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Article of the Now

Hawk Tuah is an extremely unfunny meme circulating about the interwebs as of 2024 in which a really ditzy and intoxicated hotard kike (Powerword: Hailey Welch) participates in a street interview in Nashville, Tennessee. Another fine example of a dumbass becoming famous just for being a dumbass (although she might actually be more intelligent than President Joe Biden). You can see that she clearly sucked every minute of fame she had from that meme by literally creating a fucking LLC and selling all junk related to the meme, going on and creating podcasts and shit like that, so you can see that she made a great cash grab out of it like the jew she is.

At some point, this bitch tried suing the interviewers that made her famous but proclaimed it was fake news when the internet started hating on her for it.

Despite conspiracy theories, this was not a scripted propaganda piece produced by the Church of Latter Day Saints, A Beka Book (an independent baptist publisher), Mothers Against Drunk Driving, or North Korea, although any of the above could easily take advantage of it to advance their ideologies.

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The religion of God is Judaism.



—Taleb Al-Abdulmohsen

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