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Gex was a series of platform games from the 90s that wanted to stand out from the rest of furfaggotry low effort platformers plaguing store shelves, so it started insufferable Gecko named "Gex" who has the humor of a 13 year old boy trying to be "radical". Get will never shut the fuck up while you play, and will try to troll you as hard as possible to create a lulzy reaction. Your going end up rage quitting from Gex alone, so we advise you to not play the games.


  • Gex: The first one that came on the 3DO Interactive, and later became a pack in as it was the only game people gave a shit about. Basically you could live your dream as Gecko hitting people with his tail, while he shouts catchphrases to remind your dream was a mistake. You travel through TV channels referencing pop culture. Nobody fucking bought so it was released on the Sega Saturn and PlayStation.
  • Gex: Enter the Gecko: NOW IN 3D!!!!! and twice the amount of obnoxious catchphrases referencing pop culture. You travel through a bunch of TV's each with a bunch of shitty TV shows that were made up that ripoff shows in real life. You can wear costumes to make the Gecko even more hideous to look at.
  • Gex 3: Deep Cover Gecko: Now your an undercover agent trying to save your human girlfriend "Angent Xtra" who is the leader of TV Terrorist Defense Force. Basically you travel through a bunch of TV Channels again.
  • Gex 4: CANCELLED!!!!! Was going to be on PlayStation 2 and GameCube but cancelled because the 90s were over.


  • Gex: The combination of the most cancerous things about the 90s, into one character. He spends his time watching TV in his bedroom, as he has no life whatsoever. He has to shove his catchphrases everyones face and will. never shut the fuck up about it. All he cares about is his worthless TV.
  • Rez: The "villain" who spends his time trolling Gex by destroying his favorite shitty movies, so better movies can be made. He has done less harm to the universe than Gex, simply from not creating as much disease. Sadly he dies in Gex 3 instead of Gex himself.

Yeah that's it, everything else is just a bunch of minor characters that were killed after one game.


The series will probably never come back as it should. There is no need for a new Gex game, or any desire. The closest thing you will every get is this shitty game called Whiplash. A rabbit and an inflation bunny were conducted in an experiment, but then it got fucked up, and now the two animals are chained together. This got controversy before the game came out in the United Kingdom by some groups saying it promotes animal cruelty.

Square Enix for some reason still has hope for a new Gex game. However even they know that making a new Gex game is a waste of time an resources, so their lending shitty indie developers to make a new Gex game. One company actually wasted their time for a pitch, but Square Enix just wanted Gex to fuck off.


For along time Gex was left forgotten in the 90s, as it should. This is because nobody wants to remember the Gecko or had any reason to. His obnoxious catchphrases and unfunny pop culture references were kept in the 90s. He was abandoned as a mascot because the executives hated him so much, that they decided put a shot gun in his face to kill him for the rest of time, well that's at least what should of happen because they attempted to resurrect him from the dead. However each time they decide not to realizing the amount of brain damage he would cause.

But then the unfunny JewTuber known as Scott the Woz put a joke about Gex on one of the shitty videos. He then made more unfunny jokes about the game, usually coming from this annoying fat fuck with unhealthy obsession towards Gex. This led to many cancerous memes being created about Gex. Bringing the character back into into relevance undeservingly.

All the memes center around Gex sarcastically being praised in the most unfunny ways possible. A Gex meme acts like he is comedy gold, even though he's not. All these memes do is cause harm for future generations, as Square Enix might bring him back because of memes. Hopefully he stays stuck inside of his time capsule.


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See Also

  • Tomb Raider: From the same company.
  • Deus Ex: Also from the same company.
  • Bubsy: Another character that should of been left in the 90s, yet some how got new games
  • Family Guy: Also uses pop culture as a replacement for comedy.
  • Unfunny: What he is.

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