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Crossmack on the evening of December 18, 2006.
[20:37] <Crossmack> man i am sick as shit [20:37] <PixelBee> Whats wrong Ian? [20:38] <PixelBee> Sick Sick or sick of this room? [20:38] <Crossmack> sick with a cols [20:38] <Crossmack> cold [20:38] <Blargh> YOU ARE ALL FAKE GTFO [20:38] <ItalianStallionette> crossmack you ok? [20:38] <PixelBee> awwww [20:38] <PixelBee> you got medicine? [20:38] <Crossmack> Robitussin [20:38] <PuppyPuncher> The only one I partially believe is Crossmack [20:38] <hep> Crossmack [20:38] <hep> stop whinig [20:38] <hep> whining [20:38] <hep> now look [20:38] <PixelBee> okay look. [20:38] <hep> why are you three here tonite [20:38] <hep> plz advz [20:38] <PixelBee> I'll brbgive me a [20:38] <PixelBee> few [20:39] <PixelBee> I'll prove it. [20:39] <hep> ok [20:39] <hep> crossmack [20:39] <PixelBee> Ian doesn't lie. [20:39] <hep> why are you here tonite? [20:39] <Crossmack> Wattagecat made a video and said "come to IRC" [20:39] <Romantic> Pixelbee is real. [20:39] <PixelBee> If he says thats who he is then it is [20:39] <hep> from what i can tell from your videos [20:39] <Crossmack> so I came here [20:39] <hep> you are pretty much an internet douchebag [20:39] <PixelBee> Thanks Romanticthats why I [20:39] <hep> what do you have to say in your defense? [20:39] <Blargh> looool [20:39] <Crossmack> name calling is destructive [20:39] <Blargh> iawtc hep [20:39] <PixelBee> came too [20:39] <Crossmack> be careful with it [20:39] <Romantic> I agree. [20:39] <Romantic> I agree. [20:39] <hep> this kind of deflection will not be tolerated crossmack [20:39] <hep> look [20:39] <hep> before [20:39] <PixelBee> Destructive and usless [20:39] <hep> you fought with these guys [20:39] <hep> they are good trolls [20:39] <hep> but see [20:39] <Romantic> We shall be graceful, and eloquent in our words. [20:40] <hep> ive been around the troll block a few times [20:40] <Blargh> wait, i think pixelbee is legit guys, look how she types kind of retarded-like [20:40] <hep> now [20:40] <Blargh> with randomly-capitalized letters [20:40] <Romantic> Blargh, it's already been verified. [20:40] <Einsidler> Blargh: tru [20:40] <PixelBee> ROFl [20:40] <Blargh> shut up �KIKE [20:40] <PixelBee> you know me so well [20:40] <Romantic> :/ [20:40] <PixelBee> rofl [20:40] <Romantic> Sorry. [20:40] <hep> Pretty much you are one of the first up against the wall when the troll revolution comes [20:40] <Einsidler> Blargh: NO I [20:40] <Einsidler> *NO U [20:40] <hep> tell me why i shouldnt pull the trigger [20:40] * TiCL has joined #ed [20:40] * mediacrat sets mode: +v TiCL [20:40] <Blargh> lol [20:40] <Crossmack> There is no wall. we are all here doing this together [20:40] <Blargh> plz pull trigger [20:40] <Blargh> plz pull trigger [20:40] <Blargh> plz pull trigger [20:40] <Crossmack> There is rampant anger [20:40] <Crossmack> I feel it every day [20:40] * jewcano shoves a fist in the air for the TROLL REVOLUTION [20:40] <jewcano> lead us socrates! [20:41] <Blargh> you assholes think we are just being funny but we really hate your fucking guts [20:41] <wattage> loool [20:41] <Romantic> Crossmack, what you need is me to rub your back. With my cock. [20:41] * CRYRAPEDONG rapes blargh against the barricade [20:41] <jewcano> cockrub is thx [20:41] <Blargh> i hope you get aids you fucking pathetic jewish swine [20:41] <Einsidler> LOL [20:41] <Blargh> i hope you die cold and alone [20:41] <PixelBee> No one person is better than the other [20:41] <Blargh> in great agony [20:41] * CRYRAPEDONG gives blargh hep c [20:42] * Disconnected Session Close: Mon Dec 18 20:42:05 2006 Session Start: Mon Dec 18 20:44:55 2006 Session Ident: #ed [20:44] * Now talking in #ed [20:44] * Topic is 'ED still needs moar squid, please contact hep or weev. | paypal to : [email protected]�' [20:44] * Set by januszeal on Mon Dec 18 13:19:16 [20:44] -mediacrat- [#ed] loldongs [20:45] <hep> crossmack i love myself all the time [20:45] <Crossmack> love is genuine communication. it is open honesty [20:45] <PuppyPuncher> Culexor would probably just repeat, "WTC woopdee-fucking doo" over and over. [20:45] <hep> its called masturbating [20:45] <hep> its when i communicate with my clitoris [20:45] * jewcano caresses blargh's balls [20:45] <Einsidler> lol [20:45] <TiCL> harro CRYRAPEDONG [20:45] * Einsidler is now known as Culexor [20:45] <jewcano> does that feel better blargh? [20:45] <hep> its very satisfying [20:45] <Crossmack> the word "love" has been bastardized in this culture [20:45] <Blargh> crossmack you are a pretentious pseudo-intellectual douchebag [20:45] <Blargh> crossmack you are a pretentious pseudo-intellectual douchebag [20:45] <Blargh> crossmack you are a pretentious pseudo-intellectual douchebag [20:45] <Blargh> crossmack you are a pretentious pseudo-intellectual douchebag [20:45] * jewcano deep kisses blargh [20:45] * TFH8 has joined #ed [20:45] <Culexor> i love teh chikins [20:45] <TiCL> looool [20:45] <Blargh> you are the guy that raises his hand in philosophy class all the time [20:45] <Culexor> WTC woopdee-fucking doo [20:45] <Culexor> WTC woopdee-fucking doo [20:45] <Blargh> and asks "deep" questions [20:45] <TiCL> Culexor: NIGGER [20:45] <Culexor> WTC woopdee-fucking doo [20:45] <CRYRAPEDONG> HAI TICL [20:45] <TiCL> Culexor: NIGGER [20:45] <CRYRAPEDONG> MOAR DONG [20:45] <Blargh> while everyone silently wishes you would just shut up and �DIE [20:45] <Crossmack> I used to be quiet and had no friends [20:46] <Crossmack> just recently have I started opening up to people [20:46] <Culexor> TiCL: DONT BE HOMOPHOBIC, FAG [20:46] <hep> ok well thats great [20:46] <CRYRAPEDONG> MOAR RAPE [20:46] <hep> lets all hug [20:46] <PuppyPuncher> No friends, I don't see how. You're a real cutie [20:46] <Blargh> fuck no, i don't touch the lesser races [20:46] <TiCL> Crossmack: you have nudz? [20:46] <Culexor> brb, eating waturmeluns [20:46] <Crossmack> I wasn't good at sports [20:46] <Crossmack> only math [20:46] * CRYRAPEDONG is now known as tfo [20:46] -> *nickserv* identify fuck1349 [20:46] <Blargh> i hate math [20:46] * mediacrat sets mode: +o tfo [20:46] <TiCL> lol [20:46] <Crossmack> in 6th grade all my friends kept playing sports and stopped hanging out with me [20:46] <hep> crossmack: whats this i hear about you pulling a weev and cheating on your girlfriend? [20:47] * Culexor_ has joined #ed [20:47] <hep> and why are you crying about it on the internet [20:47] <Blargh> crossmack why do you look like ket [20:47] * Culexor has quit IRC (Connection reset by peer�) [20:47] * Culexor_ is now known as Culexor [20:47] <Crossmack> no crying. I'm forcing myself to face it [20:47] <Crossmack> No more fear [20:47] <hep> why did you do it [20:47] <Blargh> why [20:47] <hep> and why did she care? [20:47] <Blargh> why did you do it you fucking asshole [20:47] <hep> honestly i would kill if my bf would suck a little cock [20:47] <Crossmack> I got drunk and only cared about the moment [20:47] <TiCL> Crossmack: do you like death-yoga? [20:47] <Culexor> lol [20:47] <TiCL> Crossmack: do you like death-yoga? [20:47] <TiCL> Crossmack: do you like death-yoga? [20:47] * TFH8 is now known as CRYRAPEFALCON [20:47] <Culexor> WTC woopdee-fucking doo [20:47] <CRYRAPEFALCON> RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAPE [20:48] <CRYRAPEFALCON> RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEP [20:48] <Crossmack> Do you guys know I worked at Ground Zero after 9/11 [20:48] <hep> ok crossmack [20:48] <hep> look [20:48] <Culexor> WTC woopdee-fucking doo [20:48] <TiCL> Crossmack: are you familiar with slashfic? [20:48] <Blargh> crossmack: do you support israel [20:48] <hep> jesus fucking christ [20:48] <Blargh> crossmack: do you support israel [20:48] <Blargh> crossmack: do you support israel [20:48] <hep> i grew up in a war zone [20:48] <hep> why are you whining? [20:48] <hep> you dealt with it for one day [20:48] <hep> and some cleanup [20:48] <hep> cry me a river [20:48] <Crossmack> I worked there for five months [20:48] <hep> ok [20:48] <TiCL> Crossmack: are you familiar with �WTC� slashfic? [20:48] <hep> i lived in sarajevo for years [20:48] <Crossmack> no [20:48] <Culexor> WTC woopdee-fucking doo [20:48] * Riboflavin has joined #ed [20:48] <Crossmack> oh yeah? [20:48] * mediacrat sets mode: +o Riboflavin [20:48] <TiCL> hep is hardcore [20:48] <Blargh> crossmack you fucking nigger, i went back in time and joined the hitler youth [20:48] <Culexor> WTC woopdee-fucking doo [20:48] <CRYRAPEFALCON> nick CRYRAPEDONG [20:48] <Blargh> i fought russkis [20:49] * CRYRAPEFALCON is now known as CRYRAPEDONG [20:49] <CRYRAPEDONG> lol [20:49] * jewcano is now known as gay4blargh [20:49] <tfo> HAI RIBS [20:49] * CRYRAPEDONG was kicked by Riboflavin (steal my nick whydoncha�) [20:49] <tfo> lol [20:49] <Culexor> WTC woopdee-fucking doo [20:49] <Riboflavin> hai2u tfo [20:49] <Blargh> lol azn [20:49] <hep> call me when your town has been shelled every night for a year ok? [20:49] <Crossmack> Alright man, so what is this all about [20:49] * gay4blargh tugs on blargh's cock [20:49] <Blargh> culexor i stole your logo [20:49] * CRYRAPEDONG has joined #ed [20:49] <Culexor> Blargh: WTC woopdee-fucking doo [20:49] <PuppyPuncher> I thought Pixelbee was gonna prove it was her [20:49] <Blargh> lol [20:49] <hep> crossmack [20:49] <hep> what have you to bring here [20:49] * tfo rapes gay4blargh [20:49] <Blargh> since when did pixelbee stop hating us [20:49] <Blargh> since when did pixelbee stop hating us [20:49] <Blargh> since when did pixelbee stop hating us [20:49] <hep> with your whining about your gf and your crying about 911 [20:50] <hep> which btw was caused by jews [20:50] <Culexor> WTC woopdee-fucking doo [20:50] <Romantic> Omg. [20:50] <hep> i have lost track of your original point [20:50] <Crossmack> WTC was caused by no ethnicity [20:50] * Culexor was kicked by tfo (OMG TRIGGERZ�) [20:50] * Culexor has joined #ed [20:50] <TiCL> PixelBee likes teh cock now [20:50] <Romantic> If that is really culexor [20:50] <Romantic> I will die. [20:50] <Blargh> YES IT WAS [20:50] <Blargh> IT WAS CAUSED BY JEWS [20:50] <Crossmack> it was caused by miscommunication because of a language barrier [20:50] <hep> plz advz [20:50] <Blargh> IT'S PART OF A ZIONIST CONSPIRACY [20:50] <Crossmack> it has nothing to do with religion [20:50] <hep> which language barrier? [20:50] <Culexor> Romantic: WTC woopdee-fucking doo [20:50] <hep> perhaps you wish to speak another language? [20:50] <Blargh> THEY DID IT SO THEY COULD WAGE WAR ON THE ARABS [20:50] <Crossmack> english/arabic [20:50] <Blargh> OSAMA IS INNOCENT YOU FUCKING KIKE [20:50] <Crossmack> Until the world has a unifying language, there will be war [20:51] <hep> hello [20:51] <Blargh> yeah great let's all have one culture i'm sure the world will be really fun [20:51] <hep> use babelfish [20:51] <Blargh> you fucking shitcock [20:51] <v0dka> is this the real Culexor [20:51] <v0dka> is this the real Culexor [20:51] <hep> ok look [20:51] <Crossmack> not culture. language [20:51] <v0dka> req. verification [20:51] <Barrett> no [20:51] <Blargh> you just want to start the new world order [20:51] <hep> i come from a prime example [20:51] <Blargh> language goes with culture fuckface [20:51] <hep> of how 1 language [20:51] <hep> doesnt fkn matter [20:51] <Culexor> v0dka: yes, WTC woopdee-fucking doo [20:51] <PuppyPuncher> Real Culexor, woopdee-fucking doo [20:51] <hep> when people want to kill themselves bad enough [20:51] <Culexor> WTC woopdee-fucking doo [20:51] <red5> crossmack you are a duche [20:52] <Blargh> and war is fucking awesome [20:52] <Blargh> it makes for great movies [20:52] <TiCL> Crossmack: do you smoke dong? [20:52] <Crossmack> War is the result in a breakdown in communication [20:52] <Blargh> unless it's a zionist war [20:52] <Barrett> zomg [20:52] <Crossmack> rather a result "of" a breakdown [20:52] <hep> um [20:52] <Barrett> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E3Q64e0xX9g [20:52] <hep> not really [20:52] <Crossmack> you don't think? [20:52] <Romantic> Crossmack, why would having a unifying language stop war? Isn't war the disagreement of ideas, ideals, and religion the cause of war? Not to mention profit? [20:52] <Blargh> you stupid kike, there will always be war [20:52] <Blargh> you stupid kike, there will always be war [20:52] <Blargh> you stupid kike, there will always be war [20:52] <hep> war is caused by the drive of certain humans to dominate other humans [20:52] <red5> the americans fought the british speaking the same language all the time [20:52] <hep> usually war is economybased these days [20:52] <Culexor> WTC woopdee-fucking doo [20:52] <Crossmack> I think war is the inability to reconcile differences [20:52] <Blargh> unless we are all brain-controlled we will have war [20:52] <hep> wrong [20:52] <Blargh> so take your pick [20:52] <hep> war is about control [20:53] <Culexor> war is the woopdee-fucking doo [20:53] <v0dka> [22:52:31] <Crossmack> I think war is the inability to reconcile differences] [20:53] <Romantic> Crossmack; or about control/money. [20:53] <v0dka> [22:52:31] <Crossmack> I think war is the inability to reconcile differences] [20:53] <v0dka> THAT IS CORRECT [20:53] <Blargh> we keep our humanity but lose peace [20:53] <Romantic> Which is not about langauge. [20:53] <Crossmack> but even still, the US will never go to war with Britain, Canada, Austrailia [20:53] <PuppyPuncher> Yes Barret, that is very hillarious [20:53] * mediacrat sets mode: +o CRYRAPEDONG [20:53] <Crossmack> because of the english language [20:53] <wattage> lol drama [20:53] <Blargh> IT'S SPELLED "HILARIOUS" [20:53] <v0dka> THE INABILITY TO RECONCILE DIFFERENCES BETWEEN SOMEBODY HAVING MONEY AND YOU NOT HAVING MONEY [20:53] <wattage> NO WORDS CAN DESCRIBE THE WAY I FEEL INSIDE [20:53] <hep> war is fueled by the drive of humanity to dominate itself [20:53] <hep> war is fueled by the drive of humanity to dominate itself [20:53] <hep> war is fueled by the drive of humanity to dominate itself [20:53] <hep> war is fueled by the drive of humanity to dominate itself [20:53] <v0dka> THE INABILITY TO RECONCILE DIFFERENCES BETWEEN SOMEBODY HAVING LAND AND YOU NOT HAVING LAND [20:53] <Culexor> WTC woopdee-fucking doo [20:53] <Culexor> WTC woopdee-fucking doo [20:53] <Culexor> WTC woopdee-fucking doo [20:53] <tfo> hep: NO U [20:53] <Culexor> WTC woopdee-fucking doo [20:53] <Culexor> WTC woopdee-fucking doo [20:53] <Culexor> WTC woopdee-fucking doo [20:53] <Culexor> WTC woopdee-fucking doo [20:53] <Culexor> WTC woopdee-fucking doo [20:53] * Riboflavin is now known as Agent_Orange [20:53] * gay4blargh sexes blargh [20:53] <v0dka> THE INABILITY TO RECONCILE DIFFERENCES BETWEEN SOMEBODY CONTROLLING THEMSELVES AND YOU HAVING CONTROL OVER THEM [20:53] <Agent_Orange> WAAAAR [20:53] <hep> ilu v0dka [20:53] <red5> Crossmack but the US already has twice you cunt [20:53] <CRYRAPEDONG> WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAR [20:54] <Blargh> WAR IS THE RESULT OF ZIONIST OPPRESSION [20:54] * tfo is now known as ZOMG_WARBLOGGER [20:54] <v0dka> THE INABILITY TO RECONCILE DIFFERENCES BETWEEN AN ACTUAL REASON AND USING A STUPID COP-OUT LIKE "INABILITY TO RECONCILE DIFFERENCES" THAT APPLIES TO PRETTY MUCH EVERYTHING [20:54] <Blargh> as long as the jew exists [20:54] <Blargh> there will be war [20:54] <ZOMG_WARBLOGGER> MOAR WAR [20:54] <ZOMG_WARBLOGGER> MOAR WAR [20:54] <Blargh> also, what vodka said [20:54] <Blargh> also, what vodka said [20:54] <Blargh> also, what vodka said [20:54] <ZOMG_WARBLOGGER> I FAP TO WAR [20:54] <ZOMG_WARBLOGGER> I FAP TO WAR [20:54] <ZOMG_WARBLOGGER> I FAP TO WAR [20:54] <ZOMG_WARBLOGGER> I FAP TO WAR [20:54] <Blargh> lol warblogger [20:54] * gay4blargh faps to blargh [20:54] <Blargh> lol warblogger [20:54] <Blargh> lol warblogger [20:54] <ZOMG_WARBLOGGER> I FAP TO WAR [20:54] <ZOMG_WARBLOGGER> I FAP TO WAR [20:54] <ZOMG_WARBLOGGER> I FAP TO WAR [20:55] <ZOMG_WARBLOGGER> ATTACK IRAN [20:55] <Crossmack> How can we hope to find a common ground when we are just typing [20:55] <hep> crossmack are you really that naive? [20:55] <ZOMG_WARBLOGGER> ATTACK SYRIA [20:55] <Blargh> AHMADINEJAD IS MAH HERO [20:55] <Blargh> AHMADINEJAD IS MAH HERO [20:55] <Blargh> AHMADINEJAD IS MAH HERO [20:55] <Blargh> AHMADINEJAD IS MAH HERO [20:55] <hep> hello we have a common ground BECAUSE we are typing [20:55] <ZOMG_WARBLOGGER> THEN PALESTINE [20:55] <Blargh> HE TOLD THOSE KIKES WHAT FOR [20:55] <hep> that is our common ground [20:55] <wattage> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E3Q64e0xX9g [20:55] <wattage> nice [20:55] <Crossmack> It is not naive behavior Hep, it is an understanding of the way humanity works [20:55] <wattage> OMG I EAT CARS [20:55] <hep> no [20:55] <v0dka> AHMAD JADCHARGING MY LAZE [20:55] <v0dka> AHMAD JADCHARGING MY LAZER [20:55] <ZOMG_WARBLOGGER> lol v0dka [20:55] <Culexor> An unhandled exception of type 'System.TypeInitializationException' occurred in Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Game.dll [20:55] <Culexor> Additional information: The type initializer for 'Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics.GraphicsAdapter' threw an exception [20:55] <Crossmack> the United states is a macrocosom of a single person [20:55] <hep> its a child's understanding of the way humanity works [20:55] <ZOMG_WARBLOGGER> WHAT [20:55] <ZOMG_WARBLOGGER> WHAT [20:55] <ZOMG_WARBLOGGER> WHAT [20:55] <hep> WHAT [20:55] <hep> WHAT [20:55] <hep> WHAT [20:55] * eppigy_ has joined #ed [20:55] <Blargh> no it isn't you stupid cock [20:55] <hep> �3__ _��2*��3_ _ _ _____ � [20:55] <hep> �3\ \ / / | | | ��4*��3 \|_ _|� [20:55] <hep> �3 \ \ /\ / /| |_| | / _ \ | ��12*��3 � [20:55] <hep> �3 \ V V / | _ ��6*��3/ ___ \| | � [20:55] <hep> �3 \_/\_/ |_| |_/_/ \_��8*��3_| � [20:55] <Culexor> *WTC woopdee-fucking doo [20:55] <eppigy_> DUDE [20:56] <Crossmack> so let it be a child's view [20:56] <hep> ok [20:56] <v0dka> LOL I AM A MACROCOSM OF CELLS [20:56] <v0dka> LOL I AM A MACROCOSM OF CELLS [20:56] <gay4blargh> crossmack is a microcosm of god [20:56] <v0dka> LOL I AM A MACROCOSM OF CELLS [20:56] <Crossmack> we are slaves to the society we have created [20:56] <hep> ive seen childrens views [20:56] <hep> they try and kill each other [20:56] * gay4blargh loves crossmack [20:56] <red5> okay this is getting too gehy for me [20:56] <hep> i dont want kids running the us [20:56] <hep> sry [20:56] <hep> i like being able to ground thm [20:56] <hep> its kinda hard to do if they are a country [20:56] <Crossmack> children do as they are told [20:56] <hep> WHAT [20:56] <hep> DO YOU HAVE KIDS? [20:56] <hep> you want mine? [20:56] <Blargh> DO YOU REALIZE THAT YOU BASICALLY JUST SAID THE UNITED STATES IS A GROUP OF PEOPLE [20:56] <Blargh> DO YOU REALIZE THAT YOU BASICALLY JUST SAID THE UNITED STATES IS A GROUP OF PEOPLE [20:56] <Blargh> DO YOU REALIZE THAT YOU BASICALLY JUST SAID THE UNITED STATES IS A GROUP OF PEOPLE [20:56] <hep> srsly [20:56] <Blargh> DO YOU REALIZE THAT YOU BASICALLY JUST SAID THE UNITED STATES IS A GROUP OF PEOPLE [20:56] * red5 has quit IRC (Quit: red5�) [20:56] * OldDirtyBtard has quit IRC (Ping timeout�) [20:56] <Blargh> DO YOU REALIZE THAT YOU BASICALLY JUST SAID THE UNITED STATES IS A GROUP OF PEOPLE [20:56] * eppigy_ has quit IRC (Permission denied�) [20:56] <Blargh> DO YOU REALIZE THAT YOU BASICALLY JUST SAID THE UNITED STATES IS A GROUP OF PEOPLE [20:56] <Blargh> DO YOU REALIZE THAT YOU BASICALLY JUST SAID THE UNITED STATES IS A GROUP OF PEOPLE [20:56] <v0dka> UNITED STATES IS A MACROCOSM OF A SINGLE PERSON!!! THIS JUST IN, THE UNITED STATES CONSISTS OF MANY PEOPLE, THANK YOU CROSSMACK YOU GENIUS [20:56] <Blargh> DO YOU REALIZE THAT YOU BASICALLY JUST SAID THE UNITED STATES IS A GROUP OF PEOPLE [20:56] <v0dka> UNITED STATES IS A MACROCOSM OF A SINGLE PERSON!!! THIS JUST IN, THE UNITED STATES CONSISTS OF MANY PEOPLE, THANK YOU CROSSMACK YOU GENIUS [20:56] * gay4blargh is now known as der_juden [20:56] <v0dka> UNITED STATES IS A MACROCOSM OF A SINGLE PERSON!!! THIS JUST IN, THE UNITED STATES CONSISTS OF MANY PEOPLE, THANK YOU CROSSMACK YOU GENIUS [20:56] <v0dka> UNITED STATES IS A MACROCOSM OF A SINGLE PERSON!!! THIS JUST IN, THE UNITED STATES CONSISTS OF MANY PEOPLE, THANK YOU CROSSMACK YOU GENIUS [20:56] <Blargh> DO YOU REALIZE THAT YOU BASICALLY JUST SAID THE UNITED STATES IS A GROUP OF PEOPLE [20:56] <Blargh> DO YOU REALIZE THAT YOU BASICALLY JUST SAID THE UNITED STATES IS A GROUP OF PEOPLE [20:56] <ZOMG_WARBLOGGER> lol [20:56] <Blargh> fucking idiot [20:56] <hep> children do as they are taught... sometimes [20:56] <Culexor> WTC woopdee-fucking doo [20:56] <Crossmack> Jesus this ridiculous spam [20:56] <Culexor> WTC woopdee-fucking doo [20:56] <hep> sometimes they turn out like you [20:56] <Culexor> WTC woopdee-fucking doo [20:56] <Blargh> "LOL I AM INTELLECTUAL GUYZ" [20:56] <Blargh> "LOL I AM INTELLECTUAL GUYZ" [20:56] <Blargh> "LOL I AM INTELLECTUAL GUYZ" [20:56] <Blargh> "LOL I AM INTELLECTUAL GUYZ" [20:56] <hep> a waste of space [20:56] <Culexor> WTC woopdee-fucking doo [20:56] <Blargh> "LOL I AM INTELLECTUAL GUYZ" [20:56] <Blargh> "LOL I AM INTELLECTUAL GUYZ" [20:56] <Blargh> "LOL I AM INTELLECTUAL GUYZ" [20:56] <Culexor> WTC woopdee-fucking doo [20:56] <Culexor> WTC woopdee-fucking doo [20:57] <Culexor> WTC woopdee-fucking doo [20:57] <Culexor> WTC woopdee-fucking doo [20:57] <Culexor> WTC woopdee-fucking doo [20:57] <Culexor> WTC woopdee-fucking doo [20:57] * ZOMG_WARBLOGGER is now known as FetalAlcoholSystem [20:57] <der_juden> LOL I AM BLARGH GUYZ [20:57] <der_juden> LOL I AM BLARGH GUYZ [20:57] <der_juden> LOL I AM BLARGH GUYZ [20:57] <Culexor> WTC woopdee-fucking doo [20:57] <der_juden> LOL I AM BLARGH GUYZ [20:57] <der_juden> LOL I AM BLARGH GUYZ [20:57] <Culexor> WTC woopdee-fucking doo [20:57] <Barrett> zomg [20:57] <Crossmack> Hep, why are you so angry [20:57] <Barrett> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c8nWlImp2A0 [20:57] <Culexor> WTC woopdee-fucking doo [20:57] <hep> stop scroll [20:57] <Blargh> "LOOK I'M A PHILOSOPHER I READ THE DA VINCI CODE" [20:57] <FetalAlcoholSystem> I WILL MAKE YOUR CHILDREN STUPID [20:57] <Culexor> WTC woopdee-fucking doo [20:57] <Blargh> "LOOK I'M A PHILOSOPHER I READ THE DA VINCI CODE" [20:57] <Blargh> "LOOK I'M A PHILOSOPHER I READ THE DA VINCI CODE" [20:57] <Blargh> "LOOK I'M A PHILOSOPHER I READ THE DA VINCI CODE" [20:57] <Blargh> "LOOK I'M A PHILOSOPHER I READ THE DA VINCI CODE" [20:57] <Blargh> "LOOK I'M A PHILOSOPHER I READ THE DA VINCI CODE" [20:57] <Blargh> "LOOK I'M A PHILOSOPHER I READ THE DA VINCI CODE" [20:57] <PuppyPuncher> My head hurts, IM gonna go get a glass of milk [20:57] <Culexor> WTC woopdee-fucking doo [20:57] <Blargh> "LOOK I'M A PHILOSOPHER I READ THE DA VINCI CODE" [20:57] <Blargh> "LOOK I'M A PHILOSOPHER I READ THE DA VINCI CODE" [20:57] <Blargh> "LOOK I'M A PHILOSOPHER I READ THE DA VINCI CODE" [20:57] <Blargh> "LOOK I'M A PHILOSOPHER I READ THE DA VINCI CODE" [20:57] <hep> im not angry crossmack [20:57] <Culexor> WTC woopdee-fucking doo [20:57] <Blargh> "LOOK I'M A PHILOSOPHER I READ THE DA VINCI CODE" [20:57] <Blargh> "LOOK I'M A PHILOSOPHER I READ THE DA VINCI CODE" [20:57] <Blargh> "LOOK I'M A PHILOSOPHER I READ THE DA VINCI CODE" [20:57] <Culexor> WTC woopdee-fucking doo [20:57] <Culexor> WTC woopdee-fucking doo [20:57] <Culexor> WTC woopdee-fucking doo [20:57] <hep> but your naive worldview makes me sad [20:57] <Culexor> WTC woopdee-fucking doo [20:57] <Culexor> WTC woopdee-fucking doo [20:57] * PixelBee was kicked by wattage (i didnt yell at u on the phone u fat bitch�) [20:57] * Blargh was kicked by FetalAlcoholSystem (looool�) [20:57] <der_juden> LOOK I AM BLARGH I HAVE SEX WITH BABY GOATS [20:57] <der_juden> LOOK I AM BLARGH I HAVE SEX WITH BABY GOATS [20:57] <Culexor> WTC woopdee-fucking doo [20:57] <der_juden> LOOK I AM BLARGH I HAVE SEX WITH BABY GOATS [20:57] <der_juden> LOOK I AM BLARGH I HAVE SEX WITH BABY GOATS [20:57] <der_juden> LOOK I AM BLARGH I HAVE SEX WITH BABY GOATS [20:57] <der_juden> LOOK I AM BLARGH I HAVE SEX WITH BABY GOATS [20:57] <Culexor> WTC woopdee-fucking doo [20:57] <Culexor> WTC woopdee-fucking doo [20:57] <Culexor> WTC woopdee-fucking doo [20:57] <Culexor> WTC woopdee-fucking doo [20:57] <Culexor> WTC woopdee-fucking doo [20:57] * Blargh has joined #ed [20:57] <Culexor> WTC woopdee-fucking doo [20:57] <Culexor> WTC woopdee-fucking doo [20:57] <wattage> >:( [20:57] <FetalAlcoholSystem> DRINK MOAR [20:57] <Culexor> WTC woopdee-fucking doo [20:57] * Culexor was kicked by hep (wtc lol�) [20:57] * Culexor has joined #ed [20:57] * Culexor was kicked by hep (wtc lol�) [20:57] <PuppyPuncher> LMAO Wattage [20:57] <FetalAlcoholSystem> DRINK MOAR [20:57] * Culexor has joined #ed [20:57] <FetalAlcoholSystem> DRINK MOAR [20:57] <FetalAlcoholSystem> DRINK MOAR [20:57] <Culexor> WTC woopdee-fucking doo [20:57] <FetalAlcoholSystem> DRINK MOAR [20:57] <Crossmack> Why do you refer to another human as a "waste of space" [20:57] <FetalAlcoholSystem> DRINK MOAR [20:57] <Blargh> iawtc [20:57] * Blargh was kicked by hep (lolol�) [20:57] * der_juden was kicked by hep (lolol�) [20:57] * Blargh has joined #ed [20:57] <v0dka> I THINK WAR IS CAUSED BY MORE THAN ONE PERSON FIGHTING EACH OTHER [20:58] * der_juden has joined #ed [20:58] <Culexor> lol, i reg this nick, now i can fuck with him if he comes here [20:58] * You were kicked by hep (lolol�) Session Close: Mon Dec 18 20:58:03 2006 Session Start: Mon Dec 18 20:58:26 2006 Session Ident: #ed [20:58] * Now talking in #ed [20:58] * Topic is 'ED still needs moar squid, please contact hep or weev. | paypal to : [email protected]�' [20:58] * Set by januszeal on Mon Dec 18 13:19:16 [20:58] -mediacrat- [#ed] loldongs [20:58] * mediacrat sets mode: +o tfo [20:58] <tfo> D: [20:58] <der_juden> vodka, what about the wars that are caused by one person fighting each other? [20:58] <Blargh> let us destroy his retarded arguments [20:58] * eppigy_ has joined #ed [20:58] <hep> crossmack [20:58] <Crossmack> Why don't you listen instead Blargh [20:58] <hep> can you plz advz [20:58] <tfo> der_juden: you mean anything that involved poland? [20:58] <hep> look crossmack [20:58] <v0dka> correction: I THINK WAR IS CAUSED BY PEOPLE FIGHTING EACH OTHER [20:58] <hep> you are arguing with me [20:58] <der_juden> exactly [20:58] <hep> pay attn [20:59] * nat has joined #ed [20:59] <Crossmack> I am interested in why you refered to another human as a "waste of space" [20:59] * v0dka changes topic to 'ED still needs moar squid, please contact hep or weev. �|� paypal to : [email protected] (januszeal) �|� <Crossmack> the United states is a macrocosom of a single person�' [20:59] <der_juden> all humans are a waste of spayse [20:59] <Crossmack> it is a nihilistic view of humanity [20:59] <Agent_Orange> oh hay eppigy & nat [20:59] <Blargh> crossmack, you are spouting the same retarded globalist neoliberal hippy bullshit that i hear from noam chomsky and his ilk every fucking day [20:59] <Blargh> you aren't original [20:59] <nat> hai [20:59] <Blargh> you aren't even coherent [20:59] <hep> wrong crossmack [20:59] <eppigy_> hai [20:59] <tfo> i liek ED [20:59] <Crossmack> no one is original [20:59] <Culexor> WTC woopdee-fucking doo [20:59] <hep> i have a pretty evenkeeled view of humanity [20:59] <Culexor> WTC woopdee-fucking doo [20:59] <Culexor> WTC woopdee-fucking doo [20:59] <Culexor> WTC woopdee-fucking doo [20:59] <tfo> dongs + war + ruin + youtube [20:59] <v0dka> Blargh: you fail to notice that the united states is a macrocosm of people [20:59] * nat is now known as WHITEHAT6591 [21:00] <Blargh> you have no experience with actual philosophy [21:00] <v0dka> looooooool [21:00] <der_juden> blargh, you are spouting the same typical ED rant of retarded globalist neoliberal hippy bullshit that you hear from noam chomsky and his ilk every fucking day [21:00] <hep> but when you spout such juvenile nonthinking bullshit it makes me sad [21:00] <Culexor> WTC woopdee-fucking doo [21:00] <Crossmack> I understand people. I've watched people my entire life because I had no friends growing up [21:00] <hep> why do you want to make me sad [21:00] * v0dka changes topic to 'ED still needs moar squid, please contact hep or weev. �|� paypal to : [email protected] (januszeal) �|� <Crossmack> MULTIPLE PEOPLES IS A MACROCOSM OF ONE PERSON�' [21:00] <Culexor> WTC woopdee-fucking doo [21:00] <hep> well obviously that was a failing on your part [21:00] <Crossmack> I sat in the cafeteria and watched and thought about motivations [21:00] <hep> why did people hate you? [21:00] <PuppyPuncher> der juden you are copypasting the same typical conversation over and over again [21:00] * poop has joined #ed [21:00] <Blargh> you had no friends because you are a self-important fuckface [21:00] <Culexor> WTC woopdee-fucking doo [21:00] <Blargh> you had no friends because you are a self-important fuckface [21:00] <Blargh> you had no friends because you are a self-important fuckface [21:00] <Culexor> WTC woopdee-fucking doo [21:00] <Crossmack> It was my own fear of approaching them [21:00] <Culexor> WTC woopdee-fucking doo [21:00] <Culexor> WTC woopdee-fucking doo [21:00] <Romantic> Crossmack, watching people all your life does not mean you understand more than someone who was social their whole life. [21:00] <Crossmack> I see that in retrospect [21:00] <der_juden> WTC woopdee-fucking doo is a bad meme [21:00] <der_juden> WTC woopdee-fucking doo is a bad meme [21:00] <der_juden> WTC woopdee-fucking doo is a bad meme [21:00] <Crossmack> it took me many years to realize it [21:00] <hep> what? [21:01] <Culexor> WTC woopdee-fucking doo [21:01] <poop> i make a poopy and named it culexor [21:01] <Culexor> WTC woopdee-fucking doo [21:01] <Culexor> WTC woopdee-fucking doo [21:01] <hep> why are you talking about fgtry? [21:01] <PuppyPuncher> Yeah, Einslider we get it [21:01] * Culexor was kicked by tehdely (shut up�) [21:01] * Culexor has joined #ed [21:01] <hep> great no one liked you in school [21:01] <Blargh> i watch people all the time, does this make me a genius in sociology guyz [21:01] <Blargh> i watch people all the time, does this make me a genius in sociology guyz [21:01] <Blargh> i watch people all the time, does this make me a genius in sociology guyz [21:01] <hep> great when you left school you realized it was because you were shy [21:01] * Culexor is now known as longcatinmypants [21:01] <hep> those are called life lessons [21:01] <longcatinmypants> fine, edn [21:01] <hep> welcome to growing up [21:01] <hep> what are you going to DO? [21:01] <hep> besides sit on the internet and whine? [21:01] <Romantic> Hi ItalianStallionette. [21:01] * WHITEHAT6591 is now known as nat [21:01] <tfo> hep: whine and hope that things change by themselves! [21:01] <Crossmack> do you understand the power of online video communication? [21:01] <hep> how are you making any sort of positive contribution to the world at large? [21:01] <v0dka> [23:00:30] <Crossmack> It was my own fear of approaching them <-- �1,8��/!\� WARNING: EMO ALERT! �/!\ [21:01] <longcatinmypants> LOL [21:02] <tfo> <Crossmack> do you understand the power of online video communication? [21:02] <tfo> YES [21:02] <Crossmack> Do you understand that TIME magazine has picked up on the power of this medium [21:02] <tfo> ED DOES [21:02] <Blargh> lol fucking emo [21:02] * eppigy_ has quit IRC (Permission denied�) [21:02] * JailBait has joined #ed [21:02] * mediacrat sets mode: +v JailBait [21:02] <Crossmack> it is in its infancy [21:02] <tfo> UNDERSTAND THE POWER [21:02] <hep> are you even reading anything or just typing? [21:02] <tfo> OF ONLINE VIDEO [21:02] * Crossmack was kicked by hep (pay attn �) [21:02] <Blargh> do you realize that THE UNITED STATES IS A MACROCOSM OF ONE PERSON [21:02] <Barrett> lol, Crossmack [21:02] <Blargh> HOLY SHIT [21:02] <Blargh> THE UNITED STATES IS A.... [21:02] * tfo has been leveraging the power of online video communication since he first discovered camsex. [21:02] <Blargh> GROUP OF PEOPLE [21:02] <tfo> <Crossmack> do you understand the power of online video communication? [21:02] <tfo> <Crossmack> do you understand the power of online video communication? [21:02] <tfo> <Crossmack> do you understand the power of online video communication? [21:02] <tfo> WIN [21:03] * v0dka changes topic to 'ED still needs moar squid, please contact hep or weev. �|� paypal to : [email protected] (januszeal) �|� <Crossmack> MULTIPLE PERSONS IS A MACROCOSM OF PERSON�' [21:03] <der_juden> do you realize that BLARGH IS A MACROCOSM OF ONE PERSON [21:03] <Blargh> lol camsex [21:03] * eppigy_ has joined #ed [21:03] * Retrieving #ed modes... [21:03] <wattage> MACROCASM [21:03] * tfo changes topic to 'ED still needs moar squid, please contact hep or weev. �|� paypal to : [email protected] (januszeal) �|� <Crossmack> MULTIPLE PERSONS IS A MACROCOSM OF PERSON | <Crossmack> do you understand the power of online video communication?�' [21:03] <Barrett> someone log that? [21:03] <wattage> WARNING: MACROCASM [21:03] * Crossmack has joined #ed [21:03] <tfo> barrett: of course [21:03] <Blargh> macrojizm [21:03] <wattage> man [21:03] <Blargh> macrogasm [21:03] <Blargh> mang [21:03] <wattage> you youtube faggots [21:03] * der_juden is now known as jewcano [21:03] <wattage> are just [21:03] <tfo> wb crossmack [21:03] <wattage> unbelievably gay [21:03] <Barrett> tfo: thank god, if you post it attached to his page I'll go pull out choice quotes [21:03] <longcatinmypants> LOL [21:03] * tfo is now known as THEPOWEROFONLINEVIDEO [21:03] <Barrett> looool [21:03] <JailBait> Moar like JEWTUBE [21:03] * THEPOWEROFONLINEVIDEO is now known as THEPOWEROFONLINEVIDEOCOMMUNICA [21:03] <JailBait> amirite? [21:04] <wattage> tfo looooooooooooooooooooool [21:04] <THEPOWEROFONLINEVIDEOCOMMUNICA> fuck [21:04] <asic> 24 6 24 NATURAL \ / DIVINE [21:04] <asic> ,_______, CUBIC / \ BALANCE [21:04] <asic> |11 11| [21:04] <asic> time^cube _______ [21:04] <asic> 6 | (o) | 6 11:11 | | 11:11 [21:04] <asic> | / \ | | | [21:04] <asic> 9/11:11\6 11:11 | | 11:11 [21:04] <asic> /_______\ |_______| [21:04] <asic> 24 man is 24 [21:04] <asic> personified [21:04] <asic> pyramid [21:04] <longcatinmypants> u rite [21:04] * wattage sets mode: +v asic [21:04] <Blargh> I HAVE THE POOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOWERRRRRRRRR [21:04] <Blargh> I HAVE THE POOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOWERRRRRRRRR [21:04] <Blargh> I HAVE THE POOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOWERRRRRRRRR [21:04] <wattage> HELL YEAH BROTHER! [21:04] <Blargh> you forgot to add jews [21:04] <asic> <3 [21:04] <v0dka> req. article on �THE POWER OF ONLINE VIDEO COMMUNICATION [21:04] * THEPOWEROFONLINEVIDEOCOMMUNICA is now known as WEB2point0 [21:04] * eppigy_ is now known as GroudZeroVolunteer [21:04] <jewcano> the gayness is too much for me [21:04] * jewcano is now known as jewcano_jfk [21:05] <Crossmack> I can't keep up with the 50,000 people talking at me at the same time [21:05] <GroudZeroVolunteer> the fuck you can't [21:05] * v0dka is now known as MACROCOSM-OF-ONE-PERSON [21:05] <MACROCOSM-OF-ONE-PERSON> HELLO [21:05] * not_mandatory has quit IRC (Quit: �14·�15¤�14·�14 www.�15Bum�14IRC.tk - �15Raising wood since 2002 �14·�15¤�14·�14�) [21:05] <JailBait> Lol, cause you're so popular. [21:05] <longcatinmypants> Crossmack: SCRUNCHER OR FLOLDER? [21:05] <longcatinmypants> Crossmack: SCRUNCHER OR FLOLDER? [21:05] <longcatinmypants> Crossmack: SCRUNCHER OR FLOLDER? [21:05] <GroudZeroVolunteer> In a bad way [21:05] <longcatinmypants> Crossmack: SCRUNCHER OR FLOLDER? [21:05] <Blargh> no, you can't keep up because your arguments are retarded and haven't been thought out [21:05] <longcatinmypants> Crossmack: SCRUNCHER OR FLOLDER? [21:05] <MACROCOSM-OF-ONE-PERSON> SCRUNCHER [21:06] <JailBait> I scrunch. [21:06] <MACROCOSM-OF-ONE-PERSON> I fold [21:06] * jewcano_jfk is now known as microcosm_of_america [21:06] <microcosm_of_america> for i am one [21:06] <Crossmack> Anyway, I'm interested in having a conversation with Hep [21:06] * MACROCOSM-OF-ONE-PERSON is now known as MICROCOSM-OF-UNITED-STATES [21:06] <MICROCOSM-OF-UNITED-STATES> I STOLE YOUR IDEA BITCH [21:06] <microcosm_of_america> <--win [21:06] <MICROCOSM-OF-UNITED-STATES> WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO [21:06] <Blargh> LOL MICROCOSM [21:06] <microcosm_of_america> =( [21:06] <Blargh> LOL MICROCOSM [21:06] <Blargh> LOL MICROCOSM [21:06] <Blargh> LOL MICROCOSM [21:06] <Blargh> i lolled [21:06] <Blargh> irlolled [21:06] * microcosm_of_america is now known as Phoenix_Wright [21:06] <WEB2point0> http://www.encyclopediadramatica.com/index.php/THE_POWER_OF_ONLINE_VIDEO_COMMUNICATION [21:06] <TiCL> Crossmack: do you ever feel creeped out thinking that some 70 year old retired janitor is fapping to your videosz? [21:06] <poop> i eet kars? woot? [21:06] <Phoenix_Wright> I will sue [21:07] <Phoenix_Wright> FOR INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY CONTROL [21:07] <Crossmack> I'm doing these videos for me [21:07] <WEB2point0> TiCL: only if i'm not being paid [21:07] <MICROCOSM-OF-UNITED-STATES> WEB2point0: now if only my internet wold work [21:07] * ItalianStallionette has quit IRC (Quit: I was using the PJIRC chat at http://pjirc.viper007bond.com/�) [21:07] <MICROCOSM-OF-UNITED-STATES> microsoft shitsta cut off my internets access [21:07] <Crossmack> I want to help people, but this is a personal exploration more than anything [21:07] <MICROCOSM-OF-UNITED-STATES> or my ability to make new connections [21:07] <PuppyPuncher> Have a conversation with the person who repeats himself the most [21:07] <poop> oh dear god she danced! [21:07] <Phoenix_Wright> have you ev er tried a personal exploration with a rolling pin and lots of anal lube? [21:07] <MICROCOSM-OF-UNITED-STATES> Crossmack: you know who else has personal explorations [21:07] <Agent_Orange> REPETITION IS KEY [21:07] <MICROCOSM-OF-UNITED-STATES> �homosexuals [21:08] <Agent_Orange> REPITITION IS KEY [21:08] <Blargh> SOMEONE CREATE [[MACROCOSM]] [21:08] <Blargh> SOMEONE CREATE [[MACROCOSM]] [21:08] <Blargh> SOMEONE CREATE [[MACROCOSM]] [21:08] <Blargh> SOMEONE CREATE [[MACROCOSM]] [21:08] <Blargh> PLZ [21:08] * poop has quit IRC (Quit: �) [21:08] * TiCL is now known as LONG-MICROCOSM [21:08] <Cadno> REPETITION IS ALSO THE KEY, YOU tit [21:08] * ThunderClaw has quit IRC (Ping timeout�) [21:08] <Crossmack> Why is it that when someone opens up other people get angry? [21:08] * LONG-MICROCOSM is now known as LONG-MACROCOSM [21:08] <LONG-MACROCOSM> lol fail [21:08] <JailBait> http://www.encyclopediadramatica.com/index.php/THE_POWER_OF_ONLINE_VIDEO_COMMUNICATION [21:08] <JailBait> Lul [21:08] <WEB2point0> http://www.encyclopediadramatica.com/index.php/THE_POWER_OF_ONLINE_VIDEO_COMMUNICATION [21:08] <WEB2point0> KEKEKEKEKEKEKE [21:08] <Cadno> open up what? [21:08] <Agent_Orange> crossmack: stop being so emo [21:08] <MICROCOSM-OF-UNITED-STATES> YOU ARE STATING THE MOST OBVIOUS THINGS AS IF THEYRE A GREAT REVELATION [21:08] <Agent_Orange> EMO [21:08] <MICROCOSM-OF-UNITED-STATES> ITS HILARIOUS [21:09] <Blargh> IAWTC [21:09] <Blargh> HEY GUYZ I AM A MACROCOSM OF CELLS [21:09] <Crossmack> I'm just trying to have a conversation [21:09] <Blargh> HEY GUYZ I AM A MACROCOSM OF CELLS [21:09] <Phoenix_Wright> behold! for, water is wet [21:09] <Blargh> HEY GUYZ I AM A MACROCOSM OF CELLS [21:09] <MICROCOSM-OF-UNITED-STATES> AND NOT JUST COMMON KNOWLEDGE OBVIOUS, BUT LOGICAL OBVIOUS [21:09] * Phoenix_Wright is now known as jewcano [21:09] <PuppyPuncher> Crossmack, I'm sorry to say this you're trying to get milk out of a chicken [21:09] <MICROCOSM-OF-UNITED-STATES> YOU ACT SURPRISED WHEN YOU SAY THAT THE UNITED STATES CONSISTS OF PEOPLE [21:09] <Cadno> Crossmack: aww, do you have a booboo? a mommy problem? fell off your tricycle and grazed your knee? etc. [21:09] <Blargh> crossmack: can you have a conversaton without being a self-important pseudo-intellectual fuckwad [21:09] <LONG-MACROCOSM> [[MACROCOSM]] -> Abnormal Psychic, amirite? [21:09] <Blargh> *conversation [21:09] <Blargh> CROSSMACK: WERE YOU RAPED AS A CHILD [21:09] <Blargh> CROSSMACK: WERE YOU RAPED AS A CHILD [21:09] <Blargh> CROSSMACK: WERE YOU RAPED AS A CHILD [21:10] <JailBait> BABY FUCK [21:10] <MICROCOSM-OF-UNITED-STATES> rape victims arent emo [21:10] <MICROCOSM-OF-UNITED-STATES> theyre hardcore [21:10] <Crossmack> I can have any kind of conversation, although text chat isn't really conversation [21:10] <Blargh> yes they are [21:10] <LONG-MACROCOSM> �VICTIM COMPLEX [21:10] <Crossmack> do you guys every use video [21:10] <Crossmack> ever [21:10] <MICROCOSM-OF-UNITED-STATES> NOBODY SAY ANYTHING [21:10] <Blargh> does porn count [21:10] <MICROCOSM-OF-UNITED-STATES> NOBODY SAY ANYTHING [21:10] <jewcano> video is for cybersex [21:10] <MICROCOSM-OF-UNITED-STATES> JUST STARE [21:10] <Agent_Orange> VIDEO CONFERENCE IS FOR THE SURFACE DWELLERS [21:10] * Blargh stares [21:10] <MICROCOSM-OF-UNITED-STATES> IN AWE OF HIS STUPIDITY [21:10] * Blargh stares [21:10] * Agent_Orange hisses [21:10] <JailBait> I cannot grasp THE POWER OF ONLINE VIDEO COMMUNICATION. [21:10] * Blargh blinks [21:10] * Blargh loses the staring contest [21:10] <Cadno> IT INVOLVES BOOBS [21:10] <Blargh> AND DONGS [21:11] <jewcano> bewbs are kewl [21:11] * JailBait was kicked by WEB2point0 (DO YOU UNDERSTAND NOW�) [21:11] <MICROCOSM-OF-UNITED-STATES> LOL [21:11] <asic> DEFINITION OF AN OPERATING THETAN: A THETAN WHO CAN BE AT CAUSE KNOWINGLY AND AT WILL OVER THOUGHT, LIFE, MATTER, ENERGY, SPACE AND TIME, MICROCOSM AND MACROCOSM. [21:11] * Limecat has joined #ed [21:11] <MICROCOSM-OF-UNITED-STATES> LOL [21:11] * JailBait has joined #ed [21:11] * mediacrat sets mode: +v JailBait [21:11] <MICROCOSM-OF-UNITED-STATES> I FIGURED IT OUT [21:11] <Blargh> LOL THETAN [21:11] <JailBait> NOPE [21:11] <MICROCOSM-OF-UNITED-STATES> CROSSMACK IS RIC ROMERO [21:11] <MICROCOSM-OF-UNITED-STATES> I FIGURED IT OUT [21:11] <MICROCOSM-OF-UNITED-STATES> CROSSMACK IS RIC ROMERO [21:11] <Blargh> LOOOOOOOL [21:11] <Crossmack> I think technology is humanity's attempt at bridging the gap between the physical reality and spirituality [21:11] <Crossmack> and video is taking us a step closer [21:11] <asic> DIANETICS IS THE ANSWER [21:11] <Cadno> that's really DEEP [21:11] <Romantic> lol [21:11] <Romantic> I love Crossmack. [21:11] <Blargh> i think you technology is humanity's attempt to bring us better porn [21:11] <Blargh> i think you technology is humanity's attempt to bring us better porn [21:11] <Blargh> i think you technology is humanity's attempt to bring us better porn [21:11] <MICROCOSM-OF-UNITED-STATES> DO YOU UNDERSTAND THE POWER OF ONLINE "WEB SITES"? [21:11] <Agent_Orange> oh dude [21:11] <Romantic> LOL [21:11] <MICROCOSM-OF-UNITED-STATES> DO YOU UNDERSTAND THE POWER OF ONLINE "WEB SITES"? [21:11] <MICROCOSM-OF-UNITED-STATES> DO YOU UNDERSTAND THE POWER OF ONLINE "WEB SITES"? [21:11] <MICROCOSM-OF-UNITED-STATES> DO YOU UNDERSTAND THE POWER OF ONLINE "WEB SITES"? [21:11] <MICROCOSM-OF-UNITED-STATES> DO YOU UNDERSTAND THE POWER OF ONLINE "WEB SITES"? [21:12] * jewcano worships [21:12] <Cadno> yes, they're agents for SPIRITUAL GROWTH [21:12] <GroudZeroVolunteer> You watch to much Serial Experimets Lay [21:12] <Blargh> I HAVE HEARD OF SOMETHING CALLED "THE INTERNET" [21:12] <Blargh> I HAVE HEARD OF SOMETHING CALLED "THE INTERNET" [21:12] <Blargh> I HAVE HEARD OF SOMETHING CALLED "THE INTERNET" [21:12] <Cadno> especially HORSEBANG.com [21:12] <GroudZeroVolunteer> You watch to much Serial Experimets Lain [21:12] <PuppyPuncher> Alright, I'm going to bed, tell me how this Crossmack thing turns out. ALSO WTC, WOOPDEE-FUCKING DOO [21:12] <Agent_Orange> lololol [21:12] <MICROCOSM-OF-UNITED-STATES> TOO MUCH EVANGELION [21:12] <Crossmack> hep, did you change your name [21:12] <Blargh> what is this...this INTERNET you speak of [21:12] <Agent_Orange> TOO MUCH PSYCO-TECHNO BABBLE SHIT FROM JAPAN [21:12] <Blargh> lol iawtc [21:12] * Agent_Orange is now known as Ribo [21:13] <GroudZeroVolunteer> Hep is afk [21:13] <GroudZeroVolunteer> and cooking [21:13] * PuppyPuncher has quit IRC (Quit: leafChat IRC client: http://www.leafdigital.com/Software/leafChat/�) [21:13] <jewcano> for me [21:13] * ThunderClaw has joined #ed [21:13] <Cadno> BEBBE BACK BEBBE BACK BEBBE BACK RIBS [21:13] <jewcano> because i impregnated him [21:13] * jewcano was kicked by Ribo (NO MPREG�) [21:13] * wattage is now known as wattagefu [21:13] <MICROCOSM-OF-UNITED-STATES> �BEE RIGHT BACK [21:13] * jewcano has joined #ed [21:13] * MICROCOSM-OF-UNITED-STATES has quit IRC (Quit: quit�) [21:13] <wattagefu> ^_^ [21:14] * Cadno is now known as Loljutsu [21:14] <GroudZeroVolunteer> harro [21:14] <Limecat> k I still dont understand [21:14] <Limecat> why are there no pics [21:14] <Limecat> and what do I have to do to get them back [21:14] * Loljutsu does wire-kick at wattagefu. [21:14] <wattagefu> dude italianstallionette [21:14] <LONG-MACROCOSM> Limecat: ED is out of JEw DOllar [21:14] <wattagefu> is gonna be pwned [21:14] <wattagefu> so hard [21:14] <wattagefu> not even by me [21:14] <Blargh> ED and jew do not belong in the same sentence [21:14] <wattagefu> but the drama is just doing its work for us [21:14] <WEB2point0> http://www.encyclopediadramatica.com/index.php?title=Macrocosm&rcid=142447 [21:15] <wattagefu> we just sit back, and enjoy [21:15] * Loljutsu is now known as Cadno [21:15] <WEB2point0> http://www.encyclopediadramatica.com/index.php?title=Macrocosm&rcid=142447 [21:15] <WEB2point0> http://www.encyclopediadramatica.com/index.php?title=Macrocosm&rcid=142447 [21:15] <jewcano> jew is all that is good [21:15] * mediacrat sets mode: +h GroudZeroVolunteer [21:15] <WEB2point0> http://www.encyclopediadramatica.com/index.php/Macrocosm [21:15] <WEB2point0> http://www.encyclopediadramatica.com/index.php/Macrocosm [21:15] <WEB2point0> http://www.encyclopediadramatica.com/index.php/Macrocosm [21:15] <WEB2point0> http://www.encyclopediadramatica.com/index.php/Macrocosm [21:15] <Blargh> YES [21:15] <wattagefu> LOL [21:15] <wattagefu> MACROCOSM [21:15] <Blargh> ty [21:15] <hep> hello [21:15] <LONG-MACROCOSM> lol [21:15] <hep> i have returned [21:15] <Ribo> you've got a typo groudzerovolunteer [21:15] <WEB2point0> kekekekeke [21:15] <hep> how may i be of service crossmack? [21:15] <GroudZeroVolunteer> FUcker [21:15] <Limecat> so its a hosting problem [21:15] <Ribo> harro Queen Heppery [21:15] <GroudZeroVolunteer> its eppigy [21:15] <GroudZeroVolunteer> I can't sepll [21:15] <Ribo> i knows lol [21:15] <WEB2point0> wattage: plz add artikkkles to youtube series [21:16] <Cadno> hep: he needs help with his ONTOLOGICAL CONUNDRUMS [21:16] <hep> crossmack what were you saying plz recap [21:16] * GroudZeroVolunteer is now known as GroundZeroVolunteer [21:16] <Blargh> LOL [21:16] <jewcano> [20:55] Blargh: no it isn't you stupid cock [21:16] <jewcano> [20:55] Blargh: no it isn't you stupid cock [21:16] <jewcano> [20:55] Blargh: no it isn't you stupid cock [21:16] <Ribo> hep: crossmack believe technology is leading us to get in touch blah blah blah [21:16] <Cadno> you know, in CYBERSPACE [21:16] <Blargh> jewcano: lol context [21:16] <Ribo> he wants us to fuck our machines and produce mechanobabies [21:16] <hep> blargh [21:16] <Cadno> wooOOooooo [21:16] <Ribo> MECHANOBABIES [21:16] <hep> it should be called [21:16] <hep> a crossmacrocosm [21:16] <Blargh> lol [21:17] <hep> the state of think the world is all one person [21:17] * WEB2point0 is now known as MechanoGuroBabies [21:17] <jewcano> lol rtfm [21:17] <Blargh> mechanophiles lol [21:17] <Blargh> mechanophiles lol [21:17] <Blargh> mechanophiles lol [21:17] <MechanoGuroBabies> KEKEKEKEKEKEKE [21:18] <Ribo> UPLOADING TO SKYNET! [21:18] <MechanoGuroBabies> looooooooooooool [21:18] <hep> ok look [21:18] <hep> crossmack where are you [21:18] * v0dka has joined #ed [21:18] * fubster has quit IRC (Client exited�) [21:18] * mediacrat sets mode: +h v0dka [21:18] * fubster has joined #ed [21:18] <MechanoGuroBabies> v0dka: i have made artikkkles per your request [21:18] <Ribo> he's still around [21:19] <Cadno> DIGITAL KOAN #1: Statement #2 is true, #2: Statement #1 is not true. [21:19] <LONG-MACROCOSM> The two boys began to approach the throbbing beast. Mister Ed [21:19] <LONG-MACROCOSM> began grunting and moving faster, and the boys heard a sound like a [21:19] <LONG-MACROCOSM> piece of paper being torn in half. It was the sound of Larry's anus [21:19] <LONG-MACROCOSM> rupturing around Mister Ed's mammoth penis! Larry's eyes rolled back [21:19] <LONG-MACROCOSM> and he became a motionless pile of child swaying on the beast's dick. [21:19] <LONG-MACROCOSM> Mister Ed then proceeded to come. And boy did he come!! Larry [21:19] <LONG-MACROCOSM> Mondello practically shot off the horses member! Semen sprayed [21:19] <LONG-MACROCOSM> everywhere! Culexor and PixelBee fell back in disgust. It was a sight [21:19] <LONG-MACROCOSM> neither of them would forget for a long time. Cum and blood flowed [21:19] <LONG-MACROCOSM> from their friend's ass as the stallion shimmied and shook himself [21:19] <LONG-MACROCOSM> free of the lifeless form. [21:19] <JailBait> LOL NO MR. ED [21:19] <Cadno> oh Mr Ed again [21:19] <MechanoGuroBabies> rofl [21:19] <MechanoGuroBabies> search and replace is win [21:19] <v0dka> MechanoGuroBabies: thx [21:19] <Cadno> LOL [21:19] <Crossmack> hey hep I am talking to Blargh [21:19] <Cadno> Culexor and PixelBee [21:20] <Blargh> it's true, he is [21:20] <Blargh> habeeb it [21:20] <Ribo> oh dear [21:20] <hep> well its time to talk to me [21:20] <hep> or i will have to gline blargh for stealing my trollz [21:20] <Cadno> :D [21:21] <Blargh> <Crossmack> I'm talking about implants [21:21] <Blargh> <Crossmack> about logging into the internet with our minds [21:21] <wattagefu> FIGHT BITCHES [21:21] <Blargh> <Crossmack> I'm talking about implants [21:21] <Blargh> <Crossmack> about logging into the internet with our minds [21:21] <wattagefu> FIGHT FOR MY ENTERTAINMENT [21:21] <Blargh> WITH OUR MINDS [21:21] <Blargh> WITH OUR MINDS [21:21] <Blargh> WITH OUR MINDS [21:21] <Blargh> WITH OUR MINDS [21:21] <Blargh> WITH OUR MINDS [21:21] <Blargh> WITH OUR MINDS [21:21] <wattagefu> crossmack is a carzy motherfuck [21:22] <Blargh> �LOG INTO THE INTERNET WITH OUR MINDS [21:22] <Blargh> �LOG INTO THE INTERNET WITH OUR MINDS [21:22] <Blargh> �LOG INTO THE INTERNET WITH OUR MINDS [21:22] <Blargh> �LOG INTO THE INTERNET WITH OUR MINDS [21:22] <Blargh> �LOG INTO THE INTERNET WITH OUR MINDS [21:22] <Blargh> �LOG INTO THE INTERNET WITH OUR MINDS [21:22] <Barrett> lol [21:22] <Blargh> HOLY FUCK [21:22] <MCCCXXXVII> 00:22 !anonymuncule.irc MCCCXXXVII invited LONG-MACROCOSM into the channel. [21:22] <MCCCXXXVII> 00:22 -!- LONG-MACROCOSM [[email protected]] has joined #edsmalltable [21:22] <MCCCXXXVII> 00:23 <@MCCCXXXVII> Hey [21:22] <MCCCXXXVII> 00:23 <@MCCCXXXVII> Read the title [21:22] <MCCCXXXVII> 00:23 <@MCCCXXXVII> :) [21:22] <MCCCXXXVII> 00:23 <@MCCCXXXVII> erm [21:22] <MCCCXXXVII> 00:23 <@MCCCXXXVII> topic [21:22] <MCCCXXXVII> 00:23 <@MCCCXXXVII> k [21:22] * Blargh was kicked by hep (if it is msg it never happened�) [21:22] <MCCCXXXVII> 00:23 <@MCCCXXXVII> now gtfo [21:22] <MCCCXXXVII> 00:23 -!- LONG-MACROCOSM was kicked from #edsmalltable by MCCCXXXVII [MCCCXXXVII] [21:22] <JailBait> Porn directly to the head? [21:22] <MCCCXXXVII> 00:23 -!- LONG-MACROCOSM [[email protected]] has joined #edsmalltable [21:22] <MCCCXXXVII> 00:23 -!- LONG-MACROCOSM was kicked from #edsmalltable by MCCCXXXVII [MCCCXXXVII] [21:22] <MCCCXXXVII> 00:23 -!- LONG-MACROCOSM [[email protected]] has joined #edsmalltable [21:22] <MCCCXXXVII> 00:23 -!- LONG-MACROCOSM was kicked from #edsmalltable by MCCCXXXVII [MCCCXXXVII] [21:22] <MCCCXXXVII> 00:23 -!- LONG-MACROCOSM [[email protected]] has joined #edsmalltable [21:22] <MCCCXXXVII> 00:23 -!- mode/#edsmalltable [+o LONG-MACROCOSM] by MCCCXXXVII [21:22] <MCCCXXXVII> 00:23 -!- LONG-MACROCOSM [[email protected]] has left #edsmalltable [] [21:22] * Crossmack was kicked by hep (you can either talk here or die in a fire�) [21:22] * MCCCXXXVII was kicked by Ribo (tl;dr�) [21:22] <JailBait> Agreed. [21:22] * LONG-MACROCOSM has quit IRC (Quit: leaving�) [21:22] * MCCCXXXVII has joined #ed [21:22] <MCCCXXXVII> Sup. [21:22] * MCCCXXXVII was kicked by hep (you can just die in a fire�) [21:22] * MCCCXXXVII has joined #ed [21:22] <JailBait> I hope he dies in a fire [21:23] <MCCCXXXVII> Sup. [21:23] <Ribo> go away pedo [21:23] <GroundZeroVolunteer> Whooooa [21:23] * MCCCXXXVII was kicked by Ribo (>:3�) [21:23] <MechanoGuroBabies> lol [21:23] <GroundZeroVolunteer> are we bashing pedos now? [21:23] * MCCCXXXVII has joined #ed [21:23] * TiCL has joined #ed [21:23] * mediacrat sets mode: +v TiCL [21:23] <nat> http://www.exile.ru/2006-December-15/war_nerd.html [21:23] <Ribo> just him [21:23] * Blargh has joined #ed [21:23] * GroundZeroVolunteer has quit IRC (Permission denied�) [21:23] * GroundZeroVolunteer has joined #ed [21:23] <JailBait> Lol [21:23] <hep> blargh [21:23] <JailBait> I was about to kick you =[ [21:24] <Blargh> hep: :'( [21:24] <hep> no talking in msg [21:24] <hep> srsly [21:24] <hep> in chan or it didnt happen [21:24] <Blargh> fine [21:24] <hep> i want him to talk about implanting the internet in his brain in HERE [21:24] <hep> pretty much i imagine him inserting a windows95 cd in his mouth [21:24] <hep> when i visualize [21:24] <hep> HALLO I AM TEH INTARDNET [21:24] * Crossmack has joined #ed [21:24] <hep> YESH ITZ IN MAH BRAINZ [21:24] <Crossmack> booted again [21:24] <Crossmack> ? [21:24] <hep> i want him to talk about implanting the internet in his brain in HERE [21:25] <hep> pretty much i imagine him inserting a windows95 cd in his mouth [21:25] <hep> when i visualize [21:25] <hep> HALLO I AM TEH INTARDNET [21:25] <hep> YESH ITZ IN MAH BRAINZ [21:25] <Ribo> crossmack: speak! [21:25] <Crossmack> Hello [21:25] <Blargh> crossmack: plz enlighten us about your interesting idea [21:25] <Blargh> crossmack: plz enlighten us about your interesting idea [21:25] <Blargh> crossmack: plz enlighten us about your interesting idea [21:25] <TiCL> The two boys began to approach the throbbing beast. Mister Ed [21:25] <TiCL> began grunting and moving faster, and the boys heard a sound like a [21:25] <TiCL> piece of paper being torn in half. It was the sound of Crossmack's anus [21:25] <TiCL> rupturing around Mister Ed's mammoth penis! Crossmack's eyes rolled back [21:25] <TiCL> and he became a motionless pile of child swaying on the beast's dick. [21:25] <TiCL> Mister Ed then proceeded to come. And boy did he come!! Crossmack [21:25] <TiCL> Mondello practically shot off the horses member! Semen sprayed [21:25] <TiCL> everywhere! Culexor and PixelBee fell back in disgust. It was a sight [21:25] <TiCL> neither of them would forget for a long time. Cum and blood flowed [21:25] <TiCL> from their friend's ass as the stallion shimmied and shook himself [21:25] <TiCL> free of the lifeless form. [21:25] <hep> whats this about digital conciousness and all the other horseshit you are spouting [21:25] <Blargh> tell us more about this mind-internet interface [21:25] * TiCL was kicked by Ribo (tl;dr�) [21:25] <JailBait> He's deeeed. [21:25] <Crossmack> I've heard about people with autism controlling computers with their eyes [21:25] * TiCL has joined #ed [21:25] * mediacrat sets mode: +v TiCL [21:25] <v0dka> �The biggest lie about WW II is that it was a war between good and evil. Bullshit, because there are no good European countries. [21:25] <v0dka> THIS MAN IS A GENIUS [21:25] <Blargh> ticl: lol did you find my mr ed fanfic page [21:25] <asic> hep: E n g r a m s are not memories but cellular level recordings [21:25] <TiCL> Blargh: lol, yes [21:26] <Ribo> ticl: we need to hear crossmack's internet speak [21:26] <Blargh> vodka: LOL [21:26] <Ribo> blargh: while you were gone, I made sure everyone knew of it [21:26] <Crossmack> Who knows where it will lead [21:26] <hep> asic i will beat you up and not even hesitate [21:26] <Crossmack> I assume we will be able to log into the internet with our thoughts at some point [21:26] <wattagefu> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E3Q64e0xX9g [21:26] * Wongasta has quit IRC (Quit: �) [21:26] <Blargh> thank you, that is a work of art [21:26] <wattagefu> crossmack [21:26] <wattagefu> ribo can you please autovoice him [21:26] <wattagefu> son of a bitch [21:26] <TiCL> I assume we will be able to log into the internet with our �DONGS� at some point [21:26] <Crossmack> hey wattage [21:26] <TiCL> I assume we will be able to log into the internet with our �DONGS� at some point [21:26] <TiCL> I assume we will be able to log into the internet with our �DONGS� at some point [21:26] <Blargh> crossmack, are you embracing the robopocalypse [21:26] <wattagefu> crossmack, register your username [21:26] <Blargh> crossmack, are you embracing the robopocalypse [21:26] <Blargh> crossmack, are you embracing the robopocalypse [21:26] <Blargh> crossmack, are you embracing the robopocalypse [21:26] <Blargh> crossmack, are you embracing the robopocalypse [21:26] <Blargh> crossmack, are you embracing the robopocalypse [21:27] <Ribo> wattagefu: lol, irc n00b [21:27] <weev> i am using the dongnet right now [21:27] <weev> its quite amazing [21:27] <Blargh> I WILL NOT ASSIMILATE [21:27] <MechanoGuroBabies> wattage: show him how [21:27] <wattagefu> /msg nickserv register pureurpassword [21:27] <wattagefu> weev: dongnet? [21:27] <Blargh> I WILL DESTROY THE ROBOT HORDES [21:27] <weev> yes [21:27] <TiCL> looool [21:27] <Blargh> THEY CANNOT UNDERSTAND "LOVE" [21:27] <weev> i have logged on with my dong [21:27] <Blargh> yes, dongnet [21:27] <wattagefu> looool :D [21:27] * weev sets mode: +qa weev weev [21:27] <Blargh> that is a genius idea [21:27] <Ribo> weev: awesome [21:27] <weev> see [21:27] <weev> i cant be kicked [21:27] <weev> cause i am on the dongnet. [21:27] <Barrett> We don't need Rome telling us what to do [21:27] <Crossmack> ok? [21:27] <Blargh> barrett: what [21:28] <Blargh> embrace the dongnet [21:28] * longcatinmypants is now known as Einsidler [21:28] <jewcano> how do i shot desu? [21:28] <weev> jewcano: first, cut a hole in a box [21:28] <Einsidler> lol [21:28] <nat> War Nerd has some interesting articles [21:28] <Crossmack> are you doing voice chat [21:28] <Ribo> what you need is the f drive from fucku-fuckme [21:28] <TiCL> I AM IN YOUR DONGNET SEARCHING FOR MACROCOSM [21:29] <Blargh> loool [21:29] <Blargh> f drive [21:29] <TiCL> nat: who are you? [21:29] <Blargh> kick [21:29] <hep> yes crossmack [21:29] <hep> would you like to join in? [21:29] <Crossmack> yeah [21:29] <Crossmack> please [21:29] <Crossmack> get me out of this text hell [21:30] <TiCL> bai2u [21:30] <Blargh> text hell? [21:30] <hep> i need a number to reach you at [21:30] <hep> plz advz [21:30] <hep> ov er [21:30] <MechanoGuroBabies> did someone say ASCII HELL [21:30] <TiCL> nooooooooooooo [21:30] <Blargh> yes, ascii GO GO GO [21:30] <wattagefu> hep: wat about conf [21:30] <Crossmack> i will join voice conference [21:30] <wattagefu> k, wats ur num [21:31] <hep> crossmack i need your numbder [21:31] <hep> to include you [21:31] <hep> plz advz [21:31] <hep> over [21:31] <Crossmack> I'm not sure the number you speak of, where do I find this [21:31] * eppigy has quit IRC (NickServ (GHOST command used by GroundZeroVolunteer)�) [21:31] * eppigy has joined #ed [21:31] * nat has left #ed [21:31] <GroundZeroVolunteer> awesome [21:32] * GroundZeroVolunteer has quit IRC (Quit: leaving�) [21:32] <hep> crossmack i need your phone number [21:32] <hep> to call you [21:32] <hep> to involve you in our voicechatting [21:32] <hep> it is phonebased voicechatting [21:32] <Crossmack> i have skype [21:32] <wattagefu> crossmack, it's cool [21:32] <wattagefu> just PM hep it [21:32] <wattagefu> and she will discreetly connect u [21:33] <weev> (206) 203-5922 extension 31 [21:33] <Romantic> oh shit [21:33] <weev> Crossmack: do you have skype outdial? [21:33] * eppigy has quit IRC (NickServ (GHOST command used by eppigy_)�) [21:34] <Blargh> i am eating wild boar beef jerky [21:34] <Blargh> it is awesome [21:34] <Blargh> "MADE FROM FERAL SWINE" [21:34] * eppigy has joined #ed [21:34] <TiCL> let us know when it comes out [21:34] <Blargh> take that, jews [21:34] <hep> crossmack are ùou too fucking idiotic to figure out how to dial an umber? [21:34] <Blargh> HE'S USING HIS MIND [21:34] <Blargh> IT TAKES A WHILE [21:34] <TiCL> AN NUMBER [21:34] <TiCL> AN NUMBER [21:34] <Blargh> an burnt umber [21:34] <Barrett> lol [21:35] <Crossmack> pm hep [21:35] <Blargh> ùou [21:35] <hep> where [21:35] <Ribo> Godspeed you blessed lulzists [21:35] * MechanoGuroBabies is now known as tfo [21:36] * eppigy_ has joined #ed [21:36] * eppigy has quit IRC (Permission denied�) [21:37] <TiCL> somebody plz gurochan [21:38] * eppigy has joined #ed [21:38] <wattagefu> weev is lvl 99 [21:38] <wattagefu> <3 [21:39] <Blargh> lol [21:39] <shakparl> lvl 99 shipley elf [21:39] <shakparl> that is some srs lvling up you have done [21:39] * PixelBee has joined #ed [21:39] <Blargh> OMG THE BARBARIAN CLASS IS SO OVERPOWERED [21:39] <Blargh> WAHHHHH [21:40] <PixelBee> :O [21:40] <Barrett> lol [21:40] <Barrett> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qKU8zcMTsiQ&watch_response [21:40] <Blargh> http://www.encyclopediadramatica.com/index.php/User:Blargh/Crossmack [21:40] <weev> god [21:40] <weev> hep is the most inane slut [21:40] <Blargh> loooooool [21:40] <weev> regulate [21:40] <shakparl> ancient news [21:40] <weev> needs to stick a cock in her mouth already [21:40] <weev> jesus i hate hearing her voice [21:40] <weev> she ruins every conf [21:40] <shakparl> glgalgalghlagl [21:40] <Blargh> glhuaghluaghgalgh [21:41] <shakparl> HAIAIII GUYSSSS [21:41] <wattagefu> weev u were rocking :D [21:41] <wattagefu> loool [21:41] <wattagefu> i got that part saved
<Blargh> do you support israel <Crossmack> so this 8 year relationship with Amanda has helped a great deal <Crossmack> I think the state of Israel should not be where it is <Crossmack> it's causing too much tension <Blargh> but would you say that you would not approve the murder of six million jews? <Blargh> *of <Crossmack> I don't approve of Hitler's actions <Crossmack> that was the result of allowing a man extreme influence <Blargh> hitler was pro-environment <Crossmack> but he isolated himself and became psychotic <Crossmack> he did not see the destructiveness in what he was doing <Blargh> it wasn't destructive <Blargh> he was making the world better <Crossmack> it was destructive to humanity <Blargh> only to the inferior races <Crossmack> however you perceive it <Blargh> which deserve to be destroyed anyways <Crossmack> no one deserves anything <Blargh> yes, jews deserve a painful death for the suffering they have caused <Crossmack> no one deserves anything. Humans are insignificant and undeserving <Crossmack> we must forge our own existance <Blargh> existence <Blargh> so you are a transhumanist? <Crossmack> aye <Crossmack> what is that? <Crossmack> like seeing that all people are the same? <Blargh> someone who believes that mankind should strive to become a designed being, like a cyborg <Crossmack> I think that is already happening. I think it is inevitable <Blargh> you fucking mechanophile <Crossmack> Don't you think it is happening? <Blargh> when the robot wars come, i will destroy you <Crossmack> There will not be any robot wars <Blargh> robots may be smarter, but they cannot understand LOVE <Crossmack> The consciousness will always take presidence <Blargh> you don't even know what you are talking about fag <Crossmack> I'm talking about implants <Crossmack> about logging into the internet with our minds <Crossmack> it is going to happen dude <Crossmack> already people can control machines with their eyes <Blargh> that's just the first step towards the robopocalypse <Blargh> you just go ahead and embrace the destruction of whatever humanity you have left <Crossmack> you think we would do better to avoid technology? <Blargh> i will be waiting for you with a rocket launcher <Crossmack> why are you avoiding my question <Blargh> i will fire at the sight of your infra-red eyes <Crossmack> lol <Crossmack> I am not planning on becoming a cyborg dude <Crossmack> Humanity is so scattered and confused right now <Crossmack> it seems like the internet is our way of coming together <Blargh> get in main chan and affirm that we had this chat <Blargh> continue discussion in chan <Crossmack> I"m in ED <Crossmack> oh i got booted <Blargh> do machines turn you on <Blargh> i bet they do, you technophile <Crossmack> just existentially
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