Lizard Squad

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Epic avatar is epic

The Lizard Squad is a group of young skids that still live with their parents and will most likely die alone in Guantanamo due to AIDS and arrests. They got fame for ruining gayming servers during the second period of 2014, for tweeting a false terrorist act on a plane and specially for shutting down PSN and Xbox Live gaming networks on Christmas.

Gayming ruining

In the second half of 2014, gaming services were constantly being attacked by Lizard Squad, this is what made so many Gamergaters had enough time to stalk and threaten people on social networks and IRL. The services attacked by Lizard Squad were the following ones:

These attacks gave them some skiddie fame and nobody except neckbeard and fat gamers cared about them.

Bomb threats

Lizard Squad leader worried of FBI investigation

During July, in the middle of gayming network attacks and since Lizard Squad is ISIS, they tweeted that it was believed the flight carrying Sony Online Entertainment President John Smedley had explosives on board. The flight was diverted to Phoenix for a security-related matter, John Smedley claims that the FBI is in the case since its National Security related.

Finest Squad

Lizard Squad dox by Finest Squad

Finest Squad, also known as "zeekill tier Squad" or "Le epic xDDD Skid maymay squad", is a group of deepweb cyberhaxors as leet as Penisboat or The Regime who appeared as the saviours of online gaming, they had just 1 mission: suck a cock and kill themselves stop the lizard squad from ruining Christmas, and they failed it. What were you expecting?

The group initially doxed the whole LS and published it on their strong security website and the media quickly published encouraging reports about how Finest Squad heroes had doxxed the evil hackers, none of the doxed guys were actually from LS and what happened to them after that was that they became the target for better hackers, in less than a week, all the members from Finest Squad were doxed by MLT and decorated with lulzy ASCII art.

Even after getting ass raped and non being able to stop Christmas Day attack, they claimed that they were the ones that stopped PSN and XBL attacks by launching "succesful" DDoS attacks against LS servers, which are all protected by Crimeflare (Daniel Brandts favourite service), with the use of sofisticated haxing software.

Characteristics of Finest Squad members:

  • Likes dicks
  • Likes chimp dicks as well
  • Knows how to use LOIC
  • Knows how to spell the word dox
  • Cant DDoS a server
  • Publishes the first names they find on the internet as legit dox
  • High levels of autism
  • Bullimic
  • Probably members from JIDF
  • Loves gayming
  • Loves anal sex
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The Great Christmas DDoS

I have doxed Lizard Squad as a guy called Santa Claus, who lives in the Arctic with polar bears and snowniggers
Kim Dotcom saves children (and his personal gayming)

Lizard Squad publicly said that they would DDoS Play Station Network and Xbox Live servers on Christmas Day, this led to a massive ammount of pre-DDoS drama when fags tried to stop them from doing so, all this resulted in:

After laughing at the n00bs, Lizard Squad proceeded to start its DDoS attack on PSN and Xbox Live on the early morning of Christmas Day as promised, the targets of the attack were the load balancers of the networks, once they fell, both whole networks were unable to give any kind of service, the attack lasted for nearly 20 hours. The anger of the kids and gamers can be read on #LizardSquad or on any other social network or forum, Lizard Squad received more insults and death threats from teens in 1 hour than nachash and PinkMeth owner from Jason Van Douche in half a year, which is quite a success.

You, fat gamergater or autistic gaymer should thank Lizard Squad for helping you to abandon your xXx quickscoper console and go to the outside and do some sport during those 20 hours.

On Christmas Days night, Kim Dotcom after being butthurt because he couldnt play his games, decided to shill at planetarian scales his privacy-strong honeypot service: MEGA, by promising to give to the LS 300 premium MEGA accounts if they stopped the attack on both gaming networks. In less than an hour, LS had the vouchers for the accounts and stopped the attack as accorded with Kim through private messaging. God bless Kim Dotcom for saving kids from malicious attackers.

After the attack there were many media reports about it and even some interviews with 2 alleged members from Lizard squad: Vinnie something and Ryan Cleary, the members gave details about the reason of why they did (the same bullshit Lulzsec used to say) it and other technical information of the attack like for example, that Microshit servers had an extremely poor security. Lizard Squad publicly said that  MeanTxLawyer was sponsoring the attack on XBL and PSN, this led to another massive rage against the most loved lawyer in Texas and a great ammount of public death threats from the lawyer. You can taste this on HERE

North Korea cyberattack

Just after the FBI accused North Korea of hacking or ordering a hack by the Guardians of Peace into Sony and releasing most of the corporations data to the internetz, Obama threatened the best Korea in response to the attack by saying that North Korea would receive a proportional counterattack. In the next hours, North Korea suffered a DDoS attack that destroyed their internets for 9 hours, not that much of data is required to shut down whole NKs internet since they only have 2 mayor servers and 1024 IPs. Lizard Squad member twitter accounts and Anonymous claimed responsability of the attack in #OpRIPNK, but... who the hell believes Anonymous? You?

Supreme Leader replied to the attack by calling Obama a monkey, these words were a big hit to the US military...

Fail Sybil attack on Tor network

Lizard Squad reaction to Anonymous

After ruining Christmas, Lizard Squad decided to go after Tor network because its used by pedos, they claim to have used a Tor 0day to add around 3300 new relays to the Tor network in about an hour, all the relays were called LizardNSA + 10 random digits and all were hosted on jewgle user content servers with a extremely shitty bandwidth. The attack resulted in nothing else rather than more NSA propaganda for everyone: Tor is broken, Tor is kill, Tor is botnet, Tor is for pedos... The problem was solved in less than 2 hours by the Tor Project team with something as simple as blocking LizardNSA relays from the network.

The attack, which was nothing more than a fail, was criticized and overvalued by the faggots from YourAnonNews, which threatened to take actions against Lizard Squad members. Right now, Lizard Squad members are all afraid on their moms basements because anonym00000se will hax them.

NOTE: Lizard Squad 0day definition is different from original 0day definition.

Lizard Stresser

Lizard Stresser click and hack layout

After the success of LS DDoS against PSN and XBL, they decided to give paid access to their ultimate script kid stressing tool, which allows you to hax the gibson with a few clicks and some shekels. Lizard Squad claims that with its tool you can launch DDoS attacks of 30 Terabytes/second which is as legit as Nicky Minaj boobs, the numbers claimed by Lizard Squad pawn and shit on top of anything done before. You cant use a VPN to register on Lizard Stresser site, you know, hackers like to know who their partners and clients are.

The tool will be used by skids and gaymers all around the world to beat on kiddie oponents, and maybe by the media to ddos other media and then get shekels from new visits.

Partyvan is coming

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See Also

External Links

Lizard Squad is part of a series on Security Faggots

1337 h4x0rz

Captain CrunchCult of the Dead CowDavid L. SmithGary McKinnonGOBBLESHD MooreJeff MossKevin MitnickLance M. HavokRobert MorrisTheo de RaadtweevWoz


2cashAnonOpsBrian SalcedoFearnorFry GuyGadi Evrong00nsHack This SiteHacking TeamhannJoanna RutkowskaJohn FieldJoseph CampLizard SquadLulzSecMark ZuckerbergMarshviperXMasters of DeceptionMichael LynnKrashedRavenr000tRyanSteve Gibsonth3j35t3rThe RegimeSabuZeekill

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Lizard Squad is part of a series on


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