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His work

A collection of "Art" by a fat retard.



Like most faggots, TheAmazingAtheist enjoys writing poetry inspired by topics ranging from "the deep dark abyss of my heart" to "the even deeper, darker abyss of my heart." Propelled by the praise from the kind of manic atheist fuckwits on YouTube who give even Deists and Agnostics a bad name, he has continued sharing his cringe-inducing poetry with the community, considering himself some kind of modern day Ovid. In spite of reasonable, factual criticism, TJ continues to pump out poetry, if you could call them such, so as to make people cringe.

Somehow I manage to fake a lack of interest
And she untangles the room with her footsteps
Hemorrhaging conversation, I drink her milky words
Like soup from invisible wounds and
Content in my obscurity
Proceed to destroy her
In a gentle manner
Until she is
A man walks through endless desert
Pistol shining in the sunlight
An erratic Morse code
Nevertheless repeating, "doom"

Often has he reddened the sands
With a black song in his black heart
Watched as small hands fell from large hands
Watched as wholes became divided
Into seeming infinities that mock the stars

And this man, who is evil
His shadow on the sand
Always behind him
Is named Salvation

And that is his tragedy
 I dreamed of a mountain
tall enough to scrape the moon
a great man stood beside it
dwarfing it, and soon
he'll place his foot upon it
and ground it into dirt
then he'll swallow up the sun
and bring darkness to the earth

I dreamed of a towering castle
erected to our lusts
It's moat of genetic matter
just a thick and flaky crust
eaten away by parasites
worming in, out and through
it's good enough for them
but nothing ever pleases you

I dreamed of rotten faces
staring in from the abyss
of lives i could have lived
if it had not come to this;
this dream i dared to dream
while I was wide awake
when the epiphany struck me
that not all dreams are fake

I dreamed of false confessions
to conceal my real vice
and sate my mindless want
to reclaim an earthly paradise
a place where i can be alone
but never feel lonely
no need at all for anyone
to comfort, love or hold me

I dreamed that I was once awake
and that my dreams wouldn't come to pass
but the comfort that this gave me
was a lie that couldn't last
so when you want a prophet
but don't want to hear prophecy
I predict that you'd do well
to stay the fuck away from me
Love turned on you and
Suicide turned you on
Death is just what's left when
Every source of pain is gone

Hell is at least hopeless and
Therefore less sadistic than earth
A little ray of light only
Serves to magnify the hurt

The cowards keep on living
Just to spite the love of wisdom
In the choice between dark and light
They've chosen the breathing prison
I'm sorry that I never 
grew up and got a job
I'm sorry that I never
learned how to join the mob
I'm sorry that I never
learned how to stand up straight
I'm sorry that I never
let go of all my hate
I'm sorry that I never
became listless and dull
I'm sorry that I never
got the dreams out of my skull
I'm sorry that I never
stopped writing bad poetry
I'm sorry that I never
embraced herd conformity
I'm sorry that I never
embraced the latest fads
I'm sorry that I never
was satisfied with what I had
I'm sorry that I never
took back the things I said
I'm sorry that I never
let you police my head
I'm sorry that I never
praised ol' Jesus Christ
I'm sorry that I never
cared much about paradise
I'm sorry that I never
pretended to believe the lies
I'm sorry that I never
sincerely apologize

^ Vomit.

His Documentary (No, really)

In another recent attempt to cash in on his interesting life, he has sucked the cock of some pathetic, druggie, absentie farther wigger by the name of Cody Weber (who is clearly a raging faggot) so that he'll make a Failumentary about his obesity and donuts that he's selling for the low, low price of $50!!! As always expect every single video he makes for at least a hundred years to be shamelessly flogging this pathetic display of USI and AIDS. But wait there's more! He's releasing special 'discount' codes (Oh, because so many people who actually like him have the intelligence to remember any combination of buttons.) just to get his entourage of sycophants to OH SHI- BUY! his crappy fail, no doubt he'll have Over 9000 of these last-minute deals.

Protip: Torrent it and spread it like AIDS in a gay bar.

Now his gullible audience can rejoice in utter joy! Why, you'd ask? Because he uploaded the "Director's Cut" of the documentary onto his main channel, that's why. Idiots and drooling fanboys spent $50 on an inferior version of an eventually freely-viewable, boring, ego-stroking, disjointed biography that is falsely advertised as a documentary. Of course, there are those who are totally butthurt over having spent that money, and many of them never having received a copy of the DVD since this piece of shit was released in 2010. Of course, he mentions his height within about the first minute and even has an interview with his mother where he gets her to talk about how tall he is.

Too bad you can't get a refund. U mad?

TJPlaysitall (The third worst Let's Play channel out there)


TJ has decided to board the let's play bandwagon, with a horrible, uninteresting, bland, immature, stupid, generic, D3Dgear, unfunny let's play of Fallout: New Vegas.

With the wits of someone thinking of the character name Tits McButt, how can you help being drawn in?
It should also be noted that Lardfuck has no fucking idea on the game mechanics, and is incompetent at the game, and is probably playing at the easiest setting, as he is a Pussy. He also employs editing that seems to be done at random. Probably he's too busy putting his dick in a bee's nest to do it properly.

His book (In Defense of Evil)

Universally acclaimed to be meh, by the one person who reviewed this garbage.

His Book (SCUMBAG:Musings of a Subhuman)

No, that's not a joke; that's the genuine title.

Like a typical fag with delusions of grandeur, he's bringing out some shitty book, and 100% of his videos as of late have been trying to sell it. A few hours after his book was published on, Supexcellency, another YouTube Atheist, spread his book around numerous torrent sites for the lulz. When TAA found out, he made several angry neckbeard videos screaming "IM PRESSIN CHARGES!" causing his little army of 13-year-old boy fans to flag Supexecellency's account, which subsequently caused it account to get suspended. It should be noted that TAA admits that he downloads music and movies on a regular basis; he just doesn't like it when it happens to him. Download it here, and give a review below.

The first few pages are pretty much empty. Title page, then some shit about who he loves/who he had secks with, despite the neckbeard. I doubt the validity of this statement since its hard to conceive TAA ever having intercourse with someone who wasn't a man, child or trap. After that is some writing by some asshole named Fakesagan. Skipped it. Then I read the first sentence of the actual book, wasn't impressed and scrolled down to look at all the shitty "artwork". In short: tl;dr. I give it 5 stars out of at least 100.


— Albinotron

This book starts off with a big middle finger towards his "fans" saying he doesn't give a shit about their constructive criticism or messages. Pretty much his whole book is inviting people to "Suck [his] fucking cock" or send him naughty pictures by email or some shit like that. It's pretty much the same strawman arguments over and over again. Religion kills people. Christians are stupid. Nazism, Crusades, Jihad, my penis is small. He even goes as far as to say that atheists are inherently intellectually superior to theists- that it doesn't matter if you convert a Christian to atheism: they are still perpetually stupid. Later, he starts whining over various non-religious aspects of modern society in a very Maddox-esque nonlulzy way. He even says how hard it is being a "internet celebrity." Bitch, please.


— Killamoe

The book starts off with a bunch of shit nobody cares about, and the a foreword by some douchebag. "I've never been a fan of lengthy forewords, so I'll keep this one brief." I wish that were the truth, but it isn't. Its Fakesagan kissing TJ's ass for at least 100 pages. After that bullshit is done, we finally get to...a crayon drawing of TJ? *facepalm* ONCE WE FINALLY GET TO THE FLESH OF THE BOOK, its exactly what the title implies. TJ rambling and ranting about everything and nothing... for 129 pages... Its pretty much his YouTube videos in book form. But unlike his videos, we don't get the entertainment of watching his fat jiggle around, or the tone of unwarranted self-importance in his voice. Jew. Not worth the read. Massive truck of fail, please.


— Flaming-biscuit

His Newest Book: Neckbeard Uprising

Off the cuff, TJ promised to his fans (although they clearly forgot seeing as they can't even remember basic bodily functions let alone a book project) that his next book would be a work of fiction. TJ's USI stretches all the way to the Sun, so instead he decided to pump out what is essentially "Scumbag 2.0". If you want to see for yourself just how lame this new roll of toilet paper is, go here: [1]. Of course, we at Encyclopedia Dramatica DEMAND that you do not put any undeserving amount of capital into his greedy pocket. You can purchase a sizeable amount of comfortable toilet paper to wipe your ass with at far less than half of the price of this trash.

WARNING: To make up for a lack of content, TJ scaled up the font to a ridiculous size. The book is only about 10,000 words (Haberdasher King on Amazon, who wrote a 1-star review for this waste, said it was 31,000 words), and none of them are amusing, witty, or humorous. The bulk of the content is simply copied and pasted from Tumblr posts he's made over the years. It boggles the mind how someone so fundamentally lacking in creativity or insight could have a literate fanbase.

Addendum: He doesn't have a literate fanbase. Read just a few of the comments on any of his videos from any of his fanboys and you'll notice that they're all written by barely sentient sycophants who'd jump off a bridge if this fat fuck told them to.

Fuck, just read the following quotes appearing verbatim and witness the failure that is SCUMBAG: 2.0:

We can't continue treating people like monsters and then wondering why they have so few reservations about doing monstrous things.


—T.J. Kirk, Neckbeard Uprising

I always get a giddy little thrill out of doing something that is (I believe) unethical, yet still socially acceptable, such as eating veal. I love the fact that I’m eating something that never got a chance to live its life at all. Something that my fellow man butchered in its infancy. It feels wrong, and I like that.


—T.J. Kirk, Neckbeard Uprising

Typically, I Wake [sic] up at around noon, but stay in bed until about one o'clock, lazily contemplating the banalities of life. My wife and I argue over who will take the dog out(I normally lose this argument). I don't shower every day, because it dries out my skin. I shower every other day, spending most of the time making sure that my butt and crotch are not producing odors powerful enough to make birds fall out of the sky. [sic]


—T.J. Kirk, Neckbeard Uprising

I love to mock those who are pitifully predictable, and coerce them into making my points for me—all while lacking awareness that they’re being played like a cheap fiddle in the hands of a master musician.


—T.J. Kirk, Neckbeard Uprising

..Holly works on keeping the house in order: doing dishes, washing clothes, making dinner. I help her as much as I can and she helps me as much as she can. ..If we have weed we smoke it. If we have no weed, we smoke Black and Milds. She likes to pluck my eyebrows. I like to tickle her thighs.


—T.J. Kirk, Neckbeard Uprising

Disney World advertises itself as the most wonderful place on earth, but it's oddly comparable to a fascist country. It even has it's [sic] own secret police


—T.J. Kirk, Neckbeard Uprising

And it’s harder than people think to be a YouTuber. I have to monitor news and cultural trends. I have to do everything in my power to make sure that I’m relevant and entertaining. And if I fail, I have nothing. I don’t have a safety net to fall back on. It’s either I make my audience laugh or I die. If they don’t find me entertaining, I don’t have another skill to fall back on. This is it for me. If I’m ever cutthroat, it’s because my livelihood is on the line. I fear every day that I will lose this thing that I have built for years. I am terrified that people will simply lose interest and find something better to do with their time.


—T.J. Kirk, Neckbeard Uprising

I used to just look at my wall or ceiling and think about life. Now all I do is stare at my phone or my computer, wondering what I should tweet next. What little real thinking I do is geared towards being entertaining. Every idea I have is boiled down to it’s most basic essence so that it can be easily digested by a mass audience. I’m the reverse Pinocchio!


—T.J. Kirk, Neckbeard Uprising


Desperate to assuage the loss of ad revenue on his channel, TJ decided to bilk even more money out of his gibbering fanbase with another compilation book. It'll consist of his last three main books. It's worth the money is it not?

It will never be cheaper than it is now


—TJ trying to sell his shitty compilation book for only 30 USD

The book that might never be: The Fruitfly Condition

A self-admitted lazy cocksucker; too busy living the South Park episode "Red Hot Catholic Love" literally and releasing increasingly relevant videos on Jewtube, TJ teased a work in progress on his tumblr page for a year or so. Of course, given that you've read this far (you can read?), you know that TJ is a lazy fuck, so the likelihood of it ever seeing the light of day is pretty much nil. However, since a fan of his couldn't help himself, he had to ask TJ of the progress on this upcoming masterpiece disaster. TJ responded with the following:

"I haven’t worked on it in a very long time. Sad, because I have a completed first draft."

And we don't expect this to change anytime soon, fatass.

His "Art"

TheAmazingAtheist is the worst artist evar!

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