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Talk:Main Page/July 2011

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Can somebody please vandalise or something the annoying americunt flag please?

It's not the forth anymore, kill it with fire--Polmas 13:23, 5 July 2011 (UTC)

I would like to say "u mad?" and keep the flag to see how many complaints I could generate, but it was taking up a lot of space up there. --JuniusThaddeus 13:39, 5 July 2011 (UTC)

The upload directory (public) is not writable by the webserver.

What is this? I can't upload anything to the wiki. DekoMan91 03:34, 7 July 2011 (UTC)

And all the image and video galleries are fucked up Anonymous one 05:42, 7 July 2011 (UTC)
And since when is ED powered by MediaWiki and not Drama? Fuck this. DekoMan91 06:30, 7 July 2011 (UTC)
What the fuck happened,man?--ThePooThatTookaPee 21:56, 7 July 2011 (UTC)
  • You guys would know the answer to all of these questions if you followed ED on Twitter and Facebook :) --zaiger (talk) 22:02, 7 July 2011 (UTC)
Social media is for faggots and 16 year old girls. Also, complaining is fun. Anonymous one 02:11, 8 July 2011 (UTC)
True what the nigger above me said...--ThePooThatTookaPee 20:03, 8 July 2011 (UTC)

Current thread

In the old ED there was a "current thread" button that linked to hot topics (such as Caylee Anthony for example), but now it's stuck on ED is slow, what's the problem? --Polmas 21:49, 8 July 2011 (UTC)

I suppose nobody bothers to change it. 23:07, 8 July 2011 (UTC)

Weeell mebby you could do it, Meepsheep? Or assign this duty to some faggot? --Mr. Jones 11:55, 22 July 2011 (CEST)

Done. It wouldn't hurt if we had some relating to more recent events. I also set it to change every week. 18:19, 22 July 2011 (CEST)


1 day after my birthday you're back. Awesome! :) DekoMan91 14:09, 22 July 2011 (CEST)

2011 Norway terrorist attacks

I'll just leave this here: - Smells a lot like "Current threat level" / "Featured article" --Mr. Jones 21:08, 23 July 2011 (CEST)

Nomination for award

I don't know if ED hands out awards or if this is right right place for it, but this fucking picture is brilliant. Give that guy a medal! (Btw, should be POTN) --Mr. Jones 23:22, 23 July 2011 (CEST)


Video of the Now

They made it private once they found out it was on ED. Boyvinyl 00:50, 27 July 2011 (CEST)


Its still set to private.--Palpy 05:05, 27 July 2011 (CEST)