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Anatoly Karlin

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Anatoly Karlin in 2015.
Anatoly Karlin is not a pedophile. Years ago he used to identify as a “hebophile”, he has attraction towards 15 and 16 year old girls.


Sergey Turgenev

Anatoly Karlin (aka Akarlin88, Akarlin0, Da Russophile) is a Russian perennial lolcow, edge-lord and internet troll. He's known to quickly join and leave different groups and internet communities each year, seeking e-fame and LARPing; he is a political and religious chameleon having been a self-described "extreme liberal", SJW, Antifa and LGBT-rights activist in 2008, an atheist, a green communist and environmentalist (2009-2010), pro-Putin conservative and homophobe (2012-2013), an anti-feminist who blogged quasi-rape-apologetics — to a "techno futurist" (2014-2015), Orthodox Christian, a MAGA and Trump supporter in 2016, to white nationalist and anti-Semite (2016-2020) who was a blogger for the alt-right The Unz Review and endorsed Richard Spencer as well as shared a podium with him at a neo-Nazi conference. In 2021, Karlin reinvented himself yet again — this time as an animal rights activist despite previously trolling vegans by eating beef. As of 2022, he describes himself as a "radical centrist."

Karlin by his own admission has a sexual interest in young teenage girls aged around 13 to 16, despite being in his 30s; he allegedly used to self-identify as a hebephile. This has led him to be a divisive figure in the far-right and described as a "weirdo" and "creep". He is close friends with the equally odious character Emil O. W. Kirkegaard.

The Many Faces of Anatoly Karlin

Karlin has a history of multiple online personas, shape-shifting his ideological views and opinions to find internet groups, particularly outcast or extremist sects for validation and an identity or to feel special. This explains the excessive amount of time he spends online blogging about his latest political views and large number of websites/blogs he has owned. His internet history traces back to January 2008.

SJW, Antifa and pro-LGBT phase (2008)

Anatoly Karlin in late 2000s when he was an SJW & gay rights activist.

Karlin in 2008 when he was 19 years old was a Social Justice Warrior, anti-fascist, atheist who self-identified as "extremely liberal" on social issues and was an activist for LGBT-rights and feminism, although he described his economic views as "centrist". At this time he also dressed and looked like a homosexual.

According to his blog Da Russophile:

We support the goals of the feminist movement and consider that gender equality has not yet been achieved anywhere. Men are still more valued as bread-winners and women-more as home-makers, and changing these social perceptions is one of our goals. According to the Global Gender Gap Report 2007, Russia comes 45th out of 128 countries – it scores very well on female economic participation, but must make bigger efforts in political empowerment. Unfortunately, LGBT rights are weak in Russia – as in the rest of Visegrad/eastern Europe.

Communist and environmentalist phase (2009-2010)

At the very end of 2008, Anatoly Karlin became left-wing economically, an anti-capitalist; he reinvented himself as a "green communist" and environmentalist concerned about overpopulation and resource depletion. He wrote a blog post titled "Communism is our Road to Redemption":

It should be transparently clear that Green Communism is the wave of the future. The capitalists are morally, and now financially, bankrupt, with the Ponzi scheme that is global finance unraveling before our eyes. We can live without the Madoffs and made-offs of this world; we cannot live in a world of metastasizing deserts and encroaching oceans. The zombie masses of the consumerist have blindly worshipped the false Gods of material growth, directed in their idolatry by cultural hegemony of the capitalist elites. The masses must be woken from their gasoline-fume induced stupor, before stern Mother Nature does it for us. Green Communism is the road to redemption for consumerist sins of greed and gluttony.

Karlin set up his own political party in 2009 "The Collapse Party" which warned of civilisations collapsing using neo-Malthusian arguments he took directly from a 2004 book he read:

The world is finite, and so the resource stocks and pollution sinks that sustain industrial civilization ("the System") are limited. We have been in a state of "overshoot", beyond the "carrying capacity" of the Earth, since the 1980's (The Limits to Growth, 2004). Limited resources have been drawn down much faster than they could be replenished, and the Earth's pollution sinks have been overfilled much faster than they could be regenerated.

Elements of this overshoot can already be seen in phenomena as diverse as plateauing crop yields, topsoil loss, accelerating climate change, peak oil, collapsing fisheries, the depletion of higher-EROEI energy sources, dying rivers, global dimming, the proliferation of "failed states", neo-colonial exploitation, and rising antibiotic resistance. But things are yet going to get much worse...

Based on paleoclimate reconstructions of CO2 levels, eventual global warming of above 2C is already inevitable. This will set off a cascade of climatic disasters that will speed up the rate of warming, leading to the desertification of much of the world's land and oceans, the drying of the great Asian rivers, and massive inundations of the low-lying coasts and deltas that harbor humanity's heartlands. States will collapse into anarchy, spawning Biblical-scale famines and floods of climate refugees.

Karlin no longer a liberal now promoted communal-agrarian values as so-called "green communism" and set up a Facebook discussion group.

In January 2010, Karlin wrote a blog post "What I now Believe" explaining his sudden change in views:

I now support a global policy of “sustainable retreat” from industrialism in search of Green Communism.

In the same blog post, he still claimed to be pro-LGBT but this would quickly change...

Anatoly Karlin as a homophobe and conservative (2012-2013)

Karlin did a 180-degrees turn on his views about LGBT rights and in February 2013 wrote an essay claiming he wants to ban the promotion of homosexuality:

Why Homosexuality Shouldn’t Be Promoted: I knew that gays had a maybe five or even ten times higher chance of getting AIDS and other STD’s than heterosexuals. I didn’t know the differential was actually more like 50. Something like 20% of the US gay population (which makes up 3.5% of its total population) is HIV positive. It is 5% in the UK. But as of 2009, according to the CDC “male to male sexual contact” (see pp.58) accounted for about 57% of all HIV transmissions in the US (and of 75% of all HIV transmissions among men). “Heterosexual contact” among men accounted for a mere 8% of all HIV transmissions. Basically, if you’re gay, you should take far, far more precautions during sex than your straight counterparts – though in practice, it seems the precise opposite is taking place (“Carlos estimates that he has already had several hundred sex partners; he eagerly awaits the day when he tests HIV-positive – at which time his erotic interest, Carlos says, will then turn toward infecting another person – which is known as “gift-giving””).

By April 2012 he was now describing himself as a conservative and an admirer of Putin:

As regards Russian politics, I make no secret that I’m a pro-Putin conservative.

Karlin at the time on his main website noted his change in views again:

Quite a few views have changed since then e.g. I am still an equity feminist but would clarify that I’m opposed to gender feminism. I’m also now a lot more skeptical of the LGBT lifestyle and have become a big adherent of HBD theory.

On social media, he wrote he opposed "gender feminism, affirmative action/equal impact, homosexual agenda, demasculinization, ethnic/gender studies, PC culture, etc."

Quasi-rape apologist and anti-feminist

In February 2013, Karlin wrote a disturbing blog post claiming he believes 25% of incarcerated rapists in US are innocent and 25% are "pseudo-rapists":

But of the women who report rape to the police, about 25% to 50% will be either lying or greatly distorting what really happened. The last figures are backed up not only by the cited estimates of the prevalence of false rape accusations, but by realistic assumptions about the fallibility of the criminal justice system. As per the last point, it’s too much to hope for that the criminal justice system will only, exclusively nail real rapists. In reality the deck is, if anything, stacked against innocent men and “pseudo-rapists” (i.e. the drunk fratboy who has sex with a consenting and equally drunk chick who really, really regrets it the morning after) because the pro rapists are almost by definition more proficient at it in the first place and would take care to cover their traces and create alibis.Based on the above rough numbers, it is a reasonable estimate that in the US probably more than 25% of convicted rapists are in fact innocent, while a good 25% or so are the type of “pseudo-rapist” described above. And of course while far from all rape convicts will go to jail, their criminal record and the sheer opprobrium associated with rape will generally create multiple problems for them for the rest of their lives such as finding a job, maintaining good relations with friends and family, and wooing romantic prospects. In fact even a false rape accusation can wreck lives because whereas women are allowed to remain anonymous, the accused does not have that same privilege. Now I know this concept of the “pseudo-rapist” is going to get me flak from the feminists but what can you do.

'Racial realist' and proponent of the big black dick hoax

Another online community Karlin tried to attach himself to around 2012 is the 'racial realist'. Karlin however became a laughing stock for his support of the big black dick hoax:

...average penis size (large – Africa; Latin America; small – East Asia). The latter example isn’t nearly as… flippant as it seems, since testosterone levels have a large effect on behavior.


Anatoly Karlin

Techno-futurist (2014-2015)

At some point in 2013, Anatoly Karlin began associating himself with techno-futurism — and a year later he was calling himself a techno-futurist blogger:

If I had to pick just one school, I probably best fit into the HBD community, but I’m interested in Techno-Futurism (incidentally, I met up with Mike Anissimov last week) and “Masculine Reaction” – or at least its “game” component, I don’t much care for the MRM - as well.

His religious views also changed; by October 2014 he was claiming to be part of the Orthodox Christian community and a gnostic:

One of my tenets is that ideologies tend to suck. As such, I hesitate about attaching labels to myself. That said, if it’s really necessary, I suppose “liberal-conservative neoreactionary” would be close enough. Though I consider myself part of the Orthodox Church, my philosophy and spiritual views are more influenced by digital physics, Gnosticism, and Russian cosmism than anything specifically Judeo-Christian.

Despite claiming he hesitates to attach labels to himself — he had spent the past 6 years doing this... having converted from a self-described liberal to a conservative etc.

MAGA and Trump supporter (2016)

Anatoly Karlin during his Trumptard phase.

Karlin jumped on the MAGA bandwagon in 2016 and supported Trump's presidential election campaign. This included him walking around a university campus in the US while wearing a MAGA hat to provoke SJWs. He became a writer for the far-right The Unz Review and made a blog post praising Donald Trump and his election victory:

I spent the election roundup drinking at a London School of Economics student common room. I am pretty sure that I and the Russian student who invited me were the only Trump supporters there out of 30 or 40 people. This is not that surprising when one considers that Trump Derangement Syndrome is universal throughout Yurop and Britbongistan, and furthermore, that this was: (a) London; (b) millennials; (c) students; (d) at a pretty elite institution, which made for a quadruple whammy. It was all good though since I got to feel like the physical embodiment of trollface.jpg.Though I do regret not sticking to my guns and continuing to insist on a Trump victory as I had been doing a couple of months previously, I am nonetheless very happy to have been wrong. The bankers might not be so happy, but who cares.

White nationalist and neo-Nazi phase (2016-2020)

Karlin also began to flirt with white nationalism in the US in 2016 and later described his politics as "nationalist" and said he agreed with 70% of the alt-right. He attended on May 6 2016 a white nationalist event organized by Richard Spencer at Sproul Plaza, U.C. Berkeley and then spoke alongside him at a neo-Nazi conference held the same day:

Although I do not strictly consider myself Alt Right (or NRx), I do support about 70% of their positions, so I was happy to turn up with them to troll my alma mater. Richard Spencer was interviewed by a couple of student journalists, while the rest of us engaged slack-jawed passersby in discussions about identity, human biodiversity, and the necessity of becoming who you are. I suppose that means my “Far Right Recruiter” achievement trophy has been unlocked.... Near the end of the evening, I was called up to the podium by Richard Spencer to give an impromptu speech. I went up and started rambling about my journey of discovery, my disillusionment, my “awakening”… LOL no I didn’t, faggots. Your “Alt Right” is otherwise known as “common sense” in Eastern Europe – it’s really quite funny how actually existing Marxism cocooned them from cultural Marxism.

Not being able to think for himself, being easily influenced and looking for yet another movement to join — Karlin adopted Spencer's alt-right views including a racist fantasy of a "white ethno state":

As general rule, all whites from the high-IQ European & Anglosphere countries would be welcome given a willingness to culturally Russify. But it's not an absolute rule, individual exceptions can be made, for instance, I happily accept Benes Ayo as Russian.


Anatoly Karlin

Despite being childless himself — Karlin's main obsession at this time was telling white people to breed more.

By 2019, Karlin was posting lowbrow Daily Stormer-type crude racism and white supremacist rants on the internet:

I am quite happy that few blacks associate with Russia, considering the type of violence-ridden underclasses they tend to create in countries that open their doors to them. Not to mention the extreme chutzpah and aggressive sense of racial grievance they tend to act out towards their host countries. So yes, I'm racist and very happy with that. If /r/europe SJWs or Islamists such as yourself have a problem with that, oh well. Don't care, really.

Overpopulation denialist and effective altruist

Despite formerly claiming the world is overpopulated and humans are in an ecological overshoot in 2018-2019 Karlin did another '180' and now claimed humans have not exceeded carrying capacity:

Nobody really knows the carrying capacity of our industrial world economy - all we can say for sure is that we are still far below the limits to growth. My guesstimate is that the planet can support 100 billion people.


Anatoly Karlin

Karlin now suddenly claims the Earth can sustain a population of 100 billion and in a January 2019 blog post rejected overpopulation.

I don't buy the arguments that we've exceeded the Earth's carrying capacity, there's plenty of unused capacities. Russia by itself can support at least a billion people, probably several. Seriously competing with China, the US, and India is unrealistic with a population of 145mn.


Anatoly Karlin

This directly contradicts his earlier blog posts e.g. read here and here which note:

From the late 1970′s or early 1980′s, calculations indicate that humanity exceeded the long-term carrying capacity of the Earth. Fossil fuel resources are being used up at an unsustainable rate, producing an increase in what William Catton called the “phantom carrying capacity“, which now supports many of the Earth’s surplus billions. However, should the energy base becomes too weak to sustain this phantom carrying capacity, there will be a catastrophic fall of the human population as the Earth system snaps back into equilibrium, producing a massive Malthusian dieoff. The recent peaking of world oil production and accelerated Arctic methane release are but the early portents of hard limits to growth on our finite planet.

Anatoly Karlin's change of view on this topic likely has to him trying to associate with another movement — the effective altruism social movement including transhumanists and radical life extensionists — who tend to be overpopulation skeptics. Having reinvented himself yet again, he attended an event in Moscow organised by radical life extensionists in July 2019 wearing a "effective altruism" t-shirt.

In April 2020, Karlin updated his website political self-description as an effective altruist and nationalist:

Politically, Western Russophobes made me a pro-Putin Russian patriot, while Putin himself has gradually made me a Putin-cynical Russian nationalist. That said, politics is the mind-killer, so I prefer not to attach too many labels to myself. But to briefly summarize, I subscribe to virtue ethics on the personal level, nationalism at the national level, and effective altruism at the universal level. Broadly, I support what works. Though I consider myself part of the Orthodox Church, my philosophy and spiritual views are more influenced by digital physics and Russian cosmism (which preceded transhumanism) than anything specifically Judeo-Christian.

Anti-vegan and anti-vegetarian activist (2019-2020)

In 2019 and 2020, Karlin trolled and criticized vegans/vegetarians on his social media accounts by calling them "losers" and eating beef:

I am eating more beef, not just because it's healthy and delicious, but because I get a warm feeling, a real sense of pleasure, knowing that I'm voiding the efforts of some Green vegan loser in the West - as well as doing my small part to help Tropical Hyperborea along. Yet another Bolshevik crime: Destruction of Russia's steak tradition. Beef = low quality meat from slaughtered old milk cows. Post-☭, steak culture was reimported whole from America - names of cuts you'll find in supermarkets are Cyrillicized US names (rib-ay, Chak Roll, etc).

His diet for the past decade apparently included eating chicken, beef and fish but not pork:

Personally, I follow a cognitive ethics on vegetarian/meat debate. I abstain from pork, as pigs equal dogs; but do eat beef, chicken, fish.


Anatoly Karlin

A year later however he would reinvent himself as a supporter of animal rights despite he blatantly isn't.

Reinventing himself as an animal rights activist (2021)

In October 2021, Karlin described his most recent made up political views as including "animal rights" and "environmentalism".

Despite pretending to be concerned about animal rights, on Karlin's website Da Russophile — there are blog posts he made claiming he supports experiments on animals.

In January 2022 Karlin unsurprisingly revealed he has not actually given up eating meat but now enjoys vegetable curries:

Karlin is a fake animal rights activist and still eats meat.

His recent liking of vegetarian Indian cuisine also directly contradicts older tweets he made:

Anatoly "Indian vegetarian dishes are great" Karlin wanted to get rid of vegetarianism in India.

The current state of Anatoly Karlin's political views (2022)

Karlin's current "schizomaxxed" (his word...) crackpot political views can be found on his Twitter account.

Anatoly Karlin's current alleged political views which will probably only last a few months and he will change again...

Karlin's tweet was a response to Nassim Nicholas Taleb labelling him a neo-Nazi:

Karlin has no self-awareness of how most people like Taleb perceive him and gets into a hissy-fit and state of confusion when he is called a neo-Nazi or white nationalist.

Sexual attraction to young teenage girls

Karlin also openly admits 'yes, I’m racist and very happy with that'. His Twitter handle is @akarlin88, where he once declared to find 14 year old girls “hot”.


Leonid Schneider

Karlin is a Russian white nationalist who claims to be sexually attracted to 14 year olds.


Kiwi Farms

Anatoly Karlin in 2014 when 26 years old, said he thinks 14 year old girls are "quite hot":

The girl is one of Petro Poroshenko's daughters (no older than 14 when the photo was taken).

This disturbing tweet was met with the following reaction:

Creepazoid Anatoly Karlin.

Instead of deleting the creepy tweet or apologising, Karlin has continued to defend it as a recent as March 2021 on The Unz Review:

Anatoly Karlin defending his sexual attraction to 14 year old girls by claiming only "gays" don't find underage girls sexually attractive and quoting a dirty comment by his hero Donald Trump.

Anatoly Karlin image gallery

External links


Anatoly Karlin
is part of a series on
The New Right Reich

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