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City glitter/log

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Moar info: city glitter.

Amayako: hi
Foxfur: hey there!
Amayako: *snuggles*
Foxfur: hey what's the name and address of that clinic babe?
Amayako: um...why?
Foxfur: I wrote a thank you note abotu schro like I did for Oliver's's the least I can do.
Amayako: ...for charging me $5000?
Foxfur: No! For taking good care of him!
Amayako: for $5000
Amayako: yeah
Foxfur: no seriously
Amayako: for making me beg for money
Amayako: i'm real thankful
Foxfur: I was speaking to my vet tech freind and she said it was REALLY cheap
Amayako: i know if it hadn't happened when it did, there was a vet we could have gone to who would have charged us much less
Amayako: and i would be transferring him there if i didn't think it were a bad idea
Foxfur: oh she said that noramlly burn treatment can go for over 10,000
Amayako: ...seriously?
Amayako: why?
Foxfur: yep!
Foxfur: I wasn't sure
Amayako: i would love to know
Foxfur: but she mentioned something about weeks of treatment
Foxfur: she said it can get really really expensive
Amayako: because my dad is being a dickhead about spending the money now, and i've decided to take paying for it into my own hands
Amayako: yeah, and i'd like to know why...i bet the vet industry is just like the human medical industry
Foxfur: it's possible
Foxfur: but I have this note here can I just get the name of the clinic?
Amayako: anyway...except for the way they've cared for him, everything about them has made me seething mad
Foxfur: you don't have to look it up
Amayako: so i don't think you owe them anything
Foxfur: I can just look it up on the internet
Foxfur: I don't
Foxfur: it's just a nice thing to do. :-)
Foxfur: and besided if they were being dicks it will help make them feel bad about it
Amayako: ...okay, that actually kind of makes sense
Amayako: vca pet doctor animal hospital
Amayako: "where your pet's health is our top priority"
Amayako: 1421 east spring valley road
Amayako: richardson, tx 75081
Amayako: anyway...i have good news
Foxfur: oh?
Amayako: a, schro is doing really well for his situation
Foxfur: OH GREAT!
Foxfur: what's his condition?
Amayako: the vet said he was stable and there really wasn't anything to worry about now as long as he stayed still (hence, sedatives) an didn't pick up any infections, which is what antibiotics are for
Foxfur: when can you bring him home?
Amayako: she vetoed my idea of bringing taki in to see him, though
Amayako: not for a long time
Foxfur: what's the recovery time look like?
Amayako: anywhere from three weeks to two months
Amayako: which sucks
Amayako: but i assume she knows what she's doing
Foxfur: wait
Foxfur: MONTHS?
Foxfur: :O
Amayako: three weeks to two months, yep
Foxfur: poor baby
Amayako: that's what she said
Amayako: yeah...i think i'd probably go crazy if i were stuck in a cage for two months
Amayako: so i'm hoping she's wrong
Foxfur: for 2nd degree burns?
Foxfur: oh man
Amayako: and third
Amayako: second-degree would be treatable just with hospital time, burn cream, etc.
Amayako: but some of it was third, hence the skin grafts
Amayako: which is what i suspect the expense here is, at least from what i know of people burn technology
Foxfur: ouuuuch
Amayako: there's a whole stripe down his back that got burned much worse than everywhere else...okay, i don't want to think about this anymore
Amayako: sorry
Foxfur: no problem, it's okay
Foxfur: wait wait wait
Amayako: ???
Foxfur: are you sure it's the richardson one?
Foxfur: I jsut called there
Foxfur: and they don't have a schro
Amayako: uhh...if there's another one besides the one in richardson, i missed it
Amayako: they're right next to a petco and across the street from richardson square mall
Foxfur: well I spoke with 3 people
Foxfur: and they said they never even got a cat in with issues like the ones I described
Amayako: ...what?
Foxfur: yep
Amayako: okay, that's a bit bizarre
Foxfur: 2 admins and a doctor
Foxfur: is there any other 24 hour vet clinic it could be?
Amayako: no, that's the one...i have their fridge magnet right here
Foxfur: okay well they are saying hes not there
Amayako: that doesn't make any sense
Amayako: i'm guessing where you're going with this is that you think i invented all this? because i can't think of why else you would ask for the clinic's name to "send them a letter" and then call.
Foxfur: Yeah
Foxfur: I called the police too
Foxfur: and they have no report
Foxfur: and the SPCA
Amayako: okay. yeah, i've sort of gotten that vibe from you from the beginning.
Foxfur: adn they have no report
Foxfur: and my vet tech friend
Amayako: well, you're calling the wrong people, then...i talked to the spca and the police both yesterday
Foxfur: said that no idiot vet would EVER do surgery on a burn victim before it had had time to heal
Foxfur: you can't graft skin to dead skin
Amayako: hey, i'm not the vet
Foxfur: it's medically impossible
Amayako: yeah, there wasn't any skin left on the area where grafts were placed
Foxfur: recovery time for those types of wounds is over 6 months
Foxfur: you can't attach skin to dead tissue
Foxfur: burn kills tissue
Amayako: the skin grafts, at least from what i understand, were implanted on areas of healthy tissue to grow over where it had been destroyed
Amayako: but i'm not the vet
Foxfur: the SPCA lady I spoke to is the ONLY ONE who takes abuse calls, no one else does
Foxfur: she was horrified and said she had heard of no such thing
Amayako: i talked to the first person i called at the spca yesterday...i don't know who it was
Amayako: anyway
Amayako: i'm done with this discussion
Foxfur: I called all the 24 hour vet clinics in your area
Foxfur: and theu have no burned cat
Amayako: i really wouldn't have expected this from you, but i guess that's what i get for lying once
Foxfur: before you block me
Amayako: i'm not going to block you
Foxfur: I have one favor to ask you
Amayako: i think you're just going slightly insane
Foxfur: please return EVERY PENNY to those people
Amayako: yes?
Amayako: that was the plan...remember the paintings?
Amayako: i found my own money, so i don't need theirs now
Foxfur: yeah but you asked for people's opinions
Amayako: uh, so?
Foxfur: that doens't need an opinion
Foxfur: that needs returning money
Foxfur: I would like an email for every paypal donation returned
Amayako: okay...i think you should stop talking to me now before i say something that makes our situation worse than it already is
Foxfur: I am dead serious
Amayako: i haven't lied about anything here
Foxfur: I will post all my info I have found publically
Amayako: i think you're just paranoid
Foxfur: if you do not
Amayako: go for it
Foxfur: I am dead serious
Amayako: yes, i caught that
Foxfur: You lied to all those people
Foxfur: how could you do that
Amayako: no, i didn't
Foxfur: how could you do that to people
Amayako: i've certainly lied to people about small things, but there was no lie here
Foxfur: if there was no lie then why can't I find him
Amayako: how the hell should i know?
Foxfur: no police
Foxfur: no SPCA
Amayako: i gave you the name of the clinic he's at
Amayako: what else do you want out of me?
Foxfur: how can there possibly ne all this info agaisnt you
Amayako: that's where he is
Foxfur: this isn't a joke
Amayako: yeah, no kidding
Amayako: or if it is, i missed the funny part
Foxfur: tell me how 2 people whom I harrassed to death 'lost' your paperwork
Foxfur: 2
Foxfur: in different offices
Amayako: again, i have not the slightest idea
Foxfur: 3 people had no idea who schro was at the clinic you are pointing me to
Amayako: but if you believe i'm lying, go tell the world
Foxfur: How can all this be happening
Foxfur: I was clued in when you lied about driving
Amayako: i have the money to take care of this myself now, and will...i knew some people would say they wanted their donation to go to the spca, so i thought i'd give them that chance
Foxfur: none of your story makes sense
Amayako: lied about driving?
Foxfur: yeah you told me you could drive MONTHS ago, you just hated doing it
Amayako: umm...can you prove this?
Foxfur: and one does not 'learn' the accelerator
Amayako: actually, yeah, that's how my dad taught me
Foxfur: if your dad even SHOWED you how to drive once, you have to 'learn' the accelerator
Amayako: we went out to a college parking lot and showed me each function individually
Foxfur: you can't 'learn' without the accelerator
Amayako: he wouldn't even let me touch the accelerator until i'd learned to use the brakes and the steering wheel, because our car coasts at 25 mph
Foxfur: and my vet tech friend was backed up by a vet
Foxfur: there is no way any decent clinic would every touch a burn victim so soon
Foxfur: it's left field
Foxfur: it's a useless 5k of nothing
Amayako: i said, i don't really know anything about that except what i know about human burn victims, which isn't much except about grafts
Amayako: i didn't lie
Foxfur: it takes MONTHS of surgery, no vet int heir right mind would put him in surgery the same day
Foxfur: proove it
Foxfur: proove it to me
Amayako: how?
Foxfur: because everything I see is saying you did
Foxfur: paperwork
Foxfur: fromt he clinic
Foxfur: with his bill
Foxfur: and I want to talk to a vet
Foxfur: the vet who treated him
Foxfur: I want his name
Amayako: okay...i'll have to contemplate as to whether i actually owe you this
Foxfur: if you can't give me that then I will not be convinced
Foxfur: sure thing, contemplate a way out if you can
Foxfur: youshould have the paperwork there
Foxfur: do you have a scanner?
Foxfur: scan it for me
Foxfur: or photograph it for me
Amayako: i'm thinking i don't really, since i've found a way to get the money i need and everyone is getting theirs back, if that's their choice
Foxfur: if that's their choice?
Foxfur: so you'd still keep money from a lie?
Foxfur: no this it your choice
Foxfur: your choice to do the right thing
Amayako: okay, first, stop calling it a lie or this discussion is over
Amayako: second, anyone who chooses to leave their money will have that donated to the spca
Amayako: i have $12,000 of my own now
Amayako: i don't need anyone else's money
Amayako: is that computing?
Foxfur: yes
Amayako: good girl
Foxfur: but you still lied ot begin with
Amayako: no, i didn't
Foxfur: some of these people gave you their PAY CHECKS
Amayako:'re obviously not listening to a word i say
Foxfur: it doens't matter that you're offering it back, you should just GIVE it back
Foxfur: an untruth is an untruth
Amayako: i don't know why you've decided that i lied aside from the fact that i lied to you about something ONCE, but this is entrely unfair to me
Amayako: not to mention schro
Foxfur: no I think you lied to me many times at this point
Amayako: about what?
Amayako: please demonstrate this
Foxfur: right now
Foxfur: the point of this
Foxfur: is that I did the work to find out
Foxfur: and now you're caught
Amayako: no, i'm not
Foxfur: I didnt want to be right
Foxfur: Do you understand that?
Amayako: good, because you're not
Foxfur: I don't want to do this
Foxfur: but every thing says no so far
Foxfur: even medical knowledge says NO
Foxfur: even the VET says no
Amayako: then why are you doing it? i didn't lie, and you never had a reason to believe i was're just being irrational about it
Foxfur: if you want me to back off
Foxfur: then scan that bill for me
Foxfur: and I will apologize
Foxfur: and grovel
Foxfur: and step away from you forever for being wrong
Foxfur: I want to be wrong
Amayako: i don't want you to grovel
Foxfur: but nothing is saying you're not lying at this point
Foxfur: I have NO solid evidence
Amayako: okay...i'll tell you what
Amayako: i thought we had an at least slightly better relationship than this
Foxfur: scan it right now please, 10 mins from now I would like to have it.
Foxfur: and dont'' start with the guilt
Foxfur: because I am not in the mood
Amayako: oh, you're one to talk about guilt
Foxfur: to be manipulated
Amayako: neither am i
Foxfur: so if you want to prove to me that I am an idiot who is paranoid
Foxfur: give me that bill
Foxfur: and the name of the vet who handled him
Amayako: okay, first off
Amayako: we don't have a bill
Amayako: we haven't paid yet
Foxfur: call them
Foxfur: and ask them to release the info to me
Amayako: so i can't do anything about that...what about the writeup about the treatment and etc.?
Foxfur: yes
Foxfur: I want it on the VCA stationary
Foxfur: with the name of vet who treated him
Amayako: it's not on the vca stationery
Foxfur: you can give me the vet's name
Amayako: it's on a piece of computer printout paper
Foxfur: the name of the man or woman
Foxfur: who treated him
Foxfur: please
Foxfur: because I am calling them right now
Amayako: he's been getting treatment from different vets on different shifts...i'll have to find out the name of the person who worked the shift when he came in, because i never asked
Foxfur: who spoke to you at the clinic
Foxfur: you keep saying she
Foxfur: give me a description
Foxfur: of what she looks like
Amayako: red scrubs
Amayako: semi longish straight dirty-blonde hair
Amayako: very tan
Foxfur: name?
Amayako: umm...she sounded like a chain-smoker
Foxfur: name tag?
Foxfur: call them now and ask
Amayako: i already told you that i don't know
Amayako: okay
Foxfur: ok so call them
Amayako: okay. can i leave a message on her answering machine to call you back?
Amayako: yes/no?
Foxfur: yes
Foxfur: and you can give me her name
Amayako: okay, left a message
Amayako: and no, i think this is good enough...if she hasn't called you back by the time you get impatient again, i'll go in and get paperwork to scan for you
Foxfur: NO
Foxfur: that is not acceptable
Foxfur: why can't you give me her name?
Foxfur: why are you hiding it if you know?
Amayako: because i don't want you calling them and harrassing them any more just because you're irrational
Foxfur: jsut give me her name, it's very easy
Foxfur: ha
Foxfur: no I am serious
Foxfur: I will be very polite
Foxfur: give me the name
Foxfur: or is it that HE HAS NO VET
Amayako: okay...i've had enough of this.
Foxfur: I will post this
Foxfur: I am serious
Foxfur: give me the name
Amayako: i tried to be reasonable with you, and all you're doing is being nasty
Foxfur: it's not hard
Foxfur: it's SO EASY
Foxfur: this is really easy to convince me
Foxfur: vet name
Foxfur: vet bill
Foxfur: it's not hard, you know the name
Foxfur: you have the treatment papers
Amayako: if what you're upset about is a bunch of people losing their money to a cause you don't think exists, i keep trying to tell you that everyone who doesn't say they want it back will be having theirs donated to the spca
Foxfur: Okay
Foxfur: so
Amayako: if you believe i lied, that's your problem
Foxfur: give me the vet name
Foxfur: I am asking for something so simple as a vet name and you are refusing me
Foxfur: why is that
Amayako: and yeah, i do have the writeup...i can scan that in for you, but it's not on vca stationery
Foxfur: scan it
Amayako: because you're making me angry
Foxfur: and I would like the name
Foxfur: I am fine wiht you being angry, I dont' think what I am asking is unreasonable
Foxfur: if I had sent you money
Foxfur: I would want to know
Foxfur: if you like I can ask someone who HAS sent you money to come ask
Amayako: i'm trying to tell myself that i don't think it's unreasonable, but when i think about what you're accusing me of, i get angry
Foxfur: ok
Foxfur: so
Foxfur: are you going to give me the name and make me feel like an idiot?
Amayako: god, hold on
Foxfur: do you have it?
Foxfur: I thought you just called her
Foxfur: and left a mssg
Amayako: i'm being nagged
Foxfur: you should know if you left a mssg
Foxfur: are you looking up a name to give me? Please please don't do that
Amayako: no, i'm talking to my dad, who won't leave me alone about taki
Amayako: how would looking up a name to give you do me any good if i were lying? all you'd have to do was talk to them
Foxfur: right
Foxfur: so where is the name?
Foxfur: can I have it?
Foxfur: Dr.....
Foxfur: something Dr. Someblondwoman
Amayako: okay, first off...i really don't like the way you're talking to me
Amayako: it's hard for me to want to cooperate when you're treating me like a criminal
Foxfur: I am slowly being more convinced by how you are responding.
Foxfur: if I were you it would have been the first thing I offered
Amayako: if you're wanting to allege that i'm lying, that's fine....even if everyone else believes you, i still have $12,000 and a cat
Foxfur: sure
Amayako: really, at this point, i'm tired of this
Foxfur: so please give me the name
Foxfur: and I will apologize right away if I am wrong
Amayako: no, you won't
Foxfur: if you can't give me the name how can I believe you?
Amayako: you'll just find something else to accuse me of, because you've decided that i'm lying
Amayako: what makes me think you'll believe me anyway?
Foxfur: because I don't want to believe that someone I said I loved as a sister and considered a best frind would do somehting like this
Foxfur: I hate this so much
Amayako: the whole point of this from the get-go has been that you don't believe me because i didn't learn to drive the way most people do
Foxfur: I have cried all day
Foxfur: no
Foxfur: there is more
Foxfur: it's intuition
Foxfur: I could feel it when you told me
Amayako: you were willing to believe that i lied about something like this because of a gut feeling?
Amayako: this isn't as intended as guilt, but i don't think you really thought as highly of me as you were claiming
Amayako: and that's okay...i know things got really ugly there
Foxfur: if I had thought you were really a liar, I would have accused you on the pot
Foxfur: hmm I mean spot
Amayako: yeah, i know
Foxfur: but I wanted to think I was wrong
Foxfur: so I called
Foxfur: I spent my WHOLE DAY CALLING
Foxfur: researching
Foxfur: calling friends
Foxfur: calling vets
Foxfur: calling the police
Foxfur: calling the SPCA
Amayako: why? because you thought i was telling the truth?
Foxfur: I called almost every vet clinic
Foxfur: no because I wanted to make this horrible feeling go away
Foxfur: I wanted to think
Foxfur: no meg you are just paranoid
Foxfur: but here we are
Foxfur: and here you are refusing to give me the vet name
Amayako: okay, i think i understand what you're saying
Foxfur: I would NEVER accuse you of this if I didn't have proof
Foxfur: I want the name of the vet
Foxfur: I want to speak to her
Foxfur: I want to hear from her lips
Foxfur: yes schro is in bad shape
Foxfur: I want her to talk to my vet friend and discuss the case
Foxfur: I want to know
Foxfur: because there is nothing else at this point that I will believe
Foxfur: I want to be wrong
Foxfur: do you understand
Amayako: here's why i'm not cooperating
Foxfur: I don't want to be wrong
Amayako: and why i'm not going to
Foxfur: wh
Foxfur: okay stop there
Amayako: i don't think i did anything to deserve this
Foxfur: if you can't even prove to me with a simple name
Foxfur: that this is not a scam
Foxfur: I don't think I can say anything else
Foxfur: I am giving you a chance here to come clean and not be labeled a liar publically
Foxfur: I am asking for very simple things
Foxfur: that any innocent person would LEAP to do
Foxfur: hell I would drive to the clinic NOW and get you that damned bill if that is what you wanted
Amayako: okay, you want to believe it's a scam, we'll play that game...i don't feel like i should have anything to prove to you, especially not when you keep talking to me this way
Foxfur: I would do anything to prove to you
Amayako: so, let's make it a scam
Amayako: that's what you want, we'll do it
Amayako: i have the money, i can give everyone's money back
Foxfur: ha, can you just be honest and say you needed the money?
Amayako: nope
Foxfur: you won't give me the name
Foxfur: why not?
Amayako: i don't need any you'll recall, i get free room and board
Foxfur: you left a mssg?
Foxfur: on a woman's mailbox
Amayako: because i don't think i should have've attacked me for no reason
Foxfur: klSJD
Foxfur: heh
Foxfur: okay so can I ask croaky to ask you
Amayako: okay, yeah, like i said, i'm done with this
Foxfur: will you tell her?
Foxfur: I am getting more upset here
Foxfur: because you took advantage of me
Foxfur: and hundreds of other people
Foxfur: all I need is the vet name
Foxfur: and I will be made a fool of
Foxfur: I will be the crazy one
Amayako: i don't want to make a fool of you
Foxfur: I don't care
Amayako: i want you to trust me because of who i am
Foxfur: I want to be a paranoid freak
Amayako: if you can't, there's no point to this anyway
Foxfur: I don't want to think you would do that
Foxfur: so prove me wrong
Foxfur: stop doing this
Amayako: so, let's treat it as a scam...that's what you want, let's do it
Foxfur: stop lying PLEASE
Foxfur: PLEASE
Foxfur: come clean
Foxfur: let me respect you at least for that much
Amayako: i'll give everyone their money back, and you can make a public post telling everyone i'm a liar
Amayako: i'm opening paypal to do my end
Foxfur: I want a copy of every reciept
Amayako: you go do yours, if that's what you think needs to be done
Foxfur: pelase
Foxfur: please
Foxfur: I want it in my inbox
Amayako: when i have receipts, you will have receipts
Foxfur: rissa, I just want some truth
Foxfur: and I want to know why
Foxfur: why did you do this
Amayako: i've told you the truth
Foxfur: you have utterly killed me inside
Amayako: you're not interested in it because it doesn't fit your version of reality
Foxfur: no
Amayako: so please, go make your post
Foxfur: you won't give me the chance to see the truth
Foxfur: because you won't give me the vet name
Amayako: i shouldn't have to
Foxfur: lol
Foxfur: so
Foxfur: you have the key to making this be over
Foxfur: and you are refusing?
Amayako: you should believe me, because i've only ever lied to you to avoid awkward situations
Amayako: yes
Foxfur: would you refuse croaky?
Foxfur: if she asked for it
Foxfur: because
Foxfur: I could ask her to ask
Foxfur: she gave you money
Foxfur: doesn't she deserve to know?
Foxfur: heck
Amayako: at this point, yes, because i'm giving everyone's money back as we speak
Foxfur: Kasey gave you money
Foxfur: I can have her ask
Foxfur: so give me the name
Amayako: and if anyone ele started up with this i would be forced to go take quiet time
Foxfur: or do I have to send money for this
Amayako: else, even
Foxfur: why
Foxfur: can't you give me the name
Foxfur: it;s so easy
Amayako: meg, shut up about's not a factor any more, and no one is losing their paycheck, not even my father
Amayako: if you're still upset, go make a post about how i lied
Foxfur: You did lie
Amayako: i'm big enough to handle it
Foxfur: and you won't give me proof that you didn't
Amayako: and no i didn't, but what's the point
Foxfur: give me proof
Amayako: here's what i'll do for you
Foxfur: and I won't
Foxfur: proof
Foxfur: that is all I will accept
Amayako: when it's paid for, i will send you scans and/or hard copies of the vet's bills
Foxfur: no
Foxfur: I wan tto talk to the vet
Amayako: okay, go make your post then
Foxfur: if you can't even do thar for me
Foxfur: people won't lie for you
Foxfur: but photoshop will
Amayako: that's why i offered to send hard copies
Amayako: in the mail
Foxfur: so send them
Foxfur: I want to talk to the vet
Foxfur: my mind will not be eased until I speak with a vet
Foxfur: THE vet
Foxfur: the trauma vet who handled him first
Foxfur: the vet you spoke too today
Amayako: i've told you what i'm willing to do...that's all i'm willing to do, because this was never an issue about me lying
Foxfur: yes
Foxfur: you cheated all these people
Foxfur: some of them CRIED
Amayako: no, i didn't
Foxfur: they reached out to you
Foxfur: to help
Foxfur: and you cheated them
Amayako: you believe i did because you don't trust me, which is your problem
Foxfur: was this to help pay for your credit debt?
Amayako: no, that's still pending
Foxfur: Why
Foxfur: why would you ever think this is okay?
Amayako: i don't expect to be liable for any of that, since i didn't make the purchases
Foxfur: and why can't you even grace me with a vet name
Foxfur: you know it
Foxfur: you spoke to her voicemail
Amayako: why would anyone think something like this is okay? not even i've ever been desperate enough for anything to take this many people for a ride, and anyone who did would be even more screwy in the head than i am
Foxfur: right
Foxfur: so give me the vet name
Amayako: i haven't done anything wrong, and i don't owe anyone explanation
Foxfur: and I will believe you
Foxfur: I have proof saying you are lying
Foxfur: and now you need to proove you aren't
Amayako: then post it
Amayako: no, i don't
Foxfur: do you really want me to?
Amayako: not to you, or to anyone else
Foxfur: what if jean asked for the name of the vet
Amayako: no...obviously, it would cause a ton of shit and make people hate me, but since you've decided i'm lying and i don't care to play your game, what's my choice?
Foxfur: you could....
Foxfur: give me
Foxfur: the name
Foxfur: and then i could call
Foxfur: and have them laugh and say OF COURSE
Amayako: i've already explained to you why i'm not going to
Amayako: i also don't think they'd laugh
Foxfur: why are you resisting this easy way
Foxfur: why
Foxfur: only
Amayako: because the humor is really lacking from this entire situation
Foxfur: someone who was guilty would do this
Foxfur: it is
Foxfur: letters
Amayako: no, it's not
Foxfur: letters are easy
Foxfur: I am typing them now to you
Foxfur: how is is not easy?
Amayako: letters?
Amayako: you've lost me
Foxfur: you can type letters
Amayako: oh, you mean the name
Foxfur: like A B C D
Foxfur: and give me the name
Amayako: okay, i'm pretty sure i already explained this
Foxfur: wait wait wait
Foxfur: you won't
Amayako: i won't what?
Foxfur: because you think it's playing my 'game'
Foxfur: can I talk to your dad then?
Foxfur: on the phone?
Foxfur: and get the vet's name?
Amayako: yeah...i haven't done anything to earn your distrust in this, so i'm not going to condescend
Amayako: um, no
Foxfur: yes you have
Foxfur: I did the work for my own peace of mind
Foxfur: if I had been wrong I would have felt like a heel and never mentioned it
Foxfur: but now that I am still not at peace
Amayako: no, i haven' had a "gut feeling" that decided i was lying, and because you found what could understandably considered evidence, you're running with it
Foxfur: And you won't give me the name
Foxfur: yes
Foxfur: you won't give me the name so I am convinced now
Foxfur: totally
Amayako: you were totally convinced from the beginning
Amayako: you had decided i had lied from the first time you got the bad feeling about it
Foxfur: no guilt games
Foxfur: they cant work
Amayako: i don't think it would matter if i did give you the vet's name
Foxfur: I am too angry
Foxfur: yes it would
Amayako: it's not a guilt game, dear
Foxfur: it would matter
Foxfur: it would matter so much
Foxfur: SO MUCH
Amayako: no, it wouldn''d just cite some other piece of evidence that made it look like i was lying
Amayako: i've told you what i'll do
Foxfur: no can do
Foxfur: I want the vet name
Foxfur: and I want to call and hear from them
Amayako: when this is over and paid for, i will send you hard copies of the bills, which i will specifically request on the clinic's stationery
Amayako: that's the most i'll do, because i don't feel i deserve any of this
Foxfur: you understand
Foxfur: that giving me the name
Foxfur: would fix everything
Amayako: actually, no it wouldn't
Foxfur: yes
Foxfur: yes it would
Foxfur: see
Amayako: even if you did believe me afterwards, which i don't trust, this is pretty well a fatal blow to our relationship regardless of who's right
Foxfur: I made a promise
Foxfur: I know
Foxfur: I am ready to walk away
Foxfur: and if you are right
Foxfur: and I am the jerk
Foxfur: I will always remember this as my fault
Foxfur: if I am right
Foxfur: I will walk away
Amayako: you know, honestly, part of me wants to cooperate
Foxfur: then please do
Amayako: i'm not entirely sure i heard her name right, but i'm relatively certain that if you called the clinic and gave them something sounding like it, they'd know who it was and connect you
Foxfur: okay
Foxfur: let's hear it
Amayako: but since i'm in the process of giving everyone their money back and all you're doing is yell at me about what has been the hardest two days of my life, i don't really feel like i have anything to lose at this point
Foxfur: good
Amayako: i really don't want to talk about this any more
Foxfur: if I am wrong
Foxfur: then I will forever regret this day
Foxfur: but I want the vet name
Amayako: if you feel the need to go tell the world i lied because i won't cooperate with proving this to you, i ultimately can live with that
Foxfur: you would rather be labeled a liar false ly
Foxfur: than give me a name
Amayako: in this case, yes
Foxfur: one moment
Foxfur: okay
Foxfur: so if you would please give me the name
Foxfur: and let me believe you
Amayako: no, i won't, so please stop asking
Foxfur: why
Foxfur: I want to believe you
Amayako: then believe me
Foxfur: I can't
Foxfur: without proof
Foxfur: because too many things are saying you're a liar
Amayako: then we'll both just have to live with that, at least until i get the final bills
Foxfur: I think you will make them youself
Foxfur: I can't be happy until I speak to a vet
Foxfur: and you refusing
Amayako: okay, go for it...although i can't imagine where i'd get the letterhead if that were the plan
Foxfur: you'd laugh if I suggested how you would get it
Foxfur: so where is the vets name, earlier you said you would give it to me
Foxfur: you said I could ask for her and see if the name was close
Amayako: i'm not going to...i'm sorry, but on principle, no
Foxfur: on principal
Foxfur: lol
Foxfur: look how flustered I am
Foxfur: I am misspelling like crazy
Foxfur: that is a huge crock
Foxfur: you won't tell me
Foxfur: because there IS no vet
Foxfur: you should be ashamed of yourself
Amayako: if that's what you've decided to believe, i can't much argue
Foxfur: lying to hundreds of people
Foxfur: no you know
Foxfur: you know the truth
Foxfur: and you will NEVER forget what you did
Foxfur: you are a scam artist
Foxfur: I am done, I have tried, I thought you would confess and tell the truth to me
Amayako: for what profit? everything i had offered to return well before you started in on me?
Foxfur: someone I thought you cared about
Foxfur: because you are feeling guilty for using people's KINDNESS
Foxfur: because you were caught
Foxfur: because you could go to jail
Foxfur: you knew it was falling apart and that this was dangerous
Amayako: um, i haven't been "caught" in anything
Foxfur: yes you have
Foxfur: you can lie
Amayako: no, i haven't
Foxfur: and you can keep lying
Foxfur: but I know
Foxfur: and you know
Foxfur: and soon everyone will be asking for the vet's name
Foxfur: and the clinic number
Foxfur: and the detailed vet bill
Amayako: and i won't owe any of them anything except my gratitude for their kindness
Foxfur: I am so angry, I feel used. I feel cheated, I feel lied to.
Amayako: that's your decision
Foxfur: no
Foxfur: no this
Foxfur: all of this
Foxfur: is your decision
Foxfur: now take the concequences
Amayako: i don't have any consequences
Foxfur: yes you do
Foxfur: trust me
Amayako: even if i had lied, no one is having any money stolen from them
Foxfur: no
Foxfur: but they will be angry for being lied to
Foxfur: to being lied to and TAKEN IN by your kind words
Amayako: if everyone believes i've lied, that's just something i have to live with, and everyone has something like that
Foxfur: and plea for help
Foxfur: yep
Foxfur: you will
Foxfur: and you will live with it knowing you did it
Amayako: if that's what you want to believe, go ahead
Foxfur: that you are a liar and a cheat and the sort of person no one wants to invest their love and care into
Amayako: but if i choose to provide proof, i'll do it on my terms
Foxfur: ha
Foxfur: sure thing
Amayako: and you and anyone else who doubts it can take it or leave it
Foxfur: I bet you'll try to get out of it
Foxfur: you're going to keep lying about it
Foxfur: but that's okay
Foxfur: I have proof I am willing to share and you have nothing
Foxfur: not even a burned cat
Foxfur: unless you plan on doctoring photos of him
Amayako: i don't know anything about doctoring photos...and that would be taking it too far by anyone's standards
Foxfur: its okay
Foxfur: I am done now
Foxfur: thanks
Foxfur: I will mail back your tablet asap
Foxfur: keep what you planned to send to me
Foxfur: I think that's all
Foxfur: you have 1 week to remove your things from my webhost
Amayako: yeah, send the tablet whenever you're done with it
Foxfur: I am done
Foxfur: but get your things
Amayako: no, you're have a post to make, remember?
Foxfur: off my web server, I don't want to delete them
Foxfur: no I am done with you
Foxfur: not this
Amayako: you're going to tell all the world about how i invented all this for attention
Foxfur: yes
Amayako: so, do it
Foxfur: goodbye, thanks for lying to me up until the last
Amayako: the sooner everyone knows, the sooner they can get really angry
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