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Respect her pronouns!!!11

Akamaatsus (Powerword Kimberley; aka Asuka) was one of over 9000 reasons for you to NEVER let your kid near Tumblr. Residing in the 7th level of hell that is Tumblr's social justice circle, the 18-year-old Galaxyprick identified as so/sol/sols/solaireself or it/itself. She's Otherkin, identifying as fire, water, aesthetic, a cat, space, Rin Kagamine, Asuka Langley Soryu, and many more weeaboo-attracting characters. Supposedly, she is Cherokee, Japanese, and Chinese, but we all know that is a lie. But don't even ask to follow her if you're cis, neurotypical, non-autistic, or white (like her), you oppressive pieces of scum!!1!

Trigger happy havoc

Behold the baleful onlookers, bemused by what they see.

Like any SJW, GP loves her trigger warnings. You won't find a post of hers without it being drenched in more trigger warnings than a hooker drenched in cum. Everything is a trigger, from blonde hair to food, suicide, mom, school, boys, shit, cis scum, and life itself. Hopefully one day she'll be triggered enough to get a heart attack.

Some possible triggers. About missing Pics
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Genderwanks and Orientation Boners

Some levels of bullshittery are simply too much to be adequately summarized by the words of another. To that end, here it is, straight from the horse's mouth.

i identify mainly as galaxiegender! i made it up myself. its kind of hard to explain, but its reserved only for neurodivergent spacekin, and its a poc-exclusive gender. i guess u could describe is as “a gender thats vast and mysterious like the galaxy”. u can id as galaxiegender while identifying as other genders (for example, trigender with magigirl, agender, and galaxiegender or be demigalaxiegender) or u can id as galaxiegender alone!


—We're rapidly approaching Poe's Law here, but it gets demonstrably worse.

my preferred pronouns are so/sol/sols/solaireself. they come from ‘solaire’, the french word for solar. u do not have to ask to use them, i want them to be used freely.

i also use it/itself, but u should only really use those if u cannot possibbly use my solaireself pronouns.

if you cant use itself pronouns at all (i dont see why u wouldnt be able to lol), then use fae/faer/faers/faeself or they/them. if if i hate u then u must use the solaireself pronouns or else that counts as misgendering me.


—Her most recent pronouns. The spechulness is strong with this one.

as for orientation, im panplatonic, somewhere in between aroace and nebularomantic, and demisexual


—Can someone decipher what these fucking orientations are?

Mental Illnesses

What special snowflake would Galaxyprick be without a mental disorder? They are all the rage these days in the social justice crowd! Every single one of them suffers from some self-diagnosed condition (usually to use as a 'Get Out of Jail' card) and naturally, this one is no exception. At least she has the honesty to admit it, and surely that counts for something... right? Still, this wasn't enough for our poor Tumblrite GP; she needed to be even MOAR special! Below lies a list of all the disorders she claims to have.

The Self-Diagnosis Sprinkles on Top of the Oppressed Snowflake Sundae

It's particularly funny that she claims to have several personality disorders, especially as young as she 'developed' them, despite medical professionals usually:

  • Waiting to diagnose them until age 18, to avoid labelling what could be adolescent stupidity.
  • Only diagnosing them if the signs are persistent for 6 months or more.

She also doesn't wash her hands after using the bathroom, citing her disabilities, and thinks it's funny to then wipe her filthy hands on other girl's faces.

Galaxyprincet finds this article

Oh, boy! Wait, what?!

After being linked to this page she, unsuccessfully, tried to vandalize it to conform more to her tumblr brand of faggotry under the username Riliane; it has been forever preserved here.

this page was shit so i fixed it also im using tor


—Galaxyprincet, trying to act like an internet tough guy

Galaxy EDits the Article, Part 2: Electric Boogaloo

Fucking A, here we go again....

Sometime on July 2nd, Galaxy tried to edit the article again, because the first one was SO SUCCESSFUL! Lulzy or not is up for debate, but the second modification is preserved forevermore here

Oh Shit, She Writes FanFiction Too??

Yep, that's right, and already plaguing the already plagued-with-shite Dangan Ronpa tag with shitfic that has to be seen to be believed, incorporating Undertale and Attack Helicopter-tier pronouns. It's already attracting God-tier copypasta, TRUE AND HONEST reviews and a whole lot of crybabying from her.

On 30 January 2017, she posted another thing to her AO3. However, this wasn't a fanfic. It was instead a failed attempt at trolling by spamming the Sheith tag.


Galaxias got a job at Burger King , but still won't fucking wash her hands. In California law, this is fucking illegal. "113952. Food employees shall keep their hands and exposed portions of their arms clean."

But thankfully, she got (rightfully) fired not long afterward. She never said why, but its safe to assume, with her past.

FIRED!! from life? Sadly, no.

In July of 2017, she posted what appeared to be her final post to her blog, a really nonchalant suicide note. That, however, turned out to be false hope, as she emerged alive in October of the same year. She is now an alcoholic who pisses herself constantly. It seems that she's working gradually towards being the new Chris-chan now.


See Also


URLs Princet is likely hoarding

(One of the editors of this page is very sure hoarding URLs is against Tumblr rules, too...)

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Galaxyprincet is part of a series on Tumblr.

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