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Wut, surprised??
This page is often updated by someone obsessed with the user xspazztic and has stalked the person through several websites. :) It will be deleted over and over again until they realize that they are not going to win.



Xspazztic (IRL name Valerie Tierney) is a smart mature woman who frequents peta2, the "street team" version of PETA. Unfortunately, in between her courageous efforts to ban the eating of meat and wishing some people to "suffer a miserable death", she was victimized by a stalker.

The Email That Started It All

One day, a member of Anonymous was making important contributions to the people of peta2 and on checking their gmail discovered this awesome insightful comment as part of a long rant:

You're a fucking dipshit. Humans ARE natural herbivores, we've made tiny adaptations but our bodies are clearly originally vegan.

Secondly, I'm not vegan to have a 'smug sense of superiority'. I'm vegan because its healthier, more ethical, better environmentally, and it helps all living creatures.

So before you come on the boards calling people 'fags' and making yourself look like an idiot, know what the fuck you are talking about.


xspazztic - Asking For It

Sensing the potential for lulz, anonymous sprang into action with a statement of remorse:

Maybe if you weren't pathetic white suburban retard between 14 and wouldn't be YOU who comes across like a blind, spoonfed, ignorant puppet...


Anonymous - telling it like it is

This led to a series of calm, rational responses from xspazztic revealing that she is indeed a suburban retard in the age range specified.

Hai Guise, Liek Wat's Google???

Unfortunately for xspazztic, those responses were from a second email address that may have indeed used her real last name. Unable to resist the milk swelling up in the udders of the pregnant lolcow, Anonymous sprang into action and used TEH ULTRA SECRET ZOMG STALKER SLEUTHING NETWERKZ!1!one!1 to find out everything needed to be her friend.

A sure way to let her know just how much you care about her is to tell her you liek neopets. Oh, and ask her about her friend Andrew that she hasn't spoken to in years and whether or not he is out of his gay phase yet. Bonus points for posting that you'd like to come on her birthday (August 15) and give her a present she'll NEVAR FORGET!


"And report them to PETA." Like PETA gives two shits about humans.

Telling her how much you enjoy North Jersey, how cool neopets are, or how Andrew isn't gay anymore are sure fire ways to be her friend. She will go on an on through thread after thread talking about how she has an internet stalker following her FOR YEARS when in fact all of this information could be found just by googling her email address. She's also great at going on with a bad case of unwarranted self importance.

Apparently to smart, intelligent people, it is impossible to find information using TEH ULTRA SECRET ZOMG STALKER SLEUTHING NETWERKZ!1!one!1. Nope! There is no way to find it in 20 minutes, you must have been stalking this poor, poor woman for MANY YEARS IRL. Not only that, but you have to let the entire world know that this STALKER IS AFTER ME ZOMG!1:

OH NOEZ!!1!one!1
This person has stalked me through myspace, neopets and peta. They have stated multiple times personal information that only people who have been "watching" me for over two years could possibly have known - including the name of a best friend I haven't hung out with in years, my birthday, my interests (including harry potter which I haven't been into in quite some time) , and the name I use on Neopets - there is NO way to track me down through Neopets. The name I use on Neo, is the name I decided about 2 years ago I wanted to change my name to when I turn 18.

They're obsessed and have threatened me, called me names, etc. I couldn't really give a shit about the names, but the threatening pisses me off because they are so obviously a total coward. Which would explain why after they revealed that they were stalking me on the boards (which they deny, they just magically know all this info apparently) they stopped responding to my response to a nasty email they sent me. :)

If anyone has any information on this person that could lead to identifying who they are or know of other aliases this person goes under, please let me know and report them to PETA.


xspazztic - lolcow in action

If you decide to go on peta2 to check out the thread, be sure to ask her how Andrew is doing and if he's done pretending to be gay.

It seems that the only person who craves drama more than xspazztic are the peta2 modfags as evidenced by deleting all the posts that show xspazztic is just being a stupid drama queen and tries to give context that she has some ZOMG STALKER!!1 after her. Que bullshit.

The Irony, USI, and Serious Business of Being a Victim

The true test of a victim is if they demonstrate irony, the internet being serious business, and unwarranted self importance.

Seriously, who the fuck is this? You're obviously a total fucking psychotic stalker and have been "watching me" for like over two years. GET A FUCKING LIFE.


xspazztic - demonstrating irony

Leave me the hell alone or I WILL have the police track you down by your I.P address and have you arrested, I'm not kidding either trustttt me.


xspazztic - demonstrating the interwebz are srs bz

Disagreeing with PETA and debating is one thing, being an obsessed freak is another.


xspazztic - demonstrating USI


Sending mean comments is an arrestable offence. Except, y'known, when she does it ...

This just in! Xspazztic thinks that making fun of someone's stupidity is ILLEGAL and is GOING TO THE POLICE! She's had enough baaaawwwwwwwwwing with her peTARDs and wants to take her crying to the next level! OH NOES! Looks like a lolsuit might be in order!!

Two years later. Nothing's happened.


See Also

External Links

is part of a series on
Bad things that happen to animals
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