Quora (AKA Troll Haven) is a shittier version of Yahoo Answers and Reddit except with pictures for people with ADHD and mental retardation (usual demographics of people who browse and writes on the site). There is a shitload of Indian people there because they probably think they can study English there or where they get laid (they sent any women with a real life profile pic a proposal for marraige, I am not fucking with you, make a profile with a porn star as a profile pic, see what happens), hilariously enough, there isn't an Indian version of the website when there are French and Italian. Credentials can be claimed by anyone, you can say you are an Astrophysicist from Harvard University and the only evidence you need is to have a keyboard to type those letters with. It is filled to the brim with conjectures, anecdotes and inane recounts usually painting the writer as the victim, hero, or the good person than actual useful information so it's a fucking mystery that anyone would use this over literally any other sites. There are little to few actual substantial contents on this site but it's rarer to find than a needle made of diamond in a haysack drifting nowhere in the middle of the expanding universe, not to mention they usually have zero upvotes and zero views because again, retards with ADHD. They wouldn't read anything without a picture in them, some bullshit anecdote or is short enough to entertain them (knowledge ftw).
It is even more useless than Wikipedia in terms of providing knowledge because of the stated reasons, but for some inconceivable reason they call it "A place to share knowledge and better understand the world", even though it's a place for bullshit artists, fun fact of the day idiots, and rejected novelists (itching to tell their mundane first world anecdotes exaggerated by a shitty writing style, illustrated by the excessive use of italics and bolds, with the perfect reenactment of conversations that literally never happened) to fuck around in. There are no compulsory requirements for them to even put references below or voting for the best answer so you can respectively, be sure that it's definitely fact and that in the million answers to that one question, you could maybe find a quarter of one answer which is maybe useful (also good fucking luck finding it).
TL;DR, Quora is a DREADFUL website full of pseudo-intellectual faggotry. As bad as it is, it pales in comparison to the newest foul creature of the hipster internet, Kialo.
Quora's different sections are almost universally populated by dumb fucks with no credentials but their policy requires you to write your real name because they think having a real name that no one can verify somehow makes your answer more valid. Knowledge and common sense don't seem to jar very well together with the dumb fucks at Quora it seems. The only knowledge you are getting is insights into the suspension of disbelief, how fucking stupid people can get, irrelevant pictures that is just there for no fucking reason other than hook people with ADHD, and ideas for your next novel.
Nothing up there is verifiable, and everyone who claims to have a credential worth a fuck is lying to you and if you are retarded enough to believe it, maybe that explains why you are even there to begin with. They have contents ranging from bullshit to bullshit, good trolls usually dwell there with literally retarded question to bait the idiots like "Is it wrong for me to kill my child if he dyes his hair?" or "Can I summarily execute my daughter if she goes to a boy's house without my permission?"or "I have an IQ of a million, how do I get out of this place filled with people of negative IQ" or "I want to know how to kill myself, is a plastic bag okay? Also, please don't stop me from killing myself". Just dumb stupid troll questions but people answer it anyway because they are sanctimonious retards that ironically think people are actually retarded enough to ask these questions on the Internet.
Also, any retards that are looking for actual answers to their problems are fucked, they think the idiots on the other side of the screen can somehow detect the context of the predicament they are in, whatever conjectured solution offered up would be definite to fuck the person in question over. It's also a pity party where people send their condolences to the best bullshit artist that managed to trick the retards with some made-up and fabricated shit that never happened to earn upvotes. This is pointless and mean nothing because those mindless sheeple will literally upvote any pity story with an antagonist.
Everyday Quora user. Trust me, this is only the tip of the iceberg.
Smell that? That's top of the line bullshit right there.
But lo and behold, the idiocy of Quora prevailed and they ACTUALLY BELIEVE this garbage happened lol, if it's not only to prove that Quora's users are retarded, but their employees equally as retarded as they commented, requesting this amateur bullshit artist in question to not kill themselves. Your father died and you got raped on Christmas Day. Saw mother being terrified, see father get carried away on a stretcher, BUT HAVE NO IDEA WHAT IT MEANS. There are no six years old that fucking dumb. Oh, and not crying, in excruciating pain or bleeding after being raped when you are six. WOW. BELIEVABLE. And this was filled with brim with italics and bolds, purple proses, yeah, we got to fucking appreciate your writing talent while you confess suicide, cool fucking story, bro, I believe you and your ice cream. Needless to say this is an encouragement for people to go on there and write bullshit stories that never happen to see the limits of human stupidity and the sanctimonious self back patting for what a good fucking person they are.
Link if you want to witness the retardation in the comments firsthand.