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TheAmazingAtheist/JoiningTGWTG is part of the TGWTG Circle-jerk

Circlejerk: That Guy With The GlassesDoug WalkerJewWarioLinkaraTheSpoonyOneScrewAttack/Former TalentAngry JoeTodd in the ShadowsNostalgia ChickJesuotakuAnime News Network
Enemies: AsalieriScrewAttack

TJ joins ThatGuyWithTheGlasses, then gets kicked out

A comment from TAA's BAWWing video,
Quoted for truth.
From TAA's NotCreative Indiegogo eBegging page,
His "no hard feelings" attitude towards TGWTG is obviously true.

Around late 2009, TJ was able to join the illustrious ranks of the website ThatGuyWithTheGlasses, home of such material as The Nostalgia Critic and Linkara. Seeing a new chance of whoring himself out to a new website, (except this time, instead of bitching to people that Jesus doesn't exist, he would bitch about movie trailers instead), Terroja offered the (then) boss of TGWTG, Mike Ellis, a reach-around, in return for them allowing TAA's greasy presence onto the site. However, due to a combination of Ellis being fired, TAA only making shitty videos and no-one on the site actually liking nor wanting the fat fuck there in the first place, he was quietly let go in the dawn of Autumn, 2011.

However, deciding this unjust treatment must be made public, Terroja uploaded a video about the whole escapade...

In true egotistical douchbaggeryness, Terroja bitches about how HE should be the top billing (Fuck Doug Walker, It should be TAA's site now: "Fat Guy With The Glasses"), as he's far more popular than the other TGWTG members (so in his head, the lesser popular contributors should be buried, while he solely makes all their potential internet monies). But when the bosses of TGWTG decided to be fair and let the others have a chance to become more popular by promoting their videos equally, TAA considered this an insult to his superior e-Celebrity talents and throws his toys out of the pram by refusing to make any more videos, No more content for TGWTG, that'll teach them!!! cutting his nose off to spite his face.

He also fails to mention in the video, the fact that none of the TGWTG fans wanted to have the fat Jesus-unloving fuck on the site in the first place (including several contributors) and held several petitions to have him removed from the site on the forums (in turn which his mentioned butt buddy, Mike Ellis vetoed). So when Ellis got the boot, the bosses thought it better not to bite the hand that feeds them and kindly show fatty the door.

Return of TheDistressedWatcher

To prove that he is in fact butthurt over being kicked from ThatGuyWithTheGlasses TJ has announced there will a return of the The DistressedWatcher. And because he is so talented he asks his fanboys for what he should review. For the biggest amounts of lulz ask him to review 'Amazing' by Cody Weber.

LOL wants to be in an NC episode

Because TJ longs for attention, and wishes he didn't burn the bridges to TGWTG, he is now trying to suck up to Doug Walker in an attempt to be in an episode.

Seriously, Doug. Put me in a fucking Nostalgia Critic video. I have an established fan base. I’ve watched probably 80% of your reviews, so I know what’s what. I am physically huge and could lift you over my head. And I have cancer (I don’t really have cancer … I mean, not to my knowledge).

I tried joining your site to get your attention. I tried writing you emails. Now I’m just publicly pleading. I want this Doug. I want you. I mean, I want to work with you. You beautiful bastard.


TJ trying for that Doug cock

Good luck with that

someone wants attention