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<center>[[File:nosejob.png|500px]]    [[File:nosenose.png|400px]]</center><BR><BR>Felice somehow lost a bunch of bulbous weight from her nose.  
<center>[[File:nosejob.png|500px]]    [[File:nosenose.png|400px]]</center><BR><BR>Felice somehow lost a bunch of bulbous weight from her nose.  
==Her name is Felice FUCKING Fawn==
Or something like that. Some fanfag or Felice asked her what her real name was. Her response?
<center>[[File:Felice fawn fake name.jpg|500px]]</center>
Her reply caused butthurt and rage and was quickly posted on [ efagz livejournal]. Proof quickly turned up that her name is actually Lauren Cook since everyone on efagz seems to know how to use google. This intern cause Lauren butthurt and she quickly started to password recovery old accounts to bawlete her old information.
<center>But not before we took a few screenshots<gallery>
File:Felicefawnsrealname1.jpg|Old deviantart
File:Felicefawnrealname2.jpg|Emo goth starting at a young age
File:Felicefawnsrealname3.jpg|She really wants to work for Disney
To show that she was not butthurt by any of this she made anon a .gif for them to beat off to.
Thanks for the thin-spo.

==Felice Fawn the Furry==
==Felice Fawn the Furry==

Revision as of 09:48, 16 November 2011

Hey! This article isn't lulz just yet, but its coverage can spark a lollercoaster.
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Felice Fawn?

Felice Fawn, also known as Lauren Emma Cook (or CROOK), is a SCAMMER, photographer, retoucher, and artist from England, in other words she has the same skillset as every 12 year old on /b/ with GIMP. That is until she became internet crazy after releasing self portraits of her looking like a stop-motion extra from Jason and the Argonauts whilst apparently unaware of her repulsive appearance and willfully deaf to demands that she needs to choke down a few KFC megabuckets. Her fans are primarily teenage hipsters, shitty artists, amateur photographers and bloggers who hope to see her shrivelled cunt.

Lauren Crook can finally add "scammer" to her internet résumé

A photo diary was discovered in 2010 of an anorexic girl, who was certainly Felice. Felice's hair color and necklaces were identical, and pictures blanked both thighs exactly where Felice has tattoos along with her titties and vag by pure coincidence and are thought to have been caused be an electrical storm at the time of posting.

Despite resembling a bag of pretzel sticks earlier that year, Felice announced (read: HERP DERP) weight-gain. Like an emo child's ambivalent desire to declare yet hide their shameful faggotry, the severity of her ANALrexia had been purposely kept under-wraps: she still denies having any form eating disorder whatsoever, in spite of common knowledge of her hospitalization earlier that year, as well as regular visits to a hospital throughout 2010 (No it wasn't anorexia she just enjoys rectal exams). One need only look at her HEALTHY MUSCLE BODY to confirm this. She openly rants about anti-anorexia and anti-thinspo, another suspicious aspect of her online persona.

The blog that the images have been taken from was password protected and is now deactivated.

All tattoos or 'signature' Felice items have been photoshopped out. This is a professional retoucher, remember?

Felice Fawn confided in close friends that she may an hero should someone produce an article leaking any information about her. This naturally led to her white-knighting friends vandalizing this record. As she builds most of her relationships on lies with people to gain maximum attention her claims of an hero are completely transparent and her acolytes simply feed her histrionic behavior. Amusingly anyone who considers hiring her will just encourage her "illness" and support her "disease". Please tell this fatty to get a hot meat injection into her guts. As is typical of attention whores, The Fawn is an emotional vampire. Her furries often complain about how she will go out of her way to induce some type of emotional suffering from them. Includes jealousy of other friends, breaking up with them, and setting conditions for the relationships she has with them. The conditions usually stipulate that one may gaze only at the sphincter of The Fawn and no other.

The Proof

Nice nipples. Same underwear and bra.

Felice somehow lost a bunch of bulbous weight from her nose.

Felice Fawn the Furry

Felice Fawn squats without panties on social network sites but also takes part in Furcadia. There she is well known as Amia but she recently switched to Empusa. Naturally, everyone wants to have sex with her. Now, because she is a good person, she has the tendency to yiff other furries. She has even gone through great lengths to hide her furry lovers from the boyfriend she lives with who supports her. Although she didn't have the decency to hide being a furry.

Bringing up her beastiality and the fact that she lives with someone she calls her boyfriend will often incite drama and lies. Drama will often occur when her boyfriend is contacted and questioned about how he feels that his girlfriend cheating on him with cartoon dog wang.

Currently on her furry DA she scams people out of $40 cash for a 95x95 pixel square (deleted) of her amazing art. BARGAIN

FF also has a reputation for being a stalker. One user, Dollette/Ashley, has become a victim of Felice's obsession. She claims to be her mortal enemy, but Ashley couldn't give a shit about Felice's attraction to her. Felice has produced many lulz from her stalking such as nudes of Dollette and personal cam feeds.~pics or it didn't happen.

To troll Felice and her friends on Furcadia please do all of the following:

  • Link this article
  • Bring up eating disorders
  • Ask her how many furries she's yiffed
  • Tell her that her religion sucks
  • Accuse Felice of being an attention whore when she begs everyone to watch her on cam
  • Comment on her rolls or the fat dripping from her chin.

Felice and Everything Else

Lauren Cook knows that posing with a Hitchens book makes you hardcore atheist.

Last week Felice Fawn decided that she is an 'atheistic Satanist' and gothic. As this is a purely fabricated stance dreamed up by an ill educated emo, people inquired, "Just what the fuck are you on about?" She decided that everyone must be ignorant and then wasted valuable space on the internet explaining these religious views. (To spare you a little life, it is essentially hedonism and innate morality with a heavy dose of hipster self-satisfaction).In her blog she further shares her all grand wisdom on various topics such as feminism, wearing fur, and animal abuse.

Felice also likes to brag about her self taught photography and photoshop skills. I wonder if this school knows she didnt learn anything from them.

Felice Also likes to steal money from wherever she can. She once stole her mothers[whom she claims to hate] credit card information and racked up a 300+ dollar bill. Felice has recently done an interview where she explains that she's a teenager.

Oh wait - completely original and that no one inspires her. She also touches on other topics such as how she was gothic as a kid and how she flunked out of college because she was too busy blowing goats. She goes on to say that she doesn't believe you need an education to be successful. The hipsters who watch her should be reminded that this advice comes from someone who is too retarded to eat and has yet to achieve that.

So original.

Felice Fawn poses next to her sister to make herself look thinner. Her sister has shown to be a potential lolcow in the making.

Felice Fawn has over 9000 journals

Each journal has a new name but usually keeps the rest of the information the same. She recently leaked this one before freaking out and then deleting it. Special thanks to an anon for giving us a look into how truley pathetic and fucked this furry is.

Felice Fawn before she learned how to thin-spo

These photos come from her photobucket account and her livejournal. Links to those coming soon.

Felice Fawn's Furry Art

The only thing that could possibly be worse than an attention whore is a closet furry. All art work belongs to Felice Fawn/Lauren Cook.

Andy: The Obsession

Andy embarks on a noble quest to defend his fair maiden's honor.
Jealous of her fame.

Her most recent conquest was Andy Jewface-jewhair Suhm (alias Bassdammit). A perennial beta. He was left heartbwoken and bankrupt after pining for a relationship with her. Seeking to see just a little vag and tits he can be found with(out?) fail in her stickam lives, often sans his shirt -impressing everyone I might add-, looking like a homeless jew in need of a bath and employment, desperately waiting for her to let him out of the friendzone. It is rumored that he spent all his pocketmoney on international cell phone calls to her like a neckbeard with an addiction to premium gaysex phone chats.


As of early 2011 Andy's dream was realised, and he was permitted fly himself to London to meet his queen in a hotel for some upcloseandpersonal friendzoning. On stickam no less. Truly the life of a beta is blessed. However, shortly afterwards she reunited with her pathetic love slave of a boyfriend and publicly denounced her friendship with Andy despite his undying love for her. She issued a restraining order banning him from the entire United Kingdom because "she didn't want to take his money". Nevermind the $5,000+jewgolds on calls. All the while she'd freak out if he didn't answer while he was out and call him a cheater while her boyfriend Rich ploughs her with the same relish as one would have fucking a praying mantis in the mandibles. Frankly, betas sicken this author.

Andy refuses to get the hint and spends all of his free time stalking her accounts, white knighting her online. He makes up excuses for her behavior and claims she's such a nice girl and that all who hate her are fat, ugly, losers who are jealous of her alternative modeling career. He dubunks all the rumors and accusations by informing everyone that she told him they weren't true. Oh, in that case! This actually only fuels the fire for her haters and makes them lol endlessly. Many more posts than usual popped up about her in hopes that the lolcow would return. He sparked livejournal wankfests reaching over 600 comments in multiple entries, and eventually gave everyone so much entertainment that they started stanning him and making him their usericons.

Good job Andy! Mission accomplished!

On the upside you will always have Furcadia.

Felice the Scammer

On the 2nd of September 2011, a scam was brought to light after several months of patience. Tahti, a Tumblr user and previous Felice acquaintance, publicly published a review of Felice's shop, Deumos (store site has since been baleeted and redirects to her official domain). Tahti ordered and paid for a custom order of 70GBP through Felice’s shop on the 19th of May. Tahti never received a confirmation of her order being shipped out and became worried, though Felice continued to keep in touch with Tahti during the first month after Tahti’s order. Felice claimed Tahti’s order was lost at the responsibility of Royal Mail and it was out of her control. Felice began dodging Tahti’s attempts to contact her on the 25th of May, but boyfriend Rich continued to keep Tahti’s worries at rest by contacting her every few weeks. Tahti finally took to leaving comments on Felice’s posts where she was met with typical Felice behavior – being blocked from making any more comments on the blog. Once the situation started becoming more public, Felice realized she had to uphold her pseudo-nice-girl image and told Tahti she would receive a new order, items for free as an apology, with a refund as well. The items and refund never showed and Tahti was given a new date for a refund: the 1st of September. Tahti never received her refund and finally made her review of on the 2nd of September. Tahti’s review has been reblogged hundreds of times, and efagz, a community that follows the failwhales of internet fame, posted Tahti’s review which became their most commented post in all of efagz history reaching over 1,100 comments so far. Felice has yet to publicly face the situation, but instead continues to block anyone who reblogs Tahti’s post or leave comments pertaining to the scam on her blog. Felice went live on Stickam for 6-8 hours ironically wearing a Deumos shirt to chain smoke and slam several bottles of liquor while looking derpy for her internet strangers the same night Tahti made her post. During her live stream, anyone who mentioned the scam was kicked or banned from the chat. Several blocks and bans later, Felice began to slide Tahti’s lack of a refund as boyfriend Rich’s responsibility, blabbed that she was out 270GBP after the ordeal, and proclaimed that nobody knew her side of the story. Did I forget to mention post after post Felice published on her tumblr boasting of new clothing purchases or the amount of booze she affords to drink and cigarettes she smokes during a live Stickam stream? All while being a drunken, chain-smoking slob on a live stream, she searched through her tag on tumblr only to obsess over every person blogging about her scam ordeal.

Felice’s final message to her many scammed customers:

The mockery of Lauren Crook

Many continue to milk the lolcow through macros using Felice's pictures and alter her real name Lauren Cook to Lauren Crook.

When the morning finally rolled around Lauren/Felice awoke from her drunken slumber, realized the internet didn't forget, and issued a careless statement except it only contributed to her bullshit, as she was caught at least twice fibbing over the situation. Felice and her white-knighters seem to believe that a scamming business should not be brought to anybody's attention and is not a public matter, though as you can see the white-knighters had serious competition when most people didn't understand why no responsibility was being taken. But, businesses are not a public matter, guiz. Felice continues to not issue an official statement of her wrong-doings, or her side of the story, probably because she's realising everyone on the internet has 'print screen' and 'save as' buttons on their computer. The Crook went live on Stickam (again) for the night wearing one of the shirts she boasted of on her blog. Her scammed customer continue to be ignored. Boyfriend Rich is beginning to make his part more apparent by answering a question that people presume to be from Tahti and later deleting it, though this was caught because RSS readers don't forget.

~*~*~UPDATE~*~*~ A new challenger has appeared!

This poor Tumblr user seems to have felt it was appropriate to overlook Lauren's history in business. Lauren once again proves to be completely incompetent in using the postal service or lying about not knowing how to use the postal service. This shouldn't be a surprise since this is the same girl who ended up being too retarded for school. I digress. She once again is called out that the package was never sent and that she's just milking her ignorant fans for money. It's hard to believe that her ebay/etsy/fan packages get to her just fine but anything she sends out seems to go missing. Lauren, stop reading your ED page and think of a new excuse. This one is getting old.

Will the not tumblr famous user get her refund or will Lauren win another round making off with her stolen goods?

Is it still hating if it's true? Lauren agreed to pay back MOST of the refund to yet a different fan who didn't receive her stuff. Because paying back all would make too much sense. It only took someone else getting involved before Lauren would even bother contacting this poor fan anyway. When it comes to money, something isnt better than nothing. Slow down on your booze Lauren and pay the poor people their money.

The Many Faces of Fawn

Lauren Cook recently had sex with a photographer in exchange for the super awesome opportunity to be a REAL BOY. Now that she's a professional model, she means serious business. Above is a collection of facial shots from the magazine to show off Lauren's amazing skill at looking the same in every photo taken of her.

You can see the heavily Photoshopped images here along with the comments from her butthurt fans since no sane person happens to be impressed with her work. Here is the link to an extremely dry interview where she bawls about not having any privacy.

See Also

External Links

Felice Fawn is part of a series on


Visit the Whores Portal for complete coverage.

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Visit the Furfaggotry Portal for complete coverage.

Felice Fawn is part of a series on Enemies of the Lulz

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