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Article of the Now

Logan Alexander Paul is a 29-year-old pasty white jewish faggot and Americunt JewTuber/suicide activist campaigner/pedophile from California of all places. Although best known for his work with the Japanese suicide campaigns, his illustrious career actually began in the early 2010s on the platform Vine, catering to underage individuals and the clinically retarded. Unfortunately, in his quest to raise awareness for suicide, he failed to recognize that his prime audience are the target undesirables for which suicide is an option, resulting in an enormous amount of attention from the old media, and people who aren't 12-year-old boys. Indeed, this episode now threatens to overshadow his otherwise unremarkable career, and put an early end to his campaign.

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Good Korea
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There is no God. No one created the universe and no one directs our fate



—Stephen Hawking

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