
[15:25:23] Michael-Kun: national gaybashing day
[15:25:31] Maxwell: didnt even know that existed
[15:25:35] Michael-Kun: or i should say "gay pride day"
[15:25:37] Michael-Kun: -.-
[15:25:40] Maxwell: oh
[15:25:53] Maxwell: so i take it you went to the parade?
[15:25:57] Michael-Kun: nope
[15:26:03] Michael-Kun: im smart enough to stay away from those
[15:26:06] Michael-Kun: lolz
[15:26:09] Maxwell: lol
[15:26:15] Michael-Kun: i may go this year tho
[15:26:24] Michael-Kun: im close enough to where it was last year
[15:26:27] Michael-Kun: XD
[15:26:31] Maxwell: xP
[15:26:39] Michael-Kun: XP
[15:29:15] Michael-Kun: hmm..i hope sxephil didnt put me on his Douchebag of the day list
[15:29:45] Maxwell: why would he?
[15:30:00] Michael-Kun: well threatening to take down the ED site is big news after all
[15:30:07] Maxwell: yeah
[15:30:24] Maxwell: it is nescessart tho
[15:31:41] Michael-Kun: heh
[15:31:42] Michael-Kun: XD
[15:31:58] Maxwell: didnt u predict this?
[15:31:59] Michael-Kun: we should totally give phil Themalcurians page
[15:32:01] Michael-Kun: XD
[15:32:18] Maxwell: yes! xD
[15:33:05] Michael-Kun: i had a dream about it
[15:33:07] Michael-Kun: :(
[15:33:18] Maxwell: must be scary to have those kinds of dreams
[15:33:27] Michael-Kun: oh yes
[15:33:36] Michael-Kun: hold on
[15:34:06] Maxwell: kk
[15:41:05] Michael-Kun: mwhahhahhaha
[15:41:08] Michael-Kun: i did it!
[15:41:11] Maxwell: what?
[15:41:20] Michael-Kun: i sent phil a potential Douchebag of the day
[15:41:23] Michael-Kun: for his next show
[15:41:24] Michael-Kun: XD
[15:41:25] Maxwell: lol!
[15:41:30] Maxwell: malacurian?
[15:41:34] Michael-Kun: damn right!
[15:41:36] Michael-Kun: :DD
[15:41:40] Maxwell: hell yeah! :P
[15:52:52] Maxwell: why dont you vlog with your face anymore?
[15:58:17] Michael-Kun: i have my reasons
[15:58:19] Michael-Kun: brb
[15:58:29] Maxwell: k
[15:58:46] Maxwell: what reasons are those?
[16:04:59] Michael-Kun: -.-
[16:05:10] Maxwell: j/w :\
[16:05:14] Michael-Kun: i hate people sayin im ugly so i just dont show my face
[16:05:20] Michael-Kun: :)
[16:05:25] Maxwell: you should listen to them
[16:05:29] Maxwell: shouldnt
[16:05:30] Maxwell: sorry
[16:07:32] Maxwell: i think you should make a new channel and tell only the people you trust about it
[16:26:19] Maxwell: r u there?
[16:26:31] Michael-Kun: yeah
[16:26:35] Michael-Kun: im watchin mass effect 2 cutscenes
[16:26:37] Michael-Kun: :DD
[16:26:41] Maxwell: ah lol
[16:26:48] Maxwell:
[16:07:32] Maxwell: i think you should make a new channel and tell only the people you trust about it
[16:26:57] Maxwell: you could also make vids private
[16:27:00] Maxwell: :P
[16:50:56] Michael-Kun: Capuletsdream aka brian turned traitor to alex
[16:50:59] Michael-Kun: :DD
[16:51:18] Maxwell: im not sure who that is
[16:51:28] Michael-Kun: his ex partner in crime
[16:51:48] Maxwell: dont trust him
[16:51:58] Michael-Kun: check the ED page
[16:52:01] Michael-Kun: the videos are gone
[16:52:01] Michael-Kun: XD
[16:52:02] Maxwell: he could try to extort info from you
[16:53:34] Maxwell: i still see videos :\
[16:55:12] Michael-Kun: some
[16:55:14] Michael-Kun: but not everything
[16:55:44] Maxwell: i think he may try to troll you
[16:55:47] Maxwell: :|
[16:57:58] Michael-Kun: i doubt it
[16:58:06] Michael-Kun: he says he didnt mean for things to go this far
[16:58:07] Michael-Kun: :(
[16:58:21] Maxwell: trolls lie all the time
[16:58:21] Michael-Kun: i believe his sincerity
[16:58:32] Maxwell: please dont trust him at least
[16:58:37] Michael-Kun: oh i dont
[16:58:45] Michael-Kun: read the comment on the latest video
[16:58:51] Maxwell: your vid?
[16:58:56] Michael-Kun: yep
[16:58:59] Maxwell: kk
[17:00:34] Maxwell: alex is in there :\
[17:10:24] Michael-Kun: huh
[17:10:26] Michael-Kun: in where?
[17:10:28] Michael-Kun: oh
[17:10:31] Michael-Kun: i know
[17:10:32] Michael-Kun: ;)
[17:10:39] Michael-Kun: i made a new vide
[17:10:45] Michael-Kun: calling the bastard out
[17:11:01] Michael-Kun: see im not angry about the videos
[17:11:11] Michael-Kun: im angry that alex involved my family
[17:11:11] *** Auto-response sent to Michael-Kun: I am currently idle.
[17:11:14] Michael-Kun: fucking cowards :(
[17:12:30] Maxwell: agreed
[17:12:39] Maxwell: attacking your family is not cool
[17:13:19] Michael-Kun: damn i lost my voice
[17:13:27] Maxwell: heh
[17:13:31] Michael-Kun: and something inside my head just snapped
[17:13:34] Michael-Kun: omg
[17:13:38] Maxwell: all of that yelling in your video might have done it :P
[17:13:38] Michael-Kun: my nose is bleeding!
[17:13:47] Maxwell: whoa
[17:14:01] Maxwell: did you predict this would happen?
[17:14:09] Michael-Kun: yes
[17:14:14] Michael-Kun: -.-
[17:14:23] Maxwell: then why are you acting like ur surpised?
[17:14:37] Michael-Kun: cause i hate it when my visions turn out to be my worst nightmare
[17:14:39] Michael-Kun: :(
[17:14:43] Maxwell: :(
[17:15:49] Maxwell: so are you gonna be alright?
[17:15:57] Michael-Kun: oh im fine
[17:16:04] Michael-Kun: my blood pressure is super elevated right now
[17:16:14] Maxwell: are you angry?
[17:16:20] Michael-Kun: of course
[18:02:23] Michael-Kun: well i looked on youtube and no malcurian in sight
[18:03:50] Maxwell: did he close his account??
[18:04:09] Michael-Kun: i dont know lol
[18:04:13] Michael-Kun: i just cant find any videos
[18:04:24] Maxwell: hmm
[18:04:27] Maxwell: i'll check
[18:07:35] Maxwell:
[18:11:04] Michael-Kun: tch
[18:11:04] Michael-Kun: -.-
[18:11:08] Michael-Kun: damniit :(
[18:11:17] Michael-Kun: me managed to mess up the page tho
[18:11:21] Michael-Kun: very...tacky
[18:11:23] Michael-Kun: -.-
[18:11:38] Maxwell: what happened to the page?
[18:12:56] Michael-Kun: my face is off it
[18:12:57] Michael-Kun: lolz
[18:13:15] Maxwell: on encyclopedia dramatica?
[18:13:28] Michael-Kun: no themalcurian
[18:13:31] Michael-Kun: lolz
[18:13:32] Maxwell: oh
[18:13:36] Maxwell: :p
[18:46:03] Maxwell: i like ur new vid :D
[18:46:29] Michael-Kun: XD
[18:46:35] Michael-Kun: mwahahhaha
[18:46:39] Michael-Kun: i was PISSED
[18:49:44] Maxwell: hehe
[18:49:54] Maxwell: dont let up on them now :P
[18:50:00] Maxwell: they're on the ropes
[18:50:04] Michael-Kun: hee
[18:50:20] Michael-Kun: i will release another video shortly after the alterations of ED
[18:50:21] Michael-Kun: XD
[18:51:38] Maxwell: cool :D
[19:10:04] Maxwell: i'll brb
[19:10:09] Michael-Kun: omg
[19:10:21] Maxwell: ?
[19:10:23] Michael-Kun: seems an admin from darkspace has taken control of Encyclopedia dramatica
[19:10:36] Maxwell: wow
[19:10:48] Maxwell: tell me all about it, i'll read it when i get back k?
[19:11:12] Michael-Kun: kk
[19:48:52] Maxwell: back
[19:49:02] Michael-Kun: new video up
[19:49:04] Michael-Kun: XD
[19:49:04] Maxwell: so what did a darkspace admin do?
[19:49:05] Maxwell: kk
[19:49:13] Michael-Kun: but...this isnt definite
[19:49:21] Maxwell: what isnt definite?
[19:49:26] Michael-Kun: i said to give the hacker time
[19:49:27] Michael-Kun: lol
[19:49:46] Maxwell: i dont think i understand :/
[19:49:55] Michael-Kun: the ED site is still up
[19:50:11] Michael-Kun: i even called out murkypiss
[19:50:15] Michael-Kun: mahahhaah
[19:51:29] Maxwell: hehe
[19:52:14] Maxwell: march 5th you win?
[19:52:21] Michael-Kun: XD
[19:52:55] Maxwell: hehe, i think soren's gonna keep denying everything
[19:53:06] Maxwell: just to get away from your wrath
[19:53:07] Maxwell: :P
[19:53:13] Michael-Kun: wont wok
[19:53:14] Michael-Kun: work*
[19:53:17] Michael-Kun: i know better
[19:53:18] Michael-Kun: XD
[19:54:49] Maxwell: xD this vid is epic
[19:59:07] Maxwell: murkypiss is gonna be pissed :P
[20:00:00] Michael-Kun: XD
[20:04:05] Maxwell: watched it a second time xP just as good as the last
[20:14:04] Michael-Kun: XD
[20:22:35] Michael-Kun: i think i can finally get some sleep
[20:22:44] Michael-Kun: the major part of the dramas over
[20:23:19] Michael-Kun: do whatever you can to get themalcurians page gone
[20:23:35] Michael-Kun: something about that unsightly Encyclopediadramatica webpage ugh
[20:23:36] Michael-Kun: -.-
[20:24:27] Maxwell: ok
[20:24:30] Maxwell: ur leaving now?
[20:26:14] Michael-Kun: yeah
[20:26:19] Maxwell: ok
[20:26:20] Michael-Kun: im horribly tired
[20:26:21] Michael-Kun: :(
[20:26:22] Maxwell: ttyl
[20:26:25] Maxwell: and for the record
[20:26:29] Maxwell: i think ur cute
[20:26:32] Maxwell: dont listen the trolls
[20:26:35] Maxwell: xP
[20:26:41] Michael-Kun: heh
[20:26:44] Michael-Kun: :DD
[20:26:51] Maxwell: bye bye
[20:27:00] *** "Michael-Kun" signed off at Wed Feb 17 20:27:00 2010.
Session Close (Michael-Kun): Wed Feb 17 20:27:06 2010

Session Start ( Thu Feb 18 19:24:44 2010

[19:24:48] Maxwell: hey :P
[19:24:59] Maxwell: you werent on all day :(
[19:26:01] Michael-Kun: i was sleeping
[19:26:08] Michael-Kun: finally
[19:26:09] Michael-Kun: XD
[19:26:32] Michael-Kun: those bastards crossed the line again
[19:26:39] Maxwell: :o
[19:26:48] Michael-Kun: they made a map that leads to my parents place
[19:27:03] Maxwell: hey, this is gonna sound weird, but did some guy named Hugo Stiglitz add you on FB?
[19:27:12] Maxwell: he PMed me saying he was from ED or something
[19:27:19] Maxwell: and he added you on FB
[19:27:22] Maxwell: :\
[19:27:27] Maxwell: i didnt know what to make of it
[19:27:27] Michael-Kun: i'll check
[19:28:42] Michael-Kun: he CLAIMS he did
[19:28:45] Michael-Kun: but he didnt
[19:28:47] Maxwell: hmm
[19:29:21] Maxwell: he said he just added you
[19:29:31] Maxwell: i dunno
[19:29:37] Maxwell: i could be wrong
[19:29:38] Michael-Kun: hah!
[19:29:42] Maxwell: ?
[19:29:46] Maxwell: did you find him?
[19:31:30] Michael-Kun: yep
[19:31:33] Michael-Kun: big ugly dude
[19:31:37] Maxwell: heh lol
[19:31:44] Maxwell: can you link me to his FB?
[19:31:46] Maxwell: i wanna see :P
[19:32:36] Michael-Kun: just do a seach
[19:32:39] Michael-Kun: err search
[19:32:39] Michael-Kun: :P
[19:32:45] Maxwell: lol
[19:32:53] Maxwell: i dont use facebook :P
[19:32:56] Maxwell: so i dont know how
[19:35:38] Maxwell: i think you should be more careful of people adding u on facebook
[19:35:53] Michael-Kun: I AM
[19:35:59] Michael-Kun: i ignore who i dont kow
[19:35:59] Maxwell: ok :)
[19:36:01] Michael-Kun: ;)
[19:36:10] Michael-Kun: unfortunately i was soo sleepy i didnt pay attention
[19:36:13] Michael-Kun: lol
[19:36:16] Maxwell: lol xD
[19:36:31] Michael-Kun: ended up adding some woman named candice mallard
[19:37:24] Maxwell: lol xD
[19:43:01] Maxwell: so i took a look at the article and i saw they put an address up on it
[19:43:05] Maxwell: that's ur parents u say?
[19:44:32] Maxwell: umh, i justt looked at ur facebook
[19:44:38] Maxwell: and saw this guy added u
[19:44:40] Maxwell: he is a troll
[19:51:34] Michael-Kun: lmao
[19:51:43] Michael-Kun: dont worry, the fanpage is gonna get deleted
[19:52:16] Maxwell: kk xP
[19:52:32] Maxwell: did the trolls do anything while you were sleeping?
[19:55:17] Michael-Kun:
[19:55:22] Michael-Kun: scroll to the bottom
[19:55:30] Maxwell: k
[19:55:44] Maxwell: "Gallery Of Trolling"?
[19:55:53] Maxwell: -.-
[19:56:33] Michael-Kun: and a map leading to my old place
[19:57:22] Maxwell: omg -.-
[19:57:30] Maxwell: didnt u say earlier that's ur parents place?
[19:57:31] Michael-Kun: teehee
[19:57:35] Michael-Kun: yep
[19:57:37] Michael-Kun: not mine
[19:57:40] Maxwell: -.-
[19:57:43] Maxwell: coward trolls
[20:01:30] Maxwell: any plans on what to do next?
[20:07:00] Michael-Kun: extortion
[20:07:00] Michael-Kun: :)
[20:07:07] Maxwell: LOL xDD
[20:07:08] Michael-Kun: bribery
[20:07:09] Michael-Kun: :)
[20:07:12] Maxwell: ehehe
[20:07:14] Maxwell: how?
[20:07:21] Michael-Kun: if they want me to stop making videos they're gonna have to pay me $10,000
[20:07:40] Maxwell: lool xD will you stop even if they pay?
[20:08:01] Michael-Kun: they give me $10,000 take down the site and i'll stop if they dont im taking the trolls information and sending it to every law office in the United states
[20:08:03] Michael-Kun: :DD
[20:08:09] Michael-Kun: HELL NO
[20:08:11] Michael-Kun: lolz
[20:08:32] Maxwell: lol! xD
[20:08:35] Maxwell: good idea :P
[20:08:52] Michael-Kun: i'll use that money to hire a hitman
[20:08:57] Michael-Kun: XD
[20:09:17] Maxwell: :D
[20:09:36] Michael-Kun: but that would get me into trouble worse
[20:09:52] Maxwell: yeah :P
[20:09:56] Maxwell: maybe you can curse them?
[20:11:31] Michael-Kun: hah
[20:11:39] Michael-Kun: harm none lest ye be harmed
[20:11:43] Michael-Kun: the law of wicca
[20:11:51] Maxwell: havent u been harmed?
[20:11:58] Michael-Kun: not by spells
[20:11:59] Michael-Kun: lol
[20:12:01] Maxwell: oh
[20:12:07] Maxwell: so that law applies to spells? :P
[20:15:24] Michael-Kun: yes
[20:15:38] Michael-Kun: the christian law "turn the other cheek"
[20:15:42] Michael-Kun: lolz
[20:15:57] Michael-Kun: MY LAW: Revenge is a dish served cold
[20:16:02] Michael-Kun: XD
[20:16:11] Maxwell: xD
[20:16:24] Maxwell: well i hope these trolls suffer then :P
[20:16:53] Michael-Kun: shishishishishishi
[20:16:54] Michael-Kun: xD
[20:17:10] Maxwell: what does shishishishishishi mean lol?
[20:17:12] Maxwell: :P
[20:17:53] Michael-Kun: its a laugh i got from one piece
[20:17:54] Michael-Kun: XD
[20:17:59] Maxwell: xP
[20:17:59] Michael-Kun: Gecko Moria
[20:18:00] Michael-Kun: XD
[20:18:07] Maxwell: lol
[20:22:28] Maxwell: i miss not seeing u in ur videos -.-
[20:23:05] Michael-Kun: aw
[20:23:07] Michael-Kun: :DD
[20:23:22] Maxwell: cud u send me a pic of u lolz xP
[20:24:37] Michael-Kun: uh no
[20:24:38] Michael-Kun: :P
[20:25:03] Maxwell: come on :P
[20:25:07] Maxwell: ill send u a pic of me
[20:27:26] Michael-Kun: -.-
[20:27:58] Maxwell: why not send me a pic -_-
[21:16:20] Maxwell: just saw ur new vid
[21:16:32] Maxwell: i agree there pathetic lol
[21:21:34] Maxwell: i havent been watching csi lately. how much has it taught u about computers?
[21:22:14] Michael-Kun: plenty
[21:22:15] Michael-Kun: XD
[21:22:30] Maxwell: lyke what lol
[21:22:32] Maxwell: i wanna learn :P
[21:22:38] Maxwell: i kinda suck with computers
[21:22:40] Maxwell: -.-
[21:22:50] Michael-Kun: how an IP address can give you alot of information
[21:22:56] Michael-Kun: XD
[21:23:02] Maxwell: lol xP
[21:23:09] Maxwell: what is an ip address exactly?
[21:28:45] Michael-Kun: Internet protocol
[21:28:46] Michael-Kun: lol
[21:29:16] Maxwell: but what does that mean :\ sorry just wondering lol
[22:00:07] Maxwell: u ther?
[22:02:49] Maxwell: just saw ur new vid
[22:02:51] Maxwell: a raid??
[22:02:53] Maxwell: huh?
[22:03:02] Maxwell: like with pirates?
[22:06:01] Michael-Kun: no
[22:06:06] Michael-Kun: i dont know what kinda raid lol
[22:06:10] Maxwell: lol
[22:06:13] Maxwell: hmm
[22:06:33] Maxwell: i think that means they r gonna all troll u at once? :(
[22:07:14] Maxwell: whos the contact u talk about in the vid 2?
[22:09:08] Michael-Kun: lolz
[22:09:13] Michael-Kun: nolan
[22:09:14] Michael-Kun: xd
[22:09:15] Michael-Kun: XD
[22:09:21] Maxwell: :P
[22:09:40] Maxwell: oh i think i saw some nolan guy as ur friend when i checked out ur facebook
[22:09:55] Maxwell: he is a good guy yeah?
[22:10:50] Michael-Kun: he's more obsessed than this malcurian fucker
[22:10:55] Michael-Kun: its a good obsession tho
[22:11:07] Michael-Kun: alex wants to make a deal ;)
[22:11:10] Michael-Kun: mwahhahahahhaahha
[22:11:26] Maxwell: hehe
[22:12:05] Maxwell: why does nolan have more of an obsession that u?
[22:12:13] Maxwell: has he been being trolled 2?
[22:17:08] Michael-Kun: he wants to make love to me
[22:17:09] Michael-Kun: lol
[22:17:18] Michael-Kun: and he gets trolled twice as bad as me
[22:17:19] Michael-Kun: :(
[22:17:19] Maxwell: whaaat
[22:17:23] Maxwell: oh
[22:17:26] Maxwell: nolan
[22:17:27] Maxwell: lol
[22:17:28] Maxwell: :P
[22:17:36] Maxwell: what happened to him?
[22:18:26] Michael-Kun: he's just been really busy
[22:18:41] Maxwell: he is trustworthy yes?
[22:19:31] Michael-Kun: yep
[22:19:42] Maxwell: :) cool
[22:23:36] Maxwell: did he respond 2 ur demands yet?
[22:28:54] Michael-Kun: YES!
[22:28:59] Michael-Kun: but he made 3 demands from me
[22:28:59] Maxwell: !!
[22:29:02] Maxwell: oh...
[22:29:08] Michael-Kun: i stop doin videos on the malcurian
[22:29:12] Michael-Kun: i uncurse him
[22:29:17] Michael-Kun: and someone unhacks his webpage
[22:29:19] Michael-Kun: lolz
[22:29:27] Maxwell: lol :P
[22:29:30] Michael-Kun: he thinks his webpage is hacked!??
[22:29:32] Michael-Kun: wtf
[22:29:32] Maxwell: u hacked him?
[22:29:36] Maxwell: is it??
[22:29:44] Michael-Kun: Capulet
[22:29:45] Michael-Kun: omg
[22:29:51] Michael-Kun: he actually carried out his threat
[22:30:05] Maxwell: there is no page
[22:30:15] Maxwell: and how do u know it was capulet??
[22:30:26] Maxwell: maybe it was you :P ~.~
[22:30:38] Michael-Kun: omg
[22:30:55] Michael-Kun: im at a loss for words
[22:31:01] Maxwell: wow
[22:31:10] Maxwell: is that all he demanded?
[22:31:17] Michael-Kun: this is impossible
[22:32:00] Maxwell: so what happens next?
[22:39:48] Michael-Kun: he agreed to the 10k
[22:39:51] Michael-Kun: oh holy shit
[22:39:56] Maxwell: WHAT?
[22:39:58] Maxwell: lol!
[22:40:14] Michael-Kun: as soon as i get the money i'll tell everyone who's involved with this to back down
[22:40:41] Maxwell: wow
[22:40:47] Maxwell: that's awesome
[22:41:12] Maxwell: but didnt you say when you got the money you wouldnt hold through on your promise to stop making vids and not backing down?
[22:41:46] Michael-Kun: he's got me on extortion now
[22:41:56] Michael-Kun: if i agree to this i have to follow through on my word
[22:42:07] Maxwell: that's the noble thing to do
[22:42:11] Maxwell: and 10k is a lot xD
[22:42:21] Michael-Kun: bah, i'll have that shit spent in a week
[22:42:30] Maxwell: but at least you'll have spent it
[22:42:31] Maxwell: :P
[22:48:03] Michael-Kun: kekekekekek
[22:48:04] Michael-Kun: XD
[22:48:26] Maxwell: i wish is had an instant 10k lol
[22:48:32] Maxwell: i*
[22:52:14] Maxwell: so do you know when ur gonna die, and how?
[22:55:18] Michael-Kun: that futures hidden from me
[22:55:18] Michael-Kun: :(
[22:55:30] Maxwell: why?
[22:57:51] Michael-Kun: it just is lolz
[22:58:03] Maxwell: :\
[22:58:11] Maxwell: isnt there an explanation at least?
[23:00:29] Michael-Kun: nope
[23:00:29] Michael-Kun: -.-
[23:00:52] Maxwell: :(
[23:11:16] *** "Michael-Kun" signed off at Thu Feb 18 23:11:16 2010.
Session Close (Michael-Kun): Thu Feb 18 23:12:13 2010

Session Start ( Fri Feb 19 07:50:39 2010

[07:50:54] Maxwell: theyre still gonna go thru with that rade? -_-
[08:00:17] Michael-Kun: nope..because my family now doesnt exist
[08:00:18] Michael-Kun: ever
[08:00:25] Michael-Kun: murky showed me a trick
[08:00:31] Michael-Kun: i signed up to
[08:00:54] Michael-Kun: and changed my families info
[08:00:56] Michael-Kun: XD
[08:01:01] Maxwell: lol xD
[08:02:10] Maxwell: i bet ur excited to finally win this war now :P
[08:07:17] Michael-Kun: its already been won
[08:07:18] Michael-Kun: XD
[08:07:38] Maxwell: not until alex writes that check :P
[08:07:52] Michael-Kun: Simple solution to every problem...sign up to whitepages and delete and change yer info
[08:08:36] Maxwell: i think i should do that right now xD
[08:09:48] Michael-Kun: :DD
[08:10:25] Maxwell: i heard ED is really hard to take down
[08:10:30] Maxwell: u should be proud of urself :P
[08:10:44] Michael-Kun: :DD
[08:10:49] Michael-Kun: this shit will blow over
[08:11:06] Maxwell: infact i was told NOONE has ever taken ed down
[08:11:12] Maxwell: ~.~
[08:11:13] Michael-Kun: well then
[08:11:21] Maxwell: it's a first hehe
[08:11:21] Michael-Kun: thats why im considered special
[08:11:28] Michael-Kun: i can manipulate anyone into doing my bidding
[08:11:33] Michael-Kun: like murkypiss here
[08:11:36] Maxwell: hehe
[08:11:42] Michael-Kun: he's spilling information that i already know
[08:11:47] Maxwell: LOL
[08:11:50] Maxwell: how?
[08:12:05] Michael-Kun: he's the one who told me to go on
[08:12:32] Maxwell: lol what an idiot :P
[08:12:53] Maxwell: hav u been manipulating me this whole time? be honest :P
[08:14:32] Michael-Kun: nope
[08:14:37] Michael-Kun: i have no need too
[08:14:44] Maxwell: ;)
[08:15:02] Maxwell: so you can manipulate ANYONE?
[08:15:53] Michael-Kun: with a weak mind yes
[08:15:54] Michael-Kun: ;)
[08:16:04] Michael-Kun: and weak resolve
[08:16:06] Michael-Kun: lolz
[08:16:14] Maxwell: why didnt you just manipulate malcurian in the beginning?
[08:16:19] Maxwell: to make him stop
[08:16:24] Michael-Kun: cause
[08:16:32] Michael-Kun: i knew who it was
[08:17:09] Maxwell: what do you mean? if you manipulated him at the start this whole drama wouldnt have happened lol
[08:17:11] Michael-Kun: and before he spoiled any truths i was gonna blow the lid off this thing
[08:17:20] Michael-Kun: tch...
[08:17:43] Michael-Kun: apparently alex has a strong mind
[08:17:55] Maxwell: oh :(
[08:17:59] Michael-Kun: it took the destruction of his site to see what he did was...oh so very wrong
[08:18:02] Maxwell: so you tried?
[08:18:16] Michael-Kun: sometimes things cant be solved with a simple spell
[08:18:27] Michael-Kun: you have to get yer hands dirty
[08:18:28] Michael-Kun: :(
[08:18:38] Maxwell: but what about that curse you put on alex? :P
[08:18:50] Michael-Kun: i put a curse on him?
[08:19:03] Maxwell: that's what he said wasnt it?
[08:19:06] Maxwell: in his demands?
[08:19:07] Michael-Kun: yep
[08:19:20] Maxwell: so u put one on him?
[08:19:45] Michael-Kun: well apparently i must've because his life is spirling downward after he and capulet had a fight
[08:19:54] Michael-Kun: shishishishishishishi xD
[08:20:00] Maxwell: hehe
[08:20:06] Michael-Kun: i am savoring this every last bit
[08:20:08] Michael-Kun: XD
[08:20:09] Maxwell: how could you forget :P
[08:20:13] Maxwell: the curse i mean
[08:20:30] Michael-Kun: well i did curse the day i met him
[08:20:38] Michael-Kun: a month ago yesterday
[08:20:40] Michael-Kun: XD
[08:21:09] Maxwell: will your power of empathy spare him any more suffering of the curse?
[08:21:47] Michael-Kun: i know how he's feeling cause he put me through it
[08:21:53] Michael-Kun: he needs to learn his lesson
[08:22:22] Maxwell: must really suck to have a curse on you tho :(
[08:24:59] Maxwell: have u ever been cursed?
[08:26:44] Michael-Kun: hehe
[08:26:48] Michael-Kun: nope
[08:27:04] Michael-Kun: its official my brother, mother and father no longer exist
[08:27:05] Michael-Kun: XD
[08:34:21] Michael-Kun: and now i dont exist
[08:34:22] *** Auto-response sent to Michael-Kun: I am currently idle.
[08:34:23] Michael-Kun: XD
[08:45:59] Maxwell: lol xP
[08:46:11] Maxwell: i guess ur safe from the trolls now right?
[08:46:22] Michael-Kun: for the time being
[08:46:54] Maxwell: you think they might come after you again??
[08:49:24] Michael-Kun: highly doubt it
[08:49:33] Michael-Kun: i dealt a serious blow
[08:49:39] Michael-Kun: so they may come find me
[08:49:49] Maxwell: ehhh D:
[08:50:11] Maxwell: when do you predict this will all blow over?
[08:50:24] Michael-Kun: bout a month or 2
[08:50:48] Maxwell: let's hope sooner
[11:02:39] Michael-Kun: yes!
[11:02:42] *** Auto-response sent to Michael-Kun: I am currently away from the computer.
[11:02:45] Michael-Kun: I HAVE DONE IT!
[11:24:29] Maxwell: what!?
[11:24:32] Maxwell: how??
[11:24:50] Michael-Kun: he's sending the check VIA First class mail
[11:25:01] Maxwell: omg
[11:25:08] Maxwell: he told you?
[11:25:14] Michael-Kun: which means i have to sign for it
[11:25:26] Michael-Kun: yeah he told me
[11:25:28] Maxwell: awesome :)
[11:25:34] Maxwell: in text msg?
[11:25:43] Michael-Kun: no in youtube email
[11:25:45] Michael-Kun: XD
[11:25:51] Maxwell: LOL xD
[11:25:56] Maxwell: can you paste it here?
[11:26:01] Maxwell: id love 2 read :P
[11:26:10] Michael-Kun: fraid not..i delete all messages after i sent them back
[11:26:15] Michael-Kun: -_-
[11:26:19] Maxwell: why?
[11:26:35] Michael-Kun: so they cant be used against me in court if i am indicted
[11:26:43] Michael-Kun: XD
[11:26:55] Maxwell: you could use those PMs to ur advantage tho
[11:27:10] Michael-Kun: we both have committed heinous acts of internet terrorism...
[11:27:22] Maxwell: D:
[11:27:33] Maxwell: do you think this could still potentially go to court?
[11:27:43] Michael-Kun: we'll see
[11:28:03] Maxwell: but what if the fbi is watching? the dont take internet terrorism lightly!
[11:29:04] Michael-Kun: im protected
[11:29:19] Michael-Kun: because since they refused to help me i had to take matters into my own hands
[11:29:27] Michael-Kun: damnit
[11:29:28] Michael-Kun: -.-
[11:30:05] Maxwell: yeah...
[11:33:30] Maxwell: are u afraid of the fbi?
[11:35:46] Michael-Kun: of course
[11:35:46] Michael-Kun: :P
[11:36:25] Maxwell: couldnt they take away ur disability if they found out you were an internet terrorist?
[11:37:50] Michael-Kun:
[11:38:05] Michael-Kun: im watchin alex's channel...and he's actually pretty cute
[11:38:26] Maxwell: xP i thought so 2 but i didnt wanna say that 2 u :P
[11:38:30] Maxwell: because of the drama
[11:40:38] Maxwell: is there a chance u 2 coud turn out 2 be friends after this is settled??
[11:47:52] Michael-Kun: probably
[11:48:09] Michael-Kun: but after that video i saw he made on the 16th...omg
[11:48:37] Maxwell: what do you mean lol?
[11:49:04] Michael-Kun: ya know...i think i shouldnt have given him my address...cause now...he's gonna doublecross me
[11:49:15] Maxwell: i dont think so
[11:49:26] Maxwell: you should be fine
[11:49:32] Maxwell: and besides, you can curse him again
[11:49:37] Michael-Kun: he's betrayed my trust before
[11:49:40] Maxwell: and that curse really screwed him up :P
[11:49:44] Michael-Kun: HAHAHHA
[11:49:47] Michael-Kun: yeah i forgot about that
[11:50:15] Maxwell: i think he's scared and that's why he's going to put an end to the drama
[11:50:31] Michael-Kun: well he wants to end it but he put a threat in it
[11:50:44] Michael-Kun: if i didnt uncurse him he'd make sure my info would stay on ED forever
[11:50:46] Maxwell: maybe he finally realized u are psychic xP
[11:51:04] Michael-Kun: but he didnt count on the fact that murky switched sides XD
[11:51:18] Maxwell: soren is on ur team now??
[11:51:22] Maxwell: xPP
[11:51:30] Michael-Kun: his name isnt soren
[11:51:45] Michael-Kun: his name is german
[11:52:02] Maxwell: i think he's tricking u now lol xP
[11:52:18] Michael-Kun: or you got the information mixed up lolz
[11:52:28] Michael-Kun: the dudes from West Virginia
[11:52:34] Maxwell: how do u no?
[11:52:40] Maxwell: trolls lie lol
[11:52:57] Michael-Kun: i made a living out of lying...i can tell when someone lies and who doesnt
[11:53:03] Michael-Kun: lolz
[11:53:03] Michael-Kun: :P
[11:53:11] Maxwell: made a living out of lying?
[11:53:15] Maxwell: what do u mean?
[11:53:35] Michael-Kun: you could say...i've lied about my name being michael
[11:53:40] Michael-Kun: it really is scott
[11:53:41] Michael-Kun: :P
[11:53:50] Maxwell: lol xP
[11:53:54] Michael-Kun: but they dont know that
[11:53:55] Michael-Kun: :P
[11:53:58] Maxwell: but is that all?
[11:54:18] Michael-Kun: For privacy issues..yes
[11:54:32] Michael-Kun: they couldnt get to me so they had to involve my family :(
[11:54:42] Maxwell: D:
[11:57:39] Michael-Kun: the really mean trolls still dont get it
[11:57:43] Michael-Kun: its over
[11:58:09] Maxwell: i think they will get it when alex writes that check and sends it :P
[11:59:00] Michael-Kun: something tells me he wont
[11:59:23] Michael-Kun: he's a master of editing videos
[11:59:38] Michael-Kun: he could show a video of someone else writing a check
[11:59:43] Maxwell: well, again, that curse u placed on him seemd 2 have worked lol
[12:00:00] Michael-Kun: all I DID was have someone hack his place of business
[12:00:05] Michael-Kun: XD
[12:00:41] Maxwell: i thought that capul-sometihng guy did that?
[12:01:05] Michael-Kun: he hacked themalcurians youtube page
[12:01:06] Michael-Kun: XD
[12:01:14] Maxwell: :o
[12:03:14] Michael-Kun: my guess is someone else hacked his place of business
[12:03:35] Maxwell: you dont know who?
[12:04:26] Michael-Kun: i have a pretty good idea
[12:05:31] Maxwell: who do u think did it?
[12:07:00] Michael-Kun: beats me
[12:07:02] Michael-Kun: -.-
[12:07:16] Maxwell: u said u had a good idea tho :P
[12:07:36] Michael-Kun: im to tired to care
[12:07:37] Michael-Kun: :P
[12:07:43] Maxwell: o xP
[14:06:09] *** "Michael-Kun" signed off at Fri Feb 19 14:06:09 2010.
Session Close (Michael-Kun): Fri Feb 19 15:10:23 2010

Session Start ( Fri Feb 19 22:26:00 2010

[22:27:56] Maxwell: hey ~.~
[22:28:01] Maxwell: did u just wake up? lol
[22:30:08] Michael-Kun: yeah
[22:30:26] Maxwell: what's with ur weird sleep patterns? lol
[22:37:01] Michael-Kun: damn it..i think i gave Alex to much time
[22:37:25] Michael-Kun: he's gonna find away to get his site back
[22:37:30] Michael-Kun: oh well
[22:37:36] Michael-Kun: he's gonna realise its..PERMANENT
[22:37:37] Michael-Kun: XD
[22:37:59] Maxwell: hehe :D
[22:38:14] Maxwell: you won, right xD
[22:38:52] Maxwell: so... why do you have such weird sleeping patterns, lol?
[22:44:40] Maxwell: u ther lol
[22:44:46] Maxwell: i g2g soon :/
[22:51:56] Maxwell: -__-
[22:51:59] Michael-Kun: eh heh
[22:52:04] Michael-Kun: dont worry
[22:52:14] Michael-Kun: my regular sleep cycle starts again
[22:52:20] Michael-Kun: cause the dramas almost over
[22:52:21] Michael-Kun: :DD
[22:52:32] Maxwell: it's just weird having to wait for you at different times of the day :P
[22:52:34] Maxwell: oh
[22:52:40] Maxwell: so you lost sleep cause of the drama?
[22:54:48] Maxwell: eh
[22:55:07] Maxwell: i am concern. did u lose sleep because of this drama :(
[22:59:26] Michael-Kun: neeeew video
[22:59:27] Michael-Kun: XD
[22:59:34] Michael-Kun: yes
[22:59:40] Michael-Kun: i lost alot of sleep because of this drama
[22:59:44] Maxwell: omg
[22:59:49] Michael-Kun: and im about to lose more if ED isnt taken down
[22:59:50] Maxwell: that sucks...
[22:59:55] Maxwell: -.-
[23:00:11] Maxwell: i hope it is
[23:00:23] Maxwell: also im gonna watch ur vid
[23:00:42] Maxwell: hmm not showing up yet
[23:00:50] Maxwell: i'll check a little later i guess
[23:03:19] Michael-Kun: takes 5 minutes
[23:03:20] Michael-Kun: XD
[23:03:29] Michael-Kun: allow 2 hours for HQ processing
[23:05:01] Maxwell: unless ur showing ur face this time i dont think HQ will matter lol xP
[23:05:10] Maxwell: i see it now
[23:05:12] Maxwell: watching
[23:08:41] Maxwell: very inspiring video
[23:08:59] Maxwell: can you really freeze ED's bank account!?
[23:21:17] Michael-Kun: we can try
[23:21:57] Maxwell: but you can get ed down right??
[23:24:42] Michael-Kun: yep
[23:24:44] Michael-Kun: XD
[23:24:56] Maxwell: hehe :D
[23:25:08] Maxwell: well, i totally agree about that internet freespeech thing
[23:25:36] Maxwell: ppl shudnt think they have the right to be jerks on the internet and hide behind an amendment
[23:26:13] Maxwell: thts 1 reson y australia is going 2 punish ppl who do think they have that right
[23:39:59] Maxwell: hm
[23:41:55] Michael-Kun: haha!
[23:41:57] Michael-Kun: XD
[23:42:07] Maxwell: huh?
[23:43:52] Michael-Kun: im laughin at the irony of australia punishing people for hiding behind the first amendmant
[23:43:54] Michael-Kun: XD
[23:44:03] Maxwell: yeah!
[23:44:14] Maxwell: hehe, good to punish cowards right?
[23:47:38] Michael-Kun: yep
[23:47:39] Michael-Kun: XD
[23:47:53] Maxwell: umh
[23:47:58] Maxwell: i just looked at ur ed article
[23:48:09] Maxwell: did they find ur apartment -.-
[23:50:29] Michael-Kun: oh my fucking do
[23:50:31] Michael-Kun: god*
[23:50:41] Michael-Kun: no that isnt it
[23:50:43] Michael-Kun: they are fishing
[23:50:47] Maxwell: hehe
[23:50:53] Maxwell: you tricked them>
[23:50:54] Maxwell: ?
[23:51:42] Michael-Kun: BAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA
[23:51:55] Michael-Kun: They're goin based on OLD information
[23:52:02] Maxwell: lol xD
[23:52:22] Maxwell: i guess this is another victory for you :P
[23:53:55] Michael-Kun: only alex KNOWS and i doubt he'll tell
[23:54:16] Maxwell: heh yeah
[23:54:21] Maxwell: ur safe xP
[23:54:25] Maxwell: and still winning :P
[23:54:38] Michael-Kun: i win when that site or page is down
[23:54:50] Maxwell: yeah
[23:55:02] Maxwell: but i think youll be able to take it down :P
[23:55:15] Michael-Kun: ahhkekekekekeke
[23:55:46] Michael-Kun: shit
[23:55:53] Michael-Kun: thats a photo on the street
[23:56:01] Michael-Kun: which means whoever is after me is here
[23:56:12] Michael-Kun: uh oh
[23:56:48] Maxwell: wow
[23:56:51] Maxwell: that is scary
[23:57:07] Michael-Kun: they will NEVER find this new place..its too well hidden
[23:57:10] Michael-Kun: mwahhahahahahhhaa
[23:57:49] Maxwell: hehe
[23:57:52] Maxwell: great :P
[00:01:59] Maxwell: i have to go
[00:02:06] Maxwell: tired ~.~
[00:02:24] Maxwell: stay safe and keep those trolls gessing ok? :P
[00:02:33] Michael-Kun: gnight *hugs*
[00:02:43] Maxwell: *hugs* <3
[00:02:46] Maxwell: bbye
Session Close (Michael-Kun): Sat Feb 20 00:02:58 2010

Session Start ( Sat Feb 20 10:31:43 2010

[10:31:51] Maxwell: hey ^-^
[10:31:54] Maxwell: anything new?
[10:32:06] Michael-Kun: finally emailed the bitch of ED
[10:32:15] Maxwell: lol xP
[10:32:17] Michael-Kun: i just used the forums
[10:32:18] Michael-Kun: XD
[10:32:22] Maxwell: :o
[10:32:30] Maxwell: who did u email on the forums?
[10:32:33] Michael-Kun: and the contact us page
[10:32:34] Michael-Kun: XD
[10:32:40] Maxwell: :o
[10:32:45] Maxwell: did you post on the forums?
[10:32:50] Michael-Kun: i cant
[10:32:54] Michael-Kun: those fucktards banned me
[10:33:00] Maxwell: whaaaaaaat?
[10:33:03] Maxwell: cowards
[10:33:07] Michael-Kun: indeed
[10:33:20] Maxwell: anything ELSE new :P
[10:33:34] Michael-Kun: nothing new
[10:33:46] Michael-Kun: im still lookin for a hacker to kill ED tho
[10:33:48] Michael-Kun: XD
[10:34:17] Michael-Kun: i gave the bitch til the end of the weekend to get that page down or im involving the FBI and hacking the site xD
[10:34:24] Michael-Kun: oh wait
[10:34:26] Michael-Kun: i already did
[10:34:26] Michael-Kun: XD
[10:34:33] Michael-Kun: my word aint worth shit
[10:34:34] Michael-Kun: XD
[10:34:49] Maxwell: hehe xD
[10:35:04] Michael-Kun: oh man...
[10:35:13] Michael-Kun: i could get everyone in serious trouble here
[10:35:21] Michael-Kun: however...EVERYONE WOULD THANK ME
[10:35:22] Michael-Kun: XD
[10:35:23] Maxwell: awesome XD
[10:35:31] Maxwell: not everyone...
[10:35:35] Maxwell: not the coward trolls :P
[10:35:38] Maxwell: hehe
[10:35:39] Michael-Kun: oh well
[10:35:46] Michael-Kun: the coward trolls want me dead anyways
[10:35:50] Michael-Kun: mwahahhahahah
[10:36:00] Maxwell: if you can get the trolls into jail, it would be a victory for the internet and america
[10:36:19] Michael-Kun: i was bluffing about the IP part :S
[10:36:22] Michael-Kun: lolz
[10:36:36] Maxwell: where you have everyone's IPs?
[10:36:48] Michael-Kun: yep
[10:36:51] Maxwell: heh
[10:36:53] Michael-Kun: i have them now
[10:36:58] Michael-Kun: but before i did the video i didnt
[10:37:01] Maxwell: i think u tricked them :P
[10:37:14] Maxwell: those trolls arnt too smart
[10:37:16] Maxwell: xD
[10:37:34] Michael-Kun: xD
[10:37:49] Maxwell: have any plans for today?
[10:37:53] Michael-Kun: sleeeeeep
[10:37:59] Michael-Kun: the weekends my time to sleeeeeeep
[10:38:00] Michael-Kun: XD
[10:38:03] Maxwell: hehe xP
[10:38:18] Maxwell: when do you go travelling again?
[10:42:13] Michael-Kun: i leave on march 15th
[10:42:15] Michael-Kun: XD
[10:42:19] Michael-Kun: TO PHOENIX!
[10:42:20] Michael-Kun: :D
[10:43:33] Maxwell: omg that should be so fun
[10:43:46] Maxwell: but i bet it gets really hot there at that time of the year
[10:43:54] Michael-Kun: it does
[10:43:55] Michael-Kun: XD
[10:44:35] Maxwell: are you gonna make a new video today?
[10:46:21] Michael-Kun: im tired of making videos
[10:46:33] Michael-Kun: i have nothing new to report lol
[10:46:46] Maxwell: if you quit making them tho then the trolls might think they won -.-
[10:47:01] Michael-Kun: or they'll think im finally asleep
[10:47:26] Michael-Kun: i cant believe alex is giving me $10,000!
[10:47:40] Michael-Kun: i sense its a set up
[10:47:44] Michael-Kun: -.-
[10:47:49] Michael-Kun: he'll pull a nolan
[10:47:52] Michael-Kun: lolz
[10:47:53] Maxwell: dont talk like that
[10:48:04] Maxwell: you should be optimistic :P
[10:48:09] Maxwell: also, "pull a nolan"?
[10:48:17] Michael-Kun: spend it on a new car
[10:48:19] Michael-Kun: or drugs
[10:48:20] Michael-Kun: lolz
[10:48:36] Michael-Kun: well...he gave in to my demands to easily
[10:48:43] Michael-Kun: therefore...set up
[10:48:52] Maxwell: maybe not ~.~
[10:49:00] Maxwell: you did curse him afterall
[10:49:05] Michael-Kun: yeah maybe not..we'll see when the money gets here if at all
[10:49:10] Maxwell: and can recurse him
[10:49:18] Michael-Kun: he doesnt believe in curses
[10:49:33] Maxwell: that doesnt matter as long as the curst effects him :P
[10:50:16] Michael-Kun: i dont know why i should believe him
[10:50:27] Michael-Kun: i mean he got rid of the mirrors
[10:50:41] Michael-Kun: we'll see monday
[10:50:46] Maxwell: yeah xP
[10:51:02] Michael-Kun: when i get the money, im gonna have fun first
[10:51:09] Maxwell: if he lies, you could attack him and ed again :P
[10:51:17] Michael-Kun: and THEN when all is spent...i'll say...SUCKER the sites been deleted long ago
[10:51:41] Maxwell: heh
[10:51:51] Michael-Kun: well it seems alex is now a victim of ED as i am now
[10:51:55] Michael-Kun: -.-
[10:52:07] Maxwell: lol xD how?
[10:52:21] Michael-Kun: his photos on my page
[10:52:28] Maxwell: oh yeah
[10:52:37] Maxwell: i dont think trolls like him anymore xD
[10:52:45] Michael-Kun: and i find it odd that they KNEW about the $10,000 before i made it public
[10:53:05] Maxwell: r u sure about that?
[10:53:14] Michael-Kun: i never said a word
[10:53:19] Maxwell: alex could have told the trolls he was giving up and told them about the deal
[10:53:20] Michael-Kun: except to you
[10:53:21] Michael-Kun: lol
[10:53:27] Maxwell: i didnt tell anyone :P
[10:53:30] Michael-Kun: yeah see..
[10:53:33] Michael-Kun: its a trap
[10:53:38] Maxwell: hmm
[10:53:39] Michael-Kun: -_-
[10:53:52] Michael-Kun: and im walkin right into it
[10:53:53] Maxwell: will be really disappointing if it is :(
[10:53:57] Michael-Kun: oh well..
[10:54:19] Michael-Kun: if he's told law enforcement then i get to tell them about all about the fucking trolls!
[10:54:36] Maxwell: hehe
[10:54:39] Michael-Kun: and how ED's CUNTRAG of a site host wont take down my page xD
[10:54:45] Maxwell: lol xD
[10:55:01] Maxwell: if this deal is fake u SHOULD report the trolls to the authorities
[10:58:35] Michael-Kun: oh im most hated on 4chan
[10:58:39] Michael-Kun: *cries*
[10:58:47] Maxwell: what!?
[10:58:55] Maxwell: did they post a thread about u?
[10:58:59] Michael-Kun: THE BASTARDS DID YES!
[10:59:00] Michael-Kun: omg
[10:59:01] Michael-Kun: -.-
[10:59:04] Maxwell: omg
[10:59:13] Maxwell: could u link to the thread?
[10:59:21] Michael-Kun:
[10:59:47] Maxwell: omg
[11:01:02] Maxwell: what will u do?
[11:05:30] Michael-Kun: i dont know
[11:05:55] Maxwell: u gotta do something -.-
[11:05:59] Maxwell: this is harassment
[11:06:18] Michael-Kun: no shit
[11:06:40] Michael-Kun: but its not like i can do anything about it
[11:06:50] Michael-Kun: i have a broken wrist
[11:06:53] Michael-Kun: and it hurts to type
[11:06:54] Michael-Kun: :(
[11:06:57] Maxwell: D:
[11:07:07] Maxwell: but ou should tell them what you think...
[11:07:14] Michael-Kun: those fuckers dont care!
[11:07:24] Michael-Kun: they get OFF on seeing me squrim
[11:07:27] Michael-Kun: squirm*
[11:07:34] Michael-Kun: tch
[11:07:35] Maxwell: dont say that :(
[11:07:43] Michael-Kun: all i can do is threaten
[11:07:44] Maxwell: maybe make a video then?
[11:07:50] Maxwell: threaten them in video :)
[11:08:08] Michael-Kun: i already did
[11:08:22] Michael-Kun: get ready...cause by the end of this weekend..ED will fall
[11:08:26] Michael-Kun: XD
[11:08:33] Maxwell: yes!
[11:08:41] Michael-Kun: by law or by hack
[11:08:44] Michael-Kun: kekekekeke
[11:08:45] Michael-Kun: XDE
[11:08:55] Maxwell: hehe
[11:08:57] Maxwell: :D
[11:09:08] Maxwell: r u gonna report them to the police ?
[11:09:19] Michael-Kun: i've already told cybercrimes of the FBI
[11:09:21] Michael-Kun: twice
[11:09:27] Michael-Kun: never got an email back
[11:09:35] Maxwell: phone them
[11:09:57] Michael-Kun: no phone number
[11:09:58] Michael-Kun: :(
[11:10:22] Maxwell: hmm
[11:10:33] Maxwell: maybe you should tell local authorities 1st then
[11:10:39] Michael-Kun: they
[11:10:40] Michael-Kun: dont
[11:10:41] Michael-Kun: care
[11:10:42] Michael-Kun: -.-
[11:10:53] Michael-Kun: you dont think i've already tried this?
[11:10:55] Michael-Kun: -.-
[11:11:08] Michael-Kun: this is just one giant ass nightmare
[11:11:09] Michael-Kun: :(
[11:11:11] Maxwell: you should keep trying
[11:11:20] Maxwell: every day you have more evidence
[11:13:22] Maxwell: who sent u that 4chan thread?
[11:14:29] Michael-Kun: my friend hellza
[11:14:35] Michael-Kun: tch
[11:14:55] Michael-Kun: now i have to do a video
[11:15:02] Maxwell: -.-
[11:19:51] Maxwell: omg
[11:20:27] Michael-Kun: huh?
[11:21:02] Maxwell: that was posted in that 4chan thread
[11:21:13] Michael-Kun: haha
[11:21:26] Michael-Kun: to bad..thats the general IP of everyone
[11:21:27] Michael-Kun: lol
[11:21:34] Maxwell: oh :(
[11:21:41] Maxwell: can u get there ip?
[11:21:46] Michael-Kun: yep
[11:21:51] Maxwell: cool :D
[11:21:55] Michael-Kun: From the person who last posted on Ed
[11:22:02] Michael-Kun: its on history
[11:22:03] Michael-Kun: XD
[11:22:07] Maxwell: :o
[11:22:14] Maxwell: wow ur smart xD
[11:22:20] Michael-Kun: dingdong videos done
[11:22:21] Michael-Kun: XD
[11:22:25] Michael-Kun: lolwut
[11:22:28] Michael-Kun: i aint that smart
[11:22:29] Michael-Kun: XD
[11:22:38] Maxwell: but ur smart :P
[11:22:50] Maxwell: i bet you got good grades in school
[11:22:57] Michael-Kun: meh hardly
[11:23:06] Michael-Kun: i was a C student
[11:23:07] Michael-Kun: -.-
[11:23:12] Maxwell: :\
[11:23:22] Maxwell: but at least you passed highschool right?
[11:23:27] Michael-Kun: graduated
[11:23:28] Michael-Kun: 1997
[11:23:30] Michael-Kun: XD
[11:23:32] Maxwell: xP
[11:24:53] Maxwell: watching ur video
[11:28:52] Maxwell: new vid is awesome :D
[11:31:36] Michael-Kun: i managed to find a troll from tulsa
[11:31:41] Michael-Kun: oh man...
[11:31:49] Michael-Kun: looks like imma stab him
[11:31:50] Michael-Kun: XD
[11:31:55] Maxwell: hehe :D
[11:35:20] Maxwell: this 4chan thread is so depressing and fail >:(
[11:37:31] Maxwell: i looked at ur comments in the new video
[11:37:36] Maxwell: ur on a medication?
[11:43:05] Maxwell: omg
[11:43:10] Maxwell: they took down that thread
[11:45:15] Michael-Kun: :-O
[11:45:36] Michael-Kun: finally somethings been done
[11:46:51] Michael-Kun: kekekekeke
[11:47:15] Michael-Kun: new video up
[11:47:18] Michael-Kun: and hopefully last one
[11:47:19] Michael-Kun: -.-
[11:49:59] Michael-Kun: ignoring trolls=FUN
[11:50:00] Michael-Kun: XD
[11:50:32] Maxwell: hehe
[11:50:39] Maxwell: so
[11:50:40] Maxwell: ur on a medication?
[11:50:46] Michael-Kun: yes
[11:50:51] Michael-Kun: several
[11:51:11] Michael-Kun: blood pressure, Pain, anti-psychotics, etc
[11:51:58] Maxwell: wow
[11:52:04] Maxwell: what are the meds called?
[11:53:26] Michael-Kun: Metoprolo l, lortab, depecote, Zanax, Kapidex
[11:53:37] Maxwell: whoa
[11:53:46] Maxwell: and they're affecting ur hair growth?
[11:53:51] Michael-Kun: yeah
[11:53:52] Michael-Kun: -.-
[11:53:56] Michael-Kun: the pain meds are
[11:53:57] Maxwell: that sucks
[11:54:10] Michael-Kun: meh it doesnt matter..i've had thin hair most of my life lolz
[11:54:16] Maxwell: lol
[11:58:58] Maxwell: great vid :P
[12:03:37] Michael-Kun: XD
[12:09:24] Maxwell: i'll talk to you later
[12:09:30] Maxwell: gonna go afk
[12:09:40] Michael-Kun: latah
[12:09:41] Michael-Kun: :)
[12:09:49] Maxwell: cya. keep beating the trolls :P
Session Close (Michael-Kun): Sat Feb 20 12:10:36 2010

Session Start ( Sat Feb 20 22:15:40 2010

[22:15:45] Maxwell: hey :D
[22:16:12] Michael-Kun: i just contacted the FBI a 3rd time
[22:16:18] Maxwell: :o
[22:16:20] Maxwell: and?
[22:16:25] Michael-Kun: i'll find out soon
[22:16:46] Michael-Kun: i told them this time if they didnt interviene then i'd have the site hacked my damn self
[22:16:47] Michael-Kun: XD
[22:16:56] Maxwell: lol xDD
[22:17:09] Maxwell: i would have said the same thing :P
[22:20:22] Maxwell: what else is up?
[22:21:05] Michael-Kun: i have a kindred spirit who's inspired
[22:21:08] Michael-Kun: :DD
[22:21:24] Michael-Kun: in fact all the trolled souls of youtube are rising up
[22:21:28] Michael-Kun: XD
[22:21:35] Michael-Kun: what have i started?
[22:21:38] Michael-Kun: a revolution?
[22:21:40] Michael-Kun: XD
[22:24:22] Maxwell: hehe
[22:24:26] Maxwell: yeah, i think you have :P
[22:24:34] Michael-Kun: XD
[22:24:44] Maxwell: you should be proud leading the rebellion against cowards
[22:24:56] Michael-Kun: it isnt gonna end well
[22:25:03] Maxwell: someone's gotta lose
[22:25:08] Maxwell: i think it's the trolls
[22:34:43] Maxwell: will you be making a new vid any time soon?
[22:35:20] Michael-Kun: already made one
[22:35:21] Michael-Kun: XD
[22:35:38] Maxwell: hehe
[22:36:05] Maxwell: k
[22:38:32] Michael-Kun: by the way, i recursed him
[22:38:56] Maxwell: hehe!
[22:38:58] Maxwell: alex?
[22:41:01] Michael-Kun: yep
[22:41:05] Michael-Kun: XD
[22:41:48] Maxwell: i remember seeing a comment u made and u said u could only curse someone if u saw their face
[22:41:56] Michael-Kun: and i saw his face
[22:41:59] Michael-Kun: :DD
[22:42:03] Maxwell: so how did u managa to curse alex when he was malcurian tho?
[22:42:07] Maxwell: manage
[22:42:13] Michael-Kun: lmfao
[22:42:14] Michael-Kun: XD
[22:42:23] Michael-Kun: his camera man fucked up royally
[22:42:29] Maxwell: :o
[22:42:35] Maxwell: i dont think i saw that
[22:42:40] Michael-Kun: plus i have facial recognition software
[22:42:43] Michael-Kun: XD
[22:42:52] Maxwell: wow! xD
[22:43:17] Maxwell: so couldnt u just figure out how malcurian was when his cameraman fucked up with facial recognition?
[22:43:52] Michael-Kun: all i did was compare facial sizes with alex and themalcurian
[22:44:02] Maxwell: oh no
[22:44:09] Maxwell: i meant when u cursed malcurian
[22:44:12] Michael-Kun: ahh
[22:44:15] Maxwell: and didnt know his identity
[22:44:18] Maxwell: or face
[22:44:23] Michael-Kun: for some reason i did
[22:44:37] Maxwell: you must have strong powers then yeah?
[22:44:44] Michael-Kun: kinda
[22:44:51] Michael-Kun: its nothin special lol
[22:44:58] Michael-Kun: they dont work so well when im tired
[22:45:05] Maxwell: :(
[22:46:37] Maxwell: recursing alex should speed up the cheque :P
[22:47:10] Michael-Kun: heh
[22:47:14] Michael-Kun: i did it in my sleep
[22:47:17] Michael-Kun: mwhahhah
[22:47:24] Maxwell: lol xP
[22:47:27] Maxwell: xurse alex?
[22:47:33] Maxwell: ups curse
[22:47:54] Michael-Kun: haha
[22:47:56] Michael-Kun: XD
[22:48:18] Michael-Kun: yep i recursed him in my sleep because he said he was goin out of town for 7 days
[22:48:48] Maxwell: hehe
[22:49:07] Maxwell: but didnt u say ur powers arent strong when ur tired? xP
[22:49:39] Michael-Kun: they're strongest when sleeping
[22:50:49] Maxwell: i see xD
[22:51:10] Michael-Kun:
[22:51:19] Michael-Kun: Report the site
[22:51:24] Michael-Kun: if enough people do this...i win
[22:51:26] Michael-Kun: XD
[22:51:27] Maxwell: kk
[22:51:30] Maxwell: xD
[22:51:41] Michael-Kun: use the "contact us" page
[22:52:09] Maxwell: i have to call them?
[22:53:14] Michael-Kun: either or
[22:53:15] Michael-Kun: :P
[22:54:12] Maxwell: i'll use this
[22:54:22] Michael-Kun: k
[22:54:24] Michael-Kun: XD
[22:55:24] Maxwell: lots of info to fill out :P
[22:55:35] Maxwell: may take 10 mins
[23:01:43] Maxwell: whew, done
[23:01:59] Maxwell: i was thinking, you should start a petition against ED
[23:05:33] Michael-Kun: SNAP!
[23:05:37] Michael-Kun: XD
[23:05:47] Michael-Kun: we sooooo totally should
[23:05:49] Michael-Kun: XD
[23:05:54] Maxwell: yes!
[23:06:11] Maxwell: and with ur following oh anti trolls u wud get many signatures
[23:06:21] Maxwell: you could even make a video about the petition :P
[23:07:06] Maxwell: if the FBI sees a petition with tons of signatures, theyd have no choice but to take u seriously xD
[23:09:50] Michael-Kun: :|
[23:09:56] Michael-Kun: thats gonna take alot of effort
[23:14:03] Maxwell: but necsessary right?
[23:14:13] Maxwell: for yours and your family's safety
[23:14:21] Maxwell: i think the effort would be worth it
[23:30:08] Michael-Kun: yep
[23:30:27] Maxwell: did u make a petition yet?
[23:30:39] Michael-Kun: nope
[23:30:48] Maxwell: xP
[23:30:57] Michael-Kun: if the FBI doesnt respond to me...i'll make one
[23:31:07] Maxwell: respond by tomorrow?
[23:41:16] Maxwell: you should make it while ur waiting for a reply xD
[23:41:24] Maxwell: im sure it wouldnt take long
[23:41:35] Maxwell: and ud get more signatures by making it today rather than later
[00:14:32] Maxwell: eh
[00:34:56] Maxwell: u ther lol?
[00:43:21] Maxwell: well i gotta go soon
[01:00:48] Michael-Kun: im here
[01:02:10] Maxwell: oh
[01:02:18] Maxwell: i was saying earlier
[01:02:31] Maxwell: for the petition
[01:02:33] Maxwell:
[23:41:16] Maxwell: you should make it while ur waiting for a reply xD
[23:41:24] Maxwell: im sure it wouldnt take long
[23:41:35] Maxwell: and ud get more signatures by making it today rather than later
[01:06:38] Michael-Kun: i know
[01:06:39] Michael-Kun: XD
[01:06:48] Maxwell: lol xP
[01:07:00] Maxwell: im going to go pass out
[01:07:09] Maxwell: have fun xP
Session Close (Michael-Kun): Sun Feb 21 01:07:29 2010

Session Start ( Sun Feb 21 21:41:53 2010

[21:41:55] Michael-Kun: seems i have a knight in shining armor
[21:42:00] Michael-Kun: Redwaker is bringing the page down
[21:42:01] Michael-Kun: XD
[21:42:06] Maxwell: hehe
[21:42:07] Maxwell: how?
[21:42:27] Michael-Kun: well..he told me to mention maxwell copperfield and he'd do it
[21:42:31] Michael-Kun: XD
[21:42:56] Maxwell: oh xP
[21:43:59] Maxwell: is he gonna hack the site?
[21:46:29] Michael-Kun: maaaaaaybe
[21:46:31] Michael-Kun: XD
[21:46:39] Maxwell: lol :P
[21:46:45] Maxwell: maybe not?
[21:49:02] Maxwell: watching ur new vid
[21:49:33] Michael-Kun: XD
[21:49:37] Michael-Kun: i deleted the others
[21:49:42] Michael-Kun: no evidence
[21:49:45] Michael-Kun: XD
[21:49:54] Maxwell: :o
[21:50:36] Maxwell: what else did that guy say?
[21:52:42] Michael-Kun: nothin else
[21:52:49] Michael-Kun: he said to erase the other videos and watch the magic
[21:52:52] Michael-Kun: XD
[21:53:25] Maxwell: what if he is a troll?
[21:53:45] Michael-Kun: he aint
[21:54:00] Maxwell: how do u know?
[21:54:17] Michael-Kun: because i've known him for months
[21:54:20] Michael-Kun: :DD
[21:54:46] Maxwell: lol xP
[22:12:01] Maxwell: hey
[22:12:05] Maxwell: gotta question
[22:12:24] Maxwell: who do you think will win and by how much? finalnd or sweden (in hockey)
[22:15:52] Maxwell: u ther?
[22:15:57] Maxwell: gotta head out soon
[22:16:47] Michael-Kun: it is done
[22:16:57] Michael-Kun: 75% of ED IS GONE
[22:16:59] Michael-Kun: XD
[22:17:04] Maxwell: wowwwww
[22:17:10] Michael-Kun: or so red says
[22:17:16] Maxwell: kewl :D
[22:17:21] Maxwell: but can you answer this?
[22:17:22] Maxwell:
[22:12:24] Maxwell: who do you think will win and by how much? finalnd or sweden (in hockey)
[22:17:25] Michael-Kun: i'll believe it when i see it
[22:17:43] Michael-Kun: since i love the finnish...Finland
[22:17:54] Michael-Kun: but..i have alot of friends in Sweden...
[22:18:01] Michael-Kun: XD
[22:18:09] Maxwell: can you predict it?
[22:18:11] Maxwell: :P
[22:18:19] Michael-Kun: so...who's winning so far?
[22:18:29] Maxwell: um will check
[22:18:32] Michael-Kun: :DD
[22:19:10] Maxwell: 1-0 finland
[22:19:30] Michael-Kun: sweden
[22:19:32] Michael-Kun: ;)
[22:19:38] Maxwell: what will the score be?
[22:19:44] Michael-Kun: 10-5
[22:19:48] Maxwell: whoa
[22:19:57] Maxwell: this'll be a really intense game
[22:20:06] Michael-Kun: i maybe WAY off tho
[22:20:27] Maxwell: but you tried your best with ur powers at least right?
[22:20:36] Michael-Kun: like i said not 100% accurate
[22:20:37] Michael-Kun: lol
[22:20:42] Maxwell: that's ok :P
[22:20:44] Maxwell: gotta go
[22:20:47] Maxwell: ttyl
[22:20:50] Michael-Kun: latah
[22:20:51] Michael-Kun: XD
Session Close (Michael-Kun): Sun Feb 21 22:20:56 2010

Session Start ( Mon Feb 22 07:06:16 2010

[07:06:18] Michael-Kun: you were right
[07:06:19] *** Auto-response sent to Michael-Kun: I am currently away from the computer.
[07:06:23] Michael-Kun: toke was a fake
[07:06:24] Michael-Kun: XD
[07:38:25] *** "Michael-Kun" signed off at Mon Feb 22 07:38:25 2010.
[07:38:35] *** "Michael-Kun" signed on at Mon Feb 22 07:38:35 2010.
[09:21:06] *** "Michael-Kun" signed off at Mon Feb 22 09:21:06 2010.
[09:21:08] *** "Michael-Kun" signed on at Mon Feb 22 09:21:08 2010.
[16:24:45] Maxwell: hehe
[16:24:51] Maxwell: so copperfield was a liar?
[16:24:55] Michael-Kun: bingo
[16:24:56] Michael-Kun: ;)
[16:24:59] Maxwell: :P
[16:25:08] Maxwell: did he ask for anything else?
[16:25:14] Michael-Kun: nope
[16:25:20] Michael-Kun: i blocked him
[16:25:21] Michael-Kun: :DD
[16:25:25] Maxwell: xP
[16:25:31] Michael-Kun: and every other fucking troll
[16:25:33] Michael-Kun: -.-
[16:25:40] Maxwell: nice xD
[16:27:03] Maxwell: o yeah, sweden beat finland yesterday
[16:27:10] Maxwell: but not by 10-5
[16:27:11] Maxwell: lol
[16:27:13] Michael-Kun: lolz
[16:27:24] Michael-Kun: see i tend to get things wrong
[16:27:27] Michael-Kun: but sweden won
[16:27:30] Michael-Kun: as i predicted
[16:27:31] Michael-Kun: :P
[16:27:41] Maxwell: yeah :P
[16:28:00] Michael-Kun: so what were the numbers?
[16:28:08] Maxwell: 3-0
[16:28:15] Michael-Kun: lolz
[16:28:25] Michael-Kun: thats what i sensed after you left
[16:28:26] Michael-Kun: :P
[16:28:31] Maxwell: ah xP
[16:28:42] Maxwell: i should have stuck around longer then :P
[16:28:54] Michael-Kun: oh and i went poking where i didnt belong and i found the owners email
[16:28:57] Michael-Kun: of ED
[16:28:58] Michael-Kun: XD
[16:29:03] Maxwell: lol!
[16:29:06] Michael-Kun:
[16:29:10] Maxwell: you should email the owner
[16:29:12] Michael-Kun: it goes there and then goes to her
[16:29:27] Maxwell: email her :P
[16:29:32] Michael-Kun: i have twice
[16:29:37] Maxwell: lol xP
[16:29:52] Michael-Kun: i gave the bitch 60 hours to remove the page or im pressing charges on her
[16:29:53] Maxwell: can you show me what u sent lolz
[16:30:01] Michael-Kun: im afraid not
[16:30:02] Michael-Kun: lol
[16:30:08] Maxwell: D:
[16:30:12] Michael-Kun: D:
[16:30:21] Maxwell: did she reply?
[16:30:27] Michael-Kun: im still waiting on her too
[16:30:39] Michael-Kun: you need to write her too
[16:30:44] Maxwell: ok
[16:30:53] Maxwell: make a video telling people to write her as well
[16:31:00] Michael-Kun: no
[16:31:03] Maxwell: ?
[16:31:07] Michael-Kun: i do that and i spoil it
[16:31:19] Michael-Kun: i want those fuckers to be surprised XD
[16:31:30] Maxwell: oh ok. but make sure more of ur friends email her :P
[16:32:04] Michael-Kun: yeah not like they'll do it
[16:32:05] Michael-Kun: :(
[16:32:10] Michael-Kun: im not important enough
[16:32:11] Michael-Kun: :P
[16:32:34] Maxwell: lol xP
[16:49:22] Michael-Kun: also...bunny may have given me a legal means to get that page terminated
[16:49:31] Michael-Kun: a) In General- Chapter 41 of title 18, United States Code, is amended by adding at the end the following:

`Sec. 881. Cyberbullying

`(A) Whoever transmits in interstate or foreign commerce any communication, with the intent to coerce, intimidate, harass, or cause substantial emotional distress to a person, using electronic means to support severe, repeated, and hostile behavior, shall be fined un
[16:49:41] Michael-Kun: baaaah
[16:49:48] Michael-Kun: i'll send this to you in an email lolz
[16:49:57] Maxwell: kk
[16:50:03] Michael-Kun: whats yer youtube again?
[16:50:11] Maxwell: fubuxlmte
[16:50:16] Maxwell: you could just email my MSN

YouTube PM
yo | Feb 22, 2010
a) In General- Chapter 41 of title 18, United States Code, is amended by adding at the end the following:
`Sec. 881. Cyberbullying
`(a) Whoever transmits in interstate or foreign commerce any communication, with the intent to coerce, intimidate, harass, or cause substantial
emotional distress to a person, using electronic means to support severe, repeated, and hostile behavior, shall be fined under this title or
imprisoned not more than two years, or both.
`(b) As used in this section--
`(1) the term `communication' means the electronic transmission, between or among points specified by the user, of information of the user's
choosing, without change in the form or content of the information as sent and received; and
`(2) the term `electronic means' means any equipment dependent on electrical power to access an information service, including email, instant
messaging, blogs, websites, telephones, and text messages.'.
(b) Clerical Amendment- The table of sections at the beginning of chapter 41 of title 18, United States Code, is amended by adding at the end the
following new item:
`881. Cyberbullying.'.

[16:54:34] Maxwell: wow
[16:54:39] Maxwell: great xD
[16:54:48] Maxwell: who is bunny tho?
[16:54:50] Michael-Kun: and they said i didnt have legal grounds
[16:54:55] Michael-Kun: spacebunny3000
[16:55:01] Maxwell: i see
[16:55:09] Maxwell: hehe
[16:59:12] Maxwell: where did bunny find that info?
[16:59:20] Michael-Kun: i had him busy
[16:59:25] Michael-Kun: tryin to find loopholes
[16:59:26] Michael-Kun: :DD
[16:59:29] Maxwell: xP
[16:59:32] Michael-Kun: i own thier asses now
[16:59:33] Michael-Kun: :D
[16:59:38] Maxwell: hehe
[16:59:43] Maxwell: but did he tell u where he found it?
[17:00:22] Michael-Kun: no he didnt
[17:00:31] Maxwell: hmm
[17:00:37] Michael-Kun: i shoulda given you this:
[17:00:42] Maxwell: double check and ask him where he got it
[17:00:44] Michael-Kun: it tells you EVERYTHING
[17:00:47] Maxwell: just to make sure he aint a troll
[17:00:49] Maxwell: kk
[17:00:51] Maxwell: looking
[17:05:36] Maxwell: it looks like the bill was written to protect minors
[17:05:46] Maxwell: r u sure it will cover u?
[17:16:03] Michael-Kun: it works the same way
[17:16:13] Michael-Kun: i called
[17:16:14] Michael-Kun: XD
[17:16:21] Maxwell: xP called who?
[17:16:30] Michael-Kun: that office
[17:16:58] Maxwell: the page u linked to says it is a bill. did the bill pass as law?
[17:17:19] Michael-Kun: yep
[17:17:22] Michael-Kun: a year ago
[17:17:36] Maxwell: cool :)
[17:18:00] Michael-Kun: still im hoping i wont have to press charges
[17:18:02] Michael-Kun: -.-
[17:18:18] Maxwell: yeah D:
[17:31:45] Michael-Kun: i have an assignment for you
[17:31:51] Michael-Kun: go to the ED IRC channel
[17:31:56] Michael-Kun: and see what they want
[17:32:35] Maxwell: ok i will try
[17:38:06] Michael-Kun:
[17:38:13] Maxwell: omg i got on and asked what they want from u and romantic himself is messaging me
[17:38:20] Maxwell: hold on
[17:38:37] Michael-Kun: ask them what they want
[17:38:40] Michael-Kun: tell them yer me
[17:38:53] Maxwell: kk
[17:44:28] Michael-Kun: whats the name yer using?
[17:44:34] Michael-Kun: pogo wants to know
[17:44:51] Maxwell: who is pogo?
[17:44:58] Michael-Kun: the dude that invited me
[17:45:09] Michael-Kun: he called me cupcake...something alex
[17:45:26] Maxwell: i dont understand what you mean
[17:45:34] Michael-Kun: just tell me the name yer using
[17:45:36] Michael-Kun: lolz
[17:45:45] Maxwell: vampiricspektor
[17:45:56] Maxwell: they invited me into a private chat
[17:46:13] Maxwell: i am still getting their list of demands but looks like ther done talking now
[17:47:44] Michael-Kun: damn
[17:47:49] Michael-Kun: what are the demands
[17:47:51] Maxwell: ok
[17:48:16] Maxwell:

[17:36:12] <@Romantic> i demand for you to wait patiently as i move money around and prepair to send you the 10,000$ check
[17:36:14] <@Romantic> i still intend to send you the money
[17:36:23] <@Romantic> which will take about a week
[17:36:32] <happynegro> WEAR PANTIES and take a pic of it and post said pic on your ED page
[17:37:18] <vampiricspektor> is that all?
[17:37:36] <&subseven> denounce god
[17:40:28] <@Romantic> i want a video where you admit to the US government that you dont deserve disability

[17:48:40] Maxwell: that is the gist of it
[17:48:53] Maxwell: then they kicked me out of the irc
[17:48:59] Michael-Kun: figures
[17:49:13] Maxwell: what will u do?
[17:49:23] Michael-Kun: i wont wear panties
[17:49:36] Michael-Kun: and i wont denounce god
[17:49:52] Maxwell: what if that makes them angry?
[17:50:03] Michael-Kun: well i dont have panties!
[17:50:05] Michael-Kun: lolz
[17:50:10] Maxwell: lol
[17:50:23] Maxwell: but you can denounce god with ur fingers crossed :P
[17:51:52] Michael-Kun: uh no
[17:52:05] Michael-Kun: i will do as he asks WHEN i get the money
[17:52:10] Michael-Kun: shit
[17:52:11] Michael-Kun: -.-
[17:52:17] Maxwell: i see
[17:52:40] Maxwell: what about the last bit of that demand?
[17:55:02] Michael-Kun: lmfao
[17:55:19] Michael-Kun: man i sure pulled the wool over pogo's eye XD
[17:55:35] Maxwell: i still dont understand who pogo is lol
[17:55:39] Maxwell: what did u do?
[17:56:44] Michael-Kun: i think you went to the wrong IRC...
[17:56:55] Maxwell: what?
[17:57:02] Maxwell: but romantic messaged me
[17:57:15] Maxwell: the invited me to a private room
[17:57:20] Maxwell: so who is pogo?
[18:02:21] Maxwell: brb
[18:15:47] Maxwell: back
[18:18:30] Maxwell: u there?
[18:44:25] Michael-Kun: IT IS DONE
[18:44:27] Michael-Kun: i won!
[18:44:30] Michael-Kun: in exchange
[18:44:32] Maxwell: ??
[18:44:35] Michael-Kun: i have to do 2 shows with alex :(
[18:44:48] Maxwell: well, as long as u win :P
[18:46:54] *** "Michael-Kun" signed off at Mon Feb 22 18:46:54 2010.
[18:47:11] *** "Michael-Kun" signed on at Mon Feb 22 18:47:11 2010.
[18:52:16] Maxwell: how did u convince them u won lol?
[18:52:32] Michael-Kun: i went into IRC
[18:52:35] Michael-Kun: -.
[18:52:36] Michael-Kun: -.-
[18:52:43] Maxwell: :o
[18:52:44] Michael-Kun: and was forced to agree to do a show with alex
[18:52:49] Michael-Kun: goddamnit
[18:52:53] Maxwell: hmm
[18:52:59] Michael-Kun: and the page is still up
[18:53:01] Maxwell: but what did they do in return for u?
[18:53:17] Michael-Kun: they're gonna take down the page
[18:53:24] Maxwell: wow
[18:53:28] Maxwell: lol xD
[18:53:42] Michael-Kun: if i dont follow through they put the info back up
[18:53:47] Michael-Kun: im being held hostage :(
[18:54:11] Maxwell: doing a show doesnt sound so bad actually
[18:54:21] Michael-Kun: i sense BULLSHIT from them
[18:54:30] Michael-Kun: im gonna get made fun of and they damned well know it
[18:54:53] Maxwell: are you sure?
[18:55:30] Michael-Kun: they were friendly
[18:55:37] Michael-Kun: im like
[18:55:43] Michael-Kun: these people arent mean
[18:55:46] Maxwell: wow
[18:55:59] Maxwell: i guess u shudnt judge a book by its cover right?
[18:56:01] Michael-Kun: i gave shaneequa a compliment
[18:56:02] Michael-Kun: lol
[18:56:07] Maxwell: who is that?
[18:56:15] Michael-Kun: the lead admin
[18:56:22] Maxwell: was she nice?
[18:56:26] Michael-Kun: oh yes
[18:56:42] Maxwell: maybe they are feeling people like you and me?
[18:56:47] Maxwell: just a little misguided ;)
[18:57:09] Michael-Kun: i kinda went overboard tho
[18:57:20] Michael-Kun: i asked "why are you hiding behind the constitution?"
[18:57:27] Michael-Kun: i face/palmed after
[18:57:28] Michael-Kun: lol
[18:57:38] Maxwell: lol
[18:57:49] Maxwell: you regret some of the tings u said?
[18:58:25] Michael-Kun: kinda
[18:58:32] Michael-Kun: and then the queen bee came in
[18:58:37] Maxwell: :o
[18:58:40] Michael-Kun: i got stung -.-
[18:58:41] Maxwell: the owner?
[18:58:48] Maxwell: but was she nice?
[18:58:57] Michael-Kun: yeah she was nice TO ME lol
[18:59:02] Michael-Kun: but pissed off to the trolls
[18:59:07] Maxwell: lol
[19:02:18] Maxwell: i was doing some research on ed while u werent talking earlier lol
[19:02:35] Maxwell: and i found out that this guy got his article down because he made this vid for ED
[19:02:37] Maxwell:
[19:02:44] Maxwell: i think u got the much better deal
[19:02:46] Maxwell: XD
[19:02:55] Michael-Kun: oh frack
[19:03:00] Maxwell: i know
[19:03:09] Maxwell: dont watch it if u dont want to lol
[19:03:22] Maxwell: but i think they must have been really nice 2 u
[19:03:41] Maxwell: and maybe they understand you are going through too much
[19:04:10] Michael-Kun: omfg
[19:04:37] Michael-Kun: i cant believe alex is gonna give me $10,000
[19:04:41] Michael-Kun: omfg
[19:04:57] Maxwell: i thought he said 1000?
[19:05:03] Michael-Kun: 10,000
[19:05:06] Michael-Kun: XD
[19:05:13] Maxwell: :o
[19:39:09] Maxwell: did alex contact u back yet?
[19:39:38] Michael-Kun: yep
[19:39:40] Michael-Kun: its done
[19:39:44] Michael-Kun: my families info is off
[19:39:53] Michael-Kun: mwahhahahahhahahahhahahaahahhahahahahahaha
[19:39:59] Maxwell: lol!
[19:40:12] Michael-Kun: i now have enough dirt on alex to put him in prison
[19:40:21] Maxwell: heh
[19:41:09] Maxwell: what do u have on him?
[19:41:42] Michael-Kun: bribery
[19:41:54] Michael-Kun: i wont do that show
[19:41:58] Michael-Kun: xD
[19:42:06] Maxwell: lol why not xD
[19:42:21] Michael-Kun: because this is bullying
[19:42:32] Michael-Kun: when i tell dad this he's gonna flip
[19:43:02] Maxwell: tell ur dad?
[19:43:07] Maxwell: why does he want to know?
[19:43:08] Maxwell: lol
[19:44:52] Michael-Kun: XD
[19:45:02] Maxwell: well? lol :P
[19:45:23] Michael-Kun: i dont know
[19:45:24] Michael-Kun: XD
[19:45:43] Maxwell: have they been prank calling him? is that why?
[19:46:29] Michael-Kun: and mom
[19:46:34] Michael-Kun: my mom can sleep easier now
[19:46:35] Maxwell: wow
[19:46:36] Michael-Kun: :DD
[19:46:38] Maxwell: what jerks
[19:47:08] Maxwell: only cowards would do that
[19:47:23] Michael-Kun: seems alex is the only coward here
[19:47:32] Michael-Kun: he's coming over ;)
[19:47:40] Maxwell: coming over where?
[19:47:48] Michael-Kun: here!
[19:47:56] Maxwell: wow really?
[19:48:01] Maxwell: to ur house?
[19:50:11] Maxwell: so why didnt u just sue ED in the beginning?
[19:51:17] Michael-Kun: because i wanted to talk things out with them
[19:51:20] Michael-Kun: FIRST
[19:51:29] Maxwell: ah
[19:51:38] Michael-Kun: now that i know what they do in order to get what i want THE VICTIMS have to do what they want
[19:52:06] Maxwell: i see
[19:52:10] Maxwell: so what is your next move?
[19:53:26] Michael-Kun: XD i'll wait til the time is right...then in order to prevent that page from getting back up...i'll stab him and throw him in the river
[19:53:48] Maxwell: hehe
[19:54:24] Michael-Kun: XD XD
[19:54:55] Maxwell: u must really hate that article then :P
[19:55:37] Michael-Kun: damn right
[19:55:38] Michael-Kun: lolz
[19:56:03] Maxwell: i dont blame u xP it must have made u really angry :P
[19:58:47] Maxwell: couldnt u hav just cursed alex to death lolz xP
[19:59:59] Michael-Kun: :D
[20:00:19] Maxwell: well, lolz?
[20:00:27] Maxwell: couldnt u have xD?
[20:10:51] Maxwell: brb
[20:28:20] Maxwell: bak
[20:29:06] Michael-Kun: i've got people begging at my feet beggin for forgiveness LIKE my video said
[20:29:13] Michael-Kun: i sooooo timed this welll
[20:29:18] Maxwell: hehe
[20:29:32] Maxwell: when will you finish the trolls off?
[20:29:45] Michael-Kun: i dont think i will
[20:29:53] Michael-Kun: they think im one with them now
[20:29:57] Michael-Kun: -.-
[20:30:10] Maxwell: hehe, you infiltrated them so to speak?
[20:30:29] Michael-Kun: who's to say
[20:30:32] Michael-Kun: :DD
[20:30:39] Maxwell: xD
[21:03:16] *** "Michael-Kun" signed off at Mon Feb 22 21:03:16 2010.
[21:03:18] *** "Michael-Kun" signed on at Mon Feb 22 21:03:18 2010.
[21:07:28] *** "Michael-Kun" signed off at Mon Feb 22 21:07:28 2010.
Session Close (Michael-Kun): Mon Feb 22 21:13:21 2010

End Part 1 out of 3

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