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let us discuss

this article, and compare it to the tons of crap we allow under the umbrella of the new policy. in the meantime, could we please allow the crunchy boy's article to exist, pls? -hipcrime 17:04, 2 January 2014 (EST)

It seems like hipcrime has adopted this article so I see no harm in leaving it. If necessary, anything that would "generate traffic" can be removed. 17:43, 2 January 2014 (EST)
The only reason I can see for keeping this is that no one dares to cross hipcrime ( <3 ). This is almost exactly like the BabyDamien situation, except it's even worse in this case because he expects us to do the legwork in putting him up on a pedestal. ED has become his personal army in that we are creating and maintaining this, a shrine to his profoundly warped idea of vanity... but why?   VX BREATHE DEEP   19:07, 2 January 2014 (EST)
I'm sorry, I love you hipcrime but this dude is just looking for attention. --Mantequilla (talk) 13:02, 3 January 2014 (EST)
that's okay zaiger. ;) -hipcrime 20:19, 3 January 2014 (EST)
According to an email he sent through the wiki I get the impression he has a crush on the person behind the "cute weasel." If I'm going that route, I want JuniusThaddeus. He and I could edit the wiki together. Maybe we'd reminisce about Mikemikev while engaging in acts of sodomy that would make hipcrime blush. 20:34, 3 January 2014 (EST)
to me, he claims heterosexuality, which is understandable because i did tell him about the AIDS, so i think he is really a furfag, but is afraid of the AIDS, which is totally understandable. i kinda want to do a history merge with the version in replace my fap vaultwith a list of penises uploaded for me personally. -hipcrime 01:04, 4 January 2014 (EST)
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA - Phobos 17:30, 24 September 2014 (EDT)
  • Wow, another shitty revenge article about some nobody because he said something mean to our oversensitive admins. I'd vote for deleting it, but I love hipcrime. oddguy 08:19, 25 September 2014 (EDT)
  • hahah never mind. I actually read it now and it's pretty okay. And it's true that I hate anything without a penis. Very correct information there. oddguy   08:24, 25 September 2014 (EDT)
oddguy show us your nudes already.   reply 09:36, 25 September 2014 (EDT)
  • Ask nicely.   oddguy   09:47, 25 September 2014 (EDT)
oddguy may I please see your nudes?   reply 10:26, 25 September 2014 (EDT)
Schnookums 10:38, 25 September 2014 (EDT)

I'm not sure I like this

I don't think we should be creating articles about fellow sysops. What do you think Vermin? --Mantequilla (talk) 16:12, 25 September 2014 (EDT)

  • I think it's fine as long as the articles aren't shit and aren't written out of butthurt/self-promotion. Sadly, that is almost always the case.   oddguy   16:16, 25 September 2014 (EDT)
  • Idk I really dont think we should be making articles about fellow staff. It is just a courtesy thing. --Mantequilla (talk) 17:53, 25 September 2014 (EDT)
  • Yeah, I have mixed feelings about it too. On one hand we should show some courtesy to one another, on the other we shouldn't troll-shield faggots on our site just because they are staff. It's hard to draw the line in regards to which option is right in which situation.   oddguy   18:18, 25 September 2014 (EDT)
Dude posts vermin's pics in his personal fap folder, you tell him to stop stalking. Two weeks later him and his homeys are dropping the same pics + webarchive links in a new article. I ain't here to advise shit but imho that's disrespect. Uberfukken 19:46, 25 September 2014 (EDT)
  • i have stayed out of this until now. he started the article himself, complete with a request that someone improve it for him. so i did. then he wants it deleted. well okay that's fine. then he doesn't want anyone to use his oldpix in a fap folder that's obviously not serious. here is the original article:
=='''I luv ED I'm a huge fan!!'''==

I love this site and spend a lot of time reading the funnyness that is all over it. I would be honored if you made a satirical article about me the same way you do everyone else after checking out my YouTube page, Instagram, and self-written biography. An article that is both truly laughworthy and fapworthy.

*[ Bio/homepage] (Personal info)
*[ YouTube] (Videos)
*[ Instagram] (Photos)

Use everything I offer about myself as ammo. No one in person has the balls to do it, so I want you to let me have it. DO IT FAGGOTS. I will proudly link it on my official profiles once it is a complete masterpiece. Thanks and happy new years.

I love you all!!!!!!!!!11111

so which is it, vermin? anyways i'm done with this. i would point out that my own article was started by an EDiot but it was written in the ordinary course of duty of documenting drama on ED. ever since vermin has come back he has been a superior acting jerk, calling everyone else "janitors" as if that was going to hurt. complaining that VX didn't write shit. well he wrote a long needed article on hypocrisy that been a very longstanding and now irrelevant redirect to the wikipedo, Hipocrite. i won't write about vermin any m ore. hopefully he will be less of a self-righteous condescending jerk. -hipcrime   21:54, 25 September 2014 (EDT)

  • i'd like to point out that janitor is only part of our duties as sysop. some of it is shit like finding articles at, so archivalist of sorts, finding images that were cannibalized from ED on KYM, and recaniballizing them for here, so recycling and restoration, plus the usual duties of writing on the latest internet cat or whatever. -hipcrime   22:04, 25 September 2014 (EDT)

I spose this could be considered revenge/attack,but I feel unsure.Mind you.Dude is a liar.A pathological liar.--Boudica 23:26, 25 September 2014 (EDT)

  • i do not see how it qualifies as a revenge or attack article. it documented events that had unfolded the previous day. FWIW, here is the opening paragraph i was working on in an open tab. It lays out the situation pretty well, imo:

Bryan "Animal" Wilson is an unusual ED subject, in that he desired an Encyclopedia Dramatica article, but then successfully sought the removal of said content, instead of dealing with it like other people who know when to quit. After writing a crap stub on himself, complete with a demand that other EDiots complete it for him, he successfully lobbied for certain content to be deleted, along with the article itself, despite the work of other EDiots (or "janitors" as he calls us). Contrary to expectations, Bryan subsequently intensified his attention whoring by adding images of himself to the aquaphilia and foot fetish articles, and generally changing from a pretty cool guy into a raging dick.

  • it gets tiring to volunteer to help the site, only to have that work disrespected. yes, janitorial duty is important, but mr vermin has attached a negative connotation to it, and tries to use it to insult people's contributions... ignoring the fact that these contributors did more than janitorial work. anyways fuck this guy. i will stay out of his way. -hipcrime   00:32, 26 September 2014 (EDT)

I think that before flushing pages, the images should be flushed. Else I will one angry kitty, and nobody wants that.   CobaltCat 01:31, 26 September 2014 (EDT)

>what do you think, vermin?

i'll start from the bottom.
@boudica stfu, you don't know me. and btw saying "not trying to write myself into this article" before writing yourself into an article doesn't make the action any less lame.
@hipcrime you basically just admitted you brought this article back to life because you're upset over me taking playful jabs at VX and at janitors in general, thus making it seem to be a revenge/attack. so i'm a "jerk" for having a cruel sense of humor, on ED? what happened to your thick skin? it's like you're taking me wayyy too seriously or something. sorry i got tired of dickriding and gayplaying with you, man. it's just not my style. your second post just sounds like butthurt, and your new opening paragraph reads like that too.
@uberfukken yeah the webarchive links were a little unnecessary. there are no lulz in mirroring that boring biography page or sharing some dude's personal photography collection. that's the only part that seems stalkerish because the linked accounts were deleted and it's basically just promoting some nobody's writing and art. the music was made specifically for ED, so that's a different story.
@oddguy i agree. there's a difference between an ED article documenting a user's dramatic history, and some shitty attack article where you stalk and harass someone in an attempt to ruin their life outside of the internet. however, that wasn't the case with this one.
we're gonna pretend i'm not the subject of this article, since i'm traditionally not to opine, verify, deny, or especially edit it for that reason. all the personal photos and info contained within were provided by the article's subject. that makes them within the guidelines of ED, and means they weren't obtained by means of stalking. it's clearly written from one side of the fence with the IRC > forums crap in there and siding with boudica in that EDF troll battle, but that's not an issue. it also documents all the drama of a longtime ED user like a traditional ED article without resorting to making up extreme lies or excessive bad photoshops for lulz. the only thing i believe needs changed is it should be titled "vermin" after my active account, like every other admin article usually is.
@mantequilla ED is impartial to everyone who's dramatic enough to merit an article from other users, and i'm not special or impervious to that fact. i'm not butthurt over this article and i don't care if it stays. vermin 01:53, 26 September 2014 (EDT)

i'm not butthurt



--Boudica 02:01, 26 September 2014 (EDT)

you can't troll a veteran, dearie. especially by republishing words and images he uploaded to troll with and giving him the article he originally wanted in the first place. vermin 10:18, 26 September 2014 (EDT)

  CobaltCat 02:33, 26 September 2014 (EDT)

Schnookums' butt explodes from all the hurt, the article

Was a nice read. Especially the history. (calling others stalkers ~ überfukken; butthurt about SWfan; using the shameful "fap vault" to belittle others, "oh, the self-irony"; boudica trying to write herself out of it yet it remains apparent which section is about her).   Agent Otter Whiskers   19:54, 22 November 2014 (EST)

This article is one part satire, one part butthurt stalking, and two parts butthurt tears. I consider it a fan page because it shows what kind of an impact I have on people OTI. Keep in mind it's the direct reason why the author you mentioned above is currently MIA, because he was scolded by zaiger for his unnecessary actions, and is now refusing to contribute to ED as a way to "get back" at him. He also decided to use this article as a personal outlet to express his distaste of every user who's hurt his feelings, even going as far as insulting the entire theme of Wilkins Coffee.
Hipcrime actually apologized to me and attributed his upset edits to being sick, which is why we carry on as friends to this day. Meanwhile, Schnookums has decided to pout and ignore me. That right there says it all. As for his clueless followers, I ignore their pitiful cries for my attention. It's pretty sad when you resort to conditioning teenagers to fight your make-believe internet battles for you.
Now if you'll excuse me, I have an autobiography to write. :>  Vermin     10:02, 23 November 2014 (EST)


The first {{eduser}} at the top of the page wasn't one of my accounts. Animal's contribs were all for the Pol/ article, and I've never been a channer, nor have I ever even posted on a chan before, so you're giving me credit for someone else's work.

You've also misspelled my first name, left a red link in the middle of the article, and my persona is still outdated. "Animal" has never been my irl nickname, either, I presented that name myself as a troll account along with those week-old social media accounts seeking an article as a means to troll the site. It was a continuation of the "Bryan Rawks" seksi emo persona from the .com days, who similarly trolled the site as an attention-whore willing to post nudes. And you guys think you know me so well!

I'm glad to see Schnookums is back from his bruised ego break, but I'm disappointed to see that he's unwilling to expand this article after I asked him to, seeing as I took the time to write a lengthy, detailed article about him upon his request. And I even featured his as AOTN at his request, too! When am I gonna get front paged, huh?

Also, Likeicare is jealous that my nudes are far more sexy and renowned than his. Vermin    11:07, 3 February 2015 (EST)

i was tempted to feature this but featured Grove instead, because i thought you wouldn't want it featured. imo this serves mostly as an in-joke, and i wasn't willing to feature it. btw being an attention whore isn't the same as trolling the site. nudes were offered and uploaded, said n00dz were fapped to... i don't see the trollery. everyone knows the site is riddled with fags because fags love drama... offering nudes and jacking it to those nudes is just business as usual. that said, i will keep this article in mind next time the clock is ticking toward having a redlink here... and i admit that featuring Grove was the result of being generally out of touch and probably too stoned to select something more topical. -hipcrime   13:45, 7 February 2015 (EST)
Right, *you* wouldn't see any trollery because it was you who asked for the photos and in turn received them. It was everyone else (except for Schnookums and Mr. Jonzz) who became upset as a result, and as much as they wanted to throw me out, they didn't do so because they didn't want to upset you. It was kind of like a 2-person trolling scheme. Too bad it only lasted 3 days!
Proof still exists on Animal's talk page, and there are still shoutbox archives on the forum containing threats and expressing outrage over the situation. Even Scamp got involved with it, and he never bothers with shit like that. Bottom line, Animal trolled the site with a personal request article and nude photos which you enabled for 3 days until Mantequilla stepped in and permabanned him. But like you said, it was all just business, as well as a fun piece of our history. Vermin    01:18, 8 February 2015 (EST)
Also, it's true this originally began as an in-joke, and was agreeably deleted at your insistence because you and Schnookums didn't feel anyone would take me seriously as a ban-evading editor/would-be admin with a vanity article containing nudes intact, but after I picked on you guys by calling you janitors it was brought back and written into an actual article, and remains in said condition as of the time of this writing. Vermin    11:48, 8 February 2015 (EST)
true enough. also, looking at that talk page brought back good memories... thanks for reminding me it exists. :) -hipcrime   15:02, 8 February 2015 (EST)

You all suck

If nobody here is able to step up and expand this article to include updated information about who I am and anything aside from my past accounts and a single instance of forum drama, then I'm gonna be like everyone else with an article and do it myself. The only difference is I'm not gonna add anything from a dick-sucking angle, I'm gonna show you how to properly satirize someone who's as open about their personal interests as I am. Keep hiding your laziness and ineptness at writing by calling this request "vanity" too, everyone's totally buying it.

Again, thanks to everyone who wrote anything so far and anyone who made recent changes to it, and anyone who will continue improving it once I add more content to it. Vermin    10:55, 11 February 2015 (EST)

Removed the WHY OH WHY WON'T PEOPLE DOX ME section because it's based off a single instance of something I did as a joke back in 2008, and it reads as an ambiguous request to get people to dox me, which is against policy. Also that picture with the cat and the laptop from that section isn't of me, it's an old photo of Flu from the forum. Check the most recent yearbook thread if you need confirmation on that. Vermin    11:53, 11 February 2015 (EST)

On second thought...

OK I'm being told by Manty that it's a policy to not edit your own article for any reason, so anyone who wants to is free to remove everything I added. Or you can leave it, I don't care either way.

And Likeicare, since I know you're reading this, make sure you follow this policy too from now on, you fuckin' tryhard. Lol. Vermin    01:46, 12 February 2015 (EST)

And lol at Boudica for hiding behind a Bugmenot account to edit unfunny, unrelated nonsense into the article. What a coward! It comes as no surprise that you previously had your privs taken for being a shit sysop. Vermin    03:42, 12 February 2015 (EST)

Actually it wasnt her, I know because I thought it was and asked her --Likeicare 05:01, 12 February 2015 (EST)

Editing an article

I'm asking in regards to Talk:Marjan_Siklic where I've found some information which conflicts with what is currently in the article. Normally I wouldn't ask and just edit the article but since this involves dox I figured I should ask beforehand.

The current dox are based on a IRC chat with the user himself. However, these dox were not verified and were simply added since the user claimed they were true. I have found dox which I believe are correct since they are supported by sources (a class list and a phone book) which could not be falsified by the user; they are also from the user's own country. In the talk, I also added rationale to why the current dox are probably inaccurate.

Should I try and replace the current wrong dox in the main article with ones which are at least supported? Or would it just get reverted? Qwb 19:13, 11 February 2015 (EST)

Dox aren't hosted but you can put them in a pastebin and then link to the site.-Boudica 08:21, 12 February 2015 (EST)

We don't host dox on ED anymore, and haven't for a while now, so no, do not add any dox to any articles, please. Vermin    02:39, 12 February 2015 (EST)

unblock this for me thanks Gretchen 02:58, 13 February 2015 (EST)