Cartman dreams he has a close encounter with an alien. The other boys are convinced that the dream is real, and that he has been the victim of an anal probe exam by aliens.
2. Volcano
The boys are out hunting with Stan's crazy uncle Jimbo. But they do not know that the mountain, they are hunting on, is a volcano about to erupt
3. Weight Gain 4000
Cartman wins an essay competition in school by cheating. Meanwhile Mr. Garrison is planning to kill Kathy Lee Gifford, who will present the prize.
4. Big Gay Al's Big Gay Boat Ride
While the boys are teasing Stan by telling him his dog is gay, Sparky runs away and joins the sanctuary at the animal lover Big Gay Al
5. An Elephant Makes Love to a Pig
Kyle summons the geneticist Dr. Mephisto to clone his elephant and Cartman's pot-bellied pig in order to win the science fair.
6. Death
Stan's grandpa tries to trick the boys to kill him. Meanwhile the parents of South Park try to convince a TV-network to stop airing Terrance and Phillip
7. Pinkeye
Halloween has come to South Park and Kenny gets killed by a falling space station and gets transformed into a zombie by embalming fluid and Worchester Sauce.
8. Starvin Marvin
During an ad-break of Terrance and Phillip the boys decides to adopt an Ethiopian child, influenced by the promise of a free digital watch.
9. Mr. Hankey, the Christmas Poo
The mayor decides to introduce a neutral holiday theme, who can't offend anyone. Kyle believes he has the answer.
10. Damien
The new kid in class convinces Jesus to fight with his father, Satan, in the final battle between good and evil. Cartman gets upset when he finds out that the battle happens on his birthday.
11. Tom's Rhinoplasty
The boys are becoming lesbians to impress a teacher. Meanwhile Mr. Garrison gets plastic surgery to make him look like David Hasselhoff.
12. Mecha-Streisand
Cartman and Kyle becomes enemies over a magical triangle, that gets pulled out from an archeological excavation. The triangle has the power to transform Barbara Streisand into a horrible monster.
13. Cartman's Mom Is a Dirty Slut
Dr. Mephisto helps Cartman with revealing the truth behind his father's identity. This puts every male in South Park in the limelight.
Season 2
1. Terrance and Phillip in Not Without My Anus
Instead of learning who Cartman's father is, you get trolled by two farting Canadian fags who try to stop a Canadian dictatorship.
2. Cartman's Mom is Still a Dirty Slut
We don't learn who Cartman's father is and it's revealed that his mother is a genetically incorrect mistake.
3. Chickenlover
YOU WILL RESPECT MAH AUTHORITAH! Something about someone fucking chickens and a police officer who can't read.
4. Ike's Wee Wee
Mr. Mackey becomes a drug addict and the little jew child Ike is about to get circumcised which Kyle fears immensely.
5. Conjoined Fetus Lady
HOLY SHIT SHE HAS A FETUS ON HER HEAD, LET'S APPRECIATE HER BECAUSE SHE'S DIFFERENT. Also includes a britfag and a dodgeball tournament.
6. The Mexican Staring Frog of Southern Sri Lanka
Two rednecks create a show because of a hoax they created about a frog or something. Foreshadows events to happen in the movie.
7. City on the Edge of Forever (Flashbacks)
Flashback episode, nobody gives a fuck.
8. Summer Sucks
The town bans fireworks near the 4th of July after some retard kid blows his fingers off and the kids try to repeal the ban. Also Mr.Garrison loses his hat puppet thing.
9. Chef's Chocolate Salty Balls
Say everybody have you seen my balls they're big and salty and brown. (They're on fire baby) If you ever need a quick pick me up, just stick my balls in your mouth. OOH! Suck on my chocolate salty balls, put 'em in your mouth and suck 'em. (Put 'em out, blow on 'em.) suck on my balls baby, suck on my balls baby, suck on my red hot salty chocolate balls. Come on,baby, woo, woo, suck on my balls!
10. Chickenpox
The parents middle finger the boys and give them chicken pox to teach them a lesson, so the boys plan their revenge.
11. Roger Ebert Should Lay off the Fatty Foods
The kids gets hypnotized and Cartman is auditioning for a commercial.
12. Clubhouses
In order to get bitches and be cool, the boys compete to create their own clubhouse. Oh, and Stan's parents have a temporary divorce.
13. Cow Days
The boys enter Cartman as a bull rider in a rodeo to get $5000.
14. Chef Aid
Chef gets sued so the boys have to pay his legal bills with a concert and Mr. Garrison suspects his puppet trying to take the life of a twig.
15. Spookyfish
Stan's fish from a parallel universe kills people and a nice Cartman from the same parallel universe shows up.
16. Merry Christmas Charlie Manson!
Cartman's uncle releases Charles Manson from prison to learn the true meaning of Christmas.
17. Gnomes
Tweek succumbs to his crack filled coffee after seeing Gnomes who steal underpants; Tweek's father competes with another crack-filled coffee shop.
18. "Prehistoric Ice Man
Stan and Kyle find a man that was frozen in ice since 1996 and after being unfrozen, everyone treats him like a Neanderthal.