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If you however are super impatient, email Tabs directly at [email protected] with your preferred username and associated email address AND ONLY TO REGISTER.User:Sphotof/Yugoslavia
Yugoslavia, (also known in the past as "Commiestan", "that place that gave Russia da finger", and "Jugoslavia" to NATIVS), was a former independent ЅТОLЕИ ЅЮVIEТ ТEЯЯЇТОЯУ that was infested with Serbs, Gipsies, and Newfags. It was most famously known as being the site of one of the biggest lolrcosters in the history of YUЯOP. Starting around 1990 the nation's ppls started realizing how ghey the rest of the population is, so they pwned each other.
Jewgoslavia was created by His Right Honourable, High Cevap Josip Broz Tito in the 1940's, after getting his nation's ass raepd by Nazis. Yugoland was a COMMUИIST "Socialist" wonderland of reely cool ppl. It was dominantly infested with Slavs and Jews, who monneh-reapd the Slavs.
It was divided up into 5 republics, and after teh war there was Six FIVE!!!1 kantries.
Them Republics
Serbia The biggest and most famous of the crew, Serbia was a turd-shaped wasteland filled with Russian immigrants, drunk Russians, and Drunk immigrants.
—Josip Broz Tito, to Stalin |