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Jeni Ann/yahoo

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Moar info: Jeni Ann.

Jenny (12:28 PM): Hello? 
Jenny (12:28 PM): Who is this? 
muse ErSpec (12:29 PM): hiya 
Jenny (12:29 PM): Do I know you? Are you from teen news now? 
muse ErSpec (12:29 PM): my name's sam ... i read one of ur stories 
muse ErSpec (12:29 PM): sam = samantha 
Jenny (12:29 PM): What stories? 
Jenny (12:29 PM): You're not Sam Turlip are you? 
muse ErSpec (12:29 PM): no 
Jenny (12:30 PM): What stories do you mean? 
muse ErSpec (12:31 PM): wait ... ur not the story person ur the person from the evanescence board ... sorry i added a couple of people yesterday 
muse ErSpec (12:31 PM): i liked ur user name 
Jenny (12:32 PM): If you are Sam Turlip and if you are I know you'd lie about it, stop contacting me. And no, I'm not on an Evanescence board. 
muse ErSpec (12:32 PM): i have no idea who sam turlip is ... im sam(antha) lendet 
muse ErSpec (12:33 PM): i liked ur user name ... persephone ... i had to write a paper on her for class 
Jenny (12:34 PM): Where did you get this email address? 
muse ErSpec (12:34 PM): i told u on an evanescence site 
Jenny (12:34 PM): Which Evanescence site? 
Jenny (12:34 PM): I don't like Evanescence anymore. 
muse ErSpec (12:34 PM): lyrics.asp&BackN ame= Evanescence+Lyri cs 
muse ErSpec (12:35 PM): o 
Jenny (12:35 PM): Oh that was from 2005. You want the mp3s then? I don't know if I still have them. No one has contacted me about that in years. 
muse ErSpec (12:35 PM): no ... i just liked ur user name ... are you into mythology? 
Jenny (12:36 PM): Not really. Used to be. I don't really use that name anymore. 
Jenny (12:37 PM): I still think you're Sam Turlip. It's been two years Sam. I don't like you. I think you're creepy. Let it go. 
muse ErSpec (12:37 PM): srsly 
muse ErSpec (12:37 PM): im not ... im a girl 
Jenny (12:37 PM): Okay then. It's just all these people have been contacting me and all of them seem to know stuff about me. I think Sam is involved. 
muse ErSpec (12:38 PM): ugh ... srsly i just liked ur screen name . 
Jenny (12:38 PM): Oh, I'm sorry then. I 
Jenny (12:38 PM): 'm just paranoid. 
muse ErSpec (12:38 PM): its ok ... the internet is weird like that. i had a xboyfriend stalk me allover the place 
muse ErSpec (12:38 PM): i had to change emails and everything 
Jenny (12:38 PM): Yeah. This guy wasn't even my boyfriend. He thought he was my boyfriend. 
Jenny (12:39 PM): We were on a team together in 2006/2007. 
muse ErSpec (12:39 PM): thats even worst 
Jenny (12:40 PM): Someone has just been contacting me all over the place and I think it's him. It was either him or Courteney Cannan (you're not her either, are you? ). 
muse ErSpec (12:40 PM): no ... im from washington state 
muse ErSpec (12:40 PM): i dont even kno where ur from 
Jenny (12:41 PM): Oh, sorry then. These two weirdos have just been stirring up shit all over the place. 
muse ErSpec (12:42 PM): yah ... i have this girl named Cece tellin people all kinds of crap about me ... i like to think she's just jealous LOL 
Jenny (12:42 PM): That sucks. 
Jenny (12:43 PM): These people aren't jealous, they're just weird. 
muse ErSpec (12:43 PM): what r they doin? 
Jenny (12:44 PM): Well, Sam Turlip used to stalk me online and in real life. I think he's started with the online shit again. That other girl is just spreading dirt about me and lying about it. And then there's this girl I used to know who's done something (no idea what) and now all these people are contacting me for information on her. 
muse ErSpec (12:44 PM): wow that's weird 
muse ErSpec (12:45 PM): haha i guess i picked the wrong timE to add u then ... haha 
Jenny (12:45 PM): Sorry again. I'm just paranoid. After hearing nothing from these people for months they've all just come back. 
muse ErSpec (12:45 PM): yeh thats weird 
muse ErSpec (12:46 PM): brb fone 
Jenny (12:46 PM): Okay. 
muse ErSpec (12:50 PM): ok back sorry 
muse ErSpec (12:51 PM): r u out of school yet? 
Jenny (12:51 PM): Yeah, 
Jenny (12:51 PM): thank God. 
Jenny (12:51 PM): You? 
muse ErSpec (12:51 PM): i still have another week 
Jenny (12:51 PM): That sucks. 
Jenny (12:52 PM): Which Washington are you from? D.C. or the state? 
muse ErSpec (12:52 PM): the state 
Jenny (12:52 PM): Okay. 
muse ErSpec (12:52 PM): what grade? 
Jenny (12:52 PM): 11. You? 
muse ErSpec (12:52 PM): 10 
Jenny (12:53 PM): Okay. Again, being paranoid, but you're not affiliated with Elizabeth Ann? 
muse ErSpec (12:53 PM): is that a person? 
Jenny (12:55 PM): Yes. Can't remember her last name. Also known as Viradecthis, LadyLove, Violet Angela, amyleefan14, QUEEN/EMPRESS199 4, GeorgeVFangirl, Augusta Firesong, any of those ring a bell? 
muse ErSpec (12:55 PM): haha ... no who the hekc is she? 
Jenny (12:55 PM): Crazy bitch. 
Jenny (12:55 PM): Possibly a friend of Sam Turlip. 
Jenny (12:56 PM): She has dozens of online identities and I think she managed to piss someone off this week. More than she usually pisses people off, I mean. 
muse ErSpec (12:57 PM): is she in ur school? 
Jenny (12:57 PM): No. 
Jenny (12:58 PM): All these people have just been contacting me about her. I asked because she's in tenth grade too and trolls Evanescence forums. 
Jenny (12:58 PM): She's homeschooled. 
muse ErSpec (12:58 PM): never heard of her 
Jenny (12:58 PM): Okay, that's good. 
muse ErSpec (12:59 PM): brb fone again 
Jenny (1:01 PM): Okay. 
Jenny (1:02 PM): I'm terribly sorry if I seem like a creep I'm just really paranoid and I don't get people contacting me out of the blue like this. Nice to meet you either way. 
Jenny (1:05 PM):  
muse ErSpec (1:06 PM): back ... sorry 
Jenny (1:06 PM): It's okay. I have new emails to check. 
muse ErSpec (1:06 PM): and its ok i kno people can be weird 
Jenny (1:07 PM): Yeah. You have no idea. These people are just disgusting human beings who will not leave me alone. 
muse ErSpec (1:08 PM): what r they doin? 
Jenny (1:08 PM): Emailing me, posing as me, contacting me on myspace. 
muse ErSpec (1:09 PM): what for? 
Jenny (1:10 PM): Not entirely sure. Some of them are pissed at Elizabeth Ann and want dirt on her. Others are Sam Turlip digging up dirt on me. He emailed me with a list of all the profiles he'd found all over the internet under my name as well as pictures of me from years ago he found somewhere. 
muse ErSpec (1:11 PM): wow thats creepy 
Jenny (1:11 PM): So when you said you were Sam you can see why I thought it was him. I hadn't heard from him in well over a year and out of the blue he's contacting me again. 
muse ErSpec (1:12 PM): yeah i can see that bein weird 
Jenny (1:13 PM): My mom wants to call a lawyer or something to get a restraining order against him using all of the emails and stuff he's sent. The only problem is they have to trace it to him and I don't think I could do that. You know what a proxy server is? 
muse ErSpec (1:13 PM): no what is it? 
muse ErSpec (1:14 PM): my mom wont let me use myspace cause of stuff like that 
Jenny (1:14 PM): It's something you use to disguise your identity and where you're from when you post online. He runs several of them and can make them himself. I don't know how but he has them from all over the world and he can pretend to be anywhere. 
Jenny (1:15 PM): So I can't prove any of this stuff comes from him. My Dad was able to get the IP addresses from when he contacted me from myspace. Said he was in Africa. 
muse ErSpec (1:16 PM): how old is he? 
Jenny (1:16 PM): 18 
Jenny (1:16 PM): And I'm sure he'd have no problem posing as a girl. Which is why I thought you might be him. 
muse ErSpec (1:17 PM): yeah he sounds like a douche 
Jenny (1:17 PM): He's not even cool enough to be a douche. He wishes he was a douche. In order to be a douche you have to have a life. 
muse ErSpec (1:17 PM): haha 
Jenny (1:19 PM): He thinks he's like some kind of computer genius. 
Jenny (1:20 PM): The only friends he has are people who get him to hack stuff for them. He thinks he's like a badass spy or some shit. 
Jenny (1:20 PM): Just because he makes proxy servers. 
muse ErSpec (1:21 PM): haha 
Jenny (1:21 PM): I'm sure you know people like that too, though. There's a guy like that at every school. 
muse ErSpec (1:22 PM): probably but i dont hang around with the geeks im a drama nerd 
Jenny (1:23 PM): I don't either really. Like I said we were on a team together. I actually haven't seen him in real life in over a year but I have friends who go to school with him and he hasn't changed. I don't get why he's still hung up on me though. 
muse ErSpec (1:23 PM): so he isnt even in ur school? 
Jenny (1:24 PM): Not anymore. 
muse ErSpec (1:25 PM): wow what a weirdo stalker 
Jenny (1:26 PM): Yeah. When he grows up I wouldn't be surprised if the mafia hires him to do their online dirty work. 
muse ErSpec (1:26 PM): ur not scared of him? 
Jenny (1:27 PM): I used to be. For a while I didn't want to leave the house because I thought wherever I went he would be there. Now I'm kind of over it though I am freaked out he's contacting me again. 
muse ErSpec (1:27 PM): just out of nowheres? 
Jenny (1:27 PM): Yeah. 
Jenny (1:28 PM): I heard he had been asking about me when I left that school but I hadn't heard from him. 
muse ErSpec (1:28 PM): did u have to move cause of him? 
Jenny (1:28 PM): No 
Jenny (1:28 PM): We didn't move. My parents just put me in a different school. 
Jenny (1:29 PM): He never went to my house so I don't know if he knows where I live 
Jenny (1:29 PM): He could probably hack it online or something though. 
Jenny (1:31 PM): He should be going off to college in August so hopefully then I'll be done with him. 
muse ErSpec (1:31 PM): brb fone again ... my stupid brother 
Jenny (1:31 PM): It's okay. 
Jenny (1:32 PM): Nice talking to you.  
Jenny (1:32 PM): That was supposed to be a smiley.  
muse ErSpec (1:32 PM): ill be back .. he just needs something for me to look up 
Jenny (1:34 PM): Sorry I keep going on about my own drama. My life is just so fucked up right now and I honestly thought you were one of the crazies. 
muse ErSpec (1:34 PM): it's ok 
muse ErSpec (1:35 PM): i need to ask you a weird favor 
Jenny (1:35 PM): Sure. 
muse ErSpec (1:35 PM): my mom thinks i closed out of our conversation to hide something . . . 
Jenny (1:35 PM): That's fine. 
muse ErSpec (1:35 PM): can you C&P what we were sayin?
jeniann13: Okay. Give me a second. 
tragedyinthreeparts: kk lemme tell her to quick yellin ... she's so paranoid about the internet
jeniann13: I understand. My mom is the same way. 
jeniann13: Jenny:  Hello?Jenny:  Who is this?muse ErSpec:  hiyaJenny:  Do I know you? Are you from teen news now?<
jeniann13: Hold on that didn't work. I'll send it to you in an email.
tragedyinthreeparts: ok ... my email is [email protected]
jeniann13: Sent it to you.
tragedyinthreeparts: awesome thanks
jeniann13: Now I know you're not Sam. He would've done it himself. Probably with screenshots or video or some shit. 
tragedyinthreeparts: yeah im a total spaz about this stuff you wouldnt believe how many paopers ive erased 
jeniann13: Yeah. I get what you mean. Once I accidentally deletes a whole folder of school stuff. I had to do the whole thing over again. 
tragedyinthreeparts: that sucks so bad especialy if you wait unjtil the last minute on everything like i do
jeniann13: I do. I'm a procrastinator. 
jeniann13: I always do projects the night before they're due.
tragedyinthreeparts: haha me too
jeniann13: Add me to your address book, okay? [email protected] I'd love to hear from you again sometime.
jeniann13: Right now I have to go
tragedyinthreeparts: yeah me too i gotta study for a math final
jeniann13: Good luck@
tragedyinthreeparts: take care!
jeniann13: Bye!
tragedyinthreeparts: and dont let the weirdos get you
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