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RainFurrest was a Furry convention that was held in Seattle annually from 2007 until 2015. It's future is currently in limbo and it's unknown if they will ever hold a convention again. The convention in general was routinely plagued by two main problem areas, the first being an overly large influx of largely unsupervised manchildren mixed with alcohol and marijuana use and the second being hate breeder types who want to shit all over the manchildren for being what they are, to the point of sabotaging fire alarms in an effort to get the con forcibly shut down. It is very unlikely the convention will come back any time soon, largely because those running it don't comprehend that when hordes of manchildren are involved you need hordes of ADULTS around to supervise. This is especially unfortunate to OTHER furry conventions because the hordes of manchildren will simply "adopt" a new convention to forcibly make their own, which in turn will create the same problems all over again. On the brighter side, with any luck and given enough concerted effort, babyfurs could potentially ruin and shut down EVERY furry convention.

The average attendee of a Furry convention.


RainFurrest was organized after the original Seattle furry convention Conifur Northwest was canceled in 2006. Dennis Avner was one of RainFurrest's first Guest of Honors at it's first convention, held in 2007.

Being located in Washington, the convention was mostly organized by SJW's who wanted to make sure the convention was a safe space and nobody's feelings were hurt. It was essentially a IRL furry Tumblr for the weekend, where nobody could do anything wrong and walking around in a diaper was A-OK because saying that was inappropriate would be kink-shaming.


Since Rainfurrest was held in Seattle, part of the Pacific Northwest which is known to be the Babyfur capitol of the world, dozens and dozens of diaper-clad manchildren would waddle on down to the hotel year after year and literally shit the place up. This included strewing bags of used diapers around the parking lot for the hotel staff to clean up. Naturally, the babyfurs deny that this was their doing, suggesting that trolls must have been the ones to create three bags worth of dirty diapers. Yeah, right.

Pamperchu was one of the convention's more notorious diaperfur regulars.

Just a reminder people jerk off to this.


Rainfurrest 2015 was the final Rainfurrest, and also the year the hotel finally told these furry manchildren to GTFO and never come back.

The furries managed to rack up tens of thousands of dollars in property damage (which wasn't unusual for Rainfurrest) which included flooding a bathroom over a server room and clogging the hot tub drain with towels and burning out the pump. On top of that, the fire department had to show up numerous times to treat people suffering from an overdose and there were a few assaults, both the sexual and old-fashioned types. Couple that with people walking around in diapers and fetish wear and leaving diapers in the parking lot, and the furries wore through the hotel's remaining patience real quick. Sunday night, immediately after the con ended, the hotel distributed letters to the con attendees telling them to sit down, shut up, don't have parties, and to stay quiet or they would get kicked out of the hotel.

Yes, those are bags stuffed full of used diapers.
It’s my opinion that what really killed RF2016 was RF2011 to RF2015. During those years we failed to deal with problem behavior as it started happening. We failed at every level of our organization: we didn’t adequately staff the event to cope with our growing numbers, we didn’t work with our venue to discourage bad behavior, and we didn’t create an environment where people who wanted to solve these problems were able to. As a result, damage to both the venue and to RainFurrest’s reputation escalated yearly, and by 2016 it had reached a point that I now believe was irreversibly broken. The rest of this letter explains this opinion in detail, but that’s the summary: RainFurrest was irretrievably damaged before 2016 began, but we could not — or chose not to — see the damage.

We as a convention were entirely unwilling to hold people accountable to standards of behavior. Although we laid out policies to create a healthy and respectful space, we didn’t enforce them. We didn’t need to raise our standards in 2015; we needed to adhere to the standards we already claimed to have. More importantly, we needed to have been doing so consistently all along. Other cons have almost identical language regarding expected public dress and behavior in their codes of conduct, but they don’t seem to have the problems we did with people using the headless lounge as a petting zoo or having to summon the ambulance multiple times per con for drug overdoses. We had become a “safe” space to violate the rules, because we had a long history demonstrating that there would be no consequences.


a Rainfurrest board member


The manchildren that ran RainFurrest were delusional enough to think that, after their last hotel dropped them, that they would be able to find another hotel to wreck in 2016. Their prayers seemed answered when a hotel in Spokane offered to host them because the manager was too stupid to figure out how to use Google. All was going well until someone wrote a letter to the new hotel that laid out Rainfurrest's history of debauchery and property damage, at which point the manager canceled the contract.

As a result, it's unlikely there will be a Rainfurrest 2016, as by this point there is enough shit out there online that even a McDonald's manager would probably refuse to host a gathering under the RainFurrest name.

See Also


RainFurrest is part of a series on


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