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Famous GameFAQs lolcow from way back in the early 2000s. His legacy, for the most part, ended after he threw some sort of aspie fit and gave the account to DarkCobra and others. After his aspie attack was over he demanded it back; the moderators settled the argument by outright banning the account.

While most people on the Internet claim to have it, many people think Doodle might've been a genuine asspie, his legacy lives on as a lulzworthy quote list:

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Doodleheimer Conversation Quotes~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

***Doodble on PMS***

Matt91486: 		So how is your PMS fetish working out for you?
DoodleDaMan237: 	I don't like women with PMS. I don't go for that kind of thing.

Matt91486:		I guess that's why you like women over 40 then.
Matt91486:		You're more of a menopausal kind of guy.
doodledaman237:	It's not because of PMS, it's because they have character.  
doodledaman237:	And because some are just MILFs.

***Doodble on PMS***


***Doodble on his Teachers***

Matt91486:	Did you ever hit on one of your teachers because of their "character?"
doodledaman237:	Sadly, yes, I've turned on the sex hot for many of my teachers.
doodledaman237:	All women, though
Matt91486:		You didn't answer the first question about your teachers.
doodledaman237:	Yes I did.  Can you not read, or are you just illegitimate?
Matt91486:		You answered the grandma one.
Matt91486:		Are you trying to protect your math teacher?
doodledaman237:	Yes, I once turned the sex hot on for my teacher Ms. Erwert.
Matt91486:		Did you look down her shirt?
doodledaman237:	She got divorced after her husband turned gay, and I subtlely hit -on her.
doodledaman237:	Yes, she had big chest monsters.
Matt91486:		She turns guys gay and you tried to feel her up?
doodledaman237:	Not "feel", but sometimes drop my paper on the floor and watch her bend over.
doodledaman237:	She was 37.
Matt91486:		Ah.
Matt91486:		You're so smooth
doodledaman237:	Yes, she had quite the exquissiate booty.
Matt91486:		What are your conferences like?
doodledaman237:	My parents attended, the teacher called me "very attentive".
Matt91486:		She didn't specify to what

doodledaman237:	I couldn't help looking into those beautiful eyes of hers.
doodledaman237:	I was attentive to her lessons.
doodledaman237:	I tried my hardest in her class to impress her.
doodledaman237:	But, she moved to teach at some dork school down the street.
Matt91486:		Was she writing her math problems on her bra?
It sounds like that's the only way to keep you interested.
doodledaman237:	No, she wrote math problems on the board.
doodledaman237:	I don't like stuff written on bras.
doodledaman237:	It's hard to read.
Matt91486:	I suppose you're having enough fun with looking up your teacher's skirts
doodledaman237:	Why would I look up my teacher's skirt?  I'm not a voyager.
Matt91486:	Voyeur. A voyager is someone on a long journey.
doodledaman237: 	The other day in Biology I accidentally said Reproductive System instead of Respertorie.
matt91486: 	Was that becuase you were thinking about your teacher in a lewd manner again?
doodledaman237: 	Eww, my biology teacher's a whore, or at least acts like one. She hates me
matt91486: 		She turned you down, eh?
doodledaman237: 	Yeah matt, I asked my MARRIED 32 year old Biology teacher, who is a whore, out on a date. Whatever
matt91486: 		If she's a whore, it shouldn't be a hang-up.

***Doodble on his Teachers***


***Doodble on bothering CE with his LUE Mannerism***

doodledaman237: 	Why don't you post it then if you're so condifent?
doodledaman237: 	You won.
doodledaman237: 	Because I can beat you and hurt you with beating you and make you pain.
Vegita Guardian: 	What purpose would it serve to show you being a complete fool? Everyone else knows it...
doodledaman237: 	To show you as a fool, but you're too arrogant to see that because you want coke cola and hot guys with grapes.
Vegita Guardian: 	Go ahead, post this in its entirety and see what people say about it.
doodledaman237: 	And you are forver nerdly and a virgin who won't get to ever have a boyfriend
Vegita Guardian: 	Darn right I won't have a boyfriend.
doodledaman237: 	You post this at CE if you're so confident if you won, because they'll laugh at you for being a geek who
has bad breath and red armpit hair and braces and no friends because you're ugly and unatractive b
Vegita Guardian: 	I'd much rather not.
Vegita Guardian: 	You've done enough damage to your rep as-is.
doodledaman237: 	Because I won, and you won't admit to it because you want to show off to your special school friends.
doodledaman237: 	I did damage to YOUR rep, and I hate you for being stupid.

***Doodble on bothering CE with his LUE Mannerism***


***Doodble on his Grandmother***

Matt91486:		Did you succeed?
Matt91486:	Instead of your grandma pinching your cheek do you let her pinch your ass?
Matt91486:		? ? ? 
doodledaman237:	No, my grandma is happily married, although I overheard her once tell my mom he's important

***Doodble on his Grandmother***


***Doodble on Halloween***

doodledaman237: 	I bet you like to dress like Spiderman and use a soap squirt gun on your grandma.
Vegita Guardian: 	Hey now, Grandma doesn't like that anymore, so I had to switch over to a white wine spritzer.

***Doodble on Halloween***


***Doodble on Fabric***

Matt91486:		Which fabric do you find the easiest to read words on?
doodledaman237:	Paper is the best fabric.
Matt91486:		Paper's not a fabric unless you're a cheap doll. Or homeless.
doodledaman237:	Paper is a fabric because it's made of clothes.

***Doodble on Fabric***


***Doodble on Pr0n and Pedophiles***

Matt91486:	Do you look at mature porn to prove to the world that you're not a pedophile?
doodledaman237:	No, I don't look at porn.
doodledaman237:	People having sex isn't attractive.
Matt91486:	I suppose you're having enough fun with looking up your teacher's skirts
doodledaman237:	No, I restrain from lustful thoughs and actions.

***Doodble on Pr0n and Pedophiles***


***Doodble on Lockers***

Matt91486:		What's it like being inside a locker?
Matt91486:		Doesn't it cause you to bend yourself into awkward positions?
doodledaman237:	It's like being in a coffin, but it smells worse.

***Doodble on Lockers***


***Doodble on Yoga-Self-Stimulation***

doodledaman237:	My mad yoda skills are sickeing.
doodledaman237:	I can stretch into many positions.
Matt91486:		Do you do yoga>?
Matt91486:		Does that make you so limber?
doodledaman237:	YEs.
doodledaman237:	I can kinda do bad stuff with my head.
Matt91486:		What ever do you mean?
doodledaman237:	Think about it.
doodledaman237:	But not too much.
Matt91486:		You stimulate yourself orally?
Is that why you shaved your no-no hair?
doodledaman237:	I know I'm sexy and temptable, but don't get wit it because of that.
Matt91486:		What does your mom think of that activity?
Matt91486:		Doesn't she find it kind of dirty?
doodledaman237:	She doesn't know.
Matt91486:		So do you spit or swallow?
doodledaman237:	You mean toothpaste?
Matt91486:		You know exactly what I mean. Don't skirt the question.
doodledaman237:	What, mouthwash, milk, WHAT?
Matt91486:		When you're taking advantage of your yoga
Matt91486:		Are you going to ever answer such an important question>?
doodledaman237:	Eww, no, I can only reach it, never will I enhance it.
Matt91486:		Enhance it>?
doodledaman237:	You know, when you "end" it.
Matt91486:		What?
Matt91486:		You're confusing me!
doodledaman237:	You know darn well what I mean?  It's how you end inter course.
Matt91486:		By getting up and leaving?
doodledaman237:	No, by contributing your part to the baby.
Matt91486:		Exactly. Do you spit or swallow?
doodledaman237:	I never "ended", I just realised I had the potential to do it.
Matt91486:	Ah.
Matt91486:		Did you show your girlfriend?
doodledaman237:	Eww, no, why would I do that? 
Matt91486:	It might impress her.
Matt91486:	And you take advantage of each and everyone thanks to your yoga.
doodledaman237:	Stop making your sexual fetished messages.
Matt91486:		Stop leading me on!
doodledaman237:	I know what you want to do think me to.
doodledaman237:	then stop fetish picturing me.
doodledaman237:	people who picture me are usually bonding s & m.

***Doodble on Yoga-Self-Stimulation***


***Doodble on His Girlfriend***

Matt91486:		You should invite her over and ask her to watch.
doodledaman237:	Who, my girlfriend or Vegita?
Matt91486:		Your girlfriend, naturally
Matt91486:	Since she's forty, I'm sure she's already seen things like that before.
doodledaman237:	She LOOKS 40/
Matt91486:	Did you tell her that?
doodledaman237:	Were you dropped as retarded head as a child?
Matt91486:		Cheez says that you were.
doodledaman237:	Chees says he's had sex.
Matt91486:	You never said if you told your girlfriend she looked like she was 40.
doodledaman237:	Why would I tell ehr that?  Maybe I should tell your girlfriend how not smart you are.
Matt91486:		Naturally.
doodledaman237:	You don't have a girlfriend, do you? 
doodledaman237:	I knew it!
doodledaman237:	You don't have her booty!
Matt91486:	I don’t. But I'm sure if I did she wouldn’t be as attractive as your forty-year-old fiancee.
doodledaman237:	We're MNOT engaged.  We are just steadyly going.  I bet you and your girlfriend aren't even sex yet.
Matt91486:		You had sex with your girlfriend?
Matt91486:		And you didn't show her your mad yoga skillz?
doodledaman237:	No, I'm saving my boys for marrege.
Matt91486:		Marriage.
Matt91486:		Marrege looks like you're saving them for Marge Simpson.
doodledaman237:	Marge Simpson is uglty.

***Doodble on His Girlfriend***


***Doodble vs. McFadden***

McFaddenDaMan: ******* say what you gotta say, these purses cannot wait!
doodledaman237: That can't be combined legally, dimwad
doodledaman237: I feel kinda manly with a purse
StormyWeather980: =-O
doodledaman237: It's like having my own vagina
McFaddenDaMan: they're for my girlfriend, fool
McFaddenDaMan: and she's right next to me, so hurry the hell up :P
doodledaman237: I love you
doodledaman237: You don't have a girlfriend
doodledaman237: A hand is not a girlfriend
doodledaman237: I'm implying that you beat the meat
Whelkman: don't say that Sally isn't my girlfriend
doodledaman237: Why do they call it beating and whacking when neither is involved?
StormyWeather980: Sally Field?
McFaddenDaMan: i'm implying that i'm a butcher and your meat is scheduled to be cut
Whelkman: that'd Dooble's girlfriend
Whelkman: or mother
Whelkman: what's the difference
doodledaman237: You can't cut my 8 inches
doodledaman237: I used a tape measure I borrowed from school
McFaddenDaMan: your 8 inch brain can be cut
doodledaman237: I gave it back and they didn't know it was on my beautiful place
doodledaman237: My brain can't be 8 inches.  No brain is that large
OnlineHost: McFaddenDaMan has left the room.
StormyWeather980: your brain scared somebody away
doodledaman237: Finally
StormyWeather980: *is surprised Whelkman hasn't said something like "brain wang"*
Whelkman: clever

***Doodble vs. McFadden***


***Doodble on the Force***

doodledaman237:    	My mad yoda skills are sickeing.
Matt91486:		Do you talk like a puppet too?
Matt91486:		Or did Yoda teach you the force?
Matt91486:		Didn't Yoda teach you not to let down the twins?
doodledaman237:	Yoda is from Star Wars.  
Matt91486:		Yoda must have taught you some dirty jedi sex tricks.
doodledaman237:	Star wars is for losers who get no nono in their haha.
doodledaman237:	Well yoda must've taught you to be mean, because you are mean.
Matt91486:		Unless, of course, you got taught the dirty jedi sex trick
Matt91486:		That's kinky stuff.
Matt91486:		Leia's all for that stuff.
doodledaman237:	Leia's from Star Treck, not Star Wars.
Matt91486:		I'm pretty sure you're wrong.
Matt91486:		Deana and Beverly are from Star Trek.
doodledaman237:	star trek is bad because then you become a nerd.

***Doodble on the Force***


***Doodble on his Impotency***

Matt91486:		Are you really impotent?
Matt91486:		You just said in the chat, I just wanted to clarify.
doodledaman237:	No, I am NOT impotent, I have don't bonarily challenged.

***Doodble on his Impotency***


***Doodble on Lesbians***

doodledaman237:  On the web, there are no such things as lesbians 
StormyWeather980:  yeah there are   
doodledaman237:  All internet porn is fake 
StormyWeather980:  me and my brother went to a lesbian chat once pretending to be lesbians so we could get some naked women pics   
StormyWeather980:  most were fat and nasty   
doodledaman237:  Lesbians on the net are usually just made by paintbrush 

***Doodble on Lesbians***


***Doodble on World Civilizations***

Matt91486:		Was English your first language?
doodledaman237:	yes, english is my first language.
Matt91486:		Are you sure?
Matt91486:		It sounds like it was your six or seventh,
doodledaman237:	yes, it's not lke my parents taught me mexican when i was a kid.
Matt91486:		BTW, Mexican isn't a language.
doodledaman237:	mexican is the language mexico speaks
Matt91486:		That's Spanish.
doodledaman237:	no, they speak spanish in spain
Matt91486:		Because Spain colonized Mexico in the 1500s.
doodledaman237:	no spain took over south america in the 1500s
doodledaman237:	mexico formed from the astecs
Matt91486:		And Mexico
Matt91486:		The Aztecs got killed by the Spanish.
doodledaman237:	but if the astecs got killed by the spanish, how did mexico form?
Matt91486:	The Spanish sent people over there.
doodledaman237:	no youre wrong
doodledaman237:	i know a lot about history
Matt91486:	There were other Indian tribes that helped out the Spanish. They lived and interbreeded.
doodledaman237:	so they commited incest?
Matt91486:	No, they married within their tribes and with the Spanish
Matt91486:	But I'm sure you're an expert on incest if not on history
doodledaman237:	but then why isnt mexico spain?
Matt91486:		Because they got independence, like we did from Britain
doodledaman237:	stop being a no-it-all and start listening to my truth
doodledaman237:	dont argue with me, ill win you and embarras you in front of your boyfreidn
Matt91486:		Are you sure you didn't learn another language first?
doodledaman237:	no, i did not learn mexican or canadian, i learned ENGLISH!
Matt91486:		Are you sure we don't speak American here?
doodledaman237:	no, we speak english because we learned it from the queen
Matt91486:	Because if Canada no longer speaks English, we must have changed our language to!
doodledaman237:	no, we were coloneyesed by England
Matt91486:	Since England ruled Canada longer than us, they'd take it away from us first.
doodledaman237:	read a history book, it speaks english
Matt91486:		Yes. Then why did you say that Canadaians spoke Canadian?
doodledaman237:	Because they rebelled against France and took our language and renamed it.
matt91486: 		I must have learned Iowan as a child or something!
doodledaman237: 	Good, finally someone else feels my pain
doodledaman237: 	You probably speak Mexican, it's becoming more common in the US
matt91486: 		Except for Mexican isn't a language.
matt91486: 		And neither is Iowan.
doodledaman237: 	It's what they speak in Mexico
doodledaman237: 	Lowan is what they speak in Laos
doodledaman237: 	It's basic logic, LEARN IT
matt91486: 		OK, you need to listen to me.
matt91486: 		Mexico is a Spanish colony.
doodledaman237: 	Not this crap again
matt91486: 		BTW, what IS the 7th continent?
doodledaman237: 	Maybe it's Argentina, it's alone at the bottom of the earth
doodledaman237: 	South Africa's a region, not a country.
matt91486: 		It's a country too!
matt91486: 		Good lord!
doodledaman237: 	I'll be damned, it is. Where's North Africa then.
matt91486: 		There isn't one.
doodledaman237: 	That makes no sense.
doodledaman237: 	Who names these countries? Insane people?

***Doodble on World Civilizations***


***Doodble on Punks***

Matt91486:		Logic fails you. You're blonde, right?
doodledaman237:	i have bleach blonde hair like a real punk
doodledaman237:	i many not be goo dat logic, but i still know some things
Matt91486:		Real punks don't walk around saying that they're punks.
Matt91486:		Real punks also don't listen to Blink 182.
doodledaman237:	yeah they do, how else would people know?
doodledaman237:	I'm a real punk and i listen to blink, so YOUR LOGICS WRONG!
Matt91486:		Lucky guesses I yes.
doodledaman237:	youre not knowing of punk like i am
Matt91486:	Evidently no.
Matt91486:		Have you ever even heard of The Clash?
Matt91486:		Or does your punk trail start at Green Day?
doodledaman237:	The Clash were good.
doodledaman237:	Green Day is better
Matt91486:		Green Day is manufactured pop-punk. So is Blink.
Matt91486:	There hasn't been real punk music since the late 70s and early80s.
doodledaman237:	that's not how you spell "manuefactured"
doodledaman237:	stop being punk elitist.
Matt91486:		Punk elitist?
doodledaman237:	real punk is anything thats havy and fast
doodledaman237:	like the people at M&P board
Matt91486:	No, real punk is anti-establishment.
Matt91486:	It doesn't have to do with the music but with the message.
Matt91486:		And the naive Doodle speaks the truth once more.
doodledaman237:	im native, not naive
Matt91486:		Native to what?
doodledaman237:	the genre.
doodledaman237:	i grew up on green day, offsprimg,, rancid, and others.
Matt91486:		Yes. You grew up on pop-punk.
doodledaman237:	ramones and buzzcocks were pop punk
Matt91486:	Hardly.

***Doodble on Punks***


***Doodble on Driving… ODed Style***

matt91486: 		So how is your broken toe doing?
doodledaman237: 	FIne now. I ended up droving myself. ANd I think I ODed on Motrin
doodledaman237: 	It's fine.
matt91486: 		In other words, it was never actually broken.
matt91486: 		Toes don't just heal themselves.
doodledaman237: 	No, he told me I needed a cast, and it was broken badly, and I wore a cast, and got a bottle of Motrin
matt91486: 		And it's fine two days later . . .
matt91486: 	I still can't believe you'd drive yourself with a broken toe because you were afraid to use the telephone'
doodledaman237: 	I iced it heavily, and the hospital was only three miles away, and I can take about 10 minutes of agony.
matt91486: 		But you still could have called someone else.
matt91486: 	Driving yourself with a broken toe might be the dumbest idea I've heard today.
doodledaman237: 	That seems pathetic for a toe, that's like, not a body part.
matt91486: 	Except for your toe is part of your foot and you put pressure on your foot to drive . . .
doodledaman237: 	No, I basically used a heel to gas.
matt91486: 		Um . .. . .how did you brake?
doodledaman237: 	Other foot was fine.
doodledaman237: 	It was very hard to do.
matt91486: 		You don't drive with two feet!
doodledaman237: 	I know that.
matt91486: 		Then why the hell were you!
doodledaman237: 	I gas with the bad foot, and brake with the good foot.
doodledaman237: 	I had to compromise.

***Doodble on Driving… ODed Style***


***Doodble on Male Prostitute Wits of Steel***

doodledaman237: 	Matt, did you get my AIM log convo with Vegita?
matt 91486: 		I did.
doodledaman237: 	I embarassed him good.
matt91486: 		I think the board agreed that Veggie won
matt91486: 		It was definative
doodledaman237: 	It got like, four posts, that's barely a percent of a fraction.
matt91486: 		People read it.
matt91486: 	They just didn't post because an argument between you and Vegita isn't worth their time
doodledaman237: 	A lot didn't post their opinions, because they feared agreeing with me.
doodledaman237: 	I won and they damn well know it.
matt91486: 		Oh, OF COURSE!
matt91486: 		I should have thought of that!
doodledaman237: 	He admitted to like Britney Spears and Star Trek. He's a friggin' nerd.
matt91486: 		Liking Star Trek is nothing
matt91486: 		And Britney Spears is quite attractive.
doodledaman237: 	Britney Spears looks like a hooker mated with a prostitute.
doodledaman237: 	Star Trek is for nerds and geeks who want to be nerds
doodledaman237: 	Hookers are women who have sex for money because they want to
matt91486: 		Your vocabulary amazes me.
doodledaman237: 	Prostitutes are women who have sex for money because they have to
matt91486: 		How exactly did you make that distinction, Mr. Websters
matt91486: 		?
doodledaman237: 	It's common knowledge
matt91486: 		Geez, I feel so stupid!
doodledaman237: 	You're not smart as me are you
matt91486: 		You prove that almost constantly
doodledaman237: 	I know, you don't even know a lot, and you're not smart also.
matt91486: 	I clearly cannot live up to the intellectual prowess of the child who thinks that they speak Canadian in Canada
matt91486: 		You think Central America is a continent and you get 4.0s.
matt91486: 		Right . . .
doodledaman237: 	I don't have that advanced Geography, this mainly deals with the states
matt91486: 		Or does your GPA run up to 10.0
doodledaman237: 	You're not smart as me are you
matt91486: 		Then how come you didn't realize that Iowa was a state?
doodledaman237: 	I thought you said Lowa.

***Doodble on Male Prostitute Wits of Steel***


***Doodble on Mexicans with Bonars***

matt91486: Tu eres loco.
doodledaman237: Eres Loco doesn't mean bonar does it?
matt91486: I can definatively state it doesn't mean "bonar."
doodledaman237: Erection, maybe?
matt91486: It depends on what you do with it.
doodledaman237: Eres Loco means erection

***Doodble on Mexicans with Bonars***


***Doodble on Female Anatomy***

doodledaman237: I don't like porn
doodledaman237: Naked women aren't arousing
StormyWeather980: =-O
Whelkman: HAHAHAHA
Whelkman: Dooble is the most quotable guy on the planet
doodledaman237: Naked women are gross.
StormyWeather980: Matt's making a website devoted to Doodle quotes
doodledaman237: I prefer to see women with their chest monsters under their shirt
doodledaman237: They look better that way

***Doodble on Female Anatomy***


***Doodble on being a Pubic Lonar***

matt91486: 		Are you a loner?
doodledaman237: 	No, i didn't make it pubic
matt91486: 		Are those famous twins figments of your imagination?
doodledaman237: 	No, why can't anyone believe that they actually liked me and they existed?
doodledaman237: 	I just ignored their grabbing of my booty after a while

***Doodble on being a Pubic Lonar***


***Doodble on Smoking Sex***

doodledaman237: 	You're weirder than Andy Dick on crack or sex or pot or some other drug
matt91486: 		Sex isn't a drug.
doodledaman237: 	Sex can be a drug, but it's incredibly gross to smoke it.

***Doodble on Smoking Sex***


***Doodble on the those Damned Christians***

doodledaman237: 	Basically the same, I doubt countries like Monaco and Vertical City have their own langage
matt91486:		 Vatican City,
matt91486: 		Not Vertical City
doodledaman237: 	Vertical City is where the Pope lives.
doodledaman237: 	Vatican is just a tower in there
doodledaman237: 	Vatican City is actually a city in Italy
matt91486: 		No, it's the nation in which the Pope resides
matt91486: 		It's only a few city blocks
doodledaman237: 	This makes no sense. Why would a few blocks be a city, let alone a country
doodledaman237: 	It's probably some Catholic thing
doodledaman237: 	THey make no sense. THey consider a few blocks a country, but the close the door on those alter boy scandals
matt91486: 		They're rich
doodledaman237: 	I hate the Catholic churches for their scandal
doodledaman237: 	Almost as bad as the 4 Square church
matt91486: 		4 square church?
doodledaman237: 	It's some church my mom told me about that didn't do anything about domestic abuse or affrairs

***Doodble on the those Damned Christians***


***Doodble on his Fantasies of Incest with his Mother***

matt91486: 		I thought you thought your mom was cheating on your dad?
doodledaman237: 	I was wrong, VERY wrong, I don't even want to talk about it.
doodledaman237: 	It made my eyes cry with tears.
matt91486: 		Then why did you bring it up in the first place?
doodledaman237: 	This was before I saw the Bad thing
matt91486: 		What bad thing?
doodledaman237: 	We were banned because my brother used sex phone lines to get horny and whacky.
matt91486: 		You listened in didn't you
matt91486: 		But what bad thing.
doodledaman237: 	Let's just saw I saw them doing bad things.
matt91486: 		You watched your parents have relations?
doodledaman237: 	Yes.
doodledaman237: 	I watched them then I screamed and I threw up
doodledaman237: 	I don't want to ever see my parents doing the baba ever again.
matt91486: 		Did you actully throw up ON them?
doodledaman237: 	It made me sick with throw up and I puked my throw up
doodledaman237: 	What is wrong with you? Do you have some sort of vomit femish or something?
matt91486: 		I'm detail oriented, that's all
doodledaman237: 	Go to the hospital, they have throw up there
doodledaman237: 	A little TOO much, no one needs to know about my vomit and/or l				ove/child making
matt91486: 		You don't have love making.
doodledaman237: 	They did it to create the man known as me.
doodledaman237: 	I don't want to talk about this, this is probably making you horny and getting you horny
doodledaman237: 	I doubt sex is "hate making"
doodledaman237: 	YOu've never met them, hopefully you never will
matt91486: 		I could tell them about how knowledgeable you were!
doodledaman237: 	Shut up, you're an idiot who gets off on vomit and voyager parent sex.
matt91486: 		HE TOLDS ME TO SHUT UP!
doodledaman237: 	You're kinda stupid in a dumb way.
doodledaman237: 	I aught to make you my guitar and play you to death.
matt91486: 		I don't want to hear your innuendos.
matt91486: 		How dare you try to make me your play thing!@
doodledaman237: 	You're a man who plays with himself so he can get an orgasm.
doodledaman237: 	You probably want to be a guitar so you can scream in solos.
doodledaman237: 	Solos are guitar orgasms.
matt91486: 		You have guitar orgasms?
doodledaman237: 	Are you stupid or dumb or kinda dumb or something?
matt91486: 		I merely am being flexible
matt91486: 	To allow you to guide the conversation to wherever your twisted little mind takes it
doodledaman237: 	You must be stupid to think they speak Spanish in Mexico

***Doodble on his Fantasies of Incest with his Mother***


***Doodble on Continents… Again***

doodledaman237: And BTW, Greenland is not a continent, that was my mistake
matt 91486: Then WHAT is the 7th contintent>?
doodledaman237: Argentina, I guess

***Doodble on Continents… Again***


***Doodble on Embarrassment, and the Mexican Language… Again***

doodledaman237: Don't post this at CE please, this will be embarassing for both of us.
matt 91486: For me?
matt 91486: Really>?
doodledaman237: yes, both of us will be embarassed.
matt 91486: I'm pretty sure I won't.,
doodledaman237: You've shown stupidity, I have too, but not as much as you.
matt 91486: For the love of God, you think Mexico has it's own language!
doodledaman237: Then what do they speak down there? English?
matt 91486: SPANISH!!!!
doodledaman237: Fine, whatever.
doodledaman237: You're as dumb as a squirrel.
doodledaman237: And twice as smelly

***Doodble on Embarrassment, and the Mexican Language… Again***


***Doodble on Falsehead***

StormyWeather980 [12:40 AM]:  you know falsehead posted that whole chat from when you walked in till it ended?   
StormyWeather980 [12:41 AM]:  you might be converting her  =O   
doodledaman237 [12:41 AM]:  Yes 
doodledaman237 [12:41 AM]:  I hope so.  i think i made some progress 
StormyWeather980 [12:41 AM]:  ha   
doodledaman237 [12:41 AM]:  I think i made her realize that what she's doing is wrong, but she just doesn't want to quit 
doodledaman237 [12:41 AM]:  She's probably some geeky 15 year old boy dork anyway 

***Doodble on Falsehead***


***Doodble on Oral Sex***

doodledaman237: I've never seen a gash before, it probably isn't attractive.
Whelkman: they are fun to lick though
StormyWeather980: nice graphics
doodledaman237: Why would you want to lick it?  That's where they pee.
StormyWeather980: LMAO!!!!!
Whelkman: guess somebody will never get a blowjob
doodledaman237: Blowjobs are gross.  Who would want their wang sucked?
Whelkman: man, you're the funniest guy around
doodledaman237: Why?
Whelkman: the stuff you type, it's just awesome
doodledaman237: I don't intend it to be funny
Whelkman: that's why it's funny
doodledaman237: I could laugh at you all day.
doodledaman237: You probably have acid on your face anyway
Whelkman: what?
Whelkman: hahahaha
Whelkman: acid?
doodledaman237: It makes it saggy and funny 

***Doodble on Oral Sex***


***Doodble on Parental Sex Education***

doodledaman237: I seriously don't find boobies or gashes hot.
Whelkman: gashes
Whelkman: haha
doodledaman237: My mom says that's what a vagina looks like
Whelkman: did she show you?
StormyWeather980: eww
doodledaman237: Eww, why would my mom do that?

***Doodble on Parental Sex Education***


***Doodble on This Site***

Whelkman: I can easily rip just the Dooble lines out of these logs so if you need help, I'll send them to you
doodledaman237: You do Whelk, and you die

***Doodble on This Site***


***Doodble on the GameFAQs Boards***

doodledaman237: VGrev never posts anyway
VGrevolution: Um yes I do I have a freaken critique topic
McFaddenDaMan: okay, say what you want doodle
StormyWeather980: falsie wants doodle's noodle
VGrevolution: It is up to 520 posts total I call that posting alittle
doodledaman237: 520 posts?  Can't happen
doodledaman237: You're a liar, and you don't tell the truth
OnlineHost: Whelkman has entered the room.
VGrevolution: Yes it can when I make a 2nd topic
Whelkman: how long ago was I invited?
VGrevolution: That is up to 20
doodledaman237: That's not counting.
StormyWeather980: about 2 minutes ago
doodledaman237: You need to learn GameFAQs numbers
Whelkman: okay.  I didn't notice the box
VGrevolution: It is part 2, and expansion topic

***Doodble on the GameFAQs Boards***


***Doodble on Illness***

doodledaman237: I'm sick
Mega5010: Hi Doodle!
doodledaman237: I need help. I think I swallowed bacteria
Mega5010: Um, you swallow bacteria and germs everyday.
doodledaman237: Only your mom :-)
Mega5010: Damn it, Doodle.
doodledaman237: Don't swear, it makes my virgin ears bleed

***Doodble on Illness***


***Doodble on Those Mysterious Twins***

Mega5010: Hey, what ever happened to the twin bombshells that fell madly in love with you?
doodledaman237: I ignored them. I have a girlfriend, and she's hot, and she has big boobies.
Mega5010: Yeah, who cares if she has no legs.
doodledaman237: She has long, hairless legs, and she wears Ally McBeal
doodledaman237: *skirts
Mega5010: Ally McBeal was fugly, man.
doodledaman237: I know what you mean, she was hot.
Mega5010: No she wasn't. She was skinny as a toothpick, man.
doodledaman237: I know, I think that's hot
Mega5010: So you find annarexia sexy?
doodledaman237: Who's she?

***Doodble on Those Mysterious Twins***


***Doodble on The Farm and His Greatness***

Mega5010: You are like the more intelligent version of Duckbear.
doodledaman237: Shut up, want me to humiliate you like I did Vegita?
Mega5010: Sure.
doodledaman237: No, you don't deserve the thrashing I gave that nerdy messed up nerdy dweed that the WOMAN known as Vegita is.
doodledaman237: Just burned him again, and he don't know it
Mega5010: You chicken assed him.
Mega5010: You made fun of him behind his back.
Mega5010: Your a chicken ass.
doodledaman237: A chicken IS an ass, that's what they were called in the Bible.
Mega5010: Donkeys are asses.
Mega5010: Chickens are chickens.
doodledaman237: No, chickens are asses, donkeys are jackasses.
Mega5010: Asses are donkeys. Chickens are cocks.
Mega5010: Get it straight.
doodledaman237: Roosters are cocks, chickens are asses, donkeys are jackasses, cats are pussies, dogs are bitches
doodledaman237: Sorry for the language
doodledaman237: I like to make points
Mega5010: What are hippos?
doodledaman237: Hippos are your mom
doodledaman237: BURN
Mega5010: What are rabbits called, smart guy?
doodledaman237: Shut up you nerd

***Doodble on The Farm and His Greatness***


***Doodble on Carpal Tunnel***

doodledaman237: I aught to make you a computer screen and give you carpal tunnel syndrome
Mega5010: The hell? That didn't even make sense!
doodledaman237: Carpal Tunnel is caused by eyes on the screen
Mega5010: I think you are purposely feeding me stupid responses in a vain attempt to get me to sig you.
doodledaman237: No, I hate being sigged.
doodledaman237: People do it only to mock me.
doodledaman237: You sig me, you die
doodledaman237: And you will ruin your rep like Vegita
Mega5010: How can anyone actually think that Carpal Tunnel is caused by eyes on the computer screen?
doodledaman237: The news said it
Mega5010: Carpal Tunnel... no, forget it.
doodledaman237: They said it the other friggin day
doodledaman237: Excessive computer use leads to carpal tunnel
Mega5010: Excessive computer use DOES lead to carpal tunnel.
Mega5010: But the eyes have nothing to do with it.
doodledaman237: What, you close your eyes when you surf?
Mega5010: Carpal Tunnel is something that affects the hands, dimwit. Not the eyes.
doodledaman237: Huh?
Mega5010: Carpal Tunnel is something that hurts your hands, wrist, and arms.
doodledaman237: But they say it comes from staring too long at a screen
Mega5010: What the hell news do you watch?
doodledaman237: A lot from around the country. My satellite set up random affiliates from around the country.

***Doodble on Carpal Tunnel***


***Doodble on His Feelings***

Mega5010: Anyone tell you that you are surprisingly depressing to talk to?
doodledaman237: No, they say I'm interesting and they laugh at me
Mega5010: Your lack of intelligence makes me worry for your offspring.
doodledaman237: Don't diss The Offspring.
doodledaman237: They are the best thing in music
Mega5010: Now, you are being stupid on purpose.
doodledaman237: I'm not being stupid on purpose
doodledaman237: That was hurtful what you said

***Doodble on His Feelings***


***Doodble on Insults***

doodledaman237: You asked for it, get ready for Triumph Dog-like insutls
Mega5010: You have to steal from Triumph Dog? You can't even think of your own insults?
doodledaman237: They are LIKE Triumph insults, assbutt
Mega5010: You can't even come up with your own original style of insulting someone.
doodledaman237: You are so stupid, you thought a computer was a toilet
Mega5010: The hell?
Mega5010: Make sense, dick weed.
doodledaman237: I see I insulted you
doodledaman237: Good, I'll dd
doodledaman237: *add
Mega5010: It'd help if you spelt correctly, too.
Mega5010: I don't know what dd is.
Mega5010: Oh, BURN!
Mega5010: Did I make Doodleheimer cry?

***Doodble on Insults***


***Doodble on the Art of Being a Moron***

doodledaman237: You are a moron
doodledaman237: You made me cry at your moroncisity
Mega5010: That is not even a word.
doodledaman237: Moroncisity is the state of being a moron
doodledaman237: You majored in that in moron college
Mega5010: Are you and Mr.Duckbear the same person?
doodledaman237: No, you moron
Mega5010: You have about the same intelligence.
Mega5010: How come I never see you and Duckbear on at the same time?
doodledaman237: I IMed him yesterday
doodledaman237: He called CE Current Eggers
Mega5010: Duckbear is slow.
Mega5010: But your mom sure comes fast!
Mega5010: BURN!
doodledaman237: It's the guy that comes, handjerk
Mega5010: Talking to you is surprisingly confusing.
doodledaman237: Same thing, you are a retarded moron
Mega5010: Wow, not just a moron, but a retarded one? You are all too kind.
Mega5010: Hey, Doodle. You stink.
doodledaman237: You stink like poo
Mega5010: You really are a moron, aren't you? Or do you just play one on TV?

***Doodble on the Art of Being a Moron***


***Doodble on Television***

doodledaman237: Shut up you mastered masterbating, that's how lame you are
Mega5010: You think Carpal Tunnel affects your eyes.
doodledaman237: It does, Amy Levington said so
Mega5010: Who the hell is Amy Levington?
doodledaman237: News reporter
Mega5010: For what station?
doodledaman237: Some stupid lame station, it was stupid, it was on some WB affiliate
Mega5010: Was the affiliate stupid?
doodledaman237: I have no idea, I have three WB affiliates on my satellite
doodledaman237: I think it was Eugene Oregon, but I'm likely wrong

***Doodble on Television***


***Doodble on Privacy***

matt91486: I respect people’s right to privacy.
doodledaman237: Youre not private to me
matt91486: So?
doodledaman237: You’re a hypocrite
matt91486: So?
matt91486: I’m merely entertaining the world.
doodledaman237: I want those e-mail addresses

***Doodble on Privacy***

***Doodble on Death***

Mega5010: Did your parents have any children that lived?
doodledaman237: Yes, are you living, or are you dead in the head?
Mega5010: If I was dead, could I type?
doodledaman237: In the head, yes, you probably have two dead heads from going blind playing too much with yourself
doodledaman237: You play with yourself because you have no other friends

***Doodble on Death***


***Doodble on Updating the Quote Site***

doodledaman237: When are you updating?
doodledaman237: Hopefully never
matt 91486: I'm updating each Friday.
doodledaman237: Why?
matt 91486: Because that's when I've got half an hour to update.
doodledaman237: Lazy
matt 91486: Now you want me to devote more time to a site that you detest?
doodledaman237: I just think you're lazy

***Doodble on Updating the Quote Site***


***Doodble on Mega’s Idiocy***

doodledaman237: Don't post this anywhere, you will face humiliation
Mega5010: I think I might post that.
doodledaman237: Don't, unless you want people to think you're retarded or stupid or dumb or idiot or just brickheaded
Mega5010: Brickheaded. Damn, Doodle, you use big words.
doodledaman237: I think that's sarcasm
doodledaman237: And only dorks use sarcasm
doodledaman237: That means you're a dork
Mega5010: Your pretty intelligent.
Mega5010: Was that sarcasm?
doodledaman237: You ARE
Mega5010: Don't, unless you want people to think you're retarded or stupid or dumb or idiot or just brickheaded

***Doodble on Mega’s Idiocy***


***MORE Doodble on Falsehead***

matt 91486: Falsey will be doing that for me.
doodledaman237: I don't like him
matt 91486: Falsey's a girl.
doodledaman237: He's a 15 year old boy pretending to be a dike
matt 91486: Yes. We believe you!
doodledaman237: She sent you the convo, right? Read it
matt 91486: I have.
matt 91486: It's some of the best material yet.
matt 91486: Your naiveity amazes me.
doodledaman237: Naive? Why am I naive?
matt 91486: Because there really are lesbians in the world.

***MORE Doodble on Falsehead***


***Doodble on Perfection***

Mega5010: Shall I point out the grammatical errors in that?
doodledaman237: Don't copy my insults, you lumpheaded jock
doodledaman237: I have no errors.
doodledaman237: You have an error in your brain
Mega5010: Oh, yes, Doodle, you have no errors because you are so perfect.
doodledaman237: I'm not perfect
doodledaman237: I get zits
doodledaman237: And I'm dumb 
doodledaman237: Not as dumb as you
Mega5010: Really? I couldn't tell.
doodledaman237: Because you're a woman
Mega5010: Damn it.
Mega5010: I'm a man, and you are a boy.
doodledaman237: Inadvertent BURN
doodledaman237: I got you, and I won

***Doodble on Perfection***


***Doodble on AIDS . . . and Laughter***

doodledaman237: Update a site about curing AIDS, that helps people
matt 91486: This helps people too.
doodledaman237: AIDS kills
doodledaman237: I don't
matt 91486: Laughter, the Best Medicine.
doodledaman237: Laughter, physically doesn't heal
matt 91486: OK
doodledaman237: AIDS, physically doesn't not kill
matt 91486: Then how is it relevant?
doodledaman237: AIDS curing is better than your godawful site about me
matt 91486: Aids doesn't cure anyone 
doodledaman237: Helping to CURE it with a site
matt 91486: I'm cured by AIDS
matt 91486: IT'S A MIRACLE!
matt 91486: AIDS SAVED ME!
doodledaman237: You're trying to get me to say something stupid, and it will not work
matt 91486: You've already said plenty of stupid stuff,
matt 91486: You just said that AIDS healed people.
doodledaman237: I said AIDS hurts people, your site could help cure it if it didn't have my quotes
matt 91486: My site helps cure AIDS through the medicine of laughter.
doodledaman237: You can't cure AIDS with laughter
doodledaman237: Laughter is not a drug
doodledaman237: It's a medicine, not a drug

***Doodble on AIDS . . . and Laughter***


***Random Doodble Quips and Quotes – from Orange County!***

“A poser is someone who doesn't try something and badmouths it. Like those parents against drugs.”

“Go back to your picket fence church suburban music, I like bad boy punk.”

“People at school laugh at me. That means I'm funny.”

“I am not a homicidal maniac. I don't discriminalate against gays.”

“No, lesbians hate women, but they hate men more because no man will give them a football field.”

“Metallica isn't metal because they don't beat up women and murder their hotel rooms.”

“I think women have hot boobies.”

“Did your mom drink crack?”

“Anything I do is seductive.”

“Viagra makes sex happen.”

“No, you can't see my sex hot through a computer. If you could, any ugly GF chick would cyber with me.”

“I'm not Catholic because you can't make your own communion bread and give it to the church.”

“Hawaii's like, the smallest country in the world.”

“Fortunes are lame anyway. I don't care how much I have in common with a Snake. Besides, eating paper doesn't cause brain damage, so it's okay.”

***Random Doodble Quips and Quotes – from Orange County!***


***Doodble “Weighs-In” on Simple Math***

Idioteque Bear: Hey doodle, which is heavier- a 200 pound ball or a 200 pound man? Surely the man must be heavier, because he's bigger... "
doodledaman237: Exactly. You can pick up a ball because it has less mass (or is it matter), but a man is too wide to be picked up.

***Doodble “Weighs-In” on Simple Math***


***Doodble on Pedophiles***

doodledaman237: Do you find Cybill Sheperd attractive.
Idioteque Bear: No.
doodledaman237: So I guess if you're a pedophile, then.

***Doodble on Pedophiles***


***Doodble on Retarded Brick Walls***

Mega5010: Talking to you is like talking to a retarded brick wall.
doodledaman237: Brick walls can't be retarded handjerk
Mega5010: Oh, but you can get Carpal Tunnel in your eyes?

***Doodble on Retarded Brick Walls***


***Doodble on Entertaining the Majority***

doodledaman237: Youre not entertaining me
matt 91486: The majority of the world is entertained.
doodledaman237: You're undertaining me
doodledaman237: Majority doesnot equal the world
matt 91486: Yes it does.
doodledaman237: Majority is not 100%, learn some math

***Doodble on Entertaining the Majority***


***MORE Random Doodble Quips and Quotes – from Orange County!***

“Homicide = Mass murder of homosexuals”

“Limp Bizkit is bringing metal back to mainstream.”

“I just did a striptease in the locker room and sang ‘Genie in a Bottle’ by Christina Aqualera.”

“Afghanistan and Iraq are poor because, well, a lot of African countries are poor.”

“Sum 41 is most definitely punk. They have bleach hair.”

“I'm getting pissed because something is making me mad.”

“I don't want to be ostrich sized for my taste in mainstream punk like Blink 182.”

***MORE Random Doodble Quips and Quotes – from Orange County!***


***Doodble on the Doodleheimer Quote Site***

doodledaman237: How dare you make that page!
matt 91486: A better question is how dare I NOT make a page devoted to your greatness!
doodledaman237: Give me the address of those who emailed you
matt 91486: I just got new material from Falsehead and Mega.
matt 91486: Not that it's any of your business
doodledaman237: Email addresses of those
doodledaman237: It's my fin page
matt 91486: Your fin page?
doodledaman237: f'in, you loonatick
matt 91486: Well, you FORGOT the apostraphe!
matt 91486: It changes the whole meaning!
doodledaman237: I request those e-mail names NOW
matt 91486: That's nice.
matt 91486: What you gonna do?
doodledaman237: lots
matt 91486: Send them angry e-mails for telling the world what you actually saidd?
doodledaman237: yes
matt 91486: Hey, YOU said it.
doodledaman237: Not in that thing
matt 91486: You said every word of what's up there
doodledaman237: just give me the email addresses

***Doodble on the Doodleheimer Quote Site***


***Doodble Exaggerates his Anatomy***

Mega5010: I don't think there is an "Amy". Give me a picture of her.
doodledaman237: I doubt that sation has a site. Amy even got an anchor's name wrong
doodledaman237: And she was kinda fat too
Mega5010: Are you fatter than her?
doodledaman237: I'm beefier than you
doodledaman237: EVen in pants
Mega5010: I don't know if you want to be proud of being fatter than someone.
doodledaman237: I have more muscle in my wang than you in your entire body
doodledaman237: Your brain has air in it
doodledaman237: And it smells bad because of head goo
doodledaman237: I have an 4 inch wang
Mega5010: I'm going to end this conversation right now. I don't think I can afford to get any more stupid from listening to you.

***Doodble Exaggerates his Anatomy***


***Doodble on His Drug Abuse***

matt 91486: You seem to be on a few drugs yourself.
doodledaman237: I only take Adderoll, Wellbutrin, Paxil, Flonase, and Allegra.
doodledaman237: All are prescription
matt 91486: So you abuse Perscription drugs only?
doodledaman237: No, I prescribe drugs as they are prescribed

***Doodble on His Drug Abuse***


***Doodble on Random Grand Finales***

doodledaman237: I won't post this, but someone else might
Mega5010: Who is this someone else?
doodledaman237: Matt or whelk or cheeze
Mega5010: How do they know what we are saying?
doodledaman237: Email the log I saved
Mega5010: Are you going to email it?
doodledaman237: I think that was implied
Mega5010: Implied or Imploed?
doodledaman237: dumbass
Mega5010: Was that a choice?
doodledaman237: are you completely stupid, or do you have to try?
Mega5010: Alright, Doodle. I give credit when it is due. That was a fairly nice burn.
doodledaman237: You giving credit means that everyone thought it was an ultra burn
Mega5010: No, it doesn't. I just thought that it was a decent burn.
doodledaman237: MEaning if you, a moron who wax it to goatse, found it a good burn, then all non-goatse waxers thought it was the best burn evar
Mega5010: I sincerely think that you are retarded.
doodledaman237: I think your retarded
Mega5010: YOU ARE
Mega5010: Dumbass.
doodledaman237: Ooh, good one, you idiot
Mega5010: Stop it, you are going to make me cry.
doodledaman237: You cry when you fart you panst
doodledaman237: *pansy
Mega5010: Panst?
doodledaman237: You know what I mean stupid
Mega5010: How old are you?
doodledaman237: 16
doodledaman237: You must be 8 because I'm smarter and bigger and sexier
Mega5010: I bet that if I went out and asked 5024362346 16 year olds what Carpal Tunnel affects, they'd all get it right.
doodledaman237: I get a 4.0, so I'd be smart
doodledaman237: You're stupid because you think carpal tunnel effects the eyes.
doodledaman237: Moron
Mega5010: I think you are utterly stupid.
Mega5010: Seriously.
doodledaman237: Good one, brickdick
Mega5010: You are the one that thinks Carpal Tunnel affects the eyes.
Mega5010: Not me.
doodledaman237: I'm going
doodledaman237: To post this on the boards
doodledaman237: Matt would love to see me own again
Mega5010: Okay, go ahead.
doodledaman237: Bye, look forward to owning you again.

***Doodble Proves the World Correct***


***Doodble on the Battle of the Sexes***

doodledaman237: That makes you without wang
Mega5010: How does it make me without wang?
doodledaman237: Most of men think in their wang, and you think in the other head, so you must be a woman with a bunny and not a wang
Mega5010: Not all men think with their wang. Intelligent men use their brain.
doodledaman237: Intelligent men are called WOMEN, and you're a stupid woman who thinks with her rabbit.
Mega5010: So, if intelligent men are called women, and you think with your wang (thereby making you a man), you must be a complete moron/
doodledaman237: No, I try to balance it out, my wang has little blood but it is huge

***Doodble on the Battle of the Sexes***

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