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Latest revision as of 05:41, 31 October 2011

The stunt-double in the new upcoming film "Rehab ", based on the life and struggles of Amy Winehouse.

La Pequeña is the moniker of a vertically challenged Chilean drag queen, who is the star of what are undoubtedly some of the creepiest viral videos to hit YouTube in recent memory. Proving the truism that history does indeed repeat itself, La Pequeña has unleashed on an unsuspecting web 2.0 the unholy union of the old-timey fun of a 19th Century carnival freak show, with karaoke so bad it would make drunken Japanese salary men blush with shame. P.T. Barnum must be spinning in his grave.

Pequena Clinton 08!

S(he) began to gain notoriety on the internets after a YouTube user who we can only assume to be her pimp began posting a string of bizarre videos of what appeared to be an emaciated midget holocaust survivor impersonating various celebrities and politicians, often while gyrating and grinding on anything and everything as terrible Eurotrash techno blared in the background.

She's crotch sized for easy access.

The pint sized Tijuana whore has since exploded across the internet like a bad case of herpes. Being the kind of viral disease that is the gift that keeps on giving, the video was inevitably picked up by the old media, who gurgled at it in retarded laughter for a whole day while they passed it around from station to station like a cheap jug of wine before remembering that they were supposed to be reporting actual news.

I don't even know where to begin.

Perhaps one of the strangest aspects of La Pequeña, aside from that shameful boner you got while watching his Amy Winehouse video, is the inexplicable appearance in some of his videos of a tall man in a gimp mask simply named "Machine." This masked man appears out of the shadows and proceeds to grind, hump, and face fuck La Pequeña while mugging for the camera.

La Pequeña Clinton 08!

See Also:

Penquena's number one fan, Michael K; questioning his sanity

External Links

La Pequeña is part of a series on YouTube.

Visit the YouTube Portal

La Pequeña is part of a series on

Homosexual Deviants

Visit the Faggotry Portal for complete coverage.

Featured article August 14, 2008
Preceded by
South Ossetia
La Pequeña Succeeded by
Church of Fudge
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La Pequeña is part of a series on Psychology
Mental illness & Disorders

AcrotomophiliaAddictionAgoraphobiaAlcoholismAlexis Pilkington SyndromeAlzheimer'sAnorexiaAntisocial personality disorderAnthropophobiaAnxietyADDADHDAsperger's SyndromeAutismBimboficationBipolarBorderline personality disorderBug ChasingBulimiaCognitive dissonanceDeep thinkerDepressionDick ImpalementDown's SyndromeDyslexiaEating disorderFactitious disorderFake SchizophreniaFauxlimiaFeminismGender dysphoriaGirl on the Internet SyndromeHeterophobiaHero ComplexHFAHistrionic Personality DisorderHutchence's SyndromeHyperbolimiaInadequacyInconsistent personality disorderInsanityLiberal Butthurt SyndromeLiberalismLow Self-esteem'Missing White Woman' SyndromeMultiple personality disorderNapoleon ComplexNarcissistic personality disorderNeurotypicalObsessive Compulsive DisorderParanoiaParanoid personality disorderPeter Pan SyndromePost-Traumatic Stress DisorderPsychopathyPyromaniaRetardationSchizophreniaSeasonal Affective DisorderSelf-diagnosisSelf InjurySexsomniaSickfuckerySociopathySocial anxiety disorderSpecial Snowflake SyndromeTerminological percipience disorderTrolling Induced Transsexuality SyndromeTulpaUnrealistic expectationsVictim complex


AcrotomophiliaAquaphiliaArborphiliaAudiophiliaAutogynephiliaBalloon FetishBestialityCarmen Electra complexCross DressingDollfiliaEmetophiliaEmosexualityEproctophiliaFatty Fetish (Female Fat Admirer) • FetishismFoot FetishFurniture PornFurrismGoo girlGuroHeterophiliaHomophiliaInflation FetishJapanophiliaJungle FeverLesbian pedophiliaLotion PlayMacrophiliaMaiesiophiliaMechanophiliaMpregNecrophiliaObjectophiliaOedipial ComplexParaphiliaPedophiliaPlushophiliaPregnant LoliPregnophiliaQuicksand FetishRangerphiliaSpectrophiliaStatuephiliaTrichophiliaVoraphiliaWet and Messy FetishismWetlookXenophiliaYellow feverZoophilia


Chronic Troll SyndromeDeletionismE-goE-PsychiatristE-PsychiatryETDHivemindI-DosingI have a 140 IQIRC DiseaseImaginary girlfriendInternet Disease & Internet Disease ChartInternet poverty delusionsInternet RehabInternet troll personality disorderMega ultra super geniusNerdy Fandom Gateway TheorySex by associationLulz-BlindnessWikipedia's Greatest Hits Diseases


ask.fmBrainwashingHypnosisMilgram ExperimentScientologyStanford Prison ExperimentThe Hivemind Corollary


Above Top SecretB/Bodies Under SiegeCYOCChatrouletteDefense Industries

See also:

American Psychiatric AssociationAngerASMRChild abuseConscienceDreamsDSMElan SchoolEnlightenmentIntelligenceLobotomyMary BellPsychiatristySerial KillersTake the meat bridgeThe Law of ConformityTrigger Warning