Jesse H

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This person has Assburgers Syndrome,
so you can't say anything bad! :-(

Be aware of that, you insensitive fuck.
Jesse Herring
Name Jesse James Herring
Massa Kang Jesse (Self-Appointed Title)
Born September 15, 1997 (27 years old)
Gender National Socialist
White Hebrew Israelite
Internet Nazi
Incel (currently)
Nationality Amerimutt  
Residence Pelican Rapids, Minnesota, Jewnited States of Americunts
Religion Atheism (formerly)
"Christian Identity" (current)

Jesse James Herring (aka. FluffyPup357758 on Xbox Live and HailVictory1488! on discord) (Changed his Gamertag to Rockwell6419 and now uses Telegram as JesseHerring88) is a jobless, low-IQ neo-Nazi with no life whatsoever. Jesse spends all day everyday living in his Grandma's bedroom of her section 8 housing where he plays video games and yells online all day.

Jesse's start as an Internet laughing stock amongst political circles began around 2016 and would eventually lead him getting into legal trouble with both enemies and allies of the White Race. Many people would consider him an autistic basement dweller, but he actually lives in the bedroom of his grandmother's subsidized-income apartment for the elderly. He also doesn't have a diagnosis for autism, meaning he's just a flat-out retard, like a nigger. He enjoys getting mad on Xbox Live, blaming jews for every problem in his life and making youtube videos that prevent him from getting a job (it's da joos fault).

He looks up to his lord and saviour Adolf Hitler. His room is nicely decorated with ϟϟ and Confederate flags, and filled with Nazi symbolism. He runs around the street shouting heil Hitler in his low-IQ retard outbursts, while wearing his Nazi clothing (only if he feels extra fancy). He likes to show his friends his 3 inch peen. He is super proud of his 56% white genes thinking that he is actually aryan.

He is not aware of the fact that you have to change the way you speak when you make jokes. He is very proud of his skill of playing the guitar he acquired during his 6 months of classes when he was ten years old, but then stopped learning it since he:"Does not give a fuck about a gay ass instrument." He will, on the occasion he is trying to impress women, pretend to take up hobbies that might impress his potential partner.

This is our beloved Jesse H. with some of his quotes


When I was in school between 7-9 grade my IQ was 98


— Jesse James Herring

  • "Oh, to be honest I've never had anyone"
  • "Can I get a picture of you sucking on your toes up close?"
  • "duh, imma bit buzzed right naow guiss :(((( "
  • "When I was younger I had ADHD"
  • "I'm eating gogurts their really good"
  • "When I was in school between 7-9 grade my IQ was 98"

Stuff he is good at:

  • Foot fetishes
  • Death threats to 10 year old children
  • Master of the microwave
  • Master of masturbation
  • Accidentally sending his 3 inch peen to everyone in the discord server
  • Can make mozzarella sticks and pizza bites in the oven(which according to him he uses for killing jews)

Jesse's foray into neo-Nazism:

Larping out in public all by himself, Jesse decides to LARP and wave his Chinese-made Nazi battle flag to own le international jew.
Warning signs your son/grandson is becoming a violent sociopath. The flags double as cover for the holes he's punched in the drywall.

Early in his life, the young Jesse was raised by a batshit insane Pentecostal mother. He was raised under homeschooling with no access to television, media, or, ironically, his favorite thing to consume 24/7, video games.

Around 2016 was when the young Jesse began to harbor his current beliefs. He attributes his racial awakening to having seen ragebait videos on JewTube of Whites being beaten up by Blacks. Coincidentally around this time, was when his mother got into a relationship with a hawaiian man, referring to him as a 'pineapple nigger'. Jesse's profound racial bigotry, foul language, and the fact he was a grown ass man by this point resulted in his oh-so loving mother in kicking him out of the fucking house and telling him to GTFO.

Having had this epiphany that the niggers and their entourage of nigger-lovers are out to get the White man, he naturally turned over the most logical solution: larp and bitch online like a faggot.

The newly formed Nazi's next order of business was to drop out of high school with the excuse of it being "Marxist brainwashing," clearly showing that he has no mind of his own. However, he has said that he still studies on his own, which really just means listening to schizo ramble on with unsourced data and consuming cringey right-wing memes. Again, this shows he doesn't actually care about challenging himself ideologically and learning about his "movement" that he idolizes so very much.

His heroin-addict father (no joke) was barely ever around to teach young Jesse how to not be a beta faggot, which ultimately led to him becoming one. However, his father is known to give his son big boxes of 45-pack Walmart cookies (Jesse's favorite cookie in the whole world :D). The cookies given to him by his father are the only thing stopping him from ending it all, apart from alcohol. (This bit here is out of date as his father OVERDOSED around 2021).

He was an edgy teen, since he started smoking when he was just 14 years old and has never stopped. Similar to his junkie of a dad, the cartons of cigarettes are the only thing keeping him from killing his Grandma with one of his many firearms he keeps in her bedroom.

Jesse's "Ideology"

Jesse's political ideologies, if you even want to call them that, are basically just a set of all his sick fantasies that he will never be able to bring to fruition. He doesn't concern himself with economics at all, but you can bet that he is always thinking of new ways to restore social order by ironically causing more chaos!

Most notably (and disturbingly), Jesse likes to conjure up various torture methods to employ on enemies of the White Race when society crumbles and he comes to power. Race traitors, such as White women who fuck Black guys and faggot Whites, he says will be subject to having their genitals mutilated and breasts breasts chopped. He's THAT insane.

NatSocks need to have a herd mentality and act like literal bugs. - Jesse

He is also obsessed with being a true Aryan, even though he has green eyes. If you dare say that he has green eyes, he'll call you a liar. "They have a ring of blue in them!1!11". He most likely lacks any true ideology, and just likes to pretend he's a real Nazi while LARPing in his Nazi beanie.

Selfie that Jesse took of himself in his aforementioned Nazi beanie which he blew a significant portion of his limited income on. Impulsive purchases on stupid shit like this is a habit he has maintained to this day.

The biggest insult to injury is that Jesse, despite wanting to take total control over America as leader of his own Nazi organization, lacks the basic skills to do so.

Jesse the Wannabe Jew:

Despite claiming to be a Christian, Jesse does not actually follow traditional Christianity nor attend Church. He instead follows a narcissitc bastardized denomination that was created in the late 1990s as an offshoot of British Israelism.

Enter Christian Identity.

Christian Identity claims Jesus Christ was a blond-haired and blue-eyed Aryan man, despite evidence of opposite. Of course, pissbaby White Christians have to find a way to cope and maintain their narrative. Christian Identity is perhaps the most unhinged and pathetic cope by White Christcucks by larping as literal Jews. Not only do they claim Jesus and the Israelites were White, but that they are the direct ANCESTORS of The White Race.

Instead of studying the actual Bible, Jesse enjoys watching schizophrenic conspiracy videos about Whites being the chosen seed of Adam videos on JewTube and Telegram.

A basic run-down on exactly WHAT this wigger believes in. As the video shows, Christian Identity/British Israel is another schizo denomination for the batshit insane, just like his Pentacostal shithead mother. Guess the apple doesn't fall too from teh tree or something, amirite?.

In short, Jesse is a dumb wignat who is still stuck in his Abrahamic Jew ways that he was brainwashed into. The only difference now is he has to use extremely non-Biblical arguments backed by nothing to maintain a narcissistic bastardization of the Bible.

Jesse causes the downfall of a White nationalist group

Most notably, amidst his time spent going outside in 2020-2021, his moronic spergout form of "activism" has also led to the DOWNFALL of various neo-Nazi groups. Below is the correspondence he had with an individual who noted on how his group lost all investors because of Jesse.

"Long story short, I uh well maybe am, *puffs cigarette* long story short, a kinda maybe a lil' wee bit of a wignat afterall. Long story short."

Pioneer Little Europe in Kalispell, MT was essentially a set of Whites-only communities that served as a sanctuary for White supremacists that are sick and tired of being around so many god-dang niggers and spics, like Jesse himself. However, they made the grave mistake of taking him in as, like most wignats, he winded up being a complete retard, causing PLE to go under.

Jesse commits a hate crime

On January 8th, 2021, Jesse Herring tied a Confederate flag to the front of the Museum of Jewish Heritage in New York City in one of his failed attempts at 'activism.' Of course, no one looked at the flag of the long-dead US Confederacy and had a racial epiphany, as the Jesse had hoped. What did ensue was the Museum staff immediately taking it down, and then issuing a statement that they were pressing hefty charges against whoever was responsible. For a self-identifying "National Socialist" who wants to instigate an explicitly racial holy war, he really cucked out here with his choice of vandalism. I mean, a fucking Confederate flag? He literally OWNS a Nazi swastika flag that would have actually made sense in this circumstance. It seems like he was too much of a wimp to go all-out and actually send his message the correct way.

Jesse himself has even gone so far as to boast online to people about this despite the fact he's quite literally in legal trouble because of his low-IQ retard outburst.

News coverage regarding the incident that Jesse was responsible for. To this day, they still haven't found the perpetrator, but that hasn't stopped Jesse from blowing his cover by FUCKING TELLING EVERYONE ONLINE.

Jesse's Degeneracy:

Despite his allegiance to the National Socialist worldview, Jesse himself is himself rather degenerate and doesn't have very high standards. His general dimwittedness resulted in every problem he has to face conveniently also has a bullshit excuse made up by him to excuse accountability. Every little thing Jesse wants he feels should be handed over to him. This mentality, despite being the opposite of NatSoc, carries He may not be training to fight a race war in real life, but you can bet he's busy doing it in his all-time favorite pastime of playing Xbox Live (essentially making him the Chris-Chan of neo-Nazis).

Jesse also has more addictions than friends, notably his foot fetishism, addiction to smoking cigarettes, excessive porn and fapping to feet, fast food, and Xbox. He loves to wear his beanie with the German eagle and a swastika around in public. He wears basketball shorts and a t-shirt all year round, even in freezing cold and never takes off his running shoes even though he, and I quote: "Does not work out at all".

His diet mainly consists of cheeseburger chips, mozzarella sticks (which he can prepare himself :D), big salads (without the dressing),6 packs of shit beer, cigarettes and the big cum. Jesse never in his life has had a consistent sleep schedule, due to him staying up late without restraint playing vidya. This results in him crashing at 9 in the morning and waking up at 9 at night to start the cycle all over again (THE PERFECT LIFESTYLE FOR A TRUE NATIONAL SOCIALIST!).

Jesse's life as a braindead retard gamer

Jesse also has a tendency to chimp out like a nigger, especially while playing whatever current autist shit he's into at the moment. His favorite video games include Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 (formerly), trolling little kids on Roblox (yes, he's that juvenile), driving games, simulation titles that let him do things you could literally fucking do IRL, and 7 Days to Die because he's an autist for anything zombie-related.

He has been known to scream, punch holes in his walls, and destroy controllers in a fit of psychopathic autism rage. Not only has he done this, but when his grandma threatened to take his precious Xbox One away, he threatened to kill her. Many, many times. This angry and volatile personality that Jesse openly exhibits to everyone has resulted in him getting trolled and made fun of over the course of the many years he's been on the Internet, especially Xbox Live.

No matter where this white trash roach goes to leech off others', a trail of filth follows. Unkempt, unhygenic, and where he spends 90% of his life playing Xbox

Of course, you will ALWAYS find him doing exactly this all day in "his" room all day:

Jesse sperging out on camera over fucking Call of Duty being too hard.
He continues to have sperg-outs over video games just like this to this very day.

A photo Jeffy took of his controllers he's destroyed in a psychopathic gamer rage whenever something goes wrong in one of his Xbox games.

Jesse has an obsession with constantly making jokes about niggers when he isn't going on a tangent about how jews rule the world with the very few people who agree to talk to him. This, as a result, has offered him very few friends apart from the people who like to fuck with him online. In fact, you'll often find Jesse replacing words in songs and jokes with 'nigger' just because he is so obsessed with hating them. If anyone disagrees eith him in the slightest way, he wants them dead. He once told a friend of his to kill his based grandpa because he didn't agree with him completely. He also makes weird mom jokes that often incorporate his fetishes, such as saying "Your mom pissed in my mouth xDdd".

In fact, even even 6 years later after this article was originally written, he STILL continues this behavior, demonstrating his immaturity and general retardation. Not a day goes by for the lonesome Jesse where he isn't screaming violently at someone (usually his Grandma who he still lives with).

Local activists who called out Jesse Herring during one of his sperg-outs.

Once a "friend" of his called Microsoft support to report him as a prank, and it was all on mic. Jesse heard it all and proceeded to rage to the point that his grandmother had to come into the room to tell him to STFU. He then started screaming at her (as always with his loved ones). There was no report made to Microsoft, but it was a damn good prank.

Perhaps the best part of all, though, is when Jesse sent a picture of his micro-penis to a catfish over Discord. He later claimed it was "seven inches" and "as long as his hand". Speaking of virility issues, that brings us onto Jesse's next arc.

Jesse the Incel Cuck:

Here, you see Jesse being put in his place, emasculated and subordinate to the woman who is more man then him.
His second and last girlfriend, a fat, disgusting, ugly, old alcoholic whore who looks like a tranny.

Like 90% of White Supremacists, Jesse suffers from not getting White women to like him. This is of course due to him consistently living off of other people such as his Grandmother for all of his life and not ever maintaining a stable job. This lack of self-awareness and constant need for female attention has caused Jesse to only prioritize creepily asking random White girls out and bribing them with gifts.

The only two times in his whole life that he actually managed to get a girlfriend (and laid) was with two unattractive, old white women who still were disgusted with him. His first girlfriend was a girlboss who pussywhipped Jesse into being her bitch-boy while he undoubedtly dissappointed her in bed with his 3-inch pecker. Not to mention she wasn't likely too enthused the potential man in her life was still unemployed and playing video games. Needless to say, it didn't last long.

The second, and last girlfriend he's ever had, was a psychopathic, old, unemployed, alcoholic whore named Vanessa, who he was with for 2 years. This was where the rollercoaster unhinged aspects of his life begin to show.

To add insult to injury, but it's greatly believed that Vanessa did in fact CUCK Jesse with a mutual friend.

You see, living in the absolute filth of your Grandmother's single-bedroom apartment doesn't exactly hit off well with the ladies, so it was inevitable that she was going to get sick and tired of his shit. She would spend about 3 months at a time living with him in his Grandma's tiny Section 8 apartment, get fed up with how much of a pigsty it is, return to Minneapolis, and stay over at their friend Doug's place in between. Mind you, Doug is not a married man either, he's actually a recently divorced, single man who Vanessa, according to Jesse himself, was one of the few people she actually got along with. In other words, Jesse is most certainly, on top of everything else, a cuckold.

Since then, Jesse has been dry and going more mad everyday from the lack of foot fetish sex.

Nowadays, you can find Jesse perving around and stalking random White girls out in public and online, taking note of where and when he saw them. He has, on numerous occasions, went on to purchase expensive gifts for strangers that he's interacted with as a gesture for them to fuck him.

For example, he once spent over $70 on a zippo lighter, a leather sheath, a butane refill AND put it all in a cheesy little wooden chest for presentation to a female tenant at his grandmother's apartment whom he literally only spoke a couple of times. As you can imagine, she was very creeped out by it all. Jesse is notorious for being horrible with his finances, making impulsive purchases regularly on stupid shit. Coupled with his social retardation, he's a perfect cadidate for findom.

That brings us next to Jesse's depraved, perverted side.

Jesse's unquenchable lust for Aryan feet

The most depraved and disgusting vice that Jesse has become notorious for is his unapologetic (like everything he does), raging fetish for women's feet. He has gone on to watch countless fetish videos and content online for many years, making him unnable to truly be atrracted to Aryan beauty, which is claims to love. This has also further lowered his double-digits IQ from the excessive dopamine stimulation that porn causes.

Jesse went on to admit that he wasn't able to fully satisfy his ex-girlfriends with his dick (gee, I wonder why) until he started using his fingers. Meanwhile, Vanessa, the fat, ugly old bitch that he barely managed to keep around for 2 years, didn't even let him cum inside her because of how small and disgusting Jesse's tiny white prick is. Jesse, instead of bearing great shame and embarassment from this situation instead used it as an excuse to make his already disturbed girlfriend give him a footjob

Examples brought to you by Telegram and Quotly:

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External Links

Jesse's Telegram and Xbox profiles, where he lives 24/7:

His X (Formerly Twatter) Profile:

JewTube channels:

Media outlets covering his defacing of the New York Holocaust museum:

Montana Nazi Jesse Herring by montana161 on 2021/01/13

Sources with direct links to Telegram messages:

Jesse's Clone with a lesser form of autism/Assburger's

Jesse H
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