Happy Tree Friends

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Happy Tree Friends is a contrived, unfunny cartoon that features 'cuddly' animals being mutilated. It appeals to goffic tweens and basement-dwellers who attempt to rebel against society.

'Cute, Cuddly, and Horribly wrong!


Originally sharing a place with the other faggots on Mondo Mini Shows, it soon outgrew them, with enough increased funding that it received its own URL.

Like a lot of others, it soon became a whore for money, and in theory, jumped the shark.

Why wouldn't it be Eric?.
The forums are so bad, that they have actually been used as an insult on other forums. ("Go back to the HTF forums.")


Cuddles: A pimp who wears pink bunny slippers. The mascot of Happy Tree Friends, though he is hardly ever noticed, considering there's Flippy.

Giggles: A slut who fucks for a baby tooth. everyone seems to like " her " for just that reason.

Lumpy: A dumbass that no one likes, thank GOD he always end up killing everyone and sometimes himself.

Toothy: Purple MALE beaver with fucking huge teeth. (Hence the name, Toothy ) No one likes him but that doesn't stop him from getting some action. (see above)

Petunia: Fapped to by furfags. She also goes apeshit and commits suicide everytime she sees a mess.

Nutty: It has proven that Nutty has crack addict, and that he put crack inside his sugary crack-candy. Also, make sex with Flaky, while eat his crack.

Handy: Lacks hands because he got them sliced off because of him failing at fapping Flippy's dick really hard, so Flippy hated him and turned evil and sliced his hands off.

Flippy: A veteran bear who during the war was such a limp dick pussy, he failed at fighting, killed both of his teammates on accident and as a result created a slightly less chicken shit personality that actually liked to kill shit. He somehow managed to fall victim to at least 100 mary sues and was fucked by each of his millions of fan girls over and over again, making him a faggot. He also has a crush on Flaky, who has both a cock and a twat, making him not only a faggot, but greedy as hell.

Fliqpy: Flippy's evil double personality, probably the least retarded character mostly because he kills everyone on purpose instead of claiming it as an accident.

Flaky: A porcupine whose gender debated over frequently. Why? Because it's important. Also has the biggest fanbase of retards.

Sniffles: Plays World of Warcraft, unreal tournament, counter strike. and talks like this: " H wat have u ben doin todei!? " on the internet, he spends 3 hours attempting to rick roll someone, if this fails he'll scream and cut himself twice without dying.

Russell: Just some pirate that lives in some kind of ship, and faps to SpongeBob everyday for some reason.

Lifty and Shifty: Fuckbuddies for fucking sure, but steal each other's money if they can get away with it, and spend the money on a ghey bay.

Disco Bear: A strange creepy bastard, NO ONE likes him. ( SRSLY! even the creators of HTF fucking hated him to start with, no joke.)

Splendid: A failure of a Superman wannabe. Lets hope he ends up like Christoper Reeve.

The Mole: A blind mole who deserve his car since he accidently ends up killing someone. He is mostly working jobs that require sight, and therefore, he "accidentally" fucks up any character that associates with him.

Pop: Opium addicted single parent. Deals crack to support him and his son. also world's worst father.

Cub: Cub's who's addicted to his dad for some reason.

Mime: His name describes him perfectly, a boring asswipe who tries to be so what " funny " but he does not realize what an idiot his making of himself.

Cro Marmot: A caveman who was frozen in ice at least 100 years ago or whatever, no one likes him and he dosen't like anyone either.

Lammy: A lamb with a wool sweater and a pickle dildo for a best friend. Seriously...

Happy Tree Friends Forum

A common conversation among n00bs on the Happy Tree Friends forum. In this screenshot, we learn how to spell geese and ooh on a calculator.

The Happy Tree Friends Forum was a gathering place for furries and rip-off artists alike. The forum has been abused and vandalised for over four years by advertisers, as well as n00bs who range from the age of seven to 50 years of age. The forums went down in May and nobody gave a rat's ass, but as usual, we're here to document lulz for posterity.


Getting an average of fifteen members a day, the forum is filled to it's limit with n00bs who continually drive forum veterans away. At right, you can see an interesting conversation among two n00bs, who are talking about words you can write on a calculator. Most n00bs do end up getting their asses banned, but the number steadily increases day by day.

In The Beginning...

In the beginning, at least 100 years ago, the Happy Tree Friends forum was unknown to many. The few that did dwell there, however, lived in fear. Three trolls by the names of Lost Number, Mobile Type-8, and Raging Tiger raped and pillaged the land. No n00b was left unpwned, no member was excused from the violent gangbang. Several members were often left butthurt at the hands of The Three. Yoshi-lord, IWP, and PsychoCrash were among their primary targets and generated countless lulz for The Three. Many people threatened to seek the wielder of the Banhammer, MondoAdmin, but he ignored their calls, and they were left to suffer the pwnage. A year went by, and no end to the lulz were in sight. However, one day, MondoAdmin woke up, feeling very unlulzy. He appointed Farallon as an admin so he wouldn't have to do his job. Farallon, in turn, appointed the first group of moderators who were among the most butthurt from The Three, including PsychoCrash and UndrBlkSunshine. Lost Number was the first to suffer the might of the banhammer, after a violent round of pwning. Mobile Type-8 saw the end was near and started pwning every member in sight until his end came. Raging Tiger, however, was kept around for a few more months due to UndrBlkSunshine's huge e-crush on him and her taste for black person penis. However, PsychoCrash did not like his wimminz swooning over some nigra, and remembering the countless pwnings at the hands of Raging Tiger, he banned the Tiger, effectively ending the reign of The Three. However, they are still remembered on the forums and are often quoted by the still-butthurt Yoshi-lord.


It was common knowledge that UndrBlkSunshine had a massive e-crush on Raging Tiger and wanted to suck his big black penis. He, however, would have nothing to do with that whore and continued to pwn her and her lover PsychoCrash relentlessly. Many lulz were had one fateful day when she had managed to dig up his phone number off the intarwebz and called him several times. He, however, would not return the calls, and left her very angsty and suicidal.




Mondoadmin is a mostly inactive administrator on the Happy Tree Friends forum and serves no purpose whatsoever at Mondo Mini Shows besides updating the template every season. Any attempt to contact Mondoadmin will result it in the ultimate form of him ignoring you completely and will never reply to you.


Farallon is a 30-something-year-old on the Happy Tree Friends forum who took the responsibilty of becoming an "adminstrator". He does not work at Mondo Mini Shows, but a technical company in San Fransisco.


Ken Pontac.

Kpon, also known as Ken Pontac, is the only administrator who actually does his job on the Happy Tree Friends forum. Ken Pontac (kpon) also works at Mondo Mini Shows as a co-writer along with Warren Graff for Happy Tree Friends. Ken Pontac also worked for other Canceled shows including Gumby, and Bump In the Night.


Mondotechdude in stephen hawking mode.

Mondotechdude is an inactive administrator on the Happy Tree Friends forum, and has never done anything relating to his admin position whatsoever. Mondotechdude has no purpose at Mondo Mini Shows but to be the laziest ass at the office, it has also been suspected that Mondotechdude was fired, from whatever he did at MMS, for getting caught jerking off. Either way, he hasn't been on the HTF forum since May 10, 2004.



Wouter van Toll AKA Burre.

Burre, also known as Wouter van Toll, is a moderator on the Happy Tree Friends forum who lives in The Netherlands. Burre joined the moderating team when he replaced EmilyDoOmSqueak, another moderator who was previously inactive for more than a year previous to that occurance. Burre has also won the first Happy Tree Friends tournament that was created by an egotistical member named GARY. Burre has been regarded as one of the smartest and most reliable moderator on the forum, after fellow moderators Damien, and Dominus. Not really a surprise because all the other moderators are unreliable idiots.

The Netherlands.



Digitalis, also known as Goh Jun Yun is a moderator on the Happy Tree Friends forum who is known for dedicating his life to the Happy Tree Friends tournament management, as well as the Hall of Fame. Goh Jun Yun has managed to create three accounts/ names, Jun Yun, Rachmaninov, and digitalis. Digitalis is the only asian moderator, and is estimated to be the oldest member on the forum.


Bill Gat-- I mean, Dominus. No matter who you are, whenever you play a video game you are this guy.

Dominus is one of the newest moderators on the Happy Tree Friends forum along with fellow moderator NYC_Tooothy_LA. The only reason that Dominus was given the moderating position was because the moderator he replaced didn't give a shit at all about the forum. Dominus co-moderates two sub-forums along with digitalis. A moderator who serves no purpose in his position now, since the character tournament that he managed was moved to a different section, taking away his moderating powers in the sub-forum. Dominus is most famous on the forum for creating a thread entitled "The Happy Tree Friends Season Two Petition, which was created to demand a second season of the Happy Tree Friends TV series that was most likely going to be ordered by G4 Tech TV anyway, since it is their only source of viewership. Dominus is also known for writing entries that require multiple posts to fit all of what he has to say into the thread that he is replying to, or creating. Note: It is easy to get Dominus confused with Flipping Out since they both have Giggles avatars and write in a ridicules poetic style.



Damien was appointed moderator on the Happy Tree Friends forum to replace a failure of mod known as Madamluna, who couldn't handle the pressure of looking after the section know as the Sharing Tree. A section for displaying crappy artwork that users have created. Damien is regared as one of the smartest users on the board, since he uses wit in his posts to make a point. Damien has once been impersonated by a member with the username Nutt, who created an account with the username Damienn. Stupid members (95%) were tricked into believing that Damien had gone crazy, and was soon reported by multiple (l)users. He was then later banned and upon further investigation, Nutt's original account was permabanned. Another similar occurrence was the impersonation of another moderator who was away, just like Damien.

Damien at school.

NYC Tooothy LA

NYC Tooothy LA.

NYC Tooothy LA is a moderator on the Happy Tree Friends forum, and is most famous for creating a fanfic that gained notability because of the context and complexity of the story. NYC Tooothy LA is was appointed as moerator to replace a pathetic moderator known as rsk423 who abandoned the forum after realizing that he was a failure at life. NYC Tooothy LA was chosen primarily because his posts taken a whole page when viewed on an 800x600 screen resolution, which is a must (in most cases) if you want to be appointed a moderator.


Tjips skating.

Tjips is a moderator on the Happy Tree Friends forum who only comes onto the forum between 1:00 AM to 5:00 AM, primarily to post in only one thread entitled What are you listening to now? because his section that he was appointed to sucks, and never gets any posts.


Poonchy being emo.

Poonchy is a moderator on the Happy Tree Friends forum, as well as a camera whore who is also emo. Poonchy has been known to

Poonchy on his good nights.

dress up like a woman, tie his hair back and take pictures of himself in the mirror and then post them on the forum, thinking tht people will think he is sexy.

Poonchy has been said to be a hermaphroadite.


Psychocrash being bi.

PsychoCrash is a moderator on the Happy Tree Friends forum who has admitted that he is bisexual, even when he had a girlfriend who was also a co-moderator. The two eventually broke up, and UnderBlkSunshine (his girlfriend's username) abandoned him and became suicidal.


EmilyDoOmSqueak being gothic.

EmilyDoOmSqueak is a moderator on the Happy Tree Friends forum. Leaving twice for an extended period of time to do God knows what somehow qualifies her to become a moderator.


UndrBlkSunshine was once a co-mod along with her bi-sexual boyfriend PsychoCrash on the Happy Tree Friends forum. She usually was on the site 24/7 to delete various threads and ban tactless members, since her homo boyfriend was an inactive lazy bastard who signed on only once in every few months. she was constantly labelled as a snotty bitch, possibly because it was the truth; as all of her posts consisted of looking down at other members and giving every hint that she was better than everyone. Aside from vigorously insulting people for no reason, camwhoring her pale ugly self, constantly being a bitch and all that.. she didn't really contribute much. As of April 2006, she has been inactive and has claimed to have left for good. Reasons rumored being because she has broken up with her unfaithful boyfriend PsychoCrash, due from cheating on her and having gay affairs with hermaphrodite moderator, known as Poonchy. She also has been claimed to have gone suicidal, or has hopefully already killed herself.

Forum Fucktards and Associated Artists

Tori Sue Heck

Yeah, baby.

  Moar info: Tori Sue Heck.

Tori Sue Heck, or TulipTori, is a bitchy, aggressive, pushy, crack-addicted drama whore who is currently a big fan of Happy Tree Friends and is overly obsessed with it.

She used to hold art threads at least 100 years ago on the forums and basically flamed, raped or tried to ban anyone who posted something that somehow pissed her off. She eventually decided to leave the forums and she moved to a Sheezyart ripoff named FanArt Central. At the time of joining the site had quite a big community of HTF fan artists. She drew many crappy pieces of MSPaint work, and half of it was Hate-Art directed at Mary-sues (despite being one herself) and MySpace (lol no wonder). She eventually got an account at DeviantArt and that's when it all started.

Even her fursona is a fatass.

On DeviantArt she copied alot of her art from FAC to there. On DA she met many of the people she hated in the forums and she began flaming them once again. This resulted in much hate-art, spam spills, napalm explosions and lulz. Meanwhile, Tulip had created another account on FAC and created some more Hate-Art and some more pointless OC's. Tulip had manipulated several other stupid HTF fan artists into joining the dark side and the burnt ones could no longer stand this, so they started the Anti-Tori club to support the victims of her rampage.

She is a huge hugbox whore. She is known to take any situation, blow it way out of proportion, and then submit it to her journal so all of her friends will go "OMG! I am soooo sorri that hapend to u! I cant beleev thos basturds did tat to u!!!". She is a complete bitch and tries to attack anyone whose views are different from hers, or just anyone of whom she is jealous because their art is better than hers. She hates having her art critiqued, and if you try to give her any constructive criticism, she will go on a rampage to try (and fail} to flame your ass and all your submissions straight to hell.

The sex.

She hates anyone from myspace, /b/tards, EDiots, and everybody with any discernible talent. She thinks everyone should bow down to her like she's a fucking queen, and her only real friends are people who do anything she says, kiss her ass at ever opportunity, and basically don't think for themselves at all. In fact, she even pisses some of her friends of by doing anything that pisses her off. She will not hesitate to give you a piece of her mind, and will call anyone who does not agree with her stupid, lame, retarded, or say they have no life, which is kind of ironic considering she fits all of those perfectly. She pretends not to care when someone insults her, then she whines about it all day to her "friends". Any time she is angry with someone, instead of confronting them herself she gets all of her minions to do it for them. Her only reason for doing this is because she's a fat ugly bitch with no wit or intelligence and knows that she'd get pwned by almost anyone. Even a few of her friends don't even like her, seeing as they may or may not be secret agents intending to convey her personal information to some of her enemies, such as Suzie Q and Anonymous. And recently, it's been discovered that she is a racist, after she was seen laughing at a racist comment made on her journal, but then denied it, hid the comment and deleted the journal like the sissy bitch that she is. Her most reliable friend is Ghuiado, who thinks she's hot and wants to get a piece of her fat ass. Her fat ass recently left her for another girl, who is most likely more attractive and less of a bitch took her fatass back after breaking up with his other girlfriend. It's a wonder her fat ass hasn't been banned yet from both the Happy Tree Friends forum and deviantART.


Scott and his furry girlfriend, Petunia on a typical Saturday night.

IWP is a 17 year old hippy who draws shitty art of himself having furry crayon sex. It is unknown if he uses Crayola, or Rose Art.

This failure, also known as Scott to some people (3,maybe 4), likes to draw shitty art of his two bisexual furry fantasies and himself, giving each other handjobs n' shit. IWP reckons he is hardcore, as he drinks beer, but really, he is just another furfag, who has nothing better to do with their life. He was known for apparently, being the biggest Petunia loving furry on the forum. He listens to metal(!!!) bands like Iron Maiden and Pantera. Recently, he was banned from the forum for hatin black person, which is kind of strange because another user called MikeFox124 was banned for being a black person.


Mike is the one on the right.

Mikefox124, or Michael "Mike" Crews, is a black person who pretends to be a bad ass, and usually ends up just embarassing himself. Mike has been banned multiple times from DeviantART because he is a slob.


Robert was once the only cool person on this forum, but was banned, because the mods don't like him.


Baldguywithhat was a dumbass member who thrived on making irrelevent posts and threads in an attempt to impress a member with the username Robert. Too bad nobody though the username Robert was impressive.


The picture that Fliplip said was him, but it isn't.

Fliplip, the king of all fucktards, was a member for under a year but has left a lasting impression as one of the most annoying dipshits to ever join the forum. Eventually he was IP banned to prevent him from creating another account.


Coolkid (a.k.a. Gage) is a 14 year old who is so obsessed with Happy Tree Friends that he has to own every piece of merchandise known to man.


Fridge AKA Sam.

Obsessed with skateboarding and for no reason hates Russell the Pirate from HTF. Should be banned for being a fucking useless dipshited asshole.


Racoon is an unbelievably miserable thirteen-year old emo girl named Anna. She is a classified lesbian and a furry. She is known to think any sentance with the word, "secks", or, "lolroftlmaobbq", is the funniest shit ever to hit the internet. She once had a three-some with Flippy and Spongebob. Married Wescravendevon once to hide the fact that she is a dyke.

16 Valve Hate

The forum zit. Internet-addicted nerd who simply practices better personal hygeine online than he does in real life. He frequently seems to think he is intelligent as shit in all his posts, only making him look like the smartest kid with down syndrome.


A little faggot who thinks he's hilarious. He was banned for being unfunny and buttfucking Raccoonbros665 too much, this of course makes the HTF admins a better example since they banned this fucking fucker. He was later sent to the aids pool.


A 43 year old raging pedophile who hates his family. He is also an aspie.


A nerdy tea-sucking british pansy on the Happy Tree Friends forum. He has over 9,000 posts(leading us to believe he has no life in reality), usually due to writing so many of his long-ass fanfics that no one gives half a shit about to read. He has also been claimed to have a disturbing sexual fetishism for various video game characters, such as Yoshi or Pikachu. His daily life mainly consists of the internet, and posting his shitty pictures on Deviant Art. Even though eveyone knows he can't draw, they still thoroughly kiss his ass and praise his drawings, for some unknown reason.


A cock-sucking motherfucking shit-eating bitch.She into Flippy+Stitch(Lilo and Stitch) Yaoi and her artwork is bullshit.


File:Piss demon.png
the fucken piss devil spawn of Nutty and Flaky known as Jun.

One of the most infamous DeviantArt fuckers, CharmyNutty (AKA fannypak88, renella17,KickChick18, AsianChick17, Blondiegal12,Falcon2010, EvilFlyingPancakes and many other names) is a racist cunt bitch that writes horribly shitty fanfics about Nutty and Flaky fucking each other and making Flippy look like a dumbass. She even made a devil spawn, other known as the pissing Jun. She thinks that pissing babies is ultra kawaii desu and will fap to her own pictures of the demon child.


Holy fuck, where do I begin? This girl is the most butthurt faggot you'll ever meet on the internet. She's always complaining about her life and that "she doesn't deserve anyone". Bawwww, but seriously. Once a week she is threating with suicide. She's making shitty butthurt journals about them and she's constantly bawwing about that she's made fun of in real life. One one cares about your fucking feelings, miss. It's the internet for crying out loud. Do it or not.

  • cough* Attention whore*cough*


A shitty Flippy fangirl who claims that Flippy is her husband, claims that she owns Flippy, and says that Mondo Media is her dad. Aside from stealing artwork, she also steals artwork, creates shitty hate art and is also a racist whore.

The king

A worthless, 3-year old, spam-raging faggot who wears a diaper, despite the fact he has to constantly change it after soiling it through with his rage and unfunny use of the MAH BOI meme. He sees himself as the furry king of Hyrule and faps to pictures of Zelda and sticks N64 cartridges up his @r$e. If you come across him, a picture of Ganon should do the trick, causing him to fold like a paper and wither away, his last words being "MAH BOI".

See Also

External Links


Happy Tree Friends is part of a series on YouTube.

Visit the YouTube Portal