User:Zaiger/EDF2: Electric Boogaloo

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EDF 2: Electric Boogaloo is the 3.5th incarnation of EDF, or Encyclopedia Dramatica Forums, and has users composed of THE SAME ASSHOLES BUT DIFFERENT, fags and ultimate trolls that everyone falls for anyway. It can be found here. Oh, and did I mention it's free dead alive and BETTER than ever? IT'S FREE DEAD NOT DEAD (and still THE BEST IN LULZ).


Moar info: ED Forums.

Typical post

After ED’s rebirth, the staff decided that ED eventually needed to resurrect the forums where the excess circlerjerk can be sent to. However unlike its predecessor, EDF2 went with better software coated with vast amounts of Javascript as VBull is, indeed, a steaming pile of shit. The first round of EDF2 started with a sense of anarchy as there were only two admins and moderators without ban hammers. A few boards lived and died; the Ponies board is a shining example of this.

Unfortunately around the end of June 2011, a super skilled hacker obtained the forum database’s shockingly complex password, niggers1. Unveiling such a discovery, the forum was hacked and ruined with emails leaked. After nearly a month the forum was back with an even more complex password (n1ggers) ensuring stability. EDF has risen again as EDF 2.0.1, this time, more fucking admins were added thus resulting in immense dick measuring and threats of a ban.

For extra circlejerk the medal system was added to reward users for the qualities such as being a Nazi, a Communist, a hipster, an anti-hipster and so on. Perhaps the most notable addition is the brand new Suck My Dick board, DocEvil’s playgroud for shitposts and Nazi enthusiasm.

To this day, EDF2 remains at its gayest.


Main Forums

  • Hard Gay Chats - This board usually turns out just to be a circle jerk with a bunch of guys all talking about cigarettes and blow jobs or cigarette blow jobs either or hither on yon. Percieved by many to be very erotic. Also, this board was the main victim of the David era, a dark time in EDF2 history when some jackass pretending to be some Christian retard used the trolls' aggressive nature against them, via posting complete faggotry, 99.9% of the time derailing the entire thread from premium content to religious bashing. Lest we forget. It has since converted to the communist hideout. ORIGINAL BIRTHPLACE AND HOME OF CIGARSEX!

  • Shitpost Metropolis - Shit post board populated by 12 year olds who, due to endless social and household rejection irl, feel the need to find the attention they are so desperate for online.


  • Space Ghetto - 4chan, now on a forum!
  • The Locker Room - A board about asking questions about sex. As one can expect, generally uninhabited.
  • Casual Friday and Hard Gay Saturday - A board where you can make up a story about your latest gay orgy and pretend it actually happened.
  • Skarfin Material - A board about how many chocolate dildos you can ingest in one minute.
  • Hall of Æpic-Forum's Staff-picked archival service. As expected from the Staff, they only pick boring threads for archival.

Dramatica Help

  • Encyclopædia Dramatica Collaboration - The board about complaining about stupid shit the board constantly does.
  • Personae non Beefis - A board about fail trolls pretending they hate Encyclopedia Dramatica so other fail trolls can think the former is not just bullshitting the latter so the latter says mean stuff to the former. TL;DR: Trolls trolling trolls.


  • News - A board about copypasting stupid shit happening outside of your Basement.
  • Culture - A board for posting fapfics or something.
  • Link Forum- Really the only thing of interest on the Forum.


  • Social Networking - A board for complaining about why no one gives a shit about your Facebook/Twitter/Google+.
  • Gaming - Other than threads existing only to make the board just like /v/ for 4chan rejects, the only other thing that comes out of this board is the occasional "ED (insert shit MMO here) server" thread, because you know the first thing you want to do when you are a part of a group famous for it's backstabbing heartlessness you want to join it's group on your favorite game!
  • Trolls - a board for posting whatever shock image and gorefic you find lying around on the internet. Would actually be a good board if the title of the fucking board did not point out the fact that these are just bad trolling attempts.
  • Computers and Technology (the board formerly known as "Softwarez- The board formerly known as Technology")-A board for complaining about how shitty our IRC is and requesting impossible programs.
  • Anonymous and Chan Culture- A board for complaining about The Borg and having meaningless *Chan wars, all rolled into one! Previously known as Anonymous until a complaint to have the board removed only had the name changed.
  • Music, Movies and Media- A board about arguing about which shitty heavy metal band is better, complaining about shitty movies (I.E. any movie) and being a nostalgiafag.
  • Wikipedia - A place to bitch about why Jimbo dropped the banhammer on you. Also used by 13-year-old boys for posting Wikipedia Porn. Known for being removed and then restored every few weeks.
  • Weeaboo shit-A board to laugh at people's desicions in shitty japanese cartoons because yours are just as shitty. Also, very ronery threads.
  • DeviantArt -A board discussing dA and trolling carfucker fanartists. Sometimes lolcows and whiteknights come here and make a fool of themselves. You can gain internet tolerance by going to the thread "What The Fuck Fetishes". Strangely enough, the kind of guys who could fap to the pain series can't stand a little disproportion-AUGH MOTHER OF GOD WTF DID I JUST SEE OH NOOOOO MY BRAINS ARE BURNING
  • Furries - Where people whine about furries then go jack off to yiffy pr0nz


The Primo moderator team of the ED Forums CAN NOT ban. This meaning the forums are basically an Hard Gay Chats Explosion of Lulz 24/7.

You will be b&, although, for being a complete and utter faggot, spamming pointless things (sans Viagra) and insulting one of the tops dogs of EDF2: Electric Boogaloo.

In Jokes

  • Niggers1 - This was seriously the password Ryan set for the EDF2 database. God only knows how it was up for a full three months before the inevitable brute force.
  • Cigarsex
  • ***Official Thread of X*** - Started by holy roller ChristianWarrior94 with the post ***OFFICIAL THREAD OF CHRISTIANITY***. Surrounding the title of a thread with triple *'s has set the standard for officialdom.
  • Negi's dong - See gallery below
  • DIAF's tits - Lost in space, but countless stories have been told and retold of the horror that grazed EDF for a few hours one horrid day.
  • Adolf Hitler- A forum poster registered by the name 'Adolf Hitler' and instantly trolled DocEvil by impostering. DocEvil said he was going to ban Hitler unless the poster wrote Hitler on his ass. The poster did and it became the background of SMYD for a couple of days before the other Admins got butthurt and had DocEvil remove it.


See Also

External Links

Zaiger/EDF2: Electric Boogaloo is part of a series on

Homosexual Deviants

Visit the Faggotry Portal for complete coverage.

Featured article November 16 & November 17, 2011
Preceded by
Zaiger/EDF2: Electric Boogaloo Succeeded by
Ubuntu and Great iPhone 4S disappointment of 2011


Noob Introduction Forum

Main Category

Lulz Valhalla

Hard Gay Chats

Religion and Politics

Shitpost Metropolis

Forum Bling Shop

Where to get your EDF gold account , upgrade your account with extras, or downgrade someone else's (All proceeds go to the keep ED online forever fund)

Dramatica Help

Encyclopedia Dramatica and MediaWiki content, complaints and technical area.

Encyclopædia Dramatica Collaboration

Personae non Beefis

Computers, Internet and Technology

Secondary Category

A place to post links and share content (even original content) from around the internet.


EDF Lulz Media Library

Your Shitty Projects

Space Ghetto (Image Dump)

Hall of Æpic

Internet Subcultures

Weeaboo and Furries and Trolls, oh my




Weeaboo Shit




General topics not really related to anything or each other.


Foodz & Booze

The Locker Room

Music, Movies and Media

Staff Forums

For Moderators Only!



Trusted Forum


Tsunæmi of Poon

Pr0n - People of or over age of consent in their local legal jurisdiction in various compromising positions.

Filthy shit