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Lightning Warrior Raidy
The Lightning Warrior Raidy series is basically what happens when weeaboo guys tired of ugly as fuck lesbians IRL decide to combine their lust for animated big titted bitches and lesbians into a clone of some 90's dungeon crawler RPG.
The result is a series (two games so far) that revolves around some big breasted closet lesbian who can fire lightning bolts out of her ass who rapes a bunch of animu chicks in monster costumes, gets raped by the same, and when that gets boring she gets raped by a few token guys and a tentacle monster or two, and when that's over she saves the world like every other protagonist of a paint by numbers RPG.
Note: The original weeaboo title literally translates to: Ikazuchi No Raidi, which means Thunder Warrior Raidy. Both games produced are also remakes of games made for the ancient as fuck PC-98 computer
The first game is simple enough: Climb a tower, fuck several bosses into shoving candles up their asses, whips, dildos and lots of other fetishy shit, then kill the big assed tentacle monster at the top of the tower who somehow coerced all the other lesbians into helping him despite the fact his fat ass never leaves the top floor.
The second game is a little more complex: Raidy travels to a desert town, blows a complete asshole, beats up a gang lead by a big breasted lesbian dominatrix and her strapon and whip loving fuck buddies, finds out an even bigger breasted monster girl and her monster girl groupies are helping some creepy priest do some occult shit, travels to the cave they are hanging out at, gets raped several times, loses her equipment, then gets most of it back after getting off on being whipped/given multiple enemas/prolonged candle torture.
After that's over, she fucks herself with a sword, beats up the bitch who raped her (who reveals her ultimate goal is to RAPE FUCKING EVERYTHING), goes to the hideout of the creepy priest (who also got a turn to rape her), beats up a clone of herself and an angel with a dick, then fries the creepy priest with a fuckton of lightning.
The game ends with Raidy walking off towards her next adventure, which, given the development of the third game is taking forever, will probably come out around the time Chris-chan acknowledges his severe need to do something lulzy with his life.
Raidy - Lesbian redhead who you play as. Spends most of her time playing hero, which apparently involves raping evil bitches in slutty medieval costumes and bondage gear. Has a few encounters with guys she fucking hates and gets off on raping/being raped by women but swears she not a lesbian.
Gets the ultimate sword Sexcalibur, which she powers up by using it as a dildo (no, srsly)
Despite what the official website says about her, she doesn't really give a shit why she got her lightning powers, and when she finds out some spirit gave them to her so she could be a hero, she tells the spirit its full of shit.
FonFon - Werewolf girl who likes whipping women. Raidy comes to enjoy being her receiver.
Sorceress - Has no actual name, all we know is that she like using her magical staff and a portable tentacle monster to sodomize Raidy's ass and twat.
Tiss - Demon chick who likes candle torture and went topless in the shittier PC-98 version.
Foless - Darkie elf girl who likes giving her rape victims enemas. Looks like a flatchested loli despite originally having tits in the PC-98 version.
Knight Errant - Big assed suit of armor that hides some girl who gets off on saw horse torture.
Cubust - Lazy as fuck tentacle monster who is the end game boss of the first game who turns Raidy into his BDSM slave if she loses to him in the first game.
Lesti - Runs a bar in the second game, doubles as the town bicycle.
Setia - Pink haired lesbian who runs the inn and rapes Raidy for the lulz. Also enjoys getting raeped by Rose.
Clay - Armory owner in the second game who gets off on shoving weapon hilts up her twat.
Rose - Item store owner in bondage gear who dildo rapes and spanks Raidy and Setia for the lulz.
Junk - Arrogant guy in the second game who Raidy unwillingly gives a blowjob to so she could get a key and didn't kill him because of some shitty morality code of not hurting humans.
Suida - Torture specialist who likes bondage torture who gets a titty twister from Raidy.
Shura - Green haired muscle lesbian who likes strapon fucking women and later becomes some weeaboo lesbian's fucktoy.
Jammy - Ridiculously big titted bandit gang leader who is basically Suida, Electric Boogaloo.
Camille - Lesbo vampire that wears a trollface as her default expression who was stupid enough to leave a cross shaped sword lying around so Raidy could show up and raep her.
Shizuka - The aforementioned weeaboo lesbian who makes Shura her bitch.
Replicant - An evil clone of Raidy who the original gets pissed at for making her look like a rapist.
Mariel - Angel girl with a cock who fucks Raidy in the ass.
Gaav - Typical JRPG evil priest ripoff who plans to fuck up the world by turning into Goatse.
TV Tropes Lightning Warrior Raidy Main Page
LightningWarriorRaidy is a hentai game crossed over with an early 90's dungeon crawler RPG. Since it's an HGame, prepare to be distracted by hordes of sexy. Since it's an RPG (a fairly serious one gameplay wise), prepare to remember why first person dungeon crawlers were so challenging.
It and its sequel Lightning Warrior Raidy II: Temple of Desire are both remakes of an older series (Thunder Warrior Raidy) for the PC-98, which didn't make it out of Japan.
A third game was announced in 2008, but there have been no news on it, since June 2008. If it ever gets finished and released it will be the first one in the series to not be a remake.
!Tropes common to this game are:
- Action Girl - Raidy
- Adaptation Dye Job - Shura had purple hair in the PC-98 version, light green in the remake.
- A Date With Rosie Palms - Happens ingame, and is mentioned by characters. You can make Raidy do it every time she stays at the inn in the second game if you wish.
- All Men Are Perverts - The few that show up tend to be moreso than the women. Interpret this how you will.
- Annoying Laugh - FonFon's. Even Raidy is annoyed by it.
- Anything That Moves - The Succubus in the second game used to drain men of their energy, but changed to the point she started draining women, and her end goal is basically to drain the energy of everyone she can have sex of any variety with.
- Armor Is Useless - In regards to non physical attacks, anyway
- The second game has a magical bandanna in a later dungeon that cuts magic damage down to 66%.
- Both games play this trope straight through the PP-stat. (parry points AKA evade) Your evade stat goes up slowly as you gain levels and is (generally) lowered by wearing armor. The heavier the armor, the less damage you take, but the less likely you are to evade enemy physicals. If your evade is high enough, it pays off wearing earlier/lighter armor to give your PP-stat an additional boost that makes you almost impossible to hit, resulting in less damage in the long run.
- The second game has a magical bandanna in a later dungeon that cuts magic damage down to 66%.
- Bag Of Spilling - Even though the first game had you power level a great deal, you always start the second game at level 1 again. Raidy herself explains this away by stating she suspects her trek through the desert made her "a bit rusty".
- Additionally, in the second game, after getting halfway into the second dungeon, you get captured and lose ALL your money, equipment and items...which you never get back. Annoying if you've been grinding and stocking prior to that point, although you quickly get better gear.
- Brains And Bondage - One of the bosses of the second game is the leader of bandit gang who is also a dominatrix. An NPC in the second game is the owner of her own item store and indulges in BDSM as well.
- Big Bad - Cubust (first game), Gav in the second game.
- Bigger Bad - Jami reveals after you beat her she was basically serving as a middleman for the real Big Bad.
- - You thought that Knight Errant is the male who causes the whole mess in the first game. A giant tentacle monster named Cubust's behind it all.
- Bi The Way: Raidy, though she's adamant (to herself) that she isn't. Its more obvious if you trigger the scene with Seita in the second game as she can't help but think of how good she was the following morning.
- --> Raidy: Still...she was pretty good. *beat* No, no, no! I'm not that kind of girl!
- Blind Idiot Translation - One enemy is called "Medusa" in the first game, when it's clearly a "Dullahan". Also one of the puzzles is translated poorly, leaving its meaning hard to decipher in English, especially because it was based on Japanese perceptions of color.
- Boobs Of Steel - Raidy. This also applies to Jami from the second game,mwho has the biggest bustline of the bandit gang she commands.
- Break The Cutie - Both games have dozens of young, naked female prisoners who are "trained" by the various bosses in order to turn them into sex slaves. Likewise, whenever a boss fight occurs, the loser gets stripped, bound and subjected to the kink-of-the-moment while begging the victor to stop.
- Break The Haughty - Whenever you encounter bosses, they usually greet you with bravado. When beaten, the resulting torture sessions quickly turn their attitudes around.
- But Thou Must - Very annoyingly played straight in both games with all of Raidy's male encounters. They are usually holding the key to where she need to go, and even if she does consider beating the crap out of them, she usually has to do something sexual for them anyway, and she is usually rather unhappy about it.
- Choices can be also annoying, because most of them doesn't let you, for example, fight the boss to save a poor girl being tortured right away before you have "Look" and "Talk" at least twice for each of that.
- Care Bear Stare - An erotic variant exists in the second game when you get the sword named Sexcalibur. It gives you the ability to use the "extacy slash" attack that bombards your opponent with sexual energy to do fairly good damage. How do you reload it afterwards? By masturbating with it.
- Chick Magnet - Raidy. In the second game to Up To Eleven extremes.
- Cute Monster Girl - Every enemy save for the final boss in the first game, almost all of the second game enemies that aren't explicitly identified as human.
- Defeat By Modesty - EVERY random encounter in the game has her clothes partially/fully slashed away upon defeat.
- Demonic Possession - All random encounters are a little ashamed after battle and their facial expressions range from annoyed to surprise to outright fear and pain. The cursed warrior? She shows relief instead.
- Depraved Bisexual - Every boss could be assumed to be this, seeing as they don't profess a hatred for men, and their sexual torture of women is partially because its their job/they get to enjoy their favorite sexual kink with a partner that really can't resist.
- Psycho Lesbian - Subverted somewhat in the second game. Almost all the bosses admit to having sexual attraction to women.
- Distracted By The Sexy - Player induced. Not only is every enemy in the game reduced to some form of alluring nudity, you can even trigger non story relevant cutscenes that basically amount to this.
- Downer Ending - Two of these. Played straight if you lose to the final boss, and one is actually unlockable as an alternate ending.
- Dual Wielding - It's possible to fight with two swords in the second game. Or two shields -- which actually is a viable tactic against many bosses.
- Erotic Dream - You can get an item in the second game that induces these.
- Evil Twin - Raidy gets one in the second game.
- Expy - Raidy bears a striking resemblance to Claudette from Queens Blade in powers, wardrobe choice, and moral code, except she's far less of a hardass
- Fiery Redhead - Raidy. Also, this serves as a good way to tell her and her Evil Twin apart, as the evil twin's hair is more a magneta color.
- Fetish Fuel Station Attendant - Lots of characters in the game are Fetish Fuel, but Raidy is a shining example. She's a Fiery Redhead with Shock And Awe powers who wears a Stripperific leotard that later becomes an even more Stripperific BreastPlate. She also has Boobs Of Steel, has Les Yay with bloody near every woman she encounters, and if the second game is anything to go by, she's a canon lesbian, albeit semi-closeted.
- She still gets turned on somewhat by some of her (Forced) encounters with men, so it's likely she's bisexual. Oh, and don't forget in the second she gets whipped. And enjoys that. To climax. Plus, she explores dungeons and fights monsters in [open-toed boots. Not sandals - actual armored boots that cover everything from the knee down except her toes.
- Forced Level Grinding - Lots of it in the first game. Not so much in the second, except at the very beginning.
- Girls Love - Setia, the innkeeper from the second game, wants to engage in this with Raidy, who can accept.
- In a larger context, the series is advertised as containing a lot of this, which is actually true.
- Gorgeous Gorgon - One of the bosses in the second game.
- Idiot Ball - She puts a Mirror Shield, the only object capable of rendering her powers useless, into an unoccupied room instead of destroying it.
- Heel Face Turn - Fonfon, Tiss, and Foless do this from the second game onward. Jami and her gang also reform later in the game.
- H Game POV Character - Raidy is a Type II (Troubled But Cute, Type A) bordering on Type I (Nice Guy) if it wasn't for her tendency to pay evil with evil (as in rape the rapists back).
- Hoist By His Own Petard - You get to do this to the bosses if you win.
- Honor Before Reason - Raidy, being a stickler to her Honor Before Reason code not to hurt human beings, sticks with said code that she won't hurt humans no matter what, even though the said human (from the first game) is a Berserker who's now raping her violently. Fortunately, she may ultra-shock him with her lightning if she's getting too pissed.
- Hopeless Boss Fight - You have to go through one as part of the plot (of the second game) at least once.
- Horny Devils - Tiss. The Succubus in the second game is another example played even more straight.
- Hot Amazon - Shura and a few of the other bosses in the second game rather easily count as this.
- Hot Chick With A Sword - Raidy. Foless also manages to look sexy holding a rapier. Camille, Replicant, Suida and Shura also pull this look off in the second game.
- Iconic Item - Raidy's yellow headband.
- Improbably Female Cast - The cast is overwhelmingly female.
- Its Personal - Raidy is usually not all that personally pissed at her enemies, but in the second game, her Evil Twin making her look evil is apparently one Berserk Button you should never push.
- Its A Wonderful Failure - Face a boss without learning its weak point first, and you'll get a scene where said boss has their way with Raidy, leading to a game over.
- Jerkass Ted Baxter - Junk in the second game.
- Karma Houdini - To some extent, both Raidy and the female bosses, especially considering that even if you win, you get to inflict torture/rape of them, and they get away with all of the torture/rape
they did up to that point.
- Three of the bosses (the dark elf, the werewolf and the succubus) return in the second game to run a hospital/weapon shop/apothecary in the middle of the dungeon. (And they still retain their old kinks, as you've just lost all your stuff and money and has to pay au natural...) In the third game, they apparently become your personal allies.
- The Sorceress (the second boss in the first game) is also going to be in the third game, but as an NPC (and supposedly friendly). Averted in the second game, though; when you encounter the bosses in the second dungeon, their current victims are actually the bosses from the first dungeon you defeated earlier, presumably paying for their failure. In the good ending, they are seen cheering alongside the regular townsfolk.
- Three of the bosses (the dark elf, the werewolf and the succubus) return in the second game to run a hospital/weapon shop/apothecary in the middle of the dungeon. (And they still retain their old kinks, as you've just lost all your stuff and money and has to pay au natural...) In the third game, they apparently become your personal allies.
- Lady Of War - Your heroine, Raidy.
- Lesbian Vampire - Camille, played totally straight.
- Load Bearing Boss - Cubust. His death makes the tower collapse at the end of the first game
- Subverted in the second game, due to Raidy using There Is No Kill Like Overkill.
- Magic Knight - Raidy
- Meaningful Name - Raidy. Comes from Raijin, which mean Thunder, and the original Japanese title had the word Ikazuchi, which means Lightning in English, hence her appellation as Lightning
Warrior Raidy.
- Also, Mariel, whose name ending in -iel is fitting for an angel, and comes from the japanese word "Mara" (the word for penis, which is again appropriate, given she's a hermaphrodite.
- Meido - Setia, the owner of the inn in the second game
- MoralDissonance - For being the heroine, Raidy sure as hell doesn't mind sinking to some pretty depraved levels to really stick it to the bosses. Granted, they usually deserve it, but still, she's
the heroine!
- Granted, compared to her PC-98 version, where she was outright sadistic and cruel in punishing the bosses if she won, her modern day counterpart is actually nicer.
- Naive Newcomer - Raidy runs into Amura, an amateur treasure hunter who is way in over her head. when it comes to adventuring in the second game.
- Naughty Tentacles
- Nice Girl - Raidy, when she not in combat and in a peaceful situation.
- Nintendo Hard - The first game, due in part to the Forced Level Grinding, having to find maps to the dungeon floors manually, and no way of healing yourself outside potions.
- Guide Dang It (Figuring out the trick to getting through some of the floors is hair rippingly hard without a printed off map of the first game dungeon floors.
- The second game also nerfed getting items from monsters due to the gold based economy, making long dungeon crawls VERY dangerous without stocking up in town first.
- Optional Sexual Encounter - You are given the option to initiate a few scenes of your own free will in the second game.
- Our Angels Are Different - One in the second game is a futanari.
- Our Elves Enjoy Enemas - Foless
- Pirate Girl - One of the monsters in the second game.
- Petting Zoo People - With obscene doses of Ms Fanservice for good measure.
- Puzzle Boss - All the bosses in the first games, save for the last, were impossible to defeat unless you knew their weak points.
- In the second game, most bosses in the second dungeon also have a weakness you must discover before you can defeat them.
- Really Gets Around - Lesti and Horn in the second game.
- Save Scumming - The game openly admits that you're missing the point if you don't make sure that you both defeat and lose to every end boss (so that you can see all the sex scenes). Of course, the only way to do one once you've done the other is to have a saved game from before the fight. Add to that the fact that most end-boss fights are Unwinnable if you don't have the right item or knowledge when you enter the room where the boss is (with no option to back out) and experienced players will end up saving and reloading a lot.
- Sequence Breaking - A weird example (apparently due to an error) in the second game: in one of the rooms in the cave, Raidy finds Amura being raped by some guys. After Raidy knocks them out, Amura tells her about the siren (the boss of that level) who enchanted them, and Raidy thinks about defeating her. The problem is, the door to that room is locked, the key is hidden on the next level, and you can only get to the next level after defeating the siren.
- Set Swords To Stun - Raidy's sword (or anyone's weapons, for that matter) never inflicts any injuries on her enemies.
- Shock And Awe - Raidy, though she's in pretty good control of her lightning powers, barring one fight.
- Shout Out - Possible example with Automatons, who look a lot like Shinku from Rozen Maiden.
- Sick And Wrong - Raidy's reaction to Mariel being a futanari.
- Spell My Name With An S - The first and second game can't agree whether the the dark elf's name is Foless or Folles.
- Stripperiffic - Raidy in the second game (especially compared to her look in the first game), and nearly all monsters and bosses. Some of the =NPCs= in the second game actually avert this, but this is still mostly played straight.
- Suida (one of the bosses of the second game) actually was conservatively dressed in the PC-98 version, reversed in the second remake, whereas Tiss didn't even wear anything up top in the PC-98 version.
- The Call Knows Where You Live Raidy was infused from birth with a lightning spirit that granted her her thunder powers, and she got it from the god of light himself to serve as his avatar. Strangely, while she acknowledges this as fact, she doesn't really care how she got outside of it being information, and refuses to worship said god just because she was given powers from said deity.
- The Many Deaths Of You - Well, the hentai equivalent, which keeps you alive but effectively a "game over". Even becomes a gameplay element, in that you have to trigger this at least one with every boss to unlock an alternate bad ending and all the CG images.
- Tin Tyrant - Knight Errant and the Dullahan (mistranslated as Medusa)
- Also the boss of the 7th floor of the second dungeon in the second game.
- Too Kinky To Torture - Averted pretty hard. The boss enemies can't take torture any better than Raidy can.
- Underboobs - Shura in the remake.
- Video Game Remake - The first two games are polished up modern versions of the PC-98 Thunder
Warrior Raidy games
- What Measure Is A Nonhuman - Raidy is reluctant to fight the berserker even though he's beating and anally raping her solely because he is human; she only uses force to knock him out once she realizes he's not going to stop. Conversely she has no qualms about using force against regular enemies, most of which just look like normal women in costumes. (And some are!)
- Whip It Good - Fonfon, the first boss.
- And Jammy, the third boss in the second game. Completely justified because the goal of the enemies is always to capture Raidy and "play" with her... it is an H Game, after all...
- Also, encounters with Fonfon in the second games suggests Raidy herself enjoys being on the receiving end of this.
- White Haired Pretty Girl - Jammy.
TV Tropes Lightning Warrior Raidy YMMV page
- Cargo Ship - Cray, the weapon/armor shop owner. Let's just say she has a very sensual way of making her store goods are built to last.....
- Crowning Music Of Awesome - The main refrain was so nice, it was used as the final boss music of the first game, and some of the other tracks (like the final floor music for the first game) are actually quite good for a midi style soundtrack)
- Demonic Spiders - Any enemy with a breath or magic attack.
- Even Better Sequel - The second game has far more plot and gameplay than the first game and due to its auto-map, it isn't nearly as frustrating anymore.
- Excuse Plot - Semi subverted. The game does have a plot, and it is relevant to a degree, but mostly it's hentai in an RPG package to make you work a little for your hentai CG.
- Much less so in the second game.
- Fetish Fuel - Cosplay, BDSM, tentacles, candle wax, "horse" riding, enemas, all show up in the first game.
- Strap-ons, bestiality, futanari, gangbangs, spanking, and dildos debut in the second.
- Game Breaker - Possibly the Bondage Leather armor, which compensates for its very low defense by giving a bonus to your evade stat. (the only armor that ups your evade instead of lowering it) When you put it on and gain a few levels, you effectively dodge 99% of all physical attacks that aren't critical or pre-emptive. Even the final boss has severe trouble hitting you.
- Goddamned Bats - Some monsters in the second game steal some of your money and run away, which can be very annoying if you are short on gold. Fortunately they only appear in the first two floors of the first level. Slightly less annoying are the ones who gank your MP.
- Les Yay - Not only do the female bosses seem to be enjoying the thought of screwing you, Raidy seems to react to that a lot less negatively than she does the very few males she runs across.
- However, given how the game is advertised and the fact in the bad ending's Raidy winds up enjoying the sex with the bad guy women (and Cubust, though he's implied to use brainwashing to effect this) QUITE a lot, it's almost certain the Les Yay is in fact canon. She also consistently "defeats" regular foes by breaking their weapons and tearing off their clothes, but never really drawing blood. What might she do after that, hmm?
- Ruined Forever - Blame Junk for destroying Yuri Fans sweet dreams out there.
- Well, this does contain an escape clause. In both cases, Raidy only gave the asshole a blowjob because (A) her moral code not to hurt humans unless they are explicitly hurting others kicked in, and while Junk is a Jerkass, his demands to be serviced in exchange for a key she needed was (in her mind) disgusting, but if she could get said item peaceably, she much preferred degradation to simply killing him for the key. And (B), she makes it quite obvious she REALLY didn't want to please the guy of her own free will, and repulses any attempt he makes later in town to induce her to sleep with him, as she clearly hates the air he breathes.
- That One Level - The third floor of the tower in the first game is the most notorious. Its large amount of invisible teleport spots make navigation confusing, 2 of the 3 monsters have unblockable magic attacks and lots of hp, and the weapon that's found on the floor has an abysmal hit rate that requires you to gain several more levels before you can even hit monsters with it. The two floors after this one tone down the monsters' magical attacks again.
- In the second game the first floor of the second dungeon is also rather pesky due to 2 of the 3 critters having powerful magic while again, the magic attacks get toned down on later floors.
- Viewer Gender Confusion - Variation. Fonfon in the PC-98 version looked more like a catgirl and less like a wolfgirl.
TV Tropes Lightning Warrior Raidy Fridge Logic/Brilliance Page
Fridge Horror:
- If you've played the first game all the way through, you've most likely seen Raidy win and lose all the boss fights via Save Scumming, and therefore you've seen them all do their thing to Raidy. When you encounter the those end bosses again in the second game, it may not sink in that in the game's Continuity, Raidy's encounters with those bosses have exclusively involved Raidy raping them until one of them brings it up in conversation.
During the Great Pedocide of April 2012, the page on this game was cut as porn.
Gallery of Hentai Animu Game Lesbian Raep
When Raidy starts a fight, she needs to win to get her victim's clothes off.
Now that that's taken care of, IT'S RAEP TIME!
Raidy giving Foless an enema ass rape (Windows version)
Raidy giving Foless an enema ass rape (PC-98 version). In this one, Foless actually has tits.
Foless giving "medical treatment" to Raidy's ass. Srsly.
Raidy raping her evil twin, pissed because the former made her look like a rapist.
Raidy getting raped for the nine thousandth time.
External Links
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