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[[File:Morefriends.png|450px|thumb|center|Let this set the tone for the rest of the article.]]
{{ib|[[File:Narayan Lopez irl.png|300px]]}}
{{ibrow|'''Real name'''|Narayan Guerra Lopez}}
{{ibrow|'''DeviantArt'''|{{dauser|Darlalloons26}} }}
{{ibrow|'''YouTube'''|{{yt|c|UC73qUq90Gf8HyYOxLe0_QXw|Darlalloons Animations}}}}
'''Darlalloons26''' (aka Narayan23456, Naradarla26, Darla, [[powerword]]: '''Narayan Guerra Lopez''') is a horrendously whiny, awful little {{age|1998|11|8}}-year-old Mexican "artist"., infamous for his drama rants and his constant wants for "everyone to be friends". An artist on [[DeviantArt]], he had two accounts which are both used for autistic interests including [[inflation]] and [[Pokemon]]. Much like his friend [[BlueCatRiolu]], he leads his own team of highly dedicated white knights who defend him when anyone calls out on his "inflation team". This faggot believes that spreading rumors and making petty threats to anyone against him will help stop the hate, failing to realize that he is only fanning the flames further for more drama and hate. He also writes hate and petty journals like [[BlueCatRiolu]] whenever he is upset at things going on like losing friends and so forth, having no understanding that it doesn't solve any problem.
==Darla's "ocs"==
His main ocs consists of a "bearcat" for his [[inflation]] account which looks more like a mouse than an actual bearcat. He also has another oc for his [[Pokemon]] account which is an azumarill, his "favorite pokemon", calling it "Nezumari the Azumarill". He obviously prefers his "bearcat" oc because he is more obsessed with [[inflation]] and [[fapping]] to it. He claims his "bearcat oc" is a possessed doll <s>even
though everyone knows that's a bullshit reason</s> when in reality it's more possessed with drama if anything else.
==Follow these damn rules!==
Being the autistic fag he is, it comes to no surprise he has shitty rules that no one follows anyways!
[[File:Darlasrules.png|1000px|thumb|center| You can definately tell he's being just as stupid and retarded as his "girlfriend".]]
==Discovering this article==
When Darla discovered himself on [[Encyclopedia Dramatica|ED]], he went apeshit over it and signed up, hoping to [[BLANKING IN PROGRESS|remove this article]]. Of course, he was banned and made an even bigger [[fucktard]] than he already is.
[[File:Eeveeglaceonisdarla.png|700px|thumb|center|Keep blaming people, huh Darla? If only you had a brain.]]
[[File:Whocaresdarla.png|700px|thumb|center|Seriously dude, get a life will ya? We know it's YOU!]]
==His Mugen Days==
Before he got into the cancerous [[inflation]] shit, Darla or Narayan as most know him in real life was involved in [[What?|Mugen]], a 2D fighting game where characters are created within it's community. Narayan is infamous throughout the community for his shitty characters which look awful when compared to other people's creations. They are bland and have no real characteristics to them and they aren't useful in battle. He claims to have been a "troll" during his days in the Mugen community and there is evidence that he caused drama as early as 2015 in this community as well. While he is no longer associated with the community, many still consider him a "troll" since he continues to stalk and harass others on other websites.
[[File:Shittymugencharacters.png|600px|thumb|center|His shitty Mugen "creations" which have no real character or taste whatsoever.]]
[[File:Mugenshit2.png|500px|thumb|center|And it still stands true to this day.]]
==The Drama Overlord==
Darla is most known for his rants and constant arguments with people who don't believe in "everyone being friends". He fails to understand life and how the [[internet]] works. He has caused drama everywhere, including his many journals and status on DeviantArt as well as posts on [[Kiwi Farms]] where he spergs on. He also spreads rumors and lies around the internet and fought with Riolu over {{dauser|Selphy6}} regarding his decision to filter his inflation works on DeviantArt as well as other people who decided to unfriend Darla and his "inflation team" after getting sick of their constant fightings within the "Riolu Drama War". Those who unfriend him often get the stalker treatment from him and will do anything to get them back to him, including the use of bribe art and alt accounts to bypass the one that was blocked by those wishing not to speak to them. He claims his "mommy" {{dauser|Ticki-Ticki}} helps him with his drama, but even they claim to have given up hope on him changing for the better.
{{Collapsegallery|Examples of Darla's Drama|cg1|center|<gallery>
File:Beingacrybaby.png| Acting like a manchild cause his brother found his [[inflation]] account.
File:Part 1 of Drama Journal.png| Just a part of Darla's pitty journal on [[DeviantArt]].
File:Discordserverhack.png| Darla's "attempt" to hack a discord server on [[Kiwi Farms]].
File:Darlafuckedup.png| Darla acting like a baby after getting fucked up on Kiwi Farms.
File:Darlaispissed.png| Don't mess with Darla or his pedo-girlfriend or this shit will happen.
File:Leavethembe.png| Darla never stops, does he?
File:Wtfdarla?!?!.jpg| Yes, he actually said this. Quite the sperg, isn't he?
File:Mugenshit1.png|Part of his drama filled days on Mugen Database.
File:Mugenshit3.png|This person speaks the whole truth about this "person".
{{rainbow|Everyones are Friends!!!}}
=="I'll help, honest!"==
Late one evening on May 28th, 2017, Darla made a Discord server and added the people who were
reeeaaaaal ticked off by Darla, to sort things out (apparently they thought this could work out for them).
In the end this resulted in Darla giving one of those people admin to the server, and the server subsequently
getting ''trashed'' and Darla thrown out of power as a result. The users were not subtle that Darla was a real
pain in the hind quarters. Desperately trying to get her to either stop acting this way, or to leave DeviantArt,
one user approached them in a calm manner in an attempt to snatch the account from them.
It '''works''', somewhat unsurprisingly. The account was taken over, Darla was swiped out of power once again,
and the drama was put to a standstill. Huzzah!
This is evident in the current state of Darla's DeviantArt account.
==Drama King's "art"==
{{Collapsegallery|Bearcat Darla's "art"|cg1|center|<gallery>
File:Darla, face of evil.png| Darla's main "oc", a "bearcat" plush that he claims is possessed. Possessed by drama, that is.
File:His "pokemon oc, nezumari".png| His pokemon "oc", Nezumari.
File:Poor merak.png| Even Merak isn't safe from Darla's Treatment.
File:Ohgodinflation.png| Just one of Darla's many inflation pics, starring another manchild CJ The Pikachu.
File:Watchtheneedle!!!.png| Oh shit, he's got a needle!!!!!
File:Skycatbirthday.jpg| Shitty Birthday Drawing for someone who didn't even care about it.
File:Negalcharacter.png| Darla's Mugen OC when he was involved in [[Shit nobody cares about|Mugen]].
File:Pokemontrio?.jpg| His "Pokemon Trio Team". Whatever that means.
[[File:Watsupmyhomies.png|450px|thumb|center|I present to you, Darlakeemstar!!!]]
==See also==
[[File:Lolseriouslydarla?.jpg|250px|thumb|lol seriously, Narayan?]]
*[[Asperger's Syndrome]]
*[[BlueCatRiolu]] &ndash; Another fucktard on DeviantArt who also spreads drama around and does similar types of art.
*[[Cansin13]] &ndash; One of his whiteknights also has a page on here.
*[[Chibiyima]] &ndash; Girlfriend of Darla whom Darla aids with most of the time.
*[[Furry art]]
*[[Gaming]] &ndash; Loved causing drama in the gaming community, [[Shit nobody cares about|Mugen]].
*[[Inflation art]]
*[[Mexico]] &ndash; Where all the shitty people like Darla live obviously.
*[[Ruining The Internet|Ruining the Internet]]
*[[Sick fuck]]
*[[Shitty art]]
*[[SolidMario]] &ndash; Reportedly troll-shielded on Darla's thread on [[Kiwi Farms]].
{{fv|BarneyVids|background-color: #FFFFFF;|font-weight: bold;
|<youtube>dec-OVuKtJU</youtube>'''Watch as Darla's shitty Mugen "creations" get slammed hard.'''
|<youtube>t2oJWzQhkbI</youtube>'''Darla's Mugen characters getting justice!'''
|<youtube>4qp4JMpTm6g</youtube>'''Some shitty "music" he created for some fake animated series he "came up with".'''
|<youtube>mmLZkwvYmIo</youtube>'''Darla spergs in Spanish over some game tablet he got, like anyone gives a fuck!!!'''
==Quotes on people's feelings towards Darla==
<center>{{morphquote|bitchquotes|background-color: white;|font-weight: bold;
|Here is the account of a guy that acted like a total biased dumbass and was trying to get rid of me, luckily we got rid of the thot.
|{{dauser|Alpha-X01}}'s thoughts on him.
|The account of a guy who acted like a total SOB and deserves to be banned from every social media website.
|{{dauser|SydDaKitty}}'s thoughts on him.
|I have fallen, and I can't get up, so I'm taking my time on my ride because I have failed society.
|{{dauser|RickDaCuteChubster}}'s thoughts on him.
|This guy has almost ruined both my Deviantart reputation and my discord reputation just because I unfriended him
and refused to add him back... Pitiful...
|{{dauser|JonTheGoat}}'s thoughts on him.
|Nobody is going to support you, Narayan. Not after what you've done in the past.
|[http://mugen.wikia.com/wiki/User_blog:Dylanius9000Mugen Dylanius9000Mugen] speaking the truth about this guy.
|Sure, I have moments of being childish, but at least I regret the things I've done and apologize. Darla, however, has never felt sorry for his actions, bothers and targets people, acts like a giant crybaby, impersonated my original account's name on another site, and so on. He doesn't deserve friends, until he learns to man up, grow up and stop being a bother to everyone.
|{{dauser|MysticalBearBun}}'s thoughts on him.
|I used to know this guy from the MUGEN community back in the day when I used to do stuff for the engine.
He not only bothered friends of mine, but he caused tons of drama as well. many people laughed at his actions, and seeing him now just makes me sick. what he's became at least, really am glad to see this guy finally taken down.
This dude needs to stop fapping to balloons and go outside, really he's ruined enough people's lives.
|{{dauser|jarolis}}'s thoughts on him.
|Cheers to the one person who continued to harass me for applying the mature filter to my art, long after everyone else accepted or became neutral to it. I've let that one go for a long time, but Darla didn't exactly leave me with a great first impression.
|{{dauser|selphy6}}'s thoughts on him.
==External links==
*{{dauser|darlalloons26|darlalloons26}} &ndash; His [[inflation]] account and formerly his main account. (Currently under {{dauser|Dungeonation}}'s control.)
*{{dauser|darlalthebearcat|darlalthebearcat}} - BRAND SPANKING NEW ACCOUNT!
*<s>{{dauser|narayan23456|narayan23456}}</s> BAWWLEETED! &ndash; His [[Pokemon]] account and original DA. Was abandoned until the takeover of his main account. Now deactivated as of May 29th, 2017.
*{{furaffinity|naradarla26}} &ndash; His Fur Affinity account.
*{{yt|c|UC73qUq90Gf8HyYOxLe0_QXw|Darlalloons animations and Music!}} &ndash; His YouTube "Music" account and current account.
*{{yt|u|narayan23456|Negel Megalo Gameplays}} &ndash; His YouTube Gaming account. ABANDONED!
*{{skype|live:guerralopezn}} - He created this solely to talk to Chubbz prior to her getting Discord.
*{{kf|28841|His Kiwi Farms Thread}}
*[http://mugen.wikia.com/wiki/User:Narayan23456 His account on Mugen Database. Was blocked with other account banned.]
*[http://mugenfreeforall.com/profile/6550-narayan23456/?do=content&type=core_statuses_status&page=1&sortby=status_content&sortdirection=desc His account on Mugen Free for All, some Mugen Forum]
*[http://mugenguild.com/forum/profile/area.summary;u=85496 Account on Mugen Guild, another Mugen Forum]
*[https://www.roblox.com/users/40063322/profile Roblox Account]
*[https://plus.google.com/u/0/+NarayanGuerraLopez] &ndash; Google +
*[https://kiwifarms.net/members/darlalloons26.13320/] &ndash; Kiwi Farms account
*[https://lolcow.wiki/wiki/SolidMario#cite_note-19] &ndash; Mentioning in [[SolidMario]]'s Lolcow Wiki Article.
===Alt Accounts===
Much like his "girlfriend", Darla himself has created some alternate accounts to fool people into being his friend, a complete waste of time.
* {{dauser|EeveeGlaceonFan}} &ndash; Alt #1, ABANDONED! Used to fool people around DA, including his own girlfriend who blocked this account.
* {{dauser|Kalweirdstuff666}} &ndash; Alt #2, He claims this is his brother's account, but has been determined to be just a sockpuppet of Darla.
==White knights/Fuckboys (examples)==
*{{dauser|asheandcjthepikachus}} &ndash; Another autistic manchild who thinks he's a pikachu. Is a close friend of Riolu and Darla and is 19 years old.
*{{dauser|BlueCatRiolu}} &ndash; Supports Darla in his rants, but has had times of annoyance with her, particular in his discord server where Darla was kicked several times. Supports giving death threats to others, including parents.
*{{dauser|Cansin13Art}} &ndash; A manchild who whines over [[Pokemon]] and [[Sonic]] and other stupid shit.
*{{dauser|GenesisWonder-GX}} &ndash; Although isn't associated with Darla that well, she doesn't seem to mind him at all. Her and Darla are friends even though Darla is too retarded to realize her issues. Beware,though. Both are in a relationship, despite Chubbz being a pedophile.
*{{dauser|jigglypuff239}} &ndash; Some random fag who buys into Darla's shit lies.
*{{dauser|micaloon}} &ndash; Has circle tool art. Hasn't improved since joining dA in 2013 and is involved with drama.
*{{dauser|Mysterious-Cat-01}} &ndash; Supports Darla without realizing his [[autism]] issues. Makes 30-40 minute videos of himself doing [[shit nobody cares about|shit]]. Very hard to understand, indicating a possible case of [[autism]].
*{{dauser|schoolfilmer}} &ndash; Doesn't tend to be associated that much with Darla, but still supports his shitty actions. Asks for art from him being inflated and other shitty fetishes.
*{{dauser|sexyman60}} &ndash; Along with Micaloon works with Darla to create "loonimons" or creatures that inflate. Is a hamtaro fag and doesn't care about what others say about Darla.
* {{dauser|pokemaster1296}} Shitty artist and an inflation fag. Constantly sucks on Darla's dick. Thinks he is the best artist ever.  Does not know good art from his own asshole. 
* {{dauser|schoolfilmer}} Not really friends, but a near 30 year old manchild and a closet pedophile.
* {{dauser|Luiskoa64}} &ndash; Another autistic manchild who has obsession with [[Pokemon]] and inflation. Along blocks anyone who criticize him.

Latest revision as of 14:37, 21 January 2023

Note: this is an article about an Encyclopedia Dramatica user. For more information, please see the appropriate user page. To leave this user a message, please visit their talk page.
This person has Assburgers Syndrome,
so you can't say anything bad! :-(

Be aware of that, you insensitive fuck.
Let this set the tone for the rest of the article.

Real name Narayan Guerra Lopez
Nationality Mexican  
Residence Mexico
DeviantArt Darlalloons26
YouTube Darlalloons Animations

Darlalloons26 (aka Narayan23456, Naradarla26, Darla, powerword: Narayan Guerra Lopez) is a horrendously whiny, awful little 25-year-old Mexican "artist"., infamous for his drama rants and his constant wants for "everyone to be friends". An artist on DeviantArt, he had two accounts which are both used for autistic interests including inflation and Pokemon. Much like his friend BlueCatRiolu, he leads his own team of highly dedicated white knights who defend him when anyone calls out on his "inflation team". This faggot believes that spreading rumors and making petty threats to anyone against him will help stop the hate, failing to realize that he is only fanning the flames further for more drama and hate. He also writes hate and petty journals like BlueCatRiolu whenever he is upset at things going on like losing friends and so forth, having no understanding that it doesn't solve any problem.

Darla's "ocs"

His main ocs consists of a "bearcat" for his inflation account which looks more like a mouse than an actual bearcat. He also has another oc for his Pokemon account which is an azumarill, his "favorite pokemon", calling it "Nezumari the Azumarill". He obviously prefers his "bearcat" oc because he is more obsessed with inflation and fapping to it. He claims his "bearcat oc" is a possessed doll even though everyone knows that's a bullshit reason when in reality it's more possessed with drama if anything else.

Follow these damn rules!

Being the autistic fag he is, it comes to no surprise he has shitty rules that no one follows anyways!

You can definately tell he's being just as stupid and retarded as his "girlfriend".

Discovering this article

When Darla discovered himself on ED, he went apeshit over it and signed up, hoping to remove this article. Of course, he was banned and made an even bigger fucktard than he already is.

Keep blaming people, huh Darla? If only you had a brain.
Seriously dude, get a life will ya? We know it's YOU!

His Mugen Days

Before he got into the cancerous inflation shit, Darla or Narayan as most know him in real life was involved in Mugen, a 2D fighting game where characters are created within it's community. Narayan is infamous throughout the community for his shitty characters which look awful when compared to other people's creations. They are bland and have no real characteristics to them and they aren't useful in battle. He claims to have been a "troll" during his days in the Mugen community and there is evidence that he caused drama as early as 2015 in this community as well. While he is no longer associated with the community, many still consider him a "troll" since he continues to stalk and harass others on other websites.

His shitty Mugen "creations" which have no real character or taste whatsoever.
And it still stands true to this day.

The Drama Overlord

Darla is most known for his rants and constant arguments with people who don't believe in "everyone being friends". He fails to understand life and how the internet works. He has caused drama everywhere, including his many journals and status on DeviantArt as well as posts on Kiwi Farms where he spergs on. He also spreads rumors and lies around the internet and fought with Riolu over Selphy6 regarding his decision to filter his inflation works on DeviantArt as well as other people who decided to unfriend Darla and his "inflation team" after getting sick of their constant fightings within the "Riolu Drama War". Those who unfriend him often get the stalker treatment from him and will do anything to get them back to him, including the use of bribe art and alt accounts to bypass the one that was blocked by those wishing not to speak to them. He claims his "mommy" Ticki-Ticki helps him with his drama, but even they claim to have given up hope on him changing for the better.

Examples of Darla's Drama About missing Pics
[Collapse GalleryExpand Gallery]

"I'll help, honest!"

Late one evening on May 28th, 2017, Darla made a Discord server and added the people who were reeeaaaaal ticked off by Darla, to sort things out (apparently they thought this could work out for them). In the end this resulted in Darla giving one of those people admin to the server, and the server subsequently getting trashed and Darla thrown out of power as a result. The users were not subtle that Darla was a real pain in the hind quarters. Desperately trying to get her to either stop acting this way, or to leave DeviantArt, one user approached them in a calm manner in an attempt to snatch the account from them.

It works, somewhat unsurprisingly. The account was taken over, Darla was swiped out of power once again, and the drama was put to a standstill. Huzzah! This is evident in the current state of Darla's DeviantArt account.

Drama King's "art"

Bearcat Darla's "art" About missing Pics
[Collapse GalleryExpand Gallery]

I present to you, Darlakeemstar!!!

See also



Watch as Darla's shitty Mugen "creations" get slammed hard.
Darla's Mugen characters getting justice!
Some shitty "music" he created for some fake animated series he "came up with".
Darla spergs in Spanish over some game tablet he got, like anyone gives a fuck!!!

Quotes on people's feelings towards Darla

Here is the account of a guy that acted like a total biased dumbass and was trying to get rid of me, luckily we got rid of the thot.



Alpha-X01's thoughts on him.

The account of a guy who acted like a total SOB and deserves to be banned from every social media website.



SydDaKitty's thoughts on him.

I have fallen, and I can't get up, so I'm taking my time on my ride because I have failed society.



RickDaCuteChubster's thoughts on him.

This guy has almost ruined both my Deviantart reputation and my discord reputation just because I unfriended him

and refused to add him back... Pitiful...


JonTheGoat's thoughts on him.

Nobody is going to support you, Narayan. Not after what you've done in the past.



Dylanius9000Mugen speaking the truth about this guy.

Sure, I have moments of being childish, but at least I regret the things I've done and apologize. Darla, however, has never felt sorry for his actions, bothers and targets people, acts like a giant crybaby, impersonated my original account's name on another site, and so on. He doesn't deserve friends, until he learns to man up, grow up and stop being a bother to everyone.



MysticalBearBun's thoughts on him.

I used to know this guy from the MUGEN community back in the day when I used to do stuff for the engine.

He not only bothered friends of mine, but he caused tons of drama as well. many people laughed at his actions, and seeing him now just makes me sick. what he's became at least, really am glad to see this guy finally taken down. This dude needs to stop fapping to balloons and go outside, really he's ruined enough people's lives.


jarolis's thoughts on him.

Cheers to the one person who continued to harass me for applying the mature filter to my art, long after everyone else accepted or became neutral to it. I've let that one go for a long time, but Darla didn't exactly leave me with a great first impression.



selphy6's thoughts on him.

External links

Alt Accounts

Much like his "girlfriend", Darla himself has created some alternate accounts to fool people into being his friend, a complete waste of time.

  • EeveeGlaceonFan – Alt #1, ABANDONED! Used to fool people around DA, including his own girlfriend who blocked this account.
  • Kalweirdstuff666 – Alt #2, He claims this is his brother's account, but has been determined to be just a sockpuppet of Darla.

White knights/Fuckboys (examples)

  • asheandcjthepikachus – Another autistic manchild who thinks he's a pikachu. Is a close friend of Riolu and Darla and is 19 years old.
  • BlueCatRiolu – Supports Darla in his rants, but has had times of annoyance with her, particular in his discord server where Darla was kicked several times. Supports giving death threats to others, including parents.
  • Cansin13Art – A manchild who whines over Pokemon and Sonic and other stupid shit.
  • GenesisWonder-GX – Although isn't associated with Darla that well, she doesn't seem to mind him at all. Her and Darla are friends even though Darla is too retarded to realize her issues. Beware,though. Both are in a relationship, despite Chubbz being a pedophile.
  • jigglypuff239 – Some random fag who buys into Darla's shit lies.
  • micaloon – Has circle tool art. Hasn't improved since joining dA in 2013 and is involved with drama.
  • Mysterious-Cat-01 – Supports Darla without realizing his autism issues. Makes 30-40 minute videos of himself doing shit. Very hard to understand, indicating a possible case of autism.
  • schoolfilmer – Doesn't tend to be associated that much with Darla, but still supports his shitty actions. Asks for art from him being inflated and other shitty fetishes.
  • sexyman60 – Along with Micaloon works with Darla to create "loonimons" or creatures that inflate. Is a hamtaro fag and doesn't care about what others say about Darla.
  • pokemaster1296 Shitty artist and an inflation fag. Constantly sucks on Darla's dick. Thinks he is the best artist ever. Does not know good art from his own asshole.
  • schoolfilmer Not really friends, but a near 30 year old manchild and a closet pedophile.
  • Luiskoa64 – Another autistic manchild who has obsession with Pokemon and inflation. Along blocks anyone who criticize him.

Darlalloons26 is part of a series on


Visit the DeviantART Portal for complete coverage.

Darlalloons26 is part of a series on

Social Justice

Visit the Social Justice Portal for complete coverage.

is part of a series on Pokémon

[Gotta catch ’em all!Who’s that Pokémon?]
It's a Kirby, retard
It's a Kirby, retard
Twitch Plays Pokemon
Twitch Plays Pokemon
Pokemon Go
Pokemon Go
Pokémon Go
Shiny Pidgey
Shiny Pidgey
Shiny Pidgey

Darlalloons26 is part of a series on YouTube.

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Darlalloons26 is part of a series on Aspies.