Encyclopedia Dramatica:Needed/Proposed/a2

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This is a fluffy example. It's cute. Silivrenion 07:11, 17 April 2011 (UTC)



Smosh is a shitty piece of shit group of shit heads (Ian and Anthony) that get paid money by their prepubescent fans in adsense revenue. They are unfunny and douchebags. 'Nuff said. Proposing a Smosh page. Typing in "smosh" into the search field redirects it to Unfunny, but the astronomical levels of shit spewing out of that site necessitates it's own page. Besides, it has a long enough history, too. I can do it, but contributions are needed.--Doom 02:49, 3 January 2012 (CET)

idk, really it's just typical youtube 13-year-old bullshit with no drama/lulz related to it. Fred would probably be a better redirect, seeing as it is the exact same thing. Or maybe that one other guy that took their place (can't remember his name). 20:49, 10 January 2012 (CET)
  • This has nothing to do with anything, but when I saw the word "Smosh" I immediately thought of the Smosh room on Jersey Shore. Fuck I need to stop watching reality tv. ~Legi0nAn0nymoose
  • What Meepsheep said. This is the reason ED has had several Youtube cleanup drives in the past. Some users are popular, sure, but there is nowhere near enough drama/lulz to justify them having a page. It would get repetitive as shit. Smosh, Fred, LisaNova, RWJ... really, they're just all self-important self-promoting faggots who use/too/many/video/cuts. TylerRosenow º Ӕ talk º 04:39, 15 January 2012 (CET)
  • Little known fact, Ian sucks off Anthony at the end of every episode. It's always edited out however.

Deleted/Removed Youtube videos

So I noticed that a lot of the articles featured on Youtube Lolcow pages have missing videos, some examples VampiricSpektor, Rootbrian etc. Are missing videos. If any of you have videos saved that were deleted from Youtube please let me know and I will re upload them on yt. It get's real fucking annoying looking at an older article that has a ton of blank videos that are just taking up space. Please let me know if any of you have saved videos of past trolling events and I will mirror them on Jewtube so the articles won't be cluttered with blank sections. ~Legi0nAn0nymoose

  • Another thing, I have no issue uploading any vid that was removed unless it violates Youtube's standard TOS. Videos like the Butt dance vid that Vampiric did obviously can't be reuploaded on yt. If you have a vid that is to obscene for Youtube standards try uploading it onto Vimeo or Photobucket. ~Legi0nAn0nymoose
you can upload videos that youtube tos'd to dailymotion and embed from there. Provided some angry person doesn't DMCA. 04:51, 15 January 2012 (CET)

ex girlfriend

Your ex girlfriend is an individual who completely hates you. She left you for multiple reasons. The first reason that she left you is due to the fact that she is a complete, and utter whore. Meaning that she likes, and wants, as many cocks inside of her as she can possibly withstand. The second reason that she is an ex girlfriend is the fact that you are a complete fucktard. You play videogames all day and have no ambition to pound sweet vag. The third reason that she is an ex girlfriend is the fact that your best friend is much better looking than you. It isnt very hard for him to look better than you considering the fact that you are a complete ogre. The last and, final reason that your ex girlfriend is an ex is due to the fact that you're uncircumsized, making you a gross, STD-ridden, fuck. She has no reason to want to have sex with you, due to the fact that you are an STD-clad, disgusting, deplorable excuse for a human being, you fuck.  — Preceding comment added by Pit fox (talkcontribs), 06:18, 15 January 2012

You mad.

wat. K★D W♂TH F♥CE 11:23, 17 January 2012 (CET)

Help on the Colony Drop article

Hey, me and my friends made a stupidly long page about the other end of the retarded spectrum of anime weeabootry. If you're interested in the anime too, and not like what the fuck these really fucked up jack offs have to say, and want to unload a mass of funny ridicule, while improving upon it, go right ahead. Take care. Animelovercauseitsover 05:18, 17 January 2012 (CET)


After reading this fat whores youtube profile I think its time she earned herself an article. Its like PissedOffVideoGamer and Nichole337 had a retarded baby. A lot of potential for an LOLCOW judging by her "To all those hatin ass People" video. I just started an account and I don't have the balls to create the article myself.

Reasons she needs an ED article: She makes the shittiest covers EVAR, she says she doesn't care what trolls say and yet she makes videos asking trolls to stop trolling, and of course SHE'S A FAT PIECE O' SHIT AND MUST BE KILLED WITH FIRE

In case you haven't heard of her: http://www.youtube.com/user/nanaluvstroubles?feature=watch#p/a/u/1/sIG1qyxWl9I MAN THE HARPOONS! --FarBehind 02:13, 18 January 2012 (CET)

I vote you lrn2type and writeyrownshit. If there is enough drama there, write an article. ED is not your personal army. How many internets does this supposed lolcow have to "earn" before she's worthy of your own attention? Problems? Come at me fgt.AnonCrank 17:35, 20 January 2012 (CET)

We are all looking forward to your lulzy article on this blubbery lolcow! Please make it NAO! --MegaManSwordMan 07:43, 27 January 2012 (CET)

Encyclopedia Dramatica's ShockofGod Article Needs to Be Restored Like the Pat Condell One

About 1 year ago around January 2011, I recall there was a very well-written article about the uber- USI Christfag, ShockofGod, but I am a little bit disappointed that the article hasn't been restored yet unlike restored Youtube articles from the old ED like RayWilliamJohnson, Pat Condell, and MannixThePirate. Could somebody please restore that article from the old Encyclopedia Dramatica because I think a lolcow like ShockofGod needs an ED article.

[Here's a snapshot of that article from the WayBackMachine.] --MegaManSwordMan 07:36, 27 January 2012 (CET)



These people are fucking evil bastards. Keep banning me for claiming to be like Hey zeus! Oh and for some reason they think that there is "Evidence for God From Science" Wow, those zombies need brains bad. JESUS WAS A ATHEIST. true. All the cool kids are. Oh and Hi there. (please direct me to the rules so I don't fail hard.) JezeusTrollzyou 05:39, 1 February 2012 (CET)

Consider making an article on abridging

I have searched all over this site for abriding related stuff and all I have found is a page on LK that only gave a brief description of it when there is sooooo much material for lulz --TheTroks 00:31, 2 February 2012 (CET)

Which are the REAL lyrics for "Your Own, Personal, Penis"?

I was singling along this silly song, when it hit me to check the InterWebz. There's [1] and [2] but I'm not sure I trust either to be 100% correct (I just know mine were wrong). As final arbiter of all things culture, ED should hold a little Council of Nicea, cut through the culture wars and elevate some version to official creed status. Wnt 16:37, 2 February 2012 (EST)

No Doodle or Die or Sharktits articles

I'm starting work on DoD, but someone's gotta pitch in on Sharktits. Seems like nobody archives screencaps of those in DoD except for /v/ on occasion. --Enig of Norway - Talk Haus 23:00, 3 February 2012 (EST)

Help on the Katiesinger123 article

Just made an article on a youtube sensation thats gripping the nation. Shes got over 16,000,000 views but no articles about her so i wrote one. this ones causing loads of controversy on utube. Need help with images and videos and anything else such as statistics and events which can be followed concerning this utube user Thanx  — Preceding comment added by Deathdefy (talkcontribs), 12:38, 4 February 2012

  • I did my best, but I believe it still looks like complete and utter shit. Douche McCowfucker 18:36, 11 April 2012 (BST)

Stanley Thorton

This guy runs several infantilist websites, including a forum. He's been all over the media, from Taboo to Glenn Beck. How does he not have an article?  — Preceding comment added by Tacowiz (talkcontribs), 05:25, 6 February 2012


Or totalfucktard whatever, this guy totally warrents it, trying to be more british than he actually is and portraying himself as the complete stereotypical brit to yanks in order to gain views. Overrated and rages so hard at troll attempts that even reddit had to calm him down. Im surprisd he doesnt have an artical yet considering the dirt on him  — Preceding comment added by Tagofman (talkcontribs), 15:57, 9 February 2012

^^ fuck knows who wrote that...

[3] --fuck 06:58, 1 April 2012 (EDT)
Went link hunting, here's what a quick Google turned up >

Cyrinic 17:24, 31 March 2012 (EDT)

Just added an article on him, let me know what you think. I didn't expect it to be this much work, honestly. CrawlingPastaHellion 16:58, 4 July 2012 (EDT)

Awesome, expect him to tweet about it. No really, he clearly googles himself on a daily basis, despite whining about hw he misses his family so much he just sleeps half the day and rubs one off to his ego. Oh wait - my mistake, according to his fans he isnt googling himself out of absurd paranoia - hes doing it so he can 'graciously respond to his userbase'...his base being the entire internet apparently. Srsly dunno who the bigger lolcow is, him or his fans. Can link posts of him going apeshit at the slightest provocation...its not hard to find, just google his name, hes bound to have responded to any thread about him. Wont be long till he comes here. Norly, i just googled him and pulled up the first thread about him and surprise surprise he had a moron fanboi blatantly admit that he found the thread cuz the cynical fucktard tweeted about it. (http://na.leagueoflegends.com/board/showthread.php?t=925698&page=5) why not make all uses of the word hypocrisy link to his fucking entry.

Cool, dude. I think it's time I updated that article I wrote. I'm bound to find some more dirt on him. CrawlingPastaHellion 17:21, 19 September 2012 (EDT)
One more thing I totally forgot: he established himself as a "workaholic". Yeah, dude, some "job" you have there, playing games and then riffing about them for two hours. Some fucken job. CrawlingPastaHellion 12:39, 20 September 2012 (EDT)

Rosalina's Soul Mate

The guy faps to pictures of Rosalina from Mario and believes she exists. http://rosalinassoulmate.deviantart.com/  — Preceding comment added by Maddimushroom (talkcontribs), 18:20, 27 February 2012

Need Something for Finding Notable SonicFags that aren't dead and active furfags

Nothing has been updated in some articles that show notable SonicFags nor have their been any updated furfags and even some that actually need articles, like cumdumpsters, weeaboos/"furaboos?", etc. Because all it shows now is inactive people who gave up on the internet or are no longer paid attention to, MOAR UPDATES  — Preceding comment added by Rainbowdick5 (talkcontribs), 20:51, 9 February 2012

New 4chan boards

m00t is adding up to 15 boards to 4chan and has already added the mlp/, or My Little Pony board. Obviously, just a few days old so not too many lulz yet, but still, new boards means new articles. --Doom 12:37, 19 February 2012 (EST)

  • Do we have an article on what a faggot ALTERNATIVE is on the #4chan IRC yet? Tymec 14:46, 27 February 2012 (EST)

Nada The Damned

This guy is just begging for an ED page. In 2010 this habitual World of Warcraft player posted a lengthy message on the WoW forums against the Church of Scientology and David Miscavige threatening the organization and claiming he had worked with Bob Minton in 2000 to design 4chan.org, Anonymous, Chanology, and WhyWeProtest from the ground up as a means to bring down Scientology using anonymous critics and cyberterrorists. He even claimed that everything from the Laughing Man to the V for Vendetta movie (for the Guy Fawkes masks) to the "Trapped in the Closet" episode of South Park was part of the plan. He was banned from the forums and laughed off of Moon Guard.

Now he's back with a book, an autobiographical novel, he claims, in which he states that his penniless ex-girlfriend has taken over the world using mass hypnosis, and controls every aspect of our lives. He claims that she's killed a bunch of people (and is the real "Kira"), and creates monuments to her special victims by hypnotically having people programmed to create movies, tv shows, video games (such as Bioshock), songs, and more with hidden easter eggs and hidden meanings as monuments to her victims, and that he is one of them. He claims, among other things, that:

Star Trek: Enterprise was cancelled because he liked it and she didn't like him. He says that when she has complete control over everyone on the planet that she's going to make everyone in the world destroy every reference to Star Trek in every form and then forget, as a civilization, that it ever existed, making it completely extinct forever.

The Foo Fighters song "The Pretender" is about him being a sex addict.

The Shinedown song "Sound of Madness"? Also about him.

He came up with the original idea for Deathnote and she stole the idea and had it created, based on the Chuck Palahniuk novel Lullaby. He claims that her personna "The Killer" is immortalized in "Kira" in Death Note.

Captain Jack Harkness from Doctor Who/Torchwood and Michael Scott from The Office are both based on aspects of his personality.

President Obama was elected solely on the basis that he told her he wanted the next president to be black.

The entire economic calamity the whole world is currently suffering through is his fault because again, this ex-girlfriend didn't like him.

There's a shitload more about this guy (I could go on for hours) and his book, which can be found as a free download at http://talesoftheubermensch.com and is about 350 pages of sheer insanity.

Getting good material for a page shouldn't be too difficult, because he can be reached at [email protected] and freely talks about everything related to his experience frankly, warts and all. In fact, it's all he seems to want to do.

Oh yeah, and his girlfriend makes him hypnotically eat his own shit in the book, which he describes in some detail. How can you resist that?

Go get 'im!  — Preceding comment added by HiroProt (talkcontribs), 01:17, 21 February 2012

Chris Chase

Do I accually need to say anything? Jsteel667 14:36, 22 February 2012 (EST)

Apparently, considering we have "accually" no idea who he is. --zaiger (talk) 01:52, 27 April 2012 (EDT)

Needs help

Article not quite lulz, or at least i dont feel it is....User:Werebereus#Who_Uses_Swag.3F Also: Wal-Mart Ninja. Look forward to it.Werebereus 22:11, 23 February 2012 (EST)


Asmilingmalice - Too Cool for ED

No proof of discrimination? Come to Michigan and talk about Muslims with a group of Non-Muslims. Go ahead. I dare you. -ASmilingMalice Only noted entry left about this used to be fantard/troll RoseDincht is Crimson-Silvrblood and needs to me much expanded on as her myspace and facebook pages were recently updated. http://www.facebook.com/malice.beelzebubian http://www.myspace.com/71041932

--TheHunter 11:56, 4 March 2012 (EST)

SUGGESTED QOTN (Tom quits his faggotry)

However, I have chosen not to continue this disgusting faggotry. Something tragic has occurred, which has changed my views on everything. I no longer wish to be here.



Quote can be found here. Equivamptalk 21:20, 29 March 2012 (EDT)

You're editor. Why are you asking? Also I suggest you actually use this to promote the forum. Mike the Great (talk) 21:25, 29 March 2012 (EDT)
Was not aware of that template. Or that Editors could create QOTNs (Though the latter I should have). Y R U BEING MEAN TO ME U GUISE Equivamptalk 21:32, 29 March 2012 (EDT)


Devin Lesang

http://www.furaffinity.net/user/lesang/ http://www.youtube.com/user/Dlesang http://lesang.deviantart.com/

Gay(Mistercollie is a man) furfag, who produces extremely disgusting fat furry porn often involving males.

Also a brony who has recently been discussing his mcDonalds visits for the purpose of getting the my little pony toys. He is becoming increasingly faggy with everything he does.

I am unable to write the article myself, because my grammar habits are confusing. no idea what the fuck this is about.  — Preceding comment added by the bring of fail (talkcontribs), 03:05, 2 April 2012


If you have a spic friend that knows english, and lurked enough for knowing about the internets, bring him here since i need spics for a little work atm.   Snape    talk    contribs   19:58, 11 April 2012 (EDT)

wat u need spics for? [[STONER_FUCKER]] 14:51, 25 June 2012 (EDT)

Article on Mocospace

The site is a breeding ground of pedophiles, dramawhores and lolcows, with plenty of drama. Why don't we have an article on that place yet? Lol bitches 14:36, 15 April 2012 (EDT)Vivian Ferrox


Oh boy, oh boy, yet another angry reviewer who is just asking for an ED article. Pretty much a rip-off of Zero Punctuation, the only difference is that he is a metal head and talks less about the game, more about the company and the fans of the game itself. Although he claims to hate Yathzee, he throws a massive hissyfit if someone asks him if he was inspired by Yathzee, and same applies to when he is criticised, he just goes on about how hes so much better than the person criticising him. Also friends with META fatass Asalieri and will plug him whenever he gets the chance. Deckard200


you guys think we should clean up the gtaforums page? It looks a little...clustered. Plus, should we put more info on the section about concept threads?---Wesleywillis 07:26, 20 April 2012 (EDT)

>we Mike the Great (talk) 17:12, 20 April 2012 (EDT)

The FBI Least Wanted List

This is totally true. But I bet ED could do better... Wnt 12:50, 21 April 2012 (EDT)

Asbjørn Olling

Archived thread. This started as an ordinary /r9gay/ bawwwshit, except for the OP being openly underage. After about half a bump limit, shit resulted in deanonimization of OP's family. Turned out his dad is a Danish ambassador in Bangladesh or some shit. While you may not feel like writing a single fucking letter on this, read the shit. It's goddamn platinum. I can and probably will write some stuff on this, but English is not my first language. Your fellow slavic dipshit. 09:25, 24 April 2012

Demand Space Station

No clue what the fuck they demand, but I'm (s)trolling around on Youtube, and they sent mass invites. I think they wanna recruit people. It totally reminds me of the space episodes on Archer when they try to terraform Mars. Well, at least they know they need a fucking spaceship.

I just wanna know if it piques an interest or two. --BarrackClinton 11:27, 25 April 2012 (EDT)


hello. hypocrisy is currently a redirect to a wikipedian. the concept of hypocrisy is worthy of an article, imo. -hipcrime 20:05, 27 April 2012 (EDT)

Need Featured Photo

Some incomparable assholes in the U.S. have gotten on the censorship bandwagon to support Bush's Inquisition. Question is... who's got the pretty picture? See [4]. Wnt 20:35, 28 April 2012 (EDT)


Trojan on the IP Article

Can someone remove it please?? RandomPrussian1871 13:46, 03 May 2012 (GMT)

Sarah Phillips, The Amazing Sock Account

Sarah Phillips allegedly being involved in Internet scams using a false identity, is an amazing lolcow. Working on adding this article soon Dancingsandwich 08:39, 4 May 2012 (EDT)

2.ch Stalker thread saga (AKA Denko guy)

It's all in here :[5]

#whatshouldwecallme Tumblr


at first im like:


and then i sober up and im all liek:

almost raped

This is every college girl's new favorite thing evar, "It's totally what my life is like!!"

"And, like, had you even heard of these jiff files before?? LOL they're so funny!"


Anaximander 21:14, 12 May 2012 (EDT)

i lol'd ~ [[User:Evilea|E [[User talk:Evilea|v [[U Mad|i [[Rape|l [[Faggot|e [[Cunt|a 22:45, 12 May 2012 (EDT)

Colonel McBadass

(Youtube) A fat, creepy, sociopathic pedophile who was banned from TV Tropes for creeping on a 15-year-old girl. He then went onto YouTube and started harassing her, stalking her, and making death threats against her. He also made a whole bunch of videos where he called her biased simply because she doesn't want a bunch of grown men perving out over her. More information about him can be found here. --ThermidorORCA 13:15, 15 May 2012 (EDT)


Can an admin delete this? I found/made a full size version, which I uploaded as File:Haithread.png, so this thumbnail is no longer needed.--Yutsi 21:52, 15 May 2012 (EDT)

  • It looks to me like the pages that link to the file now point to the full image file so I wouldn't worry about it  TUXLIE  18:35, 17 May 2012 (EDT)


ImageShack Video Another sick fuck shock video making its way around the internets, compared by some to 3guys1hammer if not worse. Pussies. --Gallipolli 16:33, 27 May 2012 (PDT)

Turns out that while his article was the AotN he was killing and dismembering someone! He left the torso in a suitcase downtown Montreal, and mailed at least one foot and hand. http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/ottawa/story/2012/05/30/ottawa-body-parts-investigation-dead-or-alive.html --Shutupman 16:21, 30 May 2012 (EDT)

  • That was fast. --Gallipolli 22:53, 1 June 2012 (PDT)

BG Kumbi

He's a 12 year old failtroll that likes to troll people. He supports reddit and 9gag, and he declares war on 4chan like a homo. Click here to visit his YouTube page. Ivo Robotnik: SnooPING AS usual I see! 15:54, 28 May 2012 (EDT)

I stopped at "12 year old"...seriously, a TWELVE YEAR OLD...on the fuckin Internet? How tha'fawk do you ~expect~ a TWELVE YEAR OLD with overly neglectful parents who use the Internet as their kid's babysitter to act? I mean...come on, don't justify such tweenage muppet fucks with the negative attention they're so desperately seeking. When you run into a situation like this, it's best to handle it by finding out who the kid's PARENTS are and then sending them a BILL for your "online babysitting services"...and I shit you not, some will even pay it! o_O
--Onideus 17:23, 1 June 2012 (EDT)
Mmmm, forgot to mention, that works with other stuff too. Like sometimes I'll randomly send bills to various corporate entities, usually for really off the wall, nonsensical crap, like charging them for having lousy service, or not including enough shrimp in my Cup'o'noodle...and some of them will actually send you a check! Usually only for little amounts though, like $5 to $10.
--Onideus 04:18, 2 June 2012 (EDT)

Dear Cis People

Apparently we don't have a Good New Article submission area anymore? Either way, Dear Cis People is very popular around the internet as of late and would probably do well with a mention on the front page.--MeetTheMedic 10:15, 30 May 2012 (EDT)


Bus monitor bullying video

This is seriously the lulziest thing to happen in a long time. How is their still not an article on it?



852derek852 17:36, 28 June 2012 (EDT)


Haven't seen an article on this guy, could provide many lulz.


feminist bitch gets trolled on kickstarter

might be lulzy? LurktheEdiot 20:33, 12 June 2012 (EDT)

4Chan is providing the grief, but until the bitch picks up a book on how to make video games, Anita Sarkeesian has no right to complain about why Lara Croft has big tits. The problem is NOT THE GUYS who are in the Video Game Industry, but the women who are NOT in the Video Game Industry. Until then, SHUT UP WOMAN! --SadMonkey 23:53, 12 June 2012 (EDT)
Seriously, there's no Lara Croft article? I bet most of you young EDiots don't know who she is! I guess you could call her a MILF at this point, amirite? --SadMonkey 23:55, 12 June 2012 (EDT)
are you talking about this lara croft? LurktheEdiot 12:24, 13 June 2012 (EDT)
That's a good idea. Sarkeesian rants on Feminist Frequency are lulzy. But is better to wait until her magnus opera Tropes vs. Women in Video Games will be released.--Sveracrux 19:15, 5 July 2012 (EDT)
I second the motion proposed to wait until she makes her GOTIS totally manifest with said "opus". I've been doing some catching up on this hypocrite and a half, and while there already exists a plethora of dramatic materials (from fail premises, in fail videos, to fail white knights), I think the meat and bones of the article will have to be about where she's encroaching on trolls the most-- i.e video games. That'll be the real lollercoaster. I admit though, when I saw she had made 160,000 dollars for basically doing nothing, I was immediately pissed, and forced to contain my kneejerk reactions to a few strongly worded opinions among friends. It struck me that she shouldn't be complaining about trolls when the PR she got from them made her such a fuckpile of cash. I can only hope she gets trolled-out at the end of the day, and shamefully drummed off the Internets. Barrabas 17:27, 10 July 2012 (EDT)
I'll write a Draft in this week, then I'll post the link here, in order to ask you for some help. Even TOW is documenting the Kickstarter lulzfest.--Sveracrux 10:44, 27 August 2012 (EDT)

The Legend of Korra Fandom Bitches

Tumblr's got a lot of ATLA/LOK bitches. Let's name them, shall we?

Anti-Mako bitches

Bitches that think Mako is the devil.

  • angelrin89
  • asamies
  • avataraang
  • avatarsnowy
  • awakeningeden
  • im--bolin
  • misssquare
  • m0thafutzkinkorra
  • sassy-asami
  • majority of the male population
  • majority of Asami fans
  • majority of Borra (Bolin/Korra) fans
    • and the one and only fuck-mako!! :D

How dare you fuckers change it back. Hapsysquid 15:03, 30 June 2012 (EDT)

The Legend of Korra Rewrite Project bitches

A group of BNF bitches on tumblr trying to change up the entirety of The Legend of Korra with an idea of their own "my way is the only way that's the right way" story. They also prove themselves to be the worst of the worst by making themselves look like they're better than everyone else within the Avatar fandom. Now they're calling it an AU fanfiction project, LOL stupid fucks.

Rewrite Project skanks consists of:

  • fangirlingforeverz (opinionated bitch)
  • toxicrants (the *~*queen*~* bitch)

Sympathetic bitches consists of:

  • idontneedyourheroact
  • legendoftheavatar
  • pencilpaperpassion
  • beinghipsteristoomainstream
  • chaoticrice

And the list is continuously growing to this day!


Or RuRude-pon is honestly just asking for an ED page to get off her high-horse, she's a fat, shiney animu artist on deviantart who shot to popularity by sucking the e-cock of friendship with frzdragonshe believes she is above public decency and finds it perfectly fine and just to insult and verbally hurt everyone and anyone with the excuse that she is being "logical". She has a personality flaw where she loves being two-faced, where on deviantart she is all chipper and "nice" to people, gushing nice words to those idiots that are lured in like moths to her shiney cliche animu artworks, and suddenly turns around on tumblr and bitch attacks anyone or anything who is below her level of logical intelligence or even has an opinion on anything, even turning a seemingly positive thing and sucking it into her hairy grumpy vagina and turning it dark and negative to spit out onto the people of tumblr.

Apparently an ex-friend of hers also spoke about how much of a horrible personality she had, and how she was "emotionally disabled" and that Kururu-pon couldn't accept when she was hurting someones feelings, using the excuse "but i'm being honest" or "i'm just being logical", never ever saying sorry for ANYTHING she ever did to hurt her now ex-friend. She also has been noticed abusing her power as a moderator on the popular role-playing forum of "iAnti-Virus" as a way to beat the shit out of people's opinions or just the person themselves without being told that she's being a bag of dicks because what would have it? Her best friend the ever popular Frzdragon is the creator of said forum.

Not sure if there is enough on her, I only know of the crap she says on tumblr and on deviantart as iAnti-Virus only takes members in twice a year and I don't have an account, above is what i've gathered from looking at those two places and from contacting a few people who had messaged the ex-friend and are on the iAnti-Virus forum asking what happened. (links to them are below)

Her tumblr where she loves to put anyone and everyone down

Where she displays her shiney animu arts and gains ass-pats though she has a two-faced rotten personality

The Oatmeal Vs Charles Carreon

This went from a joke to serious business in a matter of weeks. The Oatmeal was gonna get sued by FunnyJunk owner Charles Carreon unless he paid $20,000 in damages. Oatmeal basically said "fuck u your mama too" and made this indiegogo page in order to raise the money and send that picture of a fat old lady and a bear to Carreon instead of the cash requested. The fundraiser has raised over $200,000 to date, which will all go to charity when the fundraiser ends. Carreon got pretty butthurt and decided to get personal with this guy. There's even this article too which basically highlights that Carreon sued everyone involved in this apart from Oatmeal; from Indiegogo, a fake Twitter account which parodies Carreon (because his name is trademarked) and even Twitter itself. So, is this article worthy or not? Heiness

It's worthy, Zaiger said it needs to be documented, it's already being discussed on TJC, but no one has taken the actual initiative to make the article as of yet. I wasn't going to do it myself, just because my personal band of haterz may make trouble with it later on (as they've done with some other articles I've created), but if no one else wants to make it I guess I can do it. I figured I'd give it like a week or so and then if nothing came up I'd go ahead and start it. --Onideus 07:47, 22 June 2012 (EDT)


I'm proposing the deletion of EvaXephon for being crap and lacking lulz. ED doesn't need a page for every kid who writes emo posts on the Internet. HitlerStache 23:48, 22 June 2012 (EDT)

that shit's barely even a stub. i've checked him out a little, seemed like a typical basement-dwelling faggot. i see little reason for keeping it. LurktheEdiot 21:26, 25 June 2012 (EDT)


Duplicate Image - Needs Deleted



First is bigger. --Onideus 04:22, 1 July 2012 (EDT)

Why don't you just put {{baleetplz}} on it like all the other cool kids? --Gseed 14:37, 1 July 2012 (EDT)
I thought about that, but wasn't sure if it worked or if it was supposed to be done with images...I kinda thought maybe that was just for articles. I've run into that problem before with templates...I mean, you look up a particular template and...there's no real usage information about it. So it's mostly like guessing half the time even how to use it. I'm guessing on the old ED there were Talk Pages with detailed usages information...which of course wound up lost. --Onideus 18:08, 1 July 2012 (EDT)
Direct requests usually work the best. I try to look at every edit but unfortunately am clinically retarded and sometimes don't see when people add them. Mike the Great (talk) 22:17, 1 July 2012 (EDT)


LadyALT69 -- I'm currently uploading the images for this article. I think she's notable enough, but let me know if it's all right and can be redirected to its own page. Crotch 16:20, 2 July 2012 (EDT)

Come At Me Bro

Uh...how does this not have an article? I'm pretty sure it did at one point...ya know, going by all the red links. o_O

--Onideus 17:49, 2 July 2012 (EDT)

First World Problems

Whatcha think? Could it use an article? Could be pretty lulzy I think and there seems to be quite a lot of material to use for it. --Onideus 17:22, 13 July 2012 (EDT)

Mmmm, or I suppose it could just be made as a sub-category of the White People article...with a header like "White People Problems" or somethings like that. --Onideus 17:29, 13 July 2012 (EDT)

Done this. It's over at First World Problems. CaptainAdmiral 08:30, 29 July 2012 (EDT)

Maru Needs A Page

Because...well...because Maru, that's why! --Onideus 21:31, 15 July 2012 (EDT)

Luke Rudkowski

he's been around for about 4 years now on YT uploading videos of successful trolling of politicians, bankers, random celebrities . his latest video featured newt gingrich at book signing (that nobody showed up to) autographing a picture of himself at the bohemian grove. would go great with the alex jones article. http://www.youtube.com/user/wearechange [[STONER_FUCKER]] 03:33, 16 July 2012 (EDT)

If It Fits, I Sits

A LOL Cat meme, I got some material for it already:


Could use an actual article or at least added to one of the existing cat articles. --Onideus 10:13, 17 July 2012 (EDT)

Useful Tools Page

Sorta like this: https://encyclopediadramatica.es/User:Onideus#Useful_Tools

...but with like moar stuffs. Maybe tips and such regarding baiting kooks, like sorta "kook psychology" so to speak as well. Or it could be put into an existing article. Thoughts? Ideas? Random inappropriate phallic references?

Mmmm, I did program a more thorough DA gallery downloader in PHP for myself, but no where to host it at the moment...plus it still messes up on real old images where the naming conventions were more retarded. I don't suppose anyone knows of something better? The FA Extender plugin is REALLY nice, you can mass download whole albums with no effort at all and it works flawlessly! --Onideus 18:10, 17 July 2012 (EDT)

Err, scratch that, I just remembered that I did actually add most of these to this page:
Might be a bit too obscure of a place for them though. --Onideus 13:52, 20 July 2012 (EDT)

Batman Shooter

Needs an article, preferably with a section about the news media cosntantly molesting the story, like nyah:

I am absolutely convinced that it is the mainstream news media that creates these psychopathic killers...I really, really am. The way they incessantly glamorize the event with near 24/7 news covered on nearly every last fucking channel they can plaster it all over, constantly hammering even the most mundane and overly melodramatic, scripted responses and blatant, near nonsensical over exaggeration into the faces of lesser educated morons, all drooling on in blank, fixated stares like a bunch of ambulance chasing, psychopathic, accident gawkers who can't look away...THIS is what creates these killers!
*standby for a string of copy cats*
You ~know~ they're coming now! *rolls eyes*

...well, maybe toned down just slightly. But you get the idea. --Onideus 21:25, 20 July 2012 (EDT)

Yay, it's been started: https://encyclopediadramatica.es/Aurora_Theatre_Shooting
Needs work though...and some redirects would be good too. --Onideus 00:53, 21 July 2012 (EDT)

50 Shades of Grey

Why is there no article on this fucking garbage porno novel? It's selling copies like a Colombian coke dealer selling discounted drugz (it has surpassed Harry Potter as the fastest selling book series in history). To boot, the author is a British, 50-year-old Twilightfag. There will be lulz. It's the goddamned bullshit of the century and needs to be trolled ASAP. Niggerdonius McFagspray(roast) 03:30, 24 July 2012 (EDT)

- Edit: I am no article writer but I agree with you, why the hell not?


John Subera

So I was wondering around the site when I found out that this was the quote of the day

You have violated harassment laws

(https://encyclopediadramatica.es/User:SmGThunderFox) remove my account and we can forget about this. fail to remove it and/or contact me, and I will report this to the police and I WILL press charges against you


—John Subera faggot nolife tries to threaten ED

So I checked him on facebook and found out that he started a fucking ridiculous petition and he is a typical nolife nerd idiot accessing the internet from mummy's basement living in the middle of the nowhere

I think a good article could be written about this faggot and his ridiculous attempts to fuck with ED. Let's make an article about him to show he can't fuck with ED. MUHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

It's really funny in and of itself already, but an article would turn it into a lollercoaster :D CrawlingPastaHellion 12:25, 20 September 2012 (EDT)

cwilliams1976 - Chris williams of youtube

anyone who has been on youtube to look for classic tv clips will no doubt incounted this idiot. not only has he plauged youtube with such shitty videos example of his shitty work where his voice can cut glass and your eardrums.. if you try to tell him his work is shit he throws a major fit over it. lots of piss take vidoes have been made cos of him. and if he doesnt like your and your comments he wil threaten to call the police on you Godofthedevil 14:57, 25 July 2012 (EDT)

  • edit* i can cite refences to his comments pictures of him and how deluded this sad man is.
  • I edited the article before incounteding the above as it was riddled with AIDS... Not having seen the videos I can't comment upon their lulz-levels but I read a lengthy back-and-forth message thread and it would appear some autists are mad at another autist for being an autist who's not labelling his videos as 'mocks' (I assume mockumentary) and how this violates Youtube regulations or something. The OP is on lockdown for a month so it's unlikely to be improved upon before then. - Mr Jonzz User:Mr_Jonzz 18:26, 7 August 2012 (EDT)

Subpages for St. Louis

The header print is getting very small describing some sections of the St. Louis article. I wanted to break down the North and West County sections into smaller parts. Anyone want to back me up on this idea so that the wiki software doesn't flush out some good lulzy content? --SadMonkey 22:36, 25 July 2012 (EDT)


There I was, driving along, stuck behind a slow slow truck, singing "Go fuck, go fuck, a rubbery duck..." to the tune of Pop Goes The Weasel, and it hit me: what can the Internet offer up on the fucking of rubber ducks? Google accordingly vomited up [6]. After three months, fourteen days, and seven hours of intense concentration, I finally realized the purpose of this device. You see, ordinarily, people pity heterosexual guys because they have to put up with whiny bitches that throw tantrums and won't shut up for five minutes, but there's actually one group of people that has it worse --- pedophiles. So this device is really straightforward to use - it's a pedophile pacifier! Poke a little tiny hole at the end of the attachment, fill it with honey ... after four or fives times fooling around with this in the bath, the kid will be ready for the "grown-up version", with just a little bit of honey dipped on the end of it. Ta da! Am I not genius?

Now, the question is, are Encyclopedia Dramatica regulars ready to extend and polish and propagate this meme to all four corners of the Internet? Can people identify dozens of products like this, set up a ring of sites that breathlessly expose this sinister international criminal conspiracy, each referencing the next, until the whole world accepts the clear and incontrovertible facts placed before it, and parliaments around the world rush to pass hopelessly vague, unconstitutional laws against the pedotoy menace? Or at least, since I don't have any more ideas for writing "pedotoy" and my article would get deleted for being too stupid for ED, can someone think of something? ;) Wnt 17:33, 28 July 2012 (EDT)


There's currently a page about the shitty dA/SA knockoff, Drawrawr, but there's not enough editing going on so it just looks like a bunch of unfunny crap with bad grammar. On the plus side, the owner is dicking around on the talk page.

The site itself is a marvel of how bad a guy who calls himself a programmer can be. I have personally found tons of areas where XSS would easily work, and trust me this guy does not know security. -- Mister Lister the Sister Fister 14:25, 29 July 2012 (EDT)


American Cleanup



American English






Seems like some of these could be merged, or turned into a series or something. There's a lot of redundancy. --Onideus 01:41, 7 August 2012 (EDT)

Not Giving A Fuck

Maybe an article of its own, or maybe some text redirects to: Shit_nobody_cares_about

And then new content added to it, like this:

Or stuff like this: http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=385688578127627&l=29fab63d72

--Onideus 03:12, 7 August 2012 (EDT)

Here's some moar material to use:

[Collapse GalleryExpand Gallery]

Some text that could be used/expanded/edited:

The way I see it, every single person you've met, ever will meet, every last person on the PLANET will all be DEAD in less than 100 years...and in the grand scheme of history itself not a single ONE of those people will EVER be remembered for ANYTHING, least of all whatever small minded, backwards, fuckwitted little NONpinions they had about you and your life. They are the absolute quintessence of impotent inconsequentiality.
As such...fuck it, do whatever you damn well please and enjoy the ever living crap out of it. If anyone snits and whines to the contrary with indignant frustration and butthurt, just point and laugh and then ask them if they need a tampon.

Basically an explanation/rant as to why a fuck should never be given. There's other good stuff that could be used too, various flame text memes like, "If I wanted your opinion..."

"...I would slap it out of you."

"...I would give it you."

"...I would ask you to fill out the necessary forms."

"...I would beat it out of you."

--Onideus 17:28, 7 August 2012 (EDT)

Already added the files to Shit nobody cares about. -Gray 13:44, 14 August 2012 (EDT)


Now, I often go on dA to fuck around and troll. Average enough, I suppose. Then I met her. A perfect trollee, a dream in somes eyes. Wonder why she was so vulnerable? A loud mouth, obese, furry, 11 year old, horrible artist with a bad attitude, who constantly complains about her 'terrible' life even though she doesn't have one. She loves warriors, having a 'totally' original cat fursona called Ashpelt, who is equally as bitchy as her. She had two more fursona's, (She's a wolfaboo too :P) A fucktard wolf character called Skrillex, and her awful main fursona Tessy who's based of her feck ugly dog. She got into a stupid fight with another warrior fantard (Although not as trollable) Ask-Velvetpelt, who's art, compared to Blink's, is the Mona Lisa (It is kinda good, I guess) She totally bitch-flipped because Velvetpelt supposedly told another user that she hated Blink (Which, it's hard not too of course) But in a nut shell, she is incredibly trollable. Fucking go for it, she needs a good teaching, since this isn't a one man job.

Her dA: http://xblink-182xx.deviantart.com/ More dA:http://askashpelt.deviantart.com/ More shitty dA: http://askicebreeze.deviantart.com/ Even more shitty dA:http://askrainstorm.deviantart.com/ EVEN MORE:http://askskrillexx.deviantart.com/ ...:http://ask-gadget.deviantart.com/ Tumblr: XBlink-182Xx Youtube: PuppyDog426 Skype: PuppyDogg182


 — Preceding comment added by TheWolfyattitude (talkcontribs), who is too much of a fucking retard to sign their own posts. IT'S FOUR TILDES (~~~~), NOT ROCKET SCIENCE!

So...basically this is just DevianTartlets with personal problems...right. Sorry, but ED isn't yer personal army and this girl is about as interesting as watching paint dry. Why it is you're obsessing and trying to "troll" an ELEVEN YEAR OLD...I'm really not quite sure, but something tells me you're either a tweenage muppet fuck yourself...or you're a pedophile. If the former, please do us a favor by posting your parent's home address as well as the home address of the other underage sperg and ED will be more than happy to send your idiot, neglectful parents a BILL for our online babysitting services. --Onideus 19:42, 13 August 2012 (EDT)

What is the most fragile part of the Earth?

They're at it again: after some dispute in 2010, last Sunday a few Hong Kong dudes went to a privately owned Japanese island that once upon a dream belonged to the Chinese but was sold to some Japs in the late 1890s or so. Considering the island is privately owned you'd think the argument and the situation would totally be in favor of the Japs, but since the island is rumored to have a good natural supply of gas and oil, China totally says the island belongs to them. Taiwan is in the mist too, claiming that the island also belongs to them. Right nao the countries are quite in a stir, especially from China's side of the story.

http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-19312226 http://uk.reuters.com/article/2012/08/19/japan-china-idUKL4E8JJ00I20120819

Things might stir up even more in a few days. I wonder when Korea will show up for the lulz? Heiness 13:25, 19 August 2012 (EDT)

Man, I should totally go there for my next vacation. CrawlingPastaHellion 12:22, 20 September 2012 (EDT)
The Japanese should send some folks out with dynamite and bulldozers to "quarry" the island, then when it disappears beneath the waves, China loses its claim to half the Pacific Ocean. Wnt 13:54, 9 October 2012 (EDT)

Page Suggestion

I believe that this person is deserving of a page because not only has she falsely claimed to be raped several times, she has also claimed that a week after the latest one she took a pregnancy test and was positive. Now anyone with common sense knows this to be false, however point this out on her page and the whiteknights are an immediate source of lulz. Her latest escapade in dumbassery is claiming that she is now a part of anonymous. Both her and her whiteknight endlessly quote the anon motto to make themselves seem cool. With roughly as many page views as LadyALT69 and about the similar amounts of stupidity, I figured someone here should be able to satire her into nonexistence. Anyone who wants to troll the ever loving shit out her would also get a good amount of lulz. Thanks in advance. http://haydendaft.deviantart.com/ (the anon post --->)http://haydendaft.deviantart.com/gallery/38564395#/d5bfwhj Also I was going to post a link to her rape journal but it seems it’s been removed due to the severe amount of story holes. Oh well, there is plenty of other ridiculous journals on there. Vaevictis 20:06, 19 August 2012 (EDT)Vaevictis

Idiot people

I wonder why there isn't more articles on idiot or retarted people. Just two quite recent ones:

A russian single-mom threw out two of his sons from the 15th floor becouse they were too annoying

Idiot painted himself to look like hulk with green paint that is used to paint ballistic missiles and nuclear submarines. Paint did not come off.

-justoneguy 8:03, 20 August 2012 (EDT)

Needed: Million Koran Burn

What's dumber than a tard? Yup, Pakistan!

13 year old tard girl finds page that may or may not have fallen out of a Koran. Burns it with the trash. Now 600 Christians have to flee for their lives.

Now you can say this that or the other thing about it, but there's a huuuuge take-home lesson here. You can officially burn a Koran by burning just one page. That means, any basement-dwelling Internet troll can print out one page on a home printer, use it to train his puppy, fold it into a paper airplane and use it to deliver a special message to the local mosque, smear it in feces and mail it to his favorite Pakistani imam, the sky's the limit, and it counts as a Koran burning! No $1.50 needed, no long-procrastinated trip to the used bookstore! So if people want, ED, 4chan, all the troll outlets of the Internet could join together in one great patriotic event to burn more Korans in one day than have ever been burned since the first day Muhammad diddled a little girl. This would bring great fame, renown, and respect to ED for its contributions to humanity, maybe even a Nobel Peace Prize! Wnt 20:27, 20 August 2012 (EDT)


aka Jody Highroller . white hipster troll rapper that got signed for a $3 million dollar deal with Diplo . member of Three Loco with Andy Milonakis and Dirt Nasty . like a mix of odd future, lil b, and kreayshawn [[STONER_FUCKER]] 00:39, 24 August 2012 (EDT)

Last American hero

A, not an, hero for the masses, for the people of America who have been crapped on, strung along, cheated out of everything they have, rejected, suspected, directed, and un-erected. Or at least he might have if he hadn't epic failed. No, I don't mean Jeffrey Johnson (that wasn't a complete fail), I mean David Sartin, the Hammer of Bitches.

What's so extra sad is, he pays full list price for a "murder plot" for no other reason than that he opened his big stupid mouth and says he's going to give her "lead poisoning". Any decent criminal who knows not to answer a lot of questions would have only been ticketed for trying to steal a whore, which I think is a misdemeanor in Texas punishable by at most two years on a plantation. I'm surprised the FBI bastards didn't tell him she'd be carrying a virulent strain of anthrax in her cunt just so they could hit him up for acts of heinous terrorism. Wnt 12:14, 27 August 2012 (EDT)

Page suggestion: 7jackass77

This girl's insane. She is a deviantart user who has a legitimate crush on the notorious serial killer Jeffrey Dahmer. She's written multiple fanfictions where she's paired herself with him, draws him all the time, and sees absolutely nothing wrong with this infatuation. When people tell her that her fanfiction is inaccurate because Jeffrey Dahmer was gay and a necrophile who would never have sex with an alive female, she gets all butthurt and yells stuff like "IT'S FICTION, I CAN WRITE WHAT I WANT!" When people tell her how fucked up she is, she just is like "I'm so in love with Jeffrey Dahmer! He's the only man I could ever love!" or she tries to justify his killing by saying something like, "He killed people like TWENTY YEARS AGO! So who cares!" I'm actually kind of surprised that she doesn't have an ED page yet...here's a link to her deviantart: http://7jackass77.deviantart.com/ Amphigorey 13:07, 15 September 2012 (EDT)

I've made an article about 7jackass77 but to be frank, it's shit. There was very little material to write about though (apart from the whole serial killer crush) so I guess it's a good start.

Now I wonder how long will it take for Jeffery Dahmer's number 1 fan to realise that she's on ED? Heiness 12:45, 18 September 2012 (EDT)

I propose an article about DR. FRANK GITAU NJENGA, the Kenyan psychiatrist, who practices in Nairobi and owns the following businesses:

Dr. Frank Njenga owns AAR Holdings and its subsidiary companies:

- AAR Holdings - AAR Healthcare - AAR HealthServices - AAR Action - AAR Group Care - AAR Credit

Dr. Frank Njenga was involved in the tribal genocide of people during the 2007 / 2008 elections in Kenya.

In Kenya, justice depends on how much bribe money you pay the police / judge.

Frank Njenga exploits this corruption and cannot be brought to justice in Kenya.

He has raped and molested many of his female patients; including underage girls.

Dr. Frank Njenga is involved in many cases of murder, drug dealing and pedophilia but these ones are documented: http://www.kenyan-post.com/2012/07/esther-arunga-part-2-dr-frank-njenga.html http://www.kenyanlist.com/kls-listing-show.php?id=77553

I am Dr. Frank Gitau Njenga the Cannibal Psychiatrist 11:08, 20 September 2012 (EDT)

Smiley movie about 4chan

There's a horror movie coming out on the 11th about a girl, who goes on 4chan's /b/ and finds a story about a serial killer that appears if you type "I did it for the Lulz" three times in a row. It stars Shane Dawson, and a lot of other YouTube personalities who have millions of subscribers, which means that a lot of people will be seeing it in theaters when it comes out. Here's an YouTube video with some quotes from it. Also, a clip from it was stickied on /b/ for two days. Why is there not an article on it yet?--CrackRabbit 20:19, 5 October 2012 (EDT)

I'll look in to it when I get back from running a show  Bitch  What To Bitch About 20:52, 5 October 2012 (EDT)
  • So Shane Dawson is making a movie about /b/. I'm sorry CrackRabbit, the cancer is terminal. TylerRosenow 20:53, 5 October 2012 (EDT)
It comes out tonight, and apparently /b/tards sent the director death threats> http://www.dailydot.com/news/4chan-death-threats-gallagher/ . They also posted dox, and a lnk to the move at http://pastebin.com/D2CCAsUj --CrackRabbit 19:24, 11 October 2012 (EDT)


We are Legion

A "documentary" about "hacktivism" and Anonymous starring Barrett Brown and a couple of skiddies. It looks more like a mockumentary to me, promoting moralfaggotry left and right with those skiddies monologuing almost the entire run-length. All in all, it's a desperate bucket of fail. It didn't even have anything to say about ED. There's no Anon without ED, that's like the first law of internet's motion.

It's an important topic, so I suggest the best of ED to get together and write an article on it. If it's not done within this month, I'm gonna do it myself though. CrawlingPastaHellion 05:19, 7 October 2012 (EDT)

2012 Election Debates

The election debates are going on; an article on the debates would be a great way for ED to have more political coverage for this year's elections.--CrackRabbit 20:50, 11 October 2012 (EDT)