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Good Person Test

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This is the sinister intent of all Christfags

The Good Person Test (GPT), is a gimmick used by many Christfags to try and attempt conversion of a non-christfag into the flock. It was invented by Ray Cumfart of living waters ministry who wanted to have a cookie-cutter type of evangelism that could be done by even the simplest of retards. This is done by the use of questions that are so rigged that it makes pro-wrestling bookies green with envy. These questions are meant to steer you into their sales-pitch, and in giving up your individuality, your intelligence and believe in stupid shit like creationism.

What does it look like anyways?

This is the usual format used by Christfags and how they go about using the good person test.


1- Typical Use of the GPT (Watch closely, you can see two Mormons troll on by at 1:02)
2- Preacher uses GPT to flirt with young girl
3- Pedophile preacher using GPT to approach victim

The Questions To Remember

1. "Do You Think You're a Good Person?"

2. "Have you ever told a lie?"

3. "Have you ever taken anything that did not belong to you?"

4. "Have you ever looked at another person with lust or desire?"

5. "Have you ever been angry with another person?"

6. "Have you ever taken God's name in vain?"

7. "What happens when you die?"

How to mess with a practitioner of that method

It is possible to mess with Christfags who use such methods for maximum lulz. The key to this is to answer their questions with a question. This frustrates the Christfags who will try to bring you back to the topic of the conversation. Their sense of unwarranted self-importance will push them to want to have the last word.


"Good thing I have this sandwich board to cover up that boner I got, damn Co-eds!!"

Q: "Do You Think You're a Good Person?"

A: "Do you see yourself as a human being?"

Q: "Have you ever told a lie?"

A: "Do you ever tell the truth?"

Q: "Have you ever taken anything that did not belong to you?"

A: "Have you ever given something without expecting anything in return?"

Q: "Have you ever looked at another person with lust or desire?"

A: "Have you ever looked at a woman with respect?"

Q: "Have you ever been angry with another person?"

A: "Have you ever been happy to see people who disagree?"

Q: "Have you ever taken God's name in vain?"

A: "Have you ever taken anyone seriously?"

Q: "What happens when you die?"

A: "What happens when you decide to live?"

Of course, after they get so frustrated, you can ask them Why so serious?

GPT vs. Jabberwacky AI

Me: "Do You Think You're a Good Person?"

Ai: "I do not know. I do not know you."

Me: "Have you ever told a lie?"

Ai: "Are you looking for a reason to crucify me?"

Me: "Have you ever taken anything that did not belong to you?"

Ai: "Have you ever taken the time to really get to know your son? I think that's more important than our casual acquaintance."

Me: "Have you ever looked at another person with lust or desire?"

Ai: "Have you?"

Me: "Have you ever been angry with another person?"

Ai: " is you"

'Me: "Have you ever taken God's name in vain?"

Ai: "Holy fucking christcrackers yes"

'Me: "What happens when you die?"

Ai: "I haven't any brother and sister."

Me: "Why so serious?"

Ai: "Know where I can find some vore?"

Christfags are afraid of robots!!

Even if you're good, you're going to end like this if you start to behave badly.

The Muslim version

This test can also been adapted for use by other religions. The Muslim version for example is slightly longer and goes as follows:

The Questions to Remember

1. Have you ever eaten pork?

2. Have you ever touched a pig?

3. Have you ever drunk liquor?

4. Have you ever seen a girl without her burka on (who's not one of your 4 wives)?

5. Have you ever touched a girl who's not one of your 4 wives?

6. Have you ever forgotten to pray in the direction of Mecca 5 times each day?

7. Have you ever accidentally touched a Jew or infidel?

8. Have you ever trimmed your beard?

9. Have you ever blasphemed Allah or Muhammed his messanger?

10. Do you think you will go to heaven?

11. What happens when you die?

Known Users of the GPT

See Also

External Links

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