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Hey! This article isn't lulz just yet, but its coverage can spark a lollercoaster.
You can help by reverting people who delete shit, and vandalizing their user pages.
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PROTIP: If you're going to start an Encyclopedia Dramatica rip-off, don't use it to preach your political and/or religious agenda. If you do, YOU FAIL.


Even furfags hate RationalWiki

Typical rationalwiki poster.

RationalWiki™ (RW) is a far-left Conservapedia rip-off where SJWs and Atheists go to have a circlejerk and talk about how oppressed they are and how bigoted everyone that doesn't agree with them is. These faggots think that they're special shit since they have some shitty Dawkins books on their shelf and the leet skills to run a wiki. Suffering from the aforementioned superiority complex, these kikes will go at great lengths to debunk shit brought up by extremely important thinkers of our times, such as David Icke.

Ironically enough, these people actually think that they're rational. Nothing could be further from the truth for RationalWiki than the word "rational" it proudly sports in its name. The contributors and editors of the wiki are hopelessly irrational and butthurt and will stop at nothing at proving they're the biggest flamers on the internet. Known as hipster-pseudo-intellectual-fags, the operators of the RationalWiki are trapped in the mind-slog which is their critical thinking skills. The average RationalWiki article is written with prose so awful it makes Uncyclopedia looks like Shakespeare's Hamlet; and their ideas of "rational" discussions range from whether or not violent Marxist revolution is necessary, to whether or not the slang term "grow a pair" is "sexist" (since it implies one must have testicles to be a male, thereby excluding transsexuals - no, seriously). The site is so on-the-fringe that much like the Tea Party, it frequently turns against its own for not being fringe enough (ex. with contributers turning against the likes of Richard Dawkins and Thunderf00t simply for not being as pro-feminist as say, Valerie Solanas)- thereby hastening it's decent into complete irrelevance, outside of a Gay Black Jewish Transgendered Feminist Vegan Communists for Choice rally on the campus of Berkeley University.

RationalWiki's contributers consist of a typical autism sideshow made up of latte-sipping hipsters, sexually confused teens, obese and hairy feminists, "male feminists" with a Norman Bates complex, virginal Star Trek fans, 4chan neckbeards, fans of tentacle rape anime, and NAMBLA members - and is usually indistinguishable from the cast of an episode of To Catch A Predator. It's also home to many Nazi-wannabe admins who have emotional and social intelligence no better than that of the hillbilly creationists they so despise. RW admins' communication skills typically consist of telling members to "fuck off!" or YELLING IN ALL CAPS any time someone has the nerve to disagree with one of them.

It once used to be a proud leftist parody to conservapedia, nowadays, it's just a place for euphoric atheists enlightened by their own intelligence, Social Justice Warriors, PZ Myers fanbase circlejerk, and other low life basement dwellers to go rant about everything. From feminazis thinking fart is rape to evolutionists who think that being smarter than Ken Ham is actually an accomplishment. It's so much of a circlejerk, it puts reddit to shame. Not surprisingly, one of RW's founders and top sysops is that supreme Usenet and TOW troll, David Gerard.


Typical "rational" wiki humor.

RationalWiki™ is a grimdraek place of pure, unadulterated dread and misery. For the utter despair of all, packs of manboobed individuals roam the land, yearning to add the latest speck of fail to their collection of rubbish. Horever one should not be surprised, since every major wiki on teh Internets is just like that . Assuming you believe those faggots, their intentions are:

  1. Analyzing and refuting pseudoscience and the anti-science movement.
  2. Documenting the full range of crank ideas.
  3. Explorations of authoritarianism and fundamentalism.
  4. Analysis and criticism of how these subjects are handled in the media.

By "pseudoscience" and "anti-science", RationalWiki users generally mean Creationism. RationalWiki consider any scientific idea not taught to them by their high school science teacher to be irrational nonsense.

The Critical Thinking of RationalWiki

The best part of the RationalWiki is the genuine belief each of their contributors have of their own critical thinking skills. Like a six year old who discovers they can blow bubbles with bubble gum, the cogs of the RationalWiki have discovered that they can criticize and rebel against their parents. Unfortunately for many of them, they lack the balls to confront the people they know in real life with their rebellious beliefs. Instead they spend all day being angry and find the best use of their time is to create barely comprehensible, raging anti-Conservative/Religion manifestos in the guise of wiki articles.

Of course, this is why the RationalWiki is so humorous. The contributors of the wiki are completely unaware that what they write is anything but rational. They also legitimately believe what they write but think they can get a pass by using outdated, forced, garbage humor. Remember that one kid who was insufferable know-it-all who tried to fit in by telling awkward jokes while also talking about how "knowledgeable" he was? The crew manning the RationalWiki are like that minus several hundred IQ points. They're smart enough to realize that there are cookies in the cookie jar but too stupid to unclench their fists to allow procurement of said cookies.

The Darwinfags

One should analyze these creatures with great caution, lest they burn you at a stake like the raging hypocrites they are. If you ever encounter a RationalWiki™ editor IRL, please don't touch the poor creature (you can get diseases from them, since they're obviously just a bunch of evolved monkeys) and refer them to the nearest mental hospital available (a church is fine too). Over teh Internets, just troll'em good (you fuckwad!) until they become an heroes. Returning to the main topic, all RationalWiki™ users are one or more of the following:

TL;DR they're either Jews who want to spread lies in order to kill Christians, heathens who want to spread lies in order to kill Christians or a mix of both.

Ever had an atheist come up to you and say that he hates your guts for being Christian IRL? I sure as hell don't. Maybe it is just because I'm rich and beautiful.


The RationalWiki has a liberal approach to promoting users to sysops. Just about any active, "good-faith" contributor can become a sysop. Even you can have sysop rights there. A full list of sysops can be found here though it won't ever be checked, since no 1 wants anything to deal with these faggots. But kind /b/, prove me wrong .

Proving that bitchfights over religion are not limited to jewtube teenagers, some RW admins, like Trent Toulouse and Ames Grawer, infiltrated Conservapedia with honorable intentions, but they were detected and banned for life by the clueless pedos that run CP. They failed hard. CP sysop Brian Macdonald and Andy Schlafly himself launched some legal threats to Trent and Ames, yet they never materialized. Schlafly, despite that he's been online for more than ten years, is still oblivious to the inner workings of the internets, and that flame wars are futile.

Most of RW's few regular users are administrators. And they get a sick form of "pleasure" from blocking themselves, or each other. You can believe this, or you can look at their fucked-up blog logs for yourself.

Vandal defense

As with any other open, "anyone can edit" wiki, the RationalWiki is prone to vandal attacks. Not only can sysops ban users, but they can also slow them down too. The RationalWiki has a special extension known as VandalBreak. As with most of RationalWiki's extensions, this extension was created by Nx. This extension can be used by sysops to slow the rate at which suspected vandals can edit pages (eg. 1 edit per minute). This frustrates hopeful vandals into giving up or using proxies in order to creating new accounts.

WIGO pages

Criticizing Conservative Christian sites is one of the RationalWiki users' favorite pastimes. They host several What is going on at…? (WIGO) pages. This is a sure sign of spending too long on the internet (no shit, Sherlock). Of these, the What is going on at CP? page is the largest and most popular. In fact, that page is the second Google search result for "rationalwiki".

RW users would waste hours of their lives DISREGARD THAT, THEY DON'T HAVE ANY watching Conservapedia's RecentChanges for any little piece of dirt that they can get their hands on and display them on the WIGO page. The RationalWiki even have a bunch of custom extensions for the WIGO pages in order to "enable" the obsessions of RationalWiki users. Because the little turds tried to vandalize Conservapedia for years systematically, and failed. Andy's far crazier than even that low-rent vampire Gerard.

Deconstructing Andy

Their favorite pastime: raping this man on a daily basis.
...and learning about his secret sex life.

To say that rationalwikians focus all their energy on every single stupidity that comes out of Andy Schlafly's head is an understatement. They have dismantled Schlafly's mind, body and soul, analyzing and psychoanalyzing his personal and professional life, his debating tactics, his concerns and his obsessions, even imagining how the asshat behaved as a kid.

Add to that dozens of essays, anagrams, games and poems; a comparative study of Schlafly and Black Jesus; daily wikistalking; a rock opera (written by RW's resident gays); and endless, massive ridiculing directed at Andy himself and his cronies. What you have is a morbid fascination with a guy who is, plain and simple, a fuckwit who does not deserve the slightest attention.

Do you think she calls him "assfly" in bed?


—RW's Human, on Andy's wife (WIGO's talk page)

His shirt is ill fitting, cheap, and he didn't bother to remove the extra buttons on his cuffs....


—RW's Nutty Roux, in a micro analysis of a photograph (Sauce)

I think he is wearing one of them Watch/Calculator things.


—RW's Ace Mc, going deeper and deeper in the matter (Sauce)


RationalWiki doesn't have a good relationship with Encyclopedia Dramatica. Contrary to popular belief, ED isn't just a liberal stronghold. In fact, ED is home to many conservatives, libertarians, republicans, fags, dykes, and kikes. No, we're indeed all jew-hating, fag-burning fat basement dwellers . On November 17, 2007, some butthurt fag named PyroPython created the RationalWiki's ED article (not a surprise considering that the entire wiki was created by banned users). On February 3, 2008, the article was rewritten in a more neutral tone. Before the rewrite the article had the following text:

Encyclopædia Dramatica is a Wikipedia "parody" that tries desperately to be funny. Despite all of their attempts (which almost invariably consist of belittling others on the internet and attempts at "shock humor"), they fail to understand that goatse and porn don't make people laugh.

In many ways they are like USENET's alt.tasteless gone completely out of control.

It might be one of the few websites worse than Conservapedia.

Update: ED may yet redeem themselves, to a degree, as an active contributor in the war against Scientology [9].

Sadly the "new and improved" article isn't as funny as the above text, but it did succeed in hiding their inner butthurt selves (well, at least until you view the page history or this article).

Although RW has inspired the expansion of our very article on Conservapedia and the creation of the article on Andy Schlafly, as well as the ongoing investigation on Ed Poor's pedophilia, ED's Urban Space Cowboy actually created the CP article on February 21, 2007, whereas RationalWiki 2.0 was founded by some guy named Colin on May 22, 2007, with the help of Trent Toulouse.

Urban Space Cowboy left our dimension in 2008.

RationalWiki, however, still contains trace amounts off butthurt over their ED article, especially on the talk page.

There is a fine line between "raunchy entertainment" and silly childish rubbish. Most of what ED has is not really of the former and a lot of the latter, so I see no point in emphasising its rarity at the expense of its common. I personally think most of the "jokes" here should go if they can be replaced with quality material, but that is another conversation.

In other words, when ED makes jokes, insults, and admits that it's a satire wiki, it's shit and childish rubbish. Yet when RationalWiki makes jokes, insults, and admits that it's a biased wiki, that doesn't mean the wiki is bad, it means that there's room for improvement.

Re-vamping RationalWiki

RationalWiki 1.0

Ironically all of the original RW editors were originally banned Conservapedia editors. In 2007, several wiki-obsessed evolutionists from Wikipedia felt that they could gain acceptance on the CP. They, of course, were completely wrong. Eventually, these former Conservapedia hopefuls were banned or provoked into ragequitting. These Conservapedian rejects were gathered up and RationalWiki was formed.

The first incarnation of RationalWiki was a invite-only site. Rational 1.0 was a hidden hive of liberal freethinkers and have mostly used for Conservapedia-related discussions. They often discussed their vandalism of Conservapedia. Unfortunately, while the RationalWiki users were discussing the CP users' stupidity, stealthy Conservapedia ninjas learned the secret RationalWiki handshake, infiltrated the wiki, and exposed all of their secrets.

RationalWiki 2.0

Their god. Oh wait... if they don't believe in God, they cannot believe in Satan either. Or could they? Or maybe that's just David Gerard in a fag suit?

Realizing that ceaselessly moaning about christfags made them look as retarded as the very christfags they were moaning about, RationalWiki did the first rational thing by banning most of its members. After the infiltration and the banning of several RationalWiki members from the RationalWiki, the sysops decided to take the wiki in a new direction. They reset the wiki and started over from scratch. The wiki has now open to everyone and their contributions. Of course, this doesn't mean that RationWiki 2.0 is open to everyone's thoughts, especially the ones deemed "irrational".

The turd also rises

[10] Awesome! David Gerard had a brilliant idea for added lulz, and made Ryulong an administrator on RW! Let the bullshit begin! "So, Ryulong became active on IrrationalWiki earlier this month. A few days ago he was given sysop powers by David Gerard and today started complaining about another sysop having the tools, started a wheel war by abusing his tools to remove the other sysop's tools and was then the subject of a wheel war over his access to the sysop tools. Here I was just using IrrationalWiki to describe their content, when it clearly describes their overall culture."

This led to a screaming match on RW's "Chicken Coop", their fuckheaded idea of a "noticeboard". Let the anuses spurt:

"Two days ago, Nutty reopped Exiled. Ryulong removed Exiled's sysop. Nutty removed Ryulong's sysop. Neither of these removals was the result of a discussion on the Chicken Coop. As such, I reopped Exiled and reopped Ryulong. Ryulong has brought this up on numerous pages and mentioned a previous Chicken Coop incident. If we are going to discuss anything in this matter, we should discuss it here, rather than on 50 pages. User:FuzzyCatPotato 15:59, 28 December 2014 (UTC)
"Deop all 3 and call it a day? 16:14, 28 December 2014 (UTC)
"Or don't. Since all three currently have sysop status, just leave things as they hang. User:Weaseloid 16:19, 28 December 2014 (UTC)
"Pretty obviously people randomly removing sysop status because they personally think it's a good idea is a bad way of going about things. If somebody is abusing their sysop status then this is the place to talk about it. --User:Bob_M|Bob 17:11, 28 December 2014 (UTC)
"FWIW - The opping of EE struck me as a terrible idea - he's not only a bloody worthless waste of space as a contributor (and a good example of the principle that if you just got kicked off Wikipedia, you won't do any better on RW without changing your ways - really, [Caligula] in [Category:Engineer woo]? Wasn't woeful categorisation what he got kicked for?), but also has posted copyvios that then needed removing. Though I don't see any in his blather this week. The key point is that EE lacks the minimal judgement needed not to actually piss all over the carpet, all the time going "what? what? what's the problem? you're so MEAN" and if you were looking for an example of a poor newbie harassed by cantankerous old guard, he's sorta not a great one - User:David Gerard|David Gerard 17:38, 28 December 2014 (UTC)
"I am no particular fan of EE but I'm at a loss to see where he's misused his sysop status. And if that's not the offence he is accused of I don't see the point of removing it.
"In any event it would need to be a community decision.--User:Bob_M|Bob| 17:46, 28 December 2014 (UTC)
"I don't care. People are being inconsistent, few have any idea what they're talking about, and this kind of shit is always more about personalities than merits, but do whatever you want. User:Nutty Roux|Nutty Roux 18:03, 28 December 2014 (UTC)
"I want aware of process to actually know that this was necessary but CensoredScribe is a mess that should not be trusted on any MediaWiki software site with anything beyond reading ability. outside of my action, his bit has been on and off since registration. IRS not even like he was banned from Wikipedia for personality issues or whatever is rumbling there for me. He got banned because he wouldnt stop making bad content decisions when they were discovered and violated his ban on doing anything regarding categories, which he is wont to do here as well.—User:Ryulong 18:57, 28 December 2014 (UTC)
"I largely concur, but at least almost nothing you can do in MediaWiki is irreversible (which is why sysop is actually not a big deal) - User:David Gerard 19:00, 28 December 2014 (UTC)
"[plain old editor hat] I move we all calm down and back away slowly and have more Christmas drink and it'll be as resolved as anything ever is in a wiki full of argumentative skeptics all convinced of their own perspicacity and everyone else's stupidity - User:David Gerard 19:00, 28 December 2014 (UTC)
"I second David's motion. User:FuzzyCatPotato 19:07, 28 December 2014 (UTC)
"I third the motion. I may personally dislike Ryulong; however he has done nothing here to warrant having sysops privileges removed, beyond vengefully removing mine which I've never done to anyone. Ryulong may have committed the capital crime of not capitalizing their O's and using apostrophes correctly, but I do that when stressed by the thought of every post being my last as well.
"I ask that this matter be dropped and no ones sysops privileges removed; but if that is too much to ask, than before anyone is tried, may they at least be given warning that a decision is pending, so that they may present their case before a certain time. It will take some time for me to compile a list of my best edits here to refute the less than 10 examples that are cited against me. I have more than 10 good edits, just to science articles.
"Inconsistency is correct. I understand I make a lot of edits, but I find it hard to believe you would the majority of them objectionable; this is cherry picking a few bad cherries in a field of hundreds. Also, I'm not an expert on Roman history, however that Caligula article sort of made it sound like he was an engineer who thought he was a god. I would be more than happy just to leave any additions to engineering woo up as a discussion on the respective talk pages, as I've done with UFO; just inform me now what is a personalized banish-able offense for me, and I will avoid it ahead of time.
"You never even bother to just ask me politely to discuss categorizations. Nor does anyone bother to demonstrate what is and isn't copyright violations like Drmies did for me the two times I did that as Cassandra Truth. It seems to be like a DNA test done with words, where as little as 6 shared words between the reference cited and the summation of that text constitutes copyright violation. What is the number exactly and if you have a concrete number why isn't it stated somewhere on the site? Try not using a single word from the reference, and see if that's possible and not just completely unrelated to the source at that point; a single drop of plagiarized words like and, the or the article name, poisons the entire well.
"We are all in the same boat; the one that isn't Noah's ark. Shiver me timbers! User:Exiled Encyclopedist 22:38, 28 December 2014 (UTC)
"Just an aside, you're not at all obligated to write verbose edit summaries for every edit, you know. Not that there's anything wrong with it, though the effort could be spent on more worthwhile things. 23:16, 28 December 2014 (UTC)
"Worthwhile things like taking a few seconds to consider whether adding links to [Watergate] whenever a -gate topic pops up is really such a splendid idea. >.> 01:36, 29 December 2014 (UTC)"

Trolling RationalWiki

As with all fundamentalists, trolling them may not be as easy as it may first appear due to their inability to listen to anything they do not agree with. Fighting fire with fire may be the best method.

Proven by SCIENCE:

  • Tell them that irrationality and logical fallacies are not inherently wrong.
  • RationalWiki rejects any idea that challenges other mainstream scientific ideas, such as the Theory of Relativity. RationalWiki doesn't seem to realize that science is dynamic, and established theories may be rejected in the future.
  • It's fucking easy to refute creation science. A goddamn four-year could do it, seriously, get a life, people.
  • The RationalWiki can also be quite heavy-handed in opposing what it considers to be "authoritarianism", which is the quality they apply to American conservatism. Although conservatives seek to shrink the size of the government and the amount of money people are forced to pay into it, RationalWiki users somehow believe that conservatives are seeking to have the government control everything.
  • Remind them that though they may claim to be above the "childish" humor of ED, but love to photoshop cocks on everything and troll new users.

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