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The purpose of coaching is to give typical losers a chance to make a living, at the expense of the most social inept fucking losers, disease-ridden, fat, ugly people, and the worst of no-lives the internet could offer.

It's a form of brainwashing, done with the "YOU DON'T SAYYYY?" kind of skepticisem in their super invested Youtube videos and blog posts, which are posted with as much proffesional editing as the content of PewDiePie.

Due to lack of regulation and financial robbery(which might be due to this "profession" still wearing a diaper), coaches can say the most nonesense imagineable and still keep their retarded customers paying them all their money, and nothing is done about it because anyone with more than 1 IQ is busy.. busy at mastering the subtle art of not giving a fuck.

And they do this by spouting off some crappy placebo bullets into their cutomers, making them belive that it actually moved something, thus destroying the less than 1 IQ they actually had, and progamming their brain by themselves.

Despite that and because it is so unsolid itself, all the pseudo-bibles about are just distoritons of other bibles. they can be split into 2 catogiers:

1. The bible of the certified coaches - This includes using elements from CBT("I can help take shit out of your brain!") positive psychology("I'm a soft jerk, which is why you should pay me!"), Behaviorism, and in short - anything expect fixing their brains, who are the most bug-ridden pieces of junk since Internet Explorer.

2. The bible of the uncertified coaches - This includes elements from "You suck!", "Most people suck!, "I don't suck!", "I know everything!", "I can help you at anything!", "I'm GOD, and I can make you become my wife(a DEVIL)", "Only I can resuce you from your monstrous boss in your job!"

What coaches will never tell you

If you have an IQ higher than 1, you should be able to think and do everything they suggest faster than a Zarna Joshi can shout "SEXUAL HARASSMENT!

Some nonsense said about coaches

Some people say that coaches use the "shut the fuck up and listen to him!" attitude, althought that's about as meaningfull as anything on Uncyclopedia, because they do it just to prepare another placebo bullet.

Others say coaches teach their customers to destory the bug-ridden shit in their brains to make them happier. But having this shit is excatly what teaches people how to destroy the charaltans-ridden crappy world we live in.

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