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Ray Dixon

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Ray Dixon just refuses to die, yet the people of Bright remain hopeful.

Ray Dixon (also known as 'Ray Dixon (Bright)' or 'Sockpuppet) is a notoriously unhinged Australian blogger, famous in the Oz bloggosphere (sic) for his know-all views, his determination to always have the last word, his failed attempts at humor and his extensive knowledge of politics, the Internet and defamation law. Ray Dixon is of indeterminate age and lives in Bright, Victoria with his hotel, his wife and an extensive collection of pet gravel. Ray Dixon is best known for his association with fellow muppet and Internet stalker Iain Hall. Ray Dixon is a frequent commenter and occasional author on Iain Hall's odious blog. He has also posted there as 'Sockpuppet', a failed attempt at comedy.

In moments of extreme madness, which are many, Ray Dixon eats the frozen piss on top of Mount Buffalo.


Ray Dixon has been described as a unique, colourful and expressive individual (in other words, he's a cunt). Ray Dixon has several imminently identifiable personality traits. Most prominently, he is never wrong about anything and never averse to saying so. In debate, Ray Dixon regularly tells others with different views to his own that "it's only your opinion", whereas he claims his own statements as fact. Ray Dixon does little work, posts numerous times a day and is always determined to have the last word. Ray Dixon is an outspoken critic of Internet stalking (unless his best mate Iain Hall is doing it) and people who criticise others anonymously (unless, as 'Sockpuppet', he's doing it himself). He also demonstrates sleazy characteristics when dealing with female Internet peoples, once sending one a picture of himself in bathers with a comment about how good his body was for his age. Ray Dixon has no friends IRL and a Gallup poll in his hometown of Bright suggests that 99.4% of people there think he is full of shit.

Ray Dixon's blog

Despite having the technical skills of a retarded moose, Ray Dixon began a blog, Alpine Opinion, in 2005. This site doubled as a soapbox for Ray Dixon's political views and his idiotic agendas, as well as a gathering point for the mentally infirm in north-east Victoria. Because Ray Dixon is paranoid, thin-skinned, and frightened of dissenting opinions, all comment traffic on his blog was heavily moderated. Ray Dixon occasionally created purportedly humorous Photoshop mash-ups (well, MS Paint really) to accompany his flaccid posts.

In June 2010 Ray Dixon announced that he was taking a break from blogging to work on another project:

"For the next week or so (or maybe longer) I won’t be making any new posts – with the exception of Friday’s AFL ‘expert’ footy tips of course, for which I am paid huge license fees for its world-wide syndication."


—Ray Dixon

Over the following week Ray Dixon made six posts - plus two more at Iain Hall's blog, as 'Sockpuppet'. Which means that Ray Dixon was actually making more new posts when he was "not making any new posts" than was when was making new posts.

On June 23rd, Dixon added that he was "taking a break" from blogging due to some pressing work & business projects... "I have decided to extend that break indefinitely and put the blog “on hold” for the forseeable future." News of the closure of Dixon's blog devastated the township of Bright. There was a 12-minute traffic jam outside the new Woolworth's supermarket, while local cafes recorded a 20 percent drop in the sale of toasted focarcias (sic). What Dixon didn't report was that his "pressing work & business projects" (i.e. raking the gravel outside his motel and downloading revenge porn) wouldn't stop him from flooding Iain Hall's blog with inane comments and idiotic shitposts, or launching 'Operation Sockpuppet' (see below).

In March 2013 Ray Dixon shut down and removed his blog, permanently it seems. According to Ray Dixon this was because "blogging simply occupies too much of my time". The true reason was that Ray Dixon had made a cunt of himself by making a predictably poisonous and malicious comment on a Facebook group, which triggered a severe backlash. Ray Dixon refused to take any responsibility for his own actions, describing them as "low level", while the response by others was "a nasty and unnecessary attack".[1]

Takeover of Iain Hall's blog

In mid-2010, having put his own blog into 'hiatus', Ray Dixon launched a concerted attempt to infiltrate and take over Iain Hall's Sandpit (appropriately named, since sandpits are ideal places for ageing tom-cats to take a dump with minimal effort). A briefing paper prepared by Ray Dixon, titled 'Operation Sockpuppet, or the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Bright', was located and later published in ED, Wikileaks and Ralph magazine. In this paper Ray Dixon described how he intended to increase his influence and control of Iain Hall's blog, to the point where Iain Hall himself would be expelled and the entire site retitled 'Ray Bright's Gravel Garden'. Amongst the methodology to be employed by Ray Dixon during 'Operation Sockpuppet':

 1. Flooding the comment threads by responding to every single comment, thus making it appear that he is actually the blog owner.
 2. Nit-picking and initiating arguments with other regulars like 'Len' and 'Husky Jim', in an attempt to drive them off.
 3. Winning Iain Hall's trust by supporting his delusions that he has been mercilessly bullied and nothing is ever his fault.
 4. Further ingratiating himself with Iain Hall by sending him free subscriptions to European porn sites and a new distributor cap for the Noddy Car.
 5. Suggesting to Iain Hall that he share the administrator rights to his blog, in return for two nights in the Bedbug Suite at Gravel Gardens.

Once in control, Ray Dixon planned to purge this blog of all elements associated with Iain Hall, such as childish animated GIFs, poorly spelt headlines and references to "my muse". Jokes about poofs, however, would be retained. Ray Dixon has not explained why he covets Iain Hall's blog, perhaps it is the pretty colours and shining lights, or perhaps he just likes destroying things from within like the obligate parasite he is. For more on how a Stalinist blog regime under Ray Dixon might work, see Covering his ass (below). 'Operation Sockpuppet' continues today unabated. It has been observed by Ray Dixon's fellow commenters at Iain Hall's blog, such as 'Len', who noted that Ray Dixon enjoys a protected status at Iain Hall's blog, obviously in return for sexual favors.

Ray Dixon hates...

Ray Dixon hates the people who didn't vote for him

Ray Dixon is best known for being the only man in Australia who knows what's best for the town of Bright. For the uninitiated, Bright is a small town in north-east Victoria, population 2,600 people with 4,105 heads, 344 sheep and a large Alsatian named Kelvin. At the foothills of the Victorian Alps, Bright is a prominent tourist location. Every year it is visited by latte-swilling yuppies, touring lesbians and people who want to stop for a dump on their way to the snow.

Ray Dixon filled his blog with pointless, insipid opinions about Bright and continued personal attacks and vilification on other members of the community. He supported the construction of a new Woolworths supermarket and kept whinging about those who opposed it. In fact he supported it so much that when the store actually opened, 3,000 people attended, carrying placards reading 'WELCOME WOOLIES - NOW SHUT THE F#@K UP RAY!' Dixon also appeared on local ABC Radio with his enemies from the Save Bright Group, discussing the proposed supermarket. Even though no-one listened to this interview, word on the street is that a female ABC editor only let Ray Dixon on so he would stop pestering her with e-mails containing scanned images of Ray in his Speedos.

Ray Dixon has also slammed the local council for erecting a bushfire memorial in the shape of trees (no doubt he'd have suggested a fountain). And he has whinged about the roads, town entrances, new buildings... you name it. Ray Dixon is very much like one of those geriatric wankers in country towns who pathologically write constant letters to the editor - only he's got a blog so he can write one every day.

Being so opinionated and dedicated to local issues, Ray Dixon is obviously a prime candidate for local politics. However Ray Dixon has run three times for the Alpine Shire Council - and failed each time - so it looks as if his political career is deader than Elvis:

  • 2003. Out of a possible 11,076 votes, Ray Dixon polls 936 (2nd). He is not elected as nobody else on the ballot paper has allocated him preferences[2].
  • 2005. Out of a possible 11,409 votes, Ray Dixon polls 401 (12th - and 3rd last). Ray is not elected; the voting public seem to now be aware of his unelectability[3].
  • 2008. Out of a possible 11,224 votes, Ray Dixon polls 187 (15th - last, with barely half the votes of the next-highest candidate). Coincidentally, Ray Dixon started his blog earlier in this year, putting his gross stupidity on public show[4].

Ray Dixon hates people who disagree

Ray Dixon has raged like a raging ragey thing about people who have different views than him. In particular Ray Dixon has constantly blogged about one dissenter, 'Wal Willow'. Despite having no evidence whatsoever, Ray Dixon concluded that 'Wal Willow' was a concoction of the 'Save Bright' group, and named two Bright men, constantly defaming them on his blog:

"I knew that Lee Rosser & Nick Malkin were both posing as Wally, and were both doing their level best to defame and discredit me (anonymously of course), but it’s decent of them to finally admit it in public."


—Ray Dixon

Ray Dixon has engaged in a campaign of hatred and vilification against local musician Lee Rosser. In November 2009 Ray Dixon stalked Rosser's Twitter account, publishing inappropriate comments about his song lyrics and suggesting that Rosser move out of Bright. Ray Dixon accused Rosser of stalking him - without any evidence - and he has repeatedly described him as a "hillbilly".[5]

Ray Dixon has also engaged in threats and victimisation of those who he believes are responsible for this article. In an e-mail of June 2 to a web patriot, Ray Dixon wrote:

"I know who you are and I could just as easily do the same thing to you. I’ve got more integrity than you but then again, who doesn’t? Get fucked you lowlife cunt. You really must have some deep personal inadequacies to behave the way you do on the Internet – a scared little sniper. Btw, I asked Iain for your email address if you’re wondering how I got it. Once again, get fucked."


—Ray Dixon

In a follow-up e-mail several days later, Ray Dixon returned to his preferred method of intimidation, i.e. legal threats:

"I think you’d be well advised to delete that blog and that entry. The people whose characters you choose to anonymously slur would be well within their rights to take legal action against you and/or to give you the same treatment (under your real name). How would you like that? So I’d suggest you just remove the offending material and all will be forgotten. Got it?"


Ray Dixon hates funny people

Ray Dixon desperately wants to appear witty and humorous to the rest of his fellow creeps, at Iain Hall's blog and elsewhere. But as is outlined below (see 'Sockpuppet') Ray Dixon is actually about as funny as simultaneously catching Ebola and getting head from Michelle Grattan. In June 2010 for example Ray Dixon told the following joke, later gauged at -0.4 on the Hincks-Barson Humour Quantification Index:

"Wait until the Jap’s next game – they’re bringing out a new striker, KAWASAKI. Meanwhile the Italians are fielding young guns FERRARI & ROMEO, while the French are considering giving CITROEN & RENAULT a run. Bad luck about Sweden – old veteran VOLVO has broken down. But South Korea’s HYUNDAI is full of beans."


—Ray Dixon, trying desperately to be funny

A comedy expert from Oxford University described this as one of the worst jokes ever uttered: "His use of upper case to highlight key terms in the joke are the mark of a troubled psyche, striving for acceptance but desperately wanting to be loved." Alternatively, he could just be a fuckwit.

Ray Dixon hates Collingwood

Each Friday Ray Dixon publishes 'expert' football tips on his hardly-read blog. According to Ray Dixon, "there are thousands of punters out there who put big $s on the TAB based on my ‘expert’ tips and that my weekly AFL ‘expert’ tips posts are syndicated world-wide?"[6] Based on that quote, Ray has obviously fallen in love with himself and probably admires himself naked in a full-length mirror.

Ray Dixon is a supporter of the St Kilda Football Club, so St Kilda's inability to win a premiership over the past three years - despite finishing near the top of the ladder - has caused great joy and merriment amongst blogers (sic). It is widely predicted by CSIRO and IPCC that if St Kilda ever does win a premiership, Ray Dixon will masturbate so furiously that it will generate an artificial 'black hole' that may consume the Earth.

Ray Dixon's football posts and comments demonstrate an irrational hatred of Collingwood. According to Ray Dixon's 'expert' opinions, in 2010 Collingwood had no chance of winning the premiership, due to being over-rated, peaking too early and not as good as Ray Dixon's own team, St Kilda. On October 2nd 2010, Collingwood played St Kilda in the grand final and kicked the shit of them, winning by 56 points. Bright police had to talk Ray Dixon down off his motel roof later that evening.

Ray Dixon responded to Collingwood's thrashing of St Kilda with his usual good grace - he implied, without any evidence, that Collingwood players took performance-enhancing drugs before the game.[7]

"I think we needed some of what Collingwwod’s players were having pre-game. You know, something to give us some more energy!! No sour grapes and Collingwood truly earnt this one … well, sort of.


—Ray Dixon, unable to grasp the fact that his team wasn't good enough

Ray Dixon hates the Freo Dockers

After a Fremantle Dockers football player was allegedly found in possession of cocaine, Ray Dixon rushed to print with a well-informed editorial on the matter: he Photoshopped the player concerned with a line of coke, then accused the entire club of condoning a drug culture in order to improve its results[8]. A commenter took Ray Dixon to task and was promptly told to piss off:

"1. Has this player been found guilty in a court of law yet? 2. Do you have evidence that Freo actively condones drug taking? If the answer to both is ‘no’ (and it is) then you have just slandered the whole club. Nice going. What do you do for your next party trick?"


—Randolph J. Perpenhead

"Randolph, that’s my (& Freo’s) problem, not yours. Go read some other blog if you don’t like my opinions, okay?."


—Ray Dixon

No sweat Ray - go read some other site if you don't like the opinions on this one, mmm'kay?

Ray Dixon hates TripAdvisor

Ray Dixon's warm and open nature was also apparent when someone posted a negative comment about his hotel at the review site, TripAdvisor. In response to a review by 'Chopsy', who observed that the accommodation offered was "dirty" and "hadn't been serviced properly", Ray Dixon used the 'owner's response' facility to take aim at the managers of TripAdvisor:

"I am the owner of Grevillea Gardens. The negative review given by 'Chopsy' is untrue, malicious & libellous. No such person stayed with us. We received no such complaint. The details are ridiculous - our linen is changed after EVERY occupancy. Your website should not allow such malicious postings without checking with the proprietors first. Who do you think you are?"


—Ray Dixon

Fearing a legal writ from Ray Dixon's solicitor, Danny Denuto (brother of Dennis), TripAdvisor now sends all its reviews to Ray Dixon via e-mail, so that he can personally approve them. (Note: the authors of this article do not condone Chopsy's remarks. One of our number stayed at Ray Dixon's hotel, unbeknownst to the proprietor, and it was quite acceptable. There was even hot water for an hour in the morning.)

Ray Dixon hates teh gays

Despite claiming to be a left-wing progressive, Ray Dixon loves to accuse people of being gay, as though it is some kind of perjoritive insult. Ray has previously alleged that Geelong footballers are gay because some of them dressed up as women at an end of season party.[9] Ray's fixation with homosexuality and using it as an insult suggest that either he secretly 'bats for the other team' (Iain Hall, 2007) or that he was traumatised by a ferocious buggering received as a schoolboy.

Ray Dixon hates teenage lesbians

Another of Ray Dixon's "Sockpuppet" posts echoes his homophobia and also demonstrates some unhealthy thoughts about girls of school age. "The Vexed question of young lesos" claimed to be about "the disturbing social trend for young girls to become lesos while they are still at school." Only no media coverage specifically mentioned the girls concerned were having sex (although they were undoubtedly having sex in Ray Dixon's mind... and he wishes he had some pics.) Ray Dixon also named both girls and claimed that one was "under the age of sexual consent" and that the older girl was "getting around the law" and a "pedophile".[10] But as later pointed out, teenage sexual partners cannot be prosecuted if the age difference between sexual them is less than two years. Ray Dixon's knowledge of the law is therefore right up there with his knowledge of IP addresses.

One commenter on this post, Kim, correctly observed about "Sockpuppet"/Ray Dixon:

I take offence at some clown who doesn’t even have the balls to post in his own name speculating about a teenage girl, using her real name, suggesting she is having “leso sex” with another teenager girl (when there is no evidence to suggest this) and then implies that she is breaking the law and she is a pedophile. Perhaps if you had a daughter of your own you’d have more respect for young girls than to write this kind of crap. But that’s unlikely, I’d be surprised if you’ve even had sex. Why don’t you grow up and get a life.


—Kim, summing up Ray Dixon in one short paragraph

Ray Dixon hates Twitter

Ray Dixon despises Twitter and has so far blamed it for the demise of bloging (sic), the decline of Western society, the fall of the Roman Empire and the last Savage Garden album. In May 2010 Ray Dixon asked the question 'Has there been a single Tweet that was worth reading?'[11] The bloggosfear (sic) is keenly awaiting his follow-up post, 'Has there a single Ray Dixon post that was worth reading?' Also, despite saying Twitter is a waste of time and not worth reading, Dixon has written numerous blog posts on what others have said on Twitter, which means he reads its content.

Ray Dixon has also turned a blind eye and apologised for his bum-chum (Iain Hall) and his misuse of Twitter. When Iain Hall invented an account to monitor the Twitter feed of long-time love interest Jeremy Sear - and was soon caught out - Ray Dixon had this to say:

"I also think Iain might have unwittingly set up the petersam account just to keep an eye on what people were saying about him, not to pry on people... in some instances he (Iain Hall) has indeed been defamed and unfairly derided.


—Ray Dixon

Of course he was, Ray - it was all completely harmless. We all know how easy it is to "unwittingly" open an online e-mail or messaging account.

Ray Dixon hates trolls

Ray Dixon claims to despise blog wars and to have done nothing to provoke his trolls, yet he loves to claim victories whenever he can:

  • 'Three strikes and they're out (at last!)'. May 2010: Ray celebrates the closure of 'This is not Alpine Opinion', a blog set up to take the piss out of him.[12]
  • 'Local copycat blog suspended'. February 2010: Ray celebrates the closure of another blog set up to take the piss out of him.[13]
  • 'Wally takes another break'. December 2009: Ray celebrates as a blogger who is taking the piss out of him goes on Christmas holidays.[14]
  • 'Lee and Nick out themselves'. November 2009: Ray celebrates because he thinks he has discovered the identity of a blogger who is taking the piss out of him - from an anonymous comment made elsewhere.[15]

We could go on but I think you get the idea - Ray Dixon doesn't like having the piss taken out of him, and he is distinctly anti-lulz. Which brings us to the next Ray Dixon farce...


Ray 'Sockpuppet' Dixon, the pig of the Internets.
"Ray just said he thinks you guys is nuts and scumbags for the way you carrying on about this – and is as much his business as anyone’s. You got an abusive post about him so why shouldn’t he have an opinion about youse?"


—Ray Dixon (posting as 'Sockpuppet') defending an earlier post by Ray Dixon (posting as Ray Dixon). Confused? Yeah, so are we.

In 2009, lame posts began appearing at Iain Hall's blog under the pseudonym 'Sockpuppet'. An enigma wrapped in a riddle and dipped in chicken-shit, 'Sockpuppet' himself was an anonymous entity, his identity known only to Iain Hall. Iain Hall encouraged 'Sockpuppet's posts and even gave him his own profile page.[16] Given Iain Hall's much advertised dislike of anonymous bloggers and commenters his support of 'Sockpuppet' is hypocritical - then again, Iain Hall has also criticised the jobless, immigrants who don't work, people who can't speak English and people who are a drain on government revenue, so maybe this hypocrisy isn't so surprising.

'Sockpuppet's humour was from the outset pretty unsophisticated and about as funny as hydrochloric acid in your vagina. Jokes about 'poofs', idiotic musings about his father's prison time with Carl Williams and deliberate spelling errors (as opposed to Iain Hall's, which are all genuine) were part of the schtick. Most 'Sockpuppet' posts didn't (and still don't) attract many comments, so un-hilarious were they. However not long into his lame comedy routine 'Sockpuppet' also began attacking targets on the bloggosphere (sic), in much the same vein as Iain Hall, such as Dave from Albury[17], Groupthink[18] and Travis Bickle[19]. While previously 'Sockpuppet' was viewed merely as one of the many fecal droppings that falls from Iain Hall's brain, many bloggers began to ponder his identity.

It soon became apparent that 'Sockpuppet' was Ray Dixon, despite his failure to admit as much. An intensive investigation was launched by the staff of Stalkwatch (Australia's fourth-largest investigative unit after ASIO, the Federal Police and Today Tonight) which found conclusive evidence that Ray Dixon and 'Sockpuppet' were the same person. This evidence was presented to the public in a Stalkwatch post[20] in November 2009. Ray Dixon's response[21] came just 19 minutes later - and as is usually the case when someone points out Ray's double-standards, he got personal:

"I am not Sock Puppet you fool and your tenuous evidence is just laughable. Really pathetic. If you really think this stupid post of yours bothers me in the slightest that’s probably more a reflection of your owm psychological problems and low self esteem."


—Ray Dixon

On June 23rd at Iain Hall's dungheap, Ray Dixon, posting as 'Sockpuppet', implied that he was being stalked (an incorrect assumption, for as Iain Hall often says, you can't defame or stalk a pseudonym - unless Ray Dixon was making a candid admission about his identity). He also claimed that police action against his tormentors was imminent:

"...This means the cops can (and will) also track down any shitheads who set up anonymous blogs to “offend & harass” other people. All you need to do is lodge a complaint. There might even be a few such people we know of who are heading for the delete button as we speak. Well they better move quickly because what they’re doing is stalking."


—Ray Dixon, writing as 'Sockpuppet'

Dixon is 'Sockpuppet': The Factz

  • IP matching. The most damning evidence was that Ray Dixon and 'Sockpuppet' share an IP. Following publication of a post at Stalkwatch, within minutes 'Sockpuppet' had commented on the same post at Iain Hall's blog. Examination of the Stalkwatch logs revealed that Ray Dixon's native IP was the only visitor in that window of several minutes. 'Sockpuppet' was obviously using Ray Dixon's computer, so it follows that 'Sockpuppet' is Ray Dixon, Ray Dixon's wife, Ray Dixon's cat or Ray Dixon's mother, who he keeps Norman Bates-style in Room 13 of his two-star hotel.
  • Fascination with Trevor. In 2008 and 2009, Ray Dixon developed a fascination with 'Trevor', a blog commenter who is a parody of bogans, their world-view and their interests. Ray Dixon almost always responded to 'Trevor's comments, attempted (unsuccessfully) to engage him in humorous dialogue, and pondered on 'Trevor's real identity. 'Sockpuppet' bears many similarities to 'Trevor' with one notable exception - he is not fucking funny.
  • Other similarities. Ray Dixon and 'Sockpuppet' share other common topics of interest. Both are Victorian. Both are obsessed with a certain cohort of left-wing bloggers who they like to taunt. Both are also obsessed with Catherine Deveny, Underbelly and AFL football. Both have similar views on 'boat people' and refugees. And both like to make piss-weak attempts at humour based on suggesting that people are gay.
  • Posting times. A survey of comment times reveals that Ray Dixon and 'Sockpuppet' post and comment within minutes of each other, at Iain Hall's blog and Ray Dixon's own blog. Scientists have observed that women in co-habitation often develop a similar menstrual cycle, but it has not yet been established that commenters at the same blog develop the same computer habits.
  • Interaction. Ray Dixon often comments on 'Sockpuppet's idiotic posts (probably because nobody else does) but has not yet engaged in any discussion with 'Sockpuppet' - why would he talk to himself, after all?
  • Lack of support from Iain Hall. Iain Hall refuses to support Ray Dixon's dishonest denial and publicly state that Ray Dixon and 'Sockpuppet' are not, and have never been, the same person. In a pitifully weak attempt to suggest that Ray Dixon was not 'Sockpuppet', Iain Hall offered a screengrab of a 'Sockpuppet' comment including its IP, which was not Dixon's - but when challenged to make a blanket denial that Ray Dixon has never posted as 'Sockpuppet', Iain Hall refused, instead offering weasely cop-outs.
  • Browserbob. 'Sockpuppet's Wordpress username is 'Browserbob', coincidentally the pseudonym of an anonymous commenter on Ray Dixon's blog back in 2008. 'Browserbob' had very similar views to Ray Dixon on Bright's new supermarket[22], and was probably nothing more than a Ray Dixon sockpuppet to provoke additional comments.

In March 2010 this information was fed into a computer mainframe at NASA, which computed a 98.94 percent likelihood that Ray Dixon was 'Sockpuppet' - and a 100 percent likelihood that Ray Dixon is a self-promoting lying creep.

Covering his ass

When posting as 'Sockpuppet', Ray Dixon has been given moderator privileges on Iain Hall's blog, though only on posts authored by Ray Dixon/'Sockuppet' himself. And while he's quite happy to stick it to Jeremy Sear, social media experts or teh gayz, Ray Dixon/'Sockpuppet' is a lot less tolerant of commenters who speculate about his identity, as this exchange shows:

A commenter questions Ray Dixon's habit of 'keeping score' about opinions, but 'Sockpuppet'/Ray Dixon jumps in to defend Ray Dixon.

The final comment was then deleted and Ben Capuano was then banned. As with Ray Dixon's own blog, personal criticism of 'Sockpuppet'/Ray Dixon is dealt with swifty, while no mention of the fact that 'Sockpuppet' is actually Ray Dixon is tolerated. 'Sockpuppet' is in fact just as hare-brained, thin-skinned and piss weak as Ray Dixon himself (not surprisingly, since they are the same person). The Internets are eagerly awaiting the day when Ray Dixon stands up Kirk Douglas-style and shouts "I'm Sockpuppet!" But it'll be a while because Ray is as gutless as a two-day old snapper at Prahan Fish Market - and probably just as smelly.

See also


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Featured article June 7, 2011
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