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NFTs: Difference between revisions

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File:NFTs are free - They dont want you to know this but - meme.JPG
File:So you just right-click and save - NFT memes.JPG
</gallery>|<gallery perrow="5">
File:Withjewsyoulosenft.jpg|This is why NFTs are so popular among the [[Jewish]] community.
File:Withjewsyoulosenft.jpg|This is why NFTs are so popular among the [[Jewish]] community.
</gallery>|<gallery perrow="5">
File:Tubgirl.jpg|Believe it or not, this is the world's most expensive NFT.
File:Tubgirl.jpg|Believe it or not, this is the world's most expensive NFT.

Revision as of 10:08, 24 May 2022

NFTs have lost all of their value
NFTs did WTC!

NFTs are the largest forced meme in the history of mankind. The first NFTs were made sometime in 2014 by Kevin McSoy and Anal Dash as a result of The Fappening. As you probably already know, NFT stands for "Non-Fungible Token", meaning your digital drawing of an ape is completely unique and one of a kind, just like a retard! NFT investors often ejaculate in their pants (they don't wear underwear) to the thought of a randomly generated image being "non-fungible", though pretty much everything in the universe is "non-fungible" as well.

A typical NFT.

Despite the average NFT being even less valuable than a Yu-Gi-Oh! card, most NFTs sell for prices high enough to make even a Tel Aviv merchant jealous.

You buying an NFT.

What are NFTs

You may be asking what are NFTs. Well the answer is simple, NFTs is a finical security of digital data stored in the blockchain. The ownership is recorded in the blockchain, meaning anything you sell as an NFT is automatically yours. The owner can transfer their shitty ape to someone else, allowing for investment through trading and selling with other basement-dwellers that will.

A common misconception surrounding NFTs is that once you buy one of their hideous pieces of art, you now own the NFT. In reality you only own the a copy of that art. Still, you can earn your undeserved money from selling your own copy of an NFT for a higher price to other idiots that will buy anything.

How NFTs are made

NFT's usually run on an Ethereum Cockchain, which is magic internet technology which wastes a shit-ton of valuable energy people in Africa could be using. NFT's usually come in the form of images, though they can also be pretty much anything digital such as video and audio. Typical NFT "art" usually consists of a standard plain color background with a simple design pattern on it behind some hideous creature designed from a base model which is then run through some algorithm which clothes the model with different accessories, facial expressions, and skin colors which makes the NFT "non-fungible" or something. After the NFT is designed, it's placed on some crypto-market website for some sheltered dumbass with too much money to buy.

Why you can't just save the image

A common question regarding NFTs is "Why can't I just save the image or take a screenshot instead of paying for it?". The answer to this question is that NFTs lose all their value once they are saved "illegally", and the artists who produce them lose all their money and go bankrupt. In order to prevent normies from putting an end to their faggotry, NFT artists hunt down the IP address of anyone who dares save their image without paying (or God forbid, takes a screenshot of their precious art) and buttrape the thief and their entire family to assert dominance over any other monster planning to steal art without paying 500 Billion Million dollars.

This man is pissed you stole his "art".

NFT controversy

A prime example of what an NFT looks like.

Everything about NFTs, from the way they're made to the way they're promoted, makes them a prime target of online hatred. One common argument against these precious pieces of digital art claims NFTs are a scam, as all NFTs are overpriced to steal worthless cryptocurrency from the braincelless investor that will invest in atrocious for the short-term. Every single NFT is valueless, less valuable than someones shitty art on DeviantArt despite the "lucrative investments".

Another argument is that NFTs are way poor losers with no life to earn money without any effort. Anybody can take someones hardwork and passion and sell it as NFT for a higher amount that the original, and automatically take all ownership. Meanwhile since the orginal artist never copyrighted his work he has no way of ownership of the art.

Moralfags claim that NFTs are bad for the environment and are ruining society. This is because NFTs create high amounts of energy from destruction they give to are society.

Some argue NFTs are yet another way for companies to induce the public into buying their shitty products. Essentially, NFTs are like Pride month, just another dumb fad corporations follow to earn more money.



Gallery of NFTs About missing Pics
[Collapse GalleryExpand Gallery]

See also

£€ NFTs is a part of a series on Money

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