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Rome Viharo

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Viharo, a Charlie Sheen lookalike, also enjoys Coke.

Rome Viharo (also known as Tumbleman, Зенитная Самоходная Установка and Wikipedia We Have a Problem) is a millionaire fake social justice warrior hipster douchebag from Los Angeles who takes cocaine tobacco, is triggered by President Trump and has a huge victim complex which spills out all over the internet. Rome, somewhat of an eccentric, is notorious for joining websites solely to whine about being "cyber-bullied" on Wikipedia, Reddit and Rationalwiki.

Viharo is an ex-Wikipedia editor who was banned over an edit war about some dude named Rupert Sheldrake. Bizarrely he retaliated by setting up an entire anti-WP site stalking anyone involved in his banning, instead of just letting the teenage skeptics maintain their circle jerk, proving he has just as little of a life. Before Viharo discovered Wikipedia, he spent years trolling skeptics at James Randi's forum in an ayahuasca-fueled haze, boasting of his ability to "spin them on his little finger"...which may or may not be shit-stinky from the experience.

Rome Viharo looking gay

Banned from Wikipedia

Viharo's excommunication from the cult of Wikipedios occurred after he went batshit crazy over weirdo science dude Rupert Sheldrake (who most of you would never have even heard of before reading this ED article). Viharo argued that Sheldrake's 'morphic resonance' is as legitimate as String Theory -- which to pimple-faced internet atheists is tantamount to to saying that the Phantom Menace is better than A New Hope, resulting in the insuring nerd rage which followed. After igniting several simultaneous conflicts, he was finally nailed for sock puppetry and disruptive behavior on Wikipedia. Viharo (posting as Tumbleman) was indefinitely blocked from editing by the unanimous decision of five Wikipedia administrators.

After Viharo was banned and baleted, he took it as a personal challenge to his reputation as a troll extraordinaire. A veteran of many years engineering lulz on internet forums using a variety of characters and chain yanking strategies, Viharo was armed with mad trolling skills. So he expertly bombarded the encyclopedia using numerous sockpuppet accounts with names like "Ohboychickenagain", "PhilosophyFellow", "Halfman halfthing", and others, driving anally congested Wikipedo admins crazy and providing his special brand of retarded but free entertainment to everyone.

It is clear to me, if only from his extreme verbosity, that this guy [Rome Viharo] is just a troll trying to soak up as much of everyone's time as possible. Every comment elicits a gigantic reply from him, no issue is too small for him to write thousands of words on it.


—Tim Farley

Wikipedia We Have a Problem

Through obsessive blogging and ceaseless tweeting, the entrepreneurial Viharo managed to turn all that Wikipedia butthurt into nominal internet fame. His massive and whiny website proudly features a section called editors and admins involved stalking Wikipedia editors (including their exalted admins) that banned him. These posts show Viharo to either be a paranoid nutcase, no-lifer, masterful troll, or some combination of the above. Aside from being a loon who supports the truthconspiracy theories about Wikipedia's "skeptic activity", Viharo proves himself to be just as creepy as your typical Wikipedia admin when he tries to dig up people's real identities on the internet, and then post about them while foaming at the mouth with his psycho head. JzG, Science Apologist, Manul and LuckyLouie have been the latest crop of Wikipedians to voice their butthurt over Viharo's obsession.

Anti-Trump activism

Rome is still butthurt over the fact The Donald won.

The only thing that triggers Viharo's estrogen more than RationalWiki is Trump. Rome is a typical Social Justice Warrior: He's from douchebag Hollywood (his father is a retired movie star) and has all the faggotry that you would expect from a whiny spoiled liberal suntanning his bikini wax poolside; supporting daft things such as open-borders, cryptocurrencies, global energy-grids and campaigns against Donald Trump. Non-surprisingly, Rome's personal blog is on "whiny people" Tumblr. Rome was dumb enough to waste his own money on a feminist anti-Trump organization called Young Aware American Political Action Committee that aimed to mobilize female voters to vote for Hillary.

Websites Rome has used to moan about "cyber-bullying"

Rome giving his patented "gay guy undressing you with his eyes from the end of the bar" gaze.

Reaction to This Article

Rome writes about Encyclopedia Dramatica on his blog, even penning us a long winded letter at the bottom of "Encyclopedia Dramatica Talk", wanting to be butt buddies with us. Viharo is home right now hoping we won’t make fun of his years long drama with Wikipedia and RationalWiki and take down this page. We thought about it.

Nah. We're willing to pay double for any picture of Viharo with a man bun. There has to be one out there.

See Also

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Rome Viharo is part of a series on Internet Humanitarianism
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