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This will earn you a three day ban from /co/.

Avatar takes place in Asia with racial issues as different races can control different elements; water, earth, fire and air. The Avatar is the Mary Sue of their universe as he knows how to control all the elements. The Fire nation is the Chinese equivalent and- surprise surprise, it’s a dictatorship bent on ruling the world!! The Fire Nations proceeds to kill the Air Nation, the Tibetans of the universe, as they have the current avatar as by doing this, their nation will gain the next avatar. Aang, the main character and giant pussy, abandons the air nation and freezes himself only to be find 100 years later by two Eskimos.

Aang learns that he basically screwed over the entire world as the Fire Nation has basically killed some more fucking people and now Aang has to learn all four elements. That’s about it. The fanbase is more focused on the pairings than the story itself.


The characters of the show are merely a melting pot of recycled jokes, pointless merchandising mascots and terrorists. As stated before, the true seller of the show is the hot and steamy romance.

  • Aang – The Mary Sue of the series as he learns not only to bend all four elements but to fucking spirit bend! He was made specifically for the shota-loving audience.
  • Katara – She has the amazing ability to throw water at enemies and complains about everybody else's problems. She is the object of Waang’s hormonal desires while she has a legion of fangirls and fanboys defending her pedophilia. Gave the middle finger to her fanbase as she chose Aang over Zuko.
  • Sokka – Katara’s useless brother but also a fan favorite for his sarcasm.
  • Toph – Blind loli who has the amazing power to throw dirt.
  • Zuko – Emo burn victim mama's boy with daddy issues. He is constantly assuming different identities because the writers couldn’t fucking decide what he should be.
  • Azula – Zuko’s paranoid schizophrenic sister and daddy’s favorite.
  • Ozai – Primary protagonist of the show and is, more or less, a Chinese version of Hitler.

Fandom aka The Shipping Wars

Avatar became one of Nickelodeon’s most successful series and has gained a great cult following. To now, in the history of the internet, Avatar has one of the most lulz-inducing fanbase yet. The lulz came from the "wars" between the ships. The ships refer to pairings of two characters because who fucks who totally matters.


  Moar info: How I Became Yours.

They cling to this scene every time.

Zutara is, by far, the most popular pairing of the series. Those who ship it are labelled as "Zutarians" because they’re too fucking stupid to think of a better name. Cadavatar decided to release a bunch of shitty books that revealed spoilers about the series endings. Those who were stupid enough to buy them learned the shocking truth that Zutara is merely a bunch of lies and that Kataang, the opposing ship, won. Keep in mind that this was before the final episode. Enraged, Zutarians criticized and insulted the writers as they sucked at "romance writing".

You don't know how hard or heartbreaking it is for me to write this to you. The feeling is honestly equivalent to the death of a relative. I want to believe so, SO bad that it is still alive. And it's painful to look at my old Zutara pictures right now, reminding me of the undying faith I used to have in this ship. I saw such enormous potential and beauty and.....*sigh*


—A Zutarian

And no, the bitching and crying did not stop at there. Zutarians from all of DeviantART and LiveJournal continued to engage in a maelstrom of whining through lengthy essays debunking the ending and God knows what. This caused a huge deal of drama as a plethora of socially awkward fangirls felt as if their lives were completely empty. In fact, one fangirl actually sent the following the show's writers:

All was said and done,

The pain had disappeared And no more did she consider Him her enemy So valiant was his soul And deeper was his heart She realized how wrong she had been

And it clicked.

Finally after so long A realization so true came haunting In her lungs Came chilling in her bones And as she reached to thank him with a kiss For his audacious spirit

The world stopped and sirens sounded Her eyes widened, Because as soon as she yearned to love him His body was torn apart.

Apocalypse exploded within the beautiful universe And she cried out to the invisible gods: “Please! Turn back time!”

So they did, and on the second try She smiled brightly, restraining herself and moved on To option boring, Option “Let’s kill this storyline” And the world shattered Because on her back, underneath the clothing, It said “Made in the USA” Instead of “Made in Japan”

So she left. She defied all common sense, and thus You pulverized reality into smithereens Just for the sake of sympathizing with a fictional child.


Where is your God now?

The fandom, through sheer demented will, refuses to let it die. In response to their tears, the show’s creators decided to actually troll them in ComicCon 2008 by created a slideshow of shitty fanart and mocked the portrayed pairings. However, the biggest middle finger to the fans was the commentary on the first episode which clearly states that Zutara was originally going to be canon. And that day, a thousand bricks were shat. Interestingly enough, one Zutarian named Jackie Diaz challenged the creators by writing her own fancomic called "How I Became Yours". Inevitably, this fancomic is the definition of lazy, horrible and just pure garbage. The fancomic, itself, is just so lulzy it has its own page.


Avatar Podcast

The most accurate rendition of the podcast.

How would you like to sit for about 30 minutes on average and listen to some creepy internet nerds analyze a children's show to the every last retarded detail? Look no further than From the Spirit World: The legendary podcast!

The podcast is hosted by some guy named Dylan and a wide selection of guests who vary in their levels of suck any given week. While the co-hosts and subject matter may change every show, the one thing that does remain constant is that it always blows giant Appa cock and offers nothing of value or interest. It's basically just a bunch of basement dwellers talking about an episode and over-analyzing the FUCK out of it to the degree most nerds would reserve for End of Evangelion. The only problem is this is a kids show on Nick, and thus there is nothing to think about. Also let's not forget the creepy geek wheeze-laughs Dylan sputters every few minutes when something "witty" is said, or when one can literally hear him popping a boner over Aang shota pics.

Listening to this podcast for the full half hour will make you want to kill yourself for failing so hard at life that you loved a children's cartoon enough to listen to idiots converse about how "Sokka's making a joke because he's emo for his daddy" or "Zuko loves it up the butt because we saw him bend over 4 times this episode."

  • Dylan- Whiny, Kataangist asshole who can and will cause brain damage just from his throaty, 12 year old nerd voice.
  • Jake- Obviously a god because he gives spoilers which never turn out to be exactly right.
  • Kevin- Hobbies include sticking his hand up puppets' asses and having nine year olds do his bidding.
  • Meredith- Has daddy issues; her opinion consists of "I agree" or "I don't know." Fuck, this bitch is a keeper.
  • Shay- Because everybody needs something to fap to, there to give blow jobs during breaks to the other co-hosts.
  • Ally- Sounds like she is six to make Dylan feel a bit less girly.
  • Stephanie- She says she's sorry every other sentence, it makes for incredibly intelligent conversation.
  • Joe- A spy from ED sent to rape Dylan after every other podcast to kick him off his high horse.

The Great Sifu Kisu Drama of 2008

Artist's representation

According to the internet, Last Thursday, a member of CAPSLOCK_ATLA aka a LJ site for lulz and porn (lacking that all right now though) wrote some sexy fanfiction involving Sifu Kisu and other members of the Avatar staff for laughs. While surfing around the internet one day, Sifu Kisu happened to find that shit and freaked out the only way that would get results...he posted a giant WTF about it in his MySpace blog. Drama and lulz ensued and the end result was him calling them a bunch of weird internet kids, and the journal members shooping the hell out of his photos and making him an Avatar meme of sorts. They also made sure to post his name a million times in each journal entry on the blog so that the internet search engines could find him better.

What kind of sicko kids on the internet would write gay fanfiction about me and Bryke?!


— Sifu Kisu- thinkin' 'bout doin' sumpin'

Live Action Movie 2010




See Also

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