Check Your Privilege

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"Check Your Privilege" is a buzz phrase invented by a Red and a Kike who were planning the overthrow of the West in the 1960s, and is now used by Social Justice Warriors to arrest the cruel, wanton brutality of the cis white male. Should such a tactic ever prove successful, we at ED will be the first to report it.

The phrase originally developed as a response to substantiated arguments with facts, in order to perpetuate the jew world order through the power of peoples hurt feelings, which too many people spend too long to defend. Instead of coming up with a decent argument, debate, or even scientific or economic evidence of their 'oppression', Social Justice Warriors successfully made hordes of people cringe away from their screens by screaming what essentially boils down to "My opinion is right because I have different genitals/skin colour"

Now, the phrase is used sarcastically by people to mock at these little pieces of shit, doubtlessly sending them into spirals of triggering.

Rare sane woman takes a break from her sandwich making duties in the kitchen to denounce the idiocy.

General disclaimer

Moar info: Social engineering.

Because "privilege" is another scam cooked up by the Jews to cause fracture and strife in western civilisation, it is a pack of lies from start to finish. If at any stage you find it necessary to address the subject in conversation, simply point out that the only privilege in a capitalist society is "Green Privilege." And that is the one social advantage that the Jew does not want destroyed for very obvious reasons. Which is why the goy are bring kept distracted with arguments about identity politics.

Remember how the bankers caused the 2008 crash? Remember Occupy Wall Street in 2011? Remember a time before you had ever heard of "austerity"? No? That's the whole idea!


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Naturally, the original founders of 'privilege' theory had western society's best interests at heart.
In practice

The basic concept is that while heterosexual males who like being white heterosexual males are always on the top of the food chain due to some magical privilege they inherited by being born Caucasian and with a penis. This is because white males are the majority. Except for the fact that Asians outnumber whites globally and "minorities" like hispanics and blacks outnumber the whites two to one or higher across the USA. Also white males rule everything and get each other free rides because of "good old boy" antics. Oh wait, that's just rich people in general, like how Best Korea picks it's leadership. It's not like heterosexual males face their own problems like cock trapping that happen only because they are heterosexual white males who like being what they are. Everyone knows cisgendered heterosexual males never get raped, murdered, or ever lose their jobs because they are so magical. Oh wait... never mind. It's almost like the idea of white privilege is debunked by actually looking at the world at large. Don't let common sense... I mean... the PATRIARCHY bring you down! Just follow the hate, I mean, freedom train on to "equality".

How do we get that equality. Easy: make the white cisgendered males miserable. They need to be brought down to the level of everyone else. Also put everyone else on a pedestal as that in no way is creating a privileged class/race combo with an under class. Those white males have had it good for too long. Ignore homeless white males, white males who are victims of crimes like rape, and white males who have never seen a drop of benefit due to their race and sex. All heterosexual white males who like being heterosexual white males need to pay!

This stupidity began as a concept in 1988 by feminist Peggy McIntosh. She decided that being a wealthy, comfortable white woman was oppression. She wrote some crackpot books that were ignored by feminists of the day for being utter bullshit. She remained ignored until the 1990's when a new generation found these books. These women bought into the bullshit and took up the mantle of "feminism", hoping that people will put them on a pedestal just for having a vagina as long as they claim they are "being oppressed". They started saying "Check Your Privilege" as a way to make people who are smarter than them or otherwise not worshipping them shut up and obey them for fear of looking like bigots.

Check Your Privilege moved into racial circles when black women felt like they were being left out of the slice of social guilt that feminism had given to the plight of middle class white women. While white idiot neo-feminists tried their best to support their racially divided female colleagues, negresses went onto complain more and more that the help that they were receiving was really oppression, and began such useless movements like #Solidarityisforwhitewomen

Now every "minority" uses Check Your Privilege for the same reason: to make voices of reason shut up because they are like a wounded lamb that needs to be put on a pedestal and worshipped because their lives are so damned hard. Well, nobody should worship a wounded lamb. In the real world, wounded lambs either go to the vet to be fixed into normal lambs or are put out of their misery. Do your part for nature and give the same consideration to these sad individuals.

Expansion to other oppressed groups

As Twitter and Tumblr expanded and more and more upper middle class tweens realised that their lives were not actually that hard, and started to create their own 'oppressed' internet groups, such as Otherkin, Trannies and Fat People.

Other 'oppressed' groups using the phrase unironically include furries, faggots, feminists, and behind the times minority groups.


For those who think being a furry isn't disgusting enough, Otherkin decided that their make believe worlds deserved not only acceptance from the public, but praise for being 'brave' enough to publicly live as their totally not chosen randomly spirit animal. Otherkin are not just animals lovers either. Everything from mythical beings to goddamned galaxies and nebula.

The term "Check Your Privilege" is often used when people genuinely question their sanity when encountering them in grocery stores, asking them where the Mountain Dew is.

When you fail to check your privilege her snowflake heart melts.


While trannies can come in all shapes and sizes these days, from being trans racial to trans fat, the original and best dick girls out there still use the phrase "Check Your Privilege" to this day, to shut down arguments, and even events that literally try and help their cause.

While these are mostly just white men putting on a bit of make up, occasionally a trans-man will come into the mix, and begin to stir up debate as to if they are privileged or not, due to their choice to become the superior gender, solidifying the phrase "Check your privilege" as a way to put down people who are more oppressed than ones self.

This phrase is often shot down under the oppressors guise of being 'stupid and not contributing to the discussion', so these trannies get up in arms and make sure that their horrible Cis overlords are kept in place by being internet tough guys.

Unfortunately the privilege checking by Cuckservatives has lead to measures being put in place, such as free dick removal surgery on the tax payers dime.

ToriTheQueer explains why you need to Check Your Privilege and STFU.

Fat People

In a stunning display of complete ignorance of the topic at hand, upper middle class, first world living, over fed, pre diabetic white women decided to jump on the "Check Your Privilege" train of privilege accusations, and started legitmate groups like The National Association to Advance Fat Acceptance, to try and silence those asking why they really needed the extra Double Whopper Burger with fries.

While their arguments are mixed, from "Fat people are healthy" to "Fat people are humans too", each one boils down to the idea that their bad eating habits are not just deserving of sympathy, but praise, for being 'brave' enough to face the wild of the outside world when getting their daily mail.

Fat is to feminism as fedoras are to atheism.

Black People

White student doesn't have the PRIVILEGE to wear dreadlocks.

How to check your privilege

Blacks do not understand the above, due to illiteracy
Piffle-idge explained

Go to to make sure you're not oppressing Demonkin today!

Alternatively, you can have your privilege checked by Buzzfeed here.

Privilege and Power

One of the main applications of the privilege paradigm is to determine when someone has been raped. According to most dictionaries, rape is an act of sex wherein at least one or more of the involved parties do not want sex.

However, that would imply that a Woman can rape a Man which is impossible. Thankfully, the feminist geniuses of the world have come up with a simply formulae to prevent confusion.

Power + Unconsensual Sex = Rape

So now, if a 5 tonne Hamplanet sits her rotting cooch on to your morning wood while you sleep/are tied down, it cannot be considered rape, unless she (claims to have) changed her mind after already flattening you, then the man-turned-pancake raped HER. Besides which, you should be grateful as it is the only pussy you will ever get.

It also means that the notion that Men are raped the most because of prison, is rendered false, meaning that you should stop your complaining when you are inevitably made some person's bitch.

Typical criminal

This power dynamic also applies to everything including:






-Traffic Violations





and so on...

This means that Trayvon really DID do nothing! It also means that the only people capable of committing actual crime include White Cishet Males. Which is why you should kill yourself.

The debate as to whether or not it is rape when a Black Man forces himself on to a White Woman is one that still rages on.


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See Also

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Social Justice

Visit the Social Justice Portal for complete coverage.

Check Your Privilege is part of a series on Tumblr.

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