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Uncyclopedia/Chat logs

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05:21  Olipro: e|m|c: that's the manhole # isn't it
05:32 --> flymousechiu [62e57a60@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #uncyclopedia
05:32  e|m|c: Olipro: yes it is
05:32  awkisopen: welcome to the manhole
05:33  flymousechiu: Hi, everyone :) can any one help me to review [[Mao Xinyu]]?
05:33  e|m|c: the backdoor to the NEW manhole
05:33  awkisopen: oh god I can't stop hearing it
05:33  e|m|c: it's always new
05:33  e|m|c: in the many years I have been calling it, it has always been new
05:33  awkisopen: yeah
05:34  awkisopen: that fucking message is burned into my brain and you just dredged it up
05:34  e|m|c: I hear it in my sleep sometimes
05:35  e|m|c: flymousechiu: looks good so far...maybe fewer templates
05:35  e|m|c: and moar content obviously
05:35  flymousechiu: okay... i will consider it. thanks
05:35  e|m|c: I like the Criticism section
05:35  awkisopen: that was the most helpful IRC has been in months
05:35 * awkisopen sheds a tear
05:35  flymousechiu: i have only conpleted like half of it, currently ran out of ideas
05:36  e|m|c: well you can always come back to it later with a fresh brain
05:36  e|m|c: you can try reading similar articles for some ideas
05:37  e|m|c: or start drinking heavily
05:37  e|m|c: I find that works
05:37  awkisopen: actually, Science has proven that being tired or drunk helps your creativity
05:37  e|m|c: 'tis true
05:37  e|m|c: it's why so many writers are alcoholics
05:38  awkisopen: I am frankly considering a beer
05:38  flymousechiu: well, i'm like 15, so.
05:38  e|m|c: good for breaking through writer's block, but don't let it become a crutch
05:38  awkisopen: I've been good about not drinkin' beer lately
05:38  e|m|c: flymousechiu: it does look good so far. is this your first article?
05:39  flymousechiu: oops, sorry, first time using this chat
05:39  e|m|c: np
05:42  Olipro: awkisopen: considering a beer?
05:42  Olipro: CONSIDERING
05:42  e|m|c: guize
05:42  awkisopen: but beer makes you fat :(
05:42  awkisopen: and I'm already plenty fat
05:42  e|m|c: Jack Daniels + Coffee = Best thing in the world
05:42  Olipro: it doesn't make you fat
05:42  Olipro: if it was I wouldn't be a rakish motherfucker
05:43  Olipro: *if it did
05:43  Olipro: I mean seriously
05:43  Olipro: actually, thinking about it
05:43  e|m|c: it's your genetics
05:43  Olipro: maybe it's actually the beer that's keeping me alive
05:43  awkisopen: well, then I need to figure out which other bits are making me fat and cut them out
05:43  awkisopen: soda's gone
05:43  e|m|c: do you exercise?
05:43  Olipro: nope
05:43  e|m|c: nvm sorry you're a guy
05:43  e|m|c: a man I should say
05:44  e|m|c: men don't do that shit
05:44  awkisopen: I don't exercise but plenty of non-fat people don't exercise either
05:44  awkisopen: so there's got to be another solution!!
05:44  awkisopen: NEVER EAT
05:44  Olipro: sounds like me
05:44  Olipro: actually, no, I eat
05:44  e|m|c: go have your DNA modified
05:44  Olipro: just not enough or something
05:44  Olipro: I'm very happy with my DNA
05:44  awkisopen: fuck my DNA
05:44  awkisopen: sure I've got longevity
05:44  awkisopen: but nothing else
05:44  awkisopen: great, I get to stick around this fucking planet for longer
05:45  Olipro: if my kids turn out retarded, I'm getting a post-natal abortion
05:46  e|m|c: yep
05:46  e|m|c: bash their head against a rock and try again
05:47  e|m|c: it's the humane thing to do really
05:47  flymousechiu: *Retry* *Cancel* *confirm*
05:47  flymousechiu: * windows notice: your kids turn out retarded. *
01:48 --> rcmankeyaway [] has joined #uncyclopedia
05:54  e|m|c: So glad Russians got a fresh face in office
05:54  rcmankeyaway: .... JOKE???!!?!
05:54 --- rcmankeyaway is now known as rcmankey
05:55  e|m|c: no
05:55  e|m|c: I'm tired of the Medvedevedvedved
05:55  e|m|c: asshole
05:55  rcmankey: Did Putin win 99.67% of the vote?
05:56  e|m|c: duh
05:56  e|m|c: the only person in the country who didn't vote for Putin was Medvedevedevded
05:57  rcmankey: Meanwhile, the headlines on CNN include "The Church of NASCAR" and "Child swallows 37 magnets."
05:58  e|m|c: there's a NASCAR church? or is that just CNN using another shitty expression?
05:59  rcmankey: I think it's a metaphor, but I'm not going to click it to find out.
06:00  e|m|c: they really ought to just hand over full control of CNN to Anderson Cooper and call it the Cooper News Network
06:00  e|m|c: or admit what they are and call it the Celebrity News Network
06:01  e|m|c: even the "journalists" think they're celebrities..."Don Lemon here, and if you follow my Twitter you know I'm a huge basketball fan...onto some shitty story about some ching chong b-baller."
06:01  e|m|c: Nobody gives a fuck about your interests, Don...
06:01  rcmankey: Or change it to EMCNN and.. you see what I'm getting at here?
06:02  e|m|c: that'd be a good idea if I came up with it
06:02  e|m|c: but since you came up with it, no
06:03  rcmankey: Elongated Monkey C***.
06:03  e|m|c: dude
06:03  rcmankey: Elephant Makes Crap.
06:03  e|m|c: I got enough of it in high school
06:03  e|m|c: I don't need it from you
06:04  rcmankey: This should be a new Uncyc competition.
06:04  e|m|c:
06:04  e|m|c: whoops
06:04  e|m|c:
06:05  rcmankey: Five and a half years too late..
06:05  Apheori: Spang nailed it.
06:06  rcmankey: Man, Uncyc is eight years old.
06:06  e|m|c: yeah, Spang's was the best
06:06  e|m|c: Nintendorulez, as always, is a fucking idiot
06:06  rcmankey: In fact, next Saturday is my eighth anniversary on Uncyclopedia!
06:06  rcmankey: Reskin wooooo!
06:07  Apheori: I could turn the wiki black.
06:08  e|m|c: yeah, it's an anniversary in the same sense that it was Dr. Seuss' birthday the other day
06:08  Apheori: ould that help?
06:08  rcmankey: That wouldn't make sense, because my arrival brought enlightenment.
06:08  rcmankey: And continues to bring it.
06:08  rcmankey: Uncyclopedia becomes enlighteneder every day thanks to my sporadic presence.
06:08  rcmankey: On IRC.
06:15  e|m|c: Which of course stands for Insightful RCmurphy
06:15  e|m|c: rcmankey: isn't your username a Robo Cop reference?
06:15  rcmankey: Was there a mankey in Robocop?
06:16  e|m|c: I mean Rcmurphy
06:16  e|m|c: Robo Cop...and his last name was Murphy
06:16  rcmankey: His name was Robo Cop Murphy?
06:16  e|m|c: Pretty much yeah
06:16  rcmankey: That's not winning him any ladies.
06:16  e|m|c: sorry, that was rude
06:16  e|m|c: answer the question nigger
06:17  rcmankey: What's Robo Cop?
06:17  e|m|c: it's when you drink a bunch of cough syrup and have hallucinations involving your dead relatives
06:18  rcmankey: Ah..
06:18  rcmankey: No, it's not a reference to that.
06:18  e|m|c: darn
06:25  Apheori: Crossiwiki deletions... that's where the fun is at, and exactly how I love to spend an evening. >.<
06:27  Apheori: Should I delete this?
06:27  awkisopen: you know, I just think so
06:28 --> Repiphany [~Repiphany@unaffiliated/repiphany] has joined #uncyclopedia
06:28  Apheori: Okay.
06:28 * Apheori is bitey, as a wikipedian might say.
06:29  awkisopen: keep your wikipedian culture outta this channel, unless of course it directly benefits us
06:29 * Apheori showers awkisopen with poorly formatted wikilove.
06:29 * awkisopen isn't sure how he feels about this.
06:30  Apheori:
06:31  awkisopen: gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay
06:31  Apheori: XD
06:31  awkisopen: if I created that extension, I could only admit to being a flaming homosexual
06:32  Apheori: It does seem to be an entirely wmf thing.
06:32  awkisopen: I want to play an awesome video game, but i lack any.
06:33  awkisopen: I'd even accept minecraft, but I'm sick of my shitty graphics card fucking it up.
06:33  Apheori: I lack any that work.
06:33  Apheori: The best I have is skyrim, and that's crap.
06:33  Apheori: All I really have is guild wars, and I've played that game to death already.
06:33  awkisopen: I'm kinda tempted to order a cooling pad and overclock my POS card
06:33  Apheori: Why can't more games work on linux? >.<
06:33  awkisopen: s/games/thigns/
06:34  awkisopen: s/thigns/things/
06:34  Apheori: Think my laptop would stop overheating if I put it on top of the other laptop instead of under it?
06:34 * Apheori needs to find somewhere else to put both of them.
06:34  Apheori: Although I could just shove moose on top of Lucifer...
06:35  awkisopen: this cooling pad is $26, and I have a gift card for $25
06:35  awkisopen: fuck. that.
06:35  Apheori: Oh, right, I have a bookstore gift card... maybe I could use it online now.
06:35  Apheori: Assuming it hasn't expired.
06:35  awkisopen: I can't pay for something on amazon /partially/ with a different card, can I
06:36  Apheori: You could try.
06:36  awkisopen: fuck it, I'll just order the motherfucker
06:36  Apheori: Why does chromium ignore the desktop styling?
06:36  Apheori: It looks completely out of place.
06:36  Apheori: Annoyingly, it also looks better than the rest of it.
06:37  awkisopen: you could just grab a different theme
06:37  Apheori: They're all terrible.
06:37  awkisopen: it ignores the desktop styling because that stuff is controlled by whichever theme you're using
06:37  awkisopen: so make your own!
06:37  Apheori: Too much effort.
06:37  awkisopen: then shut up!
06:38  awkisopen: :D
06:38  Apheori: Really, it'd be nice if they'd just bloody match.
06:38  awkisopen: but they technically can't match.
06:38  Apheori: Even the KDE stuff matches. But xfce? Oh no.
06:38 * Apheori stuffs a virtual machine up awkisopen's nose.
06:38 * awkisopen orders the shit
06:38 * awkisopen feels better
06:38  Apheori: Why can't I make windows use oxygen icons?
06:39 <-- Tanvir [~tanvir@wikimedia/wikitanvir] has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
06:39  rcmankey: Because EMC touches himself at night.
06:39 --> Tanvir [~tanvir@wikimedia/wikitanvir] has joined #uncyclopedia
06:42  awkisopen: wtf was I doing?
06:42  awkisopen: I keep sitting down planning to do something
06:42  awkisopen: oh right, I wanted to play a game, and I don't fuckin have any, or a decent computer
06:42  rcmankey: Is it the toilet you're sitting down on?
06:43  rcmankey: Because if so, I have a pretty good guess.
06:43  awkisopen: what?
06:43  awkisopen: oh.
06:43  awkisopen: oh.
06:43  rcmankey: awkisopen	wtf was I doing?
06:43  rcmankey: 	awkisopen	I keep sitting down planning to do something
06:43  awkisopen: fucking kill me.
06:43  rcmankey: Which one?
06:43  awkisopen: that's clever
06:43  rcmankey: Download Mother 3.
06:43  rcmankey: Play that sucker.
06:43  awkisopen: but I have a crappy ass laptop
06:44  rcmankey: Um, it's a Game Boy Advance game.
06:44  awkisopen: which I'm going to unwisely overclock
06:44  awkisopen: oh
06:44  awkisopen: well I could do that I guess
06:44  awkisopen: I could also play any PSX game
06:44  rcmankey: PSX sux
06:44  awkisopen: fuck you rc
06:44  rcmankey: N64life
06:44  awkisopen: fuck you
06:44  awkisopen: oh
06:44  awkisopen: that's acceptable
06:44  awkisopen: unfuck yourself
06:44  rcmankey: Banjo-Kazooie, bitch.
06:45  rcmankey: CHAMELEON TWIST
06:46  Apheori: Man, I did not want to pay $14 just to get rid of a gift card. >.<
06:47  rcmankey: Who's your gift card guy?
06:47  rcmankey: I know a guy who can make a gift card disappear for $8, flat rate.
06:47  Apheori: >.>
06:48  rcmankey: Dogs are $12.
06:48  Apheori: You know, I remember when these books were $7 each... now they're $9 each.
06:48  awkisopen: LIFE IS SO HARD
06:48 * Apheori tsks.
06:48  rcmankey: What books?
06:48  Apheori: No, I should have just used this thing when they were cheaper.
06:48 <-- e|m|c [~e|m|c@uncyclopedia/Electrified-mocha-chinchilla] has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
06:48  Apheori: A pile of books I used to adore.
06:48  Apheori: When I was... small.
06:48  Apheori: And adored books.
06:49 * Apheori starts sobbing uncontrollably.
06:49 * awkisopen calls Apheori retarded.
06:49  awkisopen: hey Olipro, I have a 30-day trial of a Windows 7 program I'd like to reset. where do I look for that kind of shit? the registry?
06:49  awkisopen: I guess I could have just said Windows, but I'm distracted.
07:04  awkisopen: poop
07:06 * Apheori eats chocolate.
07:09  rcmankey: 10:09	awkisopen	poop
07:09  rcmankey: 10:11		Apheori eats chocolate.
07:09  awkisopen: mmm chocolate
07:09  rcmankey: o_O
07:13 <-- flymousechiu [62e57a60@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)
07:14  awkisopen: dammit, I feel like being lazy, but I'm out of Death Note
07:22  Apheori: Hey guys, what are some good examples of offensive humour?
07:23 * Apheori throws a brick at awkisopen.
07:41 <-- rcmankey [] has left #uncyclopedia ( )
07:42  awkisopen: dead baby jokes
07:42  awkisopen: are my fav
07:42  awkisopen: probably not super helpful
07:43  Apheori: Something people have been offended at, though...
07:44  awkisopen: that's hard to say, because usually good offensive humor is so funny it's difficult for people to be offended at it.
07:44  Apheori: Hmm.
07:45  Apheori: What do you think of this?
07:45  awkisopen: it's still completely retarded
07:45  awkisopen: even WIP has standards
07:46  awkisopen: you /can/ kill a completely hopeless WIP'd article, e.g. something with a terrible title and filled with template spam
07:46 <-- Tanvir [~tanvir@wikimedia/wikitanvir] has quit (Ping timeout: 244 seconds)
07:46  Apheori: Could you tell him that?
07:47  awkisopen: why me?
07:47  Apheori: Because you know what to say more than I do?
07:47  awkisopen: hahahahahah
07:47 --> Oliphaunte [d8a5110c@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #uncyclopedia
07:47  awkisopen: I actually laughed out loud
07:48  awkisopen: but yeah, I'll reply
07:48 * Apheori grins.
07:48  Apheori: Thank you.
07:48 * Apheori Olipro
07:48 * Apheori Oliphaunte
07:48  Apheori: Dammit, sorry.
07:48  Oliphaunte: To whom?
07:49  Apheori: ...yes.
07:49  Oliphaunte: No, I mean sorry to whom.
07:49  awkisopen: yes.
07:50  Apheori: Yes.
07:50  Oliphaunte: You don't have to say everything twice
07:50  Oliphaunte: You don't have to say everything twice
07:50 * Apheori sticks a bug up Oliphaunte's nose.
07:51  Oliphaunte: But which nostril?
07:52 --> Tanvir [~tanvir@wikimedia/wikitanvir] has joined #uncyclopedia

Typical ED raids

[15:19] <wctaiwan> hahaha, she actually used that wording, awkisopen
[15:20] <awkisopen> what's that?
[15:20] <wctaiwan> "Isarra: Ironholds: Are you massively busy and/or pissed off yet?"
[15:20] <wctaiwan> omg I just logged wikipedia-en.
[15:20] <awkisopen> well, you can't say she's not given him a fair warning
[15:21] <awkisopen> I don't understand policies against public logs of a public chat.
[15:21]  * Isarra logs wctaiwan.
[15:22] <wctaiwan> awkisopen: let's just say if everything in this channel is automatically published online, I wouldn't be talking here.
[15:22] <awkisopen> but it's public anyway. anyone can sit in the chat and watch us make fools of ourselves.
[15:23] <wctaiwan> yes, of course, but public records of foolishness is another step up from public display of foolishness.
[15:23] <+Zombiebaron> lurklurklurk
[15:23] <[[sannse]]> who's gonna be my admin to hassle?
[15:24] <sannse> huh?huh?
[15:24] <awkisopen> Zombiebaron
[15:24] == wine [] has joined #uncyclopedia
[15:24] <@Isarra> awkisopen:
[15:24] <awkisopen> Zombiebaron wants to be hassled
[15:24] <awkisopen> I said if first
[15:24] <@Isarra> You can hassle me if you let me touch you.
[15:24] <sannse> awwww... I /always/ hassle Zombiebaron
[15:24]  * Isarra reaches out hesitantly.
[15:24] <sannse> and no.
[15:24] <awkisopen> Isarra: I'd hassle you any day of the week
[15:24] <sannse> bad Isarra
[15:24] <@Isarra> ...worth a try.
[15:24] <wctaiwan> lol
[15:24]  * Isarra punches awkisopen in the face.
[15:24] <awkisopen> better than nothing
[15:25] <wctaiwan> cute, wine has an IP that geolocates to antarctica
[15:25] <sannse> anyway, Zombiebaron hasn't said anything, so awkisopen it is.
[15:25] <wctaiwan> wonder how they did that.
[15:25] <awkisopen> fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
[15:25] <awkisopen> ZOMBIEBARON! I DROPPED A PENNY
[15:25] <+Zombiebaron> lol
[15:25] <+Zombiebaron> :P
[15:25]  * wctaiwan nicks said penny
[15:27] <@Isarra> You know, sometimes I'm really glad Uncyclopedia takes UN:N seriously...
[15:27] <@Isarra> Because holy crap.
[15:27] == barrettbrownlol [~barrettbr@] has joined #uncyclopedia
[15:28] <wctaiwan> how is it applied?
[15:28] <@Isarra> However the adminatti see fit.
[15:28] <wctaiwan> vigilance.
[15:28] <@Isarra> Vigilance.
[15:28] <@Isarra> We'll make an uncyclopedian out of you yet.
[15:29] <wctaiwan> oh it ain't happening.
[15:29] <wctaiwan> quicker to ban me per WP:NOTHERE.
[15:29] <wctaiwan> but since I don't even have an account...
[15:30] <@Isarra> I probably have more than 50 accounts.
[15:30] <@Isarra> Want one?
[15:30] <+Zombiebaron> ...
[15:30] <@Isarra> Zombiebaron knows what I mean.
[15:30] <wctaiwan> nah it's cool.
[15:31] <@Isarra> And sannse has had the pleasure of doing multiple checkusers...
[15:31] <+Zombiebaron> haha
[15:34] == Harm|Nekkid [] has quit [Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.86 [SeaMonkey 2.0.14/20110420224920]]
[15:43] <Frostee_> eh
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[15:59] <niggah_7795> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
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[15:59] <niggah_4094> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_3151> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_5317> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_912> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_6170> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_9732> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_4667> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_7795> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_4094> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_3151> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_6170> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_912> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_7795> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_4667> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_9732> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_5317> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_4094> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_3151> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_5317> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_9732> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_912> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_6170> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_7795> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_4667> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_4094> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_3151> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_912> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_9732> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_6170> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_4667> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_7795> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_5317> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_4094> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_3151> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_5317> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_9732> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_912> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_6170> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_7795> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_4667> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_4094> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_3151> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_5317> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_912> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_6170> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_7795> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_4667> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_9732> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_4094> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_5317> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_3151> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_9732> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_912> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_6170> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_7795> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_4667> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_4094> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_3151> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_5317> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_9732> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_912> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_6170> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_4667> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_7795> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_4094> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_3151> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_5317> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_9732> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_912> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_6170> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_4667> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_7795> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_4094> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_3151> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_5317> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_9732> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_912> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_6170> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_7795> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_4667> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_4094> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_3151> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_5317> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_9732> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_912> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_6170> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_7795> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_4667> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_4094> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_3151> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_5317> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_9732> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_912> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_6170> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_7795> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_4667> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_4094> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_3151> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_5317> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_9732> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_912> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_6170> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_4667> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_7795> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_4094> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_3151> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_5317> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_912> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_9732> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_6170> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_7795> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_4667> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_4094> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_3151> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_5317> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_9732> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_6170> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_912> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_7795> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_4667> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_4094> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_3151> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_5317> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_912> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_6170> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_9732> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_4667> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_7795> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_4094> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_3151> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_5317> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_9732> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_912> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_6170> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_7795> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_4667> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_4094> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_3151> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_5317> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_9732> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_912> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_6170> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_4667> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_7795> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_4094> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_3151> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_5317> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_912> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_9732> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_6170> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_4667> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_7795> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_4094> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_3151> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_5317> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_9732> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_912> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_6170> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_7795> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_4667> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_4094> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_3151> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_5317> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_9732> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_912> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_6170> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_7795> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_4667> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_4094> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_3151> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_5317> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_9732> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_6170> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_4667> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_7795> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_912> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_4094> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_3151> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_5317> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_9732> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_912> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_6170> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_7795> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_4667> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_4094> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_3151> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_912> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_9732> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_6170> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_7795> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_4667> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_4094> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_5317> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_3151> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_5317> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_9732> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_912> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_6170> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_7795> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_4667> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_4094> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_3151> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_5317> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_9732> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_912> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_6170> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_7795> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_4667> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_4094> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_3151> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_5317> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_9732> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_6170> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_912> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_7795> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_4667> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_4094> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_3151> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_5317> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_9732> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_912> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_6170> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_7795> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_4667> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_4094> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_3151> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_5317> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_912> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_6170> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_7795> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_9732> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_4667> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_4094> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_3151> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_5317> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_9732> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_912> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_6170> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_7795> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_4667> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_4094> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_3151> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_5317> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_9732> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_912> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_6170> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_7795> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_4667> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_4094> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_3151> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_5317> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_9732> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_912> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_6170> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_7795> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_4667> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_4094> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_3151> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_5317> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_9732> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_912> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_6170> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_7795> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_4667> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_4094> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_3151> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_5317> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_9732> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_912> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_6170> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_7795> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_4667> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_4094> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_3151> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_912> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_6170> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_9732> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_4667> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_7795> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_4094> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_5317> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_3151> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_5317> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_9732> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_912> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_6170> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_7795> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_4667> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_4094> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_3151> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_5317> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_9732> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_912> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_6170> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_7795> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_4667> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_4094> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_3151> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_5317> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_9732> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_912> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_6170> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_7795> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_4667> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_4094> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_3151> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_5317> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_912> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_9732> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_6170> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_7795> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_4667> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[15:59] <niggah_4094> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[16:00] <niggah_3151> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[16:00] <niggah_5317> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[16:00] <niggah_912> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[16:00] <niggah_6170> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[16:00] <niggah_7795> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[16:00] <niggah_4667> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[16:00] <niggah_9732> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[16:00] <niggah_4094> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[16:00] <niggah_3151> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[16:00] <niggah_5317> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[16:00] <niggah_9732> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[16:00] <niggah_912> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[16:00] <niggah_6170> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[16:00] <niggah_7795> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[16:00] <niggah_4094> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[16:00] <niggah_4667> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[16:00] <niggah_3151> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[16:00] <niggah_5317> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[16:00] <niggah_9732> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[16:00] <niggah_912> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[16:00] <niggah_6170> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[16:00] <niggah_4667> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[16:00] <niggah_7795> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[16:00] <niggah_4094> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[16:00] <niggah_3151> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[16:00] <niggah_5317> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[16:00] <niggah_9732> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[16:00] <niggah_912> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[16:00] <niggah_6170> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[16:00] <niggah_7795> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[16:00] <niggah_4667> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[16:00] <niggah_4094> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[16:00] <niggah_3151> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[16:00] <niggah_5317> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[16:00] <niggah_9732> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[16:00] <niggah_912> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[16:00] <niggah_6170> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[16:00] <niggah_7795> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[16:00] <niggah_4667> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[16:00] <niggah_4094> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[16:00] <niggah_3151> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[16:00] <niggah_5317> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[16:00] <niggah_9732> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[16:00] <niggah_912> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[16:00] <niggah_6170> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[16:00] <niggah_4667> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[16:00] <niggah_7795> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[16:00] <niggah_4094> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[16:00] <niggah_3151> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[16:00] <niggah_5317> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[16:00] <niggah_9732> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[16:00] <niggah_6170> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[16:00] <niggah_7795> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[16:00] <niggah_4667> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[16:00] <niggah_912> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[16:00] <niggah_4094> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[16:00] <niggah_3151> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[16:00] <niggah_5317> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[16:00] <niggah_9732> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[16:00] <niggah_912> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[16:00] <niggah_6170> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[16:00] <niggah_4667> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[16:00] <niggah_7795> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[16:00] <niggah_4094> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[16:00] <niggah_3151> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[16:00] <niggah_5317> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[16:00] <niggah_9732> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[16:00] <niggah_912> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[16:00] <niggah_6170> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[16:00] <niggah_7795> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[16:00] <niggah_4667> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[16:00] <niggah_4094> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[16:00] <niggah_3151> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[16:00] <niggah_5317> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[16:00] <niggah_9732> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[16:00] <niggah_912> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[16:00] <niggah_6170> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[16:00] <niggah_7795> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
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[16:00] <niggah_3151> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
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[16:00] <niggah_9732> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[16:00] <niggah_912> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[16:00] <niggah_6170> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[16:00] <niggah_4667> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[16:00] <niggah_7795> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
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[16:00] <niggah_5317> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[16:00] <niggah_9732> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[16:00] <niggah_912> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[16:00] <niggah_6170> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[16:00] <niggah_4667> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[16:00] <niggah_7795> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
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[16:00] <niggah_912> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[16:00] <niggah_6170> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[16:00] <niggah_4667> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[16:00] <niggah_7795> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
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[16:00] <niggah_5317> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[16:00] <niggah_9732> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
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[16:00] <niggah_912> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[16:00] <niggah_7795> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[16:00] <niggah_4667> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[16:00] <niggah_4094> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
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[16:00] <niggah_5317> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[16:00] <niggah_9732> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[16:00] <niggah_912> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
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[16:00] <niggah_7795> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
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[16:00] <niggah_5317> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[16:00] <niggah_912> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[16:00] <niggah_9732> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[16:00] <niggah_6170> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[16:00] <niggah_4667> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[16:00] <niggah_7795> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[16:00] <niggah_4094> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[16:00] <niggah_3151> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[16:00] <niggah_5317> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[16:00] <niggah_9732> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[16:00] <niggah_912> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[16:00] <niggah_6170> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[16:00] <niggah_7795> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[16:00] <niggah_4667> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[16:00] <niggah_4094> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[16:00] <niggah_3151> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[16:00] <niggah_5317> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[16:00] <niggah_912> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[16:00] <niggah_9732> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[16:00] <niggah_6170> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[16:00] <niggah_7795> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[16:00] <niggah_4667> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[16:00] <niggah_4094> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[16:00] <niggah_3151> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[16:00] <niggah_5317> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[16:00] <niggah_9732> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[16:00] <niggah_912> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[16:00] <niggah_6170> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[16:00] <niggah_7795> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[16:00] <niggah_4667> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[16:00] <niggah_4094> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[16:00] == mode/#uncyclopedia [+b nigga*!*@*] by awkisopen
[16:00] == niggah_3151 [] has left #uncyclopedia []
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[16:00] <lol_7598> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
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[16:00] <lol_5876> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[16:00] <lol_2983> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[16:00] <lol_4899> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[16:00] <lol_9298> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[16:00] <lol_7841> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[16:00] <lol_1828> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[16:00] <lol_7598> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[16:00] <lol_4899> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[16:00] <lol_3540> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[16:00] <lol_5876> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[16:00] <lol_2983> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[16:00] <lol_9298> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[16:00] <lol_7841> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[16:00] <lol_1828> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[16:00] <lol_7598> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[16:00] <lol_4899> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[16:00] <lol_3540> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[16:00] <lol_2983> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[16:00] <lol_7841> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[16:00] <lol_9298> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[16:00] <lol_5876> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[16:00] <lol_1828> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[16:00] <lol_7598> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[16:00] <lol_4899> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[16:00] <lol_3540> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[16:00] <lol_5876> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[16:00] <lol_2983> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[16:00] <lol_7841> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[16:00] <lol_9298> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[16:00] <lol_1828> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[16:00] <lol_7598> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[16:00] <lol_4899> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[16:00] <lol_3540> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[16:00] <lol_5876> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[16:00] <lol_2983> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[16:00] <lol_9298> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[16:00] <lol_7841> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[16:00] <lol_1828> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[16:00] <lol_7598> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[16:00] <lol_4899> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[16:00] <lol_3540> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[16:00] <lol_9298> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[16:00] <lol_7841> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[16:00] <lol_5876> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[16:00] <lol_2983> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[16:00] <lol_1828> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[16:00] <lol_7598> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[16:00] <lol_4899> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[16:00] <lol_5876> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[16:00] <lol_3540> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[16:00] <lol_2983> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[16:00] <lol_9298> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[16:00] <lol_7841> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[16:00] <lol_1828> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[16:00] <lol_7598> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[16:00] <lol_4899> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[16:00] <lol_3540> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[16:00] <lol_2983> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[16:00] <lol_9298> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[16:00] <lol_7841> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[16:00] <lol_5876> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[16:00] <lol_1828> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[16:00] <lol_7598> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[16:00] <lol_4899> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[16:00] <lol_3540> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[16:00] <lol_5876> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[16:00] <lol_2983> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[16:00] <lol_7841> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[16:00] <lol_9298> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[16:00] <lol_1828> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[16:00] <lol_7598> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[16:00] <lol_4899> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[16:00] <lol_3540> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[16:00] <lol_5876> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[16:00] <lol_2983> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[16:00] <lol_9298> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[16:00] <lol_7841> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[16:00] <lol_1828> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[16:00] <lol_7598> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[16:00] <lol_4899> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[16:00] <lol_3540> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[16:00] <lol_5876> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[16:00] <lol_2983> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[16:00] <lol_9298> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[16:00] <lol_7841> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[16:00] <lol_1828> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[16:00] <lol_7598> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[16:00] <lol_4899> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[16:00] <lol_3540> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[16:00] <lol_5876> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[16:00] <lol_2983> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[16:00] <lol_7841> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[16:00] <lol_9298> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[16:00] <lol_1828> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[16:00] <lol_7598> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[16:00] <lol_4899> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[16:00] <lol_3540> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[16:00] <lol_5876> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[16:00] <lol_2983> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[16:00] <lol_9298> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[16:00] <lol_7841> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[16:00] <lol_1828> /!\ IRC.ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.CH #WIKI /!\
[16:00] == mode/#uncyclopedia [+m] by awkisopen
[16:00] <@awkisopen> ahhh.
[16:01] <@awkisopen> that's better.
[16:01] == mode/#uncyclopedia [-b niggah*!*@*] by awkisopen
[16:01] == lol_7598 [] has left #uncyclopedia []
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[16:01] <Frostee_> wut
[16:01] == mode/#uncyclopedia [+b *!*] by awkisopen
[16:01] == mode/#uncyclopedia [+i] by awkisopen
[16:01] == mode/#uncyclopedia [-m] by awkisopen
[16:01] == mode/#uncyclopedia [-m] by awkisopen
[16:02] <@awkisopen> well then
[16:02] <@awkisopen> that was irritating
[16:02] <@awkisopen> hahaha they were trying to CTCP flood me
[16:03] <@awkisopen> but my bouncer stopped them
[16:03] <@awkisopen> lulz

[14:04] == sweetiebelle_ [] has joined #uncyclopedia
[14:04] == mode/#uncyclopedia [+b *!*] by awkisopen
[14:04] == sweetiebelle_ was kicked from #uncyclopedia by awkisopen [sweetiebelle_]
[14:04] == Frostee__ [73404824@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
[14:04] == rkz was kicked from #uncyclopedia by awkisopen [rkz]
[14:07] <Mr-ex777> WTF
[14:07] == NegiSpringfield [] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds]
[14:08] <Mr-ex777> I just came back and moar drama?
[14:08] <@awkisopen> I wouldn't call a few kickbans drama
[14:08] <@awkisopen> you're too easily impressed
[14:08] <Mr-ex777> It looks like there is a great invasion today
[14:08] <e|m|c> every day really
[14:08] <Mr-ex777> Looks like more guys will come in.
[14:09] <Tasmania> Meepsheep is just really butthurt.
[14:09] <e|m|c> I advise him to apply Oragel to his anus
[14:09] <e|m|c> that will help
[14:10] <Mr-ex777> Hipcrime?
[14:10] <Tasmania> No Meepsheep.
[14:10] == Tanvir [~tanvir@wikimedia/wikitanvir] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds]
[14:11] <e|m|c> Mr-ex777: you mean the spam on the site?
[14:11] <e|m|c> the vandal who is obsessed with feces?
[14:11] <Mr-ex777> Hipcrime is a ED admin.
[14:11] <e|m|c> THE Hipcrime?
[14:11] <Mr-ex777> The other ED admins i remember is Zaiger, hipcrime and halcy
[14:11] <e|m|c> or somebody just using the username Hipcrime?
[14:12] <@RAHB> Because, as we all know, crime is hip.
[14:12] <Mr-ex777> I don't remember Halcy Invading us
[14:12] <@RAHB> It's cool to commit crime.
[14:12] <Mr-ex777> e|m|c:He is using the username hipcrime
[14:12] <e|m|c> OK
[14:12] <e|m|c> so are you trying to say that this ED admin is vandalizing the site?
[14:13]  * Athyria vandalises the site.
[14:13] <@Athyria> Oh noes!
[14:13] <@Athyria> A vandul!
[14:13] <e|m|c> or am I just to drunk to understand what's going on
[14:13] <Mr-ex777> Nope
[14:13] <@Athyria> e|m|c: Yes.
[14:13] <e|m|c> ok
[14:14] <Mr-ex777> Meepsheep does vandalize random wikis.
[14:14] <Mr-ex777> Sonic news network, SIMS wiki and this is the wikis i remember he vandalized.
[14:15] <@Athyria> Mr-ex777: UN:N
[14:15] == lolcape [] has joined #uncyclopedia
[14:15] <@awkisopen> I heard he's literally hitler
[14:15] == mode/#uncyclopedia [+b *!*] by awkisopen
[14:15] == lolcape was kicked from #uncyclopedia by awkisopen [literally hitler]
[14:16] == Mr-ex777 [~chatzilla@] has quit [Quit: ChatZilla [Firefox 10.0.2/20120215223356]]
[14:18] <sheep> awkisopen: you should probably unset that one
[14:18] <@awkisopen> y
[14:18] <@awkisopen> it's the same dude
[14:18] == dax [~dax@freenode/staff/dax] has joined #uncyclopedia
[14:18] <sheep> seriously, people have complained to staff about the onjoin bans
[14:18] <@awkisopen> alright
[14:18] == mode/#uncyclopedia [-b *!*] by awkisopen
[14:18] <@awkisopen> it is, however, /very/ obviously the same guy.
[14:19] <Tasmania> lol
[14:19] <sheep> how do we know he's not you?
[14:19] <@awkisopen> because I've been an admin here since 2008?
[14:19] == Shahshahahahay [~Pleurt@2001:0:4137:9e76:ca1:11f:bcbb:c661] has joined #uncyclopedia
[14:19] <@awkisopen> should I not ban that one, either?
[14:19] <e|m|c> is sheep Meepsheep?
[14:19] <@awkisopen> Shahshahahahay, definitely a legitimate user
[14:19] <@awkisopen> no, sheep is lstarnes
[14:19] <Tasmania> Shahshahahahay is Meepsheep
[14:19] <Tasmania> I just banned him from my chats.
[14:19] <Shahshahahahay> chats?
[14:19] <@awkisopen> no, no, Tasmania
[14:20] <@awkisopen> can't onjoin ban, apparently
[14:20] <@awkisopen> even if we are getting flooded with trolls
[14:20] <Shahshahahahay> chats is french for cats
[14:20] <@Athyria> Ban everyone.
[14:20] <Shahshahahahay> ban your mother.
[14:24] <Frostee> did I miss something?
[14:24] <@RAHB> It's been past a minute.
[14:24] == mode/#uncyclopedia [+b *!*@*2001:0:4137:9e76:ca1:11f:bcbb:c661] by RAHB
[14:24] <@RAHB> So now it's not onjoin.
[14:24] == Shahshahahahay was kicked from #uncyclopedia by RAHB [Shahshahahahay]
[14:25] <Tasmania> lol meepsheep just created another user account.
[14:25] <Tasmania> By naming it after his GNAA server.
[14:26] <@awkisopen> I believe it, I have the ban page open and ready
[14:26] <@awkisopen> don't freaking incite him >_<
[14:26]  * awkisopen slaps Tasmania a bit
[14:26] <@RAHB> Right.
[14:26] <@RAHB> Don't feed the trolls and all that.
[14:27] <e|m|c> ahhh I wish I had UnTrivia still
[14:28] <e|m|c> I'd go spam the shit out of their IRC
[14:28] <e|m|c> tell them to suck my fuck
[14:30] == lolcape [] has joined #uncyclopedia
[14:30] == mode/#uncyclopedia [+b *!*@*] by RAHB
[14:30] == lolcape was kicked from #uncyclopedia by RAHB [lolcape]
[14:30] == mode/#uncyclopedia [+b lolcape!*@*] by RAHB
[14:31] <@awkisopen> and for good measure, because I've seen it 3 times now
[14:31] == mode/#uncyclopedia [+b *!rmg000@*] by awkisopen
[14:33] == dax [~dax@freenode/staff/dax] has left #uncyclopedia []
[14:35] == mode/#uncyclopedia [+o Martinp23] by ChanServ
[14:35] == mode/#uncyclopedia [-o Martinp23] by ChanServ
[14:40] <Frostee> where did all the chats go?
[14:41] <@awkisopen> the chats?
[14:43] <Frostee> yes
[14:43] <Frostee> all the lovely talkies
[14:44]  * RAHB chats Frostee 
[14:46] <Frostee> ahh yes
[14:48] <sheep> awkisopen: I also recommend $r:lol
[14:48] <@awkisopen> great idea
[14:48] <sheep> or, better yet, $x:*lol*
[14:48] <sheep> because fuck lol
[14:50] == TehOrange [] has joined #uncyclopedia
[14:51] == TehOrange [] has quit [Client Quit]
[14:51] <e|m|c> ^EDiot
[14:55] == Tanvir [~tanvir@wikimedia/wikitanvir] has joined #uncyclopedia
[14:55] <@RAHB> Maybe he just likes orange amps.
[14:56] <e|m|c> no
[14:56] <e|m|c> he told Meepsheep we're so poor that we can't even afford our own IRC server
[14:56] <e|m|c> it's like uhhhh
[14:56] <e|m|c> we're nonprofit unlike the niggardly kikes at ED
[14:57] <@RAHB> Ah
[14:59] == Sockadelic [] has joined #uncyclopedia
[14:59] == Sockadelic [] has quit [Changing host]
[14:59] == Sockadelic [~chatzilla@uncyclopedia/Sockpuppet-of-an-unregistered-user] has joined #uncyclopedia
[14:59] == Oliphaunte [] has joined #uncyclopedia
[14:59]  * Athyria watches Sockadelic.
[14:59]  * Athyria Oliphaunte
[14:59] <e|m|c> Meepsheep is still here
[15:00] <e|m|c> he just banned me from #ed
[15:00] <@Athyria> Sockadelic: Do they?
[15:00]  * Oliphaunte Athyria
[15:00] <e|m|c> hmmm
[15:00] <@awkisopen> I've never typed "Vigilance" into a deletion summary
[15:00] <Tasmania> Just don't feed him and ignore.
[15:00] <Oliphaunte> Guess who's computer lies on the floor
[15:00] <@Athyria> It is, however, one of the drop-down options in the autodelete...
[15:00] <Tasmania> He'll stop.
[15:00] <Oliphaunte> With the parts scattered all over the floor
[15:00] <Oliphaunte> Like an electronic battle took place.
[15:00] <@Athyria> Mine?
[15:00] <Oliphaunte> Maybe
[15:00] <@Athyria> Wait, that was yesterday.
[15:00] <Tasmania> Or should I say: don't feed it and it'll stop.
[15:01] <@Athyria> Tasmania: Please shut up.
[15:01] <e|m|c> he's talking to me
[15:01] <e|m|c> so please shut up
[15:01] <e|m|c> Tasmania: continue
[15:01] <@awkisopen> e|m|c: shut up and let Tasmania speak
[15:01] <Tasmania> Hmm.
[15:02] <e|m|c> dammit awkisopen he was just about to speak
[15:02] <Tasmania> e|m|c pm?
[15:02] <e|m|c> please shut up
[15:02] <@awkisopen> shut up e|m|c
[15:02] <Oliphaunte> Everyone shut up!
[15:02] <e|m|c> Oliphaunte stfu
[15:02] <@Athyria> Both of you shut up.
[15:02] <@awkisopen> SHUT THE FUCK UP RIGHT NOW
[15:02] <e|m|c> jesus
[15:02] <Oliphaunte> Tasmania has words of wisdom!
[15:02] <@Athyria> Sockadelic: It's a reference to vigilance week.
[15:02] <Oliphaunte> Everyone keep talking!
[15:03] <@awkisopen> Also, it's a reference to admins being EVER VIGILANT.
[15:03] <@Athyria> Blame Zombiebaron.
[15:03] == RAHB [~Rob@uncyclopedia/RAHB] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[15:03] <@Athyria> And me.
[15:03] <@Athyria> And awkisopen.
[15:03] <@Athyria> And the fact that admins WATCH ALL.
[15:03] <@awkisopen> With their EYES.
[15:03] <@Athyria> Because uncyclopedians are vigilant.
[15:03] == RAHB [~Rob@uncyclopedia/RAHB] has joined #uncyclopedia
[15:03] <Tasmania> Athyria, that was un-called for.
[15:04] <RAHB> Well, that was just lovely.
[15:04] <RAHB> Cat falls off of chair.
[15:04] <RAHB> Cat switches off power strip.
[15:04] <RAHB> Bravo
[15:04] <@Athyria> I miss cats.
[15:04] <Tasmania> I love cats.
[15:04] <Zombiebaron> What did I do this time?
[15:04] <RAHB> Have mine.
[15:04] <RAHB> Both of you.
[15:04] <RAHB> There are three. You can each have one and a half.
[15:05] <Zombiebaron> Oh, vigilance was started during V Week
[15:05] <Zombiebaron> And then I just never took it out of my auto-delete reasons
[15:05] <Zombiebaron> Pretty simple really
[15:05] <@Athyria> And then I added it to mine.
[15:05] <Zombiebaron> SECRETS OF THE WIKI REVEALED!
[15:05] <@Athyria> And then to the gadget. And people copied it...
[15:05] <@Athyria> THAT'S HOW THE WIKI WORKSQ!
[15:06] <Zombiebaron> Like everything awesome on Uncyclopedia it was all started by Zombiebaron
[15:06]  * Athyria zombiebarons Zombiebaron.
[15:06] <Zombiebaron> Did you know I invented the word "potatochop"?
[15:06] <Zombiebaron> I DID THAT
[15:06]  * Oliphaunte Zombiebaron
[15:06] <@awkisopen> I use "Vigilance" whenever some vandal's creating a bunch of useless pages, because, really, that doesn't require explanation, and if I /did/ give explanation, it'd be feeding the trolls
[15:07]  * Zombiebaron Oliphaunte 
[15:07] <@Athyria> I use vigilance on anything bad that should go.
[15:07] <@Athyria> Because I'm vigilant.
[15:07] <@Athyria> And lazy.
[15:07] <@Athyria> And it's there.
[15:07] <RAHB> Cat jumps off of monitor.
[15:07] <RAHB> Lands on genitalia.
[15:07] <@Athyria> And sometimes I misclick and put maintenance.
[15:07] <RAHB> Bravo.
[15:08] <@Athyria> Genitalia is a funny word.
[15:08] <Zombiebaron> Cumquat
[15:08] == rcmankey [] has joined #uncyclopedia
[15:08] <@Athyria> It's like ganglia, but weirder.
[15:08] <RAHB> True
[15:08] <@Athyria> And meridian.
[15:08] <@Athyria> And twinkle...
[15:08] <@Athyria> And diarrhoea.
[15:08] <Zombiebaron> Flagellum
[15:08]  * Athyria rcmankey
[15:08]  * Zombiebaron rcmankey 
[15:09]  * rcmankey Athyria Zombiebaron
[15:10] <rcmankey> Are we citing funny words?
[15:10] <Zombiebaron> No
[15:10] <Zombiebaron> We're helping RAHB write his thesis
[15:10] <Zombiebaron> One word at a time
[15:10] <RAHB> Not necessarily in order.
[15:11] <RAHB> Although so far they are.
[15:13] <Oliphaunte> Did we decide on a title?
[15:15] <@Athyria> Tasmania: Please don't say hi to the vandals.
[15:15] == Hrodulf [] has joined #uncyclopedia
[15:15] <Tasmania> Just raising awareness.
[15:16] <@awkisopen> but every single active admin was already aware >_>
[15:16] <Zombiebaron> You can raise awareness using this channel
[15:17] <rcmankey> Somebody recommend music.
[15:17] <rcmankey> Not terrible music.
[15:17] <@Athyria> Basically, you're either encouraging the vandal by doing so, or confusing some random new user. Or possibly both, since chances are it'd see it regardless of whether or not that's its account.
[15:18]  * Athyria recommends dubstep.
[15:18] <rcmankey> Hell no.
[15:18]  * Oliphaunte recommends metal techno
[15:18] <@Athyria> Snrk.
[15:18] <RAHB> I'm listening to Thunder Perfect Mind by Current 93.
[15:18] <rcmankey> What is it?
[15:18] <RAHB> Nice avant folk sort of album.
[15:18] <Oliphaunte> What kind of music are you going for?
[15:19] <rcmankey> I only listen to top 40.
[15:19] <rcmankey> Actually more like top 15.
[15:19] <RAHB> Slightly pessimistic lyrics by some strange englishman.
[15:19] <RAHB> Ah.
[15:19] <rcmankey> I'll give it a listen.
[15:19] <Oliphaunte> Top 40?
[15:19] <rcmankey> You know..
[15:19] <Oliphaunte> Like, weekly hit singles or something?
[15:19] <rcmankey> Britney, Justin.
[15:19] <Oliphaunte> Oh.
[15:19] <Oliphaunte> Britney is top 15?
[15:19] <Zombiebaron> rcmankey:
[15:19] <snerk> Hot Guacamole
[15:19] <RAHB> Justney, Britnin
[15:20] <rcmankey> Thunder Perfect Mind is reminding me of Spinal Tap's Stonehenge.
[15:20] == JesusLover666 [42f53b44@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #uncyclopedia
[15:20] <rcmankey> Stonehenge!
[15:20] <RAHB> Excellent.
[15:20] <rcmankey> Where the demons dwell, where the banshees live and they do live well!
[15:20] <rcmankey> Stonehenge!
[15:20] <Oliphaunte> I sense a disturbance in the force
[15:21] <Zombiebaron> Hello JesusLover666
[15:21] <Oliphaunte> ^
[15:21] <JesusLover666> Sup
[15:21] <@Athyria> I like Jesus.
[15:21] <Zombiebaron> Not much we were just discussing the story of Job
[15:21] <JesusLover666> :D
[15:21] <JesusLover666> me too.
[15:21] <Zombiebaron> Oh really?
[15:21] <rcmankey> The best thing about This Is Spinal Tap is that the songs are actually better than the majority of "real" rock.
[15:21] <Oliphaunte> Whoever IP is, I love him.
[15:22] <JesusLover666> Yeah
[15:22] <Zombiebaron> What is your favorite verse from the story of Job?
[15:22] <Oliphaunte> ^ Love that verse
[15:22] <JesusLover666> The second one of course!
[15:22] <@Athyria>
[15:22] <@Athyria> We should steal this and feature it.
[15:22] <JesusLover666> The one that comes after the first.
[15:22] <RAHB> As I was going to ask.
[15:22] <Zombiebaron> The first what?
[15:22] <Oliphaunte> I like the conclusions
[15:22] <Oliphaunte> " It is thought to be evolving into a plant."
[15:22] <RAHB> Zombiebaron: Do you think Job's horrible boils tasted like cucumber?
[15:23] <Zombiebaron> Oh they definitely did
[15:23] <Zombiebaron> God loved cucumbers
[15:23] <Zombiebaron> Before he died
[15:23] <RAHB> Good, I'm glad we're on the same page with that.
[15:23] <@awkisopen> Athyria: the references are even funnier
[15:23] <@awkisopen>
[15:23] <@awkisopen> "Space Daily: Your portal to space"
[15:23] <Oliphaunte> What about pickles?
[15:23] <rcmankey>
[15:23] <snerk> Teeth - Prinsesa
[15:24] <Oliphaunte> Next to the salty sea
[15:24] <Oliphaunte> Must have pickles.
[15:24] <Zombiebaron> Cucumbers are just pickle semen, and the vinegar is the vagina
[15:24] <JesusLover666> So what do you guys like to do for fun around here?
[15:24] <Zombiebaron> That is how pickles are born
[15:24] <e|m|c> ban faggots from ED
[15:24] <Zombiebaron> We discuss the bible for fun mostly
[15:24] <Oliphaunte> Atheism.
[15:24] <Oliphaunte> And fornication.
[15:25] <JesusLover666> Nice
[15:25] <Oliphaunte> ANd some minor drug use.
[15:25] <Zombiebaron> ^
[15:25] <JesusLover666> I love fornicating to verses from the bible myself.
[15:25] <Oliphaunte> Excellent.
[15:25] <Oliphaunte> You'll fit right in.
[15:25] <RAHB> I'm fornicating with the bible right now.
[15:25] <Oliphaunte> I believe Zombiebaron will be willing to show to the orgy in the next room.
[15:25] <RAHB> Although, that's not saying much. I usually am.
[15:25] <JesusLover666> That's what your mom said last night.
[15:26] <RAHB> Of course.
[15:26] <RAHB> I come from a wholesome Christian family.
[15:26] <Oliphaunte> But is your mom a virgin?
[15:26] <JesusLover666> "You'll fit right in" (Your Mom, 2:16)
[15:27] <Oliphaunte> Which religion affiliation are you again Jesus?
[15:27] <RAHB> Oh, well that's true.
[15:27] <@awkisopen>
[15:27] <Zombiebaron> "Cucumbers are just pickle semen" (Genesis, 32:11)
[15:27] <JesusLover666> Hmm?
[15:27] <JesusLover666> Christianity, of course.
[15:27] == Tasmania has changed nick to Tasmania_away
[15:27] <Oliphaunte> "I love fornicating to verses from the bible myself." Jesus 6:66
[15:28] <Oliphaunte> No, I don't think you are.
[15:28] <@awkisopen> Tasmania_away: the fuck are you doing to piss them off?
[15:28] <Zombiebaron> awkisopen: That guy is just begging to be banned and then have al his shit deleted with the summary "Vigilance"
[15:28] <Zombiebaron> :D
[15:28] <e|m|c> That Qzekrom guy?
[15:29] <Frostee> awkisopen: I think he's a formed ED user that seems to have been ousted.
[15:29] <JesusLover666> That's not a nice thing to say, to say I'm not christian. :(
[15:29] <@Athyria> rcmankey: I found an artist for you.
[15:29] <JesusLover666> That's like telling your mom that she doesn't like dicks in her mouth.
[15:29] <Zombiebaron> Yes Qzekrom
[15:30] <e|m|c> is this guy talking about dicks?
[15:30] <e|m|c> what a faggot
[15:30] <@awkisopen> I like how he still doesn't get the joke
[15:30] <rcmankey> I'm guessing that Channa De Silva is a pornstar.
[15:30] <rcmankey> Let's check WP.
[15:30] <rcmankey> Well.. even worse.
[15:30] <@Athyria> No, for music!
[15:30] <@Athyria> XD
[15:30] <Zombiebaron> I'm not even sure "Vigilance" is a joke but it's funny that he doesn't understand that there is no secret meaning

What happens when you impersonate users

	<Tasmania>	About what?
	<awkisopen>	about not pissing off ED
	<Tasmania>	What does that mean?
	<awkisopen>	because I've spent the past 30 minutes swatting vandals
	<Tasmania>	Who cares.
	<awkisopen>	the guy who spent the last 30 minutes swatting vandals
	<Tasmania>	We can hit them back.
	<Tasmania>	Harder.
	<awkisopen>	no
	<awkisopen>	I know you're still relatively new to the Internet, but no. that kind of shit doesn't fly.
	<awkisopen>	you do not troll trolls.
	<awkisopen>	EVER.
	<awkisopen>	because 1. it's a waste of time, and 2. you will lose.
	<awkisopen>	so you do not:
	<awkisopen>	- brag about things
	<awkisopen>	- bitch at rival sites
	<Tasmania>	Just look at how butthurt Meepsheep is.
	<awkisopen>	and absolutely never
	<awkisopen>	- mention you are mad
	<awkisopen>	because, see, when you're the user responsible for a shitton trolls
	<Tasmania>	I'm just saying, they started this because Meepsheep is mad.
	<awkisopen>	I've got a few logs from the ED chat
	<Tasmania>	Mad that Uncyclopedia is better.
	<awkisopen>	and you have definitely done things that could have been misinterpreted as, well, taunting them
	<awkisopen>	and that, you see, is a bad thing.
	<Tasmania>	I think that's the point here.
	<Tasmania>	We need to crush them.
	<awkisopen>	no, it very definitively is not the point.
	<awkisopen>	Uncyclopedia does not raid or taunt other sites.
	<Tasmania>	After Meepsheep tricked me and got me to connect to a GNAA server.
	<awkisopen>	and if we, the admins, continue to see you encourage other sites to attack us,
	<Tasmania>	Why are we allowing trolls in the chat now?
	<awkisopen>	you are not gonna be around here much longer, capeesh?
	<awkisopen>	because if we ban them, more will come.
	<Tasmania>	I'll tell you right now that this is not over untill they say so.
	<Tasmania>	They are the ones doing it.
	<awkisopen>	correct.
	<Tasmania>	Don't blame me.
	<awkisopen>	I AM blaming you.
	<awkisopen>	if you didn't taunt them, you would not have encouraged them.
	<Tasmania>	I didn't taunt them.
	<awkisopen>	trolls troll with the intent of getting a reaction, and you're giving it to them.
	<awkisopen>	trolls stop trolling if you stop reacting.
	<Tasmania>	I'm building a raid on their IRC right now.
	<awkisopen>	02:14 Tasmania: WTF are you doing in #uncyclopedia ?
	<awkisopen>	02:15 Tasmania: Are you there to spy on me?
	<awkisopen>	02:15 Tasmania: And I've un-ignored you so you could respond.
	<awkisopen>	02:15 Tasmania: Are you spying on me?
	<awkisopen>	02:18 Tasmania: I'm still mad that you set me up though.
	<awkisopen>	02:19 Tasmania: And you go tme banned from wikipedia-en.
	<awkisopen>	02:20 Tasmania: *I'm still mad that you got me banned from wikiepedia-en
	<awkisopen>	02:20 Tasmania: ^ what I meant
	<awkisopen>	03:00 --- Tasmania is now known as Tasmaniaisgone
	<awkisopen>	03:07 --- Tasmaniaisgone is now known as Tasmania
	<awkisopen>	03:07 Tasmania: lol
	<awkisopen>	03:07 Tasmania: Just to let you know I've the attention to other ops of who you are.
	<awkisopen>	you see, that's goddamn taunting. that last line.
	<awkisopen>	also, Uncyclopedia doesn't support raiders or trolls.
	<Tasmania>	I just told Meepsheep that I would expose him for who he is.
	<Tasmania>	And I did.
	<awkisopen>	YOU FUCKING IDIOT
	<awkisopen>	stop making it worse
	<Tasmania>	I'm not making it worse.
	<awkisopen>	you are making it worse. you are taunting them.
	<Tasmania>	Meepsheep was here before I was.
	<Tasmania>	Don't blame me.
	<awkisopen>	yes. yes, I get that.
	<awkisopen>	but you are responding to meepsheep, and you are the only one responding to meepsheep.
	<Tasmania>	That's not true.
	<awkisopen>	that is a) against site policy, and b) incredibly stupid.
	<Tasmania>	Like I said, it's over when they stop.
	<Tasmania>	Meepsheep brought this upon himself.
	<awkisopen>	yes, and they stop sooner when there's not someone REACTING.
	<Tasmania>	By ops abusing.
	<awkisopen>	the entire point of trolling is to get someone to react.
	<awkisopen>	if no one reacts, the trolling stops.
	<awkisopen>	you are the one who's serving as the reaction, here.
	<awkisopen>	you're enabling them to continue.
	<awkisopen>	do you know the last time we got raided by ED?
	<awkisopen>	it was because Lollipop was a fucking idiot and did what you're doing now.
	<Tasmania> - Look at that.
	<Tasmania>	That's ops abuse isn't it?
	<awkisopen>	yes, but it has nothing to do with Uncyclopedia.
	<Tasmania>	It does.
	<Tasmania>	Because Meepsheep attacked Uncyclopedia users.
	<awkisopen>	hwo does it have anything to do with Uncyclopedia?
	<Tasmania>	For no reason.
	<awkisopen>	what, in ed's IRC chat?
	<awkisopen>	that's their own business
	<Tasmania>	Yes.
	<awkisopen>	there is no war against ED
	<Tasmania>	How does he vandalize so fast?
	<awkisopen>	scripts, bots, API
	<Tasmania>	I'm going to do that to ED.
	<awkisopen>	don't.
	<Tasmania>	API?
	<awkisopen>	I swear to fucking god
	<awkisopen>	if you do anything to ED
	<awkisopen>	as Tasmania
	<awkisopen>	your ass will be banned from this chat and this site so fast
	<awkisopen>	your head'll spin.
	<awkisopen>	Uncyclopedia users DO NOT VANDALIZE OTHER WIKIS.
	<awkisopen>	you are quickly becoming a liability.
	<Tasmania>	What?
	<awkisopen>	if any Uncyclopedia user is ever caught trolling or vandalizing another site, they get banned from Uncyclopedia.
	<awkisopen>	we have zero tolerance for that.
	<awkisopen>	ED is a raiding/trolling site. we are not.
	<Tasmania>	But we need to fight back.
	<awkisopen>	no we don't, Tasmania.
	<Tasmania>	Whenever possible.
	<awkisopen>	that's not how it works.
	<awkisopen>	there isn't any war between ED and Uncyclopedia, and there never was.
	<awkisopen>	and Uncyclopedia does *not* raid or troll *anyone*.
	<Tasmania>	I figured out how to proxy like he does.
	<awkisopen>	that's great. I also know how to fuck up a site.
	<awkisopen>	I could do it in about ten minutes.
	<Tasmania>	We could hit it together.
	<awkisopen>	I don't do it, because it's not what we do here.
	<awkisopen>	you're still not getting this.
	<awkisopen>	vandalizing another wiki is wrong.
	<awkisopen>	no matter what the wiki is.
	<Tasmania>	You don't get it at all.
	<Tasmania>	Meepsheep is an abusive admin.
	<Tasmania>	And is attacking us.
	<awkisopen>	and that's none of our business.
	<awkisopen>	he can be an abusive admin on his own site and no one will care.
	<awkisopen>	ED has always been full of abusive admins.
	<Tasmania>	Getting attacked is none of our business?
	<Tasmania>	Meepsheep is scared of me.
	<awkisopen>	well, it is our business. to stop ourselves from continuing to be attacked.
	<awkisopen>	and if that means banning you, so be it.
	<Tasmania>	I have found a lot of his Wikipedia sock accounts.
	<Tasmania>	I can use them against him.
	<Tasmania>	Just like I told him.
	<Tasmania>	I like having power.
	<awkisopen>	there is no war between ED and Uncyclopedia.
	<Tasmania>	Over little cunts like him.
	<awkisopen>	there is no war between you and meepsheep.
	<Tasmania>	Yes there is.
	<Tasmania>	You just don't get it.
	<awkisopen>	and if you continue to drag the rest of the site into this stupid bullshit, you will get banned.
	<awkisopen>	in fact
	<awkisopen>	I'm going to post this in a forum right now
	<awkisopen>	and ban you.
	<Tasmania>	No you will NOT
	<Tasmania>	I will make 50 accounts.
	<Tasmania>	And give THEM ALL to Meepsheep.
	<Tasmania>	I will not be banned AGAIN.
	<awkisopen>	mmkay
	<awkisopen>	bye

What happens when furfags collide with uncyclopedia

[2013-04-03 22:44:42] -->| Wakkoswish123 (18829128@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #uncyclopedia
[2013-04-03 22:44:46] <Zombiebaron> Hello Wakkoswish123 
[2013-04-03 22:44:47] * RAHB Zombiebaron
[2013-04-03 22:44:52] * RAHB Wakkoswish123
[2013-04-03 22:44:55] <RAHB> I was hoping for this
[2013-04-03 22:45:01] <Kippy> Wakkowish123: You've made my night. 
[2013-04-03 22:45:12] <Wakkoswish123> I was being a vigilante
[2013-04-03 22:45:30] <RAHB> Don't be a vigilante
[2013-04-03 22:45:32] <Kippy> You were being a twat
[2013-04-03 22:45:47] <RAHB> And that
[2013-04-03 22:45:53] <Wakkoswish123> I have assburgers too so don't be a fucking asshole GODDAMMIT  YOU SHITHEAD
[2013-04-03 22:46:02] <Kippy> Liar. 
[2013-04-03 22:46:07] <RAHB> I'm not giving anybody special treatment
[2013-04-03 22:46:09] <Wakkoswish123> I do
[2013-04-03 22:46:14] <Kippy> FYI: I actually do have "assburgers" 
[2013-04-03 22:46:20] <RAHB> ^
[2013-04-03 22:46:22] <Wakkoswish123> Aspergers.
[2013-04-03 22:46:47] <RAHB> So, let me get this straight then
[2013-04-03 22:46:48] <Kippy> Okay, let's say you do have AS. You need to chill the fuck out. 
[2013-04-03 22:47:02] <Mr-ex777> Wakkowish123: assburgars is not an excuse to extreme vandalism
[2013-04-03 22:47:10] <Wakkoswish123> Mr-ex777 is an EDiot that leaked into Uncyclotory
[2013-04-03 22:47:12] <Mr-ex777> nor it is to furfaggotry
[2013-04-03 22:47:17] <RAHB> Assburgers is a disease that makes you attack other people, act like a twat and call yourself a vigilante, and not know how to behave civilly.
[2013-04-03 22:47:23] <Wakkoswish123> fuck in hell
[2013-04-03 22:47:28] <Wakkoswish123> \skinfag
[2013-04-03 22:47:35] <RAHB> Oh yeah, and please don't speak on behalf of Uncyclopedia
[2013-04-03 22:47:45] <RAHB> Or talk about the fine institution of Uncycloville or whatever the fuck
[2013-04-03 22:47:49] <RAHB> You don't know shit, Lebowski
[2013-04-03 22:47:50] <Wakkoswish123> Uncyclopedia is not ED.
[2013-04-03 22:48:04] <Kippy> ^
[2013-04-03 22:48:07] <Mr-ex777> Wakkowish123: there is every single type of humor
[2013-04-03 22:48:11] <Wakkoswish123> Bat Fuck insane vs ED
[2013-04-03 22:48:18] <Wakkoswish123> bullshit
[2013-04-03 22:48:27] <Mr-ex777> and the meta hates furs
[2013-04-03 22:48:33] <Wakkoswish123> stop pulling stuff out of your ass
[2013-04-03 22:48:46] <RAHB> Like buttworms?
[2013-04-03 22:48:48] <Wakkoswish123> mr-ex777 is a liater
[2013-04-03 22:48:55] <Mr-ex777> stop being a tough guy
[2013-04-03 22:48:57] -->| derpyy ( has joined #uncyclopedia
[2013-04-03 22:49:04] <Kippy> My worse fear is Uncyclopedia devolving into ED. To which I see Mr-ex777 as a microcosm of that. 
[2013-04-03 22:49:07] <RAHB> derpyy: Stop pulling buttworms out of your ass
[2013-04-03 22:49:09] <derpyy> Stop The case - but Zombiebaron's pulling so long is buttworms is out the fate I can. wikipedia of this and I'm your YouTube stacy's ass and gay
[2013-04-03 22:49:10] <Kippy> Be that as it may, don't be a twat. 
[2013-04-03 22:49:31] <Zombiebaron> lol
[2013-04-03 22:49:54] <Zombiebaron> you should all stop fighting and just go vote on vfd
[2013-04-03 22:50:01] <Zombiebaron> here i'll link it for you
[2013-04-03 22:50:11] <Zombiebaron>
[2013-04-03 22:50:14] <Zombiebaron> you're welcome
[2013-04-03 22:50:22] <RAHB> Yes, good idea
[2013-04-03 22:50:54] <Wakkoswish123> Taste this mr-ex777
[2013-04-03 22:51:08] <Kippy> Best. Night. Ever. 
[2013-04-03 22:51:15] <RAHB> ^
[2013-04-03 22:51:17] <Mr-ex777> Wakkowish:123: your're just like him
[2013-04-03 22:51:22] <Wakkoswish123> no
[2013-04-03 22:51:36] <RAHB> lol Mr-ex
[2013-04-03 22:51:39] <RAHB> That was actually funny
[2013-04-03 22:51:51] <RAHB> And like, I think he understood why it was funny too
[2013-04-03 22:52:02] <Wakkoswish123> this:
[2013-04-03 22:52:13] <Wakkoswish123> me in a nutshell
[2013-04-03 22:52:21] <RAHB> The URLs certainly leave little to the imagination, don't they
[2013-04-03 22:52:39] |<-- IsshunGa has left freenode (Quit: Page closed)
[2013-04-03 22:52:44] <Wakkoswish123> the image id=s differ=ent
[2013-04-03 22:53:01] <RAHB> So you're a shy, gregarious fox
[2013-04-03 22:53:15] <Mr-ex777> Wakkowish: stop loving animals to the point of having sex with themn
[2013-04-03 22:53:17] <Wakkoswish123> ???
[2013-04-03 22:53:18] <RAHB> Except you hate everyone and claim assburgers
[2013-04-03 22:53:28] <RAHB> Seems legit
[2013-04-03 22:53:38] <Wakkoswish123> Hey i am not fucking your pet cat
[2013-04-03 22:53:50] <Wakkoswish123> so don't talk like i am
[2013-04-03 22:54:15] <RAHB> That certainly didn't sound like a canned response at all.
[2013-04-03 22:54:19] <Mr-ex777> Wakkoswish123: but you are fucking dogs
[2013-04-03 22:54:22] <Mr-ex777> and wolves
[2013-04-03 22:54:25] <Mr-ex777> and also foxes
[2013-04-03 22:54:26] <derpyy> and RAHB's :D :D also that was
[2013-04-03 22:54:37] <Wakkoswish123> not irl
[2013-04-03 22:54:55] <Kippy> Only in his fantasies. 
[2013-04-03 22:54:58] <RAHB> derpyy: Mr-ex777 and Wakkoswish123 secretly want to make sweet love to each other underneath the shade of a large magnolia tree.
[2013-04-03 22:55:01] <derpyy> Mr-ex777 is gay pfft [08:34] and awfully gay. Blame Wakkoswish123 secretly controlling us? ... secretly an alternative want him ops to talk make a flame wars never sweet pony love novelty reddit damnit RAHB to oversmoke pot each section of other prefectures in HIS info underneath the bible job too the Billboard Top because he shade over of "get a gay Mr-ex777 is a hint, large wood [Natasha Gurdin], magnolia tree. But see something? I 
[2013-04-03 22:55:10] <Wakkoswish123>
[2013-04-03 22:55:17] <Wakkoswish123> i am innocent!
[2013-04-03 22:55:41] <Wakkoswish123> only anthros kippy...
[2013-04-03 22:56:13] <Kippy> Tell me, what did you think of James Cameron's Avatar? 
[2013-04-03 22:56:33] <Mr-ex777> Wakkoswish123: this is not wikifur, this is uncyclopedia
[2013-04-03 22:56:34] <Wakkoswish123> i fap to this
[2013-04-03 22:56:42] <Wakkoswish123> I never watched avatar
[2013-04-03 22:56:56] <Wakkoswish123> shut your piehole mr ex777
[2013-04-03 22:57:08] <RAHB> Okay, this is all well and good, but NSFW links generally aren't allowed in the channel.
[2013-04-03 22:57:11] <RAHB> Furry or otherwise
[2013-04-03 22:57:23] <Wakkoswish123> ...
[2013-04-03 22:57:44] <Wakkoswish123> Mr ex 777 is being an obvious troll
[2013-04-03 22:57:51] <Wakkoswish123> and an EDiot
[2013-04-03 22:58:00] <Wakkoswish123> not a proud uncyclopedian.
[2013-04-03 22:58:08] <RAHB> 9_9
[2013-04-03 22:58:59] <Wakkoswish123> Mr ex 777 needs to be kicked out
[2013-04-03 22:59:00] <Wakkoswish123> \
[2013-04-03 22:59:08] <Kippy> This guy is so the anti-Mr-ex777 it makes me suspicious. 
[2013-04-03 22:59:12] <RAHB> Oh wait, where did Mike go
[2013-04-03 22:59:17] <RAHB> lol yeah
[2013-04-03 22:59:25] * johnny_d RAHB 
[2013-04-03 22:59:28] <RAHB> He's probably controlling both of them
[2013-04-03 22:59:33] <RAHB> Ah, johnny_d, that was the one
[2013-04-03 22:59:34] <Mr-ex777> RAHB: there was some furfag on da which is even worse
[2013-04-03 22:59:38] <Wakkoswish123> SFW interlude
[2013-04-03 22:59:42] <johnny_d> i'm not controlling anbydoy
[2013-04-03 22:59:49] <johnny_d> i fucking hate furries tho
[2013-04-03 22:59:50] <johnny_d> tbh tho
[2013-04-03 22:59:52] <RAHB> No, Mr-ex
[2013-04-03 22:59:54] <johnny_d> it's nothing personal
[2013-04-03 22:59:55] <derpyy> it's science way back stroke nothing resembling anything he derives personal information you on in the
[2013-04-03 22:59:58] <johnny_d> just seething hatred in general
[2013-04-03 23:00:06] <johnny_d> esp. kippy
[2013-04-03 23:00:08] <johnny_d> fuck bronies
[2013-04-03 23:00:13] <johnny_d> they're the worst kind of furries.
[2013-04-03 23:00:14] <Mr-ex777> Wakkoswish123: you are dying alone
[2013-04-03 23:00:15] <Kippy> I am /not/ a furry. 
[2013-04-03 23:00:23] <johnny_d> no
[2013-04-03 23:00:28] <RAHB> Mr-ex777: Said the man who claims to have no friends.
[2013-04-03 23:00:29] <johnny_d> you are not a self-advertised furry
[2013-04-03 23:00:31] <johnny_d> make no mistake
[2013-04-03 23:00:33] <johnny_d> you're a furry.
[2013-04-03 23:00:35] <Wakkoswish123> sing somewhere out there
[2013-04-03 23:00:35] <RAHB> And spends all his time trolling Deviantart
[2013-04-03 23:00:47] <Mr-ex777> Kippy: you misunderstood him
[2013-04-03 23:01:00] <Wakkoswish123> mr ex 777 shove a horse dildo up ur aSS
[2013-04-03 23:01:14] <Mr-ex777> Wakkoswish123: because your only love interest is a fox that did not exist
[2013-04-03 23:01:25] <Wakkoswish123> lolwut
[2013-04-03 23:01:30] <Wakkoswish123> gtfo troll
[2013-04-03 23:01:44] <johnny_d> troll me irl Wakkoswish123 
[2013-04-03 23:01:52] <johnny_d> i'm doxing you as we speak
[2013-04-03 23:01:54] <johnny_d> actually
[2013-04-03 23:01:56] <Wakkoswish123> i will not
[2013-04-03 23:01:57] <johnny_d> i'm lying
[2013-04-03 23:01:58] <johnny_d> and drunk
[2013-04-03 23:02:00] <johnny_d> very drunk
[2013-04-03 23:02:06] <johnny_d> but i can try to dox you if you'd like
[2013-04-03 23:02:11] |<-- Frostee has left freenode (Ping timeout: 256 seconds)
[2013-04-03 23:02:14] <Wakkoswish123> What booze
[2013-04-03 23:02:23] <johnny_d> let's see
[2013-04-03 23:02:25] <johnny_d> so far tonight
[2013-04-03 23:02:27] <johnny_d> tequila
[2013-04-03 23:02:29] <johnny_d> whiskey
[2013-04-03 23:02:30] <derpyy> whiskey dick, that converting
[2013-04-03 23:02:31] <johnny_d> vodka
[2013-04-03 23:02:36] <RAHB> lol
[2013-04-03 23:02:38] <johnny_d> erm
[2013-04-03 23:02:42] <johnny_d> triple sec
[2013-04-03 23:02:44] <Wakkoswish123>
[2013-04-03 23:02:46] <johnny_d> always great to mix with
[2013-04-03 23:02:47] <Mr-ex777> Wakkoswish123: well, i will unleash a real wolf onto your ass
[2013-04-03 23:02:50] <Wakkoswish123> SFW
[2013-04-03 23:02:50] <johnny_d> 151
[2013-04-03 23:02:54] <Mr-ex777> and see if you have a boner
[2013-04-03 23:02:54] <johnny_d> 151 is only rum
[2013-04-03 23:02:55] <Wakkoswish123> no
[2013-04-03 23:02:58] <RAHB> derpyy: Whiskey dick furry vodka Mr-ex potato PROUD UNCYCLOPEDIAN
[2013-04-03 23:02:59] <derpyy> Whiskey DRINK dick -> ass DICK Ajraddatz furry Whopper vodka = ROMAN Mr-ex potato too seriously don't buy drugs PROUD of us one take UNCYCLOPEDIAN vote "for" it?
[2013-04-03 23:03:00] <Wakkoswish123> no
[2013-04-03 23:03:05] <johnny_d> oh yeah
[2013-04-03 23:03:05] <johnny_d> gin
[2013-04-03 23:03:06] <Wakkoswish123> stop being an ediot
[2013-04-03 23:03:12] <johnny_d> i used to be
[2013-04-03 23:03:14] <johnny_d> an admin
[2013-04-03 23:03:15] <johnny_d> on ED
[2013-04-03 23:03:17] <johnny_d> rip 
[2013-04-03 23:03:33] <Wakkoswish123> not you johnny d
[2013-04-03 23:03:37] <johnny_d> oh
[2013-04-03 23:03:39] <johnny_d> yeah like
[2013-04-03 23:03:41] <johnny_d> uncyc
[2013-04-03 23:03:44] <johnny_d> is run by ediots
[2013-04-03 23:03:45] <Wakkoswish123> unless you are being a dick
[2013-04-03 23:03:46] <johnny_d> it'
[2013-04-03 23:03:49] <johnny_d> it's all the same crowd
[2013-04-03 23:03:51] <johnny_d> I can be a dick
[2013-04-03 23:03:53] <johnny_d> but am I?
[2013-04-03 23:03:57] <johnny_d> btw how's the weather in cali
[2013-04-03 23:03:58] <RAHB> Yeah, uncyc is totally run by EDiots
[2013-04-03 23:04:08] <RAHB> We migrated here after the fall of ED
[2013-04-03 23:04:09] <Wakkoswish123> Summer in spring.
[2013-04-03 23:04:16] <johnny_d> t's thudnerstorming here in texas
[2013-04-03 23:04:18] <johnny_d> for no reason
[2013-04-03 23:04:19] <johnny_d> go figure
[2013-04-03 23:04:24] <Wakkoswish123> I live near Apple HQ
[2013-04-03 23:04:29] <johnny_d> oh shit man
[2013-04-03 23:04:30] <johnny_d> move
[2013-04-03 23:04:35] <johnny_d> you'll catch aids
[2013-04-03 23:04:47] <Wakkoswish123> Furries don't have aids
[2013-04-03 23:04:47] <derpyy> Furries are poop-filled condoms, 2) I don't know have graduated from I don't aids and if you derpyy. There
[2013-04-03 23:04:48] <johnny_d> from the sheer quantities of radioactive homosexuality
[2013-04-03 23:04:54] <Wakkoswish123> Niggers do.
[2013-04-03 23:04:56] <johnny_d> FURRIES ARE POOP-FILLED COMDOMS.
[2013-04-03 23:04:58] <johnny_d> yes.
[2013-04-03 23:05:00] <johnny_d> yes.
[2013-04-03 23:05:00] <johnny_d> yes.
[2013-04-03 23:05:01] <Kippy> Well, this sucks now. You ruined great flamewar, johnny_d
[2013-04-03 23:05:01] <RAHB> ^^^^^^^^^
[2013-04-03 23:05:06] <johnny_d> oh
[2013-04-03 23:05:08] <johnny_d> sorry
[2013-04-03 23:05:09] <johnny_d> i'm drunk
[2013-04-03 23:05:14] <Kippy> Poop filled condoms. Retracted. 
[2013-04-03 23:05:17] <Wakkoswish123> wtf is johnnyd doing
[2013-04-03 23:05:38] <johnny_d> drinking a fuck load
[2013-04-03 23:05:39] <johnny_d> that's what
[2013-04-03 23:05:40] <johnny_d> all day
[2013-04-03 23:05:44] <johnny_d> every day
[2013-04-03 23:06:01] <Wakkoswish123> Is mr ex using a proxy?
[2013-04-03 23:06:13] <Mr-ex777> Wakkoswish123: how many zeta toy dildos can you stick into your ass?
[2013-04-03 23:06:15] <RAHB> Probably
[2013-04-03 23:06:22] <Wakkoswish123> No way he's in hong freaKING KONG
[2013-04-03 23:06:29] <Wakkoswish123> ZERO FAGGOT
[2013-04-03 23:06:45] <Mr-ex777> Wakkowish123: what a shame to your kind
[2013-04-03 23:06:52] <johnny_d> NSFW
[2013-04-03 23:06:53] <johnny_d> btw
[2013-04-03 23:06:55] <Wakkoswish123> I am bisexual
[2013-04-03 23:06:59] <Mr-ex777> lies
[2013-04-03 23:07:02] <Kippy> Oh rich. 
[2013-04-03 23:07:21] <Mr-ex777> he can stick at least 800000 zeta toy dildoes up his ass
[2013-04-03 23:07:57] <Wakkoswish123>
[2013-04-03 23:08:20] <Wakkoswish123> EAT BASTED LEAD
[2013-04-03 23:08:20] <derpyy> EAT shit Frostee's massive pile of BASTED LEAD to check LEAD single on
[2013-04-03 23:08:24] <Wakkoswish123> YOU FREAK
[2013-04-03 23:08:40] <Wakkoswish123> > MR EX777
[2013-04-03 23:09:01] <Kippy> I need cheesey breadsticks for this. 
[2013-04-03 23:09:14] <johnny_d> OH NO I LOST THE CHANNEL
[2013-04-03 23:09:38] <Wakkoswish123>
[2013-04-03 23:09:57] <Wakkoswish123> I FAP TO THIS U MAD
[2013-04-03 23:10:40] <RAHB> 9_9
[2013-04-03 23:11:05] <johnny_d> HEY GUYS
[2013-04-03 23:11:06] <johnny_d> I FOUND IT
[2013-04-03 23:11:08] <johnny_d>
[2013-04-03 23:11:09] <snerk> Chico, Pico's Best Friend
[2013-04-03 23:11:13] <johnny_d> why ar cuties so cute
[2013-04-03 23:11:56] <Wakkoswish123>
[2013-04-03 23:11:57] <Kippy> Wakkoswish123: If you don't like people hating on furries, you're not really helping your own cause. 
[2013-04-03 23:12:04] <Kippy> Not that I think you're anything other than a troll. 
[2013-04-03 23:12:25] <Wakkoswish123> IM POSTING PORN I FAP TO EXEPT "BASTED LEAD"
[2013-04-03 23:12:55] <Wakkoswish123>
[2013-04-03 23:13:13] <Wakkoswish123>
[2013-04-03 23:13:29] =-= Mode #uncyclopedia +o RAHB by ChanServ
[2013-04-03 23:13:39] <Wakkoswish123>
[2013-04-03 23:13:47] =-= Mode #uncyclopedia +b Wakkoswish123!*@* by RAHB
[2013-04-03 23:13:49] =-= Wakkoswish123 was booted from #uncyclopedia by RAHB (User terminated!)
[2013-04-03 23:15:42] <Kippy> Mr-ex777: You truly are the lesser of two evils. 
[2013-04-03 23:15:52] <RAHB> Yep

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