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Obetrol in action

Obetrol is a perl script by Meepsheep of the Gay Nigger Association of America that will rape your email inbox into next year by registering it for over 9000 newsletters, mailing lists, and various other services, usually under a offensive name. It is named after a methamphetamine weight loss pill that your grandma probably took in the 60s.


Obetrol can be acquired from GitHub here. You should assume all of the scripts in the signups directory to be obsolete, as the forms they post to have all for the most part been updated with captchas as a result of Obetrol (this does not apply to template.pl for obvious reasons). New signup scripts will need to be made, which can be easily done by modifying the template.pl script. To find forms to register for with Obetrol, Google terms like "email updates" and "our newsletter" — also, for the love of God, do not fuck with governments, police, emergency services, etc. The easiest way to prepare a script for Obetrol out of a live form is to submit it yourself and capture the http post header, which you can do with a browser extension like HTTP Header Live for Firefox. Plug the field names and such from the request you just captured into the script, following the format of template.pl and any of the old scripts you'd like to use for reference. Next, you'll want to gather a list of proxies from a reliable source, and save them under proxies.txt in your Obetrol directory, in proxy:port format and with one entry per line. Similarly, save the list of emails you'd like to feed to the program under emails.txt in your Obetrol directory, also with one entry per line. Last but not least, run

perl obetrol.pl

Feel free afterwards to sit back, relax, and enjoy being a huge dick to society for no good or even discernible reason.

Public Reactions

Upon the release of Obetrol 1.0 in late 2019, the GNAA celebrated their recent accomplishments by deploying the script en masse and uninterrupted for several weeks. During this time, hundreds of thousands of emails belonging to average individuals across the world were scraped from public sources such as member directories and social media posts, and then fed to hundreds of different email signup forms through Obetrol, with every single registration being submitted under the name "Gay Nigger Association of America". This resulted in significant public outcry on Twitter, some of which is documented below.

[Collapse GalleryExpand Gallery]

Corporate Reactions

Because of the hilarious nature of the program, a number of corporations have also been pressured into issuing public apologies as a result of Obetrol using their services to send out thousands — and in some cases, hundreds of thousands — of offensive emails to unsuspecting individuals. Some of these include, but are not limited to:


These apologies were, in part, authored in an attempt to appease outraged individuals such as the one pictured here

From: Carvana <[email protected]> Subject: Message from Carvana Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2019 18:30:07 -0500 (CDT)


Unfortunately we believe that earlier today you received an email from Carvana containing offensive language in the subject line, and we wanted to apologize; we do not tolerate that kind of language and would never communicate with our customers in that way. When investigating the source, we discovered that a bad actor unaffiliated with Carvana had created a handful of fake accounts using email addresses like yours.

We have identified and isolated the issue, and we are extremely sorry this happened and that you were affected. If you have further questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to us at 1-800-333-4554 or [email protected].

Thank You,

Carvana 1930 W Rio Salado Pkwy /// Tempe AZ 85281 P: 800-333-4554


From: Robinhood <[email protected]> Subject: Regarding Our Recent Email Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2019 23:18:42 +0000 (UTC)


Earlier this morning, multiple applications were started on the Robinhood platform using fake names and real email addresses—including your email address.

Our system sends automatic email reminders to applicants with unfinished applications. You may have seen this email earlier today and, if so, we're very sorry for your experience.

We want to let you know that our team has stopped this activity and is actively working to help prevent a similar situation from happening again.

This is not in line with the experience we want anyone to have with Robinhood, especially as a first impression. We’re deeply sorry about this.

As a corrective action, we will close the unfinished application attached to your email address so you should not receive any communications from us going forward about the application.

Please let our team know if you have any concerns or questions. We’re here to help.

Christy Wright's Business Boutique

From: Christy Wright <[email protected]> Subject: We Owe You An Apology Date: Thu, 8 Aug 2019 11:56:56 -0400 (EDT)


We want to extend our sincerest apologies for the message you may have received this morning. Earlier today, an email sign up form was populated on our website by a spam robot and was used to send an offensive email. This was not a breach of data, but a mass email from a spam bot. We are personally appalled by the language in the email, and we reject the derogatory terms that were used. We are truly sorry if you received this email.

We have received multiple reports that this technique has been used on other websites not associated with our company.

We care deeply about our Business Boutique tribe and have taken every measure to ensure this will not happen again. If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to us at [email protected]. Again, we are truly sorry and please know this is not a reflection of our beliefs.


Christy Wright, Creator of Business Boutique Jennifer Sievertsen, Chief Marketing Officer of Ramsey Solutions

Note that all of this could have been avoided had a basic Google reCAPTCHA been present on these forms. Fuck that, Obetrol 2.0 is currently in development, which will include the implementation of Death by Captcha. No one is safe.

See Also

Obetrol is part of a series on the Gay Nigger Association of America.


BLACK_MANDiKKyfl0ssGrogHipcrimejesuitxJmaxl0deLiteralKaMeepsheepOliver HartRucasslothTimecopweev

Obetrol is part of a series on


Visit the Softwarez Portal for complete coverage.

Obetrol is part of a series on


Visit the Trolls Portal for complete coverage.