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He Will Not Divide Us

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The inauguration of Donald Trump sparked massive protests and riots across D.C. and the world. Leftists, already mentally unstable and savage, went completely apeshit in the weeks following Trump's victory. A D-list celebrity named Shia LaBeouf (Known for doing a porno flick and two Transformers movies before they realized how terrible he was and dumped him, but kept Megan Fox) decided to create an "art piece" by setting up a 24/7 livestream in New York City, which was intended to exist for the entirety of the Trump presidency, which could have been anywhere from one to eight years. Formerly located at the Museum of the Moving Image in the liberal shithole known as New York City, locals were invited by Shia to come and stand in front of the camera and chant "He Will Not Divide Us". The result was a sea of brain-dead morons repeatedly screeching at a wall, along with much attention-whoring.

HWNDU; leftists already have.
Summarization of the leftist participants.

However, 4chan soon learned about the project. The result was a massive IRL trolling raid with the goal of closing yet another pool and rustling some more jimmies. The trolls congregated mostly on cuckchan and cripplechan /pol/, creating hundreds of threads detailing live coverage of the drama. The operation was a complete success; within less than a month, Shia got arrested after assaulting a /pol/lack (it was actually one of the lefties) and temporarily shut it down a few weeks later on February 10th, 2017, only to reopen it two weeks later on a sidewalk in Nowhere, New Mexico.

January 20, 2017

The opening face of season 3 giving the viewers an introduction.

The start of HWNDU; the live feed is set up somewhere in NYC and immediately attracts the public after going viral. Trolls show up within hours to pay respects.

January 25, 2017

/v/'s autistic (obviously) janitor makes a guest appearance

Pics From The Day About missing Pics
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January 26, 2017

Pol threads:

Briefing: Three users show up at the start of the day (1 ~ 5 AM) and get nicknamed Jihad Jesus, Jackie4Chan, and Kim-Jong-Anon. They spend several hours reading /pol/ threads and twitter, giving shoutouts, micspamming, trolling, etc. The police show up and interrogate them for a while. Several supporters of KEK show up to bring the brave warriors food. Meanwhile, leftist drones starve in the New York winter. There are rumors spreading that Shia would show up to kick their ass. As the 30-minute mark approached, he didn't show - like the pussy he is. A gay ass nigger furry named PaperBoyPrince shows up around 8:00 AM, with his ugly feminazi friend and hijacks the show for a while until pissing off. Eventually, school is in session so many kids roam the streets. A narutard shows up, as does Ali David Sonboly. The feminazi flashes her small, deformed breasts at the camera repeatedly while school buses and children pass by.

Eventually, Shia shows up, assaults a /pol/lack, and gets arrested! KEK [1]

Video highlights:

January 28, 2017

Sam Hyde shows up and perpetrates a mass shooting that results in 28 casualties. He later escapes from New York and hasn't been heard from since. [2]

February 2017

  New location: 622 Central Ave SW, Albuquerque, NM.

Show's indefinitely cancelled due to niggers.


Notable events so far:

  • Zeiger (no relations to our zaiger) from Daily Stormer shows up to advertise their site.
  • A malnourished skinny and tall nigger flaunts a gun during the podcast.
  • A troll shows up with a huge portrait of Pepe.
  • Some dindu sprays the camera black.
  • Two retards almost get shot.

February 10th: POOL'S CLOSED

Shia and his group couldn't take the IRL trolling anymore. As was predicted, the HWNDU stream didn't even last a month. An official reason cited for the termination of the program was the propensity for violence (usually sparked and initiated by the "peaceful" left) and because they were tired of being trolled. The NYPD was happy that HWNDU was dead, because they were sick of having to patrol the (residential) area around the clock, and the local residents were pleased because the closure meant they didn't have to deal with people injecting marijuana and urinating on their property anymore. Plus, Sam Hyde's deadly massacre alarmed locals and noo yoikers in general. [3]

He Will Not Divide Us Part II: Electric Boogaloo

Like Team Rocket, LaBeouf just won't fuck off when he gets pwn'd. A week after the pool was closed, Shia reopened the pool in Albuquerque, New Mexico, in what looks like a ghetto. This has led to many kangs inviting the viewer to follow them on Twitter, Instagram and other Internet AIDS-infested sites.

Be American, Get Shot

March 9th: HWNDU 3 - With a Vengeance

The prize

Having been thoroughly trolled at every single other location, Shia decided to move the stream to an undisclosed location with nothing on camera but the flag and the sky, so as not to invite the mean trolls to fuck with it. Unfortunately for him, he had no idea the kind of weaponized autism anons were capable of, and in just 24 hours anons on 8ch's /hwndu/ board managed to cross-reference flight-patterns, local wildlife, ambient noise, star maps, and other autistic shit, in order to gain the exact location of Shia's gay little flag. However, they were all massive pussies and despite having people on-site, nobody was willing to actually steal it. That night though, the flag was captured at Moon Creek Road in Greenville, Tennessee by an anon from 4chan's /pol/, and is currently hanging on his wall, having won the greatest game of Capture The Flag ever played.


Weapons-grade autism at work

HWNDU inside of America simulator

Shia LeBlownTheFuckOut

Season 2 Finale: The wall gets built


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See also

He sure divided those pussy lips.

External links

YouTube shit

8chan /pol/ threads

Click here for an index listing hundreds of threads with countless pockets of information.


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