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New York City Atheists

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Did you know?
  • Only pseudo-intellectuals use "ad hoc" as a verb[2].
  • If it takes donations like a church, preaches dogma like a church, and excommunicates like a church, it's a fucking church.
  • Their communication's director Jane Everhart believes the Pope employs people to discredit atheism.
  • They made a deal with the Rational Response Squad, a group known to ask people to donate to third party 501(3)c organizations just so you can get a tax break.
  • Their leader Kenneth Bronstein is now the autocratic leader of his little Atheist Cult
  • It never looks cool if you pretend to know Greek by using a Greek font.

New York City Atheists

Embellishment is OK so long as it generates more followers

New York City Atheists is America's largest atheist cult. They do their best to convert you over to atheism by using hyperbole that all religious people mutilate children's genitals, force their kids into marriage, beat their wives, execute homosexuals, strap bombs to their members and blow up random buildings, and trample on basic human rights. It's not enough that religion is stupid, god doesn't exist, but churches are cool to meet members of the opposite sex.

Teaching hyperbole early.

This atheist cult is complete with

American Atheists are pretty dogmatic
  • Debaptism ceremonies
  • Manifesto of tenets[3]
  • Holy Book [4]
  • Central dogma that the world will be improved by banning religion.
  • Questions critical of the organization are met with paranoid conspiracy theories.

Their dogma fails to sell to anyone with two brain cells. God isn't the issue, religion isn't the issue. The issue always was ass-hats who want power over others and use social stigma to make a small group of people to feel superior.

They claim to support separation of church and state, and to welcome believers who believe the same. The truth is their leaders are bigots who think that some how not believing in God automatically makes you superior to a majority opinion, and so long as their members do nothing, their group will be used as an example by Christian extremists of why atheism is an amoral crock, and the "prayer in school" troop will get out of their ez-chairs and vote.

The Cult Leaders

Kenneth Bronstein

Kenneth Bronstein is the megalomaniacal demagogue of New York City Atheists. He thinks that organizing one blood drive on prayer day in 2007 makes the NYCA a charitable organization. They claim it was such a smashing success that every day is now blood day[5]. He likes to give sermons on how religion teaches obedience to authority[6] but at the same time excommunicate members who are too critical of his militant anti-theism. "As an Atheist, I am proud that I belong to a community of individuals who are lifelong freethinkers and skeptics," so long as they don't question the leader or the ultimate purpose.

Click to see what Jane Everhart says about black person in the New York Times.

Jane Everhart

"Whites Grow Resistant to Back Integration Steps," New York Times, Dec. 2, 1979

Jane Everhart is a middle aged woman living in one of those mythical $800/month[7] rent controlled apartments in Manhattan. Like all activists she's damaged goods. She claims she's an independent journalist who's "credentialed up the kazoo"[8] but when asked the best she can come up with is a psyche(sic) degree and can't remember the Greek letters for graduated with honors. This makes her as qualified to be a journalist as Matt Shizzle. She published an article in the New York Times 2 December 1979 titled "Whites Grow Resistant to Back Integration Steps" where she explains, "...blacks see whites as the enemy, and whites see blacks as a threat. I've been mugged twice, and my son four times -- always by blacks. It can't help but to change you." It's curious how someone who comes across as a racist becomes communications director of an organization that claims to, develop and engage in educational, cultural, charitable, and social activities that are beneficial to the members of NYC Atheists Inc., the atheist community, and the community at large."

The Cult Followers

"If it looks like a church, smells like a church, and takes donations like a church...

Bill C

Bill C is their body guard that gets called when ever Kenneth or Jane have a panic attack and think the Vatican is sending spies to provoke a riot.

"'s a FUCKING church!

Michael Dorian

He's their official blogger[9]. It's his duty to clean up the shitstorms created by their leaders. He enjoys claiming that their communications director and press agent does not speak for the organization. He spends most of his time defusing issues.

Epic Drama

Drama - Jane writes on Greydon Square

Firstly, any competent journalist knows about the Goldwater rule which in simple terms says if you've got a psychology degree, you don't spout off speculative opinions about people in the news such as "'psychotic,' 'delusional,' 'paranoid,' 'schizophrenic,' 'autistic'" [10]. You certainly don't offer a clinical opinion.

I think more likely the assault was the result of inarticulate frustration on Graydon’s part. A lot of that resides in the ghetto... In Iraq, he saw first hand what we Americans do to people we disagree with.[11]


Usually award winning journalists don't write things that read like, "he is a negro from the ghetto, and an Army jarhead to boot." Can we stereotype any further?

Graydon is right to get off psychotropic drugs. As a medical editor, I have come out against psychotropic drugs of all kinds?from Prozac to Ritalin to Paxil to Zyprexa


So this "journalist" can't even be bothered to fact check the spelling of Greydon's name, let alone whether he even takes psychotropic drugs, and worse yet claims it's OKAY for him to get off psyche drugs without having clue one if he's been diagnosed with a condition, and if so if it even is a disorder that results in any social impairments?

Drama - Kenneth Bronstein crowns him self Pope of Atheism

Since becoming a full time activist he did his best to excommunicate members critical of the group, violate the bylaws and name himself Pope of Atheism. Specifically:

  • Section VII - Removal From Office Or Membership. ... B) Removal from office and/or membership requires 75% of the Board Members voting in favor of removal
  • Section IV - Leadership. ... C, v: Any member of the Board may also call for a Board meeting in writing. If the president does not schedule one within 30 days, the Board, by a majority vote, can set the date, time, location and agenda for a Board meeting (according to Massimo Pigliucci) [12]

According to Massimo, Kenneth claimed that new bylaws were passed

  • XIV. Approval and changes to Bylaws: ... B) Approval for change to the Bylaws requires a seventy-five percent ‘vote in favor’ by members at the Annual Meeting or at two consecutive monthly membership meetings. (according to Massimo Pigliucci [13]

Such blatant violation of the 501(3)c organizations bylaws, which are registered with the state, is worthy of complaining to the State Attorney General (Andrew M. Cuomo)[14] just for the lulz.

Drama - Kids get off my lawn

May 2008 - Jane writes a response to a letter titled, "Youth Letting Us Down" where she proposes just because these people were old enough to remember the 60s that somehow it's the youth's fault for W getting into office, and somehow the older generation is simply not accountable for the present political climate. This is in response to a 27 year old wondering why there were so many people older than her at an NYCA event. Jane proceeded to compare George Bernard Shaw, Paul Newman, Katherine Hepburn, and Jane Fonda to Britney Spears.

I suggest you consider the possibility that it might have been more stimulating to talk to these people than to some recent grad on his first entry-level job.[15]--Jane Everhart


Two members took exception to this. This issue was taken up in the awesome Skepchick's blog[16].

Boo hoo for the youngsters who say they were offended by what I said; Come on, kids, take your lumps like grownups.[17]--Jane Everhart


Natty Adams[18] takes up this issue as

Lectures on literary criticism shouldn't look like 70s heavy metal band album cover

well, but is far too passive aggressive to actually charge at the ageist woman. Instead he builds her up a little before taking her down, calling her supportive if (passive aggressive) uncompromising.

Drama - Kiddy Intellectual Fraud

Aug 2008 - Taking major fire from pissing off the sub-geriatric demographic, Jane Everhart went out

On slide 14 we see how shitty Rook's Greek is.

of her way to find her self a boy more than half her age to speak at one of their meetups. Enter Rook Hawkins "self-proclaimed historian" and so called "Ancient text expert" who doesn't even know Koine Greek let alone any other biblical language. Rook Hawkins embraces the Creation-Science of atheism, Jesus Mythicism. He proposes that Jesus was part of some Jewish-Novel over a millennium before the concept of novels was invented[19], and he was an exciting fictional character. This makes less sense than the man walking on water.

"The overall presentation will be a discussion of conflict between historical Jesus scholarship and their presuppositions versus the use of literary criticism and how a better, more probable explanation can be given for the existence of the legend of Jesus. Offering a new interpretation of the Gospels, Hawkins will explain how the Gospels are not representations of a unique form of Greco-Judaic biography that came about sui generis; instead, Hawkins’ will explain how the Gospels better express the genre of the Jewish Fiction novel. [20]"

Lacking any journalistic integrity she issues a press replace making the following claims

  • Rook Hawkins is a public historian.
  • He was invited to write for an academic series & edit scholars' essays.

Two people took exception to this. One William Wrathpig who has his Masters in public history pursuing his PhD, and one Intergalactic Expanding Panda prolific poster of Rants n' Raves and critic of the Rational Response Squad. Panda's e-mail exchange was made public on his shitty blog [21] and is so filled with lulz it's unbelievable. She tries to defend Rook by finding other "autodidacts" who didn't have higher education.

  • George Bernard Shaw - Spent 15 years in school
  • Buckminster Fuller - Went to fucking Harvard, got expelled, but finally got his PhD from Bates[22]
  • Her dad - Spoke 5 languages
  • Abe Lincoln - Ok, he didn't go to college, but he also spent 7 billion on the civil war to solve a problem other nations only spent millions on.

She did her best to dodge the issue, but eventually changed the website to reflect that he was a "self-taught expert"

This led to a public letter on[24], followed by addressing this directly on their meetup site[25]

Rather than actually do her fucking job and verify the facts, or use her critical reasoning skills and question whether a 25 year old had the time in his life to translate the entire bible, she resorted to censorship leaving the comment.

If you are an atheist, why don't I know you?


Here are Jane's imaginary mercenaries, off to invade the blogsphere just to discredit Rook

But this didn't stop there. The fact that Rook's presentation sucked didn't help matters. For one thing, he crammed a 4 hour presentation into 30min. For another he threw in a ton of Greeklish covered with a Greek font so no one could read it, but anyone that could remember their algebra could see that he misspelled Koine (ΚΟΙΝῊ - Common Greek) and gumnasium{sic} (gymnasium-school). He even covered Latin with a Greek font just to look cool as with aeon (αἰών/aion - epoch). [26]Why the hell is he using Greek in the first place when the audience couldn't fucking read it? Why is he using an antique win95 Greek Font when he can copy and paste from Wikipedia? Those who could be bothered to attend found it more painful that watching Kent Hovind misrepresents concepts like DNA. Those who could follow along could boil down everything he said into "The Bible is crap, Jesus didn't exist, because there is no reason to think he did"

His presentation was universally rejected and was told to go to school.

Jane Everhart believes Rook is followed by Vatican mercenaries

The kind reviews stated that "he SEEMED like he knew what he was talking about" but that's because no one understood the subject. Any negative review was deleted.

Kid, you are scary... atheist or not, the world will not be made safer or better by yet another meticulous and compulsive reading and re-interpretation of ancient text! Find another way to get over your early catholic school trauma, ok? --Roy Pertchik


This lead to a small storm of comments on their meetup site. [27][28][29][30] Jane Everhart, rather than admit she deceived NYC Atheists by presenting this guy as an academic invented a paranoid conspiracy where the critics who warned them that Rook is a fraud were theist spies when in fact all the critics were atheists. This led to a FTC complaint for false advertising (Reference #19920134). She wants to convince everyone that there was a Vatican conspiracy to silence Rook when in reality no one has a problem with Rook speaking. He's hilarious. The problem was Jane Everhart resorting to deception promoting an event with an "expert" who translated the bible from Greek, discussing the "conflict between historical Jesus scholarship and their presuppositions versus the use of literary criticism and how a better, more probable explanation can be given for the existence of the legend of Jesus" when what they got was a douchebag that doesn't even speak Greek. The lulz didn't stop there. They discussed the subject of this paranoid conspiracy at a meetup, and the critics where back[31] addressing Jane Everhart's revisionist history and her blatant fraud. Jane could have been easily let off the hook if she were to claim she was deceived by Rook. She's a so called journalist with psychology degree, not biblical studies or ancient languages. She constructed a truly epic 2900+ word paranoid response directed exclusively at Intergalactic Expanding Panda where she makes the claim that his blog comments instant Nembutal yet justify a 2900+ defense, when all she needed to do was verify Rook Hawkins translated the bible from Greek. [32] A Young Truth-Seeker Who Translated the Bible from Greek[33] That's it. One yes or no question to avoid extreme carpel tunnel syndrome. This epic lunacy didn't stop at some guy's blog, it's on NYC Atheist's official blog[34]. And if you bother to read it you'll learn,

The troll IGExpanding Panda (a blogger) was off the wall when he tried to inform us that Rook had no credentials. WE ALREADY KNEW. Did he think we are so dumb that we couldn’t find that out on our own? We thought it was none of Panda’s goddamn business if we wanted to have an uncredentialed person talk to us!


So, they knew very clearly that he had no credentials, but tried to present him as a public historian, an unpublished nobody who was somehow invited to write and edit scholar’s essays for an academic publication [35]. Worse yet, translated the bible from Greek by age 25.

Natty, I not only have been a journalist for 30 years but I won three awards for journalism... Do you

think that I, credentialed up the kazoo with a Phi Beta Kappa and Magna Cum Laude degree in Psychology, am so dumb or inexperienced as to be deceived by a Rook... Rook was upfront and honest with all of us at NYCA about his lack of credentials.



The question remains, who lied about Rook translating the bible from Greek? Rook never made this claim on his blog. How could someone willing to commit serious journalistic fraud win awards? Panic attacks, Vatican conspiracy theories, claims of being harassed all night without a caller ID log or phoning the cops, pestering Bill C to be a body guard, faux-legal threats. All because of one burning question. Did Rook Hawkins translate the Bible from Greek? Why even bother with Rook Hawkins, atheist's Kent Hovind? Well Jane was trying to appeal to a younger audience, but is too geriatric to understand that kids today, atheist kids, are not interested in the fucking bible. Ego, that's what this is about. Jane Everhart can't stand to be corrected. She got caught lying and would rather dig in her heels and defend her self, when she committed an act of fraud. She considers the NYCA to be an extension of her ego, not something she's apart of, and the sooner their members understand this, the better. Critics, don't contact Jane Everhart on this matter. She's butthurt and is crying harassment. Contact the New York State Attorney General[36], The FTC[37] and The Better Business Bureau's Wise Giving Alliance [38]. Intellectual fraud is worse than financial fraud.

I also worked for a Public Relations firm for a number of years—and that’s where I discovered I have the rare talent of writing scintillating press releases.


This must be the public relation firm of Sirius Cybernetics Corporation. Perhaps she's confusing public relations for the abuse department. When other people say "thank you for your time," she says "you probably abuse alterboys you scumbag!" I know it's hard to tell the difference, it takes years of practice.

Butthurt Responses

On slide 15 we see he still can't get gymnasium right, and mixes up his ε with his Η
On slide 21 he can't spell egeneto[1] and he can't get his damn diacritics right. FAIL

I took the liberty to make Rook Hawkins aware that his Greek was crap. Little did I know how shitty his English was too.

By the way, kids, using wikipedia as a source belays your own ignorance.[39]


Because so many people are obsessed with the fucking bible, there is a huge interest in Greek, as such the Wiki entry on Greek is pretty kick ass. But when Wiki is right, and you are wrong, it BETRAYS your ignorance just like using the word 'belay' incorrectly. In the same post he explains, "By the way, they're not called "glyphs", they're called 'breathings' or 'breathing marks'." Slide #14 contained the word ΚΟΙΝῊ which contains a stress or TONE mark as you would expect in Polytonic Greek. I tried to explain this[40] but he didn't get it, nor did it get my explanation about dieresis affecting how you pronounce two vowels and how stupid it is to have it above just one vowel. This only happens when people put little glyphs above their letters just to look like they are smart.

I find it humorous that one slide gets ridiculed as if I have only ever used it once in one slide. [41]


Well if he's this butthurt over correcting 1 slide which was wrong, I correct now two slides which are also wrong. There are others, but I'm lazy. He was rather butthurt at my corrections of slide 14, so I corrected slide 15 and 21. What is moronic is he's using a SPIonic, a 1998 Greek font. He should be using Unicode[42] this way he can copy and paste and not have so many moronic spelling errors.

He quotes the bible and The Odyssey, why the hell can't he get those right. 34% fail!
I would suggest spending the money (or perhaps your parents money?) and picking up the LSJ 9th Ed. Lay off the interwebs for the big-people research, k?[43]


The boy is a member of a tree-house cult. His house is paid for by someone elseRational_response_squad#Financial_.E2.80.93_The_RRS_is_freedom_from_getting_a_damn_job and he lives off his girlfriend and a part time job in a bookstore. Sponging off public donations and $20,000+ wishlist on[44] doesn't put in a good position to be critical of "a whole slew of 17 year olds who live in their parents house." He's a 25 year old who begs for donations so he can read secondary sources to try to prove that Jesus didn't exist. Who cares? But if you're going to PRETEND to know Greek, or even Biblical Greek, the least you can do is learn the name of the fucking little glyphs, and actually USE this Greek Lexicon. Or better yet, copy and paste from the web words that are rendered in Greek already so you don't look like a total douche.

The moar you know

Discuss this issue on:

  • Google Groups Atheists vs Christianity[49]
  • RRS quixotic quest for Mythical Jesus [50]

See the following blogs:

  • The L Magazine - God is in the Pamphlets - New York City Atheists Try to Prove Otherwise[51]
  • - Excommunicated by the Atheists![52]
  • - On the Herding of Cats [53]
  • - Atheism, Youth, and One Unicorn Drawing[54]
  • - The Young and the Godless [55]
  • - The Atheist Torn [56]
  • - Some Real Rational Response [57]

Read the following documentation

See also

This drama is certified as real. The facts presented have been verified to the best of our ability. This lulz is REAL!

[Close them downOpen the records]
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