Chelsea Clinton

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Chelsea Clinton = infected with GOTIS
You can help by not giving her any attention.

Chelsea Victoria Clinton born 27 February 1980 is the allegeded daughter of Bill Clinton and Hillary Clinton. Her maternity is certain since she has a strong resemblence to her mother, Bill, looking like an Ugly Jew breed version of him but with long hair and tits, her paternity remains uncertain. Since most Democrats are realizing that Hillary is poison to her own campaigns and will never get elected to President even with a direct endorsement from G-D and Christ themselves, many libtards are suggesting that Chelsea can do it in 2020.

Liberal Sensibilities

It's not you. Trust me.

Like so many rich, well educated Democrats that only visit the inner city every fourth year when there is a Presidential Election, Chelsea knows more about what is ailing the poor then the poor themselves do because, without having any need to live among them or question them herself, she was taught directly by overly liberal, Ivy-League professors reqarding what they need over what they may want like Jobs so they can make enough money to pay their Obama care co-pays the goverment actually changed the constitution to require them to have.
Like so many overly liberal, college graduates Chelsea will tell you that it was through her own hard work and conviction and not her having parents with political connections, that when she graduated in 2003 she just walked into making close to a million dollars a year with a $500,000 a year consulting position for McKinsey & Company along with fovorable positions given to her because of her name like a chair position to the Clinton Foundation and a position with the School of American Ballet.
One of Chelsea's more unpopular endeavours was when she, a person who has never held office or worked for a politician was picked up by NBC as a Special Political Correspondant at $750,000 a year to preach the favored liberal mentality that everyone is equal, everyone has the same chances, and everyone can get highpaying jobs and make their own opportunities if they go to college and vote Hillary. In May of 2013 Chelsea's contract with NBC was not renewed because of her unpopularity with Television and Media Critics, many saying that Parking Meters and Soda Machines have more personality and are, unsurprisingly, better looking. Not one to stay unemployed for long, Chelsea now heads up the Clinton Foundation showing that she is unable to hold down a job unless her parents hire her at over a million dollars a year.

She's A Serious Office Cunt

According to hacked emails from Wikileaks, Doug Band accused Chelsea's office Bullshit of driving the Clinton Foundation Chief Operating Officer Laura Graham to want to become An Hero and cause health issues with head board member Bruce Lindsey.
In later emails, Band goes on to accuse Chelsea of worrying more about an article in the Post about her father and his collection of bitches than the health of two senior Clinton Foundation Employees.

But I’m sure chelsea is more concerned with a mostly false story in the distinguished ny post about mf global and teneo not her role in what happened to laura/bruce, what she is doing to the organization or the several of stories that have appeared in the ny post about her father and a multitude of women over the years


—Doug Band Email

Critics, or most anyone with a brain, sees this for the grab for power that it is from Chelsea because a few months after these events it would be Chelsea heading up the Clinton Foundation along with her father Bill.

She Persisted

She Persisted is a liberal piece of dog shit propaganda written by Chelsea Clinton to ensure that the brainwaished, feminist Cuckold generation that was spawned in the 60s and 70s continues on because Television shows like I Am Jazz prove that their message being taught that little boys should hate themselves because they were born with a Penis is just starting to take.
Like most far-left, white priveledge ideology, She Persisted promotes the idea that "Not taking NO For An Answer" is an advantageous trait only if the word NO is not being taken as a final answer by Wimmins and not men. When it comes to men, NO should always mean NO because when a man ignores the word NO it usually ends in rape, theft and murder because the male-centric society demands men ignore the demands of those weaker than him as a sign of masculinity, power and pride. On the other-hand, She Persisted looks to teach, through 15 stories, how women were able to rise against the male dominated society to defeat the oppressing power of the penis and arrive at what they wanted because they knew that everyone meant YES when they were saying NO.

The One Book We Do Want From Chelsea

We want that tell all book about her as a teen growing up in the white house and walking in on Bill sitting on the couch, getting a blow job from a fat-assed Polack intern while he sticks a cigar up her ass and the trauma she endured having her own father, The President, scream out her name when he was having an orgasm.
It can even follow the Lifetime Women's Channel cliche of Bill having that long talk with Chelsea where he tells her that if she ever says anything to her mother that he will make her go to comminity college and do everything in his power to see that she only can make $125,000 a year when she graduates from university.
We even want the made-for-Tv movie that has the overly simplistic scene of Chelsea feeling inferior, ugly and fat to Bill's girlfriends because he gives them all his time and has none for her and like all liberal propaganda it can end with her finding self respect after getting her hair straightened, her teeth fixed and 6 or 7 visits to a plastic surgeon because all Wimmins should be happy with what G-D gave them because all Wimmins are beautiful and no man has the right to make any Wimmins feel inferior or ugly.

Chelsea Doesn't Subscribe To The Male-Centric Ideas Of Beauty. She Is Proud Of Who She Was Born


Chelsea For President

Chelsea For President or Chelsea 2020 is a meme that sprung out of Libtard fanaticism following the election of Our great and mighty god emperor, Donald Trump and the failure of other memes like #NotMyPresident when Democrats realized that Hillary is poison to her own self and couldn't even get elected in a rigged Syrian election with her name being the only one on the ballet.
Only taken serious by the Most Autistic Of The Left it is starting to gain some traction as lefties search for someone, anyone they hope can stand up to our mighty warlord and master of the Dragon Punch human born god even if that person contradicts everything they claim to stand for or believe in.
Fuckwits, retards and Shit for brains like Tara Strong, Chris Chan and Whoopi Goldburg argue that Chelsea is a serious contender for nomination and we shouldn't count her out due to her lack of experience because critics tried to dismiss Obama with the same tactic and he turned out to be the best president ever.
The irony of this is how they claim that someone like our mighty god emperor or Bush can never understand the average Americunt because they grew up in wealth, went to Ivy-league schools and have only worked for their parents but they have no problem getting behind a person whose parents are professional politicians, graduated college to make close to $1,000,000 year, is employed by her parents foundation making over one million dollars a year and is personally valued at or around $20 Million, having made close to or well over 2 million dollars a year since she graduated in 2003. If she were a Republican the media would be accusing her of having an unfair advantage.
Having not been born with extraneous appendage of a penis Chelsea is doubly safe from avoiding the criticism Bill received for Draft Dodging or not serving in the Military because the military is a career choice for dumb, white, southern men. Women's rights say nothing about a woman having a right or demanding the right to serve in combat. Her pride in America is that it has made her a millionare and she has never had to lift a finger to help someone, the same crime that our god emperor is accused of.

Trolling Trump On Twitter

Like all butthurt liberal voters with a twitter account, Chelsea sees it as a part of her duty to constantly troll someone who most likely has her on mute by saying that everything he does is wrong and her mother would be doing it better if it weren't for the half-assed idea that the electoral college is for picking Trump over her criminal mother.
Current events, mostly the earthquake in Puerto Rico have Chelsea reminding everyone, especially, Trump what an up-standing liberal she is by tweeting about the suffering in Puerto Rico. She does nothing for them, that is your job. Her place is to fight the war from behind a keyboatd and inform others about the immense suffering going on so they do something in her place.
Her liberal sensibilities dictate that she must constantly remind everyone how she is different from other politicians before her and that she would be down there in Puerto Rico giving a hand to help her fellow humans if it weren't for the fact that since 90% of sewage treatment plants are out in Puerto Rico, it has become a steaming, turd of disease and infection and being a woman of baby-bearing years she doesn't want to ruin her chance of having more kids despite already having her 1 kid Feminism allows.

See Also

External Links

 Her Twitter

 Her Facebook

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Parties: [No beer? Fuck that.Hell yeah, a party!]

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