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Remember, the Japs lost
This guy was raping america with plane attacks before it was cool

The Kamikaze is a type of flame war where you drag yourself down along with your opponent. It generally involves a combination of salting the earth (yours and your opponent's) and invoking Godwin's Law on purpose.

While this is seen as a last resort by experienced flamers and other "real" users, it is commonly used with either throwaway journals or journals preparing for fake death or IRL suicide.

World War 2

After the Japs realized the Jewnited States was buttfucking their shitty military harder than Bubba in a prisoner of war camp, they turned to the power of the divine Hirohito Masushio and realize, that, just like everything else in life, Resorting to An heroing was their best choice. They decided to do this by training fat japanese kids to fly planes and then crash them into american targets and kill fat americans. Although the empire would ultimately ended up falling after the Fuhrer ate a .22 after wiping out every Jew somewhere in Deutschland, and after this the jews joined the americunts to defeat the japs, because, as we know, Jews can get any with anything.

Kamikaze, which means divine wind, was probably the best only valiant effort made by teh japs to take down Amerikkka, and typically followed these steps:

1.Jap pilot flies some shitty aircraft with bombs attached into some ship called USS (Insert name of random battle from 100 years ago that no one cares about)

2. ????


See also