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MonkeyGameGuides (AKA Snackycakes2008) is another one of Snackycakes2008's other troll personas. In this persona, 'Thomas' (as he calls himself) pretends to be a cockney British kid that has the voice of a truck-stop hooker or London rapist. MonkeyGameGuides main purpose is to troll video game fanboys by make videos were he blindly bashes their favorite game with no reasons at all, then compares it with Call of Duty. Despite being blatantly obvious, hundreds of people still fall for his little trap and find themselves writing comments full of butthurt, retardation and hilarity.

The Beginning

MonkeyGameGuides first started his long run of trolling folks with a video entitles as "Borderlands SUCKS!" where of course, he insults the game for having cartoonish and bad graphics. He repeatedly compared it with the FPS, Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 2. The following day, he uploaded a video where he continued trolling Bioware fanboys. In both these videos he does the same thing, compares them to Call Of Duty and calls them shit for small and pointless reasons. Throughout the videos, he talks with a quite voice, he smiles and laughs and looks to the sides to make sure his parents were not watching. Despite being a newfag and terrible troll, his goal succeeded as he conned many Biodrones and hipsters into believing his petty trolling.

His first taste of fame

MonkeyGameGuides got his first taste of internet fame when Rocco from Mega64 favorited one of his videos. This sent a crowd of unfunny 13-year-old boys and manchildren rushing to spout their unfunny inside jokes. Regardless, the sudden vitalization of his video brought in extra fans. Many new people started following his videos. This caused MonkeyGameGuides (by popular demand) to make more videos. These videos being entitled "Sly RaCOONSUCKS" and "Fable III SUCKS" (Fable III sucks was later taken down by high demand of butthurt) Both of these videos introduced his new cockney accent (although his 'fans' were to retarded to realize the significant change of voices)These two videos attracted the attention of local Oblivion fanboys who went on a long foolish argument to try and prove MonkeyGameGuides wrong, these fanboys later invited their daddy, ThePs2God who would later become a rival to MonkeyGameGuides. The argument with the Oblivion fanboys ended up with the flagging of two videos, [[shit}Fable III]] and another unknown video that we'll never see.

The War

This saga of MonkeyGameGuides was an event where the local manchild 'ThePs2God' (AKA OneManBoxOffice) an unemployed fat man decided he had nothing better to do but point out flaws in a petty newfag troll that no one even cared about. (except of course for the 13-year-old boys OneManBoxOffice made a commentary on MonkeyGameGuides after his furfag buddyalso made a commentary. Both commentary's featured them both trying to be pretentious and smart. If they were smart, they wouldn't of been making commentaries in the first place and would of been doing better things. There was also a nigger who made a commentary but no one cares about that. These events would be the things that would lead to a big bloody brawl between MGG and OMB. MonkeyGameGuides made a video declaring war with ThePs2God which soon gained the attention of the local crowd of 13-year-old boys whom then latched their mouths to ThePs2Gods anus. The war featured many pointless arguments between the two and a few commentaries and videos between the two. Soon, ThePs2god realized the truth. That he'd been wasting his time on a pointless subject with a petty obscure-ish kid who's opinion was invalid and irrelevant and was only bringing more attention to the kid. ThePs2God ended the war, but being the egotistical person he is, he claimed to have won the war because 'He's smarter then everyone else' (He literally was saying that, no joke) MonkeyGameGuides later made his own victory video were he to claimed to have won the war. In the end, it turned out to be a petty little argument between a petty kid and a manchild ctbOSJ2nax0

Results of the war

Although the war had ended, many conflicts between 'ThePs2God' and MonkeyGameGuides continued. Soon in near-mid 2012, ThePs2God's account was terminated by the local lolcow, RJBandsma. MonkeyGameGuides in joy created a video about it. Coincidentally, his account was terminated around the same time of Osama-Bin Laden's death causing MonkeyGameGuides to use the war in Afghanistan as a reference to the 'War Of autism'. Later that week, it turned out Osama-Bin BoxOffice had created a new account called "OneManBoxOffice". MonkeyGameGuides began harassing OneManBoxOffice for weeks. OneManBoxOffice continued to be the same pretentious, egotistical manchild he was by arguing back and pointing out flaws in MonkeyGameGuides maturity and attitude. Eventually OneManBoxOffice once again FINALLY realized he was still wasting his time with a petty obscure kid that no one gave a shit about, so for once he was smart enough to ignore MonkeyGameGuides (Although he still held tightly onto his ego.) This didn't last for long. OneManBoxOffice shot a crippling blow at MonkeyGameGuides when he came back as a complete hypocrite and flagged the fuck out of a bunch of his videos. This caused MonkeyGameGuides to be on the verge of suspension and gave him a one-month ban from Youtube. In a response, MonkeyGameGuides persuaded a young kid OneManBoxOffice was harassing known as 'Rickey Feima' into flagging all of OneManBoxOffices videos for harassment. This ended up working very well on OneManBoxOffice. After that, months remained with silence. Until November. In November, MonkeyGameGuides became very viral. As a response, MonkeyGameGuides heavily referenced his victory over OneManBoxOffice to threaten his new haters. It wasn't long before these babby detectives tracked down OneManBoxOffice and began asking him about MonkeyGameGuides. OneManBoxOffice being smart, claimed that he'd do nothing. In reality, he actually decided to once again go on a flagging rampage. This once again led to another monthly ban for MonkeyGameGuides, also causing the historical war deceleration video to be taken down. Because of MonkeyGameGuides month ban, he was unable to be around to keep his new babby fans in knowing that he was still alive. Soon all of his new fans wandered off thinking they made him an hero causing MonkeyGameGuides to become a nobody again. Later on, the tables turned ending the war for good. OneManBoxOffice's account received two copyright strike. Because of the last strike MonkeyGameGuides gave him earlier, this caused OneManBoxOffice to be terminated meaning he once again had to start again. MonkeyGameGuides had obtained victory. OneManBoxOffice did make another account known as 'OneManBoxOffice2' but many of his old fans did not realize this. Now he'll forever stand as a [[you|nobody] on Youtube FOREVER. At the end of the day, this petty war turned out to be nothing but a pointless conflict that nobody even gave a shit about. In one word... It was 'autistic.'

Arrow In The Knee saga

After finishing with the Avery Persona in the Jared Milton saga, MonkeyGameGuides made few videos on MonkeyGameGuides, he even took a two month break. After two months, MonkeyGameGuides returned with a video that made him viral. Before the release of Skyrim, MonkeyGameGuides decided to cash into Skyrim's hype by saying how the game 'will' suck (which he ended up being right about it) In this video, he comes up with a true analysis for TES IV: Oblivion's story. His summary was pretty much that Patrick Stewart comes to visit to tell you about his wet dream, then he kills himself leaving you to fight an army of 'gooby monsters' because an old guy and Sean Bean told you to. This led to a massive out-cry from Skyrim fans causing this video to get to 70,000 views within two weeks. Over 1000 babby's were fooled by MonkeyGameGuides and much anger was created by this crowd of 13 year old fanboys. MonkeyGameGuides became infamous within the Elder Scrolls community. It wasn't long before babby's and little kids plagued MonkeyGameGuides videos, to stupid to analyze how fake the videos were. The comment section became plagued with kids spouting unfunny 'Arrow In The Knee' jokes and other unfunny The Elder Scrolls jokes and... 'memes'. MonkeyGameGuides realized next to Skyrim, Minecraft also has the most autistic fanbase. MonkeyGameGuides a week after achieving viral success decided to rip on Minecraft. Once again, this caused a complete uproar between the little aspies and autists that plauge the minecraft community. This video also had slight success, but only reached 5000 views within the two weeks of uploading it. MonkeyGameGuides later on decided to take the lolcow approach by acting like a victim, creating the final video in the saga "Go Away Haters" where he acts similar to Coppercab, another successful troll. This video acheived bigger success then the Minecraft Sucks video, but still moderate success. After this, MonkeyGameGuides lost his viral status when OneManBoxOffice flagged him. In his viral run, many of his other videos gained popularity and success and he has gained more viewers since then. At the end of the day, MonkeyGameGuides managed to successfully troll thousands despite making it so obvious. MonkeyGameGuides once he'd actually bought Skyrim, tried to once again cash off of Skyrim by making a proper review on the game, and then he decided to call copyrights as Skyrim copied several aspects of the lore from Star Wars. Whilst these videos managed to each over 1000 views, they were not very successful at all.


Nowday's, MonkeyGameGuides continues making an occasional classic video where he rips on video games for small reasons. MonkeyGameGuides has once again fallen in the shadows of obscurity, whilst he still has many 13-year-old boys who stumble upon his obscure videos, he'll never regain his success. MonkeyGameGuides was a successful troll, despite doing a terrible job. Never the less, he'll probably continue making his shitty quality videos until he gains more attention. The same thing will happen over and over again until the kid realizes he has became a cam-whoring manchild living with his mother at the age of 40. He'll make a video ripping on a game, 13-year-old boys, Babby's and Autistic kids will fall for his videos, drama will start, he'll go viral, he'll lose his fame... rinse and repeat. At the end of the day, he'd have achieved virtually nothing but something sad enough to smirk at.

Other videos of interest

Here's a few more interesting videos that you can view.

Minecraft Sucks


The War

Bioware in a nutshell

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