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Bronystate is typically a streaming site that shows the usual My Little Pony shit, but only on Fridays and Saturdays (or any time of day).

In reality, of course, it's run by moderators who set the rules whenever the fuck they want to, and existing is one of them. And yes, they have site, and it feels utterly empty (can also be found on Equestria Daily).


Bronystate was founded sometime in May 2011 by DCD and Hipster Brony of "Ponychan" (like 4chan only gayer), they showed nothing but girly horse shows (aka My Little Pony), but after moderators such as Sumica and the gang had enough of their shit two years later, they ousted their founders as outcasts and soon enough, it grew into a totalitarian brony site that will only show girly, pony shows on Fridays and Saturdays and force others to watch them, whether they want to or not (even non-bronies are at their mercy).

They also show movie nights (and other non-movie shit) that are often dull and boring enough that makes Michael Bay movies seem tolerable to watch them. Moderators, of course, take no shit from the likes of their own people who find them boring and stale so an estimate number of people banned just to cater their needs are unknown.

Over the years, they figured that the layout was too girly for them and soon changed it into a much more blander, empty appearance, because they don't want to be well-known. And the famous lotteries for movies and ponyfag episodes were changed so only moderators can pick out movies, no matter how shitty they are. And no, they will not listen to suggestions, their streaming site means their rules. They don't care how bored you are, they just don't take shit from nobody.

The Moderators

Yes, there are moderators (no admins and no owners either), and they have absolutely no tolerance for even the smallest fuck-ups. The following members bronies are:

  • Sumica - The self-proclaimed head honcho of Bronystate, doesn't take shit from anybody and is always in a shitty mood as well. A simple "hello" will only unleash his wrath and your ass is gone before you even blink.
  • Judeau - Has a serious attitude problem that makes Phil Fish your best friend. Is on par with Sumica being almost-always pissed off, and shows to have a secret affair with each other. Assume that he's breathing down your neck and will start shitposting about you on every word posted on chat because let's face it, no matter how right or wrong, you're his bitch. End of story.
  • ValtheJean - Suffers from insecurity issues and gets obviously angst against others who claim him to be wrong and throws a tantrum on occasion, it's just cringeworthy.
  • "The Great and Powerful Trixie" - See also.
  • Luna - AKA Waldo.
  • konsoln - Has brains that rival Albert Einstein but is always considered to be the Luigi of Bronystate.
  • CriticKitten - A total smartass who claims to know everything about life.
  • texasboykc09 - Although a moderator, he was forced to become one against his will for reasons unknown.
  • fluttercry - Needs more salt.
  • Vuxul - Second-hand smoker and basically looks like a tranny. Don't be surprised if he flirts with you unless you're into girly men with a crazy-ass hairdo.
  • swack16 - Doesn't do anything except just sit and watch and laugh like a regular basement dweller.
  • Shizuka - "It is MA'AM!"

Rules of Bronystate

1. Always assume that moderators can and will make or change rules (which makes North Korea look like paradise).
2. No saying hi.
3. No asking for shit. The answer is always no.
4. Only moderators stream videos whenever they want, whether you like it or not.
5. No asking "How is your day?".
6.Speak English. No Chinese, Mexican, Flemish, or any dialect that's not in the English language.
7. No staying silent.
8. No posting pictures or videos of any kind, be it porn or otherwise, even if there's no livestream.
9. No spoilers. Seriously they hate that.
10. Don't strike up a friendly conversation with the moderators. It won't end well.

How to Be a Moderator

You just have to pledge your allegiance and sell your soul that you're willing to ban people for lulz, whether they've broken the rules or not, and provide shitty streams for your own leisure. Otherwise, they don't accept takers unless they're bored, as they don't really accept peasants.


See Also

External Links

Bronystate is part of a series on My Little Pony