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The skins. (or just Agar) is a shitty free online browser game that consists of colored balls, known as "cells" that move around on a grid with invisible borders. The main objective of the game is to become the largest cell in the server by eating up smaller cells, and/or stationary colored dots, known in the game as "food", all without getting eaten up yourself. Provided you don't get preyed on by other people seconds after you spawn, you will get a place on the high scores board if you become one of the top ten largest cells in the server; however, YOU probably won't even get on the 11th spot in the top ten. Smaller cells also cannot eat up any cell that is larger than them, nor can two similarly-sized cells eat each other up. You use your mouse to move around, and split by pressing the dubya key. Oh, and don't touch those stationary green squishy things; those will fuck your shit right up and likely cause massive butthurt on your part while you watch the other faggots on the server gobble you up like a fly on shit.


Skins play a large part in; in fact, they have several shitty skins if you enter a certain nickname for your cell, such as Hitler, or Stalin. Some people use these skins as a method of trolling, however their attempts often fail miserably and often end up rage quitting due to getting eaten up repeatedly over and over again. Skins
Skin Comments
UK Changes the cell to look like the UK flag.
US Changes the cell to look like the Americunt flag.
Texas Changes the cell to look like the Texas flag.
Mexico Changes the cell to look like the Mexican flag. Show how much of a beaner you are by sporting this limited edition skin!
Canædia Good skin, eh? Changes the cell to look like the Canædian flag.
Ireland Luck o' the Irish. Changes the cell to look like the Irish flag.
Denmark Changes the cell to look like the Danish flag.
Italy Mamma-mia! Changes the cell to look like the Italian flag.
Japan Changes the cell to look like the blood-spotted Jap flag.
Brazil Changes the cell to look like the Brazilian flag.
Quebec Because Quebec separated from Canædia, it deserves its own flag, amirite?
Germany Changes the cell to look like the German flag.
German Empire Changes the cell to look like the German Empire flag. Just a ripoff of the other flag.
North Korea Changes the cell to look like the North Korean flag. Sport this skin if you support our gracious Supreme Reader, Kim Jong-un.
France Changes the cell to look like the French flag.
Norway Changes the cell to look like the Norwegian flag.
Iran Changes the cell to look like the Iranian flag.
Iraq Changes the cell to look like the Iraqi flag.
The Ukraine Changes the cell to look like the Ukrainian flag.
Portugal Changes the cell to look like the Portugese flag.
Taiwan Changes the cell to look like the Taiwanese flag.
Russia Changes the cell to look like the Russian flag.
Tsarist Russia Support the commies.
Switzerland Changes the cell to look like the Swiss flag.
Qing Dynasty You are a hardcore Azn if you use this.
Ausfailia Changes the cell to look like the Ausfailian flag.
Niggeria Changes the cell to look like the Niggerian flag.
Estonia Changes the cell to look like the Estonia flag.
Poland Changes the cell to look like the Polish flag.
Spain Changes the cell to look like the Spanish flag.
Sweden Changes the cell to look like the Swedish flag.
Stalin Only pro-Russian commies use this shit.
Nazi SEIG HEIL!!!1!1!
Hitler HEIL HITLER!1!11! Only for the best.
Piccolo What the fuck is this even supposed to be?
Confederate Let's play a game of Redneck Roundup!
CIA This shit gives you super cool sunglasses and makes your dick longer. 'Nuff said.
Yaranaika Overused Internet meme.
Reddit Show everyone that you are a fat Redditor with this skin.
4chan /b/tards are the most common types of 4channers on here.
9gag Show everyone that you are a 9fag.
Tumblr For Dumblr feminists.
Earth any explanation really needed here?
Steam You buy Valve's shitty games. Why not show it to everyone?
ISIS Allahu Akbar. Allahu Akbar!!! ALLAHU AKBAR!!1!1!
Feminism Self-explanatory.
PewDiePie Yes, PDP is so much of a faggot that he even has his own skin.
Ayy Lmao Overused Internet meme.
Sanik Overused Internet meme.
Doge Overused Internet meme.
Wojak Overused Internet meme.
Bait Bait me on.
Sir Gives you monocle and a moustache. For hipsters only.

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