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When you see a kawaii desu face like this she's obviously trying to take advantage of your friendship's circle and she only want all 100% of yours truly.
Alias Allaya LeCour Rae
Born January 11th, 1999
Nationality Americunt  
Residence IP / New Prague, Minnesota, USA
DeviantArt hedgehunk
Twitter  emo_narrator
Facebook  Allaya LeCour

"Damn, dis nigga called sonic99rae? I remember her back when she made those corny ass FNAF videos. And why dis nigga be screamin' jizz at her fans, friends and h8rs just cuz they be hurting her feelin, man?"


—-Frequently asked questions since 2k16.



—twitter 2023

Rae x Golden Freddy 4evah!!!1 Rae x Wolfrun 4evr!!1 Sonic x Amy rules too!!11 IDC who Rae ships i LUV her with all mah dearly heart!11 <3<3


—sonic99rae realizing she can weaponize autism

Allaya LeCour Rae is such a fucking piece of shit friend to have. She talked shit about me because i am not The Perfect HeteroSexual (im actually a transgender trust me). She also blocked me just because i favorited all of her 69 artworks in 2 minutes. What a scum. 0/10 worst bitch ever i hope she dies.


—A rant by one of her former besties.



—Actual quote, trust me.

Niggas be collectin' oranges. Perhaps it may be a clue of her supporting Donald Trump whose skin is pure orange too
Whitewashing yourself with a fucking filter won't get you any bitches, nigger.
Nigger's eyebags are getting more obvious after breaking up with Ethan Turner. This nigga's wanking, homie.

Allaya has always been on Delete fucking everything mode. Screenshot and archive everything as fast as possible.

Once upon a time there was a FAN Artist {aKa Fat Autistic Niggersisters Artist) with a Deviantfart account named R4EDICAL (Originally Sonic99rae, nicknamed R4EDICKHOLE) who had gotten popular on Youtube and DeviantArt thanks to mostly Five Nights at Freddy's and Undertrash. She even ships her female OC with Golden Freddy, an animatronic with a dead child trapped inside. Omfg the horror cry me a river.

Ladies and gentlemen, meet Allaya LeCour "Rae" (26-year-old). She is your typical americunt mental manipulator who live in a slum of New Prague, Minnesota and also a "heterosexual" nigger according to herself. Back then before she was popular she was in the Sonic Fandom as a SonAmy proshipper (Sonic the Hedgehog, 16 year old x Amy the Hedgehog, 12 year old) in 2012 and draws a lot of sonic characters shipping and fucking. Just kidding, that never happened

She used to be in a friendship/relationship with younger males, draws NSFW of her own old fursona when she was below 18. Dis nigga's a creep, man! And to think that right now she's in a relationship with a white canadian man who were a year younger than her, can't imagine the horror of her behavior towards him right now, eh? But that's just your everyday facts from now on. It's totally, very "normal"!

Her past usernames

Rae always have a shit behavior of Delete Fucking Everything and make a new account.
rockiethefox (DeviantART, January 2012)
sonic99rae -> Rae-Bae (DeviantART, January 2012-July 2015)
Miss-Laya (DeviantART, May 2014)
R4EDICAL -> quiills (DeviantART, July 2015-January 2016)
staying-up -> cruisinn -> H0G (DeviantART, February 2016-2017)
Purple Quills (3rd Youtube in 2016-2017, pwned)
HABIITS (DeviantART, 2017-2019)
REMAINIIN -> FURZE_PIG (November 2017. Her old twitter handle), KILLIIN -> NARRATIING (Twitter, 2019-2020)
xemo_robotx (2018-2020. Her ToyHouse, pwned)
xemo_narratorx (Her other toyhouse, also pwned)
xRAEx (2021-2022. Her new ToyHouse, also pwned LOL)
CANADA -> XOXO_KISSESHUGS -> TOPCAT -> HEDGEHOGSTEW (Toyhouse, 2022-February 26, 2025)
emo_narrator (Twitter, April 2021-June 3rd, 2023, currently deleted due to butthurt)
HEDGEHUNK (DeviantART, April 2022-February 26, 2025)
LAST_CHANCE -> FANCY-FANCY -> NO_VILLAINS (Toyhouse, 2022-February 26, 2025) and so on. What a cringe username to own.
NARRATTIING -> HEDGEHUNK -> THE_NARR_GUY (YouTube, Nov 21, 2021-February 26, 2025)


She registered her DeviantArt account as rockiethefox in January 2012. Nothing much is up except drawing Happy Tree Friends despite the show being targeted for adults and she was a minor. She draw lots of Sonic fanart, which also explained why her FNaF artworks had some sonic similarities to it.

Before sonic99rae got so popular in a fandom, she already made her first drama with someone. In December 2013, Sonic99rae blocked sonic fans for just simply existing as her watchers. In August 2014, she blocked her own OG watchers for favoriting her artworks so many times it clogs up her "muh notifications!!!!11", but then she apologizes afterwards.

Nigga be wildin' About missing Pics
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Summary of her Behavior

She is basically a Heteronigger that 'does not accept critiques' from others and posts a lot of furry shit with a Sonikku art style. It is very easy to piss her off, as all you have to do is tell the truth that her fanbase (as well as her art) sucks and she will get BAAAWWWWWWWWWWWED before she deactivates her account forever two days later, what a butthurt child. So sad.

On top of that, she also has a habit of removing her friends for making a simple mistake such as "OMG I DON'T LIEK DIS CHARACTER IT BAD AND IS MAH OPINION" or if she simply found out you're a Transgender or a gay faggot. But maybe because you just simply gave her artwork a +Favorite on DeviantArt. She always unleashed her outrages at people for whatever reason the fuck this autistic nigger had, thinking they're a flawless perfect retard, but that's not true at all because humans aren't made of machine. Why? Because she lives in Minnesota, which points out the fact that she's just a typical christian and republican.

On twitter, she does not want anyone to follow her except her twitter friends and her boyfriends. She will vagina-block in instant the moment a retard follows her bullshittery. Goddamn.

She has also never tried to do fucking anything despite whining about it. For example, wanting to move from MacOS to Windows, or buying a new laptop, or even trying to move from Sketchbook to another art program. Why? Because she loves being stuck in the past. Always been a classic autistic Nigger.

How to follow the internet lifestyle of sonic99rae

Notice how she has always been the same nigger as she was in her deviantART peak era. Here are some excerpts:

  1. Be random. Use whatever fucking quote you have. Maybe including some quotes during Hitler's speech in the world war. Put that shit in a bio or a tagline.
  2. Go find someone who seems to have the same internet behavior as you. If they are deemed not fit, Cut away their contacts and block them.
  3. Your username shouldn't be "SonicFan6969" but more like a Gen-Z styled "HABIITS", "NARATIING", or a pun
  4. Make vent art, because that's what she always do.
  5. Blank out your profile page if you got hit by a crippling depression.
  6. Even worse, go DFE mode and kill yourself if you're truly that sad of a human being.
  7. Spam nosense comments and send them shit that nobody cares about.
  8. Fill yourself with fandom obsesssion. Best example is Countryhumans because for some reason she loves problematic shit.
  9. Say the most whitest shit ever, despite her niggerness living in a Republican state.
  10. Buy an adoptable character that will never be developed again. Then sell that shit for a higher price because the original artist will never know.
  11. When it comes to designing an original character donotstealfgt make sure it has the following details:


—brought to you by ChatGPT

How she designs her character About missing Pics
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Controversies by this Drama Queen or her being involved

Allaya LeCour Rae vs kibbehawesomeness

In September 2015, She made a journal RANT!!1 about how kibbehawesomeness copied her Main Page. Since both of them bought a Core Membership they're able to decorate their front page with a custom widget. Kibbeh got inspired by Rae to decorate her main page the same way as Rae had, but Allaya got butthurt and blocked her, telling her fans in a journal that she stole muh shit and eventually leading her fans to harass her and made kibbeh deactivate her account for 48 hours. Rae also deactivated her account too because butthurt. Very autistic indeed. If this was a judge trials Rae's case would be fucking dismissed instantly, because DeviantArt staff once said Custom Widget are total freedom to customize no matter how faggotly obvious it was.
Kibbeh was a suicidal 15-year old kid when the niggerqueen made that "WAAAHHH SHE COPIED ME" journal.

Allaya LeCour Rae vs JordanTheHedgehog (the impersonator, apparently)

Sometimes in October 20-30, 2015. Rae published an outburst journal IN FULL FUCKING CAPS BECAUSE AUTISM!!!111one about how she was really mad at a certain person, not directly mentioning his name using her OCs as if he was totally relatable at all. Then she deactivated few hours later.

This is what she wrote against poor Jordan, the recolor hedgehog.

LaLa Diamonds & TooDamnFilthy: The day Rae ruined her career

TooDamnFilthy made his debut on ranting about sonic99rae in October 2015, however it wasn't trending on deviantart until the second rant journal.

In December 8th 2015, It's also worth mentioning that Rae and her fucktastic's fantards also caused a 9 year old girl to kill themselves, and then her retarded mother announced LaLa's "death" with a shit kindergarten grammar and deleted her account. TooDamnFilthy posted the screenshots to his second rant journal and that's how his retarded career rose, eventually caused Raedickhole to BAWWWWWleted her own account. After the second journal went peak, many people including mrjim208 (Infernallect), some retards and fans of her made a YouTube video about it, saying that Rae has told a 9 year old to commit suicide and believed the fact that the kid died.

No one ever knows who LaLa Diamonds is, or what the fuck even happened. Even we as an EDiots are just as curious why even it happened and why all the screenshots are taken in Israeli language.

But the controversy just doesn't stop there. TooDamnFilthy decided to cancel her even more by showing screenshots of her supposed peak mental breakdown on Youtube Messages (yes that feature exists, retard). It's hilariously spoken like a pirate whining about getting the wrong treasure map, but this is not actually Rae.

Rae's mental breakdown on Youtube Messages About missing Pics
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In January 6th 2016, our beloved Allaya LeCour Rae apparently denied the accusations that she told LaLa Diamonds to die and blamed TooDamnFilthy for it as she addressed the controversy on her deviantART journal, but she never addressed why she was being a republican homophobic nigger and being so against the LGBT. Damn you, Jesus Christ for letting this girl becoming a clown!

Damn this apology is nothing but pants on fire.

"RAPE IS FUNNEH", according to Rae who told chinjireta that it's okay to make the joke

You really think after the LaLa Diamonds incident, she had learned not to be a retard online? WRONG!
In July 2016, Chinjireta (previously known as dariinqq) who was 13-year-old girl at that time, were besties with Rae. Both of these retards decided to watch LeafyIsHere video and thought it was a good idea to follow his inside jokes.

Allaya LeCour Rae vs B00ZIIE

See here for more info.

Allaya LeCour Rae being LGBTQPhobic on Twitter 2023

Nothing reeks of unwarranted self importance more than this shit. She gets canceled in 2015 and now 2023.
Rae thought that it would be a good idea to add these kinds of do's and don't for her commission guidelines, but that shit backfires after twitter has gone after her blood and made her name trending for once.

"'Til hell freezes over" became reality for this wahmen About missing Pics
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Allaya LeCour Rae potentially abused an animal and it dies

Even we as an EDiot are shocked that this 26-year-old christian woman had allegedly abused a poor cat.

Sweetheart & Bestie Quest ❤️


Judy was a "bisexual girl" who met each other in Roblox. They became friends in 2013 but aged like milk as she revealed to Allaya that Judy is bisexual. Rae cut off her contacts afterwards because she want to protect her christianity from the nasty, evil gay faggot.

Rae is a nigger anyways About missing Pics
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ChiefBonBonBandetto (born July 13, 1997) is perhaps one of the most truly hellish cringe cow that Rae ever met was. Him and Rae apparently has been friends since early 2014 and their friendship are still ongoing ever since. Bandetto always have his habit of moving into another account and staying quiet. Rae had often cut off his contact but then come back to him again like nothing happened. Bonbon's well known username was Kinkulator, kinkstamps, Cupheads, Gladionn, etc etc. He and Rae has a history of changing usernames into something dumber.


SpringBelleBunny was a 16-year-old girl from Brazil who acts exactly like Rae, except the fact that this wahmen is a lot dramatic yet hilarious at the same time. Belle & Rae's relationship only lasted around 3-4 weeks in 2016, making it the shortest Bestie Quest in this saga.


Around February-March 2016, Rae became besties with a 13 year old girl from germany called pupqa. Not surprising that pupqa was a raging cow who see no problem with incest and rape art and Rae doesn't seem to have any problem with these disgusting, creepy little topic. Oh! Woe is me...

Chinjireta / dariinqq

Rae became besties with Chinjireta (previously known as dariinqq) after ditching away pupqa in early 2016. The reason for this is unknown. It's speculated that this nigger just want free artwork or boosting her popularity again, Rae and Chinjireta did a collab altogether and put it up on youtube to show that their "friendship" is maximizing.

Suddenly Rae decided to cut off contact with Chinjireta in late 2016. Then out of nowhere Rae met her again in March 2021 on Twitter and ended her friendship 1 month after. Lol. Lmao even.


Rae met Shgurr in 2014 because she loved her artwork and did some collab videos with her. This shitass nigga for some reason cut off their contacts because shgurr was fully supportive of the Gay Marriage.


Shane met rae in March 2015 and has fallen into her "Fake Besties" trap. In 2016, Rae and Shane (who was a 14-year-old boy) was rumored to be dating. But it all fell apart because of Rae's autism in Chris-chan style. Shane published a long journal about her and why he does not want to be around with Rae anymore.

Truly fucking sad story.


After breaking up with Shane Dingus, Rae has met her second love with SpitFire473 in the same year of 2016. SpitFire473 is apparently an IRL friend of her in senior high school and nothing ever came up again. Oops!

B00ZIIE / snoozefuze

Around September-December of 2020, Rae and B00ZIIE is in a "Fake Besties" but out of fucking nowhere Rae has decided to harass snoozefuze due to muh christian beliefs!!!!!11 and snoozefuze being transgender. She threw the most predictable complaints that nobody gives a shit about to him and that's about it. snoozefuze wrote a google document about her and her past.

Rae gets exposed About missing Pics
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In 2021, Rae became bestie with  Epochiuu (who was a 17-year-old teenager at that year, mind you. Rae was 22 years old). The trope is pretty much cliche on this one. Rae's relationship only ended few months afterwards because Epochiuu is a LGBTQ+ fella, lol.


Rae's next obsession is VTuber, she met kennethoktober in Roblox and became friends on twittah in January 2022. Unfortunately that didn't last long, as their friendship only lasted for 2 months after discovering that kenneth and ilulucirce are LGBTQ+ and blocked both of them due to Rae's christian beliefs.

❤️Supersprite65 / John E. / Vincent Peterson❤️ (1st: June 30th, 2023 - August 5th, 2024 | 2nd: August 11, 2024 - February 24, 2025)

Supersprite65 aKa John E. is one of the whitest whiteknights of sonic99rae. Bro has claimed that he too, has an autism syndrome. And whenever Rae does a lolcow thing he will tell that faggot to fuck off too. You too, should fuck off from reading furry porn fgt.

Rae and John are still besties to this day, making it the longest friendship since 2016 and STILL hasn't collapsed. Could this mean that Rae has discovered "True Besties" and not a fake one? But as of June 30th 2023, she started dating Sprite after breaking up with Ethan, making it one of the most successful arc ever since. But as of August 5th, 2024 their relationship finally crumbled. Second season of their dating started on August 11, 2024 and ended on February 24, 2025. Lol. Lmao even.

This may be one of the longest arc to finally conclude with a hilarious break-up, all thanks to the Nigger's lolcowish action.

💔lolysTweets / Ethan Turner💔 (November 30th, 2020 - June 20, 2023)

Nigga go back to Canada you retard af bro.
Alias Ethan Turner
Born November 11th, 1999
Nationality Cuntnada  
Residence Uxbridge, Ontario, Canada
Twitter  lolystweets
Facebook  Ethan Turner

From here and now on, we would like to introduce one of the most hilarious lolcow of all time.
In November 30, 2020. Rae has met her true love after being single on the fucking internet for 8 years. Ethan Turner or better known as "loly" on the internet, is a 25-year-old cracker from Uxbridge, Ontario, Canada who just happens to be Rae's boyfriend. He will always be loyal and defend her from anyone even if it's the last vagina sucking he will ever do to her. Don't think about it.

But nevermind that, they broke up in June 20, 2023. What a classic nigger behavior.

Damn is he gonna fuck his grandfather (who is now dead) just like Chris-chan did to his mother? Wtf is this incest and necrophilia shit bro.


And whenever this autistic retard saw people criticizing her, he will send a fake C&D letter to anyone who dares to cancel him or even Allaya. Hey, Ethan Turner, did you know that threatening internet users with fake C&D letter is illegal?

Starrtoon / Starr Penndragon

Starrtoon and Rae has discovered that they're both christian and decided to become the newest 2023 bestie on today's Raehistory. Starrtoon has threatened the LGBTWoke to die in hell, blindly defending Rae on Twitter because "fuck cancel culture", and also because she can do no wrong!!11 And that's what exactly makes Rae loves her the most. This "friendship" is still ongoing ever since.

Example of her and her fantards LULZlet

There's a lot example of her being oversensitive SJW towards the internet with a laughable behavior but she's lucky that nobody gives a loose shit about this drama queen. She thinks critiques are considered harassment, and she will make a "GAJSLFSAHFNLAGHSAL" journal about it. She even fucking ruined Undertale with her so-called kawaii desu fanart. Sometimes she'll make a call-out journal for anyone who tries to give her advice, which she claims is HATE comments.

Her art is nothing special and her style is obviously a ripoff of freaking Sonic the Hedgehog. But the sniveling cunt whines she doesn't take critics as an excuse for her death threats. Also, she uses her death threats everywhere, including her own fans and you.

Whenever she gets in trouble or being called out for, she proceeds to fucking pull out the WAAAMBULANCE card, essentially breaking the UNO basic rules and always winning the tournament because "you're just a fucking massive loser in the game!". That's cringe to read not gonna lie, so if this mentally deranged brain sending threats with "I KILL" with a family guy quote, consider calling 911 immediately because this woman is already crazy enough to held a gun and starts shooting Walmart and school.

"Worst" shit she ever did.

No wonder why she keeps getting hate from her "haters". One time she fucking faked suicide to gain more attention. What an ass.

How kind she is About missing Pics
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Her Fursona

There have been many versions of her fursona, and it's slowly dragging her into madness with a shit bizzare designs that has been degrading over the past few years. Her former gary-stu fursona (Henry the Hedgehog at that time) is nothing but a total rip-off of Silver the Hedgehog. She still doesn't give a shit. You might want to see it at your own risk.

Not to mention that she has more OCs than this piece of shit, which are all like him, with no personalities in the slightest because they are made for cancerous animation memes fapping material for herself.

Her "fursona" reeks tumblr sexyman vibe. Maybe she's not the best nigger to get inspiration with.
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Remember kids, if you see one OC that looks like a ripoff of someone familiar and they have cuts somewhere in their bodies, it is a She/her Mary-Sue, He/him Gary-Stu, or a She/Them/Xe/Neo/Xa/Him/Genshin Impact/His/Self Neopronouns Troon-Tru because fuck genders and your mom.

Her tumblrina Artwork and Animation Memes

If you dare to critique her content you will most likely get BAWWWWed at by her. You can clearly see the Sonikku art style just by taking a glimpse at it. Why does she have that art style? Because she has no originality whatsoever and just rips off every existing character that everyone already knows off.

During her Five Nights at Freddy's phase, she made some """animation""" videos that includes audios from variety shows. The most infamous video that rae has ever done was the vent slideshows with My Chemical Romance songs on it.

But what about her animation memes? We all know it's just a "Slideshows", as that's what the internet's been saying since the start of her career and yet She. Still. Managed. To. Get. A fucking. 200k subscribers on her first channel, but her popularity plummeted because she keeps on moving accounts trying "not to be found". The fact that she cannot balance between animating and improving her art at all really makes you think as a fucking artist. Her artwork had gone from actually improving to degrading at the start of 2021, all because she brought drama to herself and literally calling her besties a faggot.

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Her fanbrats have even made fanart for her. Some examples lulz you wish to look around.

Rants done by equally butthurt faggots

Special thanks to any A-logs of this nigga, including TooDamnFilthy, who made a rant about Rae.
* part 1


Doge Talk's Interview with Rae

Rae's Interview

She actually never left the internet, buffoon.


Back on DeviantArt, she had over millions of whiteknights ready to assassinate her "haters". When it comes to death threats, they will usually encourage it. Almost none of them DevianTards existed anymore, as they usually went DFE.
emilytheweirdoLolcows tries to defend Rae but got sued by 64 asses
belletheparakeetGaysex undertrash that put midfing in the ass on people if they said "h8rs guna g8!!!111". Deactivated due to butthurt.
r4inyfeverreTARTled 11 years old kiddo who's doing the same as rae. BANNED DUE TO VIOLATING DEVIANTART'S TOS LOL.
skygirl0201it was nut raebies falt it was dat 9 year olds gurl
inspiringartist79it was nut raebies falt it was dat 9 year olds gurl
SierraNeonStarThis 'whitekngiht' is actually rae for fucks sake.
SpringBelleLover Also has her own article. SpringBelleBunny
Supersprite65 Autistic white americunt as a white furfag on the internet. But holy fuck this white grown ass man is still dickriding for her in 2023.
ZachMFKAttack holy shiet bra give rae a chance plz!1111
pupqaBiggest butthurt asshole that told people to die.
ThePirateCoveManSome so called "Awesome batman red-fox" raped several Rae's "haters" in the ass.
 lolystweets Rae's biggest simp, aKa her "true" boyfriend. [Oh you don't believe us?]
 MrDogeVegas The guy who interviewed Rae. Bro doesn't believe that Rae was being a careercow online.
starrtoon /  StarrtoonArt Newest christian lolcow who also hates da "Woke" niggas.

Behold, raebies intensifies About missing Pics
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How to piss off this nigger called sonic99rae

Nigga it's the Internet. People will not always listen.
Niggas be movin' accounts and doesn't realize she's gonna cause moar Streisand Effect whenever people found her account

Unless you want to be labeled as autistic internet illuminatis by everyone, ED is not your personal army too.

  1. If you draw this nigger gift art incorrectly, She will tell you not to fuck with her ocs because she protects her ocs from "art thief".
  2. Call her a cunt. FUCK HER RIGHT IN THE PUSSY
  3. Make a rant about her
  4. Ship her OC with yours.
  5. Leave her a "hate" comment, when in reality you lunacies just wanted to tell her there's a dot line art mistake on her artwork.
  6. Simply block her.
  7. Spam her on skype or her deviantART. (Youtube does not work)
  8. . Call her out on her hypocrisy.
  9. Insult one of her friends. It will make yourself a lolcow too, though.
  10. Make an anti-her.
  11. Make a fabulous hate art for her.
  12. "Steal" her shitty artwork/videos.
  13. Don't accept her pity-no-pity apology.
  14. Dislike all of her videos.
  15. Say fuck you to her.
  16. Make an opinion video about her.
  17. Call her R4EDICUNT or R4ebies.
  18. When she tries to hypnotize you, quickly open your eyes - it gives her AIDS.
  19. Become her friend then quickly say "I'm not your friend anymore"
  20. Ba-dum-tss it fucking works 100% fucking free.

While some of these steps are outdated and are no longer relevant or even funny, the best way to earn a milk from this niggercow for laughs is to just simply get her to be "friends", and expose everything she has done that's deemed lulzy. Or reupload the video anywhere, including BitChute,, Odysee, Vimeo, Dailymotion, etc etc.

Reaction to this article

On December 4th 2015, Rae discovered the hellish website known as Encyclopedia Dramatica, posted an lulzy journal which was only up to 20 minutes and deactivated her deviantART afterwards. She has claimed that she had not read the article in Doge's interview.

Her supposed reaction.
Playing victim card here.

External Links

Where to find our beloved furfag nigger.

rockiethefox (January 2012) Rae's first account.
sonic99rae -> Rae-Bae (January 2012-July 2015). Deactivated due to butthurt. Has a record of 11k watchers and 1+ million pageviews at that time. Deactivated LOL.
miss-laya Back up account. Deactivated due to butthurt.
r4edical Main account. Deactivated because of people "cancelling" her and ranting on her.
staying-up Her new account after the biggest controversy in December 2015. It looks like she's trying to avoid people finding it. Deactivated.
habiits Rae's account, claiming that she "wants to start fresh". (Even though she said that multiple times and failed to reach her goal.)
NARRATIING Rae's final account on DeviantArt. Deactivated because one of her former friend Cathy gets angry that Rae suddenly cut contact from her because Caty is apparently People of Colors. Then user ZEPPll told her to kill themselves.
hedgehunk But after 2 years of leaving deviantart, she joined back in 2022 due to business reason and still active today. On February 26, 2025, she deactivated due to butthurt.
 narratiing Old twitter since November 2017. Deactivated due to butthurt
 emo_narrator New twitter and still active today, Deactivated due to butthurt
KILLIIN Her furaffinity. Still hunting for adoptables that she will never use in the next weeks.

 Allaya LeCour Her facebook. Say hi!
narratiing (See removed posts: 1, 2) Her reddit. Everything's archived.
narratiing Her Instagram.
raelecour Her Pinterest.
allayalecour Her 2nd Pinterest.

See also

R4EDICAL is part of a series on


Visit the DeviantART Portal for complete coverage.


R4EDICAL is part of a series on
Sonic the Hedgehog