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* Allan ( has joined #wiki
<Allan> Suprise..
<Kale_> there we go
<Allan> Suprise*
<vonranke> hi
<vonranke> how are you today?
<Allan> Yeah..
<Allan> Better then i was yesterday
<Allan> still numb though
<Allan> you?
<vonranke> im pretty high
<Allan> From what?
<vonranke> acid and codeine
<Allan> For real or are you lying?
<IOU> Vonranke, what's the ban for?
<vonranke> no, for reals
<vonranke> IOU, what?
<Allan> I blanked my page thats why
<Allan> He wanted me to come in, and i did.
<vonranke> oh, for Allan, yeah, you blanked you page
<vonranke> naughty
<Allan> Von i could get mad at you.. but.. i believe in God. so
<vonranke> so Dr Pizza, you realise, that if you put yourself on the internet, this stuff happens?
<Allan> thats sorta why i came in, and yeah i 100 percent expect this on the wiki.
<vonranke> Allan: god is a superstition
<Allan> Of course
<Allan> Maybe to you, not to me. :)
<IOU> You believe in god?
<IOU> Wut?
<Allan> Yeah, i do
<vonranke> ok, theres a point of difference
<Allan> I even embraced my own article that was made on me even.
<Allan> up until today
<vonranke> yup, you made shitty edits to it
<IOU> Oh wow, he's at stage 4
<Allan> Stage 4?
<IOU> Is anybody all that suprised?
<vonranke> iou: quit
<vonranke> iou: quiet****
<vonranke> hold please
<Allan> Vonranke i know you like to piss people off. I understand that.  But thats pretty deep what you did to me man.
<wit> and so what is it that makes today a special day to renounce it Allan?
<vonranke> wit: see article history
<Allan> Renounce what excatly?
<Kale_> <vonranke> Allan: god is a superstition
<Kale_> <Allan> Of course
<wit> [11:08] <Allan> I even embraced my own article that was made on me even.
<wit> [11:08] <Allan> up until today
<vonranke> Allan: look, you put this stuff on youtube, you pay the price. i'm not going to feel bad because you're trying to play the sympathy card
<vonranke> dude, mourn in peace
<vonranke> shit, ive had pets die. i have never made a youtube vid about it
<wit> which parts are untrue Allan?
<vonranke> when my birdy was sick, i took it to the vet, and nurtured it
<vonranke> not played Mass Effect 2
<vonranke> so yeah, enjoy your vidya
<Allan> When my cat was sick, i did too, we took him to the vet yesterday.
<vonranke> and if you dont like the ED article, dont read it
<vonranke> pretty simple stuff
<vonranke> i dont want you contributing to it anymore
<vonranke> because you make crappy edits
<vonranke> i will now take over
<vonranke> and make it look shiny
<Allan> I actually was on my way cancelling the order, was too late, but still got the money anyways to take him
<Allan> We thought it was normal if a cat didnt eat maybe for a day, you know upset stomach and all.
<wit> thats a bit of a retconn on what actually happened isnt it Allan
<IOU> Are you retarded?
<Allan> No Wit, it isnt.
<wit> i mean its pretty easy to say that after the fact
<IOU> Cats with upset stomechs eat grass, they don't just stop eating
<IOU> I don't have a cat and I know that.
<Allan> Excatly, he did indeed tried to eat grass.
<vonranke> yeah, this stuff happens, its sad, but yeah, mourn alone
<Allan> but it didnt calm his stomach down.
<vonranke> grass makes cats vomit btw
<Allan> Von what are you trying to say?
<vonranke> im trying to say, you cannot control the internet
<vonranke> nor make me, or any other editor feel bad
<Allan> I have no desire to control the internet.
<Allan> its not possible
<wit> or your cats health
<vonranke> i hope you take this as a lesson to stop posting utter shit on the tubes
<Allan> not even for anyone of us.
<IOU> 'us'?
<wit> you really shouldnt be vlogging your life away if you dont expect people to voice their outrage at shitty things you blab about
<Allan> Maybe you can control an article about me, maybe that makes you feel powerful and strong, but deep down inside, how would you like it if someone pointed your faults out.. regardless you made them public or not.  And then had people look at you badly for it. I don't know, you tell me.
<vonranke> oh here we go
<vonranke> pull the "trolls are just little inside" card
<IOU> I chuckled
<vonranke> dude, im in the public eye, people do this to me all the time
<Allan> Answer the question
<Allan> I see
<vonranke> i dont give a shit to be honest
<Allan> Really? thats funny..
<IOU> Being on the internet means people point out your faults all the time.
<vonranke> yeah, it is kind of
<Allan> If you didnt give a shit, you wouldnt shit on other people back to make yourself feel better.
<vonranke> lets all laugh together
<IOU> Only you chose to give a shit.
<vonranke> Allan: thats fail logic
<vonranke> conclusion doesnt follow premise
<vonranke> f-
<wit> i must say
<Allan> Dude your attacking my family. thats low
<wit> since you embrace and edit your own article
<vonranke> cats =/= family
<IOU> And YOU'RE using poor grammar.
<Allan> Im not a Keyboard warrior like you.
<Nero> lol^
<vonranke> no you're not
<wit> you really dont have a leg to stand on here passive agressively whining about morals
<IOU> Keyboard warrior, theres a new one
<wit> if anything this is bitchy wiki infighting
<wit> you're an editor Allan
<Allan> im not bitching
<Allan> just dissapointed.
* Kale_ gets his sword ready
<IOU> He is disapoint.
<IOU> Did you hear that?
<wit> ok
<wit> well, you go be aloof and disappointed then allan
<Allan> What i wonder is
<Allan> How you guys have avoided so many lawsuits in real life.
<wit> but stop editing that article you feel disappointed in
<vonranke> Allan: does the first ammendment mean anything to you?
<vonranke> what wit said
<wit> so
<vonranke> i want you to edit, and be a good editor
<wit> you said something on the internet
<Nero> You see, Allan, freedom of speech, plus, images with no copyright to them.
<wit> edited an article about you on the internet
<wit> embraced that article
<vonranke> for example, take our sysop alliecat. she has an article on her, but choses to leave it
<Allan> Yeah, its hard for me to believe
<wit> then are thinking of suing because people say mean things about your anti-cat pro-mass effect behavior?
<Allan> but your right
<wit> smells like bullshit to me
<Corsair> I'm sorry, my transport shuttle pilot was doing cocaine and i crash landed here, what is going on?
<vonranke> you're*
<IOU> And YOU'RE wrong, allan.
* IOU five vonranke
* vonranke brofist IOU
<vonranke> Corsair: read above
<wit> but if you're going to make legal threats, please address and get the fuck out of here instead of flirting with the idea
<Allan> the first ammendment... hm
<IOU> He should collaborate with that jewstein fellow, make a collective lolcow case against the internets
<wit> ok
<vonranke> Allan: do you wish to make a legal threat?
<Allan> Have i made one in here tonight?
<vonranke> have you?
<Allan> Nope
<wit> <Allan> the first ammendment... hm
<Allan> Why would you care?
<wit> good enough for me
<Nero> Allan, you understand that you can not sue people outside america? And, well, the shithole of a country i live in will not extradict anyone whose not a wanted war criminal(10k +civilians dead minimum). and from what i have seen, you couldn't afford a lawyer.
<wit> this isnt a lawyers office
<vonranke> ^
<Corsair> if it were, we'd all be jewish.
<wit> !op
* mediacrat gives channel operator status to wit
* wit sets ban on *!*
<vonranke> cya
<IOU> Awh.
* wit removes ban on *!*
<Allan> :\
<vonranke> Allan: you have made a legal threat, on wikipedia
<vonranke> you may leave
<vonranke> contact for more info
* vonranke sets ban on *!*
* vonranke has kicked Allan from #wiki (vonranke)
<Corsair> Go straight to jail, do not pass go, do not collect $200
<Corsair> Damnit my witty comment never made it!
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