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Note: this is an article about an Encyclopedia Dramatica user. For more information, please see the appropriate user page. To leave this user a message, please visit their talk page.
Note: this is an article about an Encyclopedia Dramatica user. For more information, please see the appropriate user page. To leave this user a message, please visit their talk page.
What? This article needs moar drama, lulz, and pics.
You can help by adding moar drama, lulz, and pics.
The message from Oz to Judgement.
Oz Kangaroo
Oz is currently copying and pasting this article into a new article about RaccoonDrew here. He's totally not butthurt about this article!

Porn, when done right, can be an extremely profitable business. Fetish porn, when done right, is even more so. Selling things to perverted freaks to get their rocks off is easy money, and not that hard to do. Even better when you're a furry. All you have to do is claim to be "one of them", and therefore how could you possibly be ripping them off by charging them hundreds of dollars for a little piece of plastic or a pile of rubber cut out to look like a dog?

To fail at the fetish-mongering business is, to be sure, a class A spectacular fail. It's hard to get called out by people who generally don't want the Internet to know they like to masturbate to pictures of balloon animals. But then again Oz Kangaroo (Powerword: Eden Noonan) is special in a lot of ways. A fursuit builder who runs a business called Critter Country as well as a strong fetishist in Inflation which he actually has a business called Squeak Latex. He has recently been called out for his poor business skills and has a history of blocking people, many people have waited years on fursuits but if you are one of his friends you will jump to the front of the line and get your fursuit right away. Some have waited up to four years for getting a fursuit from him while others have only waited a few months.

Last Thursday

Last Thursday a furry named Judgement called Oz out about blocking Marcus out for a status update on a fursuit, which he was waiting nearly five years for a suit, as well as still taking commissions across the board from art, to fursuit to body inflation suits. Marcus essentially got screwed out of $2000 while Oz uses the money for furry conventions.

No Nixx, you aren't wrong in judging him. The guy blocked Marcus because he wanted to know about progress on his $2000 suit that he has been waiting for for 4-5 years, after making excuse after excuse. He's simply calling out Oz to see if just MAYBE that'll be the kick in the ass that he needs to actually get his shit together.


—Range the Beagle on Marcus getting blocked for asking for progress

Isn't chriskitmyth also waiting on a suit from you that was supposed to be done in May? Didn't Drew, Blue, and Captain Furry get suits from you in the 4-5 years that Marcus had been waiting? Maybe he cares about this because, ya know, the people that he's friends with are getting screwed out of money cause you keep making excuses and not following through with your end of the bargain.


—More damning evidence from Range

Back when i first talked to him, i asked him about fursuits and how to make them. This somehow piqued his interest and thought I wanted to commission him for a fursuit. After attempting to tell him that i was just asking for details on making my own fursuit, he kinda blocked me in a not-so-nice way.



I got a friend of mine who has been waiting for 2 to 3 years to get a new version of their fursuit from Oz since their old one has basically falling apart that was beyond repair. Now he is getting really pissed at Oz and he has every right to be. What Oz really needs to do is to worry about his personal life like refunding EVERYONE who has been waiting for basically years for a fursuit that will never come and STOP going to furcons since he says that he lost his job and whatnot. I mean, what happens if something happens to him like get seriously injured or worse? Then everyone who is still waiting to get their money back from him will be seriously screwed over. When I always try to talk to him online he never speaks to me unless most likely if I was going to get a commission from him which shows you that unless you got money and want something from him, he is not going to waste his time with you. I always see him online and always try to say but he never answers and signs off. I know his fan base is going to slam me for this but he is a self-centered egotistic jerk, plain and simple.


—Axelwolf proving that unpopularity won't get you a suit from Oz very quickly

In other words if you are a popular furry in the furry fandom or a friend of Oz Kangaroo you can pretty much guarantee yourself that you will get a fursuit within a few short months by jumping the line; but if you aren't then you will have to wait a few years.

Tombfyres Point of View

Tombfyre decided to side with Judgement on this issue by igniting old drama from 2002

I've always been polite, don't want to get into internet drama fights, try not to use pointless slandering and bashing against someone. Even if they're doing it to me.

But Tombfyre.

Fuck you buddy.

You're someone I considered a friend. Not someone I really talk to much these days, but one of the first people I knew and met way back when I first go into this.

I've done no wrong by you and for you stand up with Hiro for the sake of agreeing with him, with out knowing shit. Makes you a terrible person.

Not sure why it even bothers me. I mean sure you're an old friend, but I mean who cares. You're just some fucked up drama ridden artist who hasn't gotten any better since 2002. All your works look like they're drawn on MS paint and you should stop trying.

Post this in your journal, I don't care. You really hurt my feelings and god damit if i'm not going to get a little bit of pleasure out of trying to hurt yours.

You're an asshole.

Have a good one.

Oz :)


—Oz Kangaroo on igniting old drama with Tombfyre

Tombfyre didn't talk to Oz in years when he attempted to Oz just ignored him due to his popularity with people saying that Oz is a total douche though popularity will pretty much turn a person into a bigger asshole which will make things really awkward for another popular furry by the name of Macrocelli.

Oz Kangaroo's Defense

Oz pretty much chewed out Marcus, Judgement, and Tombfyre because of the drama since Oz says he was falling behind, having stress and essentially everything since he doesn't have a 9-5 job this is his only business. As for the contest winner from a year ago doing a contest Oz held, he is just keeping on getting the cold shoulder.

Furry Down Under

In 2010 Oz organized a furry convention in Australia. Now, I can't speak from experience, but booking out a hotel, getting the rooms, getting all the staff, and getting people to actually come requires a lot of time and money. Considering he didn't have a proper job, where was he getting money? I guess you could ask his line of commissioners that paid him $2000 for a murrsuit from him. Several of them have waited years, assuming you're not popular or a friend. This also ties in with his "Life is busy" excuse. Another example of him taking on even more work when he's already loaded with it.

Not so fair dealings

When it came time for RaccoonDrew to upgrade his furfag status and get a fursuit, he was going to go with Rubbertex Raccoon. Unfortunately for Drew, that didn't happen, as it was around the time of a convention. Oz contacted Drew and all but demanded that he get a suit from him instead. Oz needed money, and Drew was popular enough to actually get a suit from Oz, cause that would get his name out more so he could enlarge and stroke his ego more. Oz blackmailed Drew into getting the suit from him under the logic "If you don't buy a suit from me, I won't be able to go to this convention and people will be mad at me for not coming. They'll also be mad at you by proxy for not helping me financially." so Drew went with him to avoid hug box army RAEG directed at him. Drew sent him the money and waited over 9000 months to get his suit. Oz ended up not going to the convention. When Drew finally received his suit, he wore it out at the next convention he could go to. Not at all due to Oz's perfect craftsmanship, the suit began to fall apart thanks to some hot glued seams coming undone. When Drew contacted Oz, he basically got the middle finger and was told "It's not my problem" leaving Drew to fix the suit he paid $2000 to get made himself.


(This section is only a small piece of the pie. You can read more about Triggerfox in his own article.)

At least 100 years ago, Trigger was involved in a very gay relationship with Oz Kangaroo, another furry in Australia. The relationship lasted for quite a while as far as furries go, until Trigger's masculinity was stripped from him. While attending college, his bros found gay furry porn of him and his e-boyfriend on his computer. In return 100 CCs of bro rape were injected into his ass. With a sore ass, he was "forced" to move to convince his daddy to pay for a different college in order to hide his homolove for Oz. With this move, Trigger proceeded to delete fucking everything that ever related to him or Oz, as well as deny that entire period of his life. In doing this, he became the biggest pussy in the fandom. He is still very sensitive about Oz. He also hasn't been able to hold down a successful relationship since Oz, since he doesn't know how to handle a woman and desires cock. Even though his gay love for Oz remains, because of his relationship with Oz, Trigger developed an inflation fetish, which resulted in many pictures of Oz filling him with hot air.

Oz and Trigger
File:A butthurt Trigger gets himself censored.jpg
Oz has Trigger censored after Trigger cried like a little bitch to the FA admins

But wait...

Based on facts and irrefutable evidence, there must have been some sort of hueg pile of furfaggotry that was unrelated to Oz.

  • The whole Oz drama was occurred sometime in 2008
  • His oldest journal entry dates back only 8 months ago
  • Got butthurt when he found out his fursuit was initially competing against Oz. Politely asked for his nomination to be withdrawn. asking to be dropped
  • Triggers old comments on Oz from 2009 are here

Rubbertex Raccoon

Recently, Rubbertex Raccoon complained that ED user Blackreign a.k.a. Oz Kangaroo was trolling him on ED, adding his real name on the page via Twitter.

Oh good. Looks like Oz is trolling me on ED again under his 'Blackreign' alt name. This time he posted RL info like my name it appears.


—Rubbertex on Twitter

After said post, friends on his on Twitter decided to call Oz out on his faggotry which lead to the following butthurt response in which he tries to play the victim:

Not here to stir drama or drag anyones dame through the mud. But I don't appreciate having random strangers send me twitter messages and notes saying what a terrible person I am, I should stay the fuck away from RR.

First of all, it's wrong to assume and go pointing fingers without knowing for sure that it is indeed that person giving you trouble. I don't know you Rubbertex, I have no problems with you and don't flatter yourself to think I would waste my time writing troll fed drivel about anyone on Encyclopedia Dramatica. Be it you or any of the other "we hate Oz crew" (which no doubt this journal entry will make into yours truly ED page.)

People who know me well enough, know that I wouldn't go hiding behind an anonymous user name to try and hurt someones feelings. I have the balls to say it right to there face. I really am sorry to see someone write disrespectful things about you RR, it does suck and everyone has feelings.

Look, I really steer away from drama and only speak up about issues when my own reputation is being slandered by some paranoid guy on the other side of the world. So Mr Tex, I have nothing against you and you should sit down and think that maybe there are others out there who really don't like you.

To your friends and followers, I don't hold anything against you either. You're only sticking up for a friend. However, don't go following your friends blindly into "battle" without knowing full details or assuming that what they are stating are 100% fact.

Lastly, I too have had an ED written up about me. Judging by it's content I have a fairly good idea who it is too. Do I care? Nope! If he wants to waste his time, be my guest. :)

In fact I look at it this way. You're not popufur in this fandom unless people are jealous enough of you to write up and ED page.

So RR, feel flattered someone out there wants to spend his days writing about you.

Not impressed by you bad mouthing me and sicking your dogs onto me. But, you're barking up the wrong tree and should look elsewhere for the culprit.


—Oz points out this as well as Rubbertex's article

After the journal was posted, the expected fanboy responses were left supporting Oz except for a certain few:

Accused of something? QUICK! TO THE HUGBOXMOBILE!

Besides, anyone that pays attention to your ED page knows your Blackreign.



When you Scanner Darkly yourself you kind of look like a tool. Knock it off.


—Jirris not impressed by Oz's whining

Oz is currently massaging his hurt ass by writing an emo article about RaccoonDrew here. Be sure to drop by his talk page and let him know what you think of his plagarism!

External Links

See Also

Oz Kangaroo is part of a series on


Visit the Furfaggotry Portal for complete coverage.

Oz Kangaroo is part of a series on YouTube.

Visit the YouTube Portal