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A rare image of TrufflesforYou IRL.

TrufflesforYou is a British female FA artist. She specializes in drawing fat boys who look stunningly like girls. It should be noted that she is, indeed, a pedophile and possibly bisexual as she lists lolicon as one of her interests. But nevertheless, she is a sick fuck. She is also a good trolling target.


A random image of a fat centaur boy. Try not to look at its nipples.

Most of TrufflesforYou's artwork depicts her OC's either brushing their hair or cramming food down their throats while completely naked. She does not believe in furries, however. To make up for this, she draws elves and mermaids, all of which inflated to her liking.

One OC of hers is a young elf boy named Cookie. Like most OC's of a fat admiring pedophile, he is, indeed, overweight. He is depicted as a pot-bellied elf/goat/boy/thing with shoulder-length hair. Few pictures of him exist as of yet, (thank God) but he is usually depicted laying on his side stuffing himself with cookies (HAHA COOKIES GET IT?). The sight of which is eye-raping enough to cause one to shit bricks.

TrufflesforYou once drew an older OC named Demeter. Whether or not he was more disgusting than Cookie is a matter of dispute. He was depicted as an obese teenage boy with long, red hair. He was NEVER depicted with any article of clothing on his body. Although much fatter than Cookie, the fact that his species actually exists made him slightly less eye-raping.

She also occasionally draws random characters (most of which adolescent mythological creatures with long hair and a pot belly).

Despite such, much of her most eye-raping work tends to be her requests (usually to the-tickling, another fat admiring pedophile). When TrufflesforYou is given a request, there's no telling what horrors she'll release upon the internet.

Despite her OC's and random drawings, she is most famous for her weight gain sequence, depicting a 13-year-old emo boy named Samuel who attends a boarding school. His teacher, Mr. Hentai happens to be a fat admiring pedophile (surprise, surprise). Mr. Hentai proceeds to force feed Samuel until he is fattened to his pleasure. The last image in the sequence depicts Mr. Hentai and the inflated Samuel in bed together. And you thought TrufflesforYou was a sick fuck or a pedophile or something.


Typical reactions to TrufflesforYou's artwork.
The day before September 11's anniversary and all this loser could think about were TrufflesforYou's poorly done drawings of fat boys with long hair.

Shockingly enough, TrufflesforYou has received no negative feedback whatsoever. Instead, she is flooded with praise and requests by other fat admirers. And she does fill most requests given to her by her hordes of fat admiring pedophiles. Her art is considered to be sexy, despite not one of her submissions featuring anything other than overweight, long-haired, little boys. Although such reception is not uncommon for deviantART. It is possible she has deleted all traces of bad criticism, however. Most FA artists tend to do so as no FA artist actually has the balls (or pussy in this case) to handle anything other than, "OMG I FUCKING LOVE YOUR ARTWORK DO YOU DO REQUESTS?/??!!11!"

Reaction to This Article

Oh man, a friend of mine just sent me a link to my own Encyclopedia Dramatica page which I didn't realise I had XD

My reaction was similar to the trolling on m front page in that I creased up laughing! XD What prhaps amuses me the most is that the person who wrote it is talking about the trends and characters in my wg work when I have so little in my gallery for him to work with. For instance: 'To make up for this, she draws elves and mermaids, all of which inflated to her liking.' Mermaid count in gallery: 1 'Most of TrufflesforYou's artwork depicts her OC's either brushing their hair or cramming food down their throats while completely naked.' No. of OCs brushing their hair: 1, No. of eating while naked: 1 'Despite such, much of her most eye-raping work tends to be her requests.' I don't think I have ever offered requests XD I've done 1 art trade and one gift for somebody's birthday XD

Please don't think I'm moaning about this - I'd rather the page weren't removed as it gives me endless amounts of lulz XD

(Oh, and btw - I never hide or delete any comments, negative or otherwise, from any of my pages ^.~)



Clearly, she's bullshitting. She thinks she can outsmart Encyclopedia Dramatica with reverse psychology; pretending not to be bothered. But, nevertheless, she challenges us. It is obvious what must be done.

See also

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